1959-12-31 Special meeting? 528 Minutes of the Meeting PETIT JURY - (continued) J. J. Stanley Young Ransom Harry C. Hendrix Charles T. Leonard Marvin Kornegay Perry E. James Jr. Edward R. Pridgen Kenneth I. Padrick December 21, 1959 225 Vance St. RFD j, Box 580 C. 2915 Vionroe St. 8 Wrightsville Ave 11$ Dare St. 2020 Perry Ave. RFD 3, Box 227 3912 S. Front St. Continued Charles N. Ness Robert Henry Hall Jack H. Murray Graham G. Harward Samuel J. Edens R.T. Rivenbark James M. Wright Oscar W. Cleaton Jurors for the Week beqinninq Januarv 25th,1960 - Civil RFD 2, Box 100 B. 2871 E. Adams RFD 1, Box 93 Box 659, Carolina Beach RFD 1,Castle Hayne 4811 Wrightsville Ave. 1109 Market St. 2915 Wrightsville Ave. L. K. Hill 2934 B. .lefferson St.W. M. Massey 2219 Oleander Drive Z. K. Bell Box 126, City E. C. Hudson 230 Forest Hills Dr. James E. Hewet t 14 K, Lake Village T. G. Sellers 402 Marsteller St. J. E. Furr P. 0. Box 758, City W. E. Cherry 518 S. sth St. J. W. George 210 S. 16th St. Earl H. Collins 206 N. 7th St. W. F. Bowen, J r. 220 S. lsth St. N. S. Craskill 6 West Queen St. J. R. Pence Kure Beach, N. C. G. E. Farrow RF? 2, Box 62 G. S. Harris 2946 Jefferson St. R. W. Hodges 3121 Wrightsville Ave. J. T. Brown, J r. 263 Greenviile Ave. Gerald Bowman 225 N. 26th St. G. C. Moore 16 T. Lake Village Albert J. Bass RFD 1, Box 456 D. T. Davis P.O. Box 153 W. W. Murrell 109 Victor3a ?r. Jerry Yopp RFD 1, Box 105 D. R. Wheeler RFD 3, Box 119 L. R. Biven 2314 Princess Place R. R. Futrelle 305 Wrightsville Ave. Stacy Bragg 2420 Monroe St. Herman H. Morton 2912 C. Jefferson Harri s A. Evan s 10-V Lake Village William A. Vaughn 1220 S. 3rd St. John L. Hart 114 Stradleigh Rd. Garland W. Kellum RFD 2, Box 362 A Jesse D. Neal 3903 S. Front St. Robert E. Fowler 93 Spofford C. C. Gornto 306 S. 16th St. W. E. Grimstead 106 W. North Carolina kve. Rober t H. Dowd y Jr. 26 S. Lake Village Thomas K. McGee RFD 1, Box 156,Castle Hayne James R. Hewie tt RFD 3, Box 58 Henry H. Hayes 554 E. Shipyard Blvd. G. Ra eford Har per RFD 2, Box 428 Joel M. Somersett 113 S. 52nd St. John VJm. Baldw in 503 N. 23rd'St. Franklin E. Ricks Jr 2429 Adams St. Walte r E. Coop er 2616 Wrightsville Av.Arthur I. Campfiel d3r.120 Castle Hayne Rd. C. M. Randolph % A&P,Carolina Beach Francis J. Malinch alk 219 1411liamson Dr. E. N Shepherd P.O. Box 521 George McFarlane Box 818, City REPOR TS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for in- forma tion: 1- School Board's Audit Report for the year. 2- Civil Defense announces a Rural Defense Prog ram. 3- Reply from the Navy refusing payment of repa irs to Airport runway. 4- Public Notice of intent to construct a pier at Myrtle Grove. 5- Notice from FAA that we have until March 196 0 to file claim for Federal Aid in acqvisition of the clear 2one for approach landing lights. 6- Copies of correspondence on the All Seashore Highway. 7- Report from the Corps of Engineers on bridge clearance requirements over the intra-Coastal 4laterway. 6- Monthly Report of the New Hanover County Air port. 9- Narrative Report of the Negro Home Demonstra tion Agent. 10- Change in Status of Welfare Recipients. 11- Civil Defense reimbursement on Hurricane Hel ene damage. 22- Thank-you letter from the Industrial School for Girls. ? i W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary New Hanover Countv Drainaqe Committee December 31. 1959 The last meeting of the year of the New Hanover County Drainage Committee was held on this date at 10:00 A. M. in the Grand Jury Room of the County Court House. PRESENT: Chairman Garland S. Currin, Colonel Charles H. Burnett, Mr. M.S. Emmart, Mr. James Ferger, Mr. Herman H. Hall, Mr. John Tinga, and Mr. Dirk Swart; County Drainage Supervisor Dave W. Rivenbark, Engineer J.B. Simpson of the U.S. Soil Conserva- tion Department and Mr. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary of the Board of County Commiss- ioners. Chairman Currin called the meeting to order and recognized Commissioner Peter H. Braak who expressed appreciation in behalf of the Board of County Commissioners for the splendid work done by the Drainage Committee and stated that he hoped they would serve again during the coming year. Mr. W. L. McIntire, Castle Hayne Road, asked that the ditch running through his property be improved. Colonel Burnett moved that this request be taken under advise- ment of Mr. Rivenbark for his further investigation. Mrs. Homer H. Ward, 2911L E. Lake Shore Drive, explained to the Committee that a ditch 10' deep and 6' wide ran through her yard and she wanted it covered up so there would be no danger of small children drowning. The Committee, after hearing her complaint, suggested that Mrs. Ward could either fence the ditch or if she would buy the necessary tile, the county would be willing to install it. They also suggested that if neither of these proposals met her approval, she could appear before the Board of County Commissioners for further consideration. Mr. J. B. Simpson reminded the group that New Hanover County was the only county in the area that provides drainage continued- 6? fJ IC Q. Minutes of the Drainage Committee Meeting, December 31,1959 Continued Lake Shore Drive (continued) .? for its citi2ens and that, in his opinion, the residents should appreciate this service. Mrs.B. T. Manor, who lives in Woodhaven on the Blue Ciay Road,.stated that the ditches in that.section are filled because of excessive rains and requested that State ditches be cleaned so that roads being built will drain into them. It was reported that the County ditches have been cleaned recently and the Committee suggested that he contact Mr. W. H. Lums en or Mr. Hall of the State Highway Maintenance Department. Mr. George Crandall and Mrs. J. F. Smith of the River Road (Burnette Boulevard Extension made a request for a dragline ditch in that area. Mr. Rivenbark stated that the present ditch could be improved by using a hand crew to relieve the situation. Mr. Marvin Congleton, Everett's Creek, made.another request for cleaning out Everett Creek. Mr. Simpson stated that investigation had revealed that this was a private problem and Mr. Congleton could apply for ASC assistance to drain his property. The Com- mittee agreed with Mr. Emmart's suggestion that a letter should be written to Mr. Congleton to advise him that he could seek assistance from the ASC (Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation) Department located in the Customs House. The Petition submitted by Mr. R. L. Downing and property owners in the Silver. Lake area for dragline assistance in obtaining a new canal. This area is more particular- ly known as Lonq Branch. Since one of the property owners, Mr. Sellers, refuses to sign the petition unless the County agrees to replace the fence and tile as it now is, no action could be taken at this time. The Secretary was instructed to write and expla3n this to Mr. Downing. Mr. Blackburn in the Oqden area requested assistance for draining a low wet area in that section. Mr. Hall recommended that Mr. Rivenbark and Mr. Simpson rriake an estimate of the situation there and take whatever action was needed. Mr. Southerland made a similar request for draining Sweetwater Branch also in ; the Oqden area, which will be referred to Mr. Rivenbark and Mr. Simpson for their investi- gation and decision. Henniker Ditch at Carolina Beach. The U. S. Englneers will not improve the ditch; but will give their permission for a County ditching crew to go on the land and clear the ditch where necessary. The dragline is currently at the College site, but should finish that project in two weeks. The town of Carolina Beach has agreed to furnish the dynamite and bulldozer as required. A request from Reverend Nathan L. Whitted, Rock Hill Road for drainage assist- ance was reviewed. Mr. Houck reported that Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Farm Agent, had call- ed him and explained that this drainage problem would require a dragline operation. The Committee recommended that as soon as the petition is approved, that a survey should be made and the dragline moved in as soon as feasible, after the Ogden work is completed., if necessary. Draoline Policy: Chairman Currin suggested that the dragline be used on the CounLy Farm, when not busy elsewhere, to improve the ditches on the Farm. Mr. Emmart suggested that this be made a policy of this Committee, which was unanimously approved. Resume of Drainape Work Durina 1959: . Murrayville Project; Ogden Project; Gordon Road Project; Nyrtle Grove Sound Project; Seagate Pro,ject; Pistol Range built; Wilmington College Pro,ject; Prince George Creek Project; Repairs and laterals to ditch on College Property; beginning of Henniker Ditch Project. Mr. Rivenbark and his ditching crew haxe cleared right-of-way for drag- line operations•and have been busy cleaning smaller ditches all over th¢ county. Chairman Currin expressed his appreciation to the entire Committee and those present for their untiring efforts and active interest in the drainage problems of the County during the past year. Upon motion of Mr. Emmart, duly seconded, the present members of the New Hanover County Drainage Committee unanimously agreed to continue to function for the ensu- ing year. There being no further business to come before the Committee, they unanimously voted ad- journment. • /S/ John. Tiqga New Hanover County Drainage Committee -A