1959-07-06 Regular Meeting?? ? 56 Minutes of the Budget Meeting July 3, 1959 Continued RECESS - (continued) and the Consolidated Board of Education at 6:00 P. M. on Friday, July lOth. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. W. G. Wilmington, N. C. July 6, 1959 ASSEMBLY - . The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners'Room of the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, • J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love'. INUOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Major Dan Cartin of the Salvation Arrny to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Nir. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the regu- lar semimonthly meeting held on June 15th and the Special.Called Meeting at 1:00 P.M. on June 24 were approved unanimously. In the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting with the City Councii at 2.100 P.M. on June 24th under the topic "Consolidated.Board of Health", after Mr. Williams had explained the Merit System Council's flexible range scale as per- missfve rather than mandatory he requested that the next remarks in which he further ex- piained_a pauper County be prefaced by "aithough the minimum wage scale suggested by the Mer.it System Council was set up for the guidance of pauper Counties, nevertheless the adoption of the minimum wage scale by coanties does not necessarily mean that it is classed as such" and insert the words " Dr. Hnox" before "requested a reading", and un- der the same topic, after Mayor Capps called attention to the main issue of the meeting insert "The County Attorney ruled,that the Commissioners have the authority to appoint the Health Director as County Physician and as such determine the duties he is to per- form not inconsistent w;th the law". After these corrections, Mr. Wi111ams offered a motion that the minntes of the joint meeting be approved as amended. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? WILMINGTON COLLEGE REQUEST Mr. L. Bradford Tillery appeared before the Board in the interest of the Finance Committee of Wilmington College supplementing'a request of Dr. C. E. Hartford, Chairman of that Committee, formally requesting the following benefits for Wilmington College during the ensuing year. ? 1- Their pro-rata share of back tax collections. 2- Their pro-rata share of intangible. tax coll.ections. 3- The full five cents levy as authorized by the voters. L{.- Any surplus in the Wilmington College account as of June 30, 1959. . He explained that a previous request had been made for a fiat $75,000and that if these benefits were granted the revenue would amount to approximately $78,000. He further explained that the State wouid not allow any appropriations to be used in the Physical p Education Department operation or for plant beautification and therefore it would be necessary for them to depend on other sources for that particular activity which is an integral part of any college and particularly so if the Junior graduates follow up their education at higher institutions of learning. The Board, by common consent, assured him that their request would receive due consideration at Budget time. BOND SALE AUTHORIZATION Mr. C. D. Hogue, Jr., Attorney for the New Hanover County School Board, ex- plained that new buildings were under construction and remodeling plans on old buildings require the sale of the $1,000,000 worth of bonds which is the balance of the Bond issue voted by the people last year. Commissioner Hall moved that the following Resolution be adopted: WHERFAS, the bond order hereinafter described has taken effect and the /-? Board of Commissioners desires to make further provision for the issuance of ?dthe bonds to be issued pursuant to said bond order; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover, as follows: (1) The County of New Hanover (hereinafter referred to as "County") shall issue its bonds of the aggregate principal amount of $1,000,000 pursuant to and in accordance wfth the bond order entitled "Bond Order authorizing the issuance of $1,550,000 School Bonds of the County of.New Hanover", adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County on January 6, 1956. Said bonds shail be desig- nated "School Building Bonds, Series B". Acting pursuant to Section 153-80 of the County Finance Act, the Board of Commissioners has ascertained and hereby determines that each-of the existing school buildings described in said bond order and each of the new buildings and additions to be financed by the issuance . L Minutes of the Meeting .luly 61 1959 Continued BOND SALE AUTHORIZATION - (Continued) of the bonds is of either fireproof coni,truction or non-fireproof constranction defined in §aid 5ee:tion 153-80, 'and that:th'e impsovements. desci7ibed Tn. said bond order is'. thirty. ..yea:rs, . computed, from- December. 1, 1.958• * life of each of the (2) Said bonds shall be dated Auoust 1, 1959 and shall consist of one Lhousand bonds of the denomination of $1,000 each, numbered from 1 to 1,000, inclusive, in the order of theirraturity and shall be payable in annual installments on February 1 in each year as follows, vi2.: $50,000 in each of the years 1962 to 1981, inclusive. (3) Each bond shall bear interest from its date atthe rate which shall be hereafter determined and which shall not exceed six per centum (6%) per annum. Such interest shall be payabie semi-annually on February 1, and August 1. (4) The bonds shall be coupon bonds, registerable as to principal. only, and shall be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County. The corporate seal of the County shall be affixed to each of the bonds. Each of the in- terest coupons to be attached to the bonds shall be authenticated by the facsimile signature of said'Clerk. Both principal of and interest on the bonds shall be payable at the office of the Security National Bank, in the City of Wilmington, North Caro- lina, or at the option of the holder, at the principal office of the First National Bank of New York, ;in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of pubiic and private debts. (5) Each of the bonds thereon and the provisions the bonds by the Secretary shall be in substantially No and the interest coupons representing the for the registration of the bonds and,for of the Local Government Commission to be the following form: (Form of Bond) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ' COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER SCHOOL BUILDING BOND SERIES B i $1,000 interest payable the approval of endorsed thereon, No. $1,000 The COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER (hereinafter referred to as "County"), a County of the State of North Carolina, for value received hereby promises to pay to the bearer of this bond, or, if it be registered, to the registered owner, the principal sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000) on February 1, 19 , and to pay interest thereon from the date of this bond until it shall mature at the rate of per centum( %) per annum, payable semi-annually on February 1 and August 1 in each year, upon presen- tation and surrender of the coupons therefor attached hereto, as they severaily mature. Both principal of a'nd interest on this bond are payable at the office tif the Security National Bank, in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, or at the option of the holder, at the principal office of The First National City Bank of New York, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, in any coin or currency of the United States of America which at the time of payment is legal tender for the payment of pu- blic and private debts. This bond may be registered as to principal only by the holder in his name on the bond register of the County kept in the office of the Bond Registrar of the County, and such registration shall be noted hereon by said Bond Registrar. If so registered, this bond may be transferred on said bond register by the re,gistered owner in person or by attorney, upon presentation of this bond to the Bond Registrar with a written instrument of transfer in a form approved by said Bond Registrar and executed by said registered owner. If this bond be so registered, the principal shall thereafter be payable only to the person in whose name it is registered, unless th3s bond shall be discharged from registry by being registered as payable to bearer. Such registration shall not affecL the negotiability of the coupons, which shall continue to pass by de- livery. , This bond is issued pursuant to The County Finance Act of North Carolina, and resolutions duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County, and is issued by the County, as an administrative agency of the 5tate of North Carolina, to provide facilities necessary for the maintenance of public schools in the County for nine months school term prescribed by law. The issuance of this bond and the contracting of the indebtedness evidenced thereby have been approved by a majority of the quali- fied voters of the County voting at an election duly called and held in said County on February 15, 19$6• It is hereby certified ancl recited that all conditions, acts and things requir- ed by the Constitution or statutes of the State of North Carolina to exist, be per- formed or happen precedent to or in the issuance of this bond, exist, have been per- formed and have happened, and that the amount of this bond together with all other indebtedness of the County, is tiaithin every debt and other limit prescribed by said Constitution or statutes. (continued) I Minutes of the Meeting July 6, 1959 (Continued) BOND SALE AUTHORIZATION - (Continued) The faith and credit of the County are hereby pledged to the punctual payment of the principal of and interest on this bond according to its terms. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has caused this bond to be signed by the Chair- man and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of the County, and the corporate seal of the County to be hereunto affixed, and the annexed coupons to bear the facsimile signature -afsaid Clerk, and this bond to be dated August 11 1959• Chairman of Board of Commissioners Clerk oF Board of Commissioners No. $ On the first day of February, and August, 19 , the COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER, a County of the State of North Carolina, will pay to bearer DOLLARS ($ at the office of the Security National Bank, in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, or, at the option of the holder, at the principai office of The First National City Bank of New York, in the Borough of Nanhattan, City and State of New York, 3n any coin or currency of the United States of America which is then legal tender for the payment of public and private debts, being the semi-annual interest then due on its School Building Bond, Series B, dated August 1, 1959, No. . Clerk of Board of Commissioners , (Endorsements on Bond) The within bond has been registered as to principal only, as follows: Date of Registrat,ion • ( Form of Coupon ) Name of Registered Owner • Signature of Bond Registrar The issue hereof has been approved under the provisions of the Local Government Act. W.E. EASTERLING Secretary of the Local Government Commission By Designated AssistanL (6) The County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to providea suitable bond register for the registration of said bonds and to act as Bond Registr8r in regist- ering the bonds and to carry out the provisions set forth in the bonds for the conver- sion of the bonds into registered bonds and for the transfer thereof. (7) The Local Government Commission of North Carolina is hereby requested to sell said $1,000,000 School Building Bonds, Series B, in the manner prescribed by the Local Government Act of North Carolina, and to state in the notice of the sale of said bonds given pursuant to Section 17 of said Act, that bidders may name one rate of interest for part of the bonds and another rate or rates for the balance of the bonds. The bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates as may be named in the proposal to purchase the bonds which shall be accepted by said Local Government Commission in accordance with said Act. (8) The Chairman and Clerk of the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to cause the bonds to be prepared and, iahen they shall have been duly sold by said Local Government Commission, to execute the bonds and to turn the bonds over to the State Treasurer of North Carolina for delivery to the purchasers to whom they Continued - , . \ ? ?f-0 Minutes of the Meeting July 6, 1959 Continued BOND AllTHORIZATION SALE - (Continued) may be sold by said Commission. Commissioner Peter H. Braak seconded the motion, and the motion was adopted, those voting for the resolution were Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams. No one voted against it. AIRCONDITIONING COURT HOUSE - - A group of attorneys headed by Mr. Aaron Goldberg appeared before the Boand and as}ced that consideration be oiven to airconditioning the Court Rooms in order to make it possible for them to conduct business in some degree of comfort. They were emphatic in that in addition to the discomfort because of the heat and humidity, the noise genera- ted by the heavy bus and,truck traffic on 3rd Street rendered it impossible to hear the Judge, Solscitors, witnesses,and attorneys trying to conduct the business of the Court. The Chairman iaformed them that this matter had already been considered and was now under study and advisement andihe felt sure they would come up with some plan which he hoped would be favorable and the answer to their problem. COURT ROOM STANDARDS - I Attorney W. K. Rhodes, Jr., representing both the Bar Association and the Ameri- can Legion, remiaded the Board that there were no flags in the Recorders Court Room and as this was a public place where citizens congregated he thought it was fitting that both the flag of our Country and that of our State be displayed in the Recorders Court Room and promised a suitable ceremony by the American Legion. Sy common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was authorized :Lo secure proper stanclards and flags for display in the Recorders Court Room. 14ILMINGTON 'Pi1BLIC LIBRARY - I Mr. Louis J. Poisson, Jr, appeared before the Board and explained that in their i Budget Request of $14,500.00 for the support of the Wilmington Public Library this year , there was no capital improvement included. He emphasized that they had no quarrel with the Board for cutting out' capital improvements on property owned by someone else but that the Library Board certainly hoped that the Commissioners could approve their salary re- quests. Mr. Braak observed that he had noted a sign on the bookmobile indicating that it represented a free service but since it is a tax supported activity, a suitable sign should replace the present one which would show that it was a tax supported service. The Chairman thanked Nr. Poisson for his interest in the matter and assured him that the Board would take the matter under study and give it every consideration. VETERANS SERVICE OFFICE - V ter?ns Mr. A. H. Seawell, ?ervice Officer, along with a delegation of approximately forty persons appeared before the Board to make his annual report and seek reinstatement of support for the Veterans.Service Office which had been deleted from the Budget by the Commissioners at an earlier meeting when consideration was given to that activity. Sever- al of those present, including Mr. Thurston Formyduval, District Officer of the State Vet- erans' Cor,imission spoke in support of the numerous benefits the office rendered to the com- munity particularly to disabled veterans and widows and orphans of veterans. After hearing all of the remarks of the delegation, Mr. Hall offered a motion that this office be contin- ued for another year and sufficient appropriations be made in the Budget to support it. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and the Board unanimously approved it. DAR HANDBOOK - Nr. Ben J. MacDonald, a local Newscaster,informed the Board that two years aoo they had appropriated $400.00 toward the expense in helping the DAR publish a handbook which included a thumbnail sketch of much of the historic data and activities concerning ? this County since its original grant to the colonies. Mr. MacDonaid stated that he was 12--? acting as an agent for the IIAR and as the supply of the handbooks were exhausted and the demand throughout the Country continued, he requested an appropriation toward a reprint of this document. After a discussion of the advertising value connected with such an enter- prise, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the request he granted and $400.00 be appropriat- ed out of the advertising fund for this project. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved by. the Board. ? FOREST FIRE CONTROL Mr. T. S. Rhyne, Jr., District Forrester, appeared before the Board and explain -? ed that the State of North Carolina had allocated•a cooperative fund for Forest Fire Con- trol in New Hanover County fo:r 1959-1960 as follows: APPROPRIATIONS County Appropriation ::State Matching Appropiration Total Appropriations (Operating Budget) $5, 258. 00 7,887.00 $13,145.00 'In addition to this share of the operating budget the State will purchase and erect a 120 feet galvanized steel lookout tower in New Hanover County at a total estimated cost of about $10,000.00 EXPENDITURES Salaries and Wages Co. Ranger 12 mo. @$266 Wages-Towerman 8 Fireman Tow. 5 mo. @$130 1 Tractor' Operator 6 mo @$190 2 Crewmen 6 mo @ $125 1 Tractor Opr. 1 mo @$200 (Dist. Hdq.) Labor - Improvements Foest Ranger Travel Expense Printing and Binding Post., Tel. & Telegr. Fire Control Equipment 1 New Truck 1 Radio for Tower complete 1 Radio for Truck Misc. Hand Tools 8 Equip. $3,192.00 $650 1520 1500 200 3,a7o.oo 100.00 120.00 100.00 150.00 $1560 400 350 55o 2,860.00 Continued- I I 4 6't") Minutes of the Meeting July b, 1959 FOR$ST FIRE CONTROL - Repairs and A:lterations Tower Repa i r s Telephone Lines Roads and Fire Lines Fire Suppression - Labor Fire Suppression - Other Motor Vehicle Operation Contractual Prison Fire Continued $3a3•oo 200.00 100.00 150.00 • 300.00 Expense 100.00 1,400.00 Labor 200.00 Total Expenditures ........ $13,145.00 The State will also furnish fire line plowing unit consisting of crawler tract- or, plow and transport truck. Chairman Holton thanked Mr. Rhyne, Jr, for his report and assured him that the Board would give this matter their consideration during their Budget discussions. ? WRIGHTSViLLE BEACH EROSION - Mayor R.A. Dunlea and Mayor Pro Tem Richard F. Meier appeared before the Board and reminded them that on April 13th they had made a request for $7,000 to aid them in shoreline protection. They reiterated that the beach at Station #5 was very badly eroded and they had had one break-through already and did not feel they could afford another. In their opinion, Wrightsville Beach should be considered as an industry which needs a continual building up and improving in order to maintain tax values and that the shore- lines belong to the County as well as to Wrightsville Beach. By common consent, the Board agreed to give their request every consideration at Budget discussion time. BUDGET CONSIDERATIONS - The Board had authorized the Executive Secretary to invite the department heads to meet with them at 10:00 A. M. today and as they were present, they were invited to make any remarks about their particular Budget items. ? CSC - Mr. FosLer. Edwards explained to the Board that he was well pleased with their approval of his Budget Request with the exception of the Clerk to the Recorders Court, Y. H. Sponcler, who he thought should have an adjustment in his salary as the job required much overtime work to keep the docket cleared properly. ? Reaister of Deeds - Mr. R. L. Black, Re , gister of Deeds, assured the Board that he was well pleased with their handling of his Budget Request. Sheriff - Sheriff M. W. Millis reminded the Boardthat his men are working regularly 54 hours per week on a minimum salary and he felt the increment asked for them in his Budget Request was just. He :likewise explained that the salary included in his Budget for a new Deputy would permit him to reduce the average working hours and enable him to maintain a plain clothes squad which can do much more effective work in the field of investigation. The effective work of the school crossing guards received a strong commendation from the Sheriff who stated that the patrons also appreciated their contri- ? bution to the-safety of the children. In the discussion of Capitai Outlay, it developed Cl that $4,500 was included in order to trade automobiles as he considers any mileage beyond 50,000 or 60,000 miles to be unusually expensive because of the upkeep. Mr. Hall suggest- ed that.2 cars might be traded at that mileage and that the other two be used as a auide to establish whether or not it was fact or merely supposition. The Sheriff assuredvthe Commissioners that if the money was not needed, it would not be used. By common consent, the Board agreed to leave it in the Budget. Welfare Department - Mrs.Helen B. 5needen, Superintendent of Public Welfare, explained the reasons for the adjustments which she had made in her Bud et Re est a d »w`' g qu n stressed the necessity for some adjustments if the present personnel is to be retained since the pay scale in this County is a minimum one and other counties are bidding for workers and offering them more money. Her experience indicated that it was costing the County more to train new personnel than the increase in salary wouid amount to. The Board requested a list of classifications for her personnel so that it could be compared with the range of pay scale supplied by the Merit System Council. This, she agreed to do and the matter was taken under further study. SURETY BOND APPROUAL - Haroid W. Weils and Sons presented a Surety Bond for Fred Poisson in the amount ? of $5,000 to cover his performance as a member of the New Hanover County ABC Board. It was unanimously approved by the County Attorney and the Board of Commissioners. ROAD NAME CHANGE - ? ? Mr. W. L. Hilburn Sr. of 104 Newton Lane presented a Petition requesting that -r the name be changed to Glendale Drive. The Petition was signed by an overwhelming major- "- ity of residents of Newton Lane and after the Executive Secretary assured the Board that (Y the name Glendale Drive had been cleared, both with the Post Office and the City authori- ties, and no duplication found, the Board unanimously, upon motion of Mr. Williams, second- ed by Mr. Hall, granted this requesL, NNSEUM A letter was received, signed by the executive officers of the various societies and commissions interested in preserving the historical data of New Hanover County, explain- ing that the Freeman-Von Glahn house on North Sth Street had become available for housing the present museum at a very nominal sum and would eventually become the property of the City. They stressed the importance to our community of maintaining an historical museum and cultural center which would be accessible to the public. They request the County to participate in the maintainance of a staff and provide utilities for the building. They further asked that the City Council and the County Commissioners jointly appoint a Board of Managers for the New Hanover County Museum. The Commissioners, after discussing the matter, agreed that it should be considered jointly, however, Nr. Hall offered a motion, seconded by N,r. Broadhurst, that the Commissioners look with favor on.this request pending further study. r \ \ 46 1 Minutes of the Meeting July 6, 1959 Continued APPRAISAL APPROVALS - The Executive Secretary presented the following jointly owned tax foreclosed property appraisals by,the County Property Assessor: (Interested Persons) Block 'Lot Size Mrs. Pearl Jackson 149 WM6,6z 3716" x 66'Fronting on Orange Mrs. Kina N. Stradford 6$ N 1/8-IV 33+x 7116" Fronting ldycoff Ave Appraisal $500.00 275.00 4-r,? C`,a_;6;C- Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously agreed to sell the lots at the appraised value,subject to the approval of the City Council. WELFARE LIEN - ?? Attorney W. K. Rhodes Jr. presented the Commissioners with a check in the amount of $1771.09 representing the balance on the sale of property formerly owned by _.?-t! Hattie A. Frost and on which the Welfare Department has an Old Age Assistance Lien. Mr. p.c? ?" Fthodes, acting as Commissioner for the Superior Court, sold the property for a total of $2,000.00 which was the highest and oniy bid received. Costs were itemized as follows: Disbursements- 7/8/58Star-News Newspapers .(Notice,of.5ale) . 7/8/56 Narion T. Ma.son, Sr.. Executor (reimbursement of court costs). . 7/8/56 W. K. Rhodes, Jr., Commissioner (Commissioner's Fees) . , . . . 1/5/59 Service Charge . 3/5/59 Sam W. Johnson, Tax Collector,(1957 Taxes) 4/6/59 Clerk of the Superior Court (Balance Court Costs) 4/6/59 New Hanover County ldelfare Department, (Balance of Proceeds from sale of real estate upon which lien attached for Old Age Assistance-Hattie A. F`rost) $34•?17 20.25 100.00 .93 55.68 17.88 1771.09 $2000.00 Since this report was accepted and approved by the Court, no action was necessary hy the Commissioners. AIRPORT ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES A statement for professional services amounting to $180.00 was received from Mr, John T. Talbert, Jr. of the Airport Engineering Associates,in connection with the purchase of and easements over property for the purpose of instailing approach landing lights at the Airport. After some discussion, Mr. Williams suggested that it be refer- red to the Airport Committee composed of Messrs. Holton and Hall, Airport Manager John A. Westbrook, and the Executive Secretary for investigation and recommendation. ? v'_ 1 ? PETITION FOR RELIEF - 0?1" Miss Virginia Spear, Assistant Superintendent of Public Welfare, presented e, the Soard with a Petition requesting admittance to the County Home for John Arthur Proctor because of his inability to adequately care for himself. Upon motion of Mr.. Hall, second- by Mr. Braak, the request was unanimously granted by the Board. ? BOARD OF ALCOHOLIC CONTROL Beer and 4dine Permit requests were received from the following: 1- Pressley P. Rumple 168 Castle Hayne Rd., Wilmington, N. C. 2- Charles D. Pickerrell Castle Hayne, N. C. By common consent of the Board, they unanimously instructed the Executive Secretary to refer them to the Sheriff. _ CONSOLIDATED TAX DEPARTN[ENT The Trustees of the Gibson Baptist Church of 2020 Gibson Avenue presented a re- quest for the abatement of penalty and interest on taxes accrued in 1956. They denied any knowledge of being aware that any taxes were being charged them until they received a letter from the Tax Collector dated May, 1959. By common consent, the Board unanimous- ly agreed to abate the'interest and penalty but not the principal. ? The Trustee5 of the First Presbyterian Church presented a request for the abate- ment of interest and penalty on property owned by them in the Beaumont svbdivision, known as Lots #34 and #35, Which is being used as a Church manse. By common consent, the Board unanimously agreed to abate the interest and penalty but requested payment of the original ?,-tax. G. C. Bordeaux requested abatement on some taxes which accrued in 1957 against some property he owned in Block #88 on tYce west end of LoL #1. He explained that the property had been previously sold to Lillian Cohen, who returned some of her personal pro- perty along with the real property. Subsequent to the listing date, he was forced to fore- close on the property and does not feel that he should be charoed with the taxes under these circumstances.. A previous like request was referred to the County Attorney and the T2x Supervisor for study and recommendations. They unanimously agreed that he is entitled to no relief in this instance. Mr. D. W. Newkirk requested the Board to refund $2.00 of the taxes which he paid on June 29, 1959, evidenced by receipt #6939. He was inadvertentiy charaed a doo tax of $2.00 but claims that he ha?fi?ver owned a dog and did not own one at the time he listed taxes. After discussion, it `decided that an error had been made in listing and • _ that he was entitled to receive the return of his $2.00. By common consent, the Tax Col- lector was authori2ed to return the money to him. . ?J ,462 Minutes of the Meeting July 6, 1959 Continued COLLEGE TRUSTEE - Mr. Broadhurst reminded the Board that the death of Mr. S. L. White had left a vacancy on the Board of Trustees of Wilmington College which he thought should be filled ?????immediately as the college was beginning its buiiding program in the near future. He recommended the appointment of Mr. Raiford G. Trask and after enumerating his reasons, offered a motion that Mr. Trask be appointed to fill this vacancy. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and when the votes were cast, Mr. Idilliams requested that he be recorded as not voting, however the Chairman ruled the motion carried. BUDGET ESTIMATE - The following Budget Estimate for the fiscai year 1959-60 has been presented to the Board of County Commissioners by the Accountant: General Fund ... . . ................... Agriculture 8 Economics Fund .................. Aid to Blind . ... . ................. Aid to Dependent ChildrenFund .............. Aid to Persons Totally Disabled ............. Old Age Assistance Fund ..................... County Home Fund ............................ Health Fund .................................. HospitalizationFund ........................ Workments Compensation .................... Welfare Fund ............................... Revaluation Fund . . . •.................... School Bond (Debt Service) ................... School Pensions . ........................... School Regu;lar Fund ........................ " Supplement Fund ....................... It Books Fund ........................... Building . ............................ " Capital Outlay .................... " Lunchroom Fund ....................... " Trainable Children .................... " Veterans Program ..................... Wilinington Gollege Fund .................... " " Building Fund ................ $ 548 ,662.42 2i,o98.00 13,394.07 554,484.00 306,000.00 460,080.00 95,z46•98 131,817.5.9 W, 070 . 00 2,750.00 i25,o67.50 13,500.00 359,742•50 37,977.23 430,680.00 495:450.00 22,000.00 1,100,000.00 40,000.00 50,000.00 15,000.00 ll,Z43•55 75,000.00 474,002.88 5,824,268.72 This Budget Estimate is now open for pubiic inspection and after changes are made will be adopted by July 26, 1959. It w.ill be published in the '4lilmington Morning Star in the July 14th issue according to requirements of the General Statutes. HURRICANE DAMAGE - Mr. Henry Von Oesen appeared before the Board and recommended that none of the , bids received in response to our advertisement for repairing the hurricane' damage on our ,?unincorporated shoreline be accepted but recommended that new bids be requested specifi- ?^'? ca]ly requiring the replenishment of the sand dunes rather than the pushing up of the sand from the area between the beach and the sound. By common consent, the Board agreed to grant his recommendation and authorized him to readvertise for bids specified above. CAPITAL OUTLAY RESERVE - ' Mr. Williams observed that in some Counties they increased the tax rate a penny or two above the budgeted requirements in order to create a Capital Outlay fund for the purpose of buiiding schools. He stated that recent legislature had fixed it so .? that this could .be done legally. By creating such a fund it would eliminate the issuing of bonds for the. purpose of constructing school buildings and thus save the County approxi- mately 50% because a bond issue equaled itself in cost by the time it was fully liquidated. He recommended that the Board study this suggestion and be prepared to give it considera- tion during the School Budget discussion now scheduled for 2:00 P.M. Monday, July 13th. In his opinion by using the projected pupil 3oad they might be able to extrapolate school room requirements ahead of the actual needs.and thus determine the approximate amount of funds that would be required. COMMISSIONERS STATE CONVENTION - ---- Mr. hdilliams gave a brief resume of the activities of the recent Convention of (?f^?'/'Yf?j the State Association of County Commissioners heid in Asheville. He thought the experience and information gained was very worthwhile and urged any of the Commissioners who could possibly go to attend the National Association of County Officials Convention to be held later this month in Detroit. Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Board authorize any Com- missioner who could to attend this Convention. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. PETIT JURY - ? The followino good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in the trial of Criminal cases for the one week term beginning August 3rd and for the trial of Civil cases for the one week term b i i A t V eg nn ng ugus lOth. Jurors for the week beqinninq Auqust 3, 1959 - Criminal Cases L. P. Stack 219 N. 17th St. W. E. O'Neal Box 73, Wilmington,N.C. J. R. Mills 420 S. 18th St. J. K. Niven 509- Park Terrace J. E. Bowen 6115 Oleander Dr. J. W. Teachey 114 Graham Ave. N. M. Scott 2111 Brandon Rd. Monte B. Adcox 2947 Adams St. R. V. Fulk 12? Colopial Dr. Love E. West 407 Church St. J. C. Moore 70 S. 6th St. J. E. Newton Jr. 2512 Burnett C. E. Brewer 1806 Castle St. Roy T. Murray 122 Colonial Circle Aaron B. Jones 2917 Burnett Blvd. B. I. Norris 2728 Washington St. Continued- , Minutes of the Meeting , July 6, 1959 PETIT JURY - (Continued) Edward N. Nadal Robert S. Benson J. E. .Smith R. I. Rourk L. T. Rhodes W. H. Brown Dewey S. Mills Charles E. Brown W. P. Farrar J. E. Walker E. A. Pontius T. E. Mullen George F. Potter Jack W. Newkir}c James T. Lewis L. M. Woodcock S. J. Bourdreaux David C. Williams W. C. Nichols James D. Raynor Joseph E. Pierce Robert A. Jenkins Joseph B. Larson R. C. Penriington Foster F. Prevatt 234 Forest Hills D 6006 Park Ave. 108 Penn St. 2727 VanBuren St. RFD 1, City 1402:Grace St. 11$ Calhoun Drive 501 N. 21st St. P.O. Box 1}18 RFD 2, Box 126 216 Borden Ave. 2750 S. Front St. 807 County Club Rd. 6 Hudson Dri ve 271ti VanBuren 5t. $9 Woodlawn Ave. 2254 Camellia Drive 1211}: Dock St. 116 N. 16th St. 312 S. 17th 5t. 2868 E. Adams St. 2t}13, Princess St. 318;Greenville Ave. 717 Colwell Ave. Jr. 211 N. 23rd St. Jurors for the week beqinninA Coniinued r. Grady F. Rogers J. R. Johnson J. P. Ledusky ' S. F. Alexander E d?mund B. York . :B.. R. Musseiwhite Noah Plisco R. M. Abernathy Percy C. West L. Schwart2 Joseph B. Larson Frederick H. Parker . R. C. Pennington Lennon Highsmith Foster F. Prevatt J enry Von Oesen John C. Williams 0. R. Parker Joseph A. Padrick J. Abner Pitts Harold F. Kincaid Rd. Clarence YS. Par}cer Frederick H. Parker Lennon Highsmith nry Von Oesen Auqust 10, 1959 Civil cases E. N. Lee 2713 Washington D.:M.'Lewis 19 L Nesbitt Courts R. D. Stone 3001; Wayne Drive C. L. Efird % Efirds Dept. Store R. H. Eirod 233 Williamson Dr. L. G. Smith 218 Kenwood Ave. W. B. Clewis 429 Larchmond Drive Clayton S. Horne 2204z Brandon Rd. H. W. Miller 610 N. 23rd St. D. M. Hicks 118 Evans St. Alex M. Traslt Route 91 O. B. lJrenn Jr. Kure Beach, N. C. M. E. Pearson 415'Orange St. John N. Hoit 3615 Wilshire Blvd. R. A. Brand 2919 Oleander Drive S. R. Kenney 201 N. 23rd St. W. M. Milliken 1901 Castle St. Hubert Webb 403 Noble Ave. Roberick G. Simpki ns 411 Wrightsville Ave. Horace C. Garrison 138iGordon Rd. Robert E. Shannon 111;Audubon Blvd. L. C. Robertson Jr.P.O. Box 614, City Louis Lieberman 22 S. Front St. Joseph A. 5chlegel RFE 1tBog 31? l N C Graham D. Farmer e aY e s . . 150gPrincess $t. REPORTS - tion: 2712 Monroe St. 308 Central Blvd. 134 Colonial Circle 19 N. 25th St. 2526 Washington St. 1916 Church St. 601 N. 4th St. P. 0. Box 198 Carolina Beach 207 Brookwood Ave. 713 N. 4th St. 318 Greenville Ave. 4212 Market St. 717 Colwell Ave. 111 S. 12th St. r.211 N. 23rd St. P.O. soX 1542 2540 Burnett Blvd. 1407 soutn 7tn St. 2810 Washington St. 1502 s. 4tn.st. 218 N. 4th St. 309 Central Blvd. 4212 Market St. 111 5. 12th St. P. o. aoX 1542 V. Ambrosiana Wm. "Bill" Gause Ralph E. Piner Lewis Gordon Ivan F. Hewett D. L. Jackson Victor A. Moore John E. Mowbray David H. Costin Victor E. James . R. B. Radcliffe Virginaa Bordeaux Albert K. Norris Bedford Jackson H. B. Marshbvrn W. W. Dougher.Ly James H. Reaves Willard Norris Wilton B. Richardson Luther M. Bradshaw Ray Thortias Johnson Thomas C. Neyland James Mastorakis Robert S. Farrow,Jr. Adolph L. King, Jr. P.O. Eox 734 1015 S. 3rd St. 1910 Woolcott Ave. 410 s. 5tn St. 705 Central Blvd. 122 Pinecrest PkoJy. 3015 Market St. 16 Barnhard Drive 5542 Oleander Drive 2871 G. Adams St. 314 Grace St. $20.Park Terrace 1E$2 Colonial Circle 2407 S. Front St. 1906 Carolrina Ave. 2720 UanBuren 18 B. Lake Village !}O1 Dock St. 3009 Market St. RFD 1, Box 260 2901 Adams St. 2525 Harrison St. Wilmington, N.C. RFD 3, Box 272 95 Lee Drive The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- . . . 1- 2- 5- 6_ `T' Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson's Report for June 1959 ? New Hnover County Home Agent's Repbmt Negro Home Agent's Report Wilmington Pubiic Library Y d State Highway Commissionts notation on Secondary Roads- ?-? New }ianover County Farm Agent's Report , Letter from Assistant Vice President R.P. Jobb of the ACLRR regarding their :?.?? aid in promoting the industrial development program in thds area by their ?? advertisements. 6- Report from F. A. Downing, Wilmington PoCt and Waterway Development Commiss- ion on "The Port of Wilmington, North Carolina" 9- Statistical Changes of Welfare Recipients ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. UJilliams, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously voted to recess the meeting until July 8th at 8:00 P.M. . W.?G. Houck; ? Executive Secretary I , 4.64b SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING Commissioners Room Court House, Wilminqton. N. C. 6:00 P.M. Julv 8. 1959 ASSEMBLY - Pursuant to the recess announced at the meeting Monday, July bth, the follow- ing members of the Board met in speciai session: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commission- ers Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, .Ir, and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. The following persons represent- ing the Board of Health were also present: Dr. J. C. Knox, acting as spoliesman, J. B. £dwards, and Miss Viola Bolyn. Dr. C. B. Davis, Health Officer, was out of town on State Health matters and could not be present for the meeting. PURPOSE - The Chairman announced that at the Health they agreed to make a survey of all thi and determine what, if any, was availabie for further explained that the Budget Requests of studied and that some questions had arisen in clarification, particula,rly with reference to ments. last meeting of the Consolidated Board of ; property owned by the Health DeparLment use, for other than health purposes. He the Consolidated Heaith Department had been the minds of the Commissioners which needed employee classifications and salary adjust- RECOW4ENDATIONS - • Dr. J. C. Knox, speaking for the Health Department, stated that it was the unanimous recommeridation of the Board of Health that the Budget be accepted as present- ed for they had made an exhaustive study of the items contained in it and felt that they were justified. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the recommendations of the Consoli- dated Board of Health be taken under study untii such time as Dr. Davis could be present. It was seconded by h9r. lniilliams who remarked he thought we should have an understanding between Brunswick County and New Hanover County as to the amount of time Dr. Davis would spend in that County as well as the amount of money to be paid for this service and if it was to be paid to Dr. Davis individuaily or to New Hanover County. If the salary of Dr. Davis is to be increased to $11,500.00 as recommended by the Hea2th Board, under the Mer1t System Council, should Dr. Davis ever cease to service Brunswick County, New Hanover County would be required to pay that salary alone. No action was ever taken on this mo- tion. DISCUSSION - The joint Boards then entered into the classification discussion of each indi- / vidual empioyee and determined the range of salary as required by the Merit System Coun- cil. After an agreement had been reached on all of the items included in the Budget ex- cept Dr. Davis's salary. Ms. Hall offered a motion that, with the exception of that item, this Board approve the Budget as adjusted subject to the approval of the City Council. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously carried. MENTAL HEALTH - Catherine A. Noyes, Mrs. Beatrice T. Lounsbury and Reverend Mortimer W. Glover appeared before the Board in the interest of the Mental Health Program and stressed its 4140 importance, particularly as it applies to preventive mental health and urged the continua- tion of this program. INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL - Mr. Edwards informed the Board that $125,000.00 had been allocated by the State Health Department for all of eastern North Carolina and that New Hanover County had received about $6,300.00 as its preportionate share. No action was necessary. SALARY CHANGE POLICY ?rfnJ!? Mr. Williams offered a motion that a letter be written to the Consolidated Board of Health informing them that the New Hanover County Soard of Commissioners had es- tablishedapolicy that no salary changes be made without their knoFrledge and approval. This mot,ion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted, and the Executive Secretary was directed to write a letter to them. Mr. Wi113ams explained the reason for this policy was due to the inter-relationship of County employees and personnel. When one group re- ceives an increase in salary and others who are just as efficient and conscientious do not receive recognition, it tends to cause dissatisfaction among the employees. RECESS - There being no further matters presented before the Board, the Chairman de- clared a recess until Monday, ,luly 13th at 2:00 P. M. at which time the Consolidated Board of Education is invited to meet with the Board, f SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING Commissioners Room Court House. Wilminaton, N. C. 8:00 P.M. Julv1'?3.1959 ASSEMBLY - Pursuant to a recess declared by the Chairman on July 8th, the following mem- bers of the Board met: Chairman J. E. Holton Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst. J. M: Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Williams, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorntey John Bright Hill; with the Consolidated Board of Education represented by the Chairman, Mr. E. A. Laney, S. Bryan Broadfoot, MurdockrM. Dunn, Mrs. R. M. Piver, $oar,d members, and W. E. Brock, Auditor, Mr. H. M. Roland, Superintendent of Schools, Mr. J. W. Grise, Assistant Superintendent, Mr. John O. Marshall, Business Manager of City- County Schools and Mr. J. Henry Gerdes, comptroller. CONVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and stated that hethought it should be opened with an invocation and called on the Executive Secretary to offer a prayer?for guidance during the session. - L_ /? 4??/.?C ? 7.? V 03 Minutes of the Special Budget Meeting Juiy 13, 1959 BEACH EROSION - ' ' As some of the members of the Board of Education were late arriving, the Chair-a '_"man announced that he would hear from Mr. Henry Von Oesen who was present to report on t his recommendation for beach repair. He stated that he was not happy with the bids which had been received from the advertisement on this project and suggested that it be readver- tised and made plain that the work to be done was replenishment and not rebuilding by pushing up the sand which is already present. After some discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that they concur in the opinion of the engineer and authorize him to proceed with readvertising the project. Mr. Braak remarked that he would'second the motion pro- viding that it include the rejection of the bids made before. This was agreeable and the Board unanimously authorized him to proceed with his recommendations. SCHOOL BQARD BUDGET - ? Chairman of the Schooi Board, Mr. E. A. Laney, opened the meeting by present- ing each of those present with a revised salary schedule recommendation made necessary be- cause of the latest action of the Legislature in voting up to 4.93 general increase in teachers salaries and a retroactive increase of 1.09 out of funds left over from the last Budget. QuesLioning by the Board brought out that the 1957 Legislature had given a 10% increase which added to the above figures made approximately a 16% increase which they had received in the last four year period. The next major item to receive discussion was the Attendance Officer which had been omitted in the County Auditor.'s recormnendation. Mr. Laney explained that they had last year a 15,407 average daily attendance in students and that an increase of only 2% of that attendance, while it sounded small, would amount to 300 pupils which would automatically provide 10 extra teachers by the State. He strong- ly recommended that this item be included in the Budget. The County Auditor remarked that in his opinion some of the items included in the Capital Outlay recommendation were actually Maintenance and Repair items and should be put under that classification. There was a difference of opihion on some of these items and no definite concivsion was drawn. In his closing remarks to the Board seeking approval of the Budget, Mr. Laney stressed the fact that the voters themselves had voted and approved the full 20¢' levy for use by the school and the Board, therefore requested appropriation by the Commissioners for that amount. CAPITAL RESERVE FUND - Mr. Williams observed that in his opinion the creation of a Capital Reserve Fund lgjwq.Q_ for the construction of school buildings .should be considered and sufficient tax levies made to anticipate the annual needs for Capital Expenditures. Mr. Laney explained that at the present time the average cost of building construction amounted to $'1,000 to $1,300 per new student and that over the last few years the enrollment had increased from 400 to 500 pupils per year. He thanked each member of the Board for allowing them to,present their Budget and asked that every consideration be given to their request in order to main- tain the high type of schools which we enjoy. TRAINABLE RETARDED CHILDREN - Mrs. Alice M. Sisson and Mrs. Martin S. Willard Jr, explained that they under- stood that their request for assistance in operating the school for retarded childred should be made separate fr.om the regular Board of Education. They informed the Board that in the past it had been necessary for them to use regular school buses to transport the retarded children which means that they must wait until after the regular school 'f children are transferred to their schools wfiich results in the retarded children being late to school and by the same token in the evening they must send them home before the ,B reaular schools are dismissed or wait until after the regular school children have been delivered to their homes which makes the system very unhandy besides forcing the drivers and buses to do double duty. They suggested that a solution to this unhappy situation might lie in the purchase of a smail vehicle such as a Volkswagon carryall and that Mrs. Willard had discussed the matter with Neuorirth Brothers and found out they had a suitable secondhand vehicle in stock which they would deliver for $1500 and that a new one retail- ed at $2300, however, they would be willing to reduce that price by $100 and deliver it , for this purpose at $2200. They earnestly implored the Board to consider making an appropriation for this cause. The Board promised to give the matter their consideration. AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMICS Mr. D. D. Baggett, Farm Agent, was recognized by the Chairman and requested to say a word in behalf of his department. He stated that he saw in the newspapers the salary requests which he had recommended were disallowed and informed the Board that their de= q.vtu-G partment had been passed over as far as increments were concerned for the past four years and while he was not pleading particularly for his own benefit but for his employees who had done an exceilent ,job and he thought shouid be shown some recogniiion. He thanked the Board for allowing him to state his case and the Chairman assured him that consideration would be given to his request during the Budget discussions. RECESS The Chairman remarked that the nextne?gular..semfimonthly meeting would be held next Monday, July 20 and asked if any of the Board would like to meet in the interim for a further discussion of Budget matters. After some discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Board recess until 4:30 P. M. Saturday afternoon, July 18th, at iahich time they would further discuss the Budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. Willaims and unanimous- ly approved by the Board. / ./ / ??'?!/.iL(?'`?1"/ W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary J , h"r 66 SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING Commissioners Room Court House, Wilminaton, N.C. L:30 P.M. July 18,1959 CONUENTION - Pursuant to the recess of the Board at their Special Meeting on July 13th, the Board again assembled in special session as shown above with trie following members present: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. CONSOLIDATED SCHOOLS - Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the New Hanover School Board, speaking for the Board.and a group of interested school patrons and citizens, observed that he was quite embarrassed because he understood that they were again to meet for discussion and pro- bable action this afternoon. He learned after arriving that the Board had not invited them to meet with them this afternoon and that while they were welcome, he felt sure that the Board's intent was to have an informal discussion among themselves in an effort to determine what items were essential to the operation of first class schools. Chairman Holton welcomed Mr. Laney and the delegation, remarking that they were always welcome to meet with the Board, however this afternoon's meeting was called primarily for the purpose of discussing the various items in detail among themselves but he invited Mr. Laney to make any remarks which he chose. Mr. Laney reminded the Board that the regular Budget for this year did not exceed last year's regular Budget except slightly and stated that. since the citizens had voted the schools a 201 levy they were of the opinion that it, should be allowed and if so they could live within that figure and allow a raise of $100.00 per year or whatever amount the 20e levy plus other miscellaneous income would permit. He further stated that there were a number of items in the Capital Outlay list over which . there was some discussion as to whether or not they rightfully belonged in that category or under Maintenance and Repairs. He explained that for school purposes the law speci- fied certain items as Capital Outlay which otherwise might be ciassed as Maintenance and Repair items. He further reminded the Board that they had appropriated the following percentages of the tax dollar to schools: Year Tax Rate %to Schools 1954 1.20 56.5 1955 1.20 55.2 1956 1.50 57.3 1957 1.20 50.0 1958 1.15 51.0 He explained that this figure did not include Wilmington College Funds which was operaL- ed under the Board of Education during this period. He thanked the Board again for this audience and stated that the time had been well spent and the discussiori worthwhile. The Chairman again extended them a hearty welcome at any time and said that he, too, thought the unintended meeting had served a worthy purpose. WELFARE BUDGET - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden explained to the Board that her reasons for salary ad- justments were based on classifications and length of service of employees as'well as their efficient work. Mr. Williams asked Mrs. Sneeden if her employees were reclassi- fied upward immediately after they were qualified under the Merit System Council or only when the need for such qualified persons arose. She informed him that it so happened ? that the last two classifications were made immediately upon qualification because she had been working shorthanded without supervisors for about a year and that Miss Uirginia Spear and Miss Jean Powell had attended school in order to qualify for filling those two positions which were particularly needed to take the burden off her shoulders. The Chairman thanked Mrs. Sneeden for her information and explanation. RECE55 - The Chairman remarked that it was dinner time and declared the Board recess- ed until 7:30 P. M. when they would resume further Budget discussions. REASSEMBLY - ' The full Board reassembled and resumed their Budget discussions as follows: c, COURT HOUSE - The Executive Secretary reported that he had not been able to secure but one written bid on airconditioning for the Court Rooms but that a verbal quotation by York Airconditioning Company amounted to approximately $7,000 for each room. The Chairman ' instructed him to continue to seek additional bids. DRAGLINE OPERATION - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Raymond A. Mitchell, who has been operating our dragline for the past year, is requesting the County to furnish gas for his car or allow his time to start when he picks up his prisoner assistant at the County Home instead of at the time he reaches the site of his operation. After some dis- cussion, the Board agreed that this propo.sal amounted to a resignation which,they unani- mously accepted as of the end of today. The Executive Secretary was authorized to seek ardemploy a suitable replacement as soon as practical. ELECTIONS - y The requests were approved as recommended by the Auditor with the understand- ing that no advances would be made before Lhe money was spent. By common consent, the` r Executive Secretary was authorized to write a letter to the Election Chairman Henry C. Bost and inform him that itemized invoices would be paid upon presentation, properly supported and certified. ? L Special Budget Meeting July 18, 1959 Continued REGISTER OF DEEDS - The item of Extra Help included in the Budget Requests of the Register of Deeds was discussed and by cormnon consent a rider was attached to this item requesting notifica- tion and approvai of the Commissioners before any money is spent out of this fund. SHERIFF - The Chairman informed the Board that he had rece3ved a letter from the Sheriff showing a comparison between the salaries received by the Wilmington Police and his Deputy Sheriffs with like responsibilities. The Cha.irman was requested to read the let- ter to the Boa'rd.iri. wh3ch the SheriPf recommended.a.starting salary scale with certain . progr.essive steps whicti he thinks would help the morale and promote more efficiency among his department. The Chairman suggested that the Sheriff be allowed to appear before the Board in person for a further discussion of his Budget. . JOB RATING - A discussion of the above subject reminded Mr. Williams, who suggested it to the Board, Lhat a job rating and salary scale survey be made for the entire County system. After some discussion, he offered a motion that Lhe Institute of Government be requested to make such a study which he believed could be accomplished with no cost to the County. There being no second to this motion, it was ruled dead by the Chairman. 1 Q . ? TAX COLLECTOR - • - The Auditor had recommended a salary of $4,050.00 as the County's portion of the salary for the Tax Collector which is a joint operation and the cost is shared equal- ly between the City and County governments. Mr. Williams reminded the Board that at a joint session held February 11, 1959 this subject was discussed before requesting legis- lation by the General Assembly to allow Carolina Beach tax collection discounts be paid into the CiLy-County treasuries instead of to the Collector direct as is now in effect. He observed that it was his understanding at the time that an ad,justment would be made in the salary of the Tax Collector commensurate with the increased burden and discounLs which amounted to about $1500.00 per year. This would set the Tax Collector's salary ?- at $7500.00 per year and in fact was his understanding that no other figure had been men- , tioned at any time. After some discussion, Mr. Braak offered.a motion that the recommend- ation of $4,050.00 be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and when the votes were cast, Mr, h'iliiams requested that he be recorded as voting "NO" however, the Chairman ruled the motion carried and reminded them that it was necessary to have a joinL discuss- ion with the City Council before setting a definite total figure for the salary of the Tax Collector. ?. TAX LISTING AND ASSESSING - Mr. Williams opened the discussion on this subject by enumerating the reasons he was convinced there was sufficient responsibility and work for a full time Tax Super- visor and Purchasing Agent, He suggested that such an office be considered as he be- lieved that if the work was properly done, it would keep a man busy all the time. The County Auditor reminded the Board that Statute law required his office to do the purchas- ing for the County but he would be glad to have some one else take the job if they saw fit to relieve him of 'it. •• .? VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER Commissioner Peter H. Braak informed the Board that he was an invited guest at the American Legion Luncheon and Installation Services today and t,ahile there was accosted by the Veterans 5ervice Officer, Asa H. Searrell, who asked if there was a poss- ibility of the Board changing its mind and rescinding the action taken at their last meeting reinstating the appropriation for support of the Veterans Service Office during the next Fiscal Year. Mr. Braak explained that there was always such a possibility and , thereafter, Mr. Seawell proceeded to criticize severely any such move, invited Mr. Braak to engage in fisticuffs, threatening him and using language unseeming for printing here. After some discussion of the unfortunate incident, Mr. Hall offered a motion that Mr. Seawell be requested to appear before the Board and explain his reasons why he should not be dismissed from his job and relieved of his duties. It was seconded by Mr..Broad- hurst and unanimously approved. The Executive Secretary uras instructed to inform him ? of this act3on. - w ' HEALTH DEPARTMENT FUND - ?;, } , Dr. J. C. Knox, representing the Consolidated Board of He21th, explained that the minimum salary recommended by the Merit System Council for Dr. C. B. Davis as Health Officer was $11,040.00 per year including the remuneration for his part time services by Brunswick County. The.Consolidated Board of Heaith, however, has recommended a salary of $11,520.00 per year; After some discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the salary of Dr. Davis be set at $9,120.00 for the Fiscal Year 1959-60. The Chairman ruled this motion dead for lack of a second. After further discussion of the matter be- tween themselves the Board, by common aonsent, instructed the Executive Secretary to in- vite Dr. Davis to meet with them at 10:00 A. M. Monday, July 20th, at their next regular semimonthly meeting, for a discussion of Health Department Budget items. _ RECESS - Upon motion,of Ntr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braak,-the meeting was unanimously ? recessed to meet again next Monday July 20, 1959 for their regular semimonthly meeting. Gr Hbuck, Executive Secretary A