1960-01-18 Regular Meeting? i Citv Council Chambers CONUENTION - SPECIRL JOINT NEETING Municipal Buildinq Januarv 13. 1960 10:00 A. M A joint meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners and the Wilming- ton City Council was held today with the following members present: Commissioners - Chair- man J. M. Hall, Jr., Peter H. Braak, J,. E. Holton, Jr., Berry A. Williams, County Attor- ney John Bright Hill and W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary; City Council- Mayor E. S. Capps, Jr., James H. Batuyious, Russell T. Burney, W. Ronald Lane and J. E. L. Wade, City Manager J. R. 13enson and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst was unable to be present for the meeting. CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Mayor Capps who explained that since the pur- pose of the meeting was to discuss the advisability of continuing with the survey or study to determine if it was feasibile to consolidate the governing bodies of New Hanover County. He requested Commissioner Berry A. Williams to report the latest development. CONSOLIIIATION DISCUSSION - Mr. Wiiliams explained that Dr. Albert Coates, Director of the Institute of Govern- ment, was in Wilmington last Sunday and stated to him that he would•be glad to make a prelim- inary survey a°fter which it might be possible for him to estimate the approximate cost of a complete study. At present, he is reluctant to quote any definite figure but promised that if they wanted the work done, he would be glad to do it on an actual expense basis. Mr. Williams asked him if he thought a rough estimate of from $5,000 to $7,500 would be suffi- cient to complete the job. Dr. Coates felt sure that it would fall somewhere in between these figures but he stressed his willingness to stop the survey at any time they decided to discontinue it. Commissioner Williams continued to express his own personal convictions that it was unfair to ask a jury to reach a decision before ali the evidence was heard and since he is not all sure in his own mind because he does not knpw the facts, it seemed to him that a long range county-wide planning program had many advantages and as Dr. Coates is wi2ling to supply a resume of the advantages and disadvantages without cost if requested to do so, he thought it should be done. Councilman Satuyios suggested that a letter be written to Dr. Coates authorizing him to make a preliminary survey of the situation. Mayor Capps informedthe Board that he had written Dr. Coates a letter which had never been answered and he was reluctant to make further overtures on the subject. Commissioner Hall reminded the Boards of his previous stand on the question and stated that no information had come to him which would cause him to change his mind and he did not think it was fair to accept a free service unless there was some possibility of having him complete ihe study later. Council- man Wade offered a motion that the joint governing bodies go on record authorizing Dr. Coates to make a preliminary survey to determine the cost of the study. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and when the votes were cast, Counc3lman Batuyios and Wadeand Commissioner Williams voted in the affirmative whereas Councilmen Burney and Lane, Commissioners Hall and Holton voted negatively. Commissioner Braak abstained from voting, The Chairman ruled the mo- tion defeated. TAX COLLECTOR - --r--? Commissioner Williams remarked that at the last meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, the uniform vacation, sick leave, and holiday schedules for CounLy employees had been rescinded and offered a motion that the Tax Collector's department be put under -r-- the City regulations. It was seconded by Councilman Wade, whereupon, Commissioner Hall moved that the motion be tabied until some subsequent meeting.x After some discussion of the subject, Mr. Hall withdrew his motion to table, and after the seconder agreed, the question was called on the original motion and it was unanimously adopted. :tTHis motion was seconded by Commissioner Hoiton. ADJOURNMF,NT - Commissioner Williams offered a motion that the joint session be adjourned. It was seconded by Council Batuyios and unanimously approved by the two Boards. ^ W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N.C. January 18, 1960 CONVENTION - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover Board of County Commissioners, was held this date in the Commissioners Room of the Court House at 9:00 with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall,'Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T..D. Love. Commissioner Peter H. Braak was absent from the meeting due to illness. INUOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend A. P. Hill, Pastor of Wesley Nemorial Methodist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. FORTUNE TELLING - Nr. Vii•lliams explained that he had an appointment with his doctor this morning and requested permission to discuss two or three problems in which he was particularly in- terested. He called attention to the ease in securing licenses to practice palmistry in New Hanover County because of its exemption from the General Statute 14-401.5 requiring a residency of 15 years before a license can be secured. The Sheriff cited a recent case in .? which the Recorder's Court was called on to settle a dispute over whom the license belonged to. This seems to indicate that a license can be purchased by one person and be used by another. After a general discussion of the subject, Mr. Williams offered a motion that in the future 1- All applications for license to practice palmistry in New Hanover County be made to the Board of County Commissioners. 2- The applicant is to be investigated, finger- , printed and photographed by the Sherifffs Department, recommended, if after screening he is satisfied that the appiicant is reliable. 3- The maximum fee to be charged and license issued after approval by the County Commissioners, 4- All fortune teliers now holding a license to practice palmistry in New Hanover County will be given 30 days in which to comply , ` y? . ..r.?. Minutes of January lb, 1960 Continued FORTUNE TELLING - (continued) with the above requirements. 5- No licenses will be renewed until they ar,e approved by the County Commissioners, 6- Request our next legislative delegation to have New Hanover County placed under the General Statutes instead of being exempted as at present. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted by the Board and the Executive Secretary was instructed to write Sam W. Johnson, Tax Collector, and inform him of this action. FERRY SERVICE MEETING - Mr. Williams informed the Board that the State Highway Commission would have a Hearing in Raleigh on February 3, 1960 for the purpose of considering the need for Ferry Service between Fort Fisher and Southport thus linking US 421 and US 17 at that junction. He urged that as many as possible go to represent New Hanover County. The Chairman indicated that he could go and would be glad to take any others who might like to go on that date. 1 .._- ? WELFARE - ADC Mr. Williams reported that he had just returned from a Director's Meeting of ` the State Associa,tion of County Commissioners in which they discussed the problem of supervising the distribution of ADC Funds by the Welfare Board. Complaints have been received that some ADC Funds were not being used by the recipients for the benefit of the children for whom they were issued. He suggested the following Resolution which,, in effect, is the same as recommended by the State Association: ? WHEREAS, County officials charged with the administration of the Federal- ? State-County cooperative program of Aid to Dependent Children have insuf- ficient authority to insure that ADC grantpayees use grant funds to bene- fit the children included in the grant, and WHEREAS, the 1959 General Assembly passed Chapter 668, Session Laws of 1959, to remedy, the situation and to authorize county boards of public welfare, based on evidence that a grant payee is not using funds to support the child- ren, to direct the 5uperintendent of Public `Welfare to supervise expenditures by the payee io insure that funds are used to feed, clothe, and shelter the children, and WHEREAS, the United States Department of Health, Education and Weifare has ruled and so advised the State of North Carolina that Federal funds will be withheld if County Welfare officials proceed under Chapter 668; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners that Chapter 666 and the solution it offers to a major public weifare problem again be endorsed; that the Attorney General of North Carolina be commended for his efforts to obtain a reversal of this ruling; and that he be respect- fully requested to take such further steps•as he may deem wise, including suit in the Federal courts, or consultation with the North Carolina Delegation to Congress to the end that the Social Security Act may be amended to author- ize proper supervision of ADC funds in order that children will benefit from the expenditures thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Attorney General for his information. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution be forwarded to Howard E. Manning, Chairman of the State Board of Public Welfare, and Dr. Ellen Wins- ton, Commissioner of Public YJelfare, with the request that the State Board and the Welfare Department lend their support,to the Attorney General's efforts in obtaining a reversal of the Federal ruling. . Adopted this 18th day of January, 1960. i3pon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Sroadhurst, the above Resolution was unani- mously adopted by,,the Board. ? S TATE EXTENSION SERVICE - Home Demonstration Aqent's Reoort -• Miss Verna Belle Lowery gave a brief res- ume of the work done in her department during the year 1959. T113s annual report is made , to supplement the monthly reports which are on file. It was the consensus of the Board that the're is a growirig int:r;es_t 'i'n_th3's_work:among.the_res'ident's of the Covnty. r G? ? Farm Aqent - Mr. D. D. Baggett made his annual oral report in which he inform- c_c,? ed the Board that there had been an increased interest shown in poultry raising among the t}-H Clubs and that emphasis had been placed on marketing in the adult groups. He had observed anincreased interest in vegetables, flowers, and bulb growing. Paticular stress has been shown on the latest chemical weed killers and liquid fertilization. ? ? Neqro Home Demonstration Aqent- Mrs. Rebecca L. Hall gave a background sum- ma,r.y - of the objectives achieved in her work in 1959 including many of the projects undertaken by locai community membership. She felt that it had been a good year for her department and stated that the long range objective was to reach all the people. TAX CLAIM - I? Attorney John C. Wessell, Jr. informed the Board that on February 25th, 1959 he had certified the title to Lot 25, Section 1, Sherwood Forest in the name of David Earl Kelly to the Prudential Insurance Company of America as they made a loan on it to Fred H. Muret. Subsequently, the City-County Tax Collector has made a ciaim on the Prudential Insurance Company of America in the amount $83.31 as taxes for the year 1958. His investigation reveals that the Tax Office record on David E. Kelly shows his taxes marked paid on October 20, 1956 and that on April 24, 1959 after the loan ex- amination, it was voided by a notation showing that the money which had been credited to David E. I{elly, in truth belonged to ldilliam J. Kelly due to an error in posting. continued- 'A ,t 36 Minutes of the Meeting January lg, 1960 Continued ? TAX CLAIM - (continued) %-?Y The Prudential Insurance Company of America is now looking to him for payment of the tax as he certified the record to them as being clear. The Tax Supervisor advis- ed that as the taxes follow the property, there was no legal way for them to be abated. This opinion was shared by the County Attorney. Mr. Wessell then offered to bring suit againstD:E.Kelly for the tax in the name of •the County as it definitely had not been paid. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Kelly requesting him to pay the tax and thus clear the records. ROAD PETITION QZ?? A petition for improvement and maintenance of Evans Street was received with the notation that three of the property owners had refused to sign it. This same problem ?was discussed at the District Meeting held on January 12th by the State Highway Commiss- ion and Mr. McKim agreed to accept the petition and have one of his experienced right of way men make an attempt to secure the permission of the three property owners who failed to sign.it, therefore, upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously ordered the petition sent to the State Highway Commission with a request that the street be worked. .? LAND SALE APPROVAL - A proposal to purchase part of Lots 1 and 2 in Block 507 which is 33+x82t6" was made by W. T. Childs. T'he Tax Assessor has appraised it aL $400.00. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the piece of property be sold, subject to the approval of the City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. LAGOON APPROVAL - ,J Mr. Anthony A. Blake of the Wanet Sausage Company requested approval to con- ?? struct a dry-out lagoon on some swamp land owned by the County between the Roger Moore lead railroad spur track and Smith Cre"ek. After discussing the location and concluding that the property was not suitabie for any sort of improvement or industrial development.,_ Mr. Holton offered a motion that approval be given to this request. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. . ?-?-- ??'" ?•?? SCHOOL FIRE PREVENTION - • Subsequent to appointment as Fire Inspector for the County Schools outside the City limits for fire prevention protection, Mr. Fred Futchs Jr. reported that he had in- spected all eight of the schools and attached a written report on each of them. Since one of the schools has separate buildings, it was neeessary for him to make nine inspect- ions, therefore he rendered an invoice at $8.50 each or a total of $76.50. He reported that it was necessary for him to make call-backs on three of the schools and therefore thought heshould be reimbursed for them, however, the Board agreed that call-backs were a part of the ,job and did not feel that he was entitled to extra pay for them and upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the reports were received and the bill ordered paid. - SCHOOL BOARD MEETING - A notice was received announcing the annual meeting of District 5 of the ? State School Board Association to be held Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 P. M. February 3, 1960 at the James Kenan High School in Duplin County. This meeting is designed for all who are interested in better schools and County Commissioners are particularly invited as community leaders who are interest¢d in public education. They request that reserva- tions be made for the banquet not later than Thursday, January 28th, 1960. JEEEERSON-JACHSON DINNER A letter was received from,,the Democratic Executive Committee announcing the annual Jefferson-Jackson Dinner at the Sir Walter Hotel Febrvary 6th at 7:00 P.M. New Hanover County has been given a minimum quota of $750.00. 'The tickets to the dinner are $50.00 each. The letter stressed the importance of completing the quota early to insure a large attendance. SPA PLAQUE - The Chairman reminded the Board of a ceremony for the purpose of unveiling ?? the marker perpetuating the creation of the State Ports Authority to be held at the , ? entrance to the State Port at 10:30 A.M.* He urged all the Commissioners to attend this ceremony and the Luncheon to be given at the Cape Fear Ciub at 12:30 following the cere- monies. st January 19th. BEER LICENSES - Upon motion of N?r. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the following applica- ??- tions for Beer Licenses were made through the Board of.Alcoholic Controi and ordered re- ferred to the Sheriff for his consideration: Frank Carson Baxley T/A Franks Grill RFD 1, Box 413, Wilmington, N. C. S.A x J.E. McNeill T/A MctJeill's Phillip's 66 Service Station " " Mildred Christine Rouby T/A Greenfield Food Store 509 Greenfield St. Jack Jesse Taylor 1301 Princess St., City Vincent Wiider T/A Two Spot Club 1512 Hing St., " " ELEVATOR SERVICE - An inspection report was rec¢ived from the Otis E2evator Company recommend- ing the instaliation of a counterweight guard in the pit of the elevator in the Court House to safeguard against the possibility of persons being struck by the descending counterweight. In addition, they suggested that the immersed A.C. brake should be re- placed by one of modern design operated by D. C. power through rectiE:ie?rs. By common C consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to contact the local ser- ' vice men to determine the extent and cost of the work recommended. , Minutes of the Meeting January 18, 1960 (Continued) ? CHESTER - STANLEY STREETS Mr. Paul Stanley informed the Board that in making application for mail service, he found that his address on Stanley 5treet, which 3s*parailel to Carter Avenue ajacent to the Green Meadows subdivision, was a duplicate of a Stanley Street which has been establish- ed for a long time and requested that the Commissioners approve Chester Avenue as'an alter- native name. The Executive Secretary informed the $oard that he had checked the list of known street names and found no similarity to Chester Avenue and therefore recommends its adoption. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Board approve this recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried. 5EA VIEW DRAINAGE COMPLAINT Mr. Francis G. Leonard of Burgaw stated that he had purchased a lot in the Sea V3ew subdivision and that recent ditching activity by the County had dumped water onto his lot w3thout providing an outlet to the Sound. The Executive Secretary was instructed to investigate and take whatever action met the policies outlined by the Board in situations of this nature. SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT ? County Auditor T. D.Love submitted his semi-annual report revealing a percent- age of expenditures tio the sppropriation"s for tfie first 6 months of the year. He considers the present totai percentage of 44% well in line. BUDGET TRANSFERS APPROVED - Auditor Love explained that a few of the Budget items had been underestimated and needed to be supplemented by appropriation or transfers and recommended the followin.g: General Fund Emergency • n n n n o n n n n n u u n n u Unanticip. Revenue-State Bond Fbction General Fund- Emergency n n n , ie n n n , n ie n n n County Home " n n , v , n n n Gener.al Fund " ,r n n . . n n ?f .to Airport-Insurance. Liability Prem. $1536.00 " Auditor- Statly, Supplies 300.00 " Clerlt' of Court, Bond 1.00 " " . " , Repairs Equip. .75..00 " County Aid- Entertainment 300.00 " ° " - Intangible Report 6.00 to Elections-'-State _ . 8451.10 " - Jail- Elevator Contract 3.54 " " - Repairs to Building 291}.1}7 " Sheriff-Insurance Fire,Theft 3b.94 " Tax Discount 315.64 f " A.E. -Repairs Equip. 9.65 County Home-Ice, Coal storage 50.00 " County Drainage-Clothing, Boots 150.00 " " " -Capital Outlay 30.00 " Beach Rehabilitation .171,.38 " County Aid- Public Auditor . 300.00 " " " -Rest. Fort Fisher , 100.00 and transfers Upon .motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the above appropr3ations,,were unani- mously approved. CONSOLIDATED HEALTH BOARD Complying with a request at the last meeting, Consulting Engineer Henry Von Oesen ? presented the following conclusions as a result of his inspection of the building now occu- pied by the Health Department: "1. That while we do not feei that there_ is eminent danger of structural, failure, the structure is in some sta.ge of failure and will continue to become, a greater problem. We would indicate that there is less than 10 years of . usuable and economic life in this.structure. ,° . 2. The interior ceilings are dangerous in that persons occupying the str.uct- ure could be in,jured by ceiling mater.ial falling. We would recommend the repair, of these areas immediately. . , . 3• I would recommend that all exterior cracking in the walls be pointed up , -up-with cement mortar to prevent water entry into the building; that the loose coping be reset; tnat loose window and door frames be well caulked as a temporary measure to make a morehabitable structure. 4, lde believe that a periodic check shouid be made to assure that roof down- spouts are open to assure rutto,ff of roof waters. It is noted that the roof joints are badly deflected which indicaL'es the sign of Vieakness and/ or overioading and, if roof drains should be plugged up causing excessive ponding it is very possi,ble that the roof would fail which would result in possibie in,jury to thos¢ within the building. As a result of this investigation, we woald recommend that the temporary repairs listed be accomplished; that'no yeneral repairs or'improvements be made to the structure; and, that within the next 6 to 10 years other space be'made available to occupants of this building and that the buildirg be abandoned, demoli,shed, or . replaced in accordance with best interest at that time. SENCBA BPNQUET - Mrs. Alice Stricland, Executive Secretary of SENCBA was recognized by the Chair- ? man and presented three items of business with a request that they be approved. 1- Pursuant to the agreement of this Board to underwrite the rent of $100.00 for property at Fort Fisher to the North Carolina Archives of History for restoring, preserving and maintaining of a public hfstoric site on federal property located under the control of the Sunny Point Arr2y Terminal. 2- She presented an invoice from the Charlotte Observor in the maount of $37.04 for advertisino which should come out of the Budgeted item for that purpose. ' continued. , . ' ,? gl `.J ¢.r @ ? Minutes of the A7eeting SENCBA (Continued) January 16, 1960 3- She announced that the annual the Cape Fear Country Club at 6:30 P. M. importance of getting tickets at once, as get them. Continued SENCBA Banquet would be held'on February 5th at The speaker is so popular Lhat she stressed the many.wa3ted too late last year and failed to Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. above request and ordered the invoices paid. 'Y Holton, the Board unanimously approved the SHERIFF'S LOCKERS - Sker.ifY' M.W. Millis informed the Board that he needed 15 lockers for the men in his department for storing their boots, raincoats and other required paraphernalia not in daily use. He has tried to secure them from the Surplus Property Depot without success. Therfh4s sufficient money in his Capital Account already budgeted. Mr. Broadhurst moved that request be granted and the Sheriff authorized to purchase the necessary lockers. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unaimously adopted. , PETIT JURY - ? The trial of civil 22nd, 1960: following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as jurors in the cases in Superior Court for the weeks beginning February lst, 15th and Jurors - Civil cases. Week beqinninq Feb. 1. 1960 R. P. Jones 2909 Nhrket St. E. A. Ring 3205 Market St. W.. E. Covil RFD 11 C.ity G. R. Davis 1510 Orange St. Billy H. Helms 201 Marland Ave. B. T. Holmes 4011 Wrightsville Ave. Lloyd N. Hobbs 247 Williamson Dr. A. L. Cashwell 105 Graham St. Donald H. Brown 2940 Adams St. Elmer B. Murray 214 S. 17 th St. James Gainey 69 S pofford Mills John E. Dyer 219 Peiffer Ave. J. H. DuPriest 139 Gordon Rd. J. C. Gregory 3035 Jefferson David Ripley RFD 2, Box 41 L. N. Johnsbn RFD 1, Box 108 L. Lar kins 5901 Park Ave. W. C. Johnson 235 Spruce Drive James E. Bailey 2015 Pender Ave. Robert E. Vereen 86 P inecrest Pkwy. Herber t T. Bishop 3610 Winston Blvd. Horace Pearsall 227 Forest Hills Leland Malpass 2863 Adams St. H. N. Kentrolis 257 Peiffer Ave. Charle s Ray Rackle y RFD 3, Box 577 William L. Baker Wm. L. McGowan Jr. F. S. Shepard Jr. Hosea L. Horne Raymond B. Hoar J. M. Pigford E. K. Chestnut M. R. Christmas Herbert J. Farrar J. C. Bohannon Carl F. Sutphin Sr. Jesse Bryan Alden D. Council Henry H. Mallette Henry Janicki Haywood S. King Robert Price S. D. Bissette Clifton E. Dixon Sr. Theodore Stephens James B. Gillespie Thomas C. Batson Chester R. Lapeza Lovett G. McLemore James Thomas Crawford Jurors - Civil cases, Week beqinninq Feb. 15th, 1960 J. P. Russ RFD 2, Box 445 E. M. Marks 2012 Brookwood Ave. R. D. Drew RFD 1, Box 321 H. H. King, Jr. 605 Rosemont Ave. J. P. Wilson P. O . Box 1651 W. R. Todd, Jr. RFD 1, Box 155 A. J. Beach P.O. Box 526, CaE° acRa D. G. Royal 211 e N. 5th St. W. H. Hines,Sr. RFD 3, Box 398 E. I. Ennis RFD 1, Box 247 Caqye? W. B. Beery 2943 e Hydrangea P1. W. H. Horne 211 Sonham Ave. R. W. Ma§on. .306 N. 42nd St. Farl M. Smith P.O. Box 109 CaBeac? a W. H. Chinnis 22 J i . Nesbit Ct. F. E. Crowell 2319 Market St. E. J. Pridgen 241 Castle Hayne Rd. S. W. Brinson 5007 Wrightsville Ave. Herman E. Farrow RFD 2, Box 29 Woodrow N. Womack 108 S. 16th St. J. A. Paimer 371(} Stratford D. M. Pemberton 5022 Pine St. H. B. Peschau Jr. RFD 2, Box 58 James 0. Richardso n517 S. Front St. Clare nce L. Swartz 119 N. Channell Drive W. G. Ludwig F. C. Lennon R. H. Holland C. W. Hewett J. L. Bankhead Thomas Morton Isaac Martin J. F. Crawford C. C. braswell Blyde M. Bordeaux J. Paul Avery Billy L. Mason E. F. McCartney Frank Cook Gordon O. Hinson Earl Tucker Gurney J. Hufham Jr. Jesse Farrow Kendall B. Hampton Ned L. Hines D. W. Fisher Herbert S. King Alva J. Strickland Brantley C. P'ridgen Willie Ray Carter Jurors - Civil cases, Week beqinnina Feb. 22nd, 1960 J. D. Organ A. R. Wolfe C. H. Adkins J. O. }{ins Vernon Rerr S. E. Holden C. F. Collins Edward Berry R. S. Tilden Jr. Wm. C. Murray' N. F. Rouse 410 Larchmond Drive 206 Spruce Drive 204 Sunset Ave. 208 Church St. RFD I , Box 286 C stle RFD 2, Box 111} ?ayne 2316 Washington St. RFD 2, Box 159 A. 4016 Oleander Dr. 5042 Pine St. 4303 Greenfield St. A. A. Chiemiego R. H. Hewlett St. Nick Holikas' H. W. Koester ldm. W. Baker Arthur G. Smith J. R. Hendrick Robert M. Mercer Miles Perce J. W. Hamilton L. D. Bordeaux RFD 2, Box 260 B 2827 Adams St. 228 Oakcrest Drive RFD 2, Box 137 120 S. 16th St. 1320 Grace St. 127 Holbrooke Ave. 121 S. 2nd St. 1521 s. 5tn st. RFD 3, Box 645 302 N. 45tn st. 2206 Brandon Road 1112 s. 4tn st. 402 Dawson 5t. RFD 1, Castle Hayne 114 s. Stn st. 315 Lake Drive 2806 Highland Dr. P. o. fiox z2t} 805 s. stn st. 2401 Oleander Dr. 4905 Oleander Dr. 1130 Magnolia Place 202 Pinecrest Pkwy. 29 Pinecrest Pkwy. General Deliv., Cteachna 22 Kenwood Ave. P. o. 9ox 246 Box 152 Carolina Beach Box 90,Wrightsv. Beach Box 22, " " 17 Wooster St. 29 Pinecrest Terrace 605 Jenning Drive 119 Avondale Av.e. 3820 Market St. 113 Lake Forest Pkwy. 312 North Carolina Ave. 304 N. 43rd St. 4106 Oleander Drive RFD 1, Box 265 A. Castle P.O. Box 1202 Hayrr, N.C. RFD 2, Box til P.O. Box 279 211 Spruce Drive RFD 3, sox 533 115 s. 3rd St. 519 s. 5tn st. 202 S. Audubon Blvd. 201 N. 21st St. 107 Floral Pkwy. 4008 Park Ave. RFD 3, City 1520 Dock St. RFD 3, Box 245 509 Sunset Ave. 2730 S. Jackson St. 19 Jackson Ave. 235 Dixie Ave. 318 Franceis Marinn Dr. 2 Church St. continued - ? ??` Minutes of the Meeting January 18, 1960 Continued PETIT JURY - (continued) R.. E. Batson 2224 Oleander Dr. D. L. Coleman 158 Spofford C. L. Carter RFD 1, Box 420 George R. Morgan RFD 1, Box 96 Kelly W. Jewell Sr. 414 Church St. ' Claude Jewell 3117 Wrightsv. Ave. Colon E. Kerr,Jr. RFD 2, Box 98 Adam Sondey Castle Hayne, N.C. Clarence W. Burton RFD 1, Box 238 Rudoiph Bullard 211 Marstellar St. Perry J. Whitman 11 N. 7th St. E. Warren Edwards 176 Colonial Circle George H. Woodville 313 N. 16th St. ftenneth P. Winstead 2U06 Chestnut St. Charles H. Blackledge James M. Williams Fred Stefano David Sidbury Harold L. Caton S. W. Rogers Luther T. Rogers Jr. John J. Saunders Freddie A. narefoot F. E. Livingston Thomas E. Smith Herbert Bluethenthal Clayton E. Starnes J. Walter Braswell Jr. RFD 2, Box 355, City 407 N. 5tn st. RFD 2, Box 418 RFD 1, sox 194 12 Woodlawn Ave. 5538 Oleander Drive P. O. Box 235, Wrl2acsv. 622 S. 3rd St. 235 Williamson Drive Wallace Building 506 Church St. P.O. Box 42, Carolina Beach 100 Bryan Ave., City 26 U Lake Village REPORTS - The following report wer,e received and. review"ed, and.,were, ordered:,f.iled.: f'or information:. , - . . " • . . _ .. , '.. .' . ,' _ _ , ' 1- Home Demonstration Agentts Monthly report for December 1959., 2- Negro n n n n n n n 3- County Agent D. D. Baggett's monthly report " " t}- New Hanover County Airport Report for December 1959. 5-Thank-you letter from Mrs. Louise S. Bland of the Christmas and services rendered during December. Bus'eau for support 6- Notice of Beer License Hearings, Revocations, and Suspensions. 7- Wilmington Public Libary Report for December 1959. 8- " Colored Public Library " " " 9- Veterans Service Office Report " " " 10- County Electrical Inspector Reports for October, November & December 1959. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Holton; seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board ur?nimously voted adjournment. // /fd. G. Houck, Executive Wilmington, N. C. February 1, 1960 CONVEIVTION - ? `? The regular semimonttity-meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners . was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the Court House with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst . J. E. Holton Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Flttorney John Bright Hill. Commissioner Peter H. JJraak was sick and unable to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. Freeman Heath, Pastor of Trinity Nethodist Church, to open Lhe meeting with a prayer for guidance. MINUTES APPROVAL - The paragraph titled Tax Collector in the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting held January 13th, 1960 should be corrected as folloias: "After some discussion of the sub- ject, Mr. Hall withdrew his motion to table, and after the seconder agreed, the question was calied on the original motion and it was unanimously adopted." In the minutes of the regular meeting of January 18, under the paragraph headed Tax Claim,add the following: "The Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Kelly requesting him to pay the tax and thus clear the records." Mr. Holton then offered a motion, seconded by Nr. Williams, that the minutes be approved as corrected above. HUGH MAC RAE PARK Mr. Hugh Morton appeared before the Board and stated that he had seen a recent newspaper release that the Commissioners had approved the construction of a riding ring in Hugh N?acRae Park which would require the cutting of some trees. He reminded the Board that the park was given by his grandfather and in his opinion the stand of long leaf pines was one of the finest in the state. He read a portion from the original grant which stipulated that the park was to be developed for the enjoyment of the citizens of New Hanover County and restricting the cutting of trees to the inspection and approval of the State Forester and under the supervision of a landscape architect. The family think that the park is a worthy thing in itself and while they'recognize the value of such things as a baseball diamond, riding rings, and many other activities which wouid require the cutting of trees, they feel that the stand of long leaf pines should be preserved and improvements made along the line of planting shrubbery and beautification of the grounds not requiring the destruct- ion of trees. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that the Chairman appoint a committee in- cluding Mr. Hugh Morton to study the problem and recommend a policy for future action and establish a permanent file which couid always be referred to when questions about the park arose. Itwas seconded by Mr. Holton, In the discussion, the Chairman explained that in his opinion the park is more highly appreciated by the people of New Hanover County than many people know, and cited the crowds which picnic there during favorable weather. He bbserved that the interpretation of the word "development" in the grant seemed to be what caused the misunderstanding in that the Board certainly thought they were complying in de- veloping the park when they approved the construction of these recreational facilities for the use of the public. The Executive Secretary explained thaL some of the trees cut in the continued- 'A