1960-07-05 Regular MeetingE V 2 Ninutes of the Special Called Neeting June 27, 1960 Continued FORT FISHER RESTORATION - Mrs. Alice McD. Strickland, Executive Secretary of SENCBA, informed the Board that plans were underway to initiate the restoration of Fort Fisher in time for the Centen- ial in 1965. A ceremony is scheduled for next Saturday evening July 2nd at 7:30 P.M. Mr. Edmund P. Gass, Assistant Executive Director of the Nationa2 Civil War Centenial Commission of 1nTashington, D. C., Mr. Norman Larsen, who is the State Executive Director of the Con- federate Centenial Commission, and Mr. A. L. Honeycutt, Jr., historical site specialist for Fort Fisher of the State Department of Archives and History, will be present. They sug- gested that fireworks be a part of the program but the committee which met to consider the matter voted not to have the fireworks and so she would like to have an expression from the Commissioners as to what they thought about the matter. The cost of such a display could run between $150.00 to $400.00 which would have to be subscribed by private donors because no money was set aside in the Budget for that sort of thing, The Commissioners, after some discussion of the matter, unanimously agreed that fireworks would add to the ceremonies and approved their use if it could be arranged. ADJOURNMENT - There adjourn. It was being no further business presented today, Mr seconded by Mr. Braak, and unanimously appro Gw G. HbucTc, Executive Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 5, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House. PRESENT: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners L. E. Broadhurst, and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. love, also Commissioners-elect J. Uan B. Metts and E. R. Mayhan. Commissioners Peter H. Braak and J. E. Holton, Jr, were unable to be present for the meeting. IPtVOCATION - The Chairman called the meeting to order and requested the Executive Secretary to open the meeting with a prayer. Reverend C. D. Roettger, Pastor of the Carolina Beach Methodist Church, was scheduled to serve as Chaplain but failed to appear. MINUTES - The minutes of the r.egular meeting held on June 6th, of the Joint Meeting held with the City Council on June 8th, and of the Special Ea11ed.Meeting held on June 27th were not approved1by common consent of the Board, because the only two members of the Board attending the ,joint meeting on June 8th were not present. REMARKS - Mr. Wiliiams reported that he had attended the State Association of County Com- missioners Annual Meeting held in Morehead City and that he had represented New Hanover County. He implied his intention of continuing to serve the County and discharge the res- J ponsibilities for Committee memberships on the State Association Boards as well as the Nat- ?d ,. ? iorial Association of the County Officials. He is committed to report at the National Asso- ciation of County Officials' Meeting in Miami and hoped the Board would approve his expenses in attending that meeting. At this polnt he referred to an advertisement recently run in the paper listing the amount of money which had been spent in representing New Hanover County at the various meetings. He pointed out that on each occasion the Board had unanimously approved the expenditures an3 he did not feel that they should be charged to him on a person- al basis but as an action of the Board. He watited it understood that in each instance it cost him money to attend these meetings but he felt that New Hanover County should be repre- sented and that as none of the other members covld go, he had volunteered. The Chairman stated that he was entirely correct in feeling that the approval of expenses in attending meetings was a Board action and not an individual matter. RESIGNATION - A letter from Colonel Alex P. Kelly, resigning as Chairman of the Board of Dir- ectors of Community Hospital, was considered. During the discussion, some members of the Board thought a new appointment should be made immediately but since Mr. Braak was sbsent because of the death of a close friend ti.diose funeral he attended, and he represents the Commissioners, others thought that they should have an expression from him before making a new appointment. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that the resignation from Eolonel Kelly be accepted with regrets and the Executive Secretary authorized to write him a letter ? of appreciation for the work he has done in serving as Chairman of this Board. It was second- ??? ed by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. ? ROP.D PETITION Petitions were received from the Oleander Company Developers of the Lincoln fior- ?%. est Subdivision and Mr. M. H. Modinos, developer of the Green Meadows Subdivision, request- ing that the streets in these subdivisions be accepted for maintenance into the Secondary Road 5ystem. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimous- , ly ordered them sent to the State Highway Commission for their consideration. HOSPITAL RE-EUALUATION A letter was received from Mr. Harry M. So2omon, Chairman of the Hospital Re- evaluation Committee, informing the Board that they would not be able to make a report to- day as originally requested but asked for an extension of six months be granted them and assuring them that as soon as possible, they would present it to the Board. Mr. Williams moved that the extensiori of time be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mously approved. - 1 61. . Holton moved that the Board ?8V Minutes of the Meeting July 5, 1960 Continued COMMITTEE OF 100 - Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr. presented a letter from him•to serve on the Board of Directors for the com3ng year. a motion that Mr. Hall be appointed to represent the County Committee of 100 for the next fiscal year. It was seconded ly adopted. PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Super3ntendent of for Claire Dexter White and William Poisson Ze2lars motion of INr. !Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, understandfng that•they pay their own way up to 90% might have in accordance with the previously estabL the Committee of 100 inviting Nlr. Broadhurst then offered Board of Commissioners on the by Mr. Williams and unanimous- ..-- V,? Public Welfare, presented petitions , for admission to the County Home. Upon C' the petitions were approved with the of any income which either of ,them ished policy. ENGINEERSt INVOICE - An invoice from Henry Von Oesen and Associates covering the cost of their ser- vices in connection with the recently proposed renovation program in the County Court House was presented for approval in order to inctude it in the present fiscal year. It amounted 0, to $2,952,15 representing the usual fee of 31% of the low bids. After a brief discussion, the Board concluded that since two of its members were absent from today's meeting, the mat--, ter should be delayed until a full Board was present, r. ? PRISON'BOILER The Chairman reported that he had discussed a defective boiler at the County Pri- son Farm with Mr. Cox, representing the Longley Supply Company. He presented an estimated repair of $979.15 Lhat would be necessary to place the boiler in condition to pass the State inspectionat the request of our insurance carriers. It is the considered opinion of Mr. Cox, who is a heating engineer, that most of our boiler troubles are caused by incompe- tent firing by prison help. He suggests that an entirely automati`c oil fired boiler of sufficient capacity can be instalied for not more than $1600.00 and that after we spend the above money on repairs we wiil still have some'parts of the boiler old and necessarTly weak- er than the newly f.nstalled parts. He likew3se would recommend that before.we start having trouble with the new boiler which was installed in the County Home last year, that it be converted to automatic oil firing. He admits that the fuel oil will be slightly higher than coal but that ote will save more than the difference in repairs. The Executive Secretary was instructed to secure some specifications for this work and bring the matter to the BoardTS atLention during the Budget discussion. VETERANSISERVICE OFFICE - A letter of resignatfon was received from Mr. A. H. Seaweil, New,Hanover County? Veterans'Service Officer and from Mrs. Vina Mae Benton, his Secretary, to be effective July lsth, with pay for earned vacations. Mr. Wiiliams moved that the resignai.ions be accepted. ? It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ?' ;+.?''? Letters were received from the Disabled American Veterans , the American Legion,nj Veterans of Foreign Wars, Veterans of World War I and the Spani§h American War Ueterans re- questing that the New Hanover County Veterans' Ser4ice Office not be abolished. After a brief discussion, it was decided that when the present staff of the VeteranstService Office moved out, a sign should be put on the door d3recting any inquirers to the Federal Veterans' Service Office 3n the Custom House and to the State Veterans'Service located in the Murchi- son Building. PROPERTY SALE APPROVAL A bid was received from Mrs. Margaret B. Bennerman of 6 South Liberty Court for the purchase of the following ,jointly owned foreclosed lots: Block No. Lot No. Description Valuation 50 Pt. 4 331 x 1651, 1321 frm SW cor 7th & Dawson $730.00 70 Pts.1,2 321 x 100t, 1331 frm SE cor 12th 8 Queen 400.00 The lots were appraised by the Tax Assessors H. S. McGirt and R. E. Biake Jr. at the above valuations. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded-by Nir. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously approved the sale at the appraised values sub,ject to approval of the City Council. BEER LICENSES - The following applications for licenses, permits issued and/or re,jections were reviewed by the Board and upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, unanimous- ly ordered sent to the 5heriff for his investigation and recommendation: " Ralph D. Drew Mrs. Dollie 5. Everett Paul T. Godwin6 Wiiliam J. Howard Rachel K. Lewis Joe R. Libby Kenneth Rosemond Pressiey P. Rumple J. H. Sloan ) George T. Shew) George S. Wallace ` T/A.:Drew's Service Station & Grocery T/A Caravan T/A'.Caro24ria:Soda 8 Cafe T/A The Gailey T/A Shalimar Drive In T/A Fro§ty+s Grill• • • T/A Kenneth Walker Rosemond T/A Rumplets Grill TfA The Oleander House T/A~Wallace's Grocery RFD 1, Box 321 (rejected)= Seabreeze " 108 S. Front St. Wrightsv311e Causeway 3016 Market St., City Carolina Beach N. C. Wrightsville Beach, N. C. Castle Hayne Rii. 3911 Oleander Dr., •City 302 S. bth St„ City PUBLIC HEARING - Notice was received from the Division Engineer that a Public Hearing on important??. road matters in New Hanover County would be held at the State Highway Commission Office in Wilmington hetween the hours of 2:00 and (}:00 P. M. Tuesday, July 12th, 1960. The Chairman urged the Board to make every effort to attend this meeting which is also open to the gener- al public and representatives iaill be present to discuss all road matters with,local-govern- ing officials. ' . RECESS - A,joint session with the Wilmington City Cousicii was scheduled for 10:30 A. M. today and the Chairman declared a recess of the regular meeting and a,joint meeting declared ? open for business. Minutes of the Meeting July 5, 1960 Continued JOINT SESSION_ - The Chairman then welcolmed the following City officials present: Mayor E. S. Capps, Jr., Councilman Russell T. Bur.ney, James H. Batuyios, W. Ronald Lane, J.E.L. Wade and City Nanager J. R. Besnon; USO - ' ? Councilman J.E. L. Wade observed that as a member of the local USO Board, he would like to see a letter written informing them of sufficient appropriations to keep the ? office open untii the Budget Appropriations were completed. He was informed by the Cha3rman of the Board of Commissioners that an Interim Budget had alreadybeen approved by the County Commissioners the same as last year.and the checks would go forrrard in the regular manner. Mayor Capps then entertained a motion by Mr. Batuyios, seconded by Mr. Wade, authorizitg an appropriation from the City for this purpose, to be the same as last year. When the votes were taken, the Councilmen unanimously voted in the affirmative. WATER MAIN - Mayor Capps then reviewed the progress of the Wertheimer Bag Company expiaining that they were an old company being forced out of their present quarLers by the Urban Redevel- opment Commission and being unable to find suitable location within the City lim;ts on which to build a new $200,000 building, had finally located on Shipyard Boulevard just outside the City limits. They have requested the City to furnish them with a circulating water sys- ` tem with sufficient pressure to operate a sprinkler system which will require the joining of the City water mains at the intersection of#the Carolina Beach Road and Burnett Boulevard to meet the minimum requirements of the insurance underwriters. The estimated cost of the pro- ,ject is $40,500. The City Council is requesting the County to participate in this project since the City will lose the tax values of the Wertheimer Bag Company and the County pick up the new building for taxes. Mr. Williams remarked that he thought an early reply to this. question was very desirable but thought it should be considered along with other BudgeL items... Mr. Hall is of the opinion that the County should go along with one-half of the cost of this proposal provided the City would agree to refund the money if the area was taken inside the City limits within a five year period. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the Chairman appoint a committee to investigate the feasibility and letiing the Board abide by their de- cision. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. Mr. Williams then offered a motion that the Chairman arrange a full Board meeting at the earliest possible date for the purpose of discusSing the participation in one-half of the cost of constructing a 12" water line to the Wertheimer Bag Colnpany. There was no second to this motion. Coun- cilman Burney offered a motion that the City Authorize Mr. Benson to proceed immediately with the construction. It was seconded by'Councilman Batuyios and unanimously carried._The -County Commissioners, by common consent, decided to delay their action until a fuli Board could be present. The Councilmen then retired from the room and the Coimnissioners resumed their meeting. := the City limits and :?;t?=:;* DISASTER COMMITTEE - Mr. Dewitt G. Bass, Chairman of the Emergency Disaster Committee of the Salvation Army, explained thaL it had come to the conclusion that an emergency mobile canteen unit . shouid be equipped to serve food, coffee, et cetera to workers on duty in ma,jor fires, storms, or any other emergencies. The initial cost of acquiring this sort of equipment is ? estimated to be $1840.00. They request the County to participate to the extent of $1,000.00. They stressed that the Salvation Army people, in addition to supplying comfort for physical needs would be very helpful as a morale builder. By common consent, the Board agreed to give this matter full consideration during the Budget discussions. ALCOHOLIC REHABILITATION COMMITTEE - Nr. Ben J. McDonald, a local newscaster, explained to the Board that at the time the Alcoholic Beverage Control Act was passed for Nerr Hanover County, the General Assembly ? stipulated that a certain percentage of ttie profits derived from the operation of ABC Stores could be spent in law enforcement and educational purposes. New Hanover County has elected to spend the entire amount for law enforcement and not one single penny for education and re- habilitation purposes. The Chairman thanked Mr. McDonald for the eloquent plea which he had made for this cause and assured him that it would be given every considerat3on during the Budget discussions. AIRPORT ZONING - County Attorney John Bright Hill informed the Board that the Federal Aviation Agency was asking for a new zoning map for the New Hanover County Airport properties. He ? has discussed this?with the firm John T. Talbert & Associates, local airport engineers, 61Wand the cost of this will not exceed $300.00. Mr. Broadhurst,therefore, offered a motion that the Airport Committee composed of Messrs. Hall and Holton be given the authority to act for the best interest of the County in this matter. It was seconded by Mr. Willi.ams and unanimously approved. • SILUER LAKE ROAD - • A letter was received from Mrs. W. H. Mason, RFD 2, Box 436, inquiring about the present maintenance status of the Silver Lake Road and asking that one end of it be closed to traffic. A petition was approved and sent to the State Highway Commission for addi_ng this road*to the Secondary Road System in January 1960. It is stiil,under consideration•by the Highway Department. (Attorney J. C. Wesseil, informed me that his client had•attempLed" to barricade the road in quest3on on two occasions and both were destroyed. They then tried posting trespassing'signs and they too, were torn down. So he investigated the feasibility of erecting a fence around Silver Lake but found the cost for such a venture was prohibitive.) No action was taken on this request pending a hearing of the State Highway Commission to be held on July 12 at which time this pro,ject will be discussed. PLTBLIC NOTICE' - ' ' The Corps of Engineers informed the Board of a proposal to eonstruct a pier approx- imately 2001 northwest of navigation marker No, 143 on the Atlantic Intra-Coastal Waterwa$r 1 at NVrtle Grove Sound. They invited a notice of all local authorities for any ob3ections or dV0?W vf disapproval of this proposed work. The Commissioners had no ob,jections to thie project. ? L_ ? Minutes of the Meeting July 5, 1960 Continued SHORE PROTECTION - ?A An invitation to attend a Public Hearing to discuss the general.procedures and 'e2 considerations of the joint Beach Erosion Study which the Corps of Engineers are undertak- ing from the northern end of.Carolina Beach to Fort Fisher was received. Several definite plans and proposals were presented and discussed showing the estimated cost as weil as the average cost of maintenance boLh for non-federal and federal participation. The Engineers report that this is the second phase of their study and that it will be necessary for the participating agencies to write a Resolution assuring, them of their intention to participate in the pro,ject which will probably materialize in the next five years, The Engineers pre- senting the proposal left the definite impression that if the pro,ject is not accepted by the non-federal agencies, it wouid be a ldng time before another such opportunity to partic- ipate in our shore line protection wauld be given by the Federal government. . ? TAX REPORT Nr. Wiiliams observed that GS 105-375 requiring a monthly report from*the Tax bC.9llector and suggested that since it was not being received, he suggested that the 7'ax Collector Anotified to comply with the reqvirements of the General Statutes. , ? . . GRAND JURY REPORT - ` ? ' The Grand Jury reported that tYiey had examined 18 Witnesses and returned 18 True ? Bills during the term of Criminal Court beginning June 13, 1960: The records of the Justice of Peace were reviewed and an inspection was made of the County Home, County Stockade and County Jail and all found to be in good•order. PETIT JURY The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Super- ior Court in the trial of Criminai cases for•the week beginning August lst, 1960 and in the trial of Civil case for the weeks•beginning August 8th and August 22nd, 1960, Criminal cases. Jurors for the week beqinninq Auqust 1, 1960 - Criminal Cases C. H. Foard N. W. Mintz J. L. Knox Ray N. Hood A. H. Dizor D. W. Rackley William J. Martin John W. Liles R. E. Lewis J. W. Casteen Oscar B1ake J. L. Herring J. H. Morse B. L. Von Cannon Allie C. Bryant Jr. James Fox Jr. L. P. Smith Jacob Sober Donnie J. Costin A. L. Roberts Martin M.C. Nichols P. T. Peterson M. F. Mattocks Wasye Dmytruk David W. Jackson James E. Richburg James R. Peace, Jr. Daniel W. Williams Robert R. Crews Ralph V. Holbrook P. O. Box 176 630 Fern Drive 103 N. 13tn st. 121 Lake Forest Pk RFD 3, Box 432 127 Newtonts Lane 520 S. 2nd St. 1720 Orange St. 1203 Grace St. 20 Ct. P. Lake Fore 213 Meares St. P.O. Box 1055 3806 Park Ave. 1908 Castle St. 6 Y Lake Village WDi;Rtsvil?eSSound 2014 Klein Rd. 511 Orange St. 223 Bagiey Ave. 133 Live Oak Ave. 221 N. 7th St: 5904 Wrightsville 2510 Jefferson St. RFD 1, Castie Hayne 112 Wooster St. 1117 s. 6th St. 15 Summit Walk 609 Red Cross St. 117 Gordon Road 20 Terrace Walk P. E. Bowers Eddie Murray B. F. Beacham wy.H. R. Hinson . Coy M. Little W. W. Carlyle A. B. Holliman H. L. Heidt W. A. Henderson stC. H. Whitfield John Colucci Jr. Monroe Butler Leon D. Rivenbark Niarvin B. Glover Jr. H. L. 5kipper C. D. Bonham I ?1d/?} d 113 Bryan Ave. Pauline Ave. 224 N. 25tn st. 8 Live Oak Ave_. Kure Beach, N. C. P.O. Box 579, Carolina Beach RFD #2, Box 8 RFD 1, Box 310 E 5040 Wrightsville Ave. RFD 1 Box l+35 King d Clarendon Sts. 32 Ivey Circle RFD 3, Box 465 2 Ct. P. Lake Village 209 Meares St. 312 Church St. A. A. Perryman 629 Castle Hayne Rd. W. D. Bryant 1414 Wooster St. R. R. McDowell Box 606 Carolina Beach Roscoe W. Jordan 207 N. l}8th St. Robert Satterwhite 913 S. sth St. Sam Smith White 417 S. 6th St. L. P. Campbell Box 330 G. M. Stephens Jr. 604 Thomas Ave. Elmer J.Filip 3903 Princess St. Luke Harrell Box 120, Carolina Beach N.C. Ciarence E. Raybourne 119 Pine Cone Rd. Charles B. Mabry 211 Lake Forest Pkwy. Lawrence M. Nichols 4318 Lake St. James Anderson 123 Morgan St. Jurors for week beainninq Auqust 8, 1960 - Civil Cases w. H. rtoit L. G. .Jones W. A. Raney RoberL H. Tate J. E. Parrish P. E. 5mith G. W. Butler A. L. Brown W. R. Mintz 'G. T. Roberts W. J. Bellamy J. S. Barker Jr. James F. Davis Steve E. Beard R. C. Lucas J. R. Sneeden O. D. Fowler Clyde Queen John W. Rusher L. Howard OtDell David Bruce Gore Cameron Montgomery John Henry Allen Edward A. Wilson Edward J. Waxenegger 1407 s. 4tn st. 16 E.Henderson P. o. Box 299 % Peoples Savings ?FD l, Box L?7 ast e Hayn , N.C. 1920 Wobicott 253 Whites Ave. 706 Holnlock RFn 3, aox 493 401 Central Blvd. 515 Market St. 200 Arlington Dr. 1309 Glenn 5t. 716 1 Orange St. 412 Northern Blvd. Harbor Island 2222 Brandon Road P. 0. Box 195 Boxs772 Hayne, N.C 414 N. 7th St. 116 Morgan St. 241 Castle Hayne 17 H. Nesbitt Cts. 320 Parkway Dr. 208 Rutledge Dr. H. M. Powell Charles J. Pete Roy F. Hobbs W. T. Lockamy Jr. James J. Watson John W. Howard J. H. Branch C. L. Jordan Daniel Harvin . Floyd H. Howell James E. Craft H. S. Strickland James H. Batuyios Carl F. Hauck George G. Avant Rodney H. Boswell Thurman D. Martin W. Pearson . Roy A. Squires Robert W. Nicholson Hermit Whitfield Rd. Chester E. Shimp Lloyd George Rogers Richard E. Uffalussy J. Edward Johnson 111 Francis Marion Dr. RFD Castle Hayne RFD 1, Box 10 B 714 s. 5tn st. 5048 Wrightsviile Ave. RFD 1, Box 301 sox 1135 204 Wrightsville Ave. 706 S. 16th St. 7 N. 3rd St. 248 Pinecrest 509 Castle Hayne 2127 Klein Road 204 Oakleaf Drive 101 N. 15th St. 2311 Washington RFD 3, Box 244 117 Bryan Ave. 2830 Lake Shore 809 Windsor Dr. 611 Anderson St. 2524 Harrison 5t. 116 Magnolia Ave. 4100 Lake St. 719 Essex Dr. ?6 ? 1??- ? 4?,??' 1 Minutes of the Meeting July 5, 1960 Continued PETIT JURY - (Continued) Jurors for week beqinnina August 22, 1960 - Criminal Cases H. M. Gray Carl L. Fales C. W. Davis • H. A. Akel O. B. Romeo John G. Brown E. D. Dean T. W. Burriss D. C. Carroll Gabriel Dobo Eldred S: Ennis T. A. Crews A. F. Teague Wm. R. Smith Dudley C. Lewis Lucille Hart Allen B. Thomas J. N. Grimsley Willard C. Hardee W. D. Campbell R. Joe Highsmith Harry L. Bankhead Hobson C. Bennett Kenn¢tn Rtle.e.. Best, J. E. Roderick 3031 S. Front St. 1720 Orange St. 215 s. 5tn st. P.O. Box 1073 411 S. 2nd St. B a olina Beach,N C. 2?1 Washington St. 4051 s. 4th st. 186 Pinecrest Pkwy. P.O. Box 1}32 410 N. Carolina Ave. 4918 Pine St. 206 Calhoun Drive 215 Kenwood Ave. Sox 178,Carolinteach 2531 Van Buren Apt. D-13 Ole our?s RFD 1, Box 30? 217 N. 12th St. 1211 Orange St. 715 S. 12th St. 5209 oleander Dr. 420 N. 45 St. 142 Pinecrest Pkwy: 3902 Winston Blvd. W. H. Palmer Anton Wm Diebold Julian F. Surles Jr. Harry T. Hazeldine Obed L. Malpass A. B. Ransey J. L. Tharp Horace L. Helms J. E. Carroll Elmer Prevatte John O. Fulcher Jane D. Wood Marvin R. Howell Wm B. Shipman John W. Blake E. K. Sherman L. ?. Bordeaux C. E. 5onderman Paul V. Robinson Robert H. Phillips James F. Litgen E. T. Strandquest J. D;llard Beilamy William McK.Johnson Vienna E. Aman 615 Thomas Ave. 723 S. 6th St. 1910 Ann St. 2319 Beivedere Dr. RFD 1, Box 110 3510 S. Front St. 520 Sunset Ave. 2803 Market St. 2102 Creasy Ave. 235 Calhoun Dr. 1626 S. 15th St. 1704 Prlncess St. 708 Essex Dr. RFD 2, Box 513 414 s. 18tn st. Box 128 Victoria Dr. 2 Church St. 50 Woodlawn Ave. RFD 1, Box 292 721 s. 4tn st. 2705 Chestnut St. 1E4 Pinecrest Pkwy. 217 Wrightsville Ave. 5o6 wrt9nt st. 2101 Barnett Ave. RESOLUTION - A Resolutton honoring the life and memory of Wilbur Randall Dosher was approved by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, and recorded as follows: THAT WHEREAS, the New Hanover Cuunty Commissioners assembled in session this the 18th day of April 1960, desires to commemorate the services of Wilbur Randall Dosher to New Hanover County, State of North Carolina and our nation and to ex- press its deep sorrow for the loss sustained by his death. That Wilbur Randall Dosher was born on September 22, 1881. He attended the pubiic schools of our 5tate, and at an early age left school to be employed by the Atlantic Coastline Railroad Company, where he served in his vocation until 1908, when he engaged in business for himself as a plumbing and heating contractor. In 1896 Wilbur posher was one of the first members of Colonel Walker Taylor+s Boys Brigade, and in that organization he served faithfully until he volunteered for service along with other members of the Boys Brigade, in World War I. THAT WHEREAS, Wilbur posher, after returning from the service, aspired to his first political office and was elected a memb'er of the County Commissioners for five terms, resigning from this body on August 18, 1930, having ,just received the Democratic Nomination to represent New Hanover County in the General Assembly of North Carolina. THAT WHERFAS, durine his tenure of office in the General Assembly, his ardent advocacy of Legislation beneficial to the health of the people of IVorth Carolina was enacted, and his advocacy of the greater need of education and vocational guidance was his .goal as a member of the Generai Assembly. AND WHEREAS, on January 1, 1934, Wilbur posher was appointed Postmas.ter., of Wilmington upon the recommendation of Congressman J. Baird Clark, in which capaeity he served until he retired in 1954• ` AND WHEREAS, Wilbur posherts affiliations rrith the North Carolina General Assem- hiy, Kiwanis Club, The Boys Brigade Club, The United States Post Office and as a Trustee of.."WiImington College, and seeking always to serve his country, State and County with zeal and courage, and his endeavors have endeared him to the people of our community. , ? NOW BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners this the 18th day of April, 1960, united in expressing for New Hanover County, the State snd the nation their deep sorrow for the loss sustained by the death of the Honorable Wilbur Randall Dosher, who distinguished himself as a leader in hfs County, State, and Nation. Section 1. As.a token of great respect to him and high esteem for the honored and beloved memory of Wilbur Randall Dosher, this Commission hereby extends its deep and sincere sympathy to the members of his family and expresses to them its grateful thanks for the many benefits derived by the County, State and Nation from the dis- tinguished services rendered to them by Wilbur Randall Dosher during his l:ifetiine. Section 2. This resolution shall be incorporated in the records of this County as a tribute and expression of respect to the memory of Wilbur Randall Dosher, and a copy thereof shall be furnished to his immediate family. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners \ Minutes of the Meeting July 5, 1960 Continued REPORTS AND LETTERS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- - tion: 1- Welfare Statistical Changes of recipients. • ?G,?2',W?NiP 2- Report on 47th Annual Convention of the National Rivers 8 Harbors Congress y from the Wilmington Port and Waterway Development Commission. 3- Copy of letter to FA.-A from Airport Manager John A. Westbrook regarding Surplus Property at the airport. 4- Confirmation of Secondary Road Plan for 1960-61 in New Hanover County. 5- Farm Agent's Extension Service Report for May, 1960. G'?? ?? 6- Airport Disbursement and Income Report for May, 1960. 7- USO Report for the past fiscal year. 8- Veterans Service Office Report for June, 1960. q- Annual Report for the fiscal year 1959-1960 --- ` 10- NACO Convention in Miami, Florida 11- Thank-you letter from C. W. Thompson, Probation Division Supervisor, for. L u? providing additional office space. 12- Letter from Henry C. Bost, Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Elections. ' AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATIOM CONTRACT - ' A check of the records indicates that the original contract for ground trans- r portation was dated July 1, 1955 and for a period of three years and was renewed in 1958 wi to expire June 30, 1961, therefore, no further action was necessary at this time on this contract. BUDGET ESTIMATE - 1? County Auditor T. D. Love presented a copy of the proposed Budget Estimate for the fiscal year 1960-61 to each of the Commissioners with the following explanations: ! As required under G. S. 153-118, I submit to you herewith the "Budget Estimate" for the fiscal year 1960-1961. The estimate contains all information as required under the Law. G.S. 153-119 requires that a copy of this estimate be filed with the Clerk to the Board for public inspection, that a copy be made available to the newspapers and that you publish the Estimate in the paper. G.S. 153-120 requires that not later than the 28th day of July you adopt and record on your mintues a Budget Resolution. The total amount of the Budget as requested by various departments is $5,131,320.99. I have recommended a Budget of $4,987,690.94. This represents a reduction of $143,630.05 and represents over lOd on your tax rate. A11 the fat has been cut out of the Budget and probably some of the lean. ' 1 have endeavored in every way to present a Budget that would hold the tax rate to the very lowest minimum wihtout vitally effecting the necessary operations of your Ceunty Government. . All increases requested for salary raises have been deleted but I trust you will listen to various Departments for their particular needs as I feel some adjustments are called for. The General Fund ,-. This appropriation is lowered from last year and would have been further cut had I ? not kept $30,000.00 in the Budget for air-conditioning as requested by your Executive Secretary, and as acknowledged by you as something that must be accomplished. Welfar.e, Funds - - Welfare administration has been substantially reduced from their request and is in line with last yearts Budget. The Welfare Assistance Programs are in line with last year's expenditures but are above those originally adopted by you. They have not been reduced for the fbllowing reasons: 1. You have already given tentative approval to these Budgets. 2. The case loads now on the rolls are to the limit of the Budgets. 3• I know of no cheaper way to take care of those on the rolls. !}. The programs bring back into our Community over $1,000,000.00 that you and I send to Washington and Raleigh. Hosoitalization Fund - This Budget has been substantially reduced but is still above last year's Budget as experience showed a larger appropriation was needed. The amount of the tax levy • is increased very little due to Community Hospital taking in more than anticipated and due to greater anticipation of receipts this coming year. School Funds - The regular School Budget, the Supplemeritary Budget and the Capital Outlay Budget has been reduced from their request of $1,037,260.00 to $991,460.00 or a reduction of $45,800.00. These three• Budgets are still $7,630.00 higher than they were last year and I have recognized the fact that more Schools are in service and the new Winter Park Jun3or High wili begin operation in the Fall. continued- -A , 588 ? Minutes of the Meeting July sth, 1960 Continued BUDGET ESTIMATE-(Continued) Wilmington Colleqe - They requested $90,000.00 and this is reduced to $83,000.00 as my estimate is that this is all the 5-cent levy will raise tooether with other monies they are entitled to. Revenues - These have been estimated backed by the experience wb have gained over the years. \ To meet the Budget, I estimate as follows: Back Tax Collections $70,000.00 Intangible Tax Collections 237,000.00 Misc.-Collections from ABC, profits, Coufts, State 8 Federal et cetera 2,297,321•90 Estimate of Surplus on Hand as of 6/30/60 633,369.04 To be raised by taxes 1,750,000.00 Total Revenues $4,987,690.94 As part of the Budget, I attach a breakdown of all revenues in detail and accord- ingly to the Funds they are placed in by Law. Our Surplus or Reserve Fund is going to be considerably less than last year. This could change and we will not have definite figures on this until our books are closed for the fiscal year 1959'1960. Tax Ra te - I estimate that we will be able to collect on $140,000,000.00 of our taxable values during 1960-1961. Let me state to you that I have departed from conservatism in estimating our revenues and tax collections and would under no circumstances recom- mend that these estimates be changed. If you decide to adopt a Budget as asked for by the various departments, the tax rate will be $1.35. If you accept my recommendations, the tax rate will be $1:25. It is not a pleasant or popular task to outline a tax increase, but in my opinion, it is inevitable and it is my duty to offer you only sound financial advice. Please let me urae you to begin Budget hearings immediately and finish the task by July 28 as required under the Law." RECESS - Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Board be recessed until the call of the Chairman. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted. -`-1'-- ir G.H'oucutfve Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 7,1960 RECONVENTION Subsequent to the recess at the call of the Chairman, who explained that the purpose of this meeting was to consider participation in a 12" water main to the Wertheim- er Bag Company on Shipyard Boulevard, the following were present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst and Berry A. Williams, County Attor- ney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Lw e. WATER MAIN - eA After a discussion of the meriLs of this project, Mr. Braak offered a motion Gr77rn' that the County participate in one-half of the cost of supplying a 12" water main to the Wertheimer Bag Company, the cost not to exceed $21,000 with the restrictive provision that the City of Wilmington reimburse the County if this area is taken into the City limits within a period of five years from date. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimous- ly adopted. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary , t L_