1959-12-07 Regular MeetingF' 5 18 Wilmington, N. C. December 7,1959 ASSEIv1BLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held on.this date in the Commissioners Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. N. with the following members present: Chairman J. E. Holton, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. M. Hall, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill. and County Auditor T. D. Love. INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meetino to order and asked Reverend E. H. Bedford, Pastor of the Christian and Alliance Missionar.y Church, to invoke the Divine Presence through prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Nr. Hall suggested that under the heading SCHOOL FUNDS TRANSFER the sentence "He stated that this, of course, would force them to leave off some of the Maintenance items which they did not consider as of great importance" be clarified by adding the words "as the bus", The Executive Secretary requested that the motion under the title HIG}{UJAY PROJECT PROPOSAL be prefaced by the words "Nr. Williams recommended the follow- ing motion iahich iaas made by Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak in which the Board etc...." After these additions, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the minutes of the last meeting be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Hall and unanimously carried. APPRECIATION - Resident Superior Court Judge Rudolph I. Mintz was recognized by the Chair- ? man and very graciously expressed his appreciation for the nice office which had been made available for his use. He is of the opinion that it contributes to the efficiency of his •d'utie5 and adds greatly to the convenience of the lawyers who see him daily. REORGANIZATION - The Chairman announced Lhat the first order of business would be the reorgani- zation of the Board and read the following letter of resignation as Chairman of the Board: "It is with regret that I am forced to ask my name not be considered for Chairman for the comina year. It has been a fruitful experience the past twelve months as your Chairman. I want to thank the members of the Board for their cooperation for a job well done. We have had differences during the year but as a whole it is felt we have a few accomplishments for the good of the County and the people we represent. This decision is prompted because of the great amount of time required of a Chairman, more time actually than I can give from my business. . In closing, may I request you give the next Chairman the same loyal support afforded me during the past." , -?Chairman - Mr. Williams then nominated Mr. Braak and Mr. Broadhurst then nominated A?r. Hall for the Chairmanship. When the votes were cast,Messrs. Braalt and Williams voted for Br.aak and.Messrs. Broadhurst, Hali,and Ho1Lon voted for Hall. Mr. 'Williams then offered a motion that it be made unanimous. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and Mr. ' Hal was therefore unanimously chosen as Chairm2n for the next term. Chairman Holton thanked the Board for their cooperation during the year and presented the gavel to Mr. Hall. . Vice Chairman - Mr. Aroadhurst nominated Mr. Braak to succeed himself as Vice Chairman. There were no further nominations and Fir. Braak was unanimously named Vice Chairman for the ensuing term. Clerk-Executive Secretarv - Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that W. G. Houck be re- ?ac,?, appointed Clerk and Executive Secretary for the coming year, it was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. Countv Attorney - Mr. Hall then offered a motion that John Bright Hill be renamed County Attorney. It taas seconded by Nr. Braodhurst whereupon Mr. Braak nominated Gilbert H. Bur- nett for County Attorney. When the votes were taken, Messrs. Braak and Williams voted for Burnett and Messrs. Broadhurst, Hall, and Holton voted for Mr. Hill and the Chairman declared Mr. Hill County Attorney for the next year. RETAINING WALL a?? u r H,?q?.?..... i Mr. G. Dudley Humphrey, representing the Peoples Savings & Loan Association, informed the Board that it was their intent to build on their lot on the corner of Market & Fourth Streets . He suggested that if the County was agreeable to allowir.g them to construct a retaining wall, straddling the property line they would make it of sufficient strength so that if the County ever wanted to erect a structure on its side of the wall no 2dditional reinforcement would be necessary and it would be cnnsidered a party wall. After some discussion of the merits of this proposal, Mr. Holton offered a motion that approval be given to this request and Mr. Humphrey be instructed to draw an instrument for the approval of the County Attorney, setting forth the aoreement with the understand- ing that whichever party decided to use the wall they would assume the cost of any addi- tional construction. Mr. Braak seconded this motion and it was unanimously approved. REVISED ELECTRICAL ORDINANCE - ? ' The Executive Secretary informed the Bo.ard that Mr. D. S. Nichols; Field Repre- sentative for the Board of Examiners fo'r Electrical Contractors had recently called on him with reference to a complaint made to his office about the County Electrical Ins- pector's charge on a certain Federal project in which 27 houses were involved and a charge of $300.00 made. He suggested that the County adopt a revised simplified electrical ord- inance. The present County Electrical Ordinance was adopted in November of 1949 and con- sidered antiquated by present electrical standards. He supplied me with copies of a sug- gested revised ordinance for study and adoption by the Board. P7essrs. John E. 1•dcod, N. Frank Costin and John M. Geary, representino the Electrical Contractors, discussed the continued- Minutes of the Meeting December 7, 1959 Continued P.EVISED ELECTRICAL ORDIPIANCE - continued w?-.?p??? proposed revised ordinance and suggested that it be adopted. Mr. L•lood contended that the char-ge of $300.00 for inspection on the Fort Fisher Air Base Homes project was excessive and charged the County Electrical Inspector with inspectino only one of the units and then multiplyina by the total number even though no actual physical inspection was ;r:ade. He contends that he was overchzroed.$121.$0 and stated that he was willing to pay $1b0.50 but r.ot wiilino to pay the entire charoe. After a discussion of the problems, Mr. 'v'i.lliams offe:ed a motion that the Chairman appoint a committee to study the matter and :o,port a reco^men.dation to the Board at thei: next meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Bro2dhurst 2nd unanimously aparoved by the Board. IPIDIGENTS SOCIAL SECUF.ITY - ?? g„?r Mr. Ernest F. Fitzpatrick, Mzr.ager of the local Social Security Administratior., :eported that they were interested in the recent char.,e of policy at the County Heme in which 90% of the Secial Security paid to indigent residents would be charoed for the:r care with a minimum of $5.00 te the recipier_t in cases where 90% wouJd Jeave a less amount. He made It quite clezr th2t, they had no interest,in what a recipient did with his Social Security money unless they were incempetent in rrhich event the Social Secur.ity Board con- tinues to have a responsibility to see that proper dist:ibution is made of the funds for the benefit of the recipient. He was very complimentary of the present handling of funds for those who were "non compos mentis" at the County Horr,e and thought Mr. Rivenbark was doing a fine job in administering to the residents of the County Home. FIREARMS ORDIINANCE - ? L, i l-?d.u?.? Dr. Hooper Johnson representing the Buccaneer Rifle ar.d Pistol Club, presented to the Board a brief on oun safety and discussed the proposed Safety Ordinance regulating the use of firearms in the County. In his opinion; it is a problem of education rather ' than legislation. His observation has led him to the conclusion that present day teen- agers have little*for hunters of neiohbors' property and he feels that the prosposed ordin- ance will not solve the problem. He submitted a list of svgaestions for study and consid- eration in adoptino the County Firearms Safety Ordinance. Mr. John C. Thomas: a property owner in Winter Park, decried the lack of responsibility of teenaoe:s in shooting birds and squirrels on his property without permission. He felt that there should be a string- ent law prohibitina such wanton trespassing and destruction. Dr. Johnson then read a let- ter of recommended provisions of an acceptable County control ordinance and promised that he would send sufficient copies for each Commissioner and the office to have one for study. Mr. 4Jilliams sucgested that copies of the recommendations be mailed to the Commissioners before the next meeting for them to evaluate the effect such an ordinance would have on the teenagers' promiscuous handling of firearms in the County. ;; respect HIGHWAY COMMISSIOAIER VISIT - • ?--?',,.lo . The newly appointed District Highway Commissioner, Mr. Ralph T. Morris of New Bern, was introduced to the Board this morning by th¢ Third Division Engineer, Mr. T. J. McKim. Mr. Morris expressed his appreciation for the privilege of discussing some of the mutual highway problems in this area. He first explained that in his opinion that his primary responsibility was policy making and public relations. He expressed a specific opinion that the State Highway Commission had received some undue ctiticism from this area regarding the two top problems, i, e., the widening and bridge,,`crossing the Cape Fear River. He explained that of course the State Highway Commission had to screen allr.. problems presented to it and decide which should receive number one priority and deceler- ate them in the order of their importance. In his opinion, the worst problems should .receive the top priorities. The Chairman explained that the rescheduling of US (}21 pro- ject from 1960 to 1961 was the basic reason for some of the criticism. Mr. 'rJilliams ex- plained that there was no personal criticism intended in the newspaper release quoting him as Chairman of the County Highway Committee belaboring the delay. Mr. Morris observ- ed that it seemed to him the local newspaper had not been quite fair to the Commission and had been "riding" them and giving them a"hard time". He hopes that the complaints from here on out will decrease: He reminded the Board that the State Highway Commission had only a certain amount of money with tahich to work and that the schedules had to fit into the pattern of available revenue. The Chairman observed that in our particular C.ounty where roads end at ihe water?s edge, it would be a fine thing if ramps could be constructed out of the gasoline road tax as relat3ALely few boatowners ever apply for a refund of the gasoline road tax.- . .. _ .. ?. '„ . - .. ?. . . _ -. ^ construction over the Intra-Coastal Waterway on US421 and a new bridge Mr. Charlton A. Pbpe, President of the New Hanover Taxpayers Association,observ- ed that he was speaking for the many taxpayers and is sure that they did not intend to criticize by word or act in such a way as to-rreate a black eye and that it was not the ? idea of the New Hanover County people to i?rut the State Highway Commission on the spot. Mr. Richard A. Shetiq remarked that he thought that we were very fortunate in having such a man as Mr. R. T. Morris representino us on the Hiahway Commission. After all other remarks, the Chairman thanked Mr. Morris for taking time out to come down and meet with the Board and assured him that he felt the discussion would pro- mote a better understanding of our problems in this area and hoped our association togeth- er wou'ld be a long and pleasant one. 1960 TAX LISTERS: Tax Supervisor T. D. Love recommended the followino Tax Listers to serve in 7vX their respective townships for 1960. CAPE-FEAR T0WNSHIP: Nu's. Georoe W. UJilkins, RFD 1, Box 160, Castle Hayne, N. C. FEDERAL POINT: Mrs.J. H. Myatt, Box 196,, Carolina Beach, N. G - NfP.SONBORO: Nrs. Louise B. Melton, RFD 2, Box 161, Wilmington, N. C. HARNETT #1: Mrs. John C. Leeuwenburg, 3407 Wilshire Blvd., Wilmington; N. C. HARNETT #2: Mrs. Sally Best, RFD 1, Box 214, Udilmington, N. C. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH: Mrs. W. F. King, 4803 Wrightsville Ave., Wiiminaton, N. C. WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP: Nrs. Ha2e1 Wallace., 507 N. 23rd St., Wilmington, N. C. . Mr. H. S. King, 114 S. 5th St., Wilmington, N. C. Mr. W. P. Toon, 520 Princess St., Wilminoton, N.C. Mr. George W. Swain, 608 Orange St., Wilminoton, N. C. Mr. Herbert Coughenour, 1702 Orange St., !•Jflminoton, N. C. (continued) .? I?20 tiinutes of the Meetino IDecember 7, 1959 Continued 1960 TFlX LISTERS: (Continued) Mr. J. L. Gholson, 1510 Dock St., Wilminaton, N. C. Mr. T. J. Morris , 107 LJrightsville Ave., Wilmington, N. C. offered Mr., BraakAa motion that the recorr.mendations be accepted. It was seconded by Mr. 6di1- liams and unanimously approved by the Board. ARMORY BOILER RL'PAIRS - Pursuant to instructions at the meeting on October 19th, the Executive Se- - cretary arranged fer the adve rtisina for Bids for rep air of t he boiler at the Armory. As the old boiler is obsolete and the manufacturer is out of business, the contractors requested several extensions of time in order to secu re prese nt prices for repair parts which caused a delay in receiving the bids which were opened on November 20th as foilows: Bidder Section I Section II Time - - Front Back Reoular Ideal Plumbing Co. $295•00 $585,00 $590.00 $630.00 Will complete 7 days after materials received. Orrell 8 Smith Plumbing & Heating Co 650.00 111E5.00 L1.95.00 465.00 Will complete 15 d2ys after delivery of materials, Sneeden Air Conditioning & Refrieeration Co. 677.00 491.00 549.00 469.00 Will complete within 60 calendar days. The ConLract was awarded on Novernber 23rd to the Ideal Plumbing Company which was the low bidder and on November 30th they reported that after the boiler was disassembled for inspection and repair, the front section and two intermediate sections were found to be visibiy cracked, all of which must be rep:laced. Based on the price for replacement of cracked sections, the cost would amoLnt to $2140.00 including the labor cost in the amount of $295•00 as per contract. They stated that for $510.00 more, or a total of $2650.00 a new coal fired boiler could be installed to replace the present boiler. They advised that if one additional section was found to be defective when subjected to the required pressure tests, repairs to the oid boiler would exceed the cest of a new one and added that we would end up owning a boiler at a higher cost with some old sections which mioht fail within a year or two. This situation was reported to the Commission- ers by the Executive Secretary. Lieutenant Colonel W. L. Eason, Commanding Officer, Hqtrs. 150th A.A.A. Bat- tallicn, report.ed that it had been very difficult for them to carry out their proaram ? in a cold building and urged every possible speed in supplying some heat. After a brief discussion, Nr. Holton offered a motion that this situation be declared an emer- 'C oency and that $1321_,.00 ?e appropriated from the Emergency Fund to pay one-half the cost of instaliing the new boiler as recommended above. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. When this information was conveyed to the City Engineer, he informed us that a practically new oil-fired boiler removed from the old Wachovia Bank and Trust Company Buildino was available and after a detailed inspection determinino that its capacity and condition was worthy of consideration, he contacted the Ideal Plumbinc Company and secured a commitment from them that the instailation costs would not exceed $950.00 provided the Covnty and City would use some of their la- bor fos burying the oil tank and deliver the boiler to the Armory. The capital cost of the boiler wou?d be $1,000.00 and the City Manager assures us that the total cost ef the boiler installed and ready for use oaill not exceed $2,200.00 or $1100.00 each for the City and County. He further informs thst the price quoted on the ne4a boiler a'bove vras•for z coal burning boiler and did not inclede the price of an oil tank in event it was converted to use that type of fuel which seemed to be more practical for an installa- tion where it was used intermittently an infrequently as is the case at the P.rmory. The Executive Secretary consulted each Commissioner indiv?duaily and after they had satis- fied themselves th2t the B.T.U. capacity of the beiler w2s sufficient to adequately heat the Armery and considering the savino of'more than $200.00, they each agreed to the pur- chase ar.d installation of the used oil bu:ning boiler availabie from the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company Euildine and authorized the Executive SecreturNr te approve it with the City. AIRPORT N`APS Airport Manager John A. Westbrook informed the Board that the Federa2 Aviation Agency has requested the foilowing drawings in connection with their financial partici- pation in the acquisition of property required by the County for the approach landing lights to runway # 34: • 1- An Exhibit "A" Property Map 2- A current Master Plan 3- A current F,pproach Plan. John A. Talbert J^. Associates stated that they will prepare and furnish six prints of each of these drawincs for a lump sum of $300.00. He further reperts that this is an allowable cost in which the FAA vrill reimburse the County for one-half the amount. After some discussion of the matter, N,r. Holton moved that the maps be authorized and that an appropriation of $300.00 be made from Unanticipated Revenue to cover its cost. It was seconded by Pfr, Braa`T?: In the subsequent discussion, Mr. YJilliams observed that he thoueht that $300.00 was too high a price to pay for this service and suggested that in- quiry be made through other Civil Engineers to determine if it miqht not be done a little cheaper. He suggested that the Chairman refer this matter to a Committee with authority to act after conferring with other engineers to see if this otas a proper charge. This amendment was accepted by the maker of the motiion and the seconder, and after the Board had unanimously approved the project the Chairir,an appointed Nlessrs. Braak and Hclton to confer wiLh other engineers 2nd authorize the preparation of the maps at their di,s- cretior.. -? TAX REDUCTION REQUEST - ? Tax Supervisor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill reported on ? study of the Tax reduction requested on the property of Mrs. Alice M. Goff and recommend- ? ? ? ti- C.? A. Mintues of the Meetina December 7, 1959 Continued TAX REDUCTION REQUEST = (Continued) ed that no action be taken on the matter at this time but sugges.ted,; that an application fer reassessment be sent to her with advice to file it at the next session of the Board of Equalization and Review which will begin its hearing on the ilth P7onday folloiaing the first day of Tax Listing. SCHCOL FIRE INSPECTIOPd The Executive Secretary reported that subsequent to the authorization at the d last meeting of a Committee composed of City Nanager J. R. Benson; J. A. West, Fire Chief; John O. Marshall, Business Manager of the Board of Education; and David F. Sand- lin, Jr„ City Electrical Inspector; . Harry J. Everett, County Electrical Inspector; and John Brioht Hill, County Attorney,met in the City Council Chambers and after lengthy discussion in which it developed that the City Fire Department and City Electrical Ins- pector are now, and have been making inspection of schools inside the City limits and reportino them as required by Chapter 115-150:2 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. The City Manager observed that it would be impossible for them to assume the inspection of the schools outside of the City without increasina the personnel in these departments since their workload was at a maximum now. Consideration was then given to a recommenda- tion for making inspection of County schools outside the City limits. It was the consen- sus of opinion that a qualified person should be charged with this responsibility and after some discussion of the various requirements that a fire prevention prooram should have, J. A_ ???t recommended Fred Futchs Jr. as a most competent person for this respon- sibility. This sugoestion was unanimously approved by the Committee and the Tov,m Manag- eP.znd Police Chief of Wrightsville Reach were each consulted as to his availability from his duties there. The Committee then unanimously agreed that the County Electrical Inspector, Harry J. Everett and the Wrightsvilie Beach Buildino Inspector, Frecl Futchs be appointed for making inspections and ieporTs on tne C;ounty schools to comply with the legal requirements and that the City Fire Department, through its Chief, J. A. West and and the City Electrical Inspector, throuch P7r. David F. Sandlin"be appointed to conf..inue to make inspection of the schoels inside the City. The City of Wilmington is wiiling to allow the inspections to be made on their time and therefore, no compensation was recommended for it. The Town of 4Jrightsviile Beach is wiliino for Mr. Futch to make ins- pections during his regular work hours and no compensation uras recommended for him but as Mr. Everett is on a fee basis, it was felt that a maximum of $25.00 per school per yezr Utould be a fair compensation, although that was not included in the recommendation of the Committee as it felt the compensation?should be a responsibility of the County Comrr;issioners. After a brief discussion, Mr. 'rlilliams offered a motion that the recom- mendations of the Committee be approved and that ${.00 per school per inspection be ___,-Ynd-?--e-- appropriate,d from the Emergency Fund to cever this and whe,n the votes were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted ed "YES", the Chairman dec2ared the motion prevaila ANNUAL CSC REPORT - N:. F.oster Eclwards presented a detailed as follcws: expense. It was secorded by Mr.Braak "NO" but as the other members had vot- :d. _ inventory of Public Funds in his care 1- Individual Savin,s Account $174,305.^i 2- Unclaimed Civil Witness Fees 131•55 3- Unclaimed Support Money, Recorders' Court 46.50 Total amount $174,483•06 The report was ur.animously approved upon::motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton and authorized advertised in the paper as required by law. l HUGH MAC RAE PARK - RIDING RING Dr. E. C. Anderson, Chairman of a Committee appointed by the Cape Fear Saddle Club to explore the possibility of constructing a riding and training ring, formally re- quested the Commissioners to provide space and the use of prison labor to construct these facfilities in Hugh MacRae Park. A discustion brought out the fact that such space could not be allocated for the exclusive use of the Cape Fear Saddle Club, that all res- idents of New Hanover County would be equally entitled to use the facilities. Dr. Ander- son agreed that the club understood this 'stipulation but was willing to provide any materials necessary to its construction if the County would use its prison labor. Mr. Sroadhurst then offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to proceed - with plans to construct these facilities within the restrictions of the original grant. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the vote was taken, Mr. Williams voted 'tNO", however, the Chairman ruled the motion carried as the other members :ndicated an affirma- tive vote. CHRISTMAS DONATION • Mrs. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public 'aJelfare, informed the Commissioners that she had received letters from the various institutions in which citizens of this County are being cared for reminding her that it rras customary for tne County to provide some token of Christmas Cheer for them and requested an appropria.tion for this purpose. Upon motion of Mr. Hblton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously approved $125.00 for this purpose to be devided on a pro-rata basis on the number of citizens at each institution. r-1 PETITION FOR RELIEF The Welfare Department presented a request for admittance to the County Home ? for c2re of an indigent, Ollie Brunson, who has been certified as unable to care for himself. Mr. Holton moved that the petition be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously approved by the Board. WELFARE LIEN - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had been requested to secure detailed information about a Welfare Lien on some property in Block 22, NE 1/4 of Lot ? #4 in the name of Ida Wallace Sampson and Gertrude Green. Investigation disclosed that the Lien amounted to $1364.00 as a result of grants made to Ida W. Sampson between October 1951 and September 1954. The appraisals placed on the Lot in the recent revaluation continued- ? Minutes of the Meeting December 7, 1959 Continued WELFARE LIEN -(continued) prooram is $375.00 and on the house $775.00 or a total of $1150.00 He also found that Henry Sampson had received $322.00 during the same period. Cliairman Hall explained that an effort is being made to clear the title to this prope:ty in order to secure a loan to make repairs on thet8 ouse. Even thouoh the County has a large lien on the property we could only expectnreceive the value of whatever interest Ida W. Samp- son had in the property which is apparently one-half. Mr. 'vJilliams moved that the assignment be referred THA Assessor H. S. McGirt for an appraisal for the present value of the property on which to base an equitable conclusion in the hopes of arriving at an acceptable valuation. ? DRAINAGE REQUEST - , 1 A letter was received and read to the Board from J. S. Dixon requesting a draoline ditch of approximately 150 yards to drain a low area behind his house because of the stagnant water creating a mosquito breeding place. The Executive Secretary re- ported that he and Mr. Dave Rivenbarlc had made a cursory investioation of this request and in their opinion, the bottom of the area drained is below any p;esent drainage facilities to carry the water atiray and therefore suggested that the petitioner secure an engineer and have levels run on the property to determine the feasibility of such a project. At the present time, they do not recommend that it be undertaken but it taill be referred to the Drainaoe Committee for their consideration. REFtiSE DISPOSAL - r? A letter was received from Mr. Cflarles E. Smith and gesting that if a new location for the Trash Dump was necessar perty a large excavation left by an old brick plant which they mit the dumpino of trash and believe that it could be used for the Commissioners authorized the Executive Secretary to thank and assure him that they would be ,nlad to consider it when the advantageous. read to the Soard sug- ?, they had on their pro= would be willing to per- years. By common consent, Mr. Smith for his offer problem became mutually TERMITE CONTROL - The Executive Secretary infermed the Board that the Taylor Exterminating Com- pany had contracts for the control of pests and rodents at the County Farm and Home, Air- port and Jail but did not have any aoreements nor had any money been appropriated for ? the control of termites as this comes under a separate contract. By common consent, it ?kl_ was agreed that this matter would be taken under consideraticn for study and future de- cision. ADVERTISING DONATION REQUEST - ? A request was received from the V.F.W. Leader, the official Newspaper of the / Department of No:th Carolina, for an advertisement or a donation in that periodical which goes to every V.F.W. member in the state. The price of the ad is $10.00 for a half page. By common consent of the Board they decided not to participate in the program at this time. ? COURT HOUSE TRIM BIDS - At the meeting on November 16th, the Executive Secretary reported that they conferred with tlle successful bidder for painting all outside trim work of the Court House with the use of some prisen labor on the lower windowframes and he has agreed to deduct $300.00 from his bid explaining that the overhead in erecting scaffolding would amount to the same cost regardless of whether the prison labor was used to do the act- ual painting and therefore he could not deduct on a pro-rata basis for this work. Mr. ? Holton of;ered a motion that we proceed with the ti:rork on that basis 2nd appropriate $4,000.00 from the Emergency Funcl into the Court Nouse-Maintenance of Repairs Fund to cover the cost. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and when the votes were cast, all ef the Commissioners voted in the affirmative except A!r. Broadhurst, who explained that he thought prison labor should be used to do the job and therefore voted "NO". DRAINAGE AND EROSION APPROPRIATION - The Executive Secretary presented an invoice for professionai services from b ur?,?? Henry Von Oesen and Associates in connection with the building of a groin at Freeman ? Beach north of Carolina Beach. County Auditor T. D. Love explained that the Drainage .` and Erosion Account laclced $60.00 of havirig a sufficient balance to cover this expendi- ????y? ture, therefore Mr. Williams offered a motion that $50.00 be appropriated from the Emergency Fund to the Drainage and Erosion Fund to complete payment of this obligation. It was seconded by Mr. H'olton and unanimously approved. PROPERTY VALUATION- Complying with instructions at the last meetino, County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney Johr Bright Hill recommended that an adjustment of one-half the taxes assessed against the house at 412 North 3rd Street owned by Anthony A. Saffe be accepted as they had confirmed his contention as recorded at the last meeting. By com- mon consent, the Board unanimously approved this recommendation. ASATEMEA!T REQUEST - A letter was received from W. Albert Brown, Chairman of the Board of Trustees -1-KIC of the First Christian Church, requesting that taxes amounting to $321.86 be nullified due to the fact that the property is not being used for profit but for recreatian and picnic dlnners and at the present time building plans are underway and they hope it will not be long before they occupy the site for religious purposes. After a discussion of the circumstances, Mr. Holton offered a motion that as the property is not actually being used for religious purposes at this time, the Board is without legal authority 1 to mark off the taxes and therefore authorized the Executive Secretary to write and ex- C{,?•?' p2ain the matter. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approvecl. ' , _ . ?/• 6 Minutes of the Neeting December 7, 1959 Continued ? SPA - ? The Executive Secretary infomed the Board that the State Ports Authority is (z scheduled to visit the Wilmington Port on January 19th and it is possible that the Gover- , nor may bc able to make the trip, therefore he suggested that the Chairman appoint a Com- mittee to arrange for a suitable cremony for the unveiling of the placque commemorating the creation of the State Ports Authority. • (27?? COMPARATIVE REPORT - Mr. Williams suggested that the Executive Secretary requ¢st a statement of the Tax Collector for the past five years in order to make a comparison and determine the progress made in the annual collection of back taxes. This sugg¢stion was unani- monsiy approved by the Board by common consent. QUARTERLY REPORT - ? Mr. "Williams asked the County Auditor for a quarterly report to see how appro- priatQons for the year are stacking up against expenditures. The Auditor explained that a semi-annual report would be forthcoming immediately after the first of the year. REPORTS AND LE TTERS - i The foilowing reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- tion: c 1- Narrative Report of the Home Agent for November 1959 ?r 2- Wilmington Public Library Report " 3- Wiimington Colored Public Library Report 4- VeteranT s Service Off ice Report 5- Extension Report of Farm Agent ". " 6- Welfare Recipients Statistical Changes 7- Notices from the Board of Alcoholic Control regarding applications for 6- Beer and Wine Permits. Report from N. C. Industrial Commission relative to changes in the Com- missionts 195b Medical Fee Schedule 9= Memorandum from the Youth Fitness Commission of MgFth Carolina. --" 30- Thank- ou letter from Stacy N. Thomas,TownMana er.A Carolina Beach in f th i t i ? ? e r on o ern Ex ens Ciation of the jetties built on the Nort appre ISeach. 11- Department of Revenue Voucher # F-167 in the amount of $18,288.57 re- ceived representing distributable share of Beer and Wine Excise Taxes for the year. 12- Letter from Mrs. E. F. Wehinger, President of the Opportunity Group For ' Educable Children. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. ? i? , Executive Se Wilmington, N. C. December 21, 1959 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held th3s date in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 9:00 " A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L.E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. • INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverenc L. S. Jeffery, Pastor of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, to invoke the Divine Presence through prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before the minutes were approved, it was suggested that Dr. Hooper Johnson be named as representing the Buccaneer Pistol & Rifle Club rather than "safety measures" in the paragraph headed Firearms Ordinance and in the paragraph designated School Fire Inspector , Fred Futchs was referred to as Wrightsville Beach Fire Chief and this should be changed to "Building Inspector". Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as corrected above. Mr. Broadhurst seconded this motion, and it was unanimous2y carried. ? AIR CONDITIONING - Pursuant to instructions at their meeting on November 16th, Consulting Engin- e' eer Henry Von Oesen reported that a comparative study of air conditioning systems suit- able for requirements in the Court House developed the original cost would approximate ?$20,000.00 with an upkeep of $711.00 per year on an electrical system and an iniYial cost of $24,000.00 with an upkeep of $932•00 per year for a gas installation. Estima- ted maintenance of the electrical installation will be slightly higher than gas•as the replacement would approximate 15 years as compared to the gas replacement of 20 years. He reported that authorized plans to revamp the electrical system were ready but since learning that a gas system could be used, he thought they might wish to consider a com- parison of the two and,further,they should consider the advisability of converting the heating system from a comb3nation of steam and water to a water system so that better control could be exercised in their heat dfstribution in the winter time with hot water and air conditioning in the summer wi.th chilled water in the same system as individual thermostats could be used in each of the areas to be heated or chilled. He definitely continued 'A