1959-07-22 Special MeetingI 4 7 2 SPECIAL JOINT MEETING Council Chambers Municipal Buildinq, Wilminaton, N. C. 2:30 P.M. July 22, 1959 CONVENTION - Pursuant to the recess taken at the regular semimonthly meeting on July 20, 1959, the Commissioners met in joint session with the City Council with the foilowing members present: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr., and Berry A. Wiliiams, County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love; Mayor E. S. Capps, Jr., Councilmen J. H. Batuyios, R. T. Burney,. W. Ronald D.ane, J. E. L. Wade, City Manager J. R. Benson; CitytQitor- ,i ney Cicero P. Yow. Mayor E. S. Capps, Jr. acted as Presiding Officer and declaredr$f et- ing open for business. GENERAL - Commissioners' Chairman J. E. Holton Jr. explained that the Commissioners had voted to allovr a general across the board raise of 8% for employees and thought that this action should be approved in joint session before detailed discussion began.Councilman ? Burney, therefore, offered a motion that the employees of the departments controlled joint- ly receive a general across the board increment in their salaries of 6%. This motion was seconded by Commissioner_Hall and unanimously approved by both Boards. JUNIOR OFFICERS OUTING - i Auditor T. D. Love informed the Boards that the Commissioners had approved an appropriation of $250.00 for the Traffic Control Boys' annual entertainment. City Manag- er Benson likewise has recommended $250.00 as a City contribution. Commissioners Hall offered a motion that these appropriations be approved as recommended for this purpose. It?was seconded by Councilman Burney and unanimously adopted by both Boards. SOROSIS MUSEUM - A discussion of this subject developed that there was a possibility for the location of this Museum to be moved to a house on North Fifth Street now owned by the Freeman-Von Glahn Estate providing a small amount of remodeling was done, a Maintenance Fund was set up and utilities supplied. The estate has agreed that this house will be- come City property after the death of the one surviving heir. As the City will be re- quested to do the remodeling, as the property will eventually revert to them, it was decided that their recommendation of $150.00 be left in the Budget under that item and that the County would increase its appropriation to $350.00 which would help provide ' the utilities and maintenance. Councilman Batuyios offered a motion that the present appropriations as recommended be retained and that a Committee be appointed to extrapo- late the plans and needs and report back to the joint Boards at a later date. The motion was seconded by Commiss3oner Broadhurst and unanimously approved. LIBRARIES - ??- Wilminqton Public Librarv - The appropriations agreed on for the Wilmington 1?41??'? Public Library was $13,123.15 for the County and $29,100.50 for the Cit . Councilman J. E. L. Wade offered a motion that the County increase their aid to $14,550.50 which was the request made by the Library Board of Directors. His motion received no second and the Chairman ruled it dead. Ydilminqton Colored Public Librarv - The total request made by the Wilming- ton Colored Library was $7,992.00. The County Auditor advised that it was impossible to estimate the ex2ct amount of funds the State,would pay toward this project but usually it approximated $1200.00 annually, likewise,he observed that an item of $300.00 was in- cluded for Auditing Expense and he thought this was an improper expenditure for so smail a Budget. After some discussion, there seemed to be a meeting of the minds on sharing equally the total Budget requests after deducting the $1500.00. On that basis, each governing body would contribute $3246.00 and Councilman J.E.L. Wade offered a mo- tion that the request be grarited,less the $1500.00. The motion was seconded by Commiss- ioner Braak and when the vote was cast, Commissioners Broadhurst, Holton, and ldiliiams voted against it. Commissioner Hall was absent at the time of the vote and although a majority of those present voted favorably, the attorneys ruled that since a majority of the Commissioners voted negatively, the motion had failed and after some further dis- cussion, Councilman Burney offered a motion that the City leave their, appropriation at $3,246.00 and as the County was willing to appropriate $3,000.00 that the City go along with the County on this joint appropriation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Williams and the vote was unanimously favorable. MILITARY COMPANIES - '? Chairman Holton explained that in the past New Hanover County had set aside ??. appropriations for Company 1 119 Infantry and Neadquartgr,S Battery 252 AAA Group but ?fi this year the Board had decided to appropriate $1,000.OOA e military units and not desig- nate any particular one because there were four units in the County. The City Council --- was in agreement rrith this decision and, by common consent, both Boards unanimously agreed to the appropriation of $1,000.00 each for this purpose. ? CIVIL DEFENSE - There was no division of opinion on this subject and both bodies had appro- C ?'dfyr?-priated a like amount of $L}500.00 each, making a total of $9,000.00 for this purpose. ? ' HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Chairman Holton explained to the group that the Board of Commissioners had voted to delete the two part-time nurses from the Health Department Budget but that he had learned since that time that one of the nurses had been with the department for 14 years and had operated the Maternity Clinic for indigents at the Cape Fear Memorial Hospital and doubtless saved the County many dollars by her prenatal counseling. The other part-time nurse, he learned, was paid in full out of funds received from the Heart Association and, therefore, he recommended that they be restored to the department. Commissioner Hall offered a motion that they be reinstated and appropriations included Continued- , 4"??3 1 Special Joint Meeting July 22, 1959 Continued HEALTH DEPARTMEPdT - ( Cont inued ) in the Budget for their support. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Braak. Immediately Commissioner Broadhurst offered a substitute motion that the nurses not be - reinstated and the Budget be left ?s is. This substitute motion was seconded by Commiss- ioner Williams, who asked the following questions: (1) 6•!hy does the County supply a nurse at James Walker Memorial Hospital? Commissioner Hall explained that it provided ' better facilities for people on the Welfare rolls and prevented later expense which would be incurred by lack of prenatal care. (2) Is the service available to Welfare cases only or can others participate in it? Commissioner Hall explained that he was unable to ans- wer this question definitely but implied that in his opinion it would be left to the dis-.' cretion of the attending physician. (3) Would it be advisable to request the Board of Health to release two other nurses instead of the two part-time nurses in as-much-as last week the Board was of a-mind to think that the Health Department is over staffedY Cominiss- ioner Hall stated that in his opinion this was not true. Commissioner Braak observed that the Health Director had not yet made his appearance to answer some of these questions. N'tayor Capps then called for the vote on the substitute motion which was supported by Com- missioners Broadhurst and Williams and opposed by Commissioners Braak, Hall, and Ho2ton,. Mayor Capps then declared Lhe motion failed and sLated that the original motion was now, before the Boards, whereupon Commissioner Idilliams offered a motion that the original mo-, tion be tabled. It was seconded by"Commissioner Sroadhurst and when the vote was taken Commissioners Broadhurst and Wiliiams supported it, whereas Commissioners Braak, Hall and Holton opposed it. Mayor Capps then declared the original motion had been restored and when the vote was cast, Commissioners Broadhurst and Williams voted "NO" tiahile Commission- ers Braak, Hall, and Holton voted "YES" so the presiding officer declared the two part- time nurses were restored to their originai position. Commissionerst Chairman Hoiton expiained that Dr;?Davis had been'invited to participate in the Budget discussions on sev- eral occasions but so far had failed to come and therefore, the Commissioners had refus- ed to classify him as Health Director III Certified and add any increase to his salary which left it at the present $9,120.00. After some discussion in which it was reported that Dr. Davis had employed an attorney to ciarify the legal aspects surrounding the du- ties and responsibilities of the Consolidated Board of Health, Councilman J. E. L. Wade offered a motion that Dr. Davis be 3nvited immediately to appear in front of these joint , bodies before his salary is set. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holton and when the vote was cast, Commissioner Broadhurst voted "NO", however, Mayor Capps ruled the motion prevailed and appointed Councilman J._E,_L,. Wade to call Dr. Davis and report back to the governing bodies immediately. He reported--tlT-af Dr. Davis was not available at this time.) No definite decision was reached on the Budget for the Health Department• at this meeting. . . Attorn:eY Fees - Commissioner Broadhurst then offered a motion Lhat not one ? penriy of County money be paid out by the Health Department for Attorney Fees and that the e Executive Secretary inform the Health Department of this action and not to dispense any County funds for this purpose. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Ylilliams and unanimously adopted. , TAX COLLECTOR - After discussing the changes made in the Consolidated Tax Office brought about T? by legislation directing the 2?% discount paid for by our municipalities for tax collect- ion services be paid into the combined treasuries and not to the Tax Collector, i:t was, the unanimous consensus of opinion that the Tax Collector's salary should be shared equai- ly between the City and'County and set at $8,000.00 per annum. ADJOURNMENT r There being no further business to be presented before the joint governing bodies, Commissioner Holton moved that the Boards adjourn, seconded by Councilman Batu- yios and unanimously adopted. . . .. , % I. . . . ...... .............. .... . . . . . . .. ...,...... • ?? • • - " ' " " ' " " ' " " W: ' G. Houck, Execut ive Secretary ' ,• `SPECIAL BUDGET MEETING" Commissioners Room, Court House', '4Ji1mington', ' N."C. 9:00 P. N. July 23, 1959 .. .. .... .... . .... . ASSEMBLY ...... . . ....... The Chairman called,a.Spec,ial Neeting.for.the purpose of further consideration of the Budge1. Those present,afere. Chairman J.. E... Hoiton.,. Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry,A. Williams; CounLy Atiorn°ey John Bright Hill .:_ .a'ri.d- Cou"nty 'Aud'itic5r- T," D; Lc,v.e. ? . 'Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst was unable to be preserit. .... ,...... , ..... .. 4JAIVER OF NOTICE Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by.Mr..Williams, the Soard unanimously voted to waive the advance notice of,the meeting as required.by General Statutes 153-8. CONVENTION - The Chairman explained that the Board of Education had been promised an audience before the actual passing of the Budget Appropriation Resolution. .PRESENT: Chairman E. A. Laney, Board members Dr. W. C. Mebane, Mrs. R. M. Piv.ex-, Mr. S. Bryan Broadfoot; Mr. H. M. Roland, Superintendent of Schools, Mr. J. W. Grise, Assistant Superintendent, John O. Marshall, Business Manager of City-County Schools, Mr. J. Henry Gerdes, comptrol- . ler, Attorney C. D. Hogue, Jr., W. E. Brock, Auditor, Dale K. Spencer, and Mrs. Nina Tenuta, office secretary. Mr. Charlton A. Pope, President of the Taxpayers Association of New Hanover County was also present. Chairman Holton expiained that the Board of County Commissioners had gone along with most of the items except a few which they thought should be transferred from the Reoular Budget to the Supplementary Budget such as $2550.00 under Administrative and $37,000.00 under Vocation. Mr. Williams asked the question of the Board continued- ' r F' 4 Sp.ecisi Bud"get Meeting July 23, 1959 Continued CONVENTION - (Convention) of Education if there were any teachers empioyed who did not hold Teachdng Certi- ficates. Mr. J. W. Grice answered that there were none but that on occasion a substitute might not have a current certificate but in emergency only. Mr. Williams'again asked if a breakdown of the items couid be furnished after transferring the Supplemental Administra- tive Expense $2,500 and the $2,550 from the Salary & Travel in the General Control of the of the Regular Budget. Mr. Laney assured him that they would be glad to supply it and ex- plained to the Board why these items should be left in the Regular Budget instead of be- ing transferred to the Supplementary Budget. The other major item was a transfer of $30,000 which 4.as transferred over to Building & Grounds Materials, increasing that item from $78,000 to $108,000 leavir.g $50,000 in the Building 8 Maintenance Fund instead of $80,000 as requested. After Mr. Laney's explanation of the reasons for their original request, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the $37,000and $2550 be restored to the Regular Budget as oriyinally requested. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braa]{ and iahen the votes were cast, Messrs. Braak and Hall voted for the transfer and Mr. Williams voted "NO". The Chair- man ruled the motion carried and ordered the County Auditor to restore the items to the Reoular Budget. TEACHERS SALARY INCREASE - ? Mr. Williams observed that since the restoration of the items as originaily re- quested, it was his opinion that the request for a fuil 20d levy for schools as asked by the Board of Education and approved by the voters who had in fact authorized it be grant- ed and offered a motion that the full 201 Supplement be levied for schools and that teachers pay be increased $100.00 per year as recommended provided the 20e levy yields sufficient revenue. Mr. Braak seconded the motion. After some consideration, Mr. Braak withdrew his second. This action was objected to by Mr. Williams. The Chairman put the motion for withdrawal to a vote and Messrs. Braak and Hall voted in the affirmative while Mr. Wil- liams voted "NO". The Chairman ruled the motion withdrarm. ' ? WELFARE.DEPARTNiENT. The Welfare DepartmentSSalary 8 C2assification Budget was again reviewed at the request of Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public 4lelfare, and after some discuss- ion, Mr. Williams moved that the salaries of the Welfare Department as recommended by the County Auditor be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ? SHERIFF'S DEPARTNIENT Sheriff M. W. Millis requested the Board to again review the salaries as recom- mended by him and after a few adjustments, Mr. Braak offered a motion that they be approv- ed. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. HEALTH DEPARTMENT - Mr. Williams observed that there seemed to be some discrepancies between the number of employees and their classifications shown in the Health Department Requests as well as in the amounts recommended for some of them and the records supplied by the State Health Office. There is an apparent discrepancy of 5 employees, as-the State Office carries 2tS in number and our Health Department showed 33• ? ? APPROPRIATION RESOLUTION - After each Commissioner had?expressed his views with reference to the Budget, Mr. Wiiliams offered a motion as foliows: NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1959 and ending June 30, 1960, the following appropriations are made to the various funds for the purpose of carrying out that which we deem to be sufficient for carrying out the necessary operations of the New Hanover County Government. ,> General Fund ... ............................ Agriculture & Economics Fund ......................... Aicl to Blind . ................................. Aid to DependentChildren Fund ...................... Aid to Permanently 8 Totaliy Disab7ed Fund ............ Old Age Assistance Fund ............................ County Home Fund .................................... Health Fund ........................................ Hospitalization Fund ............................. Workments Compensation Fund .......................... School Bond Fund .................................... ?r Pension Fund ................................. Regular " ................................... Supplement ................................... Books ................................... " Bond Building Fund ............................ " Capital Outiay Fund ........ ................... 'r Driver Training ............................... n Lunchroom ................................. " Trainable Children ............................ " Veterans Program ............................. Wilmington College Fund .............................. " College Building Fund ....................... Welfare Fund .......................................... Revaluation Fund .................................... . 604,463.60 . Zo,543.00 13,394.07 554,484.00 306,000.00 460, 080. o0 95, 770.46 129,294-24 433,626.50 2,754.91 377,742.50 37,977.23 477,580.00 491,650.00 22,000.00 1,101,553.81 20,000.00 24,2z4•84 50,000.00 15,000.00 11,243•55 ti1,609.92 474. 002. t18 125,187.50 13,500.00 It is directed that expenditures of various Funds be made in detail as per the approved Budget requests of the department. Any deviation from this only to be with permission of this Board. School Building Funds are only to be spent to purchase sites, erect or remodel building and equip same. The purchase price of sites'to'be approved by this Board and cost of construction of buildings. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved by the Bo d. The ' County Auditor was instructed to proceed to work out the Tax Rate after the fina adjust- ments were completed. /1 ADJOURNME - Pr. Williams offered the motion for adjournment, seci?f????..Ha//i/, unanimousl ado ted. \ . / Execuiive Secretary