1960-06-27 Special Meeting Minutes of the Joint Called Meeting June 8, 1960 Continued WATER MAIN - (Continued) discussion of this question, Mr. Holton asked if any decision had been made wiLh reference to incorporating this section of town into the Wiimington City limits. No decision has been reached on Lhis proposal at this time. As•in the above instances, no quorum was present so a definite decision could-not be made at this meeting but Messrs. Braak and Holton indicated that they would be willing to go along on this project pro- vided a reverter clause was included in the contract agresment stipulating that if and when this section of the County was accepted and taken into the City limits, the County would be reimbursed for their portion of the cost of this plan. It was bronght out that the City would be loosing the taxes on the new building being constructed by this firm. ADJOURNMENT - The presiding officer then declared the meeting adjourned since no iness concerned the two bodies.was to be brought up ai this t3me, F / W. G her bus- Houck, Executive Secretary SPECIAL CALLED MEETING Commissionars Room Court House, Wilminoton, N. C. 11:00 A.M. June 27, 1960 ASSEMBLY - Pursuant to the motion at the last regvlar meeting in which the semimonthly meeting scheduled for June 20th was dispensed with and the Chairman authorized to call a meeting at his discretion, Chairman,J. M. Hail, Jr. cai'led a meeting for 11:00 A.M today. PRESENT: Chairman,]:M.Hall'Jr.,,Zbmmissioners Peter H. braak, L. E. Broadhurst, and J. E. Holton, Jr., County Attorney John Brlght Hill and Gounty Auditor T. D. Love., Commission- er-Elect J. Van-B.-Metts was also in attendance, however, Commissioner Berry A. Williams was unable to be present for the meeting. WAIUER OF NOTICE - ' Mr. Braak offered a motion that the regular notice of meeting as required by GS 153-8 be waived. The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. PETROLEUM BIDS - - Mr. Holton informed the Board that he was present on Monday, June 20th to open the bids for suppiying gasolene, fuel and lubricating oils for the County during 1960-61 as advertised. The following bids were received and opened: Arkansas Fuel Oil Co. "' Pure Oil Co. Sinclair Refininq Co. 97 Octane Cras ' 98.5 Octane Gas Power - X Gas P.rice ..173 19.3e 19.30e Disc. .0325 - 5.26 - 4.15 , Net .1405 14.042 15.15,e Fuel oil .13?+ . 13•4¢ 13•301 Disc. .028 - 3.02 - 2•70 Net .1060 .1038 .1060 Lubricating Oil .651 47•91 .691 DiSC. -- -- -' Net .65d 47•9e' .692 Deposit 6.00 -- Disc. 1% I% • After discussing.the lubricating oil specifications at they would meet the heavy duty needs of ovr equipment, low bids be accepted and contracts awarded to the Pure ments for 1960-61 fiscal year. It was seconded by Mr. by the Board. ' ? RO days 6.00 1% length to determine, .if_' ,. ' , • . Nr. Braak offered a motion that the OiLSQmnany for sugglying the require- Broadhurst and unanimously adopted ? APPROPRIATION TRANSFER - The Executive 5ecretary informed the Board ati their meeting on July bth, 1954 they had approved an appropriation of $400.00 from their Advertising Fund to assist in the?---JP' publishing of a DAR magazine which carries advertising for this County into many parts of 1 the country. The invoice for these funds has just been rece3ved and the County Auditor advises that no funds are available for payment therefore he recommends that $400.00 be transfers'ed from Unanticipated Revenue - Sales, Tax Foteclosure to County Aid• - Advertising and approve the payment of this invoice. Mr. Holton offered a motion that this recommenda- tion be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimousiy approved. BEACH EROSION - . • ?? Frank Hill, owner of property at the northern end of Carolina Beach known as Free- man Beach, reported to the Board that the last northeaster had eroded the beach to such an extent that part of the building had.been undermined and he had to demolish it. He was very grateful to the Board for the groins constructed in that area last year and testified to C,v,aye the big help they had been to that section of the beach, however, they are too far apart to really be effective and he was pleading for some assistance in stabilizing the beach by more groins and requested a bulkhead parallel to the high watermark to break the force of the waves on the dunes hehind it. By common consent, the Board agreed that the matter was urgent but no appropriation was available to pay for the work until after July lst when the Interim Budget would take effect, and authorized the Executive Secretary to explore the wFARet?f°fheeaurin?q heavy riprap or granite stone to erect such a bulkhead and get an ppro imate cosf.. E V 2 Ninutes of the Special Called Neeting June 27, 1960 Continued FORT FISHER RESTORATION - Mrs. Alice McD. Strickland, Executive Secretary of SENCBA, informed the Board that plans were underway to initiate the restoration of Fort Fisher in time for the Centen- ial in 1965. A ceremony is scheduled for next Saturday evening July 2nd at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Edmund P. Gass, Assistant Executive Director of the Nationa2 Civil War Centenial Commission of 1nTashington, D. C., Mr. Norman Larsen, who is the State Executive Director of the Con- federate Centenial Commission, and Mr. A. L. Honeycutt, Jr., historical site specialist for Fort Fisher of the State Department of Archives and History, will be present. They sug- gested that fireworks be a part of the program but the committee which met to consider the matter voted not to have the fireworks and so she would like to have an expression from the Commissioners as to what they thought about the matter. The cost of such a display could run between $150.00 to $400.00 which would have to be subscribed by private donors because no money was set aside in the Budget for that sort of thing, The Commissioners, after some discussion of the matter, unanimously agreed that fireworks would add to the ceremonies and approved their use if it could be arranged. ADJOURNMENT - There adjourn. It was being no further business presented today, Mr seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously appro Gw G. HbucTc, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 5, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. love, also Commissioners-elect J. Uan B. Metts and E. R. Mayhan. Commissioners Peter H. Braak and J. E. Holton, Jr, were unable to be present for the meeting. IPtVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and requested the Executive Secretary to open the meeting with a prayer. Reverend C. D. Roettger, Pastor of the Carolina Beach Methodist Church, was scheduled to serve as Chaplain but failed to appear. MINUTES - The minutes of the r.egular meeting held on June 6th, of the Joint Meeting held with the City Council on June 8th, and of the Special Ea11ed.Meeting held on June 27th were not approved1by common consent of the Board, because the only two members of the Board attending the ,joint meeting on June 8th were not present. REMARKS - Mr. Wiliiams reported that he had attended the State Association of County Com- missioners Annual Meeting held in Morehead City and that he had represented New Hanover County. He implied his intention of continuing to serve the County and discharge the res- J ponsibilities for Committee memberships on the State Association Boards as well as the Nat- ?d ,. ? iorial Association of the County Officials. He is committed to report at the National Asso- ciation of County Officials' Meeting in Miami and hoped the Board would approve his expenses in attending that meeting. At this polnt he referred to an advertisement recently run in the paper listing the amount of money which had been spent in representing New Hanover County at the various meetings. He pointed out that on each occasion the Board had unanimously approved the expenditures an3 he did not feel that they should be charged to him on a person- al basis but as an action of the Board. He watited it understood that in each instance it cost him money to attend these meetings but he felt that New Hanover County should be repre- sented and that as none of the other members covld go, he had volunteered. The Chairman stated that he was entirely correct in feeling that the approval of expenses in attending meetings was a Board action and not an individual matter. RESIGNATION - A letter from Colonel Alex P. Kelly, resigning as Chairman of the Board of Dir- ectors of Community Hospital, was considered. During the discussion, some members of the Board thought a new appointment should be made immediately but since Mr. Braak was sbsent because of the death of a close friend ti.diose funeral he attended, and he represents the Commissioners, others thought that they should have an expression from him before making a new appointment. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that the resignation from Eolonel Kelly be accepted with regrets and the Executive Secretary authorized to write him a letter ? of appreciation for the work he has done in serving as Chairman of this Board. It was second- ??? ed by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. ? ROP.D PETITION Petitions were received from the Oleander Company Developers of the Lincoln fior- ?%. est Subdivision and Mr. M. H. Modinos, developer of the Green Meadows Subdivision, request- ing that the streets in these subdivisions be accepted for maintenance into the Secondary Road 5ystem. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimous- , ly ordered them sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. HOSPITAL RE-EUALUATION A letter was received from Mr. Harry M. So2omon, Chairman of the Hospital Re- evaluation Committee, informing the Board that they would not be able to make a report to- day as originally requested but asked for an extension of six months be granted them and assuring them that as soon as possible, they would present it to the Board. Mr. Williams moved that the extensiori of time be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mously approved. - 1 61. . Holton moved that the Board