1960-03-07 Regu;ar Meeting??x7\ Wilmington, N. C. March 7, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The reaular semimonthly meeting of ers.was held on'th•is'date`in the',Commissioners the following members in attendance: Chairman Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love. the Board•of New Hanoyer.Count-y Commi;ssion- Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. i,iith J. M. Hall, Jr., Cor,unissioners Peter H. Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Dr. 1.1. D. Morris, Pastor of Temple•Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The Executive Secretary asked the Commissioners to approve the following amend- ments to the paragraph titled Prison Enterprises Laundry to be inserted as a part of the motion offered by Mr. Williams "'that a study be made of the report and if the Board of Directors are convinced that a savings can be effected through the use of these services that this Board recommend that they be utilized". Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes were then unanimously approved as corrected above. RECORDERS COURT - • Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior C formed them about a problem in connection with the the Clerk of the Recorders Court has his office in The volume of records has accu:nulated to ttae point tinued expansion of the Superior Court records and Durt, appeared before the Board and in- Recorders Court. In the first place, the vault of the Superior Court office. that the space is nee.ded for the con- therefore he recommended that a com- mii.tee be appointed to study the situation and consider moving the Recorders Court Clerk nearer the Recorders Court Room for efficiency in handling the business of the Court. Secondly, the volume of work accumulating from year to year has increased the work load of the office to the point that additional help is required. This is particularly true in the handling of support payments which grow increasingly. /an investigation of other County and City Recorders Courts handling a comparative work indicates that the office is woefully understaffed and he recommended the employment of an additional Clerk-Typist to relieve some of the work load. After a thorough discussion of this problem, Mr. trJilliams offered a motion that a committee be appointed to study the needs along with the Clerk of Superior Court and report their recommendations back to this Board at their next meeting. This motion was seconded by Mr. Braak. Before the question was called, Mr. Holton offer- ed a substitute motion that a committee be appointed consisting of at least one Commiss- ioner, the Clerk of Superior Court, the Judge and Solicitor of Recorders Court, and the -? Executive Secretary be authorized to proceed with the Civil Service Commission examination f'or the purpose of procuring a Clerk-Typist to assist in this office. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the question was called, the vote was unanimous, therefore, the orig- inal motion was nullified. The Chairman annointed Commissioner L. E. Broadhurst as Chair- man of the committee composed of Mr. Holton, Judge Smith, Solicitor UJalker, Clerk:of Sup- erior Court Edwards and the Executive Secretary to explore and recormnend suitable quarters• for the Recorders Court Clerk. ? . CORONER - ? A letter was received from the Clerk of Superior Court enclosing an appoint- ment of Dr. L. B. Mason as Acting Coroner which is authorized by Generai Statute 152-1. , He attached detailed statements supporting the emergency creating the need for this appoint- ? ! ment outlining that the elected Coroner was reported sick and unable to attend the Hear- Cotg7,.a-? , ing of a suicide and murder case as well as 3 deaths in connection with a wreck. He like- wise presented an invoice for $75.00 covering the professional services of Dr. Mason and recommended that it be paid. The Chairman informed the Board that he had requested the Auditor to withhold payment of this amount from the regular salary of the Coroner until t.he Board had an opportunity to discuss and decide the proper procedure. Coroner L. Gordon Doran was present and explained that he was running a high fever and could not attend to that particular business but he,did not think the cost of a substitute Coroner should be borne by him since other salaried employees of the County were not penalized salary-wise when . they were away from their work because of illness. After a thorough discussion of the cir- cumstances, Mr. Holton offered a motion,seconded by Mr. braak, that the Coroner be paid • his regular salary and that $75.00 be appropriated and transferred from Coroner-Autopsy to Coroner-Salary in order to pay Dr. Mason. It was unanimously approved. FOR SALE - ADUERTISING ? Mr. Richard A. Shew addressed the Board and stated that he was representing Mr. J. L. Baldwin, President of the Wilmington Realtors Association. He had noticed in the neiaspaper that the matter of posting'For Sale4'signs on all County owned property would be discussed and they wished to enter a protest because it might create a demoralizing effect on the real estate market. This is particularly true since the ACL employees are now advertising their homes for sale and additionalnFor Saleirsigns would seem to depress the real estate market. The realtors are anxious to assist the County and City in having ' all of the tax foreclosed property placed back on the activetax roll and therefore they would appreciate a list of all the parcels of property which are owned;by the County and ` City. SEASHORE TRANSPORTATION CO. - Mr. R. C. O'Bryan, representing the Seashore Transportation Company of Jackson- ville, North Carolina, accompanied by Attorney Oliver Carter and Woodrow B. Pridgen, repre- senting Taxicabs, Incorporated appeared before the Board to explain their request for a franchise to operate from U.S. 17 North on 23rd Street to the Airport terminal. The pro- ? blem was more a matter of rates than of transportation in that the Seashore Transportation (7, Company operates through Camp Le,jeune and other government installations and are prohibit- ed by law from publishing through rates unless they have a franchise to operate over the distance traveled. They have no intention of operating ground facilities to and from the ? Airport rrhich might syphon off the business handled by Taxicabs, Incorporated thus deplet- - ing their income to a point that they would be forced to withdraw the service. As the explanation seemed to be agreeable to both parties, Mr. Braak offered a motion that County ? Attorney Hill be authorized to work with Attorney Oliver Carter and Mr. O'Bryan in drawing up a working agreement satisfactory to all parties involved. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously approved. : ?i ? r ,548 _.--- il ?'? 1)41°? "?vd _? r ? Minutes of the Meeting - March 7, 1960 SCHOOL AUDIT - Mr. Charlton A. Pope, President of the Taxpayers League of New Hanover County, informed the Board that a matter of far reaching importance had recently come to his atten- tion with reference to the Consolidated Board of Education. He charged that purchases were being made and not authorized or approved by the Purchasing Agent. As a taxpayer, he was concerned with how the mnney appropriated to the schools was being expended and he strongly recommended that an independent outside auditor be employed to make a function- al survey and determine who has authority to buy and a management audit to see that the legal requirements were being met and thereby assure them that the money is being spent as appropriated. ? In his opinion, it would be wisest expenditure of funds. Mr. Williams suggested that sittce the Board of Education had been very cooperative in giving detailed information during the Budget discussions and an independent audit was made not very long ago and it appeared that we were making an audit upon an audit, he suggested that the matter be referred to the Consoldiated Board of Education for handling, Mr. Braak was of a like opinion, however, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. John 0. Marshall, Purchasing Agent for the Consolidated Board of Education be requested to come before the Board of Commissioners today and make the statement which was charged to h3m by Mr. Pope. There was no second to tliis motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. After some further discussion, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the recommendation and accusation made by Mr. Pope be referred to the Consolidated Board of Education for consideration. Mr: Wil- liams seconded this motion which was approved by the Board with the exception of Mr. Broadhurst who voted against it. AIRPORT - AZALEA FESTIVAL A letter was received from the Azalea Festival Committee requesting the use of the New Hanover County Airport on the afternoon of April 2nd, 1960 for use of the 82nd Airborne Division which is planning a pubiic show to include a mass parachute drop, assault landing of.aircraft carrying troops and equipment, and precision parachute jumping as a part of the Festival program. They also request the privilege of handling concessions on the afternoon of the show. Mr. Holton offered a motion that this request be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. AZALEA DECORATIONS - During the discussion of the Azalea Festival Program and its benefits to the County, Mr. Holton reminded the Board that it had been customary in the past to decorate the front of the Court House building. Mr. Fred W. Everett, a professional decorator has agreed to do the job for $50.00. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Executive Secre- tary be authorized to spend up to $50.00 out of the Advertising Fund for this purpose. It yras seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. / ?AZALEA OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT A letter 4ias received from the Wilmington Athletic Association Incorporated in- forming the Board that the 12th Annual Azalea Open Golf Tournament would stage its activi- ties to coincide with the Azalea Festival proper. They asked for the support of the County for 1- A donation of $450.00 toward the prize money which has increased over last year, 2- They need the County forces to erect and remove the bleachers and ciean up afterward, 3- They requested deputies for policing and guarding against trespassers and disorderly conduct. After some discussion of this problem; Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to work out an agreement with the Sheriff's Department for supply- ing proper auard protection during the Azalea Open Golf Tournament and report back to the Board at their special meeting next Monday.,Jhe motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. BACK TAXES - Mr. Williams reminded the Board that lastAwflekhad requested a list of the back taxes beginning with June 30, 1954 and presented the following report and remarks: BACK TAXES (COUNTY) June 30, 1954 - . 2955 - 1956 - 1957 - 1958 - 1959 - el Back taxes have more than doubled in INSOLVENT PERSONAL PROPERTY LIST $ 32,447•3a 38,828.14 48,244•37 56,312.94 62,993.62 70,902.83 5 years. This is a dangerous trend. What is insolvency? The oath of the tax collector concerning insolvent taxes, I believe, explains the meaning of insolvency. The affidavit of the Tax Collector is as follows: STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) nEW HANOVER COUNTY) I, . Tax Collector for swear to the best of my knowledge and of abode o.r dwelling or have seen in list of persons in the said Townships elsewhere find property sufficient to year and that said persons were County at and during the time whereby to collect the taxes for the year. Township, in the County afdresaid, do belief; that I have been to the usual place )erson each person contained in the foregoing named above and that I could not here or discharce the taxes.returned unpaid for the insolvent or not .Do be found in the said the Tax Collector ought to have endeavored continued- Y ? ? ? , - ? r?? cl \ Minutes of the Meetino March 7, 1960. Continued SACK TAXES (Continued) Businesses and individuals appear more than one year on this list. Some of the bus- inesses continue.. to do business year after year, Firms that are able to continue should not be included on this list. Individuals who own property should not be on the list. . The legislature has provided abundant authority to cope with the situa'tion. What happens when some firms and in-dividuals are permitted to get by without paying their taxes7 Two things occur: 1- They get a free ride. 2- The cost of govern- mental services, i.e., schools, etc.; is placed upon the shoulders of other tax payers. This is most unfair. Why does the County foreclose on so many parcels of property for back taxes? One , reason; I believe, is that we fail to follow through on collections early enough. If collections are made within a year or two after they are due, the taxes would amount to a small percentage of the value of the property. ` If allowed to continue, the taxes will eventually equal•or•exceed the value of the property. - Result: Tax foreclosure. -- Owner loses property -- Land idle for years -- Serves no useful purpose except holding worl(i together. I would like to propose a policy to help solve this situation, Insolvent Taxes: . , . A. That the tax collector use every legal means at his command in the collection of personal property taxes. B. That no name appear on the Insolvent List unle.ss every legal effort at collection has been made. ( In accordance with oath) Back Taxes Real That foreclosure proceedings be.completed by the tax collector not later than two years after delinquency occurs. Tax Foreclosure PropertV A. That"for sale"signs be placed on all county owned tax foreclosed p'roperty in order for the property to be sold earlier. By so doing the property wiil serve a useful purpose and the county will be reimbursed for back taxes due. B. That a similar proposal be made to the City of WilmingUon on a cost sharing basis for City County oamed parcels. C. That the only property to be exempted from this provision be designated industrial sites. . " a. '. r After a brief cbnsideration, Mr. t^Jilliams suggested that any action of the matter be delay- ? ed until 9:00 A. N. March 14th at which time they would discuss the matter fzrther and c??c< requested the Executive Secretary to invite the Tax Collector,Sam W. Johnson, to be pre- sent at that discussion. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION AND REVIEW - ?? The County Auditor, who is also Secretary to the Board of Equalization and Re- view, reminded the Board that the General Statutes required them to meet as a Board of Equalization and Review at 11:00 A. M. Monday, March 14.th to consider requests for re;evals uation or reassessment of pr.operties. BEER LICENSES The following requests £or Beer Licenses were considered by the Board and order- ed, upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded.by Mr. Williams, turned over to.the Sheriff:. Mrs. Thelma Farrar Brown T/A The Junction Drive In Carolina Beach Raqd G.B. Muse and C.L. Cheek Winter Park Ninit.Narket 115 S. 46th St., City Elias F. Courie T/A E. F. Courie Cafe Carolina Beach, N. C. James Andrew Hesber T/A East Winds Carolina Beach, N. C. Robinson C. James T/A Full Moon Grill 1118 Dawson St. City Oscar Adolf Mayer T/A Trade Winds Carolina Beach, N. C. Elzgene Curtis Newman T/A Newman's Grocer,y 422'N. sth St. City Spyroa Vallianos & ) , • George Holevas ) T/A Crystal Restaurant 26 N. Front St. City E. Clayton Williams, N: S. Williams & M.R.Willi ams "- Peaches Grill • Carolina Beach, N. C. GRAND NRY REYORT The Grand Jury report for the February Criminal term of the Superior Court was " read and the recommendations noted. The new pump recentl,y installed at the County Home will deliver sufficient water to allow,valves placed at strategic points for the protect- ion of small £ires, therefore it was felt that the fire extinquishers might not be requir- ed at this time. As the Board has already approved the additional fencing for the Stock- ade and storage room for the prisoners+ clothes, no further action was deemed necessary from this report. a4 ' ROAD PETITION - ' A petition was received from Nr. A. V. Saffo for improvement and maintenance by the State Highway Commission of Forest Park Road, Autumn Drive, Greenwood Road and Pasha Drive in the Forest Park subdivision. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Nr. Williams the petition was approved and the Executive Secretar5 instructed to send it to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. -A r MINUTES OF TIiE MEETING March 7, 1960 Continued ? ' PRISONIIiS HOLIDAYS - , The Executive Secretary informed the Board that some .confusion had been ex- perienced at the County Prison Farm in voting holidaqs for employees -in that a skeloton force was on duty but not enough supervisors to send out with the work crews_. The supervisors requested a clarification by the Board. After some discussion, i.t was de- cided that prisoners per se were not entitled to holidays but only at the convenience of the County. Mr. Holton, therefore, offered a motion that this policf be established. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted by the Board. ? DITCH REPAIRS The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that he had a request f rom the officers of the Bethany Presbyterian Church for the use of some prison labor to repair a washout on their property caused by a County ditch. They will furnish the piling necess- arq to build a bulkhead and fill in whatever fill material is necessarv after the repairs have been completed. The Board unanimously, by common consent, agreed to let Mr. Her- i bert Rivenbark take a crew of inen to do the work. g N ' FOREST CONTROL - ` The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the State Forester F. H. Clar- rv? ? idge accompanied by Mr. T. S. Rhyne, Jr., District Forester, discussed the State matching d appropriation of $7,887.00 with him and asked that the Board advise him if they intended to use these funds during the next fiscal year. There are three other counties in the State seeking funds fo'r.a Vire Warden.artd-ifjNewrHanoVer County does not intend to use the flznds which have been earmarked for that purpose,.they want to transfer them to one of the other counties for thi ,.? e?r_'vice before they revert to the General Fund on June 30th, 1960. ? The tower for New Hano?i' `i?as already been purchased and is now in a warehouse awaiting delivery if the Board decided to enter into this proJect. The County's share will amount to $5,258,00. After some consideration of the matter, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to inform the State Forester that consideration would be given to the use of these funds at the next Budget time. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously approved. STftEET NAME CHAI3GES - The Executive`-S'eci'et'ary 3nf6rmed the^Board,-that thF st're6ts d'esignated,as CyjSPU.st Lahe'l and Nor.th? Str•eet ihv the .(3reen Meadows subdivision were :either, duplicgLtionsr or• so similar ,to pre'sent establi'shed'streetslthat i:t wa9,.necessary, for., therri'to`be?changed tol-wevent:'confusion.: After, consider.atiom of nam'es.recommended by.the deeeloper, the Board:unanimously, by corrmion consent,-chose-Athens Lane'to replace Cyprus•Laneand Lou- belle Street to replace North Street.-- . .. . Mr;•-Braak.r-emi.nded:.the,:Board,?aome months ago we had written the developer and asked that Hermitage Road in the Lincoln Forest subdivision be changed because it was con- stantly being confused with the old established Hermitage Road between Wilmington and and Castle Hayne. After a brief discussion of this matter, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to again write to the developer of Lincoln For- est Subdivision and ask them to change the name f rom Hermitage Road and recommend a substitute name within a period of 30 days or the Board would feel free to select a suit- able name. It was seconded bq Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. LAY U?P BASIN The Chairman read a letter to the Board from the Maritime Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce in reply to his letter of February 9th setting forth views of the Commissioners with reference to the removal of the Reserve Fleet from the Brunswick Lay-up $asin. As the reasoning outlined in the letter was sound and had been concurred in by the North Carolina Delegation in l4ashington there was little further action that could be taken on this matter without embarrassment, therefore no action was necessary or taken. f ? NORTHEAST RIVER HOUSE - CB,.,,•rr+?? Mr. Braak called the Board's attention to the old bridge tender's house on the ?.rp Northeast River property owned by the County and said that Mr. J. G Hanchey of Rocky Point wants to purchase it. He informed the Board that vandals were.beginning to demolish it ? and he thought it might be well to consider selling it before it was completely destroyed and worthless RTQ B coirmion consent of the Board Mr k d . . y , was name as a committee to .9 look into the proposals and report back at a convenient time. . COYiMITNITY HOSPITAL Mr. Broadhurst observed that there was a vacancy on the Board of Directors of Community Hospital and offered a motion that it be filled by a recommendation of the Cape Fear Medical Societq from the Medical Staff of the hospital. Mr. Braak explained that the present Board of Directors were in the process of straighteninII out much of the mis- understanding at the hospital and recommended that the solution be left in the hande of the present hospital board. At this point, the Chairman informed the Board that he had re- ceived a letter f rom Dr.'H. A. 9aton, Chief of Staff, informing him that a resolution had been passed authorizing him to write the Commiasioners and request the appointment of two physicians i'rom the active medical staff of the Coirmiunity Hospital on a rotating • basis. As there was no second to Mr. Broadhurstfs motion, the Chairman ruled it dead, however, by common consent of the Board, the letter of recommendation of the Nedical Staff was taken under advisement for studp. - REPORTS AND LETTERS - The following reports and letters were reviewed end ordered filed for reference: ?'cA,cc a 1- County Electrical Inspector's Report for February 1960. 2- Home Agent's Narrative Repart for February 1960. 3- " 11 StatistiCal Report " . ° " 4- Farm Agent's Extension Service_Report n rr 5- Public Welfare Report of Federal and State Funds. 6- USO Club Report £or February 1960 7- Wilmington Public Library Report; February 1960 8- " Colored Library " " " • 9- Veteranst Service•Office Report LO- Invitation to attend Eastern North Car.olina Industrial Development Confer- ence to be held in Goldsboro, Narch 31, beginning at 10;00 A. M. Aq „ L, " ?. ,S Minutes of the Meeti ng March 7, 1960 Continued Y PETIT NRY The foll owing good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in the trial of Criminal Ca ses in Superior Court for the week beginning April llth, and in the , trial of Civil Cases for the weeks beginn ing April 18th and April ? .5th, 3960, ' ., ' . Jurors for tHe week beainnina AAril 11,1960 - Criminal B. E. $ell 310 N. 5th St. . Wylie C. Jackson RFD 3, Box 02 James C. Fox .2728 Churchill Dr. J.W.E. Smith RF.D 1, Box 168 A? J. H. Mohr 112 Wayne Drive, I. T. Dexter . 142 N. Hinton;Ave. Owen Hall 1210 Dock St. H. R. Corbett P.O. Box 1134 - G. S. Ward RFD 1, Box 87 Thomas W. 3pencer 48 Woodlawn Ave. . - L..E. Long 224 Greenville Ave. James F. Norris 308 Francis Marion Dr, T. G. Allen 1105 Chestnut St. Joseph A. Smith 2851 Adams St. T. D. Love 210 S. 5th St. Narvin Newton 1169 Country Club Rd. E. C. Bryan Box 562 A Ca?oliRa F. Leon Joyner 706 Essex Drive J. Allen Lewis 24 N. 23rd eac J. Dexter James 13 J. Lake Village . Aaron Harrell RFD 1, Castle Hayne Vernell Lewis Box.633, Carolina Beach - H. J. Farrow 1808 Nun St. William J. Justice 2902 Monroe St. • E. R. Hardwick 312 Red Cross St. W. L. McIntire P. 0. Box 1375 ' F. A. Debnam P. 0. Box 246 W. E. Merritt Gen. Delih li h E. F. Mathews 6 G. Nesbitt Courts Foster Hardy ?& na Beac RFD 2, gox Earl C. Bailey 145 Colonial Cir. Joseph B. Edwards Gen. Deliv.,Caroiina h H. J. Holmes P.0 g0 222 K S. T. Gresham 311 Florida Ave, eac ?Jrig tsv. Beach J. W. Johnson 113 S. 9th St. Ed Schulken Jr, lOt} Colonial Circle . Earl B. Nerrill 4%4 Pine St. Harold L. Hamilton RFD 11 Box 175 Bryan Caldwell 4 Seagull St. Carl L. Sanders 414 McDonald Drive - Wri ghtsv. Beach Cecil M. Palmer 2430 Nionroe St. Carley G. Wood • RFD 10 Box 464 F. D. Poisson 1919 Market St, W. H. Earnhardt Box 103, Carolina Beach Horace L. Prevatte 3716 Wrightsv. Ave. C. D. Patterson 110 S. Audubon Blvd. Victor Thompson RFll 1, Box 144 Frank A. Montgomery Jr. RFD 3, Box 250 Frederick Allen Nathis128 Forest Hills Dr. Clarence W. Campany , 313 Midland -Dr. , Jurors for the week beRinning April 18, 1960 - Civil H. E. Horn 507 Park Terrace H. M. Schaar RFD 3, Box 299 P. A. Jones 3803 S. Front St. G. H. Buffkin _ 4315 Lake St. G. H. Hines 7 Q Lake Village George.L. Rhue RFD 2, Box 30 Walter Ripley Jr. RFD 2, Box 15 Marvin E. Benton 69.Lee'Drive David L. Barnes 2214 Klein Rd. Lucille M. Marvin - 1204•Live Oak Pkwy. Wilbur R. Hale 723 S. 6th St. William E.Aines RFD 3, Bax 398 Robert E. Lee 11 Summit U7alk Bennie N. Jordan • 3704 S.•Frbnt A. P. Westbrook Cape Fear Apts. #1 Charles K..Paul 5320 Oleander Dr. H. B. Wilkins 207 Pine Grove Dr. Charles Mallard 607 Q;ueen St. . Harry E. Brown RFD 2, Box 197 Theo Everett ; RFD 3, Box 548 Arlin Martin 305 Castle St. , Richard A. Hamm 223 Dixie Ave. • James E. Green ' City Thurston B..Butler 2851 A. Adams St. Grover R. Lewis ' 319 West 38th St. • Joe S. Morrison 317 S. 2nd St. J. C. Caulder 12t? olCBu rage cG H. C. Johnston RFD 3, Box 537 A ? a q s I George T. Swain Jr. 2261?z Mimosa P1 Hugh Vaughan i 108 Frances Marion Dr. W. C. Green Gen. Deliv. Robert Dobson ! 1204:Dock St. . . arol ina Beach ? ? ? R. H. Orrell Jr, Pine St. 493 Walter'J. Hobbs 381?. Market St. Graham D. Farrow RFD 29 Box 76 Louis A. Hewlett 701 Central Blvd. M. V. Bennett 19 Wrightsville Av. George E. Raymond • 601 N. 23 rd St. William F. Jacobs 2204 Rlein Rd. John W. Childress 2833 E. Jefferson Linn S. Warren 710 Aolmlock Terrace J. A. Strahler 116 Vance St. P. E. Williams 131 Bell St. . Melvin.,.Mar,lotir._Williams 2717 Jackson St. Beverly A. Jurgensen P. 0. Box 362 Karlton L: Leiner , 2106 W. Lake Shore Dr. Wm. I. Miller Jr: RFD 2, Box 432 • .7ames W._ Garrison 2104 S. Front St. , Jurors for the week beginning April 25. 19 60 - Civil •? William C. Cook 303 Wrightsv. Ave. G. E. Saunders 5616 Oleander Dr. h E. B. Graham o W. S. & T. Retha P. Lutes 2719 Park Ave. Earl W. Tharp RFD 32 Box 581 D. M. George, ' Box 77 Route 2 _ Joseph Wenent 113 Henry St. Rubert D. Jories 6017 Park Ave. J. T. Parker 416 N. 3rd St. W. D. Swart RFD 1, Castle Hapne Jasper Anderson 314 N. 7th St. Claytbn:.T. Horne • 558 E. Shipyard Blod. ' Earl Raynor 915 S. 2nd St. Melwood P. Raines, 415 Castle St. Roger W. Matthews 128 S. Channell Dr. Frank E. Bass ' RFD 3, Box 242 Bascom B. Harrington Box 307 Cargeanft Cecil W. Aenderson " 1936 Church St, Henry Vance Ward 3922 Winstdn Bivd. Roland S. Horne 21 W. Greensboro St. Wm. R. Greenwood 2835 C. Jefferson Robert C. Horne RFDi htsville Beach ?, Box 388 W. G. Gower 207 Pieffer Ave. W?`Wallace-±Sellers 1716 Ann St. Lennox G. Cooper 209 Princess St. Howard A:,I3anby _ P.O. Box 89 • Eddie A. Mintz RFD 2, Box 515 M. L. Thorpe ? 9z Alabama Ave. J. V. Tomberlin 2719 Burnett Blvd. L.?E. Rouse 312 Francis Marion Dr.. ? Nolan Whaley $036 Pine St. ?W. C. Riggs Jr. P. 0. Box 1316 ? J. S. Sheehan 38 Lee Drive -Ode1l.Bridgers 527 Colonial Drive : F. F. Newton RFD 2, Box 144 Robert E. h4iller 2215 Brandon Road R. D.NcCall 2:302 Belvidere Dr. W. L. Harris F- 10 Oleander Ct. Apts. Jacob Brehmer 5536 Oleander Dr. J. J. Rezze P. 0. Box 111k2 Johnnie B._Smith 57 Lake Forest A. C. Lee 204 Pinecrest Pkwy. J. T. Riggs Jr. 123 S. 8th St.' Al1en(B. Blake Jr. Box 1025 L. D. Burriss RFD 3, Box 48 A Robert W. Murray 1723 Carolina Ave. Council Costin Hegist er 303 S. Sth.St. Dolphus G; Spivey 306 Davie Drive ADJOURNMENT . .? - There being no further business to come before the:Board, N- Aolton offered a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded b,y Nr. Bro ur unanimousl,y approved. . .? ou k, Exec tiv Secretary ?