1960-05-16 Regular Meetinger? e? ? Minutes of the Meeting May 2, 1960 Continued ? 7 ? INSOLVENT TAXES - Mr. Williams observed that he would like to discuss the Countyls revenues since he brought up the subject the first time about the collection of personal property tax which is a part of the income. He offered a motion that the Tax Collector be instructed to use every legal means at his command in the collection of personal property taxes and that no name appear on the insolvent list unless everylegal effort at collection has been made. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and after some discussion of the practical applica- tion of the law in the collection of the small items, a vote was taken in which Mr. Braak and Mr. Williams uoted in favor of the motion and Mr. Broadhurst voted against the motion. The Chairman then remarked that for technical reasons rather than from moral issues, he would be foreced to cast his vote in the negative which nullified the motion as Commissioner Hoiton was absent. The Chairman, therefore, ruled the motion lost. RIVERS & HARBORS CONGRE55 A letter was received from the National Rivers 8 Harbors Congress advising that Wilmington harbor was one of the projects in the South AtlanLic Division which would be discussed at their next meeting'to be held in the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D. C. on Tuesday, May 24, 1960 commencing at 10:00 A. M. (EDST). REPORTS - The following report was r"eceived and ordered filed for information: r 1- Welfare recipients' status changes for the month of April, 1960. ADJOURNNENT - There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr. Broadhurst made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Nr. 4Jilliams, and unanimously adopted. ? . ? ? W. G. Houck, Executive Se rc etary Wilmington, N. C. May 16, 1960 CONVENTION - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers met this day at 9:00 in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Dr. B. rrank Hall, Pastor of Pearsall Memorial Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the minutes of the last meeting were unanimously approved. - J Vd ? BOND ISSUE-COURT HOUSE REPAIRS The Executive Secretary informed the Board that subsequent to the approval of e' the Resolution at the last meeting authorizing the issuance of $ti4,000 in CourtHouse Bonds to renovate the electrical and heating system and install air conditioning in the County Court House, the following announcement was made by the County Attorney quoting our Bond Attorneys Reed, Hoyt, Washburn and McCarthy, " I can find no escape from the conclusions which I expressed to you over the te2ephone last week. Certainly, under the decisions of your Supreme Court, the bonds issued by the County during the fiscal year beginning July ? . 1, 1958 count against any payment of other bonds in determining the "debt retirement" for the purposes of Section 4 of Article 5 of the North Carolina Constitution. This means, of course, that there was no reduction in the County's debt which would permit the issuance of bonds without the approval of the voters. Will the County accomplish an adequate debt reduction during the fiscal year ending June 30, 19601 It is suggested that the County might refund $84,000 of bonds payable during the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1960 so as to permit an appropriation to be made in the budget for the fiscai year adequate to finance the proposed improvements to the County Court House, The necessary refunding bonds could be..issued without approval of the voters." After some discussion of the possibilities; the Board,by common consent,aoreed that no bonds would be issued at this time. APPROPRIATION - AZAL£A FESTIVAL 'I'he Executive Secretary explained that Robert A. Little, president of 1960 A2alea Festival Committee,had requested an additionai payment of 050.00 in order to fulfill ?,,;:?,vA the commitment made on February lst promising the same allotment out of the Advertising ' Fund that was made to the 1959 Azalea Festival Committee. Mr. Holton explained that at the time the original appropriation of $2,050.00 was made the Auditor had overlooked one of the invoices which made the total appropriation of 1959 $2,592.50 instead of $2,050.00 - leaving a shortage of approximately $550.00 and they were only asking the same amount. 'fhe minutes of February lst indicated that it was the intent of the Board to a.llocate the same amount as in 1959. The County Auditor advised that the Advertising Fund only had $167.33 left in it and since there is a statutory limitation of $10,000.00 placed on this appro- priation, only that amount could be used. Mr. Holton then offered a motion that $3E32.67' be appropriated from Unanticipated Interests to the Advertising Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. Before the motion was put, Mr. Williams offered a substitute motion that the matter be taken under advisement. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the question was called, Messrs. J:5raak and Williams supported the substitute motion, Messrs. Broadhurst, -A Minutes of the Meeting May 16; 1960 Continued APPROPRIATION - A2ALEA FESTIVAL (Continued) Hall and Ho1Lon opposed the substitute motion so the Chairman declared it failed. After some further discussion of the matter, Mr. Holton offered a motion that $382.67 be appropriated from the Unanticipated Fund to Industrial Development account and the amount be paid from this fund. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and when the votes were cast, the decision was unanimous.. The $167.33 from the Advertising Fund added to the $382.67 from the Industrial Development Fund totals the $550.00 which was the sum they were asking to match the 1959 appropriation. PROTOTYPE COMMIJNITY FALLOUT SHELTER - A brief discussion of this project was held with the result that the Executive Secretary was instructed to have the Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, Colonel J. B. McCumbeV present at the next meeting to be held on .lune 6th in order that he might answer any questions relative to details not clear in the project proposal. (Subsequent to the above action, Director McCumber contacted the Regional Headquarters of Civil and Defense Mohilization and while they reluctantly agreed to hold the funds of $10,000 allocated for this proposal until June 6th, they urged him to seek a definite commitment at the earliest Y> possible moment. The Chairman instructed the Executive Secretary to contact each of the Board members for an expression and if as many as three were favorable, to notify Director McCumber and he could proceed to clear the matter. Four out of the five Commissioners ex- pressed a favorable feeling toward this project and,therefore, Colonel McCumber was instruct- ed to proceed.) This action will be officialiy rati£ied at ttie next meeting. FUEL AND LUBRICATION OILS - ? The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the contract with the Arkansas C,.?v???`?'Q` Fuel Oil Corporation for furnishing gasoline, fuel and lubrication oils for the County wovld expire June 30, 1960 and requested permission to advertise for bids to supply the 1960-61 needs. Mr. Williams moved that approval be given to immediate advertising for bids to sup- ply the gasoline, fuel and lubrication oii needs of the County for the next fiscal year. It rras seconded by Nr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ? TAX FORECL05ED PROPERTY - 1-14 The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had a request from Walter W. ?iP°?' Wright for the purchase of a lot in Block # 325, Pt 2 or Pt 3 and !}, which are 30, x 75' frontino on Lovets Alley. The Tax Property Assessor has placed a valuation on either of the parcels of property of $225.00, therefore, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that approval be given to selling either of them at the appraised value, sub;ject to appr.oual of the Ci:ty Coun- ciI. It'was.seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. FAA ANNUAL LEASE AGREEMENT - The Executive Secretary presented a Supplemental Agreement for an annual Lease FA2-394 for Combined'5tation/Tower and Associated Activities at Bluethenthal Fielcl. This agreement provided for the annual automatic renewal of the subject lease only and all other P provisions are to remain the same. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Chairman was unanimously authorized to execute this agreement. The Executive Secretary in- structed to place the County seal on it. BEER LICIIVSES - • --? The following Beer License applications or rejections were considered by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, they were ordered sent to the Sheriff for his consideration: Paui Lea Avery T/A The Galley (rejected) Harbor Island, N. C. W. E. Caviness T/A Tick-Tock Restaurant New Wrightsville Beach Road Bruce R. Freeman T/A Bruce Tavern (rejected) Sea Breeze Liston Guy Gore T/A Castle Hayne Restaurant Castle Hayne, N.C. Bruce Lieutenant Pressley T/A Kure Beach Service Center Kure Beach, N.C. Mrs. Annie Sims Troxler T/A "421" Drive In (rejected) South Front St., Wilmington, N.C Mrs. Ciennie Carroll Williams 5212 Market St. Road (re,jected) Helen Malioy T/A Seabreeze Inn, Seabreeze Beaph, Wilmington, N. C. (rejected) HOLID1aY - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that it had been customary in Lhe past to declare May 30th as a holiday for County employees. Mr. Hoiton then offered a motion that Memorial Day, May 30th, be deciared a Holiday for County employees. It was second- ed by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. COUNTERWEIGHT GUAR? - A proposal was submitted by the Otis Elevator Company for installing a counter- weight guard in the pit of the Court House elevator shaft for the sum of $75.00. The main purpose was to protect mechanics working on the e1evator but since the County has this mach- inery under contract and the protection would be to the Otis Elevator service employees only, it was felt that it was an expense which should be borne by themselves, therefore Mr. Broad- hurst offered a motion that the matter be tabled at this time. It was seconded by Mr. wii- liams and unanimously approved. `) NATIONAL RIVERS AND HARBORS CONGRESS - The Chairman reminded the Board that the National Rivers and Harbors Congress was scheduled for a convention.at the Mayflower Hotel in Washington, D. C., beginning May 23rd at 7:00 P.M. EDST. One of the subjects that will be discvssed which is very important to ??- New Hanover County is the deepening of the Cape Fear River channel, therefore,he suggested ,,uGX?P° that the county, : should be represented. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that any mem- bers of the Board who could attend be authorized to go. It was seconded by Mr. Holton, and unanimously approved. SIREN DONATION - Nir. Lloyd C. Bowden, representing the Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department,in- formed the Board that they needed a siren for one of their trucks and in conversation with the Sheriff found that a used surplus siren was on hand which would fulfill his needs and C')requested the Commissioners approval for transferring it to the Myrtle Grove Volunteer Fire Department. Nr. Broadhurst made a motion that this request be granted. It was sec.onded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. \ ` r?,J•?• Minutes of the Meeting Nay 16, 1960 Continued APPROPRIATIONS 8 TRAIVSFERS - County Auditor Love reported that some of the budgeted items were overspen;t and some of them were underspent and suggested the following transfers be made in order to balance the accounts which have been overspent: Tax Collector - Attorney Court House - Fuel ulelfare - Conveying Indi u ?e n n a n Commissioners - Attorney tt tt Fees to n 3ents " ?i n Fees " n n Airport It It Register Deeds - Staty. Supplies " Sheriff - Capital Outlay " Unanticipated Revenve -County Home „ State Intangible Taxes n n it n n n Tax Listing- Staty. Supplies " Unanticipated Revenue - Interest on Investment Unanticipated Funds - County Home Store" Unanticipated Revenue - County Home it. Back Taxes Unanticipated Revenue - County Hoine It Back Taxes r -1' ? ?.?J?.fM I Tax Coilector - Salaries $108.66 Court House - Janitors Supplies 250.00 Welfare - Travel 200.00 " - .4uto Allowance 150.00 " - Telephone 75.00 MacRae Park - Salaries 64.00 Produce from Farm 41.00 tt n n 205. 00 Register Deeds - Binders. Record Books 100.00 Sheriff - Special Deputies 192.00 County Home - Staty. Supplies .09 County Home - Medical 400.00 Tax Listing - Capital Outlay 600.00 Auditor - Capital Outlaw 500.00 County Home Store 750.00 County Farm - Feed 200.00 County Farm - Feed 200.00 " " -County Home Board " 11 ti " 200.00 County Farm - Poultry.Livestock " County Farm - Medicine 50.00 Mr. Broadhurst moved that the recommendations as outiined by the County Auditor be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously carried. ? • ELECTION PAY County Auditor T. D. Love reminded the Board that election expenses would likely be presented to him for payment before the next meeting and requested an expression as to whether or not they wanted to pay them before reviewing the itemized bills. After some discussion on the subject, Mr. Holton offered a motion that authority be given the Auditor to pay all actual expenses including poli holders and other official salaries that he sees fit. It oras seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS - • A letter was received from the Winter Park Parent Teachers Association commend- ing the Commissioners for the school crossing guards in the County and requesting that they be continued for the next school term. The Board, by common consent, instructed the Execu- tive Secretary to place this request in the file for discussion during Budget considerations. PETIT JURY - ?? The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Super- ? ior Court for the trial of civil cases for the week beginning June bth, criminal cases for the week beginning June 13th, civil cases for the weeks beginning June 27th.and June 30, 1960: Jurors for the weEkbeqinninq June 6, 1960 - Civil Irlm. M. Hi 11 R. L. Atkir.s J. F. Tyler John Avery R. C. Lucas J. S. Vaught Jer.ry C. Swann J. H. Pridgen Henry C. Davis R. V. Hanson J. S. BroHm J. R. Branch C. L. Canady H. C. McGowan J. N. Sanders H. T. Roderick H. S. Herring W. L. Barnes Jr. John T. Skinner Jr. Calvin Bethune Ben R. Davidson James Haywood Ralph N. Rannbury Alvie C. Shipman Jessie A. Fryer I H2rbor Island James L. Todd 3804 Wrightsville Av.G. R. Atkinson RFPas$leoAayke, N.C, Nolan E. Martin 121 S. 15th St. Alonza Gorham 1?12 Northern Blvd. Columbus Ritter 8 C. Lake Villaoe 1,dalter L. King Sr. 106 Ward St. J. F. 14arwick 113 Calhoun Drive Charles B. Hudson 1103 Shipyard lJalk J. B. Williams 4613 Long Leaf Hills J. Marion James 109 S. 52nd St. George H. Walker 306 N. !}lst St. M. J. Hudgen RFD 1, Box 187 J. D. LeGwin 1li.0-1 Princess St. Yd. D. Hewett 3614 Wrightsville Av .John Stokely RFD 2, Box 375 E. R. Pickard Ntyrt le Grove Sound J. C. McEachin (}1 T errace Walk M. H. Hilburn 3733 Stratford Blvd. Ernest L. Pittman RFD 1,Box 425 Charles C. Starnes 4203 Peachtree Ave. .Tohn M. Goodwin RFD 2, Box 370 Albert L. Seymour 204 Kenwood Ave. R. Hariee Henan 205 N. 12th St. Ernest M. Larson 145 Spofford Mills Donald Cornell UJiggs Jurors for the week beqinninq June 13, 1960 - Criminal - J. H. Cox P. R. Jordan 'rd . A. Ran ey Lee Kye Alan G. ,lohnson George G. Mills John N. Drish 126 Green Forest Dr. E. A. Sanders P.O. Box 672 George G. Lewis P.O.. Box 299 George Fowler 2 No rthe rn Blvd. J. J. Furlona, Jr. Box 178, lrlright?hi lleJack L. Lewis 1502 S. 15th g?. James M. Porter 239 4Jhit es Ave. ` Charles Boone 1201 S. 3rd St. RFD 1, Box 6.3 2515 Adams St. 903 schloss St. Yri htsv. NReEch RFD 1, Caste ?a ne, .. Kure Beach, N. ?. 1805 Princess St. RFD 2, Box 297 Carolina Beach; N. C P.O. Box 524 2411 Elm 5t. RFD 3, Box 291 RFD 3, Box 240 P. 217 N. 17th St. 615 Surry St. 608 Colonial Drive P.O. 8oX 1104 612 S. 3rd St. 2950 Park Ave. 311 s. 5tn sc. 816 S. 14th St. 3706 S. Front St. 161 Colonial Circle 5t}2 O1 eander Dr ive 121 S. 3rd St. RFD 1; Box 417 #1 Alorthern Blvd. 12 Y Lake Village 305 s. 5tn st. 2876 Adams St. 7 F. Lake Village 2206 Plaza Drive continued- ? • ? ? Minutes of the Meeting May 13, 1960 Continued P_ETIT JURY - Continued Jurors for June 13, 1960 Criminal term -Continued C. F. Jones P. O. Box 961 E. M. Sikes W. J. Corbett 201 S. 13th St. Leon E. Hart, Jr. V. T. Nealey 418 S. L}th St. Wm. R. Roycroft R. L. Jenkins 1509 S. sth St. John R. Player Jack Smith 11 B. Lake Vi112.ge Harry Sessoms J. A. BarboL 114 S. bth St. R. L. Lancaster C. H. Harker 314 UJilliamson Dr. Julius L. Gainous D. L. Edens 209 Evans St. Wm. H. Nason Jr. C. E. Gosnell 2532 ldashington L. Doetsch Leo McDonald 104 Kent St. G. W. 13ryant Dewayne Mullins RFD 1, BoxCastle Hayne Robert L. Helms David A. Seitter 513,Castle Hayne Rd. Walter L. Bryan Ralph Gillette RFD '1, Box 195 Robert J. Herring Leon Blaustein 502 S. 17th St. Maxton V. Bennett Henry Ti. McGeachy 303 Sunset Ave. James Arthur Jones Delmas Buck Atkins on 3005 Market St. Rudolph L. PitLman William B. Roberso n 204 5. 1{.6th St. '.+?infred G. Dobson Joe Sheppard Norri son321 5. 2nd St. A. F. Williamson Jur,ors for ihe:week beginnine June 20, 1960 - Civil term R. A. Yopp, Jr. 205 Floral Pkwy. B. E. English Leo Ward 30 West Drive M. M. Johnson J. E. Hicks Box 736 .lohn E. Blake J. M. Gregg P.O. Box 1049 0. E. Durant Jr. T. T. Roper Jr. 515 Princess St. G. A. McFayden A. F. Fales 321 S. 5th St. Alvis R. Hardy Rufus J. Yow 1907 Nun St. John H. Hammond J. R. Hollis Masonboro Sound James R. Reuling E. Y. Wooten Apt.8, Oleander Courts W. 0. Fickling F. W. Lewis RFD 3, Box 602 Henry S. Cantrell B. D. Millis RFD 3, Box 452. Robert H. Smith V. L. Hayes 23 Lake Forest Pkwy. H. R. Spencer L. H. Jones 4302 Oleander Dr. R. C. Mercer M. Kotler 510 Grace St. George W. McGee E. J. Durham Box 527,Carolina Beach Wayne Jackson Alton L. Groves 618 Greenfield St. Herbert Leary Charlie Cummings 1509 S. 13th St. John H. McNeal C. E. Dillon 2124 Klein Rd.. T. C. Morris Gsston Hemby 817 S. ta.th St. Harry A. Branch Sr. Griffin H. Hamilt on RFD 3, Box 223 Charles L. Cook J. J. Robinson Box 581,Carolina Seach Charles E. Moore Avender Lee Jones 108 S. 6th St. R. E. Huchabee Georoe S. Enolish 408 Central Blvd. John David Doby James E. Sneeden Jr. 608 Rosemont St. Georoe.E. Lawhorne Charles E. Craig Jr. 310 Greenfield St. Abraham Coleman Jurors for the week beqinnina June 27, 1960 Civil J. E. She.a RFD 3, Box 448 Thomas O. &7hite J. D. McCarley III P.O. Box 58 J. M. Everett J. C. Connor 13 M. Lake Village Ellery L. Rogers Jr. W. H. Batson Box 172, Carolina BeachArthur C. Bennett M. R. Ellers % Moore Fonvielle George Somersett George Rhodes 2101 Hydrangea P1 9 H. P. Steinhoff David. E. Lang. Harrison St. 273 J. ld. Meyland Jr. W. T. Devane 119 S. 5th St. R. A. Brindell, Jr. R. R. Driggers 2215 Klein Rd. Warren Ulrich Homer Durden 8191- Grace St. J. A. Johnson Shelby L. Lane 104 Francis Marion Dr. G. A. Shepard R. P. Harvey,Jr. 104 Morningside Dr. A. D. Fountain L. F. Kaylor 226 Oakleaf Dr. Howard C. James P. L. Milnor 702 Market St. J. E. Hamrick Clyde M. White 1820 Carolina Ave. G. M. Roberson Harlee Gur-ganious 1517 E. Pla2a Henry Staey Britt Loula 0. Forbes 203 Brookwood Mike Pikramenos R. W. Booth 2714 P4arket St. Louis A. Hewlett Jr. Edgar N1cD. Larkins 5701 Wrightsvilie Av. Joshua I. Hardison Alexan der Janicki Castle Hayne Harry A. Stillwell Jr. Yortin Swart Jr. P.O. Box 838 L. E. Morton Russell R. Jones 704 N. 4th St. David F. Blackman Henry For"r.es,ter.:. 1415 Dock St. Wade M. Jenkins Steve Sanders P•h f?e H?? T. N. Fokakis Robert P. HunLer s ne RT i, Box 249 Clive Roy Mallott REPORTS - 27 Jackson Drive 190L Nun St. 1910 Perry Ave. 123 Victoria Drive 9 G. Lake Village RFD 3, Box 250 2 West Drive 105 Bordeaux Box 137 Carolina Beach 1305 orange St. 220 Oakleaf Drive RFD 2, Box 260 1+505 GreenField 243 Oakcrest Dr. 505 Jennings Dr. 2543 Burnett Blvd. 1910 Nun St. 117 Nyrtle Ave. 4923 Oleander Dr. 1308 s. 7tn St. RFD 1, Box 99 A. 2302 Mar}cet St. RFD 1, Box 9 1010 Cypress Dr. 102 S. Audubon Blvd, 224 N. 21st St. Kure Beach, N. C. 722 Dock St. 5115 Wrightsville Ave. 105 Long Leaf Hills Dr. 2009 Uloolcott Ave. RFD #1, 176, Castle Hayne WN'Fi D T. V. Station 114 Newton Lane RFD 2, Box 227 2917 Princess St. 5329 Oleander Drive 305 Castle Hayne RFD 2, Box 513 101 Williamson Dr. 25 Lee Drive 712 Dock St. 920 N. Sth St. RFD 1, Box 175 P.O. Box 1596 5912 Park Ave. P. o. Box 204, Car$lin? Box 451, RFD 1 eac Box 319, Carolina Beach 2525 Harrison St. 604 S. LuminaWB?efitsville Beach 4930 Pine St. ? 309 s. 4th St. RFD 1, Box 268 A % Fountain Oil Co. 432 Bonham Av. 109 N. 7th St. 116 S. 53rfl St. . 222 Oak Crest Drive 404 Central Bivd. 701 Central Blvd. , RFD 1, Box 95AA, Castle 115z South 3rd St,Hayne 205 Grace St. P.O. Box 577,Carolina Beach 53 Lake Forest Pkwy. 707 Grace St. Box 88, bdrightsville Beach The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for infor.ma- tion: 1- ? 4- SL?vc'?"- ? 5- 6- ?YI?IJ``'?? 9- ? Home Economics Report for April 1960 County Farm Agent's Report " " " Airport Report of Income and Disbursements for April 1960 Schooi Fire Inspection Report U50 Club Report for April 1960 Veteranst Service Office for April 1960 Wilmington Colored Library for A?ril 1960 " Public Library " ' " Invitation to attent a"dvtch" luncheon at the Ark Restaurant at 1:00 P.M. today supporting Senatorial Candidate Hon. Addison Hewlett. , ??p ???ryADJOURNMENT - i?e?1^? Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, voted adjournment. ` W-'Gr• ? Board unan%imousl ?s . , ; ?- , Executive Secretary