1959-10-19 Regular Meeting????I Special Venire October 7, 1959 Continued f Lester J. LaSure Demitrios Lucas J. C. Parker, Jr. Alex Sloan James T. Shaw Ralph Langford ASSEMBLY - W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary) Wilmington, N.C. October 19,1959 The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners' Room of the Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. N. Hall, Jr, and Berry A. Ydfilliams; and County Attorney John Bright Hill. County Auditor T. D. Love was absent from the meeting since he was away on vacation. INVOCATION - Chairman Holton called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. Freeman Heath, Pastor of the Trinity Methodist Church, to open the meeting with prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutes of October 5th were unanimously approved as written. ALTERATION BIDS Pursuant to instructions on September 21st authorizing the Executive Secretary to secure Bids for proposed aiterations in the Court House, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Lhe Bids be opened at this time. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. The following Bids were then opened: Howard H. Everett & Co. License #1911 Bid $1930.00 Hines Construction Co, " #1584 1947,00 Contemporary Builders & Reo?,ty " #2891} 2472.00 P Each of the bidders had compiied with all of the requirements and after some discussion in which the suggestion was made that the floor above the Superior Court Judge's Office be used as an interrogation room, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the work be awarded to Lhe lowest bidder and the architect instructed to proceed, provided the contract was approved by_the County Attorney. When the vote was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" but since all the other members voted "Yes", the Chairman declared the motion carried and in- siructed the Executive Secretary to proceed with the work. SPA PLAQUE - Pursuant to authorization at the meeting on October sth, the Executive Secre- tary displayed a rubbing of the proposed marker perpetuating the creation of the State Ports Authority as proposed by the New Hanover County Historical Commission. After some c discussion of the matter, dissatisfaction of the wording resulted in a motion that it be ? referred to a committee for revision. The Chairman appointed Messrs. Williams, Hall, and County Attorney Hill to study and revise the wording and inform the proper authori- ties to proceed with the plaque. MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION PROMOTION Mr. A. Everett Huggins, Chairman of the Promotion Committee of the Wilmington ?-' Merchants association, acted as spokesman for a delegation explaining that they were planning on placing 10 large billboards advertising this area, around the entrances to New Hanover County. He stated that that- the cost would amount to $750.00 for 60 days. He reminded the Board that,they approved_.$500::00 from the Advertising Fund last year for ? service personnel bus transportation and requested that their program be approved for ??-- this year. Mr,. Broadhurst offered a motion that $500.00 be approved from the Advertising Fund Appropriation for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimousiy adopt- e d . , ,? WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH - • W? ?? . Messrs. L. C. Rose and R. M. Williams, Aldermen for the Town of Wrightsville Beach, were recognized by the Chairman and Mr. Rose, acting as spokesman, stated that Mayor Thompson was ill and unable to appear today but they understood the Commissioners had set up $7,000 in their Tentative Budget to assist them in payment of a dredging opera- tion incurred last sprino in repairing shoreline and beach erosion. He said the total cost amounted to $33,000 and that $26,000 had been paid. They stressed the need for assistance and reminded the Board that Wrightsville Beach contributed approximately $60,000 in taxes to the County but had never made any demand on the County for help before. Mr. Broadhurst observed that in his opinion each municipality should stand on its own feet and offered a motion that this request not be granted. This motion was ruled dead by the Chairman for lack of a second. Mr. M13113ams remarked that any funds used for that pur- pose must be obtained from non-tax revenue and reminded the delegation that ABC profits were based on a division of 3/4 to the municipality and 1/4 to the County and that they received their proportionate share of the Intangible Taxes and given all revenue of the Privilege Licenses because they are called on to render that extra service. He offered a motion that the requ¢st be tabled for study until the next regular meeting for a final decision. There being no second to this motion, the Chairman ruled it dead. After,some further discussion, Mr. Hall observed that he considered this an emergency situation and did not want any inference drawn that his feelings were influenced because the officials of Wrightsville Beach had misunderstood and had included any County Revenue in their Bud- get and offered a motion that $3500.00 be approved for this purpose from the Emergency Fund. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the votes were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" and Mr. Williams -r_equested that he abstain from voting but the Chairman declared the request granted when Nessrs. Braak and Hall voted "YES". ? ? 502 S. 18th St. Pete C. Kelly 807 Dock Street 401 N. 2nd St. D. J. Lewis 214 Campbell St. 2310 Chestnut St. Woodrow Lennon 2226 Brandon Road 726 Wood St. Peter J. Barkas 1403 Chestnut Street 1207 Meares St. John W. Raney Box 147, Carolina Beach 4205 Peachtree St. Wilbert ?ld. Rhodes 3919 S. Front St. F?')u k) Minutes of the Meeting, October.l.9, 1959 Continued FORECLOSED PROPERTY APPROVAL - The Executive Secretary reported that he had the followino prospective sales for jointly owned property foreclosed for taxes and appraised by the County Tax Assessor. Prospect Block Lot Description Appraisal Val. Offer Rudolph Lawrence #282 Pt. 1 2116" x 132' $250.00 $50.00 W. N. Jenkins #499 Pt. 5 33' x 100' $400.00 $(}00.00 ,t tt 'i #502 Pt. 1 3119" x 75' $350.00 $300.00 Frank W. Talman #536 Pt. 1 66' x 6216" $1,000.00 --- Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that approval be given to seliing the lots at the apprais- ed value,subject to the approvsl of the City Council. The motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. UNIFORM SICK LEAVE 8 VACATION - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had endeavored to set up a master file on County employees for the purpose of completing a record of tYieir activities. The Health Director had suogested that he preferred the decision be made by the Consolidat- ed Board of Health and at their meeting on October 2nd, the matter was discussed and the following letter received from them: "On motion made by Mayor Capps, seconded by Dr. Knox, it was moved that the Health Department personnel would be granted sick leave and v.ac.ation as prescribed by the North Carolina Merit System as set forth in their Manval (Handbook for Local Health Units). In view of the above Board action we feel that a list, as you requested, will not be necessary." After some discussion of the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that as the Attorney General's office had ruled that the Board of County Commissioners were not empowered to name Dr. Davis County Physician, the Health Department be operated entirely by Lhe Consol- idated Board of Health and that his salary be approved as recommended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the vote was taken, Mr. Willaims voted "NO", however the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed as all the other members of the Board voted "YES". Mr. Williams then remarked that in his opinion all County employees should be granted the same sick leave and vacations as the employees of the Health Department and offered a motion to that effect. After further consideration, Mr. Williams withdrew this motion until the next regular•meeting on November 2, 1959. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion thGt all rules and regulations be rescinded and that each Department Head operate his own department. There.being no second to this motion, it was ruled dead by the Chairman. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION CENTER - Pursuant to action taken at the Board meeting on Octbber sth at which time the New Hanover County Board of Education requested the Budget item listed under Veterans' Program Fund be changed over to the Industrial Center Fund as it would be in line with the proposed use of these monies, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the request be granted, . provided the Board of Education informed the Board of County Commissioners what the funds were being spent for. This motion was Seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. ENTERTAINMENT - PUBLIC HFALTH STUDENTS A letter was received and read from the Consolidated.Board of Health express- ing thanks for the participation in one-half of the cost of the Luncheon for the Univer- sity of North Carolina School of Public Health Students. The total cost amounted to $54.59 and Mr. Hall offered a motion that the County share one-half the bill with the City of Wilmington and approve payment from the Entertainment Fund for $27.29 to Ferous Ark Restaurant. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. JURY LIST - ` ??- The Chairman informed the Board that the Presiding Judge of a recent term of Superior Court suggested to him that the Sheriff was experiencing great difficulty in se- curing persons to serve as Jurors and that in some cases names were being drawn in which the persons had been dead for as many as 8 years and moved out of the County (} or 5 years. He instructed the Executive Secretary to take immediate steps.to make up a netia jury list, ? C have it checked by the Sheriff's Department, and then present it to the Board of Commiss- C ioners for their review and inspection. He suggested that possibly it could be completed by January 1, 1960. _ STATE ASSOCIATION OF COUNTY COPM9ISSI0NERS - A letter was received from Mr. Berry A. YJ.illiams,.Director of the.Third.District.. 4ffatgeAssociation of County Commissioners, announcing a joint meeting with the Sixth Dis- C? trict in Clinton, North Carolina at 10:00 A. M. on November 19th. As many topics that will be informative and of interest will be discussed at this meeting, he urged the attend- ance of all Commissioners, County Accountant, Tax Supervisor, County Attorney, Health Director and Superintendent_of Public Welfare. Another important item that will come up at this meeting will be the election of a nominee to the Board of Directors to the State Association for next year. Mr. J. Alexander McMahon, Executive Secretary-General Counsel, will be present to answer any questions which may arise. The Executive Secretary was in- ? structed to remind them at the next regular semimonthly meeting on November 2nd so that Cix7•e! plans might be made for attending. . \ 507 Minutes of the Meeting October 19th, 1959 Continued ? ARiviORY BOILER REPAIRS The Executive Secretary informed the Boardthat repairs authori2ed by them on September 21st on the boiler at the Armory had been completed but that when the Boiler Inspector for the Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Company was asked to approve it he called in the.State Boiler Inspector and together they reguested an internal inspection which rec}uired the partial loosening of the bolts in order that the expansion nipples could be seen, and after a careful inspection they found that in order for the boiler to be safe for use, it would be necessary to replace the expansion washers and nipples, as well as put expansion washers on the bolts which hoid the sections together. N,r. Farrow reported that in his opinion we would find one or more of the sections which would have to be replaced and suggested that prices for them would be included in any es- . timate of repairs which we sought from contractors. The Springer Coal & Oil Company have estimated that it would cost $516.00 to thoroughly clean the entire boiler and re- place the parts necessary to make it pass inspection for approval of the State. After some discussion, the Board decided, by common consent, to instruct the Executive Secre- tary to secure not less than three Bids for repairing the boiler and present them at the next recular semimonthly meeting on November 2nd for their review and approval. COURT HOUSE REPAIRS - . c,kl-s• ?O The Executive Secretary informed the Board that in his opinion the windows and . all the over-hangs from the second floor up on the Court House needed a coat of paint and after thoughtful consideration decided the County had no equipment for doing the work with prison labor and, too, he felt it would be impractical and danoerous to attempt it, there- fore, recommended that he be authorized to secure bids from reputable contractors for do-. ing the job of painting, caulkina, and glazing the upper floor windows and painting the over-hangs above them where needed. Nr. Braak offered a motion that the Executive Secre- tary secure not less than three bids for doing this work and submit them at the next regu- lar semimonthly meeting of the Board. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously • approved. CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT RIGHT-OF-WAY The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the Carolina Power 8 Light Com- pany, in contracting additional power lines necessary for service to the revised electri- ca1 system being revamped at the Community Hospital, needed a right-of-way agreement to -kwa9 change some of their poles. The proper instrument tioas already completed, with the ex- ception of signatures, Mr. Braak offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the Chair- man of the Board be authorized to sign it in behalf of the County and that the Executive Secretary be authori2ed to attest it and place the County seal thereon. The motion was unanimously carried and the Chairman signed the instrument as authorized. GRAND JURY REPORT - ? ` The Grand Jury reported its activities to the Presiding Su erior Court Judoe on October s, 1959 as fo'llows: l?Jitnesses Examined 5'7, True Bills ?}7, Not True Bills O. The records of the Justices of Peace were examined and found in order. They reported on the inspection of the Jail and found it in excellent sanitary condition, especially the kitchen whicn was reported neat and clean. They recommended "security cages" at the bull pen and elevator shaft for the protection of Jailors and Officers. They estimated a cost of $750.00 for these cages and stated that it would reclassify the Jail to meet the minimum Federal government requirements for security. They likewise were of the opin- ion that the new arrangement_would permit longer incarceration of Federal prisoners whose expenses would contribute more additional funds than the cost of the construction. They also reported that an inspection of the County Farm and Home on October bth, 1959 indicat- ed that an excellent job was being done by the Superintendent there. The only recommenda- tion was that a Doctor make regular weekly calls and that additional showers be provided in the large confine. After so me discussion by the Board; the Chairman informed the Board that the New Hanover County Board of.Hea:lth had already instructed the Health Dir- ector to send a professional member of the staff to the County Home periodically. Mr. Hall remarked that he would sucgest that the U.D. Clinics be operated at a more convenient time for the people who used them. At present, the ciinic is open only 2 days a week. The type of person who uses the service is not too concerned about whether he gets the regu- lar treatments, especially when it means the loss of an entire dayls work in order for him --? to attend the clinic as it is now scheduled. By conmon consent of the Board, the Execu- C tive Secretary was authorized to confer with the Sheriff and secure not less than 3 Bids for the construction of security cages in the Jail.as recommended by the Grand Jury as a safety measure, and report to the Board at its next meeting on November 2nd. LETTERS AND REPORTS The following. letters_and.reports were re'viewed and ordered filed for informa- tion: C 1- Letter received from J. Melville Broughton, Jr, in acknowledgment of the E. L. White Resolution•recently passed by the Board. , 2- A letter was received from Mayor A.. L. Mansfield of Carolina Beach, in be- half of their Board and citizens, expressing appreciation for the prompt (Jz? action received during the past hurricane alert, and also for the consid- ,eration given to the cleaning out of Henniker Ditch. ? \ 3- A letter received from D. B. Mixon, Secretary of the Lions Club, Carolina Beach regarding the proposed installation of a Ferry Service from Southport to New Hanover County, and requesting the Board's continued efforts in the pro- motion of this service. 4- A copy of the letter from J. Alex McMahon to County Attorney John Brioht Hill regarding status of the Health Officer. 5- Home Aoent's Narrative Report for 5eptember,1959 6- U.S.O. Club Monthly Report 7- Wiimington Public Library 8- Wilmington Colored Public Library 9- County Agent's Monthly Report 10- New Hanover County Airport Report for September 1959 11- Welfare Recipients Statis2ncal Changes ? ? Z? 6?. / -A 1548 Minutes of the Meeting October 19, 1959 Continued RIVER BRIDGE PROPOSAL - Chairman Holton observed that he had noticed in a recent issue•of the paper the City Council was giving consideration to location of a proposed new Bridge span crossing the Cape Fear River and he feels that the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ,ioners should have some opinions about the matter, both individualiy and colle,ctively. Much thought should be given to the purpose for which the brid_ge is to be used, whether or not it is merely to channel traffic from east to west or for Industrial development or expansion of our port facilities, as most of the commodities shipped through our port must be transported to the west by motor truck and his own opinion is that any such bridge should be losated as near the port as possible to facillitate the movement of goods to the Piedmont and western sections of our State. The recent rapid develop- ment by our State Ports Authority seems to indicate a grownng use of waterborne trans- portation and that recent reports of the petroleum industry supported that conclusion. PETIT JURY - ? The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court in the trial of Criminal cases for the weeks beginning November 2nd and November 9th, and for the trial of Civil cases for the week beginning November 23rd. Jurors for Criminal Cases - November 2, 1959 s? O. M. Maye Wm. G. Head, J,r. _ D. Harvin J. D. Wright R. T. Horne Jr. James A. Hicks W. E. Eason Charles Todd M. W. Pridgen R. R. Padgett J. L. Henry E. G. Wilson Joe Lewis R. E. Piner F. A. Babson J. T. Jackson G. D. Daughtry D. L. Pridgen Howard E. Pepper Norman E. Glennon Grover G. Simmons S. H. Culverhouse Cleave A. Cardwell Johnnie C. Vollers Charles S. Furber Jr. CaD ? Hay e33N C W. H. Fisher 273? . n 1Mimosa L. B. Finberg 706 S. 16th St. W. J. Nfallard 814 Greenfield St. James B. Naides 2101 Creasy Ave. John W. Jones 125 Circle St. L. H. Skinner Jr. 1 Pi necrest Pkwy. Roy L . Godbold 539 E. Shipyard S1vd.John E. Waiter 504 S. 17th St. John F. Crarner 4201 Franklin Ave. M. T. Gerock Sr. % F.E Livingston James J. Satson 164 Arlington Dr. Leola W. Vereen RFDf 1, Box 114 Lillie S. Leloudis Ca I}1? le Ha ne Nerce? Ave. ;1:B. Maultsby RFD 3, Box 64b E. B. Williams 160 Spofford E. G. Reaister 1811 Nun St. Harry L. Wise 406 N. 4th St. Horace Hardison RFD 2, Box 73 Walter Frankoff RFll 1, Box 211 Marion E. Lowry 320 Davie Drive Erastus G. Mintz Box 173, CaroA???h Rudolph C. Capps 306 S. Blvd. Charles W. Summerlin 41407 Peachtree Harvey Edw. McPhail % Moore Fonvielle George Peter Saffo Jurors for Criminal Cases - November 9, 1959 R. J. Orr David Foy T.' C. Byrd L. C. Walsh E. W. Stacy George M. Mann Dan Dove, Jr. A. P. Croom W. C. Lof 1 in P. H. Braak A. B. Blake Merle G. Howe E. S. Narrphy Jacob Bron C.R. Ruffin W. K. Mintz . Harry Lee James Croom Robert King Snowden W. Spooner Arthur Carpenter Charles E. Estes J. Knight Davis George H. Vasiliou S. Julian Houston RFD 3, Box 569 J. N. Cooper Jr. RFD 1, Box 341 R. E. Carter Jr. 8 E. Nesbitt Cts. L. C. Cumber % ACLRR J. J. Warters RFD 2, Box 369 Willie Capps 1812 Princess St. Wm. L. Coilins 1816 Grace St. Elmer Moore 2522 Washincton St. James V. Teague 7 O Lake Village Joseph M. Caole Castle Hayne, N.C. Charlie F. Payne P. O. Box 1025 Norman R. Capps 307 Sunset Ave. John D. Hufham 600 Castle Hayne Rd. E. B. Sneeden %Ca f;et?Ia ne, .C. Td ? 9 C. R. Ruffin 293 • Ad ms St . John H. Canady 73 Pinscrest Pkwy Clayton L. Mincy 2726 S. Front St. Gilbert M. Holland RFD 3, Box 513 Robert B. Leonard 3823 Market St. Edwin E. Edwards 4412 ldriahtsville Av .Lester M. Maquire 5913 Park Ave. James L. Hollaiaay 507 Sunset Ave. Roy_Sullivan 2201 Chestnut St. Wendell R. Conklin RFD 1, Box 248 James DeBurnier 522 Bonham Ave. Herman I. Summerlin Jurors for Civil Term - November 23rd, 1959 D. C. Russ B. W. Best W. A. Wells A. L. Todd T. H. Young George Roland S. B. Byrd K. C. Aitman A. R. Cooke W. P. Farrar J. E. Canady Clyde D. Lewis V. D. Lockamy 112 Marian Drive 111 N. 3rd St. 1706 Ann St. 67 Spofford City n 70Et S. Front 2853 Adams St. 4204 4drightsville P. 0. Box !}l6 3901 Market St. 2 C. Lake Vil. 5911 Oleander Dr. M. J. Walker Frank E. Jewell James H. Powers Roy Leary Euaene Tate William R. Leary Larry Williams Robert D. Meier Av.Julian M. Kornegay LeRoy Flowers Elmer F. Capps Frank J. Smith Narviri M. Harris 4007 Oleander Drive 707 Essex Drive 518 s. 4tn st. RFD 1, Box 349 A 320 Wright St. P.O. soX 452 24 Monrningside Dr. 118 Colonial Cir. 221 Oakleaf Dr. 2216 Brandon Rd RFD 2, Box 234 sox 329 505 N. 21st St. 10 Barnard Drive 2210 Oak St. RFD 1, Box 218 A 206 Adelaide Dr. 1414 Castle St. 2932 E. Adams St. % Raney Chevrolet Co. 131 Castle Hayne Rd. 3 C Lake Village RFD 3, Box 291 160z Colonial.Dr, 320 Red Cross St. 502 S. Front St. 1730 Orange St. C. 33 Box 347 C 314 s. 16tn st. 123 Hinton Ave. 18 N. 26th St. 12(} Bell St. 3606 Wiishire Blvd. 6 Pinecrest Pkwy. (}17 N. bth St. 21+30 Jefferson St. 1913 Creasy Ave. 4605 Oleander Dr. 2935 F. Adams St. 2417 Chestnut St. 111 Ward St. 618 N.. 25th St. 405 s. 3rd st. 2518 Burnett Blvd. 363 Atlanta St.,Car$linR RFD 3, Box 538 eac i30375..4th. st. 1909 Lingo Ave. RFD 3, Box 250-A 5715 Wrightsville Ave. RFD 2, Box 195 5732 Park Ave. 3715 Winston Blvd. 810 Princess St. P.O. sox 1275 129 Ward St. 214 N. 6th St. 617 Chestnut St. RFD 3, Box 246 2544 Burnett Blvd. 19 Hamilton Ave. 5320 Wrightsville Ave. 50 Spofford Continued- . L 6? ?*'yA ? 4 d4? Minutes of the Meeting Jurors (Continued) Johnie Alton Edens R. P. Huffman C. L. ReaVis F. L. Warlick B. W. Cherry Clifford H. Smith Jr Henry Lee Vann Thomas D. Culbreth Garnett P. Sellers Robert F. Register Herbert Bluethenthai Robert E. Roudabush Frederick K. Nfyers ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion ly voted adjournment. OcLober 19, 1959 6024 Park Ave. Box 733, City 210 Spruce Drive 100 5. 41st St. 1704 Orange St. P.O. sax 105 12 E. Nesbitt Cts. 413 s. 16tn st. RFD 2, Box 359 5316 Wrightsv. Ave. P.O. BoX 42 233 Castle Hayne Rd. City Continued J. G. Sullivan Marvin N. Marshburn James D. Miller Thomas B. Wood Harry Z. Clowe Robert J. Giersch William J. Justice Carr Marvin Taylor C1ark,Jr. Georae E. Williams Coleman W. Whitten John D. Hallenback S. S. Stephenson 135 Colonial Cir. 611 Surry St. 1208 S. 6th St. 4209 Greenfield St. 510 Princess St. 2873 Adams St. Rt.3, Box 346 A 406 Grace St. 2933 A. Adams St. 2633 C. Jefferson St. 310 Wrightsville Av. 304 Southern Bldg. of Mr. Braak and seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimous- / / ??'^ / ? W: G? Houck?,tzecutive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. November 2,1959 ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this date in the Commissioners Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. Those. present were Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. UJilliams; Covnty Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - In the absence of Rever.end C. H. McLean, who was scheduled to act as Chaplain for the meeting, the Chairman called upon the Executive Secretary to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. RATIFICATION OF BRIDGE RECOWiENDATION Chairman Holton called a caucus meeting of the New Hanover County Board of , Commissioners on October 22, 1959 at 9:00 A. M in the Council Chamber of the City of Wilmington for the purpose of discussing the merits of locating a new bridge span across the Cape Fear River in the hopes that the individual thinking of the various members of the Board might be crystallized,into a recommendation. Those present, in:addition to Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. were Commissioners Peter H. Braak, J. M. Ha11, Jr., Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill and Executive Secretary W. G. Houck. Com- missioner L. E. Broadhurst was absent since he wes out of the City. After listening to the pro and con discussions favoring the various proposed location's and deliberating on the opinions expressed by the several members of the Board, Mr. Hall observed that each iRdividual member of the Board of Ivew Hanover County Commissioners, having discussed the matter of bridging the Cape Fear River with many people, individual- ly and collecLively, reached the conclusion that a high level bridge in the southern part of the City would best serve the interests of 'udilmington and New Hanover County and further feel that it will promote the efforts toward development of our Port and uitimate- ly a four-lane road to serve the Piedmont and western section of North Carolina. He then offered a motion that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners r'ecommend that the State Highway Commission proceed as rapidly as possibie to construct a high level bridge or tunnel in the southern section of Wilmington. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously carried. The Chairman remarked that from previous statements of Mr.Broadhurst, he thought it would be safe to say that the entire Board was unanimous in this action. ;r;c H_% ,. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Hall, the above action was unani- mously approved after deleting the words "or tunnel". AIR CONDITIONING Pursuant to instructions at their meeting on October 19th, Mr. Von Oesen pre- sented a recommended plan for the partial air conditioning of the Court House, most of which can be converted to use if and when a complete job is desired. The preliminary cost estimate amounted to $20,010 which included all necessary work to install air con- ditioning in the Recorder's Court Room, Superior Court Room, the Commissioners Room and the Sheriff's ofFices. His cursbry investigation indicated that the present electrical- service wiil carry the proposed load for the units to be installed but will leave no room for further expansion. His calculations seem to show the heat of the present panels is caused by inadequate transformer and low voltage. He estimated that the cost of the in- stallation of a new service to carry the ultimate electrical loads for future expansion would approximate $5,500.00 more. Since there was some question as to whether or not there was adequate service coming into the building, he was instructed to contact repre- ~ sentatives of the power company to check the power load coming into the building and in- terview the City Building Inspector who will eventually approve the service. After com- pleting this investigation, he will report back to the Board at the next regular semi- monthly meeting on November lbth. • JAIL SAFETY - Pursuant to the recommendation of the Grand Jury in their report of October 5, 1959: the Sheriff and the Executive Secretary secured layout drawings and a bid for , i an-? i 'A