1960-07-07 Regular Meeting, 588 ? Minutes of the Meeting July sth, 1960 Continued BUDGET ESTIMATE-(Continued) Wilmington Colleqe - They requested $90,000.00 and this is reduced to $83,000.00 as my estimate is that this is all the 5-cent levy will raise tooether with other monies they are entitled to. Revenues - These have been estimated backed by the experience wb have gained over the years. \ To meet the Budget, I estimate as follows: Back Tax Collections $70,000.00 Intangible Tax Collections 237,000.00 Misc.-Collections from ABC, profits, Coufts, State 8 Federal et cetera 2,297,321•90 Estimate of Surplus on Hand as of 6/30/60 633,369.04 To be raised by taxes 1,750,000.00 Total Revenues $4,987,690.94 As part of the Budget, I attach a breakdown of all revenues in detail and accord- ingly to the Funds they are placed in by Law. Our Surplus or Reserve Fund is going to be considerably less than last year. This could change and we will not have definite figures on this until our books are closed for the fiscal year 1959'1960. Tax Ra te - I estimate that we will be able to collect on $140,000,000.00 of our taxable values during 1960-1961. Let me state to you that I have departed from conservatism in estimating our revenues and tax collections and would under no circumstances recom- mend that these estimates be changed. If you decide to adopt a Budget as asked for by the various departments, the tax rate will be $1.35. If you accept my recommendations, the tax rate will be $1:25. It is not a pleasant or popular task to outline a tax increase, but in my opinion, it is inevitable and it is my duty to offer you only sound financial advice. Please let me urae you to begin Budget hearings immediately and finish the task by July 28 as required under the Law." RECESS - Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Board be recessed until the call of the Chairman. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, and unanimously adopted. -`-1'-- ir G.H'oucutfve Secretary Wilmington, N. C. July 7,1960 RECONVENTION Subsequent to the recess at the call of the Chairman, who explained that the purpose of this meeting was to consider participation in a 12" water main to the Wertheim- er Bag Company on Shipyard Boulevard, the following were present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst and Berry A. Williams, County Attor- ney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Lw e. WATER MAIN - eA After a discussion of the meriLs of this project, Mr. Braak offered a motion Gr77rn' that the County participate in one-half of the cost of supplying a 12" water main to the Wertheimer Bag Company, the cost not to exceed $21,000 with the restrictive provision that the City of Wilmington reimburse the County if this area is taken into the City limits within a period of five years from date. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimous- ly adopted. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Williams, the Board unanimously voted adjournment. W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary , t L_ BUDGET MEETING Commissioners Room Court House, Wilminc#ton, N. C. Julv 8, 1960 7:30 P.M. The Board,met in informal session for the purpose of discussing the Budget Estimate. GENERAL FUND - . Airport - The individual items were reviewed and Mr. Holton offered a motion that aof?;?? the recommendation of the County Auditor be approved for.a total of $56,817.83, ? Auditor - The individual items of the Auditor were reviewed and Mr. Williams moved 7?l that the recommendation of the Auditor for his department he approved in the total amount - of $22,485.00. It was seconded by Mr. Hoiton and unanimous2y approved. CSC - Mr. Edwards was on vacation attd could not be present as scheduled but will appear at a later date. Commissioners - The individual items set forth by the Auditor in the Commissioners, Budget were considered and Mr. Ho:lton offered a motion that it be approved as recommended in the amount of $21,068.00 It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. Coroner - W. Gordon Doran appeared before the Commissioners and pled for an increase in his salary and funds for an Assistant Coroner, Tlie Chairman thanked him for his ex ??' planation and Mr. Holton moved th at any action on this be tabled untii a later date. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved. County Aid - Each of the items under the County Aid department were.reviewed and all of them unanimously approved as recommended by the Aud3tor with the fo24owing exceptions: (a) Cape Fear Armory Repairs - The main consideration of this item resuited in agreement that it might be wise to overture the City to deed over their interests to the County in'.this property as it seemed that it could be more efficiently operated -_ V?14a" if controlled by one governing agency, although the Auditor had not recommended any money for this purpose, the Board, by common consent, agreed to $500. (b) Civil Defense - Colonel J. B. McCumber, Director,called attention to the in- ? advertent error shown on the Budget Estimate as.$3850.00 explaining that it should have been $4500.00. After listening to the report of the Director for his activi-e ties, Mr. Hall offered a motion that $4000.00 be included in this year',s Budget for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Ho2ton. Mr. wtiiiams offered.a substi- tute moLion that the amount be the same as last year. There was no second to his mo- tion and the Chairman ruled it dead and when the vote was taken on the original motion, Mr. Williams voted "NO", however, as the majority had voted for the motion, the Chair- man ruled it carried. e (c) Erosion-Groins - It was the opinion of the Board on this item that the northern ? end of Carolina Beach would require a continuous rebuilding and nourishing if it Uras ? to continue to be used for other than fishing purposes. A sea wal.l and or a berm and dune constructed to keep the water from cutting another inlet will:have to be built for this purpose. Mr. Holto,n moved Lhat $10,000 be included for this pro,ject. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimou;sly carried. (d) Industrial Development - It was sgreed that since a commitment of approximately $20,000 has been made for a 12" water line, that an appropriation of $30,000 shou d , be included Sinder this item. . • C C? By common consent, the Board agreed to meet again for a Budget discussion at 7:30 P. M. , July 12, 1960 W.?G.?Houck Executive SecrOtary CALLED BUDGET MEETING July 12, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The Board of County Commissioners met informa22y tonight to discuss further the $udget Estimate, Present were Chairman•J.•M.Hall, Jr „ Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hill and County Auditor T. D. Love, also Commissioner-elect J. Van B. Metts. WILLIAMS' REMARKS Mr. Williams observed that if the Tax Committee of the Chamber of Commerce was to act as a"watch dog" on the Budget items, he thought that they should have at least two i, members present during the Budget discussions in order that they might be as familiar with the requests as the Commissioners are. Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of the Greator Wilming- ton Chamber of Commerce and Mr. Norman A. McHenzie, a member of the Tax Committee were pre- sent. Mr. Camak explained that their position was one of cooperation and that they dicl not , ? consider themselves a"watch dog" of the County Commissioners but feet that by all working together the best interests of New Hanover County could be served. . GEtV£RAL FUNID Clerk of Superior Court - Mr. Foster Edwards, Clerk of Superior Court, discusS- ed the Budget items in his department as outlined on Sheet # 3 of the Budget Estimate. He likewise covered the Recorders' Court $udget as set forth on page 12 of the Budget Estimate. The only change recommended in this Budget was an 8% increase for Assistant Recorders+ Court Judge Cameron rrho did not receive any increase last year and so his salary was jump- ed from $2400.00 to $2592.00. He likewise covered the Superior Court Budget as set forth on page 15 of the Budget Estimate. After some brief discussion, Mr. Holton offered a i continued- , ? ? - ? 'A