1959-12-21 Regular Meeting?/• 6 Minutes of the Neeting December 7, 1959 Continued ? SPA - ? The Executive Secretary infomed the Board that the State Ports Authority is (z scheduled to visit the Wilmington Port on January 19th and it is possible that the Gover- , nor may bc able to make the trip, therefore he suggested that the Chairman appoint a Com- mittee to arrange for a suitable cremony for the unveiling of the placque commemorating the creation of the State Ports Authority. • (27?? COMPARATIVE REPORT - Mr. Williams suggested that the Executive Secretary requ¢st a statement of the Tax Collector for the past five years in order to make a comparison and determine the progress made in the annual collection of back taxes. This sugg¢stion was unani- monsiy approved by the Board by common consent. QUARTERLY REPORT - ? Mr. "Williams asked the County Auditor for a quarterly report to see how appro- priatQons for the year are stacking up against expenditures. The Auditor explained that a semi-annual report would be forthcoming immediately after the first of the year. REPORTS AND LE TTERS - i The foilowing reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- tion: c 1- Narrative Report of the Home Agent for November 1959 ?r 2- Wilmington Public Library Report " 3- Wiimington Colored Public Library Report 4- VeteranT s Service Off ice Report 5- Extension Report of Farm Agent ". " 6- Welfare Recipients Statistical Changes 7- Notices from the Board of Alcoholic Control regarding applications for 6- Beer and Wine Permits. Report from N. C. Industrial Commission relative to changes in the Com- missionts 195b Medical Fee Schedule 9= Memorandum from the Youth Fitness Commission of MgFth Carolina. --" 30- Thank- ou letter from Stacy N. Thomas,TownMana er.A Carolina Beach in f th i t i ? ? e r on o ern Ex ens Ciation of the jetties built on the Nort appre ISeach. 11- Department of Revenue Voucher # F-167 in the amount of $18,288.57 re- ceived representing distributable share of Beer and Wine Excise Taxes for the year. 12- Letter from Mrs. E. F. Wehinger, President of the Opportunity Group For ' Educable Children. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. ? i? , Executive Se Wilmington, N. C. December 21, 1959 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commiss- ioners was held th3s date in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 9:00 " A. M. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L.E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. • INVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and asked Reverenc L. S. Jeffery, Pastor of St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, to invoke the Divine Presence through prayer. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Before the minutes were approved, it was suggested that Dr. Hooper Johnson be named as representing the Buccaneer Pistol & Rifle Club rather than "safety measures" in the paragraph headed Firearms Ordinance and in the paragraph designated School Fire Inspector , Fred Futchs was referred to as Wrightsville Beach Fire Chief and this should be changed to "Building Inspector". Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as corrected above. Mr. Broadhurst seconded this motion, and it was unanimous2y carried. ? AIR CONDITIONING - Pursuant to instructions at their meeting on November 16th, Consulting Engin- e' eer Henry Von Oesen reported that a comparative study of air conditioning systems suit- able for requirements in the Court House developed the original cost would approximate ?$20,000.00 with an upkeep of $711.00 per year on an electrical system and an iniYial cost of $24,000.00 with an upkeep of $932•00 per year for a gas installation. Estima- ted maintenance of the electrical installation will be slightly higher than gas•as the replacement would approximate 15 years as compared to the gas replacement of 20 years. He reported that authorized plans to revamp the electrical system were ready but since learning that a gas system could be used, he thought they might wish to consider a com- parison of the two and,further,they should consider the advisability of converting the heating system from a comb3nation of steam and water to a water system so that better control could be exercised in their heat dfstribution in the winter time with hot water and air conditioning in the summer wi.th chilled water in the same system as individual thermostats could be used in each of the areas to be heated or chilled. He definitely continued 'A ti?. ? E?? _. Minutes of the Meeting December 21, 1959 Continued AIR COAIDITIONING - (Continued) advised against the piecemeal changing of either system and recommended that a more thorough discussion be scheduled where detailed consideration could be given to each question. By common consent, the Board agreed that it would require more time than could be alloted to the subject today. Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the matter be tabled until 2:00 P. M. at their next meeting date of January 4th, 1960. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously approved. ? DRAINAGE COMPLAINT - ? Mr. Richard A. Shew, an ad,jacent property owner to the coliege, compiained to the Board that in draining the college property it had released water in a swampy area,. on property owrted by himself, Mr. Yarborough, and Mr. Thomas, creating a 1ake. The Execu- tive Secretary explained that the dragline started at ground level at the edge of the col- lege property and that at the time the canal was started, there was already water stand- . ing in this same area. No new watershed..has been opened up, howev¢r, it, might be that the water was flowing a little faster than it did before the canal was dug. The Chairman thanked Mr. Shew for calling this matter to their attention and after discussion by the members of the Board, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the matter be referred to the Wilmington College Trustees immediately. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously. adopted by the Board. ? REVERTER - SCHOOL PROPERTY ' Mr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the New Hanover County School Board, informed ? the Commissioners that the Federal Government had filed a reverter on some property near ?y' ?c,7t;Zthe Airport whieh had been deeded to them by the War Assets Administration with certain ?restrictive stipulations. He reports that their attorneys have advised that in their opinion they have a better than even chance of winning a lawsuit to retain title, how- , ever, at the present time the Generai Services Administration probably will force them . into court to estabiish their claim. He informs the Board that the approximate cost of such a suit tdould be from $1,000 to $1,200 and that no,appropriation had been made in the regular School Budget for such an expenditure and he asked the Board if they would underwrite the cost of defending the protest in the Federal Courts. The Chairman asked.. if Lhey wanted to continue the defense or if the County should "pick up the ball" and pursue the ciearance of title as the land area amounts to 40-50 acres and the County now owns a 30' perpetual right-of-way and easements over, upon, and under certain strips of it. New Hanover County owns the water mains and sewerage lines. Mr. Laney declined the offer w3th the statement that he thought that since the present title was in the name of the Board of Education, they had a better claim to it than the County would have. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the County underwrite the cost of such a suit up Lo $1200.00 for the Board of Education to retain possession of the property and lend them whatever moral support they could. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. ? OAKLEY CIRCLE - Mr. Kenneth M. McGee, representing the citizens on Oakley Circle Road, brought ?-, in a Petition signed by the property owners requesting the State Highway Commission to improve the ditehes that drain their road as well as consider it for•paving, however, they are willing to accept gravel and clay improvements as it is now full of deep holes. Mr. BroadhursL moved that the Petition be forwarded to the State Highway 8ommission for consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. SOUTH HAWTHORNE ROAD - Mr. Holton remarked that South Hawthorne Road was.likewise in very poor con- dition and suggested that the Executive Secretary write to the State Highway Commiss- (q?-r ? ion and ask them to investigate and open up the main ditches so that proper drainage could be given to this road and have the holes filled in. It was seconded by Mr. Braak " and unanimously adopted by the Board. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that they recently had approved a Petition for this same streLch of road presented by Mr. Marx Neuwirth. COUNTY ELECTRIGAL ORDINANCE - John E. Wood, an electrical contractor, once more complained to the Commiss- ioners that he had been taken advantage of by the County Electrical Inspector on the Fort Fisher Project. The Chairman explained that inspections are done for the purpose of safeLy protection of property owners and their neighbors and that if the Electrical Inspector only inspected one of the houses, as claimed by Mr. Wood, and then multiplied the fee by the number of houses, it was not a fair proposition. He also explained that the present County ordinance,with a few exceptions, was recommended. Aft¢r some dis- cussion, Mr. Wiiliains offered a motion that a decision be deferred until the meeting of January 18th and that the Executive Secretary send a copy of the recommendations ahead of time for study before their adoption at that time. It was seconded by Mr. Holton, and unanimousiy approved. SCHOOL FIRE INSPECTIONS The Chairman explained that Mr. Fred Futchs Jr. had been appointed at the last meeting to make safety fire inspection at the eight County schoois outside the City limits and he thought a fair compensation for this service should be $8,50 per school per inspection. After some discussion of this subject, Mr. 4Jilliams offered a motion that Mr. Futchs be paid the sam¢ fee as the Electrical Inspector which was $5.00 per inspection per school. Mr. Holton seconded this motion. Mr. Braak then offered a substitute motion that Mr. Futchs be paid $8.50 per inspection per school for the fire safety of the school. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and the votes were cast, Messrs. Braak, Broadhurst and Hall voted for the substitute motion and Mr. Williams voted against it. The Chairman ruled the substitute motion prevailed. W. Wiiliams then offered a motion that the Electrical Inspector be paid $fi.50 per school per ins- pection, which was seconded by Mr. Holton and when the votes were cast Messrs. Hoiton anii:LJiliiams voted "Aye" and Messrs. Braak, Broadhurst, and Hall voted "Nay". The Chairman ruled the motion defeated. Mr. Broadhurst then moved that the Board appoint a new qualified ElecLrical Inspector. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead for lack of a second. L", . s-` F, ? ej' EV Minutes of the Meeting December 21, 1959 Continued SHERIFF'S CARS - A letter was received from Sheriff Marion W. Millis explaining that the main- tenance cost of three of their service cars was excessive as some of them already regis- tered more than.75,000 miles and by the time bids could be advertised and received, the mileage would probably reach 100,000 miles. In the same letter, he requested new 12 volt emergency lights for Lhe three cars as the old ones were purchased secondhanded;and were for a 6 volt system. The cost of the new lights approximate $80 00 to $90 00 each ? Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be suthorized to advertise for bids for three new cars for the Sheriff including 12 volt heavy duty batteries, - straight gear shifts,and offer the three old Fords in trade. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. WELFARE LIENS Ida Wallace Samvson - Attorney Marsden Bellamy requested the Board to set a price for satisfying a Lien of $1364.00 accumulated from 1951 to 1954 on property owned by Ida Wallace Sampson and Gertrude Green. The Lien is a result of grants maHe to her by the Department of Public Welfare. He stated that the house now on the property was dilapidated and badly in need of repairs which he would gladly furnish the funds to make, provided the title was clear on the property. He advises that the Building Inspector of the City of Wilmington is now contemplating condemning the house as unsatisfactory for habitation. He further states that since only one-half of the property belongs to the Sampson estate and if allowed to deteriorate to the point that it must be demolish- ?-- ed, then the Lien would be against only one-half of the value of the land itself and although the Sta.tutes are not entirely clear, he is of the opinion that a piea might be sustained prohibiting bringing suit after a person has been dead for three years after a lien was filed. The Executive Secretary had requested an appraisal by the Tax Asscss- or on the property which indicated a total value of $2300. After some discus5ion by the Board of the advantages and disadvantages of having the property placed in good con- dition for tax;purposes, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the lien be cancelled upon pay- ment of $500. It was seconded by Mr. Williams, and unanimousiy approved by the Board. Marv Baker Franks - At the request of the Superintendent of Public Welfare, Mrs. Heden B. Sneeden, the Executive Secretary had the Property Assessor investigate a parcei of land in the name of Thomas J. and Mary Baker Franks on whieh there is a]Lien of $1154.00 resulting from grants made to them. It is appraised for sale at $1150.00. The Coble Funerai Home has offered $160.00 for it. After discussing the matter, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that they approve the sale of the property at the appraised value of $11$0.00. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously approved. MOORE'S CREEK SATTLEGROUND - I . ? Mr. J. V. Whitfield, President of the Moore's Creelk Battleground Association, informed the Board that he had been successful in having the State Highway Commission approve the naming of US 421 from the Pender County line to the intersection of Third and Market Streets (Cornwallis' Headquaters) the Moore's,Creek Battieground Highway. They have promised to put up proper markers as soon as official approval has been given by the County Governing bodies. The following resolution was offered by Commissioner Broadriur5t, seconded by Commissioner Williams and upon being put to a vote was adopted: "Whereas, c¢rtain interested citizens have requested that the Board go on record as joining with other affected Counties in petitioning the State Hiohway Commission to designate as "Noore's Creek Battleground Highway7 a route between Wilmington and Fayetteville which route, more specifically, is in Cumberland, Bladen, Pender and New Hanover Counties, and would begin at Cross Creek in Fayetteville and follow NC 210 southeastward to its junction with US V1; thence along US 421 southward and ending at the intersection of ? Market and 3rd Streets in Wilmington. • Now, Therefore,,Be and It is Herbey Resolved that this Board does hereby join with said other counties in petitioning the State Highway Com- mission to designate said route between Wilmington and Fayetteville as the Moore's Creek Battleground Highway." N CON?NISSION ON CIUIL RIGHTS - A letter was received from a North Carolina Advisory Committee with headquart- r ers in Greensboro s¢eking to collect information in cities and towns of North Carolina regarding requfrements and color regulations by signs or partitions in public transporta- d tion facilities at the Airport. After considering the request, Mr. Holton moved that the matter be tabled for further study. It was secondeUbly Mr. Broadhurst after he had received an opinion from the County Attorney that it wasAa congressional matter. 1'he motion carried unanimously. GREEN MEADOWS SUBDIVISION - Conforming with previous discussion on the similarities of street names in the Green Meadows subdivision which were liable to?confuse mail and de2ivery services, the developer recommended that Pine Tree Drive be changed to Toulon Drive :and."that Myrtle Lane be changed to Edward Street. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that this recommenda- tion be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and the motion unanimously carried. COUNTY FIREARMS ORDINANCE - A discussion of this subject led to the fact that the recommendations made by Dr. Hooper Johnson representing the Buccaneer Pistol and Rifle Club were delayed in ' getting to the Commissioners because of the heavy Christmas mail and they had not had time to study it. The Chairman recommended that the decision be postponed until their meeting on January 4th. _ COUNTY FARM PUfvIP - ? •?a,? The Executive Secretary inforined the Board that he had attempted to get three ' Bids for furnishing a pump to put on the new well as an auxilliary supply of water for ` continued- -A ? . Minutes of the Meeting December 21, 1959 COUNTY FARM PUMP - (continued) the County Farm and Home but had only been successful in securing two Bids. Mr. Farrow, the Building Supervisor, recommended•a 3 Horse Powa motor and a turbine pump set at not less than 501 which would deliver not less than 50 G.P.M. The Bids received were as follows: Mill & Contractors Supply Company $732.00 Hyman Supply Company 717.80 ' Mr. Braak moved that they approve the purchase of the low bid and that an appropria- - tion of $732.00 be made from the Fmergency Fund to cover this expenditure. It was second- ed by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. TAX LISTERS - Tax Supervisor T. D. Love informed the Board that he had inadvertently left off the name of T. J. Morris in his recommendation for Tax Il.isters for Wilmington Town- ship which they approved at the last meeting and requested approvai for his appointment. A9r. Holton moved that tHe requesL be granted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved by the Board. ADDITIONAL COURT COSTS - County Auditor T. D. Love informed the Board that he had two bills for attor- ney fees and that the present Budget was exhausted and asked that the Board appropriate _ $1318.80 from the Emergency Fund to Court Costs - Speciai Attorney Fee, 5uperior Court. Mr. Williams moved that $1318.80 be appropriated from the Emergency Fund for this pur- pose. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. VALUATIONS - ? Tax Supervisor Love reminded the Board that in the past automobiles had been -r-?-? listed for taxes at the average cash or loan value established by the National Used Car Market Reports and it is his recommendation that we continue to list on that basis but he is aware of the statutory requirement of listing all property based on the same rate and since real property has been lisLed at 50% of market value, he would like for the Board to be aware of this situation and instruct him what to do. Mr. Williams offered a motion that we use 50% of the average retail value for the 1960 listings for tax pur- poses. The Chairman ruled this motion dead for lack of a second. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that automobiles be listed for 1960 as in the past using the average cash, loan, or finance value established by the Nationa2 Used Car Market Reports as the basis. It was seconded by Mr. Hoiton and when the votes were cast,all voted favorably except Mr. Williams who opposed the motion with the remark that in his opinion it was illegal. The Chairman ruled the motion carried. DRAINAGE COMPLAINT - A letter was received from Mr. Marvin H. Congleton, RFD 2, Box 136, complain- ing that the Drainage Committee had approved the cleaning out of Everett's Creek in the Ntyrtle Grove Sound area about a year ago. SubsequenL'investigation by the U. S. Soil Conservation Department revea3ed the facL that the location shon to the Drainage Com- mittee at the time represented as Everetts Creek and approved by Brainage Committee was not the same locatibn as Everetts Creek referred to by Mr. Congleton. The drainage canal which Mr. Congleton is requesting the County to dig is actually a lateral ditch n which drains his property, which is agricultural in nature and eligible for aid through the Agriculture, Stabilization and Conservation Department and therefore the Drainage Committee declined to authorize the dragline to enter upon this pro,ject. The Executive Secretary reported that a conversation with Mr. Garland S. Currin, Chairman of the Drain- age Gommlttee and Mr. J. B. Simpson, Engineer for the ASC office, both did not consider this project a just one for the County and both of them have explained the situation to Mr. Congleton. By common consent, the Board directed the Executive Secretary to again refer this matter to the Drainage Committee for their.disposition. PUBLIC HEARING - STATE HIGHWAY CONLMISSION A notice was received from Mr. T. J. McKim, Division Engineer of the State Highway Commission that a Public Hearing on important road matters in New Hanover County would be held at his office from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. January 12th, 1960 and invited the Commissioners to attend. STATE HIGH4dAY PATROL ? Mr. Holton observed that recently the press announced the voluntary retire- ment of Co2onel James R. Smith, Commanding the State Highway Patrol. He suggested that since Colonel Smith was a native of New Hanover County, official notice should be taken of this occasion and that a proper resolution or letter should be directed to him com- mending him for his diligence and efficiency in perfecting the Highway Patroi Organiza- tion to the point that it is recognized as second to none in the nation. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write him, with copies to Governor Hodges and Mr. Edward Scheidt of the Motor Vehicles Department. NEW JURY LIST The Executive Secretary reported that he had made an effort to start a new Jury List as requested by the former Chairman, Mr. Holton, some months ago but had found that because of the activities of the Tax Supervisor's office 3n preparing tax abstracts, it was virtually impossibie to secure a list of the tax payers which consti- tutes a majority of jurymen. Employees in the Tax Office are willing to prepare the list after working hours at the rate of $2.00 per hour but no funds have been appro- priated for this sort of expenditure and, therefore, no further work has been done on it. Nr. Broadhurst remarked that in his opinion we should delay making a new Jury List until 1961 as by that time the A.C.L. employees will have changed their address to Florida and immediately be eliminated, whereas, if we prepare it on the present tax 2ist we wou2d run into considerable confusion in drawing juries and the Sheriff later discover that they had moved out of town. Mr. Holton then offered a motion continued- r L, Minutes of the Meeting December 21, 1959 Continued NEW JURY LIST - (continued) that the Jury List be drawn at the proper time in compliance with.the law. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, with the observatibn that we still have plenty of names to draw from in the Jury Box. The Board unanimously approved the motion. GRAND JURY REPORT - The December Criminal Term Report of the Grand Jury was reviewed and the fo1- lowing changes were recommended with reference to the handling of Warrants by Justices of the Peace: 111- Discontinue the use of warrants presently used by individual Justices of the Peace. 2- Have all warrants printed and numbered consecutively and placed in the custody of a prbper county department, possibly the County Auditor. 3- Justices of the Peace can obta3n.their warrants requirements from the above mentioned custodian., 4- A record of Warrants issued shall be.kept and accounted for. 5- Each Justice of the Peace shall submit to the'Clerk of Court a list, in duplicate, of all Warrants together with the Warrants (voided Warrants shall be so marked and submitted with the list.) . . 6- Upon receipt of the Warrants the Clerk of the Court shall zeview the War- rants for correctness. An adding machine listing shall be made of the mon- ey due the County. 7- The duplicate listing, with adding machine tape attached and check re- ceived shall be turned over to the County Auditor, who can readily verify the fact that the correct money has been received. We believe that this will afford a simple, accurate check on the ularrants and money received and the work involved can be performed by the present office personnel without any undue burden." J. P. Warrants - Mr. Williams remarked that "There has been recent publicity with refer- ? ence to using serially numbered warrants by the Justices of the Peace and he thought it should be required in New Hanover County, however, it was just another one of those un- c7 fortunate cases in which New Hanover County was exempt from needed, worthwhile, State- wide legislation. He informed the Board that several years ago (before the question of Court Reform became so prominent) our State Association of County Commissioners recom- mended the change which is now proposed by the Grand Jury of New Hanover County. In 1957, such a Bill was introduced and passed by the General Assembly of North Carolina. New Hanover County was exempted so we are without legal authority to act. In the mean- time we should encourage the use of pre-numbered warrants and receipts by all Justices of Peace in New Hanover County on a voluntary basis and authorize the Clerk of Superior Court to furnish them. I move that New Hanover County go on record as favoring this ?. legislation arid amending the General Statute to include New Hanover County. The motion died for lack of a second. r COUNTY PRISON - C,F1?V n Commissioner Braak reported to the Board that two prisoners sentenced to the ' Stockade had escaped Saturday night and one of them had released a woman from the detent- ion quarters with a key, which they had in their possession. He observed that he was aware of the responsibility as a member of the County Farm and Home Committee,.however, he thought this situation shouid be made known to the complete Board for whatever action they deem necessary. After a discussion of the known facts, the Board, by common con- sent recommended that the Sheriffts Department make an investigation of the matter for further consideration at the next meeting. ?- PETIT JURY The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as jurors in ? the trial of Criminal Cases in Superior Court for the week beginning January 18, 1960 and for the week beginning January 25th, 1960. Jurors for the ldeek beqinnino January 18,1960 Criminal N. D. Free 1902 Woolcott Ave Vince Wilder 108 N. llth St. W. E. Free 1912 Ann St. Thomas F. 'Mlood , 110 N. 5th St. A. N. Shew 1103 Azalea Drive L. M. Sikes RFD 1, Box 202,Castle Hayne A. E. Glenn 2108 Lake Shor,e Dr. Edwin F. Cain 26 Ivey Circle St. H. C. Hardy 208 S. 3rd St. L. Schwart2 713 N. (}th St. A. E. Davis 615 5urry St. R. L. McGough 1E305 Nun St. . W. B. Futch 14 Laurel Drive Earl W. Brown 21ti S. 2nd St. E. H. Hobbs 1010 S. 2nd St. John W. Vann 2 X Lake Villaoe J. D. Snow 405 Wr•ightsville Av,L. P. French 1921 Nun St. E. D. Hicks l} Nortliern Blvd. Junior Duncan 326 S. la.th St. John W. Capps Cape Fear Motor SalesJohn B. Casteen RFD 3, Box 469 B Leon Ward 420 N. 41st St. W. W. Cooper 2736 Harrison St. J. W. Allard 4016 bJrightsvilleAvArthur Harrell }ture Beach, N. C. D. J. Herrin 211 N. 5th Ave. Edward N. Hall . 205 S. 8th St. Fred G. McGee 10 S. 5th St. J. J. Willetts 106 S. 9th 5t. Wiiliams A. Land 1505 Princess St. Herber Farmer P. 0. Box 347,Carolina Beach James W. C1ark,Jr. 216 Vance St. James A. Discar . 2902 Adams St. Robert S. Blake 45 Lake Forest B. F. Glisson Jr. 61$ S. 4th St. H. W. Alexander 304 N. 21st St. Ralph B. Beal 2431 Monroe St. Robert M. Pope 114 Calhoun Dr. Vannie T. Ellis 560 E. Shipyard Blvd. E. S. Horrell %E.W. Godwin 8 Sons Ben Holden 1201 Grace St. J. D. Norment 249 Davie Dr. J."H: Raynor P.O. Box 69 Carolina Beach Continued- 'A ? 528 Minutes of the Meeting PETIT JURY - (continued) J. J. Stanley Young Ransom Harry C. Hendrix Charles T. Leonard Marvin Kornegay Perry E. James Jr. Edward R. Pridgen Kenneth I. Padrick December 21, 1959 225 Vance St. RFD j, Box 580 C. 2915 Vionroe St. 8 Wrightsville Ave 11$ Dare St. 2020 Perry Ave. RFD 3, Box 227 3912 S. Front St. Continued Charles N. Ness Robert Henry Hall Jack H. Murray Graham G. Harward Samuel J. Edens R.T. Rivenbark James M. Wright Oscar W. Cleaton Jurors for the Week beqinninq Januarv 25th,1960 - Civil RFD 2, Box 100 B. 2871 E. Adams RFD 1, Box 93 Box 659, Carolina Beach RFD 1,Castle Hayne 4811 Wrightsville Ave. 1109 Market St. 2915 Wrightsville Ave. L. K. Hill 2934 B. .lefferson St.W. M. Massey 2219 Oleander Drive Z. K. Bell Box 126, City E. C. Hudson 230 Forest Hills Dr. James E. Hewet t 14 K, Lake Village T. G. Sellers 402 Marsteller St. J. E. Furr P. 0. Box 758, City W. E. Cherry 518 S. sth St. J. W. George 210 S. 16th St. Earl H. Collins 206 N. 7th St. W. F. Bowen, J r. 220 S. lsth St. N. S. Craskill 6 West Queen St. J. R. Pence Kure Beach, N. C. G. E. Farrow RF? 2, Box 62 G. S. Harris 2946 Jefferson St. R. W. Hodges 3121 Wrightsville Ave. J. T. Brown, J r. 263 Greenviile Ave. Gerald Bowman 225 N. 26th St. G. C. Moore 16 T. Lake Village Albert J. Bass RFD 1, Box 456 D. T. Davis P.O. Box 153 W. W. Murrell 109 Victor3a ?r. Jerry Yopp RFD 1, Box 105 D. R. Wheeler RFD 3, Box 119 L. R. Biven 2314 Princess Place R. R. Futrelle 305 Wrightsville Ave. Stacy Bragg 2420 Monroe St. Herman H. Morton 2912 C. Jefferson Harri s A. Evan s 10-V Lake Village William A. Vaughn 1220 S. 3rd St. John L. Hart 114 Stradleigh Rd. Garland W. Kellum RFD 2, Box 362 A Jesse D. Neal 3903 S. Front St. Robert E. Fowler 93 Spofford C. C. Gornto 306 S. 16th St. W. E. Grimstead 106 W. North Carolina kve. Rober t H. Dowd y Jr. 26 S. Lake Village Thomas K. McGee RFD 1, Box 156,Castle Hayne James R. Hewie tt RFD 3, Box 58 Henry H. Hayes 554 E. Shipyard Blvd. G. Ra eford Har per RFD 2, Box 428 Joel M. Somersett 113 S. 52nd St. John VJm. Baldw in 503 N. 23rd'St. Franklin E. Ricks Jr 2429 Adams St. Walte r E. Coop er 2616 Wrightsville Av.Arthur I. Campfiel d3r.120 Castle Hayne Rd. C. M. Randolph % A&P,Carolina Beach Francis J. Malinch alk 219 1411liamson Dr. E. N Shepherd P.O. Box 521 George McFarlane Box 818, City REPOR TS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for in- forma tion: 1- School Board's Audit Report for the year. 2- Civil Defense announces a Rural Defense Prog ram. 3- Reply from the Navy refusing payment of repa irs to Airport runway. 4- Public Notice of intent to construct a pier at Myrtle Grove. 5- Notice from FAA that we have until March 196 0 to file claim for Federal Aid in acqvisition of the clear 2one for approach landing lights. 6- Copies of correspondence on the All Seashore Highway. 7- Report from the Corps of Engineers on bridge clearance requirements over the intra-Coastal 4laterway. 6- Monthly Report of the New Hanover County Air port. 9- Narrative Report of the Negro Home Demonstra tion Agent. 10- Change in Status of Welfare Recipients. 11- Civil Defense reimbursement on Hurricane Hel ene damage. 22- Thank-you letter from the Industrial School for Girls. ? i W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary New Hanover Countv Drainaqe Committee December 31. 1959 The last meeting of the year of the New Hanover County Drainage Committee was held on this date at 10:00 A. M. in the Grand Jury Room of the County Court House. PRESENT: Chairman Garland S. Currin, Colonel Charles H. Burnett, Mr. M.S. Emmart, Mr. James Ferger, Mr. Herman H. Hall, Mr. John Tinga, and Mr. Dirk Swart; County Drainage Supervisor Dave W. Rivenbark, Engineer J.B. Simpson of the U.S. Soil Conserva- tion Department and Mr. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary of the Board of County Commiss- ioners. Chairman Currin called the meeting to order and recognized Commissioner Peter H. Braak who expressed appreciation in behalf of the Board of County Commissioners for the splendid work done by the Drainage Committee and stated that he hoped they would serve again during the coming year. Mr. W. L. McIntire, Castle Hayne Road, asked that the ditch running through his property be improved. Colonel Burnett moved that this request be taken under advise- ment of Mr. Rivenbark for his further investigation. Mrs. Homer H. Ward, 2911L E. Lake Shore Drive, explained to the Committee that a ditch 10' deep and 6' wide ran through her yard and she wanted it covered up so there would be no danger of small children drowning. The Committee, after hearing her complaint, suggested that Mrs. Ward could either fence the ditch or if she would buy the necessary tile, the county would be willing to install it. They also suggested that if neither of these proposals met her approval, she could appear before the Board of County Commissioners for further consideration. Mr. J. B. Simpson reminded the group that New Hanover County was the only county in the area that provides drainage continued- 6?