1960-06-08 Special Meeting??So Minutes of the Meeting June 6, 1960 Continued REPORTS- (Continued) pation in their 5tudent Local Government Day Program. 3-USO Club Report for May, 1960 4-Electricai Inspector's Report for April, 1960 5-Wilmington Colored Library Report for May, 1960 ? 6- " Public Library " " fl1960 7-Home Agent's Narrative Report for '! 1960 8-Veteran's Service Office " " " " -?? 9-Letter from A. Schlegel, Chairman of County Agents' Advisory Council 10-iVotice from State Highway Commission regarding paving priorities for 5econdary Road's in 1959-1960. ADJOURNMENT - Mr. Broadhurst Williams and unanimously moved the adjournment of the meeting carried. It was seconded by Mr. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretar? JOINT CALLED MEETING Municinal Buildina Council Chambers 10:30 A. M. June 8, 1960 A55EMBLY - Pursuant to the invitation of the City Council at the meeting on June 6, 1960, the Executive Secretary arranged ajoint meeting for 10:30 A. M. today. PRESENT were: ? Vice Chairman Peter H. 1?$raak and'Commissioner J. E. Holton, Jr. Commissioners Broadhurst, Hall and Williams were unable to be present, however, County Attorney Hill was present. Commissioner-Elect J. Uan B. Metts was also in attendance. City Council members present were Niayor E. S. Capps Jr., Councilmen James H. Batuyios, W. Ronald Lane, Russell T. Bur- ney, and J.E.L. Wade, City Manager J.R. Benson and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor E. S. Capps Jr, acted as presiding officer o:r the meeting and welcomed , , the Commissioners present. He explained that the first order of business would be pre- sented by the Merchants' Association. ? YEAR ROUND ADVERTISING - Mr. William L. Nisbit, representing the local Merchants' Association informed those present that the merchants were interested in developing ways and means of increas- ing local sales volume to replace the vacuum which will result when the Coast Line employees have left for Jacksonville, Florida. They propose an intensive program recommended by pro- fessionals to bring into Wilmington the people from the nearby towns and communities within r a fifty mile radius. The project would emphasize the attractions offered by New Hanover County to lure people from other areas. Their proposed program would be headed up by pro- fessional planners and would not conflict with the present advertising program of the Cham- ber of Commerce or other agencies seeking to promote the recreation and pleasure seeking tourists. The cost of the program would be $20,000.00 which the merchants themselves have pledged to support, however, they are seeking the City and County to provide $7,500.00 on the basis of $5,000.00 appropriated by the City and $2,$00.00 to be supplied by the County. The City Council unanimously agreed to give serious consideration to this proposition in their upcoming Budget discussions. As a quorum of the Commissioners were not present, they could not take an official stand but the Vice Chairman agreed to present the proposal to the Commissioners and felt like they would be glad to take it under advisement at their Budget discussinns. SPECIAL ACL DAY - Councilman J.E.L. Wade observed that during his term as Mayor of the City he had proposed that special recognition be given to the employees of the'ACL Railroad who are be- ing transferred to Jacksonville, Florida. He thought that a parade should be organi2ed to begin at the local main offices of the Atlantic Coast Line to proceed down Front Street Q ? N to Market Street and up to Third Street and pause in front of the City Hall where a speaker's ?vpn?'? O stand would be erected for the purpose of having the official bodies of the County and City who would officially bid them farewell and wish them happiness in their new home,to be res- ponded to by ACL officials. He made it clear that his plan was a fluid one and he was willing to have it revised by the thinking of the other members of the,official boards, should they liave additional ideas to contribute. After a brief discussion of this sub- ,ject; the City Councii re,jected such a move. No quorum was present for the County so no action was taken although expression by those present indicated that,they were in agree- ment. WATER MAIN - Mayor Capps informed the joint Boards that the Wertheimer Bag Company was moving out of the City limits and building on Shipyard Boulevard near the present site of Station e?• WECTV. As they have contributed to the port volume in imports and exports, it is felt that they should be furnished with water for their operation. In order to provide sufficient • water pressure and volume, a 12" water main will be necessary connecting the present City water main at the City limit intersection with Carolina Beach Boulevard and run parallel ? with Shipyard Boulevard, and connect with the water main at the intersection of the City limits and Burnett Boulevard. The total estimated cost of this pro3ect would be $40,500 which they think should be sliared equally, which means the County would pay up to $20,250. This circulatory water system is necessary in order to efficiently operate a sprinkler sys- tem in the building in sufficient quantity to be effective in event of fire. During the continued- , Minutes of the Joint Called Meeting June 8, 1960 Continued WATER MAIN - (Continued) discussion of this question, Mr. Holton asked if any decision had been made wiLh reference to incorporating this section of town into the Wiimington City limits. No decision has been reached on Lhis proposal at this time. As•in the above instances, no quorum was present so a definite decision could-not be made at this meeting but Messrs. Braak and Holton indicated that they would be willing to go along on this project pro- vided a reverter clause was included in the contract agresment stipulating that if and when this section of the County was accepted and taken into the City limits, the County would be reimbursed for their portion of the cost of this plan. It was bronght out that the City would be loosing the taxes on the new building being constructed by this firm. ADJOURNMENT - The presiding officer then declared the meeting adjourned since no iness concerned the two bodies.was to be brought up ai this t3me, F / W. G her bus- Houck, Executive Secretary SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Commissionars Room Court House, Wilminoton, N. C. 11:00 A.M. June 27, 1960 ASSEMBLY - Pursuant to the motion at the last regvlar meeting in which the semimonthly meeting scheduled for June 20th was dispensed with and the Chairman authorized to call a meeting at his discretion, Chairman,J. M. Hail, Jr. cai'led a meeting for 11:00 A.M today. PRESENT: Chairman,]:M.Hall'Jr.,,Zbmmissioners Peter H. braak, L. E. Broadhurst, and J. E. Holton, Jr., County Attorney John Brlght Hill and Gounty Auditor T. D. Love., Commission- er-Elect J. Van-B.-Metts was also in attendance, however, Commissioner Berry A. Williams was unable to be present for the meeting. WAIUER OF NOTICE - ' Mr. Braak offered a motion that the regular notice of meeting as required by GS 153-8 be waived. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. PETROLEUM BIDS - - Mr. Holton informed the Board that he was present on Monday, June 20th to open the bids for suppiying gasolene, fuel and lubricating oils for the County during 1960-61 as advertised. The following bids were received and opened: Arkansas Fuel Oil Co. "' Pure Oil Co. Sinclair Refininq Co. 97 Octane Cras ' 98.5 Octane Gas Power - X Gas P.rice ..173 19.3e 19.30e Disc. .0325 - 5.26 - 4.15 , Net .1405 14.042 15.15,e Fuel oil .13?+ . 13•4¢ 13•301 Disc. .028 - 3.02 - 2•70 Net .1060 .1038 .1060 Lubricating Oil .651 47•91 .691 DiSC. -- -- -' Net .65d 47•9e' .692 Deposit 6.00 -- Disc. 1% I% • After discussing.the lubricating oil specifications at they would meet the heavy duty needs of ovr equipment, low bids be accepted and contracts awarded to the Pure ments for 1960-61 fiscal year. It was seconded by Mr. by the Board. ' ? RO days 6.00 1% length to determine, .if_' ,. ' , • . Nr. Braak offered a motion that the OiLSQmnany for sugglying the require- Broadhurst and unanimously adopted ? APPROPRIATION TRANSFER - The Executive 5ecretary informed the Board ati their meeting on July bth, 1954 they had approved an appropriation of $400.00 from their Advertising Fund to assist in the?---JP' publishing of a DAR magazine which carries advertising for this County into many parts of 1 the country. The invoice for these funds has just been rece3ved and the County Auditor advises that no funds are available for payment therefore he recommends that $400.00 be transfers'ed from Unanticipated Revenue - Sales, Tax Foteclosure to County Aid• - Advertising and approve the payment of this invoice. Mr. Holton offered a motion that this recommenda- tion be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimousiy approved. BEACH EROSION - . • ?? Frank Hill, owner of property at the northern end of Carolina Beach known as Free- man Beach, reported to the Board that the last northeaster had eroded the beach to such an extent that part of the building had.been undermined and he had to demolish it. He was very grateful to the Board for the groins constructed in that area last year and testified to C,v,aye the big help they had been to that section of the beach, however, they are too far apart to really be effective and he was pleading for some assistance in stabilizing the beach by more groins and requested a bulkhead parallel to the high watermark to break the force of the waves on the dunes hehind it. By common consent, the Board agreed that the matter was urgent but no appropriation was available to pay for the work until after July lst when the Interim Budget would take effect, and authorized the Executive Secretary to explore the wFARet?f°fheeaurin?q heavy riprap or granite stone to erect such a bulkhead and get an ppro imate cosf..