1959-08-08 Regular Meeting4?91, Ylilmington, N. C. September 8, 1959 CO?WENTION - The regular semimonthly meeting was held on the first Tuesday of the month, September 8, the first Monday being a Holiday. 1'he following members of the Board of Com- missioners met at 9:00 A. M. in their office in Lhe Court House: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braalc, L. E. Broadhurst, James M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney J.ohn Bright Hill. INVOCATION - Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. L. Bame, Pastor of the Fifth Avenue Methodist Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES The Executive Secretary suggested the following corrections of the meeting of August 17, under the Paragraph headed American Leqion Advertisinq. After the request of Commander Symmes insert the following: "Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $50.00 be appropriated from the Advertising Fund for this purpose. There was no second to his motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. Then". After this correction, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the minutes be approved as corrected. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. TRUCK BIDS - ? The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had advertised for Bids to furnish a one-half ton pick-up truck for use of the Drainage Supervisor, to be received and opened at today's meetino. The following bids were received: Hinson Truck Sales 8 Service Co„ International Truck, Net after trade-in $1501.00 ? Raney Chevrolet Co., Chevrolet Truck,. Net after trade-in •1271.38 After discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the award be made to the lowest bidder and that $271.38 be appropriated from the County Home Emergency Fund to supplement the $1,000 in the Budget for this purpose. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy approved and the contract awarded to Raney Chevrolet Company. DRAINAGE PROBLEM - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had a complaint from Orville E. Eldridge who lives at 3210 Carolina Beaeh Boulevard which is at the intersection of. ? Cape Fear Boulevard. The complaint was about urater being dammed at the culvert on the ? south side of Cape Fear Boulevard and flooding his backyard and killino his shrubbery. He reporLed that he and Dave W. Rivenbark h2d investigated the matter and found the actual . trouble on property being purchased`by Joe UJing, a Chinese citizen, and financed by the Cooperative Savings & Loan Association. According to the best information we co uld ob- tain, the pipe was installed by Nessrs. Rhodes and Moore when the property was being de- veloped for use as an ice cream stand. The Cape Fear Boulevard was constructed by the Foster Hill Realty Company, who informed me that it was accepted by the State Highway Com- mission as part of their system, hovaever they refute this allegation and when I discussed the matter with Nr. Eldridge he seemed to substantiate their contention in-.as-much as he refused to sign a right-of-way petition for them. We further learned that the culvert under the Cape Fear Boulevard appears to be 18 inches whereas the culvert under thg.Caro- lina Beach Road which joins it is 24 inches. Since the widening of Carolina BeachBoulev- ?y ard, considerably more surface water is being diverted into the ditch and catch basins which leads us to believe that the 18 inch culvert under Cape Fear Boulevard must either be replaced by a larger pipe or another line of pipe laid alongside it to give proper out- 1'eV'for the amount of water now being carried by that ditch. Cursory inspection indicat- ed that the surface water has found a i-reakness apparently where the 18 inch pipe joins the 21+ inch pipe and caused a sinkhole in the right rear•of Joe 41ing's property, washing the surface sand into the culvert and thus stopping it up. This is causing the blockage of water on the south side of Cape Fear Boulevard. The culvert is estimated to be 7 to 10 feet underground and therefore, can not be repaired by hand labor. They recommend that it be considered a probiem of the private property owners, however, if the County assumes the responsibility, it should be done by a contractor w'ith proper equipment to prevent cave-ins and repair the road which will have to be cut into if a new large pipe is to re- place the small one. Mr. Braak offered a motion that the matter be delayed until the next meeting and allow the Commissioners time to investigate and acquaint themselves more "fully with the problem. This motion tiaas unanimously approved and any action on the mat- ter tabled until the next meeting. COMNiUNITY HOSPITAL - ELECTRICAL BIDS As authorized at the meeting on August 12th, an advertisement was run for Bids f.or the remodeling of'the e,lectrical wiring at Community Hospital. As a result the fol- lowing tabulation was made of the Bids received: Sidder License Base Bid A1t.EI A1t.E2 A1"t.E3 A1t.E(} A1t.E5 Hodges Elect. Co. //3276 $19,696 -$4,600 - $200 -$1680 +$240 -$3,000 Mason " " #3190 18,133 - 7,868 - 758 - 2539 + 250 -34,095 ' Turner " " #3201 22,580 - 8,230 -1,150 - 528 ± 125 -26,000 Graves " " #3006 No Bid Bond received and therefore Bids not considered. Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Bids be referred to the Buildings & Grounds Com- mittee of the Community Hospital including Engineer Le2and, Chairman I{elly, Commissioner Peter H. Braak and Secretary to the Board, Paul R. Reese, for evaluation and recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. After a conference, the Committee returned and recommended to the Board that the Bid be awarded to the Mason Electrical Com- pany for the sum of $18,3.83. Mr. Braak offered a motion that since oniy $12,000 had been appropriated"from.the Emergency Fund-:to supplement and complete this contract and thaL the contract be awar.ded to the Mason Electricat rnmpany, subject to the approval of the County Attorney. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and when the votes were cast, Mr.Broad- hurst.voted "NO" but since all of the other Commissioners voted favorably the Chair an ruled the motion adopted. ? in the Budget for this purpose, an add3?ional $6,3?3 be .._ appropriated 'A ,?.• ? ? Minutes of the Meeting September 8, 1959 Continued , t SCHOOL PROPERTY PURCHASE - x Mr. J. Henry Gerdes, Comptroller.for the Board of Education, informed the Com- missioners that arrangements had been concluded for the purchase of parts of Lots 3& 4 04?R e,4*1- in Block 295 to complete the land necessary for the enlargement of the James B. Dudley School.• This supplements the property purchase approved by the Board on August 3rd. Appraisals submitted by three local realtors indicates that the purchase price of $4,750 for the property is fair and re2sonable and, therefore, they request approval of the Board to complete this transaction, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the request fqr the acquisi- tion of this property at the price above be granted by the Board. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ? SCHOOL INSUR.4NCE APPROPRIATION - A letter was received from Fir. H. M. Roland, Superintendent of Schools, enclos- ing a check amounting to $6,486.66 representing the payment of insurance on the fire loss in July caused by lightening at the William H. Blount School. He requests the Board to authori2e the identical amount be added to the Re,ular Budget-Maintenance of Plant (B & G Materials) and that the the funds be re-appmpria?for their use this year. Nr. Hall offer- ed a motion that the request be granted and that the Sudget be increased in the amount of $6,486.66 to be used by the school during the current fiscal period in their Regular Budget. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. ARMORY BOILER REPAIRS - ? ? Lieutenant Colonel William L. Eason informed the Board that an inspection of ? y?5 1 the heating equipment at the jointly owned building at 814 Market Street had been condemn- ed by the State Boiler Inspector and requested the County to have it properly repaired. Previous investigation by Maintenance Supervisor Rhoda Farrow indicated that the repairs 4TOllICI approximate $40.00 and that with the exception of galvanized pipe connecting the boiler to the chimney, it oould be done with prison labor and a new set of grates but that the the pipe would have to be made by a sheet metal shop. The Executive Secretary inform- ed them that he had discussed the matter previously with Mr. Coleman, as the City was equally involved, and he considers the repairs of such a minor nature that they should come under maintenance to be borne by tlie occupying service unit. After some discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to see that the re- pairs were made to the boiler and any other small items that might be required, invoicing the City for one-half the cost including the labor, provided this arrangement was satis- factory with Cfty Manager Benson. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ? AIRPORT GAR RENTAL CONCESSION - . John A. Westbrook, manager of the New Hanover County Airport, presented a con- tract for granting exclusive rtght to solicit, advertise, and transact automobile rentals for a period of 5 years upon payment of $1,296.annual rent plus 10% of gross rentals in excess of $1,000 per month originating at the Airport. The contract was signed by t}ie U-Drive-It Company, Julius E. Wenberg, owner. Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst; the Board unanimously authorized the Chairman of the Board to execute this contract on behalf of the County. AIRPORT AI.R OODIDITIONING Mr: Williams"obskrved that he had.receYitly•,vi-stted several airports oF compar- able.iraportance,Lo:our New.Hanover County Airport ane3-En-each•instance he found.them air- cond.itioried for^thc,coinfort of the traveling publ:ic'and•wht,le he Chought i_t was too„late to°air.-eondition the New,Hanouer County Airport=this year,be thoughC it should be,consid- 'ered.next.year and'by common,conserit of the Boar3,thty S'uggesttd that the Execative Secre- tary set up'aad'maintain a file in which to keep:suggestions for next year!s Budget., HEALTH DEPARTMENT - ? Health Dircctor Dr. C. B. Davis attended the meeting and informed the Boarfl r? that the Federal Board of Health had recently transferred the physician in charge of the VD Clinic to Little Rock, Arkansas and that the State Board•of Health had agreed to appro- priate $1,000 for the continuance of this service, provided the County would match it with $500.00. He asked the Board not to appropriate the funds at this time but to allow him to negotiate further with the StaLe to see if a more equitable arrangemcnt could be made. He stated that he was ready and willing to answer any questions the Board might have in connection with the Budget. A discussion then developed around the two major questions which are still unsettled. 1- Th¢ continuance of the Alew Hanover County Health Dirtct- or's services to the Brunswick Health Department. 2- Tht appointment of the Health Director as County Physician. The Chairman informed the Board tihat at the last meeting of the Consolidated Board of Health, a committee was appointed to study and make recom- mendations with reference to the joint services of the Health Director and that on the sec- ond question the attorneys had heen requested to report their ruling on the matter at the next regular meeting of the Consolidated Board of Health. By common consent of thc Board, the discussion was abandoned temporarily to await the r¢port and recommendations of the Committee and attorneys. SENCBA - Mrs. Alice Strickland, Executive Secretary of SENCBA; reminded the Board that they had allocated $1,000 for use in promoting Southeastern North Carolina Beaches. 5he presented some invoices for cxpenditures of this purpose and requested approval for their payment. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $1,000 be appropriated from the AdverLis,Sng Fund to the SENCBAssoeiation from which to pay bills and authorize the payment of the present biils out of it. Tht motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and the County Auditor.was instructed to pay the bills. R04D COMPLAINT - Pursuant to instructions at the meeting held on May 4th; the Executive Secre- tary arranged a meeting at the convenience of the State•Hlghway Commission for determining the road right-of-way lines on Park Ave. between 46th Street and MacMillan Avenue. As it was necessary for the Executive Secretary to be out of town, Mr. Broadhurst agreed to meet with the Highway Commission and reported that when the subdivision was originally laid off in 1905, a siQht-of-way was dedicated for this street and that an inspection and continued- L" ?93? Minutes of the Meeting---September $, 1959 Continued ROAD COMPLAINT - (continued) measurement of the property indicated that the trees which have been in con- tention by Mr. Earl H. Orrell and neighbors are actually on County properLy which was donated to it in the original deed. He then moved that the County give the State thelr right-of-way and ask them to accept this road into their system for improvement and main- tenance. He stated at present the State would leave the trees. This motion was second- ed by Mr. Williams and the Executive Secretary instructed to write the State Highway Department informing them of this decision and request them to accept the street in the Highway system. E. L. 4JHITE RESOLUTION - . Mr. Berry A. Wiliiams asked to be recognized at this time and stated that some time ago Mr. Hall was appointed with him on a Committee to recommend a Resolution in memory of Mr. E. L. White who recently died. The following Resolution was presented: WHEREAS, on June 29, 19$9 New Hanover County lost one of its most highly ?o esteemed citizens in the death of the Honorable E. L. White, and WHEREAS, the services he rendered of a civic, fraternal, and humanitarian nature are too numerous to mention, and WHEREAS, his scrvices to the 5tate of North Carolina were outstanding to the extent that they earned for him the admiration of all who knew him, and WHEREAS, his integrity and high standard of ethics brought good will not only to him as a man but to our area as weii, and WHEREAS, his life is a continuing example to us and his works shall long en- dure, and WHEREAS, we feel that a useful and fitting monument should be dedicated to his membry, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County do hereby go on record as favoring the naming and dedication of an appropriate monument to his memory at the earliest practical date. ' BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of this meeting and that copies be sent to the family of Mr. White, the Governor of the State of North Carolina, the State Highway Commission, its members, and to all local news media. Adoption of the Resolution was moved by Commissioner Berry A. Williams, seconded by Commissioner Hall, and unanimously approved. UV?? PETITION FOR RELIEF - r Tte Superintendent of Public Welfare, Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, presented a Peti- tion for admitting Mrs. Sophia Margaret Maxwell to the infirmary at the County Home. The admitting physician designated her case as senility with cerebral sclerosis. Upon motion of.Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Hall, the Board unanimously approved her admittance. CONSOLIDATION - ?' The Chairman reminded the Board that at a Joint meeting with 'the City Council, e? a majority voted to request Dr. Albert Coates to make a study of the feasibility of con- solidating the governing bodies of New Hanover CounLy into one. He informed them that it had been his privilege to visit with Dr. Coates during the past week when he learned that his schedule was open for October 5th or bth. He requested the Board to set one of these days and he would arrange a meeting. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Chair- man be authorized to set the date after conferring with the Mayor of Wilmington. 'The motion was second¢d by Mr. Hall with the remarks that he thought the consideration was 10 to 15 years ahead of the trend of thought for public acceptance. When the vote was cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO", however the Chairman ruled the motion carried. (After conferring with the Mayor, the Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to inform the Board that the meeting was scheduled for Monday night, October 5th, with dinner at the Ark. He also stated that the Mayor would invite the other governing bodies of the County with the understanding that each would pick up their check for the dinner at the Ark.) JUNIOR DAIRY SHOW - ?? The Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, represented by President L. E. Woodbury, the General Nanager, P. M. Camak and Agricultural Committee Chairman, Louis W. Latham, was recognized by the Chairman. They informed the Board that the Junior Dairy Show was scheduled for September 10 and llth at the County Livestoek Arena and invited the Commissioners to a banquet in honor of the winners, to be held at the Marina at 7:00 P. M. They explained that the expenses for this show wouid amount to approximately $1500 and reqvested approval of this expenditure for that purpose. Mr. Williams offered a motion that proper detailed invo.ices be presented and paid and $1500 Be;appropriated from- the'Advertisfng Fund for-this putpose.,_It w2s'Seconded:by Ms,..Bioadhu.rst and unanimous- . ly approved by,the Board: . .. ' . , CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - t' ?, Q ?l'GA' Mr. Woodbury informed the Board that the Directors of the Chamber of Commerce 6,0yyy??,rJi- had authorized a change in the policy in that, periodically, local industries would be recognized and honored at dinners to be sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce and other interested parties. The present arrangemen.ts are for it to be a Dutch affair and each citizen pick up his own check. At the present time, plans are underway for recognizing Riegel Paper Corporation, Babcock and Wilcox Company, and the Timme Corporation. Others will be scheduled at a later date. The cooperation of the County Commissioners was solic- ited. ROAD PETITION A Petition for accepting and maintaining a portion of Wallace Avenue was re- CP6'U"d- ceived from the property owners with the request that it be approved and submitted to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. Mr. Broadhurst moved that it be continued- J i Minutes of the Meeting September 8, 1959 Continued ROAD PETITION - (continued) be approved and the Executive Secretary instructed to send it to the State Highway Commission. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. SRIDGE CLEARANCE STUDY - A leiter was received from the Corps of Engineers who are engaged in a study of vertical clearance requirements for navigation using the Atlantic Intra-coastal Waterway. The present requirements for clearance is 80 feet and the State Highway Com- mission are anxious that this minimum critera be reduced to 55 feet as the construction of fixed bridges is more economical than drawbridges besides the disadvantage caused by interuption of highway traffic when they are opened. After a discussion considering the advantages and disadvantages, the Board was unanimous in agreeing that they favored a minimum of 55 feet clearance but that they recognized occasions when this might prove to be a disadvantage and thought the criteria should be based entirely on an engtneer:ing study after a survey is completed. They authorized the Executive Secretary tc inform the Corps of Engineers to'this effect. FORECLOSED PROPERTY APPRAISAL - The foliowing described property owned ,jointly by the County and City as a re- sult of tax foreclosures was appraised by the Covnty Tax Assessor as follows: Interested persons Block Lot Size Descrivtion Appraised Value Mrs. Rowena Jones #70 Pt Wm 1 32' x 100 133' from SE corner $400.00 pt Z 12th & Queen Sts. Murray Sonsky #252 Pt 1 321? "? ??? 316" South of South line $640.00 o a ve , running along 7th ? St. " " #326 Pt 3 30' x 751 From NW corner 8th d $360.00 Swann Sts. fronting on 8th St. J. C. Newkirk #499 Pt Mb 621 x 198' $1800.00 A discussion of the procedure in this matter resulted in a change of policy in submitting foreclosed property for approval. In the future, an offer from the interested prospect- ive buyer will be required with a deposit of 5% of the Bid or a minimum of $25.00. Mr. Williams offered a motion that sale of the above parcels be approved for the appraised value but that in the future, b3ds be submitted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak, subject to approval of the City Council and unanimously approved. APPROPRIATION - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that in making appropriations for the County Home operation, the wages of a yard man who also acts as storekeeper, dresses the prisoners in and out, and looks after the gate, was inadvertently omitted. Mr. Broadhurst stated that at.the time the Budget was under consideration, a prisoner was doing this work satisfactori2y but since that time it developed that a man would have to be hired for this purpose and recommended a salary of $22.50 a w¢ek. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that $1170 be appropriated out of the County Home Emerg¢ncy Fund to cover.this expenditure. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ? TAX COLLECTOR APPOINTMENT - ?-? The Chairman informed the Board that the term of the Tax Collector's appoint- ment had expired or would soon expire and that it would be necessary to appoint a Tax Collector befor¢ our next regular meeting. Mr. Broadhutst,therefore, offered a motion --?yym that Mr. Sam W. Johnson, the present incumbent, be re-appointed for a two year term, suh- C? ject to the concurrence of the City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimous- ly adopted. ROWLAND ENTERTAINMENT - Chairman Holton informed the Board that foilowing the announcement that Colonel ? H. C. Rowland, District Engineer of the Corps of Engineers, was being transferred, the ? Wilmington Ports and Waterway Development Commission initiated a dinner honoring him in view of the many courtesles and favors ¢xtended by him to the County and City, the cost of which amounted to $281.00. After some discussion, it was the feeling of the Board that it would be in order for the County to participate in such an undertaking and there- fore, Mr. Hall offered a motion tYiat $75.00 be appropriated from the Entertainment Fund for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. MANDATORY RETIREMENT - At the.meeting on July 20, 1959 a motion was tabled for the County to.set a Mandatory Retirement age for its employees. Mr. Williams reminded the Board that he had originated the motion and had not changed his mind because at the present time, two employees were now reported beyond the age where their work could be effici¢ntly effect- ive. After some discussion, he agreed to amend the original motion, increasing the age limit from 70 to 75 and setting the effective date as July 1, 1961 instead of July . 1, 1960. Mr. Braak accepted this amendment as he had seconded the originai motion and when the vote was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO", however the Chairman ruled the motion adopted. TAX SUPERVISOR- The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that it was time to appoint a Tax Supervisor. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that Mr. T. D. Leve be reappointed as Tax Supervisor for a two year term provided he is willing to state that he can do the work of Auditor and Tax 5upervisor. •Mr. Hall seconded the motion and in the dis- cussion which followed, Mr. Williams raised the question as to whether or not an elected G?? official whose salary was establi.shed by the Legislature could have it supplemented.for additional work which he might undertake. Mr. Love stated that he was up to date on all the audit work of all the departments in the County and that he could perform effi- ciently both the function of AudiLor and Tax Supervisor. By common consent, the quest- ? ion was referred to the County ALtorney for a ruling and a report by the next meeting and the Executive Secretary instructed to schedule it on the Agenda for further discus- c? ?? " sion. 4 9 51 Minutes of the Meeting September 8, 1959 Continued INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT County Attorney .lohn Bright Hill informed the Board that early in the Spring they had approved his attendance at a school for County Attorneys scheduled by the Insti- --? tute of Government at that time but that it was cancelled later and has now been'resched-IPLP uled for:.this•,morith`.and.'a"s the. discus"sion will center around government law, he would like to attend. Mr. Hall moved that Mr. Hili 7ie authorized to attend this school. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adoptcd. PROPERTY TITLE CONFUSION Attorney R. S. McClelland, following up his request for clearing a title for his cl•ient, Mrs. Lucy F. Perry, whi-ch was referred to the County Attorney at the meeting on August 17th, received the followinc reply. County Attorney Hill finds that the min- utes of October 5th, 1936 definitely,indicated that the Board was aware of the fact that they had purchased the property without a Warranty deed and although it was purchased from Mr. Bryant, he had legally bought the bankrupt assets of an insolvent bank. The County Attorney at that time was aware of the questionable nature of the title and advis- ed the County Commissioners to immediately enclose the property by a fence and since it had been more than 20 years, the right of eminent domain prevailed and the County was legally the owner of the property. He further stated that no taxes had been paid on the property since 1954• Mr. Hall agreed with the ruling of the County Attorney and offered a motion that the taxes be waived but that the resolution of the Board of 1936 be upheld and the property be legally appropriated to the County. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously approved. SECONDARY ROAD PRIORITIES - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Division Engineer McKim, Messrs. Biberstein, Ashiaorth and Mallard, representing the State Highway Commission, met in his office and presented maps showing road priorities as follows which they recommend- ed for the fiscal year: 1- 47th Stre¢t b¢tween US 76 and Peachtree for paving. 2- Cherry Avenue Extension for'pavino. 3- Bryant Road- Begins off the River Road for Stabilization. !}- Old Military Road or Jordan Road from US 76 through Bradley Cre.ek School yard to the Sound for Stabilization. ' ' It developed that there was only $9,200 allocated for this County this year by the State Highway Commission and that the recommended projects would use up approximately $8,500 of the allocation. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unani- mously approved the recommendations of the State Highway Commission. REPORTS - The.foilowing r.eports were received,..read.and ordered filed for informatidn.. ? 1- Letter from Joe E. Johnson, Jailor, expressing appreciation for appropria- J? tion of new stove for the jail. 2- Letter of appreciation from James Moore, Chairman of C.A.P. Friendship Days, for the County's participation in that event. t C v-rm -7'n4-v? 3- State Highway Commission reports of Public Meetings held in each of the Counties in Divi'sion 3. " . . . • ?i 4- Home Agent's Narrative Report for August, 1959 and Interpretative Statis- tical Report. . ?? 5- Negro Home Agent's Monthly Narrative Report. 6- U.S.O. Report for August. • 7- Wilmington Colored Library Monthly,Report. . . _? 8- Veterans'•Service Office Nonthiy Report. 9- Grand Jury Reports,.August 1959 , . ? • 10- Board of Alcoholic Control regarding acts of violation of Robert Gregory Farrow, T/A 50-50 Drive-In, Route #2, Carolina Beach Road Application of G. C. Wells for Beer Permit reviewed. 11= Letter of appreciation from Hargrove Bellamy, Chairman, Tax Committee for 761' hearing given their group during Budget deliberations. - 12- Letter from Colonel 2{enneth M. Corbett, Commanding, Headquarters 252d AAA Group regarding reorganization of North Carolina Army Nationai Guard. PETIT JURY - . . The foilowing good and lawful persons were selected to act as Jurors in the -` trial of Criminal Cases in Superior Court for the one week term beginning October 5th, and in the trial of Civil Cases for the two weeks? term, beginning October 12th and Octo- ber 19th: Jurors for the week beginning October 5th- Criminal Cases B. W. Sams, Jr. 1910 Ann St. W. E. Holbrooks 1003 N. 3rd St. E. R. Wood 3617 Narket SL. Norwood R. Cottle RFD 1, Box 27 J. M. Barnes 31 Lee Drive John O. Fullerton 420 S. 19th St. Thomas E. Allen 21a21 Princess St. J. D. Loughlin RFD 3, Box 328 W. H. Smith 201 Hinton Ave. M. H. Loughlin P. O. Box 965 E. H. King 410 Quten St. C. E. Millinor RFD 3, Box 492 J. W. Clark 110 Davie.Drive W. D. Wiiliams 1191- N.. 13th St. C. G. Carney Jr. 403 North Carolina Av.Thomas Young QOn.Deliv. Caro'lina Beach A. E. Grisoom 7-G Lake Village Harvey Mozingo P. O.•Box 1294 Continued- -A ,4 9, 6 Minutes of the Meeting September 8, 1959 PETIT JURY - Continucd James Horrell E. Fred Banck Norman F. Bass N. M. Scllers Rodney Fryer George W. Turner W. A. Cleland J. W. Blanton A. B. Coleman Norwood B. Futrelie Ingram D. Shepard Paul P. Overcash Richard S. Hibler Luther D. King J. C. Stephenson Gerald M. Nfurrell 311:Daw'son St. 4911 Pine St. RFD 1, Box 107 Castle Hayne, N.C. 3722 Stratford Blvd. 107 Castle St. 222 Oakleaf Drive 2714 Van Buren St. RFD 1, Box 180 RFD 2, Box 75 311 N. 14th St. RFD 1, Box 214 Kure Beach, N. C. Box 443,Castle Hayne 216 Castle St. 3009 Jefferson 111 Victoria Drive Clifton M. Crews Clyde Henry Mills Cecil Knowlcs Manley Davis Jr. Eugene A. Edens L. G. Tompk3ns John T. Blanton Roland Boswell Dwight T. Foster Lacy Bozeman Karl H. Espeig Stanley J. Janicki Jr. John W. Millinor Lloyd J. Skidmore Carroll B. Honeycutt Archie Warren Moore Jurors for the week becainninq October 12th- Civil Cases Allen K. Rhodes C. H.Morgan J. B. Costin L. T. Rhodes A. G. Adams L. R. Carter R. B. Davis Richard H. Fail James O. Mintz M. J. Gainey N. G. Nichols L. E. Cooper James F. Lanier J. D. McCarley Jr. H. C. Pennington George Rhodes Goerge X. Hollway R. J. Edens Neil S. Williams Wilbur S. Bost Alphonso Hobbs L. C. Williamson Hugh N[acRaer.I I ' Harry E. Payn¢ Ernest Plimmer Davis 10 Woodlawn RFD 2, Box 427 223 Bagley Ave. 21 Montgomery Ave. 2001 Metts 15 Morningside Dr. RFD 1, Box 309 310 S. 2nd St. RFD 3, City 2-F Nesbitt Courts 108 Lee Ave. 3105 Adams St. 3811 Peachtree Ave. P.O. Box 58 RFD 3, BaX 457 210? Hydrangea Place 5 J Lake Village 806 Central Blvd. p. o. sox 1434 Box 199,Carolina Beach 4904 Park Ave. 252 N. 25th St. 408 Insurance Bldg. 2331 Mimosa Place Sr. Carolina Beach, N.C. W. K. Gaylor Richard Watts bonald R. Hawkins Paul B. Willetts Carlton S. Idewton W. M. 0'Quinn Paul G. Naylor John A. Smith D. C. Marshall Charlie Harrison H. C. Johnson L. P. Matthews Sr. Charles F. Raymer James E. Brown Willis S. Davis James L. Prince Henry S. Hall R. E. Higgins Jesse C. Bryan W. B. McGowan R. Rockwell Poisson Elmo G. Fountain Charlie M. Barber Henry Rudolph Hicks Roy F. Parker Jurors for the week beainninq October 19th- Civii Term Paul K. Cauthen Walter J. Hodder E. W. Edwards C. R. Millis Paul Freeman Mitchell Helly Frank T. Fergus M. W. Watkins L. E. Voss Ralph E. Crago F. M. Thomason Jack R. T. Davis C. E. Gurganus J. S. Hales R. C. Towles Buddy Chavis Grady D. Blackmon Fred R. Norris R. H. Crider K. W. Kcith J. H. Fussell Jr. Roy L. Hawkins Robert H. White, Jr. Ed Truesdale John Bridgeman 2832 Jefferson St. 719 Market St. 178 Colonial Circle 1945 Market St. 201 Brookwood Ave. RFD 1, Box 58 2111 Creasy Ave. 317 S. 16th St. 55 Woodlawn Ave. 2416 Jackson St. 2111 Princess P1 Dr. 2832 F. Adams St. 2417 Monroe St. 723 s. 6th St. 518 S. Front St. 12 Victor Garden 109 Wright St. 2848 Adams St. Wrightsv. Beach N.C. l}lo S. 2nd St. 2815 Park Ave. Box 449, Wrights.Beach 316 Anderson St. RFD 1, Box 135 1215 Azalea Drive John W. Webb Jr. Wm. J. Beasley Charlie J. Frazelle S. C. Johnston Jr. W. J. Johnston Harvey S. Moore James F. Swann Sr. J. E. Allard Ira D. Hines W. I. Wilson James Edw. Dix R. N. Taylor Harry E. Kimball Sr. F. C. Watson William H. Exum Tancil A. Horne James D. Jones George B. Davis P.R. Smith Jr. Martin Koen W. I. Miller G. E. Harrelson W. F. Cox H. L. Shepard F. C. Roper 1415 S. 3ra St. RFD 2, Box 369 A 215 A. South 2nd St. 410 North Carolina Ave. RFD 1, Box 357 3700 Wrightsville Ave. 618 S. 3rd St. 1107 Marstellar St. 4102 Marlcet St. 3040 S. Front St. F il Oleand¢r Apts. Castle Hayne, N. C. 324 Calhoun Drive P. 0. Box 1238 RFD 1, Box 78 214 Williamson Drive 16 Ivey Circle 1509 Moore Piaza 2868 Jefferson St. 713 S. 3rd St. 253 Castle Hayne Rd.. 4204 Franklin Ave. 546 Bonham Ave. 4322 Market St. Rd. P. 0. Box 725 111 South 3rd St: P. o. Box 238 2020 Metts Ave. 429 Rosemont Ave. 1 E. Lake Village 4701 Cedar St. RFD 3, Box 489 A 150 Colonial Village' 4731 Long Leaf Hills 37 Pinecrest Pkwy. 9 Carolina Power & Light 2223 Oleander Dr. 4716 Long Leaf Hills Box 129,Carolina Beach 57 Spofford Mills . Gen. Deliv. Wrights. Beach RFD 2, Box 192 A RFD 3, Box 502 2310.Lake Shore Drive 211 Gretnville Av. P. o. Box 805 RFD 1, Box 61 RFD 1, Box 225 , 4213 Cedar Ave. RFD 3, Box 237,Wrights:Sound RFD 2, Box 215 RFD 3, Box 243 B 424 s. Lumin? A9Etsv. Beach 1}1}10 GreenfieiABox 742, Carolina Beach 3312 Market St. 215 Floral Pkwy. RFD 2, Box 419 A. 113 N. 7th St. P.o....sox,1623,. . 5122 Oleander RFD 2, Box 432 RFD 3, Box 639 735 Windsor Drive 220 Vance St. RFD 1, Box 68 AD.lOURNP4ENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. ? ?. ? G Ho c, Executive 5ecretary Continued L-