1959-11-02 Regular Meeting?*'yA ? 4 d4? Minutes of the Meeting Jurors (Continued) Johnie Alton Edens R. P. Huffman C. L. ReaVis F. L. Warlick B. W. Cherry Clifford H. Smith Jr Henry Lee Vann Thomas D. Culbreth Garnett P. Sellers Robert F. Register Herbert Bluethenthai Robert E. Roudabush Frederick K. Nfyers ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion ly voted adjournment. OcLober 19, 1959 6024 Park Ave. Box 733, City 210 Spruce Drive 100 5. 41st St. 1704 Orange St. P.O. sax 105 12 E. Nesbitt Cts. 413 s. 16tn st. RFD 2, Box 359 5316 Wrightsv. Ave. P.O. BoX 42 233 Castle Hayne Rd. City Continued J. G. Sullivan Marvin N. Marshburn James D. Miller Thomas B. Wood Harry Z. Clowe Robert J. Giersch William J. Justice Carr Marvin Taylor C1ark,Jr. Georae E. Williams Coleman W. Whitten John D. Hallenback S. S. Stephenson 135 Colonial Cir. 611 Surry St. 1208 S. 6th St. 4209 Greenfield St. 510 Princess St. 2873 Adams St. Rt.3, Box 346 A 406 Grace St. 2933 A. Adams St. 2633 C. Jefferson St. 310 Wrightsville Av. 304 Southern Bldg. of Mr. Braak and seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimous- / / ??'^ / ? W: G? Houck?,tzecutive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. November 2,1959 ASSEMBLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this date in the Commissioners Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. Those. present were Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. UJilliams; Covnty Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - In the absence of Rever.end C. H. McLean, who was scheduled to act as Chaplain for the meeting, the Chairman called upon the Executive Secretary to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. RATIFICATION OF BRIDGE RECOWiENDATION Chairman Holton called a caucus meeting of the New Hanover County Board of , Commissioners on October 22, 1959 at 9:00 A. M in the Council Chamber of the City of Wilmington for the purpose of discussing the merits of locating a new bridge span across the Cape Fear River in the hopes that the individual thinking of the various members of the Board might be crystallized,into a recommendation. Those present, in:addition to Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr. were Commissioners Peter H. Braak, J. M. Ha11, Jr., Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill and Executive Secretary W. G. Houck. Com- missioner L. E. Broadhurst was absent since he wes out of the City. After listening to the pro and con discussions favoring the various proposed location's and deliberating on the opinions expressed by the several members of the Board, Mr. Hall observed that each iRdividual member of the Board of Ivew Hanover County Commissioners, having discussed the matter of bridging the Cape Fear River with many people, individual- ly and collecLively, reached the conclusion that a high level bridge in the southern part of the City would best serve the interests of 'udilmington and New Hanover County and further feel that it will promote the efforts toward development of our Port and uitimate- ly a four-lane road to serve the Piedmont and western section of North Carolina. He then offered a motion that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners r'ecommend that the State Highway Commission proceed as rapidly as possibie to construct a high level bridge or tunnel in the southern section of Wilmington. This motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously carried. The Chairman remarked that from previous statements of Mr.Broadhurst, he thought it would be safe to say that the entire Board was unanimous in this action. ;r;c H_% ,. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Hall, the above action was unani- mously approved after deleting the words "or tunnel". AIR CONDITIONING Pursuant to instructions at their meeting on October 19th, Mr. Von Oesen pre- sented a recommended plan for the partial air conditioning of the Court House, most of which can be converted to use if and when a complete job is desired. The preliminary cost estimate amounted to $20,010 which included all necessary work to install air con- ditioning in the Recorder's Court Room, Superior Court Room, the Commissioners Room and the Sheriff's ofFices. His cursbry investigation indicated that the present electrical- service wiil carry the proposed load for the units to be installed but will leave no room for further expansion. His calculations seem to show the heat of the present panels is caused by inadequate transformer and low voltage. He estimated that the cost of the in- stallation of a new service to carry the ultimate electrical loads for future expansion would approximate $5,500.00 more. Since there was some question as to whether or not there was adequate service coming into the building, he was instructed to contact repre- ~ sentatives of the power company to check the power load coming into the building and in- terview the City Building Inspector who will eventually approve the service. After com- pleting this investigation, he will report back to the Board at the next regular semi- monthly meeting on November lbth. • JAIL SAFETY - Pursuant to the recommendation of the Grand Jury in their report of October 5, 1959: the Sheriff and the Executive Secretary secured layout drawings and a bid for , i an-? i 'A r?? ?rw??- J __? , Cb . , r? U?? Minutes of the Meeting November 2, 1959 Continued JAIL SAFETY - (Continued) for the proposed safety gate at the elevator and security cage at the Jail bullpen entrance. The estimated cost would amount to $675,00. Mr. J. L. Williams, an expert Jail Architect-Engineer of Matthews, North Carolina, informed the Board that he was interested in designing any alterations they contemplated for the future improve- ment in the Jail facilities. He presented evidence which indicated that he was well qualified for this type work and suggested that before we approve the proposed safety door and security cages, they submit the plans to the State Prison Inspector for his approval. Nr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that the matter be taken under study until the next regular meeting and recommended that the Chairman appoint a committee to work out further details and recommendations. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved by the Board. The Chairman then appointed Messrs. Broadhurst, Braakr and Houck as a Committee to confer with the Sheriff and the proper authorities and bring back a recommendation to the Board at the next meeting. USO - A letter was received from the Director of the U5.0 explaining that because of -' certain records and reports required, it would help a great deal in maintaining their monthly financial records if the Commissioners would pay the entire balance appropriated to the organization. The Auditor's present routine payment of the monthly installments is made too late for him to include it in his monthly report. The Commissioners did not favor this request but they saw no objection to paying one month in advance which would correct the report, therefore, Mr. iJroadhurst offered a motion that the monthly in- stallments be paid one month in advance. It was seconded by Mr. Wiiliams and unanimous- ly adopted. YOUTH APPRECIATION WEEK - A letter was received from Mr. H. J. McGee, Chairman of the Youth Appreciation Week Committee of the 6dilmington Optimist Clubs, requesting approval of a proclamation ? desicnating the week of November 9-15 as Youth Appreciation U!eek. Upon motion of Mr. Wil- liams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously approved the request and author- o-d?ized the Chairman to sign the Proclaroation and instructed the Executive Secretary to re- Ilease it to the local nzwspaper. 4- H Club Camp Report: Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall, Negro Home Demonstration Agent, presented the Board with ow-r- a letter of appreciation and a report covering the 12th Annual Regionai 4-H Conference in Washington, D. C. atLended by Lillie Mae Campbell, one of the group members of this area. The report was accepted by the Board with appropriate remarks being made by the Chairman for the fine work being done in this department. PETITION FOR RELIEF - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, presented a Petition p? for admitting Rosa Beile Wortham to the County Home. She has been under treatment since ,1,4owa- 1955 and in Goldsboro Hospit2l since 1956 but is now able to be discharged but has no one at home to take care of her. She has been an active APTD recipient. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously granted the request that she be accepted at the County Home for care. SCHOOL FIRE IIJSPECTION - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that one of the requirements of the County Commissioners is to designate a person or persons to make inspections and reports as required under GS 115-150.1 of the Fire Safety Code for North Carolina Schools. The ? Executive Secretary reported that he had discussed this matter several months ago with w?a?_ ?John 0. Marshall, Business Manager of the New Hanover County Board of Education, and was assured that inspections were being conducted as required by law, however the names of the particular inspectors were not given. Since the law requires the designation of 0,c' particular persons to this task, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Executive Secre- tary secure the ttames of those presently doing this work and present the list at the next meeting on November 16th. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. REQUEST FOR ASSITANCE - Reverend C. G. Johnstone of 214 Forest Road personally appeared and explained ? that he had recently purchased property on which a highway drainage ditch was cut and partially tiled by the State Highway Commission. He requests the Commissioners to over- ture the State Highway to complete the laying of tile in this dttch since it is a defin- ite ha2ard to the safety of children and is very unsightly. He promised to furnish the tile for the job. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Board go on record asking the State Highway Commission to install this pipe in accordance with their regular estab- lished policy. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously approved. HIGHWAY PATROL OFFICE - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they had received a letter from the Sheriff in the early Spring requesting the office across the hali from his pres- c,?p? ent one when it was vacated by the State Highway Patrol but that no official action tiad ever been taken on the matter. Mr. Braak offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Hall, that this office be set apart for use of the Sheriff and that the Executive Secretary notify him as well as Judge H. :4infield Smith, who had also intimated his desire for it. The motion unanimously carried. _1? FIREARMS CONTROL The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the Sheriff had proposed the following ideas for the control of shooting firearms in the County as authorized by Chapter 902 in the General Statutes of 1959: High powered Air Rifle, 22 Rifle should not be fired within one mile of an occupied residence, church, highway, school, park, business or any other occupied premises that might endanger lives of persons. Shotguns should not be fired within 1/4 miles of houses, dwellings, highways, schoois, churches parks, etc. High powered rifles (above a 22 caliber) should not he fired within 3 miles of occupied dwellings etc. EXCEPTIONS- In designated target range with proper backstop and approval of the Sheriff or County Commissioners, etc. Continued- \ .. Minutes of the Meeting November 2, 1959 Continued / '•);l!z. FIREARhiS CONTROL - (Continued) After some discussion, it was decided that further study should be made on some-1700M1 of the provisions .suggested above and therefore, the Chairm2n appointed a Committee of Sheriff Millis, County Attorney Hill and Executive Secretary Houck to confer with inform- ed sources of Rifle Clubs, Hunting Clubs and Target Practice Clubs in order to reach a practical solution and recommendation for an Ordinance and report it at the next meeting. OAK GROVE CEMETERY The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had a request from Corinne B. Bradford of 513 MacRae St. for wratten permission to be buried in Oak Grove Cemetery. She stated that three of her sisters were buried there and that her husband's grave had been lost so she t,rants to be interred by the other members of her family there. She has neart trouble and all of her livino relatives are in New York and Philadelphia. She had been informed of the consideration being given to the extension of South 17th Street and the possibliity of the necessity for moving the present oraves. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the request be denied. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and during the dis- cussion which followed, the Chairman reminded the Board that sometime ago they had talk- ed about reopening the cerrietery for indioents forme:ly used at the County Home and cease from allowing any future interments at the Oak Grove Cemetery site. By common consent, the Board approved the motion but agreed to an inspection of the old site at the County Home after the Executive Secretary tB d informed them that hls investioation seemed to in- dicate that it was not practical to reopen the old site at Lhe County Horne. This matter wiil be placed on the Agenda for further action at the next meeting. COURT HOUSE REPAIRS - Pursuant.t'o instructions at the meeting on October 19th, the Executive Secretary informed the Board that his investigation indicated the advisability of changing the-paint color on the outside window frames of the Court House but before taking such a step he u?ould like to have`-the thinking of the Board. After some discussion, Mr. tnlilliams offer- ed a motion that the color selection be left to the Chairman and the Executive Secret2ry. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. SPA PLAQUE The Executive Secretary informed the Board that since their instructions at the last meeting he had received a letter of protest from Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chairman of the H3storical Commission, which was read to the Board. After some discussion of the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be instructed to wire cancellation of the order for the piaque imnediately. There was no second to the. motion and the Cnairman ruled it dead, whereupon Mr. Hall observed that he is still of the opinion that the marker is a good suggestion and that the action of the Committee appointed by the Chairman is likewise good and therefore, he was willing to allow history to stand as written in the record. r C? / W UNIFORM SICK LEAVE F,ND VACATIONS Pursuant to the withdrawal of Mr. Williams' motion at the last regular meeting,, F? y? he reiterated it and moved that all regular County employees be placed under the same vaca- tion and sick leave schedule. This motion was secopded by Mr. Hall, for the purpose of discussion. This motion was a result of the rulin8,the Attorney General that the Health Department employees were controlled by the regulations of the Merit System Council which allows a 15 working day vacation and an accumulative sick leave of one day per month for continuous employment without limitation, whereas the cther County employees at present only receive two calendar weeks vacation with a limit of 60 days accumulated sick leave. After some discussion of the subject, Mr. Broadhurst offered a substitute motion that the. Welfare, Health and Agriculturai Departments continue to be governed by the Merit System.rules and that all other County employees be controlied by the Department Heads who would determine their own schedules. There was no second to this substitute motion and it was ruled dead by the Chairman. Mr. Williams then moved that the quesLion be called on the original motion. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried, after which the Chairman then put the original motion to a vote and Messrs. Braak, Broadhurst, and Hall voted "NO" and Mr. Williams voted "YES". The Chairman ruled the motion failed. ELECTION OFFICIALS PAY Pursuant to the decision of the Board at their meeting on May 4th placing the Election Officials under the General Statutes instead of a Special Act in which it was agreed that they would receive full pay for the first 8 hours on the job and pro rata pay for any additionaY time, Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections reported that several of the older officials were dissatisfied and informed him that they no longer cared to do the work unless some additional provisions were made. Mr. Williams observed that since the Registrars were required to keep the books open all during the registration period before an election he was of the opinion'that they shouid at least be paid for one extra day to compensate for the time and inconvenience necessary and time and one-half pay for any extra hours. Mr. Hall was of the opinion that they should receive pay for 16 hours on election day to compensate for their time and incon- venience but he was not favorable to paying time and a half for the extra hours. Mr. 'rJilliams observed that he thought that New Hanover County had good election officials and that we should not expect them to work for less than they would make on their regular jobs. By common consent, the Board instructed the Executive Secretary to place this subject on the Agenda for further discussion and consideration at their next meeting Urhich would give them time to investigate and study the problem. H? HUGH NiAC RAE PARK - Mr. Hall reported that he had been approached by a proup of horseback riders seeking approval for contstructing a training and riding ring in Hugh MacRae Park with the use of County labor provided all materials needed otherwise ti,rere furnished by the ' group. At the suggestion,of Mr. Wi.lliams, Chairman Holton instructed the Executive Sec- retary to investigate the matter and consult our Park Supervisor, Mr. Rhoda Farrow, and come up with a suogestion at the next meeting. , , _ • ? ? 5 12 Minutes of the Meeting Movember 2; 1959 Continued INDIGEI4TS' SOCIAL SECURITY - Mr. Broadhurst reported for the County Home Committee that in a few instances residents of the Home ti•Jere receiving Social Security checks in excess of the maximum of $40.00 per month e,rhich was being charged for their care. Some member of the family is receiving the Social Security check; paying the County $40.00 out of it, and keepina the balance, expecting the County to furnish spending money for incidental personal items and clothes. The Committee recommends'that in the fvture all persons admitted to the County Home be required to have their Social Security checks sent to the Superintendent who will administer it for those who are "non compos mentis". Mr. Hall offered a mo- tion that this recommendation be accepted and put into practise. It was seconded by Mr. 4Jilliams but after some discussion by common consent of the Board the question and decis- ion deferred and held in abeyance until the next meeting. ? PETIT JURY Sywa The foilodaing good and lawful persons were selected to serve as jurors in Super- ior Court in the trial of Civil Cases for the week beginnina November 30th and for the trial of Criminal Cases for the weeks beginnino December 7th and December 14th. Jurors for week of November 30, 1959 - Civil Cases P. 0. Box 793 Bobby T. Harward RFD 2, Box 214 C. T. Burnette 1416 Castle St. Perry A. Dobson 35 West Dr. Lake Vi1.Thomas Carlton 2234 Camelia Drive J. Isaac Duncan 7 Lee Drive Oscar J. Spence Spofford Mills John S. Golden RFD 2,Box 508 B Paul A. Bergen 5012 Oleander Dr. R. M. Goldstein 4809 Wriyhtsv. Av. B. T. Hopkins Sherwood Dr. Adr3an Casteen 210 N. 22nd St. Floyd C. Hawttins 18 Pinecrest Pkwy. Johnnie Clewis 4407 Nlarket St. Donald Robbins 501 Grace St. Robert E. Blake 108 Gordon Road R. R. Mcl{enzie 230 N. 23rd St. John H. Dudley 5r 3704 S. Front St. Kenneth R. Seott 121 Bryan Ave, William Wilson RFD 1, Box 174 Gs'aham D. Farmer 126 I;ongleaf Drive Ydilliam G. Dawson RFD 1 Box 215 G. B. Westbrook 225 Bonham Av. Edward D. DeLaney 310 Mercer Ave. A. A. Perryman Jurors for week of December 7, 1959 - Criminal Cases 114 S. 3rd St. 3812 Wrightsv. Av. 65 Lee Drive 621 S. bth st. 1504 S. 3rd St. 506 Sunset Ave. 215 Evans St. 2 Northern Blvd. 815 Ann St. 13 A. Lake Village 120 Gordon Lane 314 N. 3rd St. Box 642, Car lin? 506 N. !}th S?eac RFD 1, Castle Hayne 117 Meares St. P.O. aoX 1551 129 King St. 2202 Brandon Rd. 4220 Greenfield St. 543 Bonham Ave. 1202 s. 15tn st. 208 S. 3rd St. 314 4dr i ght St. 104 Bryan Ave. George L. Smith Edwin T. Teachey Larry Lee H. D. Bowers Jr. John Neil John L. Carey J., R. Harrell, Jr. J. R. Chasten Jr. T. E. Edwards Hubert Meeks Willie "n7alton Frank T. Cashwell Spy W. Farmer George Honnett Leon F. Hagain Wm. C. Chandler Julius Bereer Henry L. Peterson Melvin H. Honeycutt James H. Phillips Jr. James E. Carraway Gordon B. Marshburn Berry A. Williams John Owen Railey H. H. Trussell Mankie Hodges L. H. King P.W. Graham James Ciark A. H. Weeden Charles R. W'atts H. A. Hall Lee Kye Jr. J. A. Rice C. A. SvtLon John B. Fuller Jr. Tasia J. Ponos Joseph Kelly Borden Potter J. Drevyn L. C. 6Jiiliams Sr. B. L. Padgett Julius Harvin Robert L. Williams Archie G. Hales Jr. Frankl3n P. Sparkman David Earl Rodericlc Nicholas S. Patelos C. H. Fitzgerald Elmer E. Strickland Paul A. Allen J. R. Wood D. R. Croom E. L. Mint2 Jr. H. B. White Perry W. Ragan L. N. Clifton R. J. Fowler J. A. Wooten George A. Cairns E. C. Godwin W. L. Lanier L. W. C2rrett Benjamin D. O''Neal T. O, Nurphy C. E. Bender John L. Shaw Jerusha A. Dew W. J. Salisbury William B. Gaylord Earl G. Burroughs Eugene G. Whisnant Walter V. Randolph Cornelius Leeuwenburg Conald Pittman Cottle RFD #2, Sox 152 A Jack B. Duncan Jurors for the week of December 111, 1959, - Criminal Cases 610 Thomas Ave. (}13 N. 41st st. 1518 E. Plaza Drive 1108 Cypress Drive 1207 S. 2nd St. Box 144 Gordon Road ` 645 Castle Hayne Rd. 1101 N. Lumina, Wrightsv. P.O. Box 1016 Beach 131 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 2, Box 446 217 Brookwood Ave, 2935 Park Ave. 322 S. Front St. 3020 Monroe St. RFD 3, Box 490 Oleander Pkwy. RFD 3, Box 523 405 Central Blvd. 2869 A. Adams St. 215 Pauline Ave. 105 Ward St. 3720 S. Front St. 10-W Lake Village 1209 Fairway Drive i E. E. Lee W. K. Kock R. F. Meier C. D. LJells B. D. Eason George H. Hall III L. F. Simon . E. J. Busch L. E. Monton B. E. Evans 4916 Park Ave. P. o. sox 526 P?aQ 1Box B31?h P.O. sax 94 214 NcCulloch Ave. 27 Mloodlawn Ave. 312 Sunset Ave. 6 Jackson Drive 205 Grace St. 315 Castle Hayne Rd F. E. Crowell O. G. Kelly R. E. Piner Wm. Henry Baker V. G. Bartlett R. W. Pigford M. B. Haskett A. B. Setlers M. M. Gorman S. D. Corbett 106 Floral 'Pkwy. 2131 S. 6th St. 2509 Ha'rrison St. RFD 2, Box 412 A 205 Brookwood Ave. 2713 Harrison St. 3821 Princess St. Rd. F. 12 Oleander Ct. Apts. 1207 Country Club Rd. 1902 Princess St. 307 N. 15th St. 107 S. 16th St. 127 Graham St. 7 South 4th St. 303 S. 6tn St. 219 Spruce Dr. 3605 Winston Blvd. 610 Caldwell Ave. 36 Lee D'rive 213 Davie Drive 511 Colonial Dr. Box 137, Wrightsv. Beach 1711 Orange St. 4907 Pine St. Pine Va11ey Estates 2319 Market St. 506 Church St. 124 W. Shipyard Blvd. 823 s. 4th st. 18 P. Lake Village ioSZ s. 5tn st. 213 N. 9th St. 37 Woodlaum Ave. 14 Lake ViJlage 315 Church 5t. Continued- ?I ?I Minutes of the Neeting PETIT JURY - (continued) J. W. Clark M. W. Wells Kenneth Martin Boyd O. Berry R. C. 1Joody Coy A. Barnes George H. Davis H. R. 'Williams Rodney L. Fulliaood Charles Rogers MayBe"rt H:.Lance William Fo4rler Lovis Thomas Mahn ldilliam D. Lewis Earnest C.Lennon November 2, 1959 Continued 110 Davie Drive 204 N. 16th St. 572 Castle Hayne 17322 Orange St. RFD 2, Box 32 3912 Market St. (}15 S. 2nd St, 1819 'rJoolcott Ave. 1010 Lake Villaae 209 Greenville Ave, RFD 3, Box 243 2018 Barnett Ave. 202 Castle St. 4120 Greenfield St. 226 s. 4cn st. S. D. Corbett L. E. Danford R. M. Will.iams Clarence McKee Leonard Gregory Nageeb N.Michael Delmar A. McGowan Herbert Gurganious W. N. Leonard L. Scwartz Mangels Von Oesen C. F. Zellers Jr. Claude M. Methin III John H. Brunjes George Hutaff Jr. RDF1,Box 209 Castle 308 Sunset Ave. 1801 Grace St. 433 oak st. RFD 2, Box 219 1418 Dock St. RFD 2, Box 35 % J.T. Ritter, Castle 103 New Bern Ave. I2?1NGrace St. 136 Lake Forest Pkwy. 2851 C. Jefferson St. % Moore Fonvielle P.O. Box 716 REPORTS & LETTERS - The following reports taere reviewed and ordered filed for information: Hayne Hayne 1- V eterans' Service Office Report for October 1959. 2- Consolidated Board of Health Report for September 1959• 3- Public Welfare D'epartments Quarterly Report for July, August,and September, 4- Notice from the State.Hichway Commission showing the Secondary Road Plan for New Hanover County for 1959-60 as approved on October 6th, 1959 ADJOURPJMENT - Upon motion voted adjournment. of Nr. Braak and seconded by Mr. 6Jilliams, the Board unanimously ? G. Hou k, Executive S4retary Wilmington, N. C. November 16, 1959 ASSENBLY The regular semimonthly mee'ting of the New Hanover County Board of Corvnission- ers was held this date in the ofFice o.f the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at 9:00 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hail, Jr. and Berry A. Mlilliams; County Attorney John Bricht Hill and County Aud ltor T. D. Love. INVOCATiON The Chairman called the meeting Houck to open the meeting with a prayer for meeting, Reverend C. A. Foss, Pastor of the to be present. to order and asked Executive Secretary W. G. guidance. The Chaplain scheduled for the 4th St. Advent Christian Church, was unable APPROVP.L OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the prev- ious meeCing were unanimously approved as written. TAX REDUCTION REQUEST - Mr. LeRoy Goff appeared before the Board and stated that he was representing his mother, Mrs. Alice M. Goff, who owned a piece of property in Block 282, E Z of Lot 3 located at bll North 8th Street. He stated that the taxes were $451•50 and requested a reduction for the reason that the house was useless for practical purposes. They re- ._-- quested a reduction for the valuation of the house. After some discussion, Mr. Williams p,,Gvc•? offered a motion that the matter be referred to Tax Supervisor T. D. Love and County Attor- ney John Bright Hill, with instructions to bringr.ecdmmendations at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously approved by the Board. SENCLAND DEVELOPMENT - Mr. John B. Fox;representing the SENCland Development Association,informed the Board that the Community Development Program was started only three years ago and that last year the participation had grown to 15,000 which indicates that it is an accept- -? able and worLhwhile endeavor. In..the past, the County has participated in this program to the extent of $100.00 and requested a like amount for its support this year, Mr. Broad- hurst offered a motion that $100.00 be appropriated from the Advertising Fund for this project. It was seconded hy Mr. Hall and unanimovsly approved by the Board. AIR CONDITIONING - . W? Pursuant to instructions on November 2nd, Henry Von Oesen reported that after 01149? investigation of the existing electrical service, he definitely would noL recommend add- ing 40 tons of air condition to it. In the first place, it is what is known as a par2- llel conductor type oF installation which means that only two wires are carrying the pre- dominate load in the building. The other pair of parallel wires are doing nothing to assist except when the elevator or some other piece of 3-phase machinery is in use. Even then it accepts only 1/3 of the 3-phase load. The present total calculated load on the lighting wires is 458 amperes which leaves a too narrow margin of safety and causes ex- cessive heating on the wiring and we would continue to experience even more trouble with our air conditioning units than in the past and the new air conditioning unifs would not function satisfactorily. The cost of piecemeal adding to the present system would ultim- ately be approximately twice the expense necessary to the proposed new 3-phase 4-wire 120/206 volt electrical system and even if it was expanded, we would continue to experience the difficulty with burned out motors. The estimated cost of this new service and interior J