1960-08-01 Regular Meeting60 1' Minutes of the Special Called Meeting (Continued) July 28, 1960 ,YADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. unanimously voted to adjourn. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the members of the Board ? W. ?/` v Houc?? Executive tary Wilmington, N. C. August 1, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held today at 9:00 A. M. in the County Court,House with the following present: Chair- man J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A: Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love, County Attorney John Bright Hill and Commissioner-Elect J. Van B. Metts. INVOGATION - The meeting was called to order by Chairman Hall, who asked Reverend G. W. Saun- ders, Pastor of the First Advent Christian Church, to give the invocation. MINUTES APPROVAL - The minutes of the Special Budget Discussion Meetings held on July 8th, 12th, 1$th, and the regular semimonthly meeting of July 18th, also the Budget Discussions for July 20 and 22nd were approved with the exception to Dr. Rosemond as being a member of the Consolidated Board of Education, which reference was deleted upon motion of Mr. Willisms, seconded by Mr. Braak. ROAD REQUEST - Mr. W. T. Devane, who owns a tract of land down on Middle Sound, in Harnett town- ship, informed the Board that he had tried for the past 30 years to have the Commissioners cut a road into his property and make it accessible for tenants and use of the public but so far he had not rec@ived an answer to any of his petitions. He also stated that because the road was in such terrible condition, he could not even rent the property to anyone. The Chairman reminded him of the promise of Mr. McKim, the Third Division Engineer of the State Highway Commission, to go with Mr. Devane and look over the situation, however, he could not hold out much hope that it would be done because it was not for a public use but the sole benefit of an individual. Mr. Devane thanked the Board for listening to,him and prom- ised to await the decision of Mr. McHim. i COOPERATIVE EROSION CONTROL - (r'?? The Chairman explained that he had recentiy attended a meeting with the Corps of Engineers reporting on a re-study of the combined Cooperative Beach Erosion and Hurricane Control Program at which time several plans of protection were presented for consideration. ' After each was considered and explained by the Engineers, he recommended Plan C for the County portion which includes a 50t wide berm to an elevation of 121 above mean low water behind which is a dune wfth top elevation of 15' above mean low water. Existing policy re- quires that cost apportionment is to be made between local interests and the Federal govern- ment. The total estimated cost for the project wouid amount to $1,239,000 of which'the Federal government would provide $739,200 and Non-Federal would be $499,800 which would l have to be provided by local interests. The estimated average annual cost of maintenance and beach nourishment would amount to $71,300 of which the Federal government would pay -'? annualiy $6,800 for ten years. During the discussion of this proposed pro,ject, the Chair- man further understood that it would take approximately 5 years for this proposal to mater- ialize from the Federal standpoint and that any monies spent in tYie interim perfod bettdeen now and then might possibly be credited to the Non-Federal e,stimate provided the work was done within the scope of the plans proposed above. He further observed that unless some expression of approval was given this project and a willingness to participate, it would be a long time before a similar opportunity would be given by the Federal government to pro- tect our shore erosi:on and beach preservation measures. After a brief discussion of the proposal, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Board go on record as being in favor of this project and express our intent to participate in Plan C as proposed.by the Beach Eros- ion Board and the Board of Engineers for the Rivers 8 Harbors and authorize the Executive Secretary to write a letter to the Corps of Engineers expressing our willingness to parti- cipate in the Non-Federai Funds. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and the vote was unanimously in favor of it except that Mr. Broadhurst made it clear that he was in no way obligating - this County or himself on the finances for the project. RESCUE SQUAD - - A letter was read from James A. Lockamy, Rescue Squad Leader, informing the Board that the office of Civil and Defense Mobilization had approved matching funds in the amount of $3,204.12 for a resCUe truck with standard equipment and supplemental tools. They request an equal amount from the County. They have ,just completed a first aid course in rescue work ??Q, and purchased land on which they are planning to build a rescue squad station. After dis- C??,?aydL cussion of the proposed appropriation, the Executive 5ecretary was_authorized to write a ?}` letter explaining that the Commissioners had seen fit to leave this appropriation out of this fiscal year's Budget and assure them that it maight be considered in next year's appro- priations. The action on this matter was by common consent of the Board. INSURANCE PROGRAM -' ? - A letter was received from the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents, Incor- porated, informing the Board that revision in certain lines of property insurance was anti- cipated whiCh would result in a saving to the County from 25-40%. They request permission to analyze the existing contracts, revalue and schedule currently owned property and propose a new plan with a comparison of present and future costs. The Chairman informed the Board that he had taken the liberty of giving this permission and the study is now underway. -A ??4? __< Minutes of the Meeting August 1, 1960 Continued XVIO? Mt, MARKET STOCK SHOW & SALE - A letter was received from the Chamber of Commerce explaining that an appropria- tion of $2,130 was made for the purpose of conducting the Market Stock Show and Sale but that the actual expenses amounted to $2,558.43 which leaves a deficit of $428.43. They pre- sented invoices accounting for the disbursements and asked that consideration be given to including this shortage in Lhe 1960-61 allocation. Some of the Commissioners seemed to re- call this shortage had been appropriated at an earlier date and requested the Executive Sec'tetary to check the record and determine the present status and put this sub,ject on the agenda at the next meeting. AUDITOR APPOINTMENT - Gounty Auditor Love reminded the Board that they had not yet made an official C0,1r?-OP appointment for an outside Auditor for the fiscai year 1960-1961. After a brief discussioi, ? p„? Mr. Holton moved that Mr. W. C. Barfield be appointed. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst ?„?, and unanimously approved. AUTHORIZED SIGNATORIES - I The Executive 5ecreta i f d th S al of ? ., the wa s ry n orme e oard that Services Administration to fur.nish a Resolution showing the officer:signing and accepting the formal instruments Airport. Upon motion of Mr. Wiliiams, seconded by Mr. unanimously adopted: he had been requested by the Gener- the official character and authority of transfer for the property at Braak, the following Resolution RESOLVED that J. M. Hall, Jr., Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners be and he is hereby authorized and directed on behalf of New Hanover County to sign the application to the General Services Administration dated the day of 1960, for the surplus property constituting a part of the Airport property (that portion of the former Bluethenthal Army Airfield,_title to which was reverted to the Government due to failure of the school board to properly use the property,) as described in said application; and that he is further authorized and directed on behalf of New Hanover County to accept delivery of all formal instruments of transfer and it is understood and agreed that the transferee shali be bonnd,by all the terms, reservation, restrictions and conditions of transfer set forth in said application; and he is further hereby authorized to do all things which may be necessary on behalf of New Hanover County to fully effect the transfer of the property requested in said application. ? Y TAX ABATEMENT - G Pursuant to a request made on July 20th, Mr. W. R. Troutman, Secretary of the, Loyal Order of Moose, again requested a decision about the ossibility of abating their taxes in the amount of $754.34 accumulated for the years 19$? and 1959. The Chairman inform- ed him that the committee had not yet made their recommendation or report, therefore, he couid not give him an answer today. Mr. Troutman stressed the great humanitarian work being done by,their order through Mooseheart and Moosehaven and requested as much consideragion as poss- ible on this matter. The Chairman promised tolet him know whenever the matter was resolved. SALINE WATER COIWERSION - A letter was received from Mr. E. Lawrence Lee, Jr., President of Shore Acres Co., ? attaching a clipping from the July 12th issue of the Wilmington Morning Star reporting that &0?..although about one-half of the 25 acres to be acquired for the pilot plants for salt water eonversion was under water, only ten acres of it would be needed as "dry" land for the two plants. He complained that he understood that the area acquired for the use of the pilot plants would be filled in its entirety otherwise the balance of the property retained by him would be rendered impractical for development purposes. The Chairman explained that the County had obtained an option on 25 acres of land between US #74 and US #76 for use of the saline water conversion pilot plant and that the State would take over the land later and reimburse the County. This explanation was for information only as no further action is re- quired at this time. CHURCH TAX-FREE PROPERTY A letter was received from the officers of St. Paul's Methodist Church requesting that Lot # 13 in Block 67 of Carolina Beach be declared tax-free as it is to be used for church purpo"ses: At pfesent the:lot'3s-vacarit: s3t6' on.'whiCh=tio bui17 A. par§oiiage and'a pleygTOUnzi aftd pi-enic area for the Gtiu"rch: Before' actual coiistirwction of • the parsonage it will also be used as a parking lot during church seTVices. Mr. Holton moved that the property be declared t8x-free as of January lst, 1961. It was seconded by Mr. 4dilliams and unanimously approved. JULY SALARY - A letter was received from the Chairman of the New Hanover County Alcoholic Bever- age Control Board informing the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the composite body unanimously agreed to forward Mrs. W. D. MacMillan a check in the amount of the July salary which wouid have been paid to Mr. MacMillan before his demise. They request an expres- sion from the Board of Commissioners on this matter before issuing the check. After discu.ss- ing the matter briefly, Mr. Braak moved that the Executive Secretary be authorized to write a letter to the ABC Board informing that the Commissioners had no ob,jection to them sending ' Mrs. MacMillan a check amounting to the salary that would have been paid to him for the month of July. It was seconded by Mr.'Holton and unanimousiy carried. '• FARMFJ25 MARKET C Mr. W. A. Buck appeared before the Commissioners restating his'interest in the local Farmers Produce Market and requested that he be allowed to either lease or purchase it. The Chairman explained that it was a City owned facility and that the County had no ,jurisdiction whatever in its operation but that he understood that at the ,joint meeting held with the City Council on July 27th that they had agreed to continue its operation and suggested that Mr. Buck get in touch with the owners and present his proposition. l . ? L_ (.m03 Minutes of the Meeting August 1, 1960 Continued HEALTH DIRECTOR - Chairman Hall observed that t,he Board had adopted a.Budget which did no include money from Brunswick County in payment of services of the Health Director. He stated that the Health Director would much rather receive a stipulated salary from New Hanover'County and be allowed to negotiate with Brunswick County for remuneration for his services and that he agreed with the Health Director that it was a matter between him and Brunswick County. Mr. Williams raised the question if Dr. Davis desired a reductiori in the salary of.$11,520 being paid by New Hanover County by deducting the $1,920 paid into the Health Department last year, thus setting up the current fiscal year's salary for New Hanover County at $9,600 and allow him to negotiate with Brunswick. He also questioned whether or not any problems would be en- countered in this move by the Merit System Councii. Chairman Ha11 remarked that he thought Dr. Davis preferred a true picture of the New Hanover County salary be shown on the records but he would not presume to make any statement as to what position the Merit System Council would take in the reduction in salary. After a brief discussion by memhers of the Board, Mr. Williams moved that a decision on this matter be deferred until final approval of the Budget. It d d b Mr B k d t' t t't wa u animous ,) fyl"' " " was secon e y . raa an as no nega ive vo es were cas , i s n . ? NACO CONVENT I ON The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that the National Association of County - Officials woutd hold their annual Convention in Miami, Florida beginning Sunday, August 14 through Wednesday, August 17th. After a brief discussion of the merits of conventions, Mr. Braak offered a motion that any members of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners be authorized to attend this Convention. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and when the votes were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO", however, the Chairman ruled the motion prevailed as the other members voted "Yes". BEER LICENSES - ? The fol lowing application was reviewed for the issuance of a beer permit and upon motion of W. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, unanimously referred to the Sheriff's de- partment for consideration; J. P. Richards • T/A Richard's Tackle Sh6p 8 Grocery Market Street Road, City PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as ,jurors in Superior Court in the trial of Civil cases for the weeks beginning September 22t h and September 19th, 1960. ? Jurors - Sevtember 12, 1960- Civi1 term R. M. King 11 Barnard.Drive , Charles V. Tilson, Jr. 4626 Long Leaf Hills J. M. Britt 21l} N. 5th St. J. W. Thomas 7 Manhattan Ave. H. F. Wilson _ 2013 Metts Ave. Wm. B.. Sparks 1901 Grace St.. John K. Lewis RFD 2, Box 276 Charles R. Clay RFD 1, Box (}30 J. W. Benton .6 A Nesbitt Courts David R. Long RFD 1, Box 188 ,4 L. P. Mintz 5 Queen St. Dewitt Scott 4610 Long Leaf Hills W. T. Glass Jr. 120 W. Renovah Circle O.W. Keever 616 Rosemont Ave. Oscar Cumbee 127 Morgan St. N. M. Langhorne 5032 Pine St. Charles W. Hixon 212 N. 25th St. James A. Forbes ` 4928 Park Ave. Carlton G. Hall 705 S. Sth St. John P. Voorhees 226 S. 4th St. Allie Weston RFD 1, Box 364 Russell Hammonds -' 8 L. Nesbitt Cts. Adolph Darden $r. RFD #i Box 211 C ?l H N C Robert S. Young 20 Jackson Dr. . T. A. Brinkley as e ayne, . . 607 N. 23rd St. H. C. Borneman 1 Wallace Ave. R. V. Duncan 1202 S. 4th St. George Paturis 221 S. Front St. Kimbail Royal 211 N. sth St. Hallie F. Dale Box 203 Parkway Blvd. Walter L. Lander RFD 2, Box 421 A. B. Grimsley 2515 Jefferson St. G. L. Richard 315 S. 7th St. Mac L. Leitch 2102 Barnett Ave. Wm. S. Hocutt Jr.. 2707 Jackson St. C. C. Pridgen Jr. 480 Mapie Ave. Stacy Herr:ing 413 Redcross St. Irene W. Justice 110i West Carolina Ave. Richard H. Wells 315 Wrightsville Ave. V. A. Caudill Sr. 1919 Church St. John Spillman P.O. Box 987 ' C. E. GoodykoonLz 10 4Jrightsvill Ave. Ronald L. Batson 306 North Carolina Ave. Richard B. Ivester 210 Francis Marion Dr. Lofton Rivenbark 503 Central Blvd. Charles G. Johnson RFD 3, Box 318 A -Archie B. Butler 264 Greenvilie Ave. -Donald W. Sneeden 105 Wayne Dr. ? Stacy Herring 413 Redcross St. Irene W. Justice 110 j West Carolina Ave. Richard H. Wells 315 Wrightsville Ave. V. A. Caudill Sr. 1919 Church St. M..Clarenc,e..Moore 701"N6r.th 2c3;rd St. Charles H. Dooley General Delivery Carolina Beach,N.C Jurors - Sentember 19. 1960 - Civil term ,. S. P. Sykes 1017 South L}th St. H. L. Klander . 208 S. (}2nd St. . J. B. Rice Box 6, City R. H. Whitman 314 Davie Drive s W. E. Guyton 15 O Lake Uillage J. H. Fussell, Jr. 2815 Park Ave. W. E. Casey Box 578,Carolina Beach Charles R. Baugham 515 Colonial Drive Cari S. Graham RFD 3, Box 271 A Leslie G. Bass 206 S. 16th St. ` J. J. Cilvik' 2841 Adams St. Paul A. Monroe 603 Chestnut St. J. D. Causey 425 Larchmont Dr. G. J. Whilden Box 536, RFD 3 D. J. Black 106 N. 16th St. • George Wheeler 501 S. 7th St. Dudley Rogers RFD 2, Box 167 A Albert W. Bridge 814 S. Lumina Ave. E. E. Casteen RFD 1, Box 307 AA John A. Kalagis • Box 76, CarolInaSBeachch A. S. Crider RFD 3, Box 439 George C. Baltzegar 118 South 8th St. John J. Eakins 50 Lee Drive Harry Wettig 1404 S. L}th St. J. T. Shepard 4112 Frankiin Ave. M. H. Matthews 11 M Lake Uillage Dick E. Miiler 612 Rosemont Ave. James A. Lockamy, 6115 Oleander Dr. Wm. C. Carter Jr. 16 H Lake Village S. H. Hunter 616 S. 6th St. H. L. Parker 131 Greenforest Dr. Steve Panages 520 Nun St. John K. Davis 517 North 3rd St. William F. Garner 4310 Wrightsv. Ave. W. H. Darden RFD 1, City Walter H. Smith 1612 Ann St. Edwin M. Belch 301 S. Front St. Horace A. Hail 215 Evans St. Carl C. Manning 2014 Metts Ave. B. F. Bordeaux 7 L Lake Village F. A. Matthes 128 Forest Hills Drive Romulus Britt 108 Graham St. Thomas J. Butier Jr. 308 S. 3rd St. Joel A. Martin 102 N. Lumina Ave. continued- -A ?01- Minutes of the Meeting August 1, 1960 Continued Jurors (Continued) Joei P..-Martin 102 N. Lumina Ave. Leon C. Wilson RFD 3 Wrightsv. Beach , Eox 595 Harvey Little 1518 Castle St. Esther Naomi Yopp Meredith G. Raynor John H. Prar ine P. o. sox 357 165 Pinecf st 12 X Lake ??'lage REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed by the members of the Board and ordered filed for future reference, , i 7? j '' ?-+.-«- ?? ? 1- Home Demonstration Agentts Plarrative Report for May, June & July 2- Tax CollectorTS Statement of Ba'ck Tax for New Hanover County for the years 1958, 1957, 1956, 1955 ana 1954 ' 3- Tax Collector's Report on Tax Collections - 1959 Levy 4- Thank-you letter from H. M. Roland in appreciation of "Roland-Grise Day" 5- Report on the Public Hearing held on July 12th by State Highway Commission. 6- Wilmington Public Library Annual Report for 1959-1960 7- Auditor's Report of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (Annual Report) ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Bo4unnimously voted adjournment. ., - Houck, xecy Wilmington, N.C. August 15, 1960 As Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr. and L. E. Broadhurst were the onl members of the Board present, there was no quorum and,therefore,no "officiai" meetiwas held by the County Commissioners on this date. ^ W. G. Houck, Executive Se etary Wilmington, N. C. September 6,1960 ASSEMSLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was, held this day at 9:00 o+ciock in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John BrighL Hiil and Commissioner-Elect J. Van B. Metts. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. I. Boone, Pas- tor of Central Baptist, to open the meeLing with a prayer for guidance. • APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The Special Budget Discussion'meetings he2d in July 27th and 28th, and of the • regular semimonthly meeting held on August lst were, upon motion of Mr. Williams, second- ed by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written. TRUCK BIDS - The Chairman deciared that the time for receiving bids was closed after invit- ing any present to submit any further bids. Complying with specifications and terms in Dv?° a! public advertisement published in the Wilmington Morning Star, the following bids were received, opened, read and considered: Raney Chevrolet Co. 2 Pickup Trucks with.trade-ins Total Net Cost Harris Pontiac, Inc. 2 It $2,5o6.14 $2,900.00 Cape Fear Motor Sales, Inc. 2 $2,570.00 Hinson Truck Sales d Service 2 $2,340.70 After a brief discussion di the proposals, it was found that the low bidder's equipment did not meet the minimum specifications in our advertised requirements. At the request of the Board, the Chairman appointed a committee composed of John A, Westbrook and Marion W. Miliis to investigate the features of each to see if they would meet their require= ments and to bring back a recommendation to the Board. The committee returned after their examination with the recommendation.that the award be made for Lhe Chevrolet trucks as they had bodies designed to meet their needs and also that would accomodate ready built cages which the State had agreed to let them have. Mr. Holton then moved that the bid be awarded to the low bidder meeting the advertised specifications, which in this case was the Raney Chevrolet Co. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. After a discussion of the problem, tYie Chairman put the motion and when the votes were cast, Messrs. Braak and Wiiliams'voted against the motion and Messrs. Broadhurst, Hall, and Holton voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it carried. CAP FRIENDSHIP DAYS A letter was received from the CAP Friendship Days Committee explaining that • the Civil Air Patrol, as the main sponsor, have always shouldered the major responsibility for its organization and cost. This year they have requested equal assistance from the continued- L_