1960-06-06 Regular Meeting57e Wilmington, N. C. June b, 1960 CONVENTION - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held this day at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House. Present were Peter H. Braak, Vice Chairman, Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst., J..E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County At'torney John Bright Hill. Vice Chairman Braa}c presided in the absence of Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. who was unable to be present for the meeting. INVOCFITION - ? Uice Chairman Braak called the meeting to order and.asked Reverend A. P. Hill, Jr., Pastor of Wesley Memorial Nethodist Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. ' f .: APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - ? The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had overlooked inserting a a-? paragraph relative to the attorneys' opinion on the proposed issuance of $84,000 bonds for the Court House renovation project. The proposed paragraph was read to the Commissioners who agreed that it should be included in the permanent records and upon motion of Mr. Wil- liams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously approved the minutes as written with the addition of this paragraph. FALLOUT SHELTER - ?? Colonel J. B. McCumber, Director of Civil 8 Defense Mobilization, was present c? 5, at the request of the Board and answered the various questions with reference to the pro- posed prototype community fallout shelter discussed at the previous meeting. After explain- that its purpose was more demonstration than to actually shelter the community, Mr. Holton offered a motion that authority be given to proceed with the pro,ject to be located in the Court House, the•details to be worked out by the Civil Defense Director and the Executive Secretary. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. -s ? ROAD PETITIONS Petitions were received for adding the following roads to the State maintained Secondary Road System: Carter Avenue, Elisha Avenue, and Woodland Drive, signed respect- ively by C. L. Carter, L..Paul Stanley and C.E.A. Lathrop. Upon motion of Mr..,:Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously instructed the Executive Secretary to forward these requests to the State Highway Commission for consideration. ' AIRPORT REUENUE - + CIZ? A letter was received from the Airport Manager reminding the Board that Mr. J. L. Higgins, the Federal Aviation Agency Inspector, had recently called their attention to approximately 90 acres of airport property being used by the County Farm and informed them that the airport was entitied to revenue from this land for use in the operation, mainten- ance and development of airport facilities. He suggested that $10.00 an acre would be a reasonable and acceptable figure to be included in the 1960=61 Budget. The County Auditor said this would be done. r SECOND PRIMARY Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections informed the Board that it would be necessary to have a second primary and that the Budget did not include sufficient funds to conduct it and he requested an appropriation of not.less than $5,000. (See transfers and adjustments in today's minutes.) 'He further observed that our election machinery was antiquated and suggested a more modern system. He reasoned that the registr.ation books were obsolete and recailed that recent legislation had authorized a new loose leaf registration book which allowed the arrangement of names aiphabetically and per- mits a perpetual active record. The present registration books contain the names of many deceased persons as well as those who have moved from that particular precinct and accounts for much of the delay in voting. He offered to secure a full time retired person, compet- ent to set up and keep the records on a daily basis for not more than $100.00 a month, thus establishing a permanent election office where anyonecould register or transfer thei,r names ? from one precinct to another at any time. This wouid eliminate the payment of registrars for other than time spent in the actual election. He feels that this would be an effic- ient election system. Mr. Williams suggested that Mr. Bost bring in a written detailed re- commendation of the est'imated cost and savings in such a new registration, iWr. Holton thinks it would improve the voting density as our percentage of ballots cast to registered voters is far too small and part of it might be accounted for because of the slow election system. Mr. Bost promised that he wouid present such a plan for their consideration during the Budget discussions. , BEER PERMITS The following Beer License applications were reviewed and ordered sent to the Sheriff upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Wiiliams, and unanimously approved: George W. Bame- Charlie H. Bowen Ralph D. Drews Dollie S. Everett Paul T. Godwin Walter Grady Rachel K. Lewis T/A T/A T/A T/A T/A T%A Hotel Bame Pool Room Davis Grocery Co. Drew's Service Station b Grocery Caravan Carolina Soda & Cafe Dew Drop Inn Shalimar Drive-In Restaurant Carolina Beach, N.C. 10 S. 17th St., City RFD 1, Box #321 RFD 1, Box #350 108,S: Eront St. RFD 1, Box 138, Castle Hayne,N.C 3816 Market St., City ADJUSTNENTS AND TRANSFERS County Auditor T. D. Love presented the foilowing adjustments and transfers in ?.?-v?+--? the current Budget to balance out some of the individual items: Coroner - Reports, Summons to County Farm-Repairs, Maintenance Equip. " Court House - Electrical Supplies " Commissioners - Attorney Fees " it n u n Sheriff - Capital Outlay (Water Heater) " Superior Court - Jury Fees " Unanticipated Funds State Pro Rata Beer & Wine Tax Foreclosures Mr. Williams moved that the recommeridations Broadhurst and unanimously approved. Coroner - Salaries County Farm - Cap;tai Outlay Court House - Janitors Suppiies Commissioners - Staty. Supplies School Inspections Jail - Capital Outlay Superior Court - Special Atty. Elefrtion be adopted. $ 45.00 250.00 125.00 50.00 33•00 200.00 200.00 4, 000 . 00 It was seconded by Mr. 1,000.00 I ? ?7,S) , "?DEPOS I TORY c? Minutes of the Meeting A letter was they be designated as a this request be granted. Board. June 6, 1960 Continued - received from the First Citizens Bank and Trust Co. requesting that depository for some County funds. Mr. Holton offered a motion that It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved by the WATER MAIN PROPOSAL - Mr. J.E.L. Wade, a member of the City Council, informed the Board that the Wer- theimer Bag Company, a heavy contributor to our impost and export Lraffic, was moving to a location nearer the port facility which is outside the City limits, and requested water ser- f vice. Nr. Wade asked that consideration be given to the wisdom of cooperatin on a 50-50 basis with•the City in furnishing a 12" water line at a cost estimated to be $91}0,500. After some discussion of the intentions of the City governing body to taking this area into the City limits, it was decided, by common consent, to take the matter under advisement until ajoint meeting of the two bodies cou2d be arranged. (The Executive Secretary arranged for a jbint meeting at 10:30 A.M. June 8th, 1960 in the City Council Chambers.) ? C4.ACL L)AY Mr. Wade observed that during his tenure as Mayor of the City of Wilmington, he ? had proposed that they set aside and designate a special day to be known,as ACL Day in recog- nition of the employees who were being transferred to their Jacksonville, Florida headquarters. He said that his plans for such a day were fluid and subject to revision if the ,joint boards could arrange to discuss the matter. He invited the Commissioners to meet with the Council at 10:30 A.M. June 8th, 1960 for consideration of this recommendation. HERMITAGE ROAD - ? The Executive Secretary informed the Board that sub Q? the change of street name Hermitage Road in Lincoln Forest :to II has discovered that he already had a Kingsley Road in South quests approval for changing Hermitage Road to Halifax Road. seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously granted this sequent to their approval of Kingsley Road, Mr. Hugh MacRae Oleander subdivision and re- Upon motion of Mr. Holton, request. PROBATION OFFICE - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had been approached by Mr. C.W. Thompson, District Supervisor for the State Probation Office, who advised that the case load ?nv?? was too heavy for one man in this district and they want to combine the case loads of Bruns- wick, Onslow, and Pender with the New Hanover County Office and place another man in this area. For many reasons, it would be impractical for both men to share the same office and therefore, he would like to have office space for a new man who will begin his duties approx- imately July 15, 1960. He has indicated that the office on the third floor now being used by the Sheriff for an interrogation room will be suitable for their punpose. The Sheriff has willingly released the office whenever it is needed. By common consent, the Board unani- mously approved this arrangement. CIVIC ACHIEVEMENT RESOLUTION - ? Upon motion of INr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst the following award was made the form of a Resolution in recognition of the time and talent spent in setting up the original Civil Defense organization for New Hanvver County and the City of Wilmington: BY RESOLUTION, to all who shall see these presents, greetings: ? This is to certify that Andrew Howell Harriss, Jr. has been awarded Certificate of Civic Achievement in acknowledgment and appreciation of his devotion to the duty of Citizenship, and the meritorious manner of his performance of outstanding community service as Chief Planner, Operational Survival Project, and Chairman, Joint Civil Defense Commission. July 1, 1957 -- August 15, 1958 /S/ E. S. Capps, Jr. /S/ J. M. Hall, Jr. Mayor Chairman Ci.ty of 4Jilmington Commissioners of New Hanover County ADDITIONAL CLAY - HUGH MAC RAE PARK The Executive Secretary reported that Mrs. Wm. R. Lane of 4727 Long Leaf Hills ? Drive had called him and insisted that the County put clay on a small piaying field which was constructed by the County about two years ago in Hugh MacRae Park just to the rear of her house. -1-MPkW She claimed that some of the Commissioners had promised her this service but she could not re- member which one it was. During the discussion of this request, Mr. Braak informed the Board that he had plenty of clay on his farm which he would donate for this purpost if she would pro- vide the hauling of it. By common consent, the Board unanimously agreed on this arrangement. WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND ROAD - The Executive Secretary reported that the petition for repairs to the road beginning at the Marina Restaurant on Wrightsville Sound and running parallel to the Inland Waterway from Highway # 74 8# 76 has been returned by the State Highway Commission with the informa- tion that it was not a road in their system and,therefore, they could not use State machinery to repait it. After a discussion of the petition, the Board unanimously instructed that the petition be returned to the petitionerswith an explanation of the reason. The Executive 5ecre- tary suggested that the eomplaint could be satisfied in the main if a pipe was installed to drain the hole in.the road, which was causing most of the trouble, and proposes that' the County furnish the labor to install the pipe provided the petitioners would furnish the pipe and have sufficient fill material hauled in to cover it. SUPPLEMENTARY ADJUSTNENT - A request was received from the Superintendent of the Consolidated Schools for ? transferring $3500.00 from Vocational Supplies in the Supplementary Budget to Instructional Supplies in the same Budget. The Board was reminded that previously they had established a policy of approving requests made by the Chairman of the Board only and, therefore, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the requests be granted, subject to the approval of the School Board Chairman. The Acting Chairman, Mr. Braak, called Nr. E. A. Laney, Chairman of the School Board, who promised to come by and sign the request so the Board agreed that it would not be done until after his approval. / i 6? 5 Fy ? 9 ,_..,_ . Minutes of the Meeting June 6, 1960 Continued MEETING - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that their next regular semimonthly meeting was scheduled for June 20th but in view.of the annual State Association of County Commissioners meeting on June 19th through the 22nd, he thought they might want to change the regular meeting in order to attend. Mr. Williams, therefore, offered a motion that the regular semimonthly meeting for June 20th be dispensed with and the Chairman authosized to call a special meeting if urgent matters requiring the Board's attention should be present- ed. Mr. Broadhurst seconded the motion and it was.unanimousiy approved. INTERIM BUDGET APPROPRIATION - . r Upon motion of Mr. Kolton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the following Resolution was unanimously adopted: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Section 1- That in order to operate the Couttty and lst, 1960 to date of adoption of the 1960-61 Budget are hereby made for the purpose of paying salaries, on indebtedness and the usual ordinary expense of t sions at the same rate of expenditure as provided Budget Year. its,subdivisions from July Resolution, appropriations the principal and interest he County and its subdivi- for in the 1959-60 Fiscal 5ection 2- This Resolution shall cease to be effective from and after the adoption of the 1960-61 Budget Resolution, and all disbursements made in accordance with this Resolution.shall be chargeabie to appropriations made in the 1960-61 Budget Appropriations. ? BLIND AID BUDGET Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of Public Welfare, presented the Board with the estimated Budget for Aid to the Blind during the 1960-61 Fiscal Year and asked that the Commissioners approve it and authori2e the Chairman to sign it in behalf_of the County. Mr. Holton moved that it be apnroved spbiect to ?l adoption at the Budget discussions when all of the County services will-Le taken into consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst and unanimously approved. • ' ANNUAL STATE ASSOCIATION MEETING The Executive Secretary called the Board's attention to'the schedvled annual meet-Ce+ry;^?° ing of.the State Association of County Commissioners to be held in Carteret County from June 19-22nd, 1960. After some discussion, Mr. Holton offered a motion that any member of the Board including the County Attorney be authorized to attend this session of the Asssociation. Mr. Broadhurst seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved by the'Board. HOLIDAY The Executive Secretary reminded the B(a rd that since they had dispensed with the ? regular meeting on June 20th, they would not have another regular meeting scheduled until after July 4th which is usually observed as a legal holiday. Since the holiday schedules were done away with some months ago, he thought they should take action at this.time, there- fore Mr. Broadhurst moved that July 4th be a Holiday for County employees. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously adopted. ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR - SCHOOL INSPECTIONS The Executive Secretary informed the Board'that when Mr. Fred Futchs, Jr., the County School Fire Inspector made his report on April 28th, he notified us that the Electrical Inspector had informed him that he,did not intend to make any more electrical inspections for the County Schools. As a full Board was not present, by common consent, the Board'unanimously agreed to defer any action on this matter until the full Board was present.' RECESS - The Acting Chairman' reminded the Board that since they had a meeting scheduled with the State Highway Commission at 2:30 for the purpose of determin2ning the Secondary Roads which would receive the allocation for 1960-61 that the Board should recess until 2:30 P. M., therefore, Mr. Williams offered a motion that this action be taken and Mr. Broadhurst second- ed the motion, which was unanimously approved. ? , 2:30 P. M. Commissioners Room June 6, 1960 RECONVFNTION - At the afternoon meeting, Vice Chairman Peter,H. braak, Commissioners L. E. Broad- hursL and Berry A. Williams were present. Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr, and Commissioner J. E. " Holton Jr. were unable to attend the meeting due to former commitments. ' STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION - , ?i?ii??'O ? Mr. T. J. McHim, the Third Division Engineer for the State Highway Commission, . accompanied by the D3strict Engineer, Mr. R. A. Ashworth, met with the Board and informed them that they had an allocation of $9,200 which was the same as last yearTS, for the 1960- 61 Secondary Road Program in New Hanover County. After explaining the reasons for the min- - imum allocation he informed the Board that the following roads, in order of their priority, were recommended for their consideration: For stabilization and improvement, Oakley Circle Extension and the Foxtown Subdivision, including Evans, Henry and Oaks Streets., and for paving, the Rogersville Road and Wood Dale Drive. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the recommenda- tions of the State Highway Commission be accepted since they were based on the traffic count and other criteria determining the density of their use to the public. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimousiy approved by the Board. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write a letter confirming this action for Mr. McKim's guidance. • REPORTS - 1- Grand Jury Report for May, 1960 Criminal term. 2- Thank-you letters from C. D. Gurganus, Assistant Principal of New Hanover High School, and Vicky Hodges, student, commending the Board for their partici- The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for information: ?„? ??So Minutes of the Meeting June 6, 1960 Continued REPORTS- (Continued) pation in their 5tudent Local Government Day Program. 3-USO Club Report for May, 1960 4-Electricai Inspector's Report for April, 1960 5-Wilmington Colored Library Report for May, 1960 ? 6- " Public Library " " fl1960 7-Home Agent's Narrative Report for '! 1960 8-Veteran's Service Office " " " " -?? 9-Letter from A. Schlegel, Chairman of County Agents' Advisory Council 10-iVotice from State Highway Commission regarding paving priorities for 5econdary Road's in 1959-1960. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Broadhurst Williams and unanimously moved the adjournment of the meeting carried. It was seconded by Mr. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretar? JOINT CALLED MEETING Municinal Buildina Council Chambers 10:30 A. M. June 8, 1960 A55EMBLY - Pursuant to the invitation of the City Council at the meeting on June 6, 1960, the Executive Secretary arranged ajoint meeting for 10:30 A. M. today. PRESENT were: ? Vice Chairman Peter H. 1?$raak and'Commissioner J. E. Holton, Jr. Commissioners Broadhurst, Hall and Williams were unable to be present, however, County Attorney Hill was present. Commissioner-Elect J. Uan B. Metts was also in attendance. City Council members present were Niayor E. S. Capps Jr., Councilmen James H. Batuyios, W. Ronald Lane, Russell T. Bur- ney, and J.E.L. Wade, City Manager J.R. Benson and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor E. S. Capps Jr, acted as presiding officer o:r the meeting and welcomed , , the Commissioners present. He explained that the first order of business would be pre- sented by the Merchants' Association. ? YEAR ROUND ADVERTISING - Mr. William L. Nisbit, representing the local Merchants' Association informed those present that the merchants were interested in developing ways and means of increas- ing local sales volume to replace the vacuum which will result when the Coast Line employees have left for Jacksonville, Florida. They propose an intensive program recommended by pro- fessionals to bring into Wilmington the people from the nearby towns and communities within r a fifty mile radius. The project would emphasize the attractions offered by New Hanover County to lure people from other areas. Their proposed program would be headed up by pro- fessional planners and would not conflict with the present advertising program of the Cham- ber of Commerce or other agencies seeking to promote the recreation and pleasure seeking tourists. The cost of the program would be $20,000.00 which the merchants themselves have pledged to support, however, they are seeking the City and County to provide $7,500.00 on the basis of $5,000.00 appropriated by the City and $2,$00.00 to be supplied by the County. The City Council unanimously agreed to give serious consideration to this proposition in their upcoming Budget discussions. As a quorum of the Commissioners were not present, they could not take an official stand but the Vice Chairman agreed to present the proposal to the Commissioners and felt like they would be glad to take it under advisement at their Budget discussinns. SPECIAL ACL DAY - Councilman J.E.L. Wade observed that during his term as Mayor of the City he had proposed that special recognition be given to the employees of the'ACL Railroad who are be- ing transferred to Jacksonville, Florida. He thought that a parade should be organi2ed to begin at the local main offices of the Atlantic Coast Line to proceed down Front Street Q ? N to Market Street and up to Third Street and pause in front of the City Hall where a speaker's ?vpn?'? O stand would be erected for the purpose of having the official bodies of the County and City who would officially bid them farewell and wish them happiness in their new home,to be res- ponded to by ACL officials. He made it clear that his plan was a fluid one and he was willing to have it revised by the thinking of the other members of the,official boards, should they liave additional ideas to contribute. After a brief discussion of this sub- ,ject; the City Councii re,jected such a move. No quorum was present for the County so no action was taken although expression by those present indicated that,they were in agree- ment. WATER MAIN - Mayor Capps informed the joint Boards that the Wertheimer Bag Company was moving out of the City limits and building on Shipyard Boulevard near the present site of Station e?• WECTV. As they have contributed to the port volume in imports and exports, it is felt that they should be furnished with water for their operation. In order to provide sufficient • water pressure and volume, a 12" water main will be necessary connecting the present City water main at the City limit intersection with Carolina Beach Boulevard and run parallel ? with Shipyard Boulevard, and connect with the water main at the intersection of the City limits and Burnett Boulevard. The total estimated cost of this pro3ect would be $40,500 which they think should be sliared equally, which means the County would pay up to $20,250. This circulatory water system is necessary in order to efficiently operate a sprinkler sys- tem in the building in sufficient quantity to be effective in event of fire. During the continued- ,