1960-04-18 Regular Meeting?6 3? Minutes of the Board of Equali2ation and Review (Continued) Properties of the Emulsified Asphalt Refining Company relative to Tanks on their property were reviewed and it was ordered that the depreciation schedule be increased from 20% to 50% on Tank "Y-7" and from 20% to 35% on Tank "Y-8" and 11Y-911• Those were used tanks at the time of installation and it was found that they were out of line,with other tanks - whlch are assessed in the County. Protest of Mr. C. C. Ward's with regard to property located on Wrightsville Beach. As his property was found to be in line with similar property in the County, no change was made. Protest of Mr. Martin M. Nichbls, Jr. property located in Federal Poirit Township was de- nied any change as his property was found to be assessed-with similar in the County. Protest of Mr. S. P. Brown was denied as his property was assessed with similar property in the County. Protest of Mr. O. W. Sisk on his property located at Carolitta Beach was denied as his assess- ment was found to be in line with other property in the County. Protest of Mr. B. H. Marshall, Jr. was denied as it was found to be in line with other pro- perty in the County. Protest of D 8 E Car Exchange was granted in that the garage was priced at $590.00 and should have been priced at $490.00 as per the manual. Approval of Reverend C. E. Baker's protest in regard to his property at Carolina Beach which was found to have some merit and it was thereby ordered that the grade of his house be changed from "D-" to Grade "E" -10%. 1 Mr. Love informed the Board that all the protests which had been presented. All had re- ceived the attention of the Board and all have been handied in the proper manner. At this point Mr. Wiliiams moved and it was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst that the Board of Equalization and Review ad,journ their meeting for the year 1960. Motion was carried and the Board adjourned. /S/ T. D. Love Secretary to the Board Wilmington, April 18, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers met this day at 9:00 A. M. in tHe Commissioners Room of the Court House with the fol- lowing present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. • INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend Ray Noland, Pastor of Grace Baptist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The Executive Secretary requested that the following amendments be added to the minutes as written: Under Allocation - Advertisement, add the words"to pay for advert- ising" to Mr. Williamslmotion; and in the paragraph titled Insolvent Tax Committee, de- lete ail of the present wording after the word "garnishee" in the sentence beginning "He cited GS 105-375" and add the following "and stated that he did not think it was right for the Tax Collector to garnishee wages only. If we are going to enforce the law which allows the seizure of wages, we should also enforce the law which allows seizure of personal pro- perty including bank acCounts of other delinquents. In his opinion, to do otherwise, is unfair and discriminatory. He also stated that he thought the Board should estabiish a definite deadline for foreclosure proceedings on real estate. He further reminded the Board that on personal property the duty of the Tax Collector is clearly defined, and that it was the responsibility of this Board to see that the provisions of the law are follow- ed." Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the minutes be approved as amended above. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. PICTURE ' The Executive Secretary had arranged with the Browning Photo Center to make some'r"?"'?- pictures of the Board for the purpose of use in the State Association Magazine. The photo-e, o'c grapher was present and suitable pictures were obtained. HOSPITAL NEEDS - Following the sugoestion made by the Chairman at the meeting of March 14th, the Chairman sLated that he had recently received letters from many civic organizations endors- --? ing the appointment of a committee to examine the needs for better hospital facilities in New Hanover County. At the meeting today, representatives of the Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Optimists Club, Community Council, Chamber of Commerce, James Walker Memorial Hosp- ital Auxilliary were present, many of whom spoke in favor of a large study committee. Most of them thought that all segments of the population should be included so that the comm3ttee would represent all of the citizens. In this manner, more-people would become aware of the increasing problems with reference to hospitalization. After a discussion of the ways and means to accomplish this objective, Mr. Williams offered a motion that a Citizens Committee be appointed consisting of a maximum of 70 members representing a cross section of the citizens to study the Norman Report, receive recommendations from individuals and groups, to study ways and means of financing and that each Commissioner have the privilege of naming eight members and allowing the Chairman to name any additional members to fill the Committee and call an organizational meeting which would elect its own officers with a, free rein to investigate, examine and study all of the factors involved in such an under- taking and report back to the Commissioners not later than July 5, 1960. This motion was continued- ? r??6 4- Minutes of the Meeting April 18, 1960 Continued- HOSPITAL NEEDS - (continued) seconded by Mr. Braak for the purpose of discussion and after hearing the many suggestions and recommendations of those present, the vote was taken and no negative votes were voiced, therefore, the Chairman ruled the motion adopted and asked that the suggest- ed names be handed to him as soon as possible. ' i ? RECORDER'6 COURT - Pursuant to instructions originating from the Committee appointed at the meet- ing March 7th, the room on the second floor of the Court House and occupied by the Super- ior Court Stenographer McEwen after moving him to another suitable location, was renovat- ed and made ready to receive the Recorderts Court Clerk. A letter was received from the Solicitor and Judge of Recorder's Court ob,jecting to this location and requesting that any move of the Recorder's Court Clerk be held in abeyance until after the full Committee could meet and allow them to be heard. After some discussion and explanation, Mr. Hol- • ton offered a motion that any further action be withheld on this matter until the full Committee could meet and come to a definite recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously adopted. CAP GARNIVAL - A letter was received from the Finance Officer, Vance T. Moore, Jr. of the ?' e? Civil Air Patrol, stating that they were sponsoring their annual fund raising carnival and asked that the Commissioners waive the Schedule B. license fee for the rides and re- a' freshment stand which they will operate since the funds Lo operate their program are very limited. They expressed a need for every doliar they could raise on this project. They were deeply appreciative of the similar aid given them last year. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the request be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Williams since it was a charitable organization if the County Attorney ruled leoal. There were no dissenting ballots when the vote was taken, therefore the Chairman ruled it adopted. MICROFILMING RECORDS - A letter was received from the New Hanover Historical Commission calling atten- ?i `/? tion to the general rule of the State Department of Archives and History of selecting _ ,?(???m??- counties in order of age for inventoring, repairing and microfilming county records. Since this is a long range program, they suggested that a resolution be passed asking that New Hanover County be placed on a priority list. After some consideration, it was the unani- mous consensus of opinion that the matter should be discussed with the Clerk of Superior Court and the Register of Deeds as they were the offices most directly affected. By com- mon consent, the Executive Secretary was instructed to handle this matter with them and take whatever action seemed expedient after the discussion. ,f BEER LICENSES - a? The following applications for Beer Licenses were reviewed and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, referred to the Sheriff's Department for proper consideration: Wm. L. Seibert T/A Cardinal Lanes, Inc. 3516 Oleander Drive City . Mrs. Lucille Irving) - Mr. Bishop Pierce ) T/A Two Spot Club 1512 King Street City Helen Malloy T/A Seabreeze Inn, Seabreeze Wilmington, N. C. _ Mrs. Mable Spann T/A J. 8 M. Delicatessen & Restaurant 408 S. 7th St. City Clennie C. Williams T/A Little Savoy Wallace & Wimington Sts.. " •?v?1 GRAND JURY REPORT ? I The Chairman read the report of the Grand Jury for the April criminal term . for the Superior Court im which 42 Witnesses were examined and 41 True Bills were found. ' The records of the Justice of the Peace were examined and found in order. An inspection of the County Home and Stockade, as well as the County Jail were all found to be in good order. ' ROAD PETITION - ?A road petition was received from the property owners on Wintergreen Road and ?a portion of Mocking Bird Lane requesting that it be added to the Secondary Road System for maintenance. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Executive Secre- tary was instructed to send it with the proper forms to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. , SURVEY - US # 421 ? Mr. Williams informed the Board that he had recently learned that the advance planning survey team of the State Highway Commission had been recalled from the US #421 ? project between the City limits of Wilmington and Carolina Beach. It was his understand- ? ing that the State Highway Commission had promised to make a survey from Stiipyard Bou2ev- - ard to Nfyrtle Grove Junction for study and to include it in the contracts for building four lanes from Myrtle Grove Junction to Snowts Cut. He reported that a contact with Mr. Babcock, Director of Highways, had informed him that survey work had not stopped on this project but that the engineers were making a preliminary survey based on aerial photo- graphs and promised a field survey if the facts from the aerial photographs determined that it was needed. They told him that the bridge across the Intra-coastal Waterway at Snow's Cut was awaiting a report from the U. S. Engineers to determine the minimum height criteria. This is due sometime in September or soon thereafter. COMA7tJNITY HOSPITAL DIRECTORS - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they had schedu2ed the appoint- , ment of two Directors to the governing Board of Community Hospital to fill vancancies, one of which is to be recommended by the Medical Staff, at this meeting today. Mr. Braak suggested the name of Mr. A1 E. Gibson and after consideration by the other members of the Board, Mr. Holton offered a motion that Mr. Gibson be approved. It was seconded by ` Mr. Williams and unanimously adopted. Mr. Broadhurst reminded the Board that tYiey had agreed to accept the recommendation from the Medical Staff for the appointment of physi- cians on a rotating basis to serve on the Board of Directors and moved the adoption of this request. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. ? ? , M r J; 6 Q Minutes of the Meeting April 18, 1960 C@ntinued MARKET SHOW AND SALE - - Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of the Chamber of Gormnerce, issued an invitation to the Board to attend a dinner at the Marina Restaurant honoring the participants in the local Market Stock Show and Sale to be held at the New Hanover County Livestock Arena on April 20th and 21st. NECROLOGY . Mr. Broadhurst reminded the Board of the recent death of Nir. Wiibur R. Dosher, who 1 was a former County Commissioner and has rendered New Hanover County service over the period of his life in an economic and civic way and in his opinion should be remembered in the records•. By common consent of the Board, the County Attorney and the Executive Secretary were instruct' ed to prepare a resolution in commemoration of the contributions made by Mr. Dosher for the betterment of New Hanover County and its citizens. ?--' ? APPROPRIATIONS AND TRANSFERS The County Auditor reported that the foliowing appropriations and transfers were necess3ry in order to balance some of the accounts some of which had been overspent and oLhers which had been underspent in the Budget. Jail-Gas $350.00 to Jail - Salaries $350.00 Remove Graves- Oak Grove Cemetery 1,000.00 " •County Aid- Advertising 1,000.00 County Aid-Civil Defense 650.00 " " " " 650.00 Superior Ct.-Jury Fees 650.00 " Recorders Ct. - Salaries 650.00 Mr. Braak offered a motion which was seconded by Mr. Williams that these appropriations and transfers be approved. The motion was unanimously carried. , ?A-,? FAA ANNUAL LEASE - -?^? The Executive Secretary presented a Supplemental Agreement to Lease #C2ca-3837-A Instrument Landing System and Remote Transmitter Sites and a Supplemental Agreement to License #FA2-599 for Approach Lighting System and Middle Narker Site providing for the annual auto- matic renewal to eliminate the annual execution of these necessary instruments. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. ldilliams, the Board unanimously authorized the Chairman to execute these documents in behalf of the County and the Executive Secretary was instructed to have them properly probated and distributed as required. AIR CONDITIONING, ELECTRICAL AND HEATING PROJECT - Henry Von Oesen and Associates, Consulting Engineers, reported that they had stud- ied ? Househandirecommendeddthat the low conditioning, the '"'? some discussion about the different advantages between absorption, centrifugal and reciproca- ting systems, the Chairman called the Board's attention to the legal requirement of providing funds before making commitments. The County Attorney ezplained that he had contacted the Bond attorneys and determined that a total of $84,000.00 worth of Court House bonds could be issued and that it would be necessary for the Notice of Hearing to be advertised not later than April 21st, 1960. During the discussion, some of the Commissioners considered a complete renovation of the Court House of prime importance and Mr. Williams offered a motion that the work on.the air conditioning, electrical, and heating systems be held in abeyance and that an architect be employed to study the interior of the building to determinethe most practical. ? uses that could be made of:it. There being no second to this motion „ the Chairman ruled it dead. After further consideration by the Board, County Attorney John Bright Hill pre- ? sented the following Bond Order which was read at length: BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $84,000 COURT HOUSE BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: Section 1. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby determines that it is necessary to make the improvements hereinafter des- cribed to the buildings maintained by the County as a Court House, and that the making of said,improvements is a necessary expense of said County, and that the estimated cost ther.eof is in excess of $84,000.00 Section 2. Bonds of the County of New Hanover.are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina for the purpose of constructing a complete automatic heating and air conditioning system and interior electric distribut- ion system in said building or buildings now used by the Couttty as a Court House. Section 3. The maximum aggregate principal amount of the bonds authorized by this bond order shall be Bighty-four Thousand Dollars ($E34,000.00), Section t}. A tax sufficient Lo pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 5. A statement of the County debt of the County of New Hanover has been filed with the Cierk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is open to public ins- pection. ' Section 6. No debt shall be contracted during any fiscal year by the issuance of bonds ' pursuant to this bond order if the amount of svch debt and of all other debt contracted shall exceed two-thirds of the amount by which the outstanding indebtedness of said County shall have been reduced during the next preceding fiscal year, unless the incurr- ing of such debt shall be submitted to a vote of the people of said County and shall be approved by a majority of those who vote thereon. Section 7. This bond order shall take effect thirty days after its first publication after final passage, unless, in the meantime, a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under the County Finance Act. &11? Commissioner Berry A. Williams moved that the following Resolution be adopted: a Continued- -A , 4s?66 Minutes of the Meeting April 18, 1960 Continued BOND ORDER - (continued) ? WHEREAS, a Bond Order entitled "Bond Order Authorizing the Issuance of $84,000 Court ? House Bonds of the County of New Hanover" has been introdviced at the meeting of the Board of Commissioners held on April 19, 1960, and the Board of Commissioners desires;? to.provide for the holdittg of a public hearing thereon as required by the County Finance Act; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: (1) A public hearina upon said bond order shall be held on May 2nd, 1960, at 10:00 A. M. in the forenoon at the regular meeting room of the Board of Commissioners at the Court House in Wilmington, North Carolina. (2) The Clerk of the Board of Commissioners is hereby directed to cause a copy of said bond order to be published with a notice of such hearing in the form prescribed by law, in the Wilmington Morning Star, a newspaper published in the County of New Han- over, at least ten days prior to such public hearing. (3) The County Accountant is hereby requested to file with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners, at least ten days prior to such public hearing, a statement of the debt incurred or to be incurred hy the County for purposes other than school purposes, in the form prescribed by the County Finance Act. The motion having seconded by Commissioner Peter H. J?$raak, was adopted, by Com- missioners Braak, Hall and Williams voting in the affirmative and Commissioners Broadhurst and Holton casting negative hallots. I, BOND ORDER ADVERTISING pryfiU?' The Executive 5ecretary was then authorized to insert the foilowing advertisement of hearing in the newspaper on April 21, 1960: BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover as follows: Sectfon i. The Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover has ascertained and hereby..d'etermines::that` it`"is neces'sary'io'.make'.the improvement's: hereinafte.r 'd'es- cribed to the building or buildings maintained by the County as a Court House, and that the making of said improvements is a necessary expense of said County and that the:estimated cost Lhereof is in-excess of $84,000. Section 2. Bonds of the County of New Hanover are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to the County Finance Act of North Carolina for the purpose of cons- tructimmg a complete automatic heating and air-conditioning system and interior elec- tric distribution system in said building or buildings now used by the County as a Court House. Section 3. The maximum agregate principal amount of the bonds authorized by the bond order shall be Eighty-four Thousand Dollars ($84,000), Section 4. A tax sufficient to pay the principal of and interest on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 5. A statement of the County Debt of the Countjr of New Hanover has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Commissioners of said County and is open to public in- spection. Section 6. No debt shall be contracted during any fiscai year by the issuance of bonds pursuant to this bond order if the amount of such debt and of all other debL con- tracted during such fiscal year shall exceed iwo-thirds of the amount by which the outstanding indebtedness of said Couttty shall have been reduced during the next pre- ceding fiscal year, unless the incurring of such debt shall he submitted to a vote of the people of sa3d County and shail be approved by a majority of those.who vote there- on. Section 7. This bond order shall take effect thirty days after its first publication after final passage, unless, in the meantime, a petition for iLs submission to the voters is filed under the County Finance Act, and in such event, it shall take effect when approved by the voters of said County at an election as provided in said Act. The foregoing bond order has been introduced and a sworn statement has been filed under the County Finance Act, showing the assessed valuation of the County to , be $148,306,102.00 and the net debt for pvrposes other than school purposes, includ- ing the proposed bonds, to be $84,000.00 A tax wi21 be levied for the payment of the proposed bonds and interest, if the same shall be issued. Any citi2en or taxpayer may protest against the issuance of such bonds at a meeting of the Board of Commiss- ioners to he held at the regular meeting place of said Board in the County Court House in Wiimington, North Carolina at 10:00 A. M. on the 2nd day of May, 1960, or an ad- journment thereof. /S/ W. G. Houck Clerk of Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County ? ` . /! %iY71 Minutes of the Meeting Apr'i;118, 1960 Continued- FAA SURPLUS PROPERTY - Mr. J. L. Higgins, representing the Federal Aviation Agency, advised that 49.3 acres of land, formerly a part of Bluethenthal Airfield, which was originally transferred to the New Hanover County Board of Education, is up for disposal. He says that the U. S. Department of Agriculture had requested that 6.84 acres of it be transferred to them?-and ` Uhat the"balance has beeri..'declar.ed snrplus"and"can be_conveyed to the:Cbunt"yas soon as certain legal procedures have been accomplished. He recommends that the County not seek a?L to secure the entire acreage at this time but to accept the surplus in event they are in- terested. He also called attention to the fact that the instruments of conveyance would contain a reverter clause restricting, to some extent, the uses of the property, however, so long as the income or revenue from it was used for the development, operation and main- tenance of the airporL, it would not have to be used directly for aviation activity. He recommended that no buildings be transferred to the County. The transfer can be made with- out compensation providing the restrictions and conditions set forth in the instrument of conveyance are complied with. ( DRAINAGE REQUEST A petition for drainage assistance by some property owners living ad,jacent to the new State Highway Headquarters on U.S.#17 was unanimously, by common consent, trans- ? ferred to the Drainage Committee for consideration. ADC - County Auditor Love reported to the Commissioners that funds appropriated for the Aid to Dependent Children in the Welfare Department would run short this year about $21,000.00, however, he said that action on the matter could wait until the next meeting but they would have to do something about it before he could sign the May checks. PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - ? Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden presented the following petitions for admittance to the New Hanover County Home: Lina Clemmons, because of age and a broken leg. She is 90. ?James Faison, because of a stroke, and no other means of support. L1pon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously approved these requests. ? PETIT JURY The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Super- ior'Court in the trial of Civil cases.for the week beginning May 9, 1960; for the week beginning Q7ay 16, Civil term; for the week beginning 23rd, Criminal term; and for the week beginning May 30th, Civii term: Jurors for week beqinninq May 9, 1960 - Civil term L. E. Allen P. 0. Box 241 C. H. Casteen • 1506 Dock St. H. L. Whitt Box 613, Carolina Beach W. E. Kallfel2 3913 Wrightsville Ave. Billy L..Davis RFD 1, ast e3 Tancel M. Lee 212 Greenfieid St. Jones N R Ha C l 41st St.yne 314 N Wilbur J. Crasque 2303 S. Front St. . . R H D i . O P B 63 Ulilliam R. Howard 2520 Princess Place . av s . . ox . Grover L Riggs . 3601 Market St. T. D. Piner 'Box 1 RFD 2.34 . Edens Luther W 1?09 S. 19th St. A. J. Ritter RFD 1, Box 75,Castle : G. J. Sheppard 1917 Princess St. C. S. Morse Cape Fear HotelHayne Waiter Lewis 911 Grace St. James A. Ponder RFD 2, Box 271 Thomas W. McKee RFD # 2, Box 181 A• F. E. Standey 121 Keaton Ave. H. K. Fleisher Pine Vall.ey Dr. RFD 3 W. M. Walters 22 Ivey Circle C. W. Harrelson RFD 1, Box 202 A. B. Smith 507 Nun St. Clayton F. Canady RFD 1, Box 248 H. B. Brewer Carolina Beach, N. C. Ronaid J. Eagle Sr. 223 Wrightsville Ave. J. L. Canady P. 0. Box 312 William L. Mitchell RFD #'2;•Box 235 Millie J. Clark RFD 1 Box 80 Robert J. Biddle 4019 Wrightsville Ave. Irby B. Rackley RFD 1 Box 29. James C. Shepard 103 Lullwater St. Wm. M. Dickson 415 S. Front St. Lonnie R. Spivey 922 S. 3rd St. Lynn Smythe 127 Greenville Ave. Y. C. Whitlock 2527 Jackson St. E. M. Moneyham 123 Laurel Drive Claude T. Jewell Car 25, Box 22 Thomas Douthwaite 3609 Wilshire Blvd. Charlie Jarrell 30 Spofford Marvin B. Murphy J r.211 Pinecrest Pkwy Clarence L. Brown 807 S. 2nd St. Carl Penninoton RFD # 3, Box 457 William Rosenmann P.O. Box 606 • Robert L. Jackson 13 Pinecrest Pkwy. Graham A. Clemmons 201 Kidder St. David E. Milli gan ? Ob Dawson W. Eugene Edwards P.O. Box 183 Charles L. Taylor 303 S. 2nd St. Jurors for week be qinninq Mav 16, 1960 - Ci vil Term William Cottle 233 Kenwood Ave.. N. M. Capps RFD #2, Box 9 C. H. Foust 7th8 Ha er ts? F dJn 'Beach ?r Jane D. Hobbs ?.301 Market St. Wm. J. Burt a 3` ?.906 Pa Nathan E. Biock % Southiand Mfg. Co. Henry Williams 500 Henry St. C. 39 J. B. Lynch 201 N. 13th St. Jessie Outlaw Box 124, Caroiina Beach Solomon Checkner 221 S. Front St. Charles H. McKoy 201 Virginia Ave. P. R. Hedquist 617 Thomas Ave. R. W. Martin P. O. Box 943 F. C. Fioyd Sr. 1510 S. L}th St. George F. Ellis 121912 S. 3rd St. William E. Creech P. O. Box 242?r?lina Beach Joseph D. Henson 329 Davie Dr. D. E. Kelly 1524 Parmele, r ve Hubert Lee % Echo Dairy Guy C. Bridges Jr. yo G. C. Br?idges. S. Front Howard L2rkins 123 Castle Hayne John H. Ware City . E. C. High 2821 Adams St. Herman ldilliams RFD 1 Box 33 Harold Sternberger 1810 Nun St. J. V. Thompson 111 S. 41st St. Fred Brooks 71 Spofford Jack Balk Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Judson H. Hill 226 Vance St. George T. Hutchinson 5009 Park Ave. R. C. Platt 1710 Chestnut St. Walter C. Harlow 5121 Wrightsville Ave. Dennis L. Gainous 803 Central Blvd. G. C. Gorman Jr. RFD 1 Box 180 N. W. Allen 2501 Chestnut W. H. Corbett Box 1139 W. Alex Fonvielle Jr. % Moore-Fonvielle Paul C. Hines Jr. RFD 3, Box 317 D. A. Lockfaw 2514 Guilford Ave. Archie G. Hales Sr. 4218 Greenfield St. G. R. Kornegay 111 S. sth St. Albert F. Melvin 5013 Wrightsville Ave. Jack A. Alford RFD ##, Box 145 C. W. Nixon Jr. 207 N. 4th St. Thomas J. Hare 5052 Wrightsville Ave. John N. Freeman City James C. Roberts 1619 Grace St. R. E, Pittman 220E? Gibson Ave. Nathan R. Skipper Jr. RFD 1, Box 359 Biilie Lee Maultsby 61 Pine Grove R' 568 Minutes of the Meeting Apri'118, 1960 Continued Jurors for the week beqinninq Mav 23. 1960 Criminal Neil James W. C. Sykes B. D. Wright B. A. Boyles E. W. Ylalden James P. Sugg Otto K. Pridgen Arthur W. Jordan Geo. D. Hardee E. S. Wenberg A. L. McLean W. I. Davis Hugh S. White W. L. Clemmons J. D. Orrell Jr. Robert H. Croom James L. Norment Wm L. Blalock Jr. Billy C. Hegele Willie Vance Hamer Leonard Edens LeRoy Boswell LeRoy Pridgen Clarence E. Lipsey Robert H. Rivenbark RFD 1, Box 115 A. 4116Oleander Dr. P. o. Box 404 58 Woodlawn Ave. Car 25, Box 25 9 F. Nesbitt Cts. 3705 Market St. RED 1 Box 115 409 S. ibth St. 2907 Wrightsville Ave. 141? Wrightsville Ave. 512 N. Slvd. Box 108, Carolina Beach 618 Ann St. RFD 2, Box 123 220 Lake Forest Pkwy. 22 M. Lake Village 06 S. 17th St. 5033 Pine St. 507 Northern Blvd. RFD 1, Box 257 239 Bondham Ave. RFB 1, Box 224 H 1 B Lake Village 109 Castle Hayne Rd. Jurors for the week beqinnq Mav 30, 1960 e A. F. Gibson, Jr. M. Eugene Bullard Ford Hardin James.A. HuPham Edward W. Carr Hulon C. Benton Charles Hart Henry Harriss R. T. Eddings Wm. M. Fenley William F. Tew Otto Schmidt James G. Merritt .lames O, Kirkham McCray Root Colin F. Churchill W. M. Mansfield 'j R. G. Johnston George W. Goodman Stedman Hewett Nelson Sanders Eddie B. Johnson Nathan D. Carter Jimmie L. Patterson Jr. Lorraine D. Fleishman Civil E. L. Lee, Jr. P. O. Box 36,Wrightsville A. T. Yopp RFD 2,Box 519 Beach J. T. Coley 5313 Wrightsvilie Ave. Walter I. Gore 3506 S. Front St. K. W. ,lewell Sr.. ,l.j:14 Church St. John Taze ' RFD 1 Box 187 "'J. M.- Covil , 17 S. 9th St. J. P. Glenn Gen. Del. Carolina Beach J. F. Newber 5817 Oleander Dr. Herman L. Fowler 1105 S. 2nd St. Robert L. Farrar 2876 Jefferson St. A. E. Cumber Jr. 2537 Adams St. L. G. Haywood RFD 2, Box 295 P. G. Butler 3805 Oleander L. C,. Herring RFD 1, Box 25 L. H. Mathews 427 Castle Hayne Rd. Charle s D. Nivens 502 Greenfield W. E. Raftery 218 Castle St. Walter H. Cooper 49 Pinecrest Pkwy. C. A. Brickhouse 141 Wrightsville Ave. Robert Macon RiceJr .RFD 3, Box 545 NI.,H: Maf:thews 11:M_Lakel-.Village Winifr ed L. Woolard 132_:Sh3pyai:d..Blvd. Earl Edward Williams117 Meares St. Harold Robert8lakeman2205 Princess P1 Drive G!?'??n+? 1- 2 - 3- ?. M1 4- 5- : 6- ''yy? 8- -? , e 9- James E. Marlow Samuel E. Long George B. Roche Billie Cook Robert G. Lee JaTes W. Holland A. T. Salling J. Stanley Dspy F. A. Mueller James L. Thorne M. E. Thomason Julius G. Moore Buren C. Borneman C. R. Newell Lisle Shackelford Donald Burriss A. R. Applewhite Auston Phelps Robert E. Bland Marvin E. Benton Raymond R. Jenne Willie Millinor Rus'sell. Frariei's_.Berrio Eugene Haywood Eason James Marshall Crews 605 Kenwood Ave. P. o. Box 821 121 Dare St. 1 Lame St. Oleander Ct. Apts. 2409 Westminster Way 6 West Queen St. 308 N. 6th St. lob N. bth St. 1509 Orange St. 2906 Adams St. 1940 Church St. 26 Pinecre.st Pkwy. RFD 2, Box 75 RFD 3, Box 301 2230 Caellia Drive 511 Thomas St. 2908 Wayne Drive Box 525,Carolina Beach RFD 2, Box 350 RFD 2, Box 63 RFD 1, Box 237 CAatRe RFD 2, Box 18$ Y RFD 2, Box 399 A. 808 Windsor Drive 69 Spofford 104 ward St. 1908 Princess St. 1014 S. 3rd St. P. o. Box 152 117 Mercer Ave. 310 s. 6tn St. 2538 Harrison St. 5005 Pine St. 1602 s. 4s.n st. Box 254, Carolina Beach RFD 1, Castle Hayne 216 N. bth St. RFD 3, Box 583 220 N. 25th St. 3807 Park Ave.. 1012 S. 6th St. 303 Wrightsville Ave. 1515? Ann St. 69 Lee Drive Wilshire Blvd. 152 W. Shipyard 6 N. Lake Village 15151 Nun St. 2711 Willow St. REPORTS 8 LETTERS -. ,? The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed: New Hanover County Airport Report of Ineome and Disbursements for March 1960. County,Agent, D. D. Baggett, Agricultural Extension Report for March 1960. Home Demonstration Agentfs Report for March 1960 Electrical Inspector's Report for January, February and March, 1960. Wilmington Public Library Report for March, 1960 USO Club Report for March 1960 Wilmington Colored Library Report Thank-you letter from Captain R. P. Winkel, U.S. Naval Station in Charleston, in appreciation of the courtesy extended during Azalea Festival. Founder's Day Program invitation to attend services of the Fannie Norwood Memorial Home for the Aged, Sunday, April 24th, 1960 at Ebene2er Baptist Church. W. G. Houck Executive Secretary • , , ?