1959-11-16 Regular Meeting.?I ?I Minutes of the Neeting PETIT JURY - (continued) J. W. Clark M. W. Wells Kenneth Martin Boyd O. Berry R. C. 1Joody Coy A. Barnes George H. Davis H. R. 'Williams Rodney L. Fulliaood Charles Rogers MayBe"rt H:.Lance William Fo4rler Lovis Thomas Mahn ldilliam D. Lewis Earnest C.Lennon November 2, 1959 Continued 110 Davie Drive 204 N. 16th St. 572 Castle Hayne 17322 Orange St. RFD 2, Box 32 3912 Market St. (}15 S. 2nd St, 1819 'rJoolcott Ave. 1010 Lake Villaae 209 Greenville Ave, RFD 3, Box 243 2018 Barnett Ave. 202 Castle St. 4120 Greenfield St. 226 s. 4cn st. S. D. Corbett L. E. Danford R. M. Will.iams Clarence McKee Leonard Gregory Nageeb N.Michael Delmar A. McGowan Herbert Gurganious W. N. Leonard L. Scwartz Mangels Von Oesen C. F. Zellers Jr. Claude M. Methin III John H. Brunjes George Hutaff Jr. RDF1,Box 209 Castle 308 Sunset Ave. 1801 Grace St. 433 oak st. RFD 2, Box 219 1418 Dock St. RFD 2, Box 35 % J.T. Ritter, Castle 103 New Bern Ave. I2?1NGrace St. 136 Lake Forest Pkwy. 2851 C. Jefferson St. % Moore Fonvielle P.O. Box 716 REPORTS & LETTERS - The following reports taere reviewed and ordered filed for information: Hayne Hayne 1- V eterans' Service Office Report for October 1959. 2- Consolidated Board of Health Report for September 1959• 3- Public Welfare D'epartments Quarterly Report for July, August,and September, 4- Notice from the State.Hichway Commission showing the Secondary Road Plan for New Hanover County for 1959-60 as approved on October 6th, 1959 ADJOURPJMENT - Upon motion voted adjournment. of Nr. Braak and seconded by Mr. 6Jilliams, the Board unanimously ? G. Hou k, Executive S4retary Wilmington, N. C. November 16, 1959 ASSENBLY The regular semimonthly mee'ting of the New Hanover County Board of Corvnission- ers was held this date in the ofFice o.f the Commissioners' Room in the Court House at 9:00 A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hail, Jr. and Berry A. Mlilliams; County Attorney John Bricht Hill and County Aud ltor T. D. Love. INVOCATiON The Chairman called the meeting Houck to open the meeting with a prayer for meeting, Reverend C. A. Foss, Pastor of the to be present. to order and asked Executive Secretary W. G. guidance. The Chaplain scheduled for the 4th St. Advent Christian Church, was unable APPROVP.L OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the prev- ious meeCing were unanimously approved as written. TAX REDUCTION REQUEST - Mr. LeRoy Goff appeared before the Board and stated that he was representing his mother, Mrs. Alice M. Goff, who owned a piece of property in Block 282, E Z of Lot 3 located at bll North 8th Street. He stated that the taxes were $451•50 and requested a reduction for the reason that the house was useless for practical purposes. They re- ._-- quested a reduction for the valuation of the house. After some discussion, Mr. Williams p,,Gvc•? offered a motion that the matter be referred to Tax Supervisor T. D. Love and County Attor- ney John Bright Hill, with instructions to bringr.ecdmmendations at the next meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously approved by the Board. SENCLAND DEVELOPMENT - Mr. John B. Fox;representing the SENCland Development Association,informed the Board that the Community Development Program was started only three years ago and that last year the participation had grown to 15,000 which indicates that it is an accept- -? able and worLhwhile endeavor. In..the past, the County has participated in this program to the extent of $100.00 and requested a like amount for its support this year, Mr. Broad- hurst offered a motion that $100.00 be appropriated from the Advertising Fund for this project. It was seconded hy Mr. Hall and unanimovsly approved by the Board. AIR CONDITIONING - . W? Pursuant to instructions on November 2nd, Henry Von Oesen reported that after 01149? investigation of the existing electrical service, he definitely would noL recommend add- ing 40 tons of air condition to it. In the first place, it is what is known as a par2- llel conductor type oF installation which means that only two wires are carrying the pre- dominate load in the building. The other pair of parallel wires are doing nothing to assist except when the elevator or some other piece of 3-phase machinery is in use. Even then it accepts only 1/3 of the 3-phase load. The present total calculated load on the lighting wires is 458 amperes which leaves a too narrow margin of safety and causes ex- cessive heating on the wiring and we would continue to experience even more trouble with our air conditioning units than in the past and the new air conditioning unifs would not function satisfactorily. The cost of piecemeal adding to the present system would ultim- ately be approximately twice the expense necessary to the proposed new 3-phase 4-wire 120/206 volt electrical system and even if it was expanded, we would continue to experience the difficulty with burned out motors. The estimated cost of this new service and interior J 4>14 Minutes of the,Neeting November 16, 1959 Continued- AIR CONDITIONING - (Continued) distribution system is $27,828.00 and would provide a safe, modern installa- tion with provisions for about 25 years anticipated growth and include capacity for the following loads: 1- Electric service for the existing load. 2- Power for 40 tons of proposed air conditioning. 3- Power capacity for 60 additional tons of future air conditioning. !}- Capacity to bring future illumination in the building to modern standards. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that the proposal be taken under advisement. There was no second to the motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. Mr. Hall expressed the opin- ion that Mr. Uon Oesen should be authorized to go ahead taith the project and offered a motion that he be authorized to proceed with plans and preparation of the specifications and present them tothe Board at their first meeting in January; 1960. Mr. Braak second- ed this motion, based on Lhe recommendations of the Consulting Engineer. Mr. Williams likewise expressed his approval of authorizina advertisement for bids immediately. When the question was called, Messrs. Braak, Hall and tiJilliams voted in the affirmative and Mr. Broadhurst voted in the negative. The Chairman then ruled the motion carried. SCHOOl: FIRE INSPECTION - The Executive Secretary reported that Lieutsnant Robert D. Shipp of the City Fire Department was presently making inspections of schools inside the City limits for . , fire hazards and that representatives of the Rural Volunteer Fire Departments had been ?,,y?making inspections along with the County Electrical Inspector in all of the schools out- ?Y side the City limits. Fire Chief J. A. West reminded the Board that in his opinion in- spection should be made by an experienced man and Nr. Braak said that in his opinion as a member of a Rural Volunteer Fire Department, he did not feel qualified to make such in- spections and believes that the majority of rural volunteer firemen would not have the time to devote to it even if they were qualified. After some discussion, Mr. Williams moved that a Corunittee composed of the City Manager, the Executive Secretary, Fire Chief, City and County Electrical Inspectors, and Mr. John O. Marshall, representing the Board of Education be'appointed to study the matter and come up with a recommendation at the next meeting to be held on December 7th. The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. SCHOOL FUNDS TRANSFER - Chairman Emsley A. Laney of the Consolidated Board of Education explained the purpose of his request was to acquaint the Commissioners with the fact that they were be- ing forced to use a spare emergency bus in regular service because of the increased stud- ent load and wanted authorization to transfer funds of $3,600.00 from their Naintenance of Plant - Building & Grounds Material appropriation to Capital Outlay in order that they might purchase another bus, if and when they are available. He stated that this, of course, 4JOt21d force them to leave off some of the Maintenance items which they did not consider as of great importance." Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the .Board author- ize th-is transfer of funds for not more than $3,600 as requested above. it was second-, ed by Mr. Williams and unanimously granted. Chairman Holton informed Mr. Laney of the above action about school fire inspections as he was not present when the matter was dis- cussed. : as a bus. . TRAINABLE HANDICAPP.ED CHILDREN - p?? A letter was received from the Superintendent of Schools requesting the signa- ? ture of the Chairman on an application for State-Aid to operate a program of training for mentally handicapped children during the 1959-60 school term. The Chairman request- ed the Board to approve the execution of this instrument which vaas unanimous by commo.n consent of the Board. COURT HOUSE TRIht PAINTING BIDS - Pursuant to published invitations for for painting the exterior woodwork of the Court Leonard N. Poirier City Decorating Co. 6dilmincton Painting & Decorating Co. _/ . ."? " ?` ? .? , bids, the following sealed proposals House were received: $3,072.00 3,200.00 3,43z•oo After some discussion relative to the use of prison labor in accomplishing this work on the first floor windows, Nr. Hall offered a motion that the contract be aararded to the low bidder with the understandina that the Chairman and the Executive Secretary would,ne- gotiate along the lines of supervising and using prison labor on the lower Urindows. The motion tiaas seconded by Mr. I3roadhurst and unanimously approved. (The Executive Secretary consulted with Mr. L. N. Poirer, who was low bidder on this contract, about supervising. and using prison 1.abor. He does not look with favor on this sort of arrangement on account of his Worltman's Compensation coverage and stated that the major overhead cost in doing a job of this nature is in the securing and supplying Lhe equipment tahich will be required to paint the upper windows and overhangs and after the labor involved in get- ting the equipment to the top of the roof, the lowering of the scaffolding is a simple matter and therefore the cost of painting the lower windows as compared to the higher ones would be in the ratio of about 3 to 1 on labor only. He finally agreed that he would be willing to work some prison labor and deduct not more than $300.00 from,his bid. Ne would not be able to demand the same worlt as from paid employees.) ELECTION OFFICIALS PAY - Mr, Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections; made the following recommendations for future pay of Election Officials: "(1) That the registrars be paid one full days pay ($15.00) for each o f t h e t ki r-e e-- Saturdays which they attend the pol l ing places for the purpose of registering voters plus onefull days pay ($15.00) for the period of time during the registration period when the registrars are required by law to have their books either at their homes or places of business for the purpose of registering duly qualified voters. Your consideration is also in- vited to the period of time over eight hours served by the reoistrars in any - one day at the polling places for the purpose of registering voters. 6? 5 15 Minutes of the Meeting November lb, 1959 Continued - ELECTIOIV OFFICIALS PAY - (Continued) (2) It is recommended that a minimum of two days pay be paid both the registrars and judges for services rendered on election day plus pro- rated hourly remuneration for each hour over sixteen spent at the poll- ing places on election day. The pay for registrars is $15.00 per day and for judges and clerks $10.00 per day., The reasons for the recommendations officials we have in this County is financial and personal sacrifice by feel that to continue the efficient it is necessary that they be paid c their regudar jobs. " above are that the type of election such that many of them make both a serving as election officials and I operaLion of our election machinery Dmmensurate with tiahat they earn in Upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the recommendations were vnanimous- ly approved by the Board. i. CONPi LAINT - Nabel Ntumford , R. N. complained to the Board that the City Police had forced their way into her home, at the insistance of her sister, and took her invalid mother to the hospital where she died. It was her contention that this action brought about her death and she wanted the Commissioners to take some action to redress her for this intrusion. Information was received that her mother was in a comma at t•he time and alone in the house. No action ti•ras taken on this complaint as it did.aot seem to be a matter for the Commissioners' consideration. • JAIL SAFETY Pursuant to instructions at the last meeting, the Executive Secretary report- ed that Messrs. Broadhurst and Braak had inspected the proposed the safety measures recom- mended by the Sheriff and in their opinion it will be a very worthwhile improvement for the safety of ..al:l..:,o:f th:e.. officers handling prisoners in and out of the jail. The specifications and drawings of the proposed safety door and security cage have been re- viewed and approved by both the Federal and State Jail Inspectors. Nr. Braak then offer- ed a motion that the project be approved and an appropriation of $675.00 be.made from the Emergency Fund to the Jai1-Repairs to Building. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst antl unanimously adopted by the Board. FIREARMS CONTROL ORDINANNCE - Pursuant to instructions at the last meeting, the County Attorney presented an ordinance regulating the us.e of firearms and explosives in New Hanover County. The Executive Secretary reported that the Committee appointed to study the ordinance and con- fer with officials of gun and hunting clubs had consulted the only two available and with minor exceptions approved the ordinance as drawn. After some pro and con discussion, ? • the Board decided that the public should be fully aware of the proposal and therefore, Nr. Williams offered a motion that the proposal be advertised in the paper for public con- sideration and a copy sent to each Commissioner for sLudy and scheduled on the Agenda for further action at the January !}, 1960 rneeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously adopted. OAK GROVE•CEMETERY - e?Pl? Following the'report of the Executive Secretary that he did not consider it practical to reopen the old Cemetery site at the County, the Board decided to make their own investigation. They reported that the property was considered too valuable for In- dustrial development to expand-the old Cemetery there. While it could be done by moving some of the hog pasture fence, they did not consider such a site suitable and therefore, the Chairman suggested that each Board member keep this problem in mind and instructed the Executive Secretary to reschedule it on the Agenda at a later date. ' SPA PLAQUE - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the marker commemorating the creation of the State Ports Authority had been received and requested authority for erecting it at a suitable place in the area of the State Ports. By common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was authorized to have 'it erected. HUGH 1NAc }ZqE PARK - Pursuant to instructions at the last meeting relative to a riding and training ring in Hiigh MacRae Park, the Executive Secretary reported that he and Park Supervisor, Rhoda Farrow had investigated the Park sites suitable for such a project and felt that they had discovered a more suitable place than the one suggested by Mr. Tate, reported by Mr. Hall at the last meeting. It would involve the cutting of a lesser number of trees, the parking facilities would be equally as convenient, the lay of the land is practically level and it is farther airay from the picnic area. Upori motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Braa}c, the Board unanimously authorized the alloL;_?ion of space for this project. The Executive Secretary was instructed to have the Park Supervisor lay- out a recommended site for their inspection and approval before making a formal request for the actual worlt to begin. • INDIGENTS SOCIAL SECURITY ' - - (7 Pursuant to the agreement at the last meeting to hold the decision on the mo- tion regarding the policy to Social Security.being drawn by residents of the Covnty Home, the question was again discussed today. After some discussion of the subject, Mr. Hali t. offered a motion that the decision be held in abeyance until the next meeting. There being no, second to this inotion, the Chairman ruled it dead, whereupon after some further discussion, Mr. Braak offered a revised motion that the recipient receive a minimum of • $5.00 from any Social Security monies sent to them and that any balance be paid to the County up to 90%. Mr. Wiiliams seconded this motion with the.proviso that any availabie reserve or their own savings be used to pay their expenses so long as it lasts. This amendmerit was agreeable to the orioinator of the motion and when the question was called, the only "NO" vote was cast by Mr. Broadhurst so the Chairman ruled the motion carried and the poliey adopted. . ?I -A Nlinutes of the Meeting November 16, 1959 Continued DUPLICATION STREET NAMES - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that the Postmaster had con- sulted him•with reference to the approval of Ntyrtle Lane and Pine Tree Drive as street names in the Green Meadows subdivision. While they are not exact duplicates of exist- ing streets they are so close that confusion will result in deliveries. The names submitted by the developer was not acceptable to the Board and they instructed the Ex- ecutive Secretary to contact him for further suggestions and present them at the next meeting for their consideration.. -` ROAD PETITION - The Executive Secretary presented a road petition for the acceptance by the State Highway Commission for stabilization and maintenance of Holmlock Terrace which is ?i about two-thirds of a block long running from Wilshire Boulevard to a dead end. Mr. Williams offered a motion that it be sent to the State Highway Commission for considera- tion. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. INTERROGATION ROOM - The Execut ? Sheriff for using the 0-Interrogati on Room. unanimously aareed to more important use_s ive Secretary informed the Board that he had a request from the newly created room above the Superior Court Judge's office as an Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board grant this request on a temporary basis until such time as other might be found for it. PARKING RESERUATIOtdS - Recorders Court Judge, H. Winfield Smith formally requested the Commissioners 41? to designate a parking space in the Court House area for his personal use as he usually arrived at 9:15 in order-to open his Court at 9:30 A. M. and on many occasions he was un- able to find a place to park. The Commissioners discussed this problem pro and con with the final result of a motion by Mr. Braak that all reserve space designated for the par- ? ticular use of any individual be removed and that the other individuals issued permits to park in the courtyard do so only on a first come, first served basis, including the elimination of the Superior Court Judge, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and space for the Commissioners on meeting days. The motion was seconded by Mr. ldilliams, and when the question was put by the Chairman, Messrs. Williams and Braak voted "YES" and Messrs. Hall and Broadhurst voted "NO". The Chairman then voted in the affirmative and declared the motion had carried and the policy is adopted. '.HIGHWAY PROJECT PROPOSALS - Mr. udilliams presented two proposed projects which he considered of extreme importance to our area as follows: "For many years, our people have expected improvements on Highway 421 from Wil- mington to Fort Fisher, including a new four-lane bridge over the Inland Water- way and a four-lane highway. -- Many times we have been disappointed. -- There have been so many delays that it seems to have become a habit. A recent press release indicated that the scheduled construction of the bridge has been delayed until 1961 --- This news brings extreme disappointrr,ent. I feel that the project can and should be begun in 1960. The same press release indicated that plans are under4ray to four-lane only a portion of this highway. This, too, is disappointing and discouraging. The en- tire stretch needs widening -- has needed it for years, and has been "too long delayed." , Mr. Will.iams recommended the following motion made by Mr. Broadhvrst, seconded by Mr. Braak, in which the Board expressed their extreme disappointment at the delay in these projects and requested (1) that the decision to delay be reconsidered, (2) that the projects be scheduled for 1960, (3) that this Board be kept informed on primary high- way plans for New Hanover County in the future, and that a letter be written to the Chairman of the High-viay Commission to this effect, with copies to members, its IDirector and the Division Engineer. The motion was unanimously approved. MYFtTLE GROVE JUAICTIOiV - The following letter was received from Mr. Louis T. Noore, Chairman of the New Hanover County Historical Commission: "W•ith neither effo'rt nor putpose to •induige •in a"We To1d Xou So"; but merely with an honest and siricer'e purpbse,to preserve for future generations the rich historicai backg'round, and names., of Neva Hanover County, may we call your a'ttention to.the lead edi:torial in todayrs issue of the 'rJilmington.Morning Star captioned "Carolina Beach Road Beoging for Act7on" and carryino the following extracL- "Is that rigfit-of-way studies for the stretch of road exteriding from Nonkey Juncti'on to the bridge", etc... Reverting to what now may be consid- ered past hist'ory; our suggestion t'o.your. Hcnorable Board months ago that the location in question be desi.gnated ".Fort Fisher Junction", (to further pre- serve a name now becoming inereasingly importanL and wh'ich'should always be }ield in memory by the peepTe of. this county and Stiate); was urianimously adopt- ed,' So it remaineg without objection then for, fo'ur or, five months. Then, following pressure upon your Board, thi-s name was wrped.out and the substitute "!Ntyrtle Grove Junction" was adopted. Our vivid memory is that this chanoe was based upon assurances that large and prominent signs wovld be erected, s_ignifying this latter meritioned name, whereupon your Boar.d formally adooted it wiping out."Fort Fisher Junction't. For'the sake of harmony,and g'ood wil1: although,out inc2ination was t.o urge retention of the name so.Samous in history, we decided to interpose no objection to your,final actiori. We feel the publi.c may support our thought in inviting-your Boar.d fo ascestain whether:the:.sug- gested signs ever have.been.placed, or even thought of again. We have not been able to see them if in existence, aithough our sight may be defective. T31e riet result of the•.entire matter.now'seems to be that the city's ieadina'news- paper aga•in advances the r,.ather unpleasant sound'ing'name of•'•'Monkey-Junct•ion" to a spot whiEH once was named by your Board "Fort Fisher Junction". . .? , continued- ?17 1 Minutes of the Meeting November 16, 1959 Continued MYRTLE GROVE JUNCTIOIV - (continued) Whether large and prominent signs, even at this late and po.ssibly useless date should be required showing any name other than that of "Monkey Junction" rests entirely with your Honorable Board. Certainly, it would be presump- tuous tor anyone else to teil you what to do. In closing, may we indicate with all due respect that it is and will be our intention as long as we are permitted to function to do everything possible to preserve local names and localities which history says should be nurtured and preserved." After a discussion, Mr. Hall offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Williams that the Execu- c r?,r `l? tive Secretary be authorized to thank Mr. Moore for calling their attention to this in- advertent omission and instructed him to contact the State Highway Cormnission in an attempt to have the word "Junction" added to the present sign which reads only "Myrtle Grove". This motion was unanimously adopted. AIRPORT FIELD REPAIRS The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that one of the culverts which drains a runway at the Airport was damaged by the recent heavy rains and that it threat- ened to undermine the runway and after consulting the Airport Committee, it was decided to use the County drainage forces to repair the dainage. In replacing the culvert, it was necessary to purchase some new concrete and enough cement to mix with sand to create ? a new bulkhead. As the Airport Fund includes approximately $6,000 accumulated from the sale of timber, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Airport Pdanager be instruct- ed to prepare an invoice covering the labor, materials, and use of machinery and submit it to the Federal Government for payment and that $280.00 be appropriated from Unantici- pated Revenue to cover the out-of-pocket cost of the materials. The motion was second- ed by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. COUNTY ONWED LAND Mr. Williams observed that it seemed to him that the County should have a record of all County owned land. The Auditor reported that he had such a record of all County owned property, therefore no action was taken on this subject. _ PIEDMONT AIR LINES ? r P7r. Williams explained to the Board that the Piedmont Air Lines had furnish-1 ed a plane for a tour of inspection as a cdurtesy ride for FAA officials, County Com- missioners and others interested in the approach landing lights project and he thought we should certainly write them a letter of thanks and appreciation. By common consent ' of the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to write such a letter. ?... PROPERTY VALUATION - ' ? The County Auditor informed the Board that Anthony A. Saffo owned property in Block 220 which is designated as parts of the NW of Lot 3 and SW of Lot 2 located at 412 North 3rd Street. At taxlisting time last January, the house was in the process of being demolished, in fact, the windows, doors and porches and already.been removed thus making it useless for all' practical purposes. He believes that at least one-half e;aZt"r of the valuation had tieen destroyed at that time and even though he bverlooked explain- ing this to the Tax Lister at that time, he now requests an adjustment in his valuation and a reduction in the taxes. Upon m,otion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the matter was referred to the County Attorney and the Tax Supervisor for a recommenda- tion at their next meeting. REPORTS - The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: . ? S? 1- Grand Jury Report for November 2nd term of Criminal Court. 2- New Hanover County Airport Report of Income and Disbursements for ??- October 1959. N y°?g , 3 b"'"' ? 3- arrative Report of the Count ent for October, 1959 ^ ? 4- " " " " " Home Aoent, Colored for October 1959 ??,1.,?? 5- Cooperative Extension Report of the County Agent, D. D. Baggett 6- Wilmington Public Library Report ' 7- " Colored Public Library Report 8- Indigents St?tistical Revisions from the YJelfare Department. 9- Notice from applicant Joseph D. Nills, RFD 1, Castle Hayne, N. C. of in- tent to appt for Berr Permit. ' \ ADJOURNMETdT - Upon motion of Mr. B\A-hurst, seconded by Nr. Williams, theBoard unani s- ly voted adjournment. ? \ , . W. G. ouck, Executive Secr tary \ R t• '