1959-07-20 Regular Meeting?? ? ? Wilmington, N. C. July 20, 1959 ASSENIDLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Comm3ssioners Room of the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. IPNOCP.TIOid - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. V. Randolph, Pastor of the Advent Christian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MIATJTES - The minutes of the ragular._mee tin g..hel:d_ on July 6th and the Special Called Meetings on July 8th and 13th were unanimously approved as written upon motion of Nir. Broadhurst, seconded by Nr. Williams. AIRPORT ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES o•?'?, Pursuant to instructions at the meeting of July 6th to obtain an explanation of the inVoice of $180.00 rendered for professional services by the Airport Engineering Associates, the following explanat3on 4ras gi."ven: " 9ur regular charges are: Engineer- $5.00 per hour or $50.00 per day plus ex- penses; Drafting -$2.50 per hour plus expenses. The figure Por consu2tation is somewhat misleading in that some travel time to and preparation of portions of Clear Zone Easement for conference with your attorney are included therein. I i,ras urgently requested to return to Wilming- ton from Spartanburg, South Carolina as quickly as possible and expedite the preparation of documents. This necessitated canceling further work to which I was committed at that time, returning to ldilmington and making another trip to f Spartanburg, two days later. In addition to this, my daily diary shows a total B,5 hours on preparation and research; and a total of ?.hours?at conference. In the event the figure for the preparation of the drawing appears high, you may recall we were requested to prepare this over the weekend which necessitated time and one-half payroll to our draftsman." Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the bill be paid. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. PROPERTY VALUATION - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had requests for quotations ,?__,on the following property. ??? f,? Interested Persons Block Lot Si2e Description Appraised Value Florence T. Williams 325 Pt 2 2$' x 75' Fronting on 7th St. $300 R. A. Lawrence 309 " 1+ 33' x 66( Harnett St. 150 ,t 11 11 309 n4 33' x 661 ,t 11 ___ It it 11 310 2 321 X 147t 9tn st. 550 It It 'f 310 1 38t x bb+ Swann St. 350 Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board approved the sale of the lots, subject to the approval of the City Council, at the appraisal prices of the County Tax Assessor. ROAD PETITION ?O Petition for improvement of a road in Cape Fear To4mship now known as Clinton ? Street from Sidney Salling of Route #1, Box #6, and a Petition for a new road was receiv- ?0?1v" ed from J. H. Burnett in Federal Point ToVmship. Upon motion of Nm. Broadhurst, second- 6 ed by Mr. Hall, the Executive Secretary was instructed Lo send them to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. ADVERTISING - CHAMBER OF COPM'fERCE A letter from L. E. Woodbury, Jr., President of the Chamber of Commerce, r(?- questing an appropriation amounting to $2998.52 for advertising commitments made for July and August was received. He explained that the current beach season thus far was not 5 ?? quite up to what they had enjoyed the past two years and, therefore, advertising assist- ? , C? ance is immediately requested in order to protect and promote tourist bus3ness. In their opinion, this is entirely warranted and justified as the season is now well advanced and unless immediate action is taken the economic welfare of our County will suffer. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the sum of $2998.52 be appropriaied out of the Advertis- ing Fund for the Fiscal Year and paid to the Chamber of Commerce as part of the County aid, It was seconded by Nir. Br. Braak and unanimously approved. PETITION FOR RELIEF - The Welfare Department submitted a Petition for Relief for admittance to the County Home for John Wesley Hill and Christopher Franks because of physical disability. Upon motion of Mr. Ha11, seconded by Nr. Braak, both Petitions were approved. HEALT}i AND VETERANS SERVICE OFFICERS - Pursuant to instructions at the meeting July 18th, the Executive Secretary in- , rrt, formed the Board that he had personally contacted both Dr. C. B. Davis and A. H. Seawell ? and explained to them that the Board would like to have them present during the meeting -=?• today. Dr. Davis explained that because of a previous appointment with Mr. Claude Cald- we11 of the Merit System Council of Raleigh it wouid be impossible for him to attend the meeting today. Mr. Seawell stated that he would meet with the Board at 10:00 A. M. as requested, Mr. Seawell appeared before the-Board and openly apologized to the entire Board and to Mr, Braak personally for the remarks which he had made to Mr. Braak while a guest at the American Legion Instailation Services last Saturday. He stated that he_re- alized that he had made a mistake and was placing himseif at the mercy of the Board. He remarked that he had been very conscientious in the handling of his job and that this was the first occasion that he had been censured for his first offence. The Chairman thanked him and explained that it would be taken into consideration later in the meeting. After . 4.6 Minutes of the Meeting July 20, 1959 ? Gontinued HEALTH AND VETERANS SERVICE OFFICERS -(Continued) Mr. Seawell had retired, Mr. Br,aak remarked that he had had many calls in favor of Mr. Seawell and each of them,however,;wanted it understood that his conduct in no way reflected upon the American Legion. R,.fter some discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that Mr. Seawell be suspended without pay for a period of two weeks. It was seconded by Yir. Broadhurst and Mr. Willlams and unanimously approved by the Board. The Chairman in- structed the Executive Secretary to inform him of this decision. SECONDARY:'ROAD ALLOCATION A letter was received from Mr. Harold Makepeace, Secondary Roads Officer, giv- ing the information that an aliocation for Maintenance and C nst?uction of Secondary Roads totaled $187,132.00 for the Fiscal Year 1959-60 in New Hanov???n yHe explained that each County was allocated funds based on a Secondary Road Needs Survey recently completed. He advised that all of the projects involving surfacing are designed for a 13,000 lb. axle load. He stated that as soon as the construction pro,Jects had been determined and sub- mitted to his office they would immediately send them to the Highway Commission for appro- val. _-? DRAINAGE - A letter was received from Louis W. Latham reminding the Board that the Drain- age Committee had promised to commence work on Prince George Creek during the dry months of July and August. He requested information as to when the project would be started in order to make preparations. The Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to inform him of the present schedule of the dragline and give him an approximate date when the work would be done. RESIGNATION - Miss Verna Beile Lowery, Home Economics Agent, introduced Mrs. Mary McAllister,?_)?? District Home Economics Supervisor, who announced to the Board that our Assistant Home Agent, Miss JanellelJhite was resigning as of August 31, 1959 in order to resume graduate study at WCUNC and introduced Miss Emmie Lou Teal who she recommended to replace Miss White and assured the Board that Miss Teal came well recommended and she felt sure that her services would be as satisfactory, therefore recommended the same salary as had been paid Miss•White. Mr. Williams offered a motion that Mr. White's resignation be accepted with regrets and that Miss Teal be employed as of September lst atthe same salary. The motion tiaas seconded by Messrs. Broadhurst and Hall and unanimously adopted by the Board. ? AIRPORT INSURANCE. A letter was received from Harold W. Wells 8 Son, agents for the U. S. Under- Gw? writers, Incorporated,,advising that our policy had expired on May 23`..but that for lack .-- of izformation in order to renew the policy it had been extended for sixty days until July 23rd, but after the information was received the insurance carriers advised that the premium would be $1386.90 and again because of the delay in furnishing a renewal pre- mium quotation the expiration date has been extended on the present policy until August ? 11_?,•1959. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had discussed the increase of approximately $1,000 in the renewal premium of this policy and that the agent explain- ed that it was caused by two reasons; (i) some changes had been made in the insurable liabilities and (2) that Aviation Insurance had automatically increased due to the un- usually heavy losses. He also explained that there were only two companies i-iriting this type of insurance and an investigation through Mr. Walker Taylor, Jr, revealed that the premium would be identical•to the penny, irrespective of the company who wrote the policy. A possible solution to decrease the policy might be a deductible of $500 or $1,000. This matter will be again presented to the Board for final disposition at the meeting on August 3rd. COUNTY PHYSICIAPd - l. Mr. Williams addressed the Chair and requested an audience. He observed that }-V!? in his opinion all members of the Board were in agreement on appointing the Health Officer as County Physician and require him to make weekly visits to the County Home and render p.rofessional services whenever called upon at the County Jail. He further recommended that the classification of Health Officer remain as Health Director III under the Merit System Council, not certified. After some discussion among members of the Board, Mr. Wil- liams made this recommendation in the form of a motion including instructions to the Ex- ecutive Secretary that the Board of Health be notified by letter as of August lst which would allow ample time for it to be presented to the regular meeting of the Consolidated Board of Health to be held on August sth. This moLion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted by'the Board. ? GASOLINE, FUEL AIVD LUBRIGATION OIL BIDS - "r The Chairman announced that the bids for supplying New Hanover County with ? its requirement of gasoline, fuel and lubricating oil would be opened. The following bids were received: Arkansas Fuel Oil Co. Pure Oil Co. Sinciafr Refining Co, 95 Octan:e, Gas Price 17.30eper gal. 95 Octane Gas 98+ Octane Cras Less 3.65 1q?. 0e ? 19.30 ¢ 13. 65 - 5. 7 - 4.65 14.23 14•45 Fuel oil 14.00 14.00 . 13.90 - 3.10 - 2.86 - 2.90 10.90 11.14 11.00 ,o, . 11.09 Lubricating Oil 491 ' .52e .48e .? Continued- A r 470 Minutes of the Meeting July 20, 1959 Continued GASOLINE, FUEL AND LUBRICATION OIL BIDS - (Continued) After opening the bids, Mr. Williams offered a motion that they be referred to the Purchasing Agent, T. D. Love, Airport Manager John A. Westbrook and the Execu- tive Secretary for tabulation and recommendation. REMODELING - COMNUNITY HOSPITAL ? Paul R. Reese, Administrator of the Community Hospital, appeared before the Board and informed them that compet,ent engineers advise that the power load now required of the electrical system is dangerous in that it has outgrown the usefulness for which it was originally intended. The Board of Directors recommend a complete remodeling of the electrical system and have authorized a competent hospital electrical engineer to write specifications to meet the present requirements which were presented to the Board for approval and authorization to advertise for bids. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the project be approved and authorization be given for advertising. It was second- ed by Mr. Hall and unanimousdy approved. ? WELFARE POLICIES - Mr. Williams informed the Board that since he was a member of the Welfare Committee for NACO there were several considerations that would be brought up for dis- cussion at their coming meeting in Detroit and he would like to have an expression from the Board as to their feeling about them. He observed that there was a trend in the Federal policies to delete any residence requirements for recipients for public assist- ance. The second subject had to do with the General Assistance Program in which the State Association recently sponsored legislation permitting State participation but they were opposed to Federal grants in this field as it seemed to be opening the gates to socialism. The third matter that will be brought up is an idea of doing away with all classifications and providing a single fund to cover any and all indigents or needs. After discussing the matter, the Board unanimously U1ent on record, by common consent, as opposing such a trend in socialized thinking. PLANNING BOARD - ? Mr. Williams reminded the Board that some sort of subdivision control was bad- ly needed in New Hanover County and that on January 5, 1959 they had appointed a Planning Board in order to make suggestions and a more orderly development of our County. He suggested that the Chairman of the County Commissioners call the first meeting of that Board so that they could organi2e and enter upon their duties which are set forth in Gen- eral Statutes 153-9, Subsection 40. After a discussion on this subject at which time it was agreed that the Board had little authority, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Board be called into a meeting by Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr, and discuss the possi- bilities. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. BlJLLETIN BOARDS - Mr. Williams observed that the entrance to our Court House appeared rather ? unsightly because of the Bulletin Boards on either side and suggested that they be re- designed and moved inside which he thought would contribute to a more neat appearance. He moved that the Executive Secretary be authorized to have the Bulletin Boards re- designed and moved inside where they could be kept more orderly. There being no second to this motion, the Chairman ruled it dead. AGE RETIREMENT POLICY - Mr. Williams observed that he would like to seettPs Board establish a policy regarding the retirement age for the employee personnel ofw ounLy. He further th6ught consideration should be given to the need for work in employing people to work for the County. After some discussion, Mr. tidilliams offered a motion that the Board establish a mandatory age retirement of 70 beginning July l, 1960. The motion i•ias seconded by Mr. Braak. Further consideration of the matter developed in which the majority of the Board disagreed with a written policy in regard to the above subject. Mr. Williams re- marked that it appeared that the majority of the Board are not sold on the idea and offer- ed a motion that his original motion be tabled until the next meeting. It was likewise seconded by Mr. Braak and when the votes were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" aithough the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed and instructed the Executive Secretary to put it on the Agenda at the next regular meeting. AGRICULTURE DE1lELOPNiENT - Nr. Louis W. Latham, Chairman of the Agriculture Committee for the Chamber of Commerce, informed the Board that the District Meeting of the Southeastern North Carolina Agriculture Agents would be held in Wilmington on July 31. At this time the decision will be made for the dates in which the activities of the Agriculture Committee will be held at the County Farm Arena. He invited the Board, County Attorney, County Auditor along with the' Executive Secretary to a Luncheon to be heid at the Ark at 12:30 July 31st. RECE55 - The Chairman informed the Board that the regular Agenda for today!s ineeting w2s completed and directed that a recess be taken from the regular meeting to pursue the decision on the Budget. . ?:?:a RECONVENTION - Pursuant to the recess taken on July 18th, the Board.again commenced their de- / liberations of the Budget. SCHOOLS , ? After discussing offered a motion that the s; tend Superinent of $300.00, the travel of the Assistant from the Regular Budget and under the title of Salaries and unanimously approved by the various items in the proposed School Budget, Mr. Williams ilary of the Superintendent of $1500.00, the travel of the the salary of the Assistant Superintendent of $600.00 and ? Superintendent of $150.00 totaling $2550.00 be transferred added to.requests of $2500.00 in the Supplemental Budget • 8 Administration Expense. This motion was seconded by INr. Hall the Board. Continued- 471 Minutes of the Meeting July 20, 1959 Continued SCHOOLS - (Continued) Vocational 5alaries- Mr. bJilliams moved that the item of $37,000.00 listed as local Vocational Salaries be transferred from the Regular Budget and added to the Supplemental Budget Requests listed as Vocational Teachers. This motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved by the Board. RECESS - Mr. Hall observed that it was lunch time and offered a motion that the Board recess until 2:30 P. M. today and resume their deliberations at that time. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy approved. • ,:.?;;,:a;s?a:a?;H:a?2:30 P.M. Commissioners Room Wilminqton, N. C. RECONVENTION - All members of the Board reassembled and began their study of the Budget at the point of Vocational Salaries. Mr. Williams observed that since $39,550.00 had been shifted to the Supplementary Budget, he moved that the full 201 levy be made for Schools including the above item and that whatever difference in revenue was derived from the 202 levy be used an an increment for teachers' salary. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Braak. Mr. Broadhurst said he was opposed to this motion for the reason that the Board of Education had been given 18e on the $100.00 valuation and that the total valuations had lieen raised about $17,000,,000.00 with no additional increase in pupil load. In 1955 he said the intangible tax showed an:upward trend and that in 195?} the people had voted down a request for additional supplemental schooi funds. In 195ti he said the Schooi Board had requested a referendum for the purpose of raising ad- _ ditional school revenue but that later in the year they retracted the request for fear it would be defeated. He further reasoned that in 1959 they again asked for more money and in his opinion it was not being wisely spent and in addition to this the school ` teachers had received an approximate 16% raise in the past four years tithereas the Coun- ty employees had not been raised at all. The discussion was 2eft at this point and no action was taken on tlie motion. The Chairman instructed the County Auditor to' pre- sent these revised figures to the Chairman of the Board of Education and if he tiaas so dissatisfied that additional discussion seemed advisable to arrange a suitabie daLe for the Consolidated Board of Education to again meet with the Commissioners and report back to the Executive Secretary who would set up the meeting, HEALTH DEPARTMEA1T The first order of business discussion under this department today related to the salary of the Health Director and after a thorough discussion-of the merits which might justify an increase in salary up to $11,500.00 and reciassification to a Certified,Health,Director it seemed to be the unanimous conclusion of the Board members that no action•should be taken on the matter until the Health Director himself appear- ed before the Board to clarify some questions about certain employee classificatioris and salary adjustments recorunended by him. The discussion led to a motion by Mr. Wil- liams that the Health Director remain classified as is arid that his salary be left at $9,120.00 until such time as he was able to appear before the Board to discuss his Bud- get items. The motibn was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and the Board gave unanimous approval. ? Nurses- In discussing the number of nurses empioyed by the Health Depart- ment, N?r. Broadhurst thought they could operate just as efficiently with less nursing personnel and offered a motion that the services of the two part time nurses be dispens- ed with and their salaries be deleted from the Budget as of August 15, 1959. Mr: l-Jil- liams seconded this motion and when the vote was taken, Mr. Hall opposed it and voted "NO", however, the Chairman ruled the motion carried and ordered the Executive Secre- tary to notify the Board of Health. JOIAIT N?EETING - 67?1_ The Chairman reminded the Board that appropriations in other departments of the County also involved the City and instructed the Executive Secretary to arrange a meeting with the City Council preferably in the afternoon of Wednesday, July 22,"1959 and notify all members of the Board of the time to be present. (City Manager Benson and the Executive Secretary arranged this meeting for 2:30 P. M. on that date.) ADMINISTRATIVE APPROPRIATION Mr. ldilliams observed that it seemed to him that we should inciude an item for Administrative Expense just in case it was ever needed and moved that$7500.00 be included in the Commissioners' Budget for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and discussed by various members. When the question was called, Iviessrs. Williams and Braak voted for the motion and Messrs. Broadhurst and Hall opposed the motion. The Chairman then deciared the motion defeated as he cast his vote with Mr. Broadhurst and Mr. Hall who voted in the negative. RECESS - Mr. Hall then offered a motion that the Board recess until Wednesday, July 22, 1959 at 2:30 P. N. to meet with the City Council in joint session. It was second- ed by Nlr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? W ?f ' G. Houck, Executive Secretary F