1960-07-27 Regular Meeting'5 49 71 JOINT SESSION Council Chambers, Municival Buildinq Wilminqton, N. C. Julv 27, 1960 10:00 A.M. ASSEMBLY - Pursuant to a recessed meeting on July 22nd, the following members of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met with the Wilmington City Council to discuss the joint appropriations: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broad- hurst, and Berry A. Williams, County Attorney John Bright Hili and County Auditor T. D. Love, a1so.Commissioners-elect E. R. Mayhan and J. Van B. Metts. Commissioner J. E. Holton, Jr. was unavoidably unable to be present. Council members present: Mayor E. S. Capps, Jr., Councilmen J. H. Batuyios, Russell T. Burney, W. Ronald Lane and J. E. L. Wade, City Manager J. R. Benson and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. , WERTHEIMER BAG CO. - WATER MAIN The first subject for discussion was the proposal for constructing a 12" water ? main from the Carolina Beach Road to Burnett Blvd, in order to furnish sufficient water ?,? pressure to operate a sprinkler system in the Wertheimer Bag Company Building on Shipyard Boulevard. The bids were received and opened for this construction job and after the tabu- lation by a committee, a low bid of $43,759.52 was reported, submitted by the G. K. Horton Construction Company. As the Commissioners had already committed themselves to partici- pating ort art equal cost basis, no further action was necessary at this time. FARMERS WHOLESALE PRODUCE MARKET - t__ A group of farmers led by Mr. W. A. Buck as spokesman appeared before the joint evc"(, Boards and stated that he had heard that there was a possibility of the City deeding the Farmers Wholesale Produce Market over to the County for operation and as they were very much interested in seeing this project continue for the benefit of the local farmers and merchants, he would buy or lease the facilities. County Farm Agent D. D. Baggett inform- ed the Boards that he wanted to see the farmers have a market and although he was not so concerned with who operated it, he was concerned that it continue. He stated,that approx- imately three quarters of a million dollars worth of produce was handled through this mar- ket annually. Chairman Hall of the County Commissioners observed that since the County was not directly involved at present, he thought it should be handled entirely by the City and the final conclusion of the City Council was that it wouid continue to be operated by the C1ty for the benefit of the interested citizens of this County. r NATIONAL GUARD UNITS - ? Colonel H. V. Reid explained that in the past the appropriations for the mili- tary units had been shared between the two ma,jor units having an enlisted strength of near 100 men each. It is true that there are two smaller units operating at the airport which are being furnished buildings and receiving some benefits from the larger unit there and others from the Federal government. The monies which are appropriated for their use is ex- pended for maintenance of their buildings, provide utilities such as telephone, heat and water. The unit occupying the Armory,owned ,jointly by the County and City, located at Slla. Market)is being'maintained by the owners and therefore, that unit does not need to share in the appropriations. After a brief discussion of the matter, the City Countil appro- priated $1,000 to match the County appropriation of $1,000 with the understanding that a decision on the basis of allocation would be made at a later date. TAX COLLECTOR After a brief discussion between members of each Board in which it developed that although that this is a joint operation, some of these items reqvired by tfie City would not be the same as required by the County and therefore, the total Budget would not be on exactly an eqval basis, however, the salary items would be shared equally, Commissioners Williams offered a motion that the salaries recommended by the County Auditor be approved for $16,478.80. It was seconded by Councilman Batuyios and unanimously approved by both . Boards. An item of $1200 to match a like City appropriation for employing an attorney on a.retainer basis for collecting sfiall tax items was discussed but not included this year. , ..? JUNIOR OFFICERS OUTING OR TRAFFIC CONTROL BOYS Councilman Burney offered a motion that $500 be appropriated for this purpose as in the past, to be paid equally by the County and City. It was seconded by Commissioner ?-? Williams and unanimously approved. . ?„ HEALTH DEPARTMENT - ' After a brief discussion of the individual items in the Health Department Budget Request, CommissionerVilliams moved that the salary Budget of $132,660 and the Budget for supplies of $35,076.70 be approved. It was seconded by Councilman Batuyios and when the vote was taken, all members of both Boards voted in the affirmative except Commissioner Broadhurst, who voted in the negative, however, the Mayor ruled the motion adopted. MENTAL HEALTH - i After a brief discussion of this subject, Chairman Hall of the Board of Commiss- ioners suggested that the total Budget requested by the Mental Health Board of $5200 be tentatively approved, comprised of $1,000 by the City and $4200 by the County. He inform- ed those present that Mrs. Alice Borden Sisson had requested an interview for the purpose of explaining the necessity for their Budget request and that after her remarks, the Board could take whatever action they deemed expedient. It was tentatively approved by common consent of both Boards. INSECT AND RODENT CONTROL - 1? No questions were raised on this request and Councilman Batuyios offered a motion that the $10,000 be approved for this purpose. It was seconded by Commissioner Williams and when the votes were cast, Commissioner Broadhurst voted "NO", but all other members of the Boards had voted affirmatively and ttie Presiding Officer ruled the motion carried. INDIGENT AND SCHOOL DENTISTRY - ? The above item in the Regular Health Budget eame in for some discussion and after ? considering all of the merits of the expenditure, Commissioner Williams moved that $3,000 be approved. I't was seconded by Councilman Burney and all of the members voted "Yes" on the motion except Commissioner Broadhurst, who voted "No". The Chairman ruled the motion prevailed. -A Y ^, ?.?\ E_? F? ?J Minutes of the Joint Session Meeting July 27, 1960 Continued WILMINGTON COLORED LIBRARY - A request for $5,510.50 was made to each the City and County making a total non-State participating Budget of $11,021. After a discussion of the problems involved- in thi.s operation, Councilman Burney offered a motion that the City and Cbunty each appro- priate $3600 for a total of $7200. It was seconded by Commissioner Braak and unanimously adopted. WILMINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY - Chairman Hall informed the assembly that the County had tentatively approved an appropriation of $13,559.49 for the operation of this Department.City Manager Benson point- ed out that he thought consideration should be given to more participation by the Countyin this activity because the population of the City was reduced during the last decade and the County Population increased, with a proportionate decrease and increase in the use of the Library. The total Budget, he pointed out, amounted to $56,729.50 and in the past the County has participated in one-third of the local appropriations. Commissioner tiJilliams remarked that the tendency to equalize the use of the Library was growing and in his opinion an adjustment should be made in the County appropriation. Commissioner Broadhurst suggested that the Town of Carolina Beach and Wrightsville Beach should likewise partici- pate in the cost of this service. After all the questions had been cleared, Commissioner Williams offered a motion that the County adopt a Budget of $1L5,?002 instead of $13,559?.49 as tentatively agreed upon. It was seconded by Commissioner rS aak and when the votes were cast, Commissioners Broadhurst and Hall voted against the motion and Commissioners Braak and LJilliams voted for the motiom. As the Council was not involved in'this particular dis- cussion, it resulted in an impasse. After continuing a further discussion by members of both Boards, Commissioner Williams moved that the County increase its appropriation from $13,559•49 to $14,500.00. It was seconded by Commissioner Braak and when the votes were cast Commissioners Hall, Braalc and Williams voted favorably and Commissioner Broadhurst voted "NO", however, the Chairman ruled the motion carried. ? SOROSIS NUSEUN - There was no question about the total appropriation of $300 for this service to be shared equally by the County and City, therefore, Councilman Burney offered a motion to this effect, which was seconded by Commissioner Braak and unanimously approved. CIVIL DEFENSE AND NIOBILIZATION - A11 inember.s of boffi govenning boflie's agreed wifhout any dissen't on a total Budget of $9,540.00. Councilman J.E.L. Wade then offered a motion that $9>,540.00 for the Budget of Civil and' Def.ense" Mobilization, to be shared equally by the City;and County, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Braak and unanimously adopted. ? USO Upon motion of Councilman Batuyios, seconded by Commissioner Williams, all mem- bers of both governing bodies unanimously approved a total Budget for the USO in the amount of $5,000 on an equal participating basis. ADJOURNMENT - As this concluded all of the joint items presented ioner Williams moved the joint session be adjourned. It was and unanimously approved. ? W. ?G. SPECIAL CALLED MEETING for consideration, Commiss- seconded by Co ncilman Lane ., , ? , - i ? Houck, Executive Sect tary Commissioners Room, Court House Wilminqton, N. C. Julv 28. 1960 9:30 A.M. ASSEMBLY - Pursuant to the recess at the meeting on July 22, Chairman J. M. Hall Jr. called a special session of the Board for the purpose of considering the Budget Estimate and adopt- ing the Budget Resolution as required by law with the foilowing Commissioners present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners, Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love, County Attorney John Bright Hill and Commissioner-elect J. Van B: Metts. • INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and requested Reverend John M. Irvine, Pastor of the McClure Memorial Presbyterian Church of Castle Hayne, N. C. to open the meet- ing with a prayer for guidance. J N[ENTAL HEALTH - Mrs. Alice Borden Sisson acted as spokesman for the Board of Mental Health and explained that since the organizing of this agency in 1957, they had been working toward the goal of a full-time psychiatric social worker. She pointed out that Halifax County, like New Hanover County, were both acting as pilot agencies in this field and the eyes of every Health Department in North Carolina have been fixed on the operation since its incept- ion. The small appropriation in the past has only been sufficient to allow for an in-fre- quent visitation by a psychiatrist whose main purpose has been to hold seminars with groups who come in contact with people frequently such as school teachers, ministers, public health nurses and welfare workers in an attempt to give them sufficient information to detect and , counsel with those who seek their help and tiius the service becomes a preventive rather than a curative one. She further observed that should the suspects be allowed to develop, they would be incapacitated and therefore it would be necessary for the County to spend many more dollars than the cost of maintaining the program. To attain this goal will require , the full appropriation of $4200 which was requested in the Budget Estimate. Wfth it they hope to expand their service to reach more people such as the Juvenile Courts, et cetera. After considering the various merits of the problem and clearing up any questions by the Continued- ? ,