1960-02-01 Regular Meeting??` Minutes of the Meeting January 18, 1960 Continued PETIT JURY - (continued) R.. E. Batson 2224 Oleander Dr. D. L. Coleman 158 Spofford C. L. Carter RFD 1, Box 420 George R. Morgan RFD 1, Box 96 Kelly W. Jewell Sr. 414 Church St. ' Claude Jewell 3117 Wrightsv. Ave. Colon E. Kerr,Jr. RFD 2, Box 98 Adam Sondey Castle Hayne, N.C. Clarence W. Burton RFD 1, Box 238 Rudoiph Bullard 211 Marstellar St. Perry J. Whitman 11 N. 7th St. E. Warren Edwards 176 Colonial Circle George H. Woodville 313 N. 16th St. ftenneth P. Winstead 2U06 Chestnut St. Charles H. Blackledge James M. Williams Fred Stefano David Sidbury Harold L. Caton S. W. Rogers Luther T. Rogers Jr. John J. Saunders Freddie A. narefoot F. E. Livingston Thomas E. Smith Herbert Bluethenthal Clayton E. Starnes J. Walter Braswell Jr. RFD 2, Box 355, City 407 N. 5tn st. RFD 2, Box 418 RFD 1, sox 194 12 Woodlawn Ave. 5538 Oleander Drive P. O. Box 235, Wrl2acsv. 622 S. 3rd St. 235 Williamson Drive Wallace Building 506 Church St. P.O. Box 42, Carolina Beach 100 Bryan Ave., City 26 U Lake Village REPORTS - The following report wer,e received and. review"ed, and.,were, ordered:,f.iled.: f'or information:. , - . . " • . . _ .. , '.. .' . ,' _ _ , ' 1- Home Demonstration Agentts Monthly report for December 1959., 2- Negro n n n n n n n 3- County Agent D. D. Baggett's monthly report " " t}- New Hanover County Airport Report for December 1959. 5-Thank-you letter from Mrs. Louise S. Bland of the Christmas and services rendered during December. Bus'eau for support 6- Notice of Beer License Hearings, Revocations, and Suspensions. 7- Wilmington Public Libary Report for December 1959. 8- " Colored Public Library " " " 9- Veterans Service Office Report " " " 10- County Electrical Inspector Reports for October, November & December 1959. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Holton; seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board ur?nimously voted adjournment. // /fd. G. Houck, Executive Wilmington, N. C. February 1, 1960 CONVEIVTION - ? `? The regular semimonttity-meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners . was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the Court House with the following present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst . J. E. Holton Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Flttorney John Bright Hill. Commissioner Peter H. JJraak was sick and unable to attend the meeting. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend C. Freeman Heath, Pastor of Trinity Nethodist Church, to open Lhe meeting with a prayer for guidance. MINUTES APPROVAL - The paragraph titled Tax Collector in the minutes of the Special Joint Meeting held January 13th, 1960 should be corrected as folloias: "After some discussion of the sub- ject, Mr. Hall withdrew his motion to table, and after the seconder agreed, the question was calied on the original motion and it was unanimously adopted." In the minutes of the regular meeting of January 18, under the paragraph headed Tax Claim,add the following: "The Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter to Mr. Kelly requesting him to pay the tax and thus clear the records." Mr. Holton then offered a motion, seconded by Nr. Williams, that the minutes be approved as corrected above. HUGH MAC RAE PARK Mr. Hugh Morton appeared before the Board and stated that he had seen a recent newspaper release that the Commissioners had approved the construction of a riding ring in Hugh N?acRae Park which would require the cutting of some trees. He reminded the Board that the park was given by his grandfather and in his opinion the stand of long leaf pines was one of the finest in the state. He read a portion from the original grant which stipulated that the park was to be developed for the enjoyment of the citizens of New Hanover County and restricting the cutting of trees to the inspection and approval of the State Forester and under the supervision of a landscape architect. The family think that the park is a worthy thing in itself and while they'recognize the value of such things as a baseball diamond, riding rings, and many other activities which wouid require the cutting of trees, they feel that the stand of long leaf pines should be preserved and improvements made along the line of planting shrubbery and beautification of the grounds not requiring the destruct- ion of trees. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that the Chairman appoint a committee in- cluding Mr. Hugh Morton to study the problem and recommend a policy for future action and establish a permanent file which couid always be referred to when questions about the park arose. Itwas seconded by Mr. Holton, In the discussion, the Chairman explained that in his opinion the park is more highly appreciated by the people of New Hanover County than many people know, and cited the crowds which picnic there during favorable weather. He bbserved that the interpretation of the word "development" in the grant seemed to be what caused the misunderstanding in that the Board certainly thought they were complying in de- veloping the park when they approved the construction of these recreational facilities for the use of the public. The Executive Secretary explained thaL some of the trees cut in the continued- 'A I? zp . ? ?? Minutes of the Meeting February 1, 1960 continued HUGH MACRAE PARK - (Continued) past was necessitated by the fact that they had become infe(sted by bark beetles and tree borers but that each time any trees had been taken out they first had been inspect- ed by a representative of the State Forester and under the supervision of Mr. Rhoda Farrow who is an experienced landscape architect. The Chairman'asaured Mr. Morton that the wishes ?. ? of the famlly would be carefully considered in any changes at the park. The question"on' ?B,ya..,-.•?' the motion was then called and the Board unanimously approved. Chairman Hall appointed d?y Mr. J. E. Holton, Jr., Mr. Hugh Mortoni,and Mr. Berry A. Ldilliams as a committee to bring recommendations for a policy to control the future development of Hugh MacRae Parlc.' CAROLINA PObJER & LIGHT EASEMENT & RIGHT OF WAY- The Carolina Power 8 Light Company requested approval for moving their power lines situated between the Wanet Sausage Company and Smith Creek on County property because of the approval in allowing the Wanet Sausage Company•to buiid a lagoon as authorized at the meeting of January 18th. Mr. Holton moved that approval be given to a transfer to the easement and right of way requested provided the old easement and right of way be cancelled. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. WELFARE LIEN AND SECOND MORTGAGE - Mr. E. Mosely Fnnvielle, representing the Cooperative Savings and Loan Association, Z,?„$.tiL informed the Board that the Public 'Welfare Department had a lien of $1,161.21} against a piece of property which they were financing for Corrinne Burnett Bradford on which their original loan amounted to $3600.00 recorded in Lien Docket, page 533, File 1592. $he wishes to re- finance the property but unless the lien is cancelled they are unable to compiete the trans- action. He requests a cancellation of the lien and promises a second mortgage, which in the opinion of the County Attorney will not weaken the County's claim against the property for the grants made but he suggesLed a letter of approval be secured from the Superintendent of Public Welfare, Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, for the file. Mr. Broadhurst then moved that the re- quest be granted. It was seconded by Pfr. Williams and unanimously approved by the Board. I 4,Z?? FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - , The Executive 5ecretary informed the Board that Mrs. Winnie H. Swanson was offer- ing $275.00 for a wedge-shaped piece of property 26' x 2161?' fronting on 13th Street in Block 566, Lot #3• The Property Assessor has approved the offer, therefore Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Holton, that approval be given for the sale of this pro- perty for $275.00, subject to approval of the City Council. The vote was unanimously in favor of the sale. The Executive Secretary explained that the appraisal value of $300.00 on part of Lot 3 in Block 499 which is 21Z x 1621 fronting on 14th Street has been approved by the City Council, but Daniel E. Dicks has offered $150.00for it because thereis a drainage ditch run- ning the entire length of it and the only reason he is interested is to help make a play park for the children in the neighborhood. Likewise, parts of Lot 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 499 which is 621 x 198' was approved for sale at the appraisal value of $1800.00 but since an ajacent lot 21f' deeper was sold for $1700.40, Carter W. Newsome has offered $1700.00 for it. After some discussion of the proposition, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the offers be accepted provided the Property Assessor and the City Council would approve them. It was seconded by Mr. 13roadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. GRAND JURY REPORT - ? The Grand Jury report for the January, 1960 Criminal' term was received in which all Justices oF the Peace and.Covnty Schools were given a good report, with a few exceptions which were referred to the Board of Education for correction. / An inspection of the County Stockade at the Farm was made and a recommendation for additional fencing and a new clothing storage room urged otherwise the cbnditions report- ed were good. LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL PROG}ZAM - Stacy C. Bragg, Sr., Deems B. Padgett, and R. M. Williams representing the re- creational program of the Optimist Clubs of New Hanover County appeared before the Board and explained that they would like to expand the Littie League activities to include teams out- side of New Hanover County in-as-much as they had many requests for participation in the pro- gram from neighboring counties. Their plan includes the organization of a Good Neighbor League and an expenditure of more than $3,000 to construct adequate lights and backstops. They pointed out that New Hanover County was making every effort to obtain new industry and all of the major manufacturing firms wanted recreational facilities and they feel that the formation of this Good Neighbor League will bring in the people from surrounding counties. They requested a letter endorsing their proposed plans be written by the Chairman after approv- al by the Board. After some discussion of the sub,ject, Mr. Williams moved that the Chairman be authorized to write such a letter in the name of the County. It was seconded by Mr.Broad- hurst and unanimously approv.ed. RESERVE FLEET - Robert E. Calder appeared with a committee in the interest of retaining the Re-._, serve Eleet in the Brunswick Lay-up Basin. He informed the Board that he had written a let- ? ter to the Maritime Administration protesting the removal of the Reserve Fleet from the Lay- up Basin, and thought that the Commissioners should raise their voice in protest and like- ? (,,? wise write letters to the Maritime Administration, Senators, and Congressmen from North Car.o- (,Ub"?-V lina pointing out the advantages in retaining the Reserve Fleet.here, particularly with ref- erence to the lower labor cost, as well as favorable climatic conditions which lessen the operating expense. After some discussion, Mr. Holton moved that the Board go on record ' as approving this request oppos3ng the removal of the Reserve Fleet from the Lay-up Basin. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and during the discussion, Mr. Williams agreed that the need for economy was great and he felt that all public officials wanted to reduce the cost wherever they could but that he could not in good conscience vote to keep worthless property just for the sake of keeping it here, however he did think the reasons justified an effort to retain it and when the question was called, the approval was unanimous. The Chairman then informed Mr. Calder that the matter was of such a nature that he felt that informed persons closer to the oroblem should be consulted and suggested a conference which was agreed to by the Commissioners. ' SENCBA .- ,?. Mrs. Alice G. Strickland, Executive Secretary of SENCBASSOCiation reminded the continued- \ PY Y ?_ i Minutes of the Meeting February 1, 1960 Continued -? SENCBA - (continued) B oa r d that it was important for them to be represenLed in Raleigh on February 3rd to present the need for a ferry from Fort Fisher?to Southport and urged them to attend the annual ineeting to be held at the Cape Fear Country Club on Friday evening, February 5, 1960. WELFARE LIEN F. C. Sadgwar informed the Board that he had conducted funeral services and had in- terred the body of Maggie Taylor Canady at the request of her granddaughter but when he had attempted to collect the expenses, he found that she expected them to be taken out of some real property which she owned and an investigation of that disclosed a lien of $1650.00 as a result of grants made by the Welfare Department. He requested a reduction of the lien as the property was not sufficient to cover the burial expenses and satisfy the lien. Mr. Broad- hurst moved that this matter be referred to th,e Welfare Board for study and recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. • STANLEY-CHESTER-ELISHA AVENUE The Executive Secretary informed the Board that when Paul Stanley was told they had approved the change from Staniey Street to Chester Avenue because of a duplication of Stanley Street, he was dissatisfied and asked that Clie'ster Avenue be changed to Elisha Ave- nue. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that Stanley.5treet, ajacent to Green Meadows,be desionated Elisha Avenue. This motion was seconded by Nr. 8roadhurst, and unanimously carried. BEER LICENSE - ? A letter was received from Mr. Stanley G. Cheek informing the Board that for the last four years he had been pay,ing $25.00 per year to the Tax Collector for an on-premise permit to sell beer, however, he had just discovered that his permit was an off-premise per- ? mit which required $5.00 per year license fee. He requested that the Commissioners author- ize the return of the overpayment. By common consent, the mtter was referred to the County c,-Zt7j? k Attorney, John Bright Hill, for recommendation at the next meeting of the Board,on February i5tn. RESCUE SQUAD TRUCK A letter was received from the New Hanover County Rescue Squad informing the County ? that they were organizing under the sponsorship of Civil Defense and that it was essential ,A?AaJJ? that a light duty rescue equipment and mobile unit be obtained, the totai cost of which would be $6,000. They requested an appropriation from the County of $3,000 to match a like amount supplied by the Federal Government through Civil Defense. After some discussion, the Board unanimously agreed to take the matter under study and consider it at the next Bud- yet time. • , AZALEA FESTIVAL APPROPRIATION The Facecutive Secretary informed the B'oard that it had been customary in the past for the City and County to equally share a page advertisement in the Azalea Festival feature issue of the State NYaga2ine, the cost of which is $100.00 each. Mr. Williams offered a motion that it be ailocated out of the Advertising Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously approved. • Mr. Holton observed that while they were making appropriations on the Azalea Fest- ival, he thought they had just as well include the one for the City-County Luncheon usually shared equally along.with other promotional expenses and offered a motion that the same amount be appropriated as was spent last year. The County Auditor informed them that it amounted -7yokivA to $2,050.00.• Mr. Broadhurst seconded the motion. In the discussion which followed, Mr. Williams remarked thaL he would much rather earmark the money for that purpose and name the actual appropriation at a later date when they could determine exactly how the money was to be spent and he`'offered a substitute motion to that effect, to which no second was made, therefore the Chairman deciared it dead. When the vote was called on the original motion, Mr. Williams voted "NO", however the Chairman ruled it prevailed by a majority vote. , SPA PLAQUE UNVEILING - • r The Ghairman reported that the marker memorializing the establishmettt of theState ? Ports Authority was unveiled at 10:30 A. M. January 19, 1960 at the entrance of the State Port Docks. He introduced Cyrus D. Hogue, Sr. who was Chairman of the Wilmington Port Com- mission at the time; who made the follow3ng renarks: It has been suggested that it might not be amiss at this' time 4> give a brief . outline of how the North Carolina State Ports Authority came into being. • Under Chapter 390 of the Public Local Laws of 1935 the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County were authorized and directed to call a special election to aidin the development of the port of Wilmington, North'Carolina and upon the approval of the voters to appropriate 2e on the $100.00 assessed valuation of real and personal pro- perty for a period of six years from the date of ratification of theact. . The election carried and under the act the County Commissioners created the Wi1- mington Port Commissiott as the agency to a3d in such development. At the expiration of the six year period the Yailmington•Port Commission'swork was sup orted by funds derived from ABC Revenue. 19?5, the Local Commission reali2ed that their work was properly a function of' the State which was the chief beneficiary in the development of the North Carolina Ports. ' With this in mind the Cormnission drew a bill creating the North Carolina State Ports Authority.. This bill was enacted into law by Chapter 1097 of the Public Laws of 1945• This is the basic law under which the Authority still operates. While some amendments have been made they have dealt in the main with personnel and the administrative machinery. Since the speaker was only one of many dedicated,to port development in North Carolina, I think it not immodest to say that had there been . no Wilmington Port Commissidn, there would not have been in the foreseeable future , • a North Carolina State Ports Authority. . It has been said that the mdst'perfect line in English poetry is that of Matthew Arnold " The salt, unplombed, estranging sea"., but the sea is no longer_"estranging".. It is a broad highway to World Commerce. . It is our earnest belief that under the Directorate of Mr. W311iams and with.the guidance of the distinguished group forming the Ports Authority, North Carolina. • will obtain at least a fair share of this commerce. This dedicatory service for the new dock extension is but another noteworthy assurance of this fact." ? ? :0 4 2 Minutes of the Meeting February 1, 1960 Continued ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION - ? Mr. Benjamin J. MacDonald appeared before the Board and reminded them that this was one of the few counties with an ABC Board which made no contribution to the education or rehabilitation of alcoholic addicts and suggested that a committee•composed of the Chair- man of the New Hanover County Commissioners, the Presid¢nt of the Bar Association, President of the Ministerial Association, Clerk of Superior Court, Judge of the Recorders Court and President of the local Medical Association#to study this problem and give serious considera- tion to providing a program to help aicoholics after they have returned to sobriety. So often, he said,they return with no provisions made for worlt to occupy their minds an d pro- vide for themselves sleeping quarters or even food. It takes a few weeks to become condit- ioned to meet the normal living requirements and if it is not legal to allocate ABC Funds for this purpose, he thought steps should be taken to have the next General Assembly pro- vide such authority. The Chairman thanked him for his appeal and by common consent, they agreed to discuss it further at the time the next Budget was made. •%f be appointed SEER PERMIT ??c.. The foilowing beer permitr+as ordered referred to the Sheriff, upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and approval of the Board: William Murrell Echols T/A The Bowling Center 5107 Oleander Drive, City ? ?AJACENT PROPERTY REA?TAL - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Mr. T. B. Upchurch of Raeford, North Carolina offered to rent a 50' x 1001 building ajacent to the Court House progerty on a long term lease for $300.00 per month. The building is now occupied by the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company, who will vacate it by March lst. He said that they would be will- ing to negotiate remodeling to suit the County or possibly the sale of the property. The consensus of the Board indicated that at present there was no pressing need for the build- ing but because of the proximity to the County property, the matter should be carefully studied before making a final decision about its purchase. There was complete agreement that it was not practical to purchase it for rental purposes. It is the only practicai outlet, however, for expansion of County property around the Court House. PETITION FOR RELIEF - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, requested admittance to C??.ryqLa-the County Home of Lois Mae Branch for convalescence from a spine fusion. This is a tempor- ary commitment until the doctor considers her physical condition such that she can resume her regular employmant. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the request be granted. It was seconded by Nr. Williams and the Board unanimously ordered her admittance. ELEVATOR SERVICE - --- As instructed at the last meeting, the Executive Secretary investigated the recom- mendations made by the service department for improving the elevator in the Court House and found that the instailation of a counterareight guard in the pit would not add to the safety of the elevator but only the protect3on of the Otis service mechanics. The condition of the mach;ne room was inspected and ordered cleaned. ? ? PETIT .IUAY - The following good and lax,rful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Superior Court in the trial of Criminal Cases for the weeks beginning February 29th, March 7th and in the trial of Civii cases for the weeks beginning March 14th and March 21, 1960. Jurors - Week beoinnina Februarv 29, 1960 -Criminal Fred A. Lee, Jr. W. J. Kerr J. M. Dav3s Robert B. Buck A. R. Uass Wm. F. Ehlers J. D. Lewis C. W. Davis, Jr. R. G. White J. F. Swann, .lr. C. V. Nobles Earl C. Brown C. R. Morse, R. D. Oliver B. R. Wilson E. M. Wilson, Jr. Raiph H. Davis C. R. Loman Harry E. Rogers John C. Rackiey J. Eari Sneeden Elwood M. Sapp Frcd M. Lehrscall Henry Whisetts Charles H. McCarthy Jurors - Week beainninq March 7, 1960 - Criminal William D. Gash C. W. Davis E. H. De2ano Ben E. Edge B. J. Griffith W. R. Brown James H. Davis S. L. Landen W. D. McHee 19 Y Lake Village 2211 Brandon Rd. 507 N. 21st st. 5006 oleander Dr. 2427 Monroe St. 627 Castle Hayne Rd. 106 Laurel Dr. 1812 Perry Ave. 2931 Park Ave. RFD 1, Box 225 12 Morningside Dr. 2009 Adam St. City Hall 4214 Park Ave. 102 S. 17th St. 1205 Chestnut St. Box 154, CarolAe ch Carolina Beach, ?. C. 206 Midland Drive 211l? Summer Hi 11 2L408 Metts Ave. 533 E. Shipyard Blvd. 1603 Castle St. RFD 1, Box 468 103 Parkrray Blvd. 3602 Stratford Blvd. 215 S. sth St. 19 Terrace Walk 11 Lake Forest Pkwy. RFD 3, Box 247 2620 Princess St. 121 Vance St. RFD 3, Sox 149 226 Bonham Ave. James':F.:Perry Lynn Batson A. G. Herring N. W. Jackson Oscar Burnett D. H. Godbold R. W. Mitchell James C. Murdock John W. Mintz Robert G. Smith Noah Plisco B. B. Halterman Nnrman R. Farmer D. W. Jackson Verdo B. Tucker Wilbur L. Russ George C. Glass Crariand Palmer M. G. Schnibben Robert S. Hughes John Lee Sibbett Wm. Harold Jones Lemuel Brinson Sr. Dan H. Williams Jr. Samuel D. Southerland W. H. Grant Charles C. Lewis J. M. Chasen L. M. Nerrill Johnny Bellamy Earl F. Baker,Jr. A. P. Laclair J. W. Mangum Jr. 0. I. Dempsey 134 GreaiForest Drive 5521 Wrightsville Av. 2109 Pine St. 129 Rutledge Dr. 765 S. Lumina Av. 407 s. 18th st. 77 Lee Drive P.o. Eox 418 4941 Pine St. RFD 2, Box 299 601 N. 4th St. 1309 PCincess St. RFD 2, Box 147 802 Greenfield St. 112 Hoibrooke Ave. 124 Rutledge Dr. 3907 Wrightsville Av. P. 0. Box 926 3817 Market St. RFD 3, Box 611 ll} 0 Lake Viliage 5 A. Lake Village 3022 Adams St. 9 I Lake Village RFD 2, Box 145 RFD 1, Box 310 F. 110 S. Hinton Ave. Box 225, Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 1, Box 199 1313 Cape Fear Ave. 204 Central Blvd. 510 Church St. 7 Pinecrest Pkwy. 106 S. 17th St. continued- ,,.,.. ? c?..1, i ? <} Minutes of the Meeting PETIT JURY - (Continued) R. A. Lockamy H. H. Foust Paul N. Deil W. D. Walkup J. S. Caison T. C. Meyland Charles I. Rogers Vernon D. Peace Carl Ydatson Lawrence G. Sprunt Rbbert Kallman William H.Batten John Henry Hurst Ivey B. Strickland David N. Weaver J. E. Southerland February 1, 1960 RFD 3, Box 480 A RFD 3, City 604 Colwell Ave. 326 S. 3rd st. Box 16, Live Oak Ave. 2525 Harrison St. RFD 2, Box 406 615 Dock St. 812 orarige St. P. 0. Box 270 joi'li' Fi?g?L53 JE?ach 002 01eW ander Drive 5005 Oleander Drive 4418 Market St. 4404 Wrightsville Ave. 19 Keaton Ave. Jurors- Week beainnino March 11L. 1960 Civil J. U. Wells 2527 Washington St. E. C. Bryan Box 562 A,Carolina Beach C. V. Covil City W. I. Beck 314 S. 4th St. F. S. Seay,Jr. 4407 Greenfield St. E. P. White 170$ Orange St. J. B. Talbot 112 Colonial Village Selby G. Finch 7 K Nesbitt Courts Adolph J. Kaus Box 743 Carolina Beach Louis Latham Box 1256, City W. C. James P. o. Box 65 Donald E. Lee 101 S. 16th St. Willie W. Alford RFD 3, Box 46 Henry Oliver 2414 Poplar St. John Pierce 221 Davie Drive E, Lee Carter Box 228, Carolina Beach Sanford Doxey 1806 Ann St. G. W. Holland RFD 1, Box 507 William Pittman 204 Castle St. H. B. Somersett 110 S. 52nd St. Joseph A. Stefano 20 0 Lake Forest James P. Drummond 302 Wrightsville Ave. Milton C. Murrell 318 Davie Drive Ludwig Eugene Tron dsen 2717 Washington St. Maybelle R. Willet ts 117 S. 4th St. Continued - Vernon G. Lewis H.. C.• Henderson R. L. Daughtry James S. Mintz H. J. Carroll Waitus L. Kelly . Jennings Otts Harold Milde Elijah L. Leonard Jr. Donald J. Batdorff Robert T. Davis Alexander H.McDonaid Joseph E. Johnson H. R. Fussell Daniel F. Thompson W. B. Klander Sr. 915 S. 3rd St. 1317 Princess St. 3008 ,lefferson St. 2114 Cedar St. Gen. Deliv.,Carol???ch RF.D 1, Box 261,Ca e Hayne 414 s., 5tn st. 125 Stradleigh Road Worth Drive 271? MimosaSPlace Ave. 48031 Wrightsville Ave. % Wilietts Realty Co. 108 S. !}lst St. 21-D Lake Village 4402 Oleander Dr. Z. F. Zeller 517 Castle St. Norwood Davis Carolina Beach, N. C. Wm. McClung 122 Morgan St. Levie E. Peyton Jr. 2933 H Adams St. B. L. Parmenter RFD 3, Box586 R. C. Saunders 5614 Oleander Drive Eben W. Lewis 2709 Jackson St. .lames R. Hooper RFD 1, Box 148 Edgar J. Casteen 206 S. Slst St. William W. Bland 4106 Lake Drive Jerry M. Newbold 1 Church St. Lesman Hansley RFD 2, Box 39 Theodosia Holland % Foster Hill Realty Co Duncan Miller 131 Williamson Dr. A. B. Cheatham, Jr. 505 Colonial Dr. Lloyd Kittrell • P. O. Box 1617 Oscar Phillips • 313 Chestnut St. Bernard E. Hing 313 McMillan Ave. Johnie F: Woodell 22 Ct. B, Lake Village J. Ward Andrews 2320 Belvidere St. John Gustafson P. O. Box 572, Ca oli?a h Edward J. Haneman eac Wrightsville Beac ;Tames Allender 3235 S. Front'5t. Geo. Lynwood Stephenson 725 S. Front St. CecY1 Henderson 1936 Church St. Jurors - Week beqinninq March 21, 1960 Civil . W. D. Hali 119 Henry St. James V. Williams 810 Princess St. J. T. Rich 2205 Gibson Ave. Louis D. Todd, Jr. 304 Adela•ide Dr. J. V. Long 315 N. 41st St. Jack E. Yetter 105 Wooster.St. J. F. 5cott 2871 Adams St. Wm. J. Bennett • 132 Hinton Ave.' M. L. Rooks 1905 Grace St. W. A. Batchelor Ct. 2 A Lake Forest Thoma s F. Davis 316 Cape Fear Blvd. A. H. Bordeaux Box 237, Carolina Beach Crarla nd L. Brown 325 Greenville Ave. J. J. Fingberg 410 N. 45th St. W. W. Culver 12 U Il.ake Village W. B. Godwin 4907 Oleander Dr. B. W. Howell 4901 Pine St. W. Alex Fonvielle Jr. 98 Wayne Dr. ' W. F. Landen 24 Jackson Dr. A. G. Millican 2304 Metts Ave. W. F. Gurley % A. N. Shew,1103 Azalea J. C. Etheridge 522 S. 3rd St. J. C. Rackley . 2114 Cedar St. Dr' Alvin E. Harrell 104 Graham St. J. L. Moser 3810 Wrightsville Ave. Henry F. Martinat 38 Wayne Drive K. A. Bryan 159 Colonial Circle Calvin H. Hooper 113 Marktt St. D. C. Bland 2214 Plaza Drive John A. Gresham 9 Morni-ngside Drive P. L. Weaver 211 N. 25th St. Bernard Warshauer 705 Market.5t. E. T. Holden 314 Red Cross St. Thomas Inglis 302 Maryland Ave. W. H. Andrews Jr. 4909 Pine St. W. W. Bradshaw Castle Hayne, N. C. Louis R. Hanson Jr. P. O x? R Lonnie L. Wood 3819 Princess St. Wrig Fi?sv e Beach Jos. T. Altobellis P._O.Box 134b Ernest E. Hewett 4 J. Lake Uillage Rober.t Hewett . 110 Alabama Ave. Grover C. McSwain 409 Central Blvd. Lester L. Hewett 1627 East Plaza St. Louis J. Howard 3107 Market St. Charl es D. Carmn 110 Bryan Ave. Dorothy P. Earle 15 Wrightsville Causeway Geo. W. Harrison 12 V. Lake Vil-lage Andrew J. Verbillis 2835 C. Adams St. Chafil es F. Jones Sr. P.O. Box 961 Murphy H. Southerland,Sr. RFD 2, Box 205 T REPORTS - • ? The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed: ? 1- Ueterans Service Office ,$ 2- New Hanover County Welfare Dept. Quarterly Report for October, November 8 ? December 1959. ? ADJOURNMENT Upon motion of Nr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. I i i ' `-- . • W. G. Houck, Executive Secre ry -A