1960-09-06 Regular Meeting?01- Minutes of the Meeting August 1, 1960 Continued Jurors (Continued) Joei P..-Martin 102 N. Lumina Ave. Leon C. Wilson RFD 3 Wrightsv. Beach , Eox 595 Harvey Little 1518 Castle St. Esther Naomi Yopp Meredith G. Raynor John H. Prar ine P. o. sox 357 165 Pinecf st 12 X Lake ??'lage REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed by the members of the Board and ordered filed for future reference, , i 7? j '' ?-+.-«- ?? ? 1- Home Demonstration Agentts Plarrative Report for May, June & July 2- Tax CollectorTS Statement of Ba'ck Tax for New Hanover County for the years 1958, 1957, 1956, 1955 ana 1954 ' 3- Tax Collector's Report on Tax Collections - 1959 Levy 4- Thank-you letter from H. M. Roland in appreciation of "Roland-Grise Day" 5- Report on the Public Hearing held on July 12th by State Highway Commission. 6- Wilmington Public Library Annual Report for 1959-1960 7- Auditor's Report of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (Annual Report) ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Bo4unnimously voted adjournment. ., - Houck, xecy Wilmington, N.C. August 15, 1960 As Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr. and L. E. Broadhurst were the onl members of the Board present, there was no quorum and,therefore,no "officiai" meetiwas held by the County Commissioners on this date. ^ W. G. Houck, Executive Se etary Wilmington, N. C. September 6,1960 ASSEMSLY The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners was, held this day at 9:00 o+ciock in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House with the following members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams; County Auditor T. D. Love and County Attorney John BrighL Hiil and Commissioner-Elect J. Van B. Metts. INVOCATION - ' Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend R. I. Boone, Pas- tor of Central Baptist, to open the meeLing with a prayer for guidance. • APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The Special Budget Discussion'meetings he2d in July 27th and 28th, and of the • regular semimonthly meeting held on August lst were, upon motion of Mr. Williams, second- ed by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved as written. TRUCK BIDS - The Chairman deciared that the time for receiving bids was closed after invit- ing any present to submit any further bids. Complying with specifications and terms in Dv?° a! public advertisement published in the Wilmington Morning Star, the following bids were received, opened, read and considered: Raney Chevrolet Co. 2 Pickup Trucks with.trade-ins Total Net Cost Harris Pontiac, Inc. 2 It $2,5o6.14 $2,900.00 Cape Fear Motor Sales, Inc. 2 $2,570.00 Hinson Truck Sales d Service 2 $2,340.70 After a brief discussion di the proposals, it was found that the low bidder's equipment did not meet the minimum specifications in our advertised requirements. At the request of the Board, the Chairman appointed a committee composed of John A, Westbrook and Marion W. Miliis to investigate the features of each to see if they would meet their require= ments and to bring back a recommendation to the Board. The committee returned after their examination with the recommendation.that the award be made for Lhe Chevrolet trucks as they had bodies designed to meet their needs and also that would accomodate ready built cages which the State had agreed to let them have. Mr. Holton then moved that the bid be awarded to the low bidder meeting the advertised specifications, which in this case was the Raney Chevrolet Co. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. After a discussion of the problem, tYie Chairman put the motion and when the votes were cast, Messrs. Braak and Wiiliams'voted against the motion and Messrs. Broadhurst, Hall, and Holton voted for the motion and the Chairman declared it carried. CAP FRIENDSHIP DAYS A letter was received from the CAP Friendship Days Committee explaining that • the Civil Air Patrol, as the main sponsor, have always shouldered the major responsibility for its organization and cost. This year they have requested equal assistance from the continued- L_ 605 Minutes of the Meeting 5eptember 6, 1960 Continued CAP FRIENDSHIP DAYS - City and County to help pay for the entertainment of those participating in the show which will amount to a total of $600 or $300 each. After briefly considering the merits of this program to New Hanover County, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the County appropriate $300 for this purpose. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mously approved. The Chairman announced to the Board that they were invited to a recept- ion at the Cape Fear Country Club as a guest of WECTV on September 17th at 6:00 P. M. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS - A committee from the newly organizecl PTA of the R61anc1-Grise Junior High School appeared before the Board and through their spokesman, Mr.-W: Allen Cobb, explained the problems a.ttendant to getting the pupils across the heavily traveled Oleander Drive High- way and NC 132. Among some of the suggestions to solve this problem were 1- a stop light at the crossing; 2- markings in the highway designating it as a school crossing with "Slow" signs plainly marked; 3- request the State Highway Department to reduce the speed on that highway and 4- to complete the connecting link on Lake Avenue'into the Lincoln Forest Subdivision which would allow the school buses to deliver the children in this neighborhood. After discussing the many possibilities, Mr. Williams offered a motion that • the Sheriff be authorized to employ school crossing guards at Lake Avenue and Oleander Drive. The guards were to be recommended by the PTA and that $550.00 be appropriated out ? of the Emergency Fund to the School Crossing Guard Fund to cover this expense. It was seconded by Mr. Braak for the purpose of discussion and after discussing.the matter at length, a vote was finally taken and Mr. Broadhurst voted against the motion, however, since the other members of the Board voted in favor of the motion the Chairman ruled it adopted. CSC SPACE Mr. Foster Edwards informed Che Board that he understood Lhe Board of Education ' would move their offices sometime in the future and in-as-much as he was overcrowded with the Recorder's Court personnel and records, he wanted to go on record requesting the use of the office with the vavlt now occupied by the Board of Education as soon as it is vacated. The Board, by common consent, agreed to consider his request whenever the space was vacated. ' TAX ABATEMENT - ?-?' County Attorney John Bright Hill reported that a matter regarding the waiver ? or abatement of taxes for the Loyal Order of the Moose had been referred to him at a pre- vious meeting for a recommendation. He has consulted with City Attorney Cicero P. Yow since the City was also involved in the tax question and they have agreed and r.ecommended that taxes accrued on this property for the years 1959-60 and 1960-61 can be waived. Any taxes accumulated prior,to these years can not be legally waived or abated. Mr. Holton moved that the Board approve the recommendation of the attorney to yaive the taxes on the property of the Loyal Order of the Moose for the years 1959-60 and ?1960-61. It was second- ed by Mr. Braak. In the discussion which followed, Mr. Williams requested an opinion from the Tax Supervisor on this question. He reported that since the property owners had made no protest to the Board of Equalization and Review abont the taxes being accumulated or the valuation on the property, he did not see how it could be legally done as portions of the building itself was used and available for rent during that time. After considering all of the facts, a vote was taken and Mr. Williams reque5ted to be recorded as voting "NO" as he considered it was illegal, in his opinion", however, as the other members of the Board voted for the motion, the Chairman declared it prevailed. _ ACL - SEABORRD AIR LINE MERGER `? The Executive Secretary reported that the Chairman was'authorized by telephone ? poll of the Board to sign a resolution endorsing the merger of the ACL Railroad Compnay I ' with the Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company and asked that the Board ratify this action &0057? for the record. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the action be ratified "Nunc Pro Tunc". It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. . SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING - Mr. Earl C. Funderburk informed the Board that the North Carolina Citizens Com???.Q, mittee for Better Schools would meet at Eastern Carolina Teachers College in Greenville on Tuesday, September 27, 1960 and he invited the-Commissioners to be present to-represent this County at that meeting. ELECTRIC SERVICE - Mr. Funderburk likewise informed the Commissioners that he intended instalding a bookkeeping machine in the near future which wnuld require additional,electrical current and since he understood the present panels were overloaded, he wondered.if the Commission- ers could provide the service for the new machine. He also said that at present, the machines being used in his office were seceiving power from electric light fixtures which he considered dangerous. The Chairman assured him that the Board was aware of this pro- blem and that consideration would be given to providing more power. The Executive Secretary was instructed to corifer with the City Electrical Inspector and a representative of the Carolina Power & Light Company to make recommendations at the next meeting. QUINLIVAN TAX - ? County /ittorney John Bright Hill informed the Board that a tax settlement on the old Dan Quinlivan Estate had been presented to the Tax Collector. He recounted the history svrrounding this case and ex lained that no taxes had been collected on the pro- perty for many years and that in 194? the Tax Collector foreclosed on the property and entered a suit to recover the accumulated taxes up to that time but that at the time of the sale, the then Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners had stopped the sale al- though a judgement was accepted which was good for ten years. It seems.that the owner was suffering with a lingering illness at the time and the aetion was taken as a humani- tarian gesture. Before the expiration of the 10 year judgement, another suit was brought f to recover and again for the same reason the Chairman of the Board of.County Commission- ers stopped the sale. The owner has since died and the heirs are trying to straighten out the estate. At the present time, the accumulated taxes amount td $2,930.58 and the interest amounts to $471.97• The heirs have accumulated sufficient funds to pay ali of the principal on the back taxes plus penalties on back taxes and all of the court costs which were involved in the suit but they are asking'for relief on the interest. The City continued- .A ?0G, Qyc?L i n? Minutes of the Neeting September 6, 1960 Continued QUINLIVAN TAX - (Continued) Council, upon advice of their legal counsel have agreed to waive the inter- est and the County.Attorney recommends this same procedure to the County Commissioners. After discuss.ing the many details surrounding this old tax case, Mr. Williams offered a motion that no settlement be made for less than the full amount of principal, court costs and interests: It was seconded by Mr. Braak. Mr. Broadhurst remarked that since the County authorities had stopped the sale on both occasions, he felt that it had com- promised itseif and therefore, he offered a substitute motion that the recommendation of the attorneys be accepted and that the interest of $471.97 be waived. It was second- ed,by Mr. Ho2ton. When the votes were taken on the substitute motion, Messrs. Broadhurst and Holton voted "Yes" and Messrs. Braak, Hall, and llilliains voted "NO!'. The Chairman then declared the substitute motion failed and put the question on the original motion and when the votes were cast, Messrs. Broadhurst and Ho2ton voted "NO't and Messrs. Braak, Hali, and Williams voted "Yes". The Chairman declared that no compromise would be made on tYie interest. FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE - ? Mr. William H. Fisher advised the Board that of a,jointly owned piece of property described as Lot#3 Subdivision. The Executive Secretary was instructed to Assessors and Mr..Broadhurst qffered a motion, seconded given to the sale of this property at the appraisal val the City Council. The motion was unanimously aiiopted. he in ha, by 1Q, was interested Block 2 of the te it appraised Mr. Braak, tha sub,ject to the in the purchase West N,ercer , by the Firoperty t approval be approval of The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had an offer to purchase a,jointly owned Lot in Block #490 and a part of Lot #3"=.which is 331 x 801 fronting on 14th Street on which the Property Assessors have placed a value of $400. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously approved the sale, sub,Ject to ratification of the City Council. _ ? HEALTH DIRECTORIS SALARY - ? The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that at their meeting on August lst they had left the matter of unfinished business for discussion at a later date relating to the salary of the Health Director. The Chairman called the Board's attention to the en'viab2e position which the New Hanover County Health Department enjoyed in the State Board of Health and whether or not all agree on every phase of the present health pro- gram in the County, we do have a department to be proud of. He further stated that the present salary being paid the Director was low compared to similar positions of responsi- bility in other preventive.Ylealth Departments. After some discussion of this sub,}ect, Mr. Williams moved that final approval to the Health Departmentts Budget as it now stands with the Directorts salary being $11,520 and that any funds from Brunswick County go as revenue in the Health"Department Budget but that any revenue above $1920 be paid to the Director as additional salary. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimbusly passed over the dissent of the Chairman. The Executive SecretaTy was instructed to write a letter to the Consolidated,Board of Health apprising them of this action. REGISTRAR'S SEAL - ? Register of Deeds, R. L. Black, informed the Board that the State Board of Health had approved the use of the Registrars seal on delayed birth certificates. He requested the Board to approve a policy of allowing hiin to charge an additional 50d for affidavits requiring his seal. Mr. Holton offered a motion that this request be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. SUBORDIIdATE LIEN - A letter was received from Mr. Marsden Bellamy of the Citizens' Building and, Loan, A.sso cia t i o n:,, advising that the Department of Public Welfare .:-• had a,judgement against the property of B3anche R. Meares. She has applied to his firm for a loan of $2400 to make repairs on this property. He advises that they are will- ,gac.&Ar- ing to make this loan provided the New Hanover County Commissioners and trie Board of the ? Welfare Department, concur in an agreement to subordinate the lieri of the 'judgement to GJZZ, the end that the Citizens Building and Loan Association will have a first lien on the property. He assures the Board that all of the money_will be spent on the property with the exception of the taxes and the expenses of the loan not'to exceed $100. Mrs. Helen B. 5needen, 5uperinterident of the Department of Public Welfare has recommended this pro- cedure, therefore, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the request be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. DRAINAGE PETITION - A petition was received from the citizens living in the Holinlock Terrace Sub- lp division of Harnett Township requesting t4e County to provide drainage facilities for V? them. After a brief discuss,ion, in which the Executive Secretary explained the several investigations made'in company with the Drainage Supervisor Dave W. Rivenbark, Mr. pn-rwni-?X Holton offered a motion that,the petition be turned over to the drainage committee for their recommendation. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. SILUER LAKE ROAD - ?Q An unsigned letter was received requesting improvements on the Silver Lake Road and the drainage problem. The Executive Secretary informed the Board that in his opinion a letter was received from Mrs. U. H. Mason, who had appeared before a District Meeting of the State Highway Commission in July seeking the same §ervice. The Board, by common consent, referred the matter to the Executive Secretary for investigation and recommendation. COUNTY LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES - Mr. Broadhurst informed the Board that an employee who parks'in the Court J House yard reported to him that the windshield on the car had been broken because pris- ? oners in the ,jail on the upper story had allowed a piece of board which was being used 'to prop open a window to blow off the ledge and break the windshield. The replacement cost amounted to $220.00. He expl ined that his reason for bringing this matter to the attention to the Board was in ord r to acquaint them with the possibilities of damage to cars parked in the Court House y rd. The Executive Secretary reported that he had had two other requests for payment because of burning cigarette stubs being flipped out of the windows into open cars. It was the common consent that employees parking in the Court House yard did so at their own peril and did not recommend payment of any damages. \ ' ? V. Minutes of the Meeting September 6, 1960 Continued ? JUNIOR DAIRY SHOW - e?e.i-rIF.G+- A letter was received from the Chamber of Commerce requesting an allocation of L, ?,- $1500 as a contribution toward the sponsorship of the Eleventh Annual- Junior Dairy Show to be held on September 15th and 16th at the New Hanover County Livestock Arena. After a brief , discussion of the merits of this activity, Mr. Holton offered a motion that an allocation of $1309.37 be made for this purpose from the Advertising Fund, it being the same amount as was appropriated last year. It was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimously approved by the Board. CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS A memorandum was received from the Council of State GovernmenLs attaching a Resol- ution titled "Opposing Federal Interference with Established Interstate Compact Agencies". The resolution stemmed from efforts being made by the House Judiciary Committee seeking to utilize citations for contempt of Congress against State officials with the inevitabl2 con- sequences establishing a blanket threat to investigating internal operations of any County with responsibility for major interstate roads, ports facilities, industrial development ? operation, airports or transportation facilities, thus exercising a far flung influence on L-Q-i4+'4k interstate commerce and assert Federal- jurisdiction and control over State and local admin-'e,?wa=t=4_1 istrations. It cites that Federal interests are almost infinite and examples can be multi- ' plied at will. An editorial from the County Officer, a publication of the National Associa- tion of County Officials, suggests that the gravity of the issue is such that they recommend a resolttion from local governing authorities to their representatives and senators oppos- ing such legislation as our founding fathers never envisioned the Congress watching like "big brother of State and local affairs". After discussing this subject, Mr. Williams moved the adoption of a Resolution to be drawn by the County Attorney and Executive Secretary opposing such an unprecedented citation and protesting to the members of the House of Repre- sentatives from our district. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimousiy approved. EGG COOLER - The Executive Secretary explained to the Board that Dave W. Rivenbark had inform- ? ed him of an egg cooler and a house that was available at $125.00. It has been used for a short period but he and Mr. Farrow had inspected it and found it to be in excellent condit- ion and recommended its purchase. Our egg production at the County Farm is increasing rapid- ly and at present the eggs are being kept in the cold storage room which freezes them. Mr. Braak had also looked into this matter and recommends its purchase and offered the motion that approval be given to the purchase of this equipment and charged to Capital Outlay appro- priation of the County Farm: It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. SALARY ADJUSTMENT - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that John D. Pickett had been employ- ed as a guard 15 months ago at a minimum salary and did not receive the 8% raise which was given the employees at the last fiscal year when the Budget was prepared. He was promised. a normal increase provided his services were satisfactory. He is, therefore, entitled to an 8% addition in his pay. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that $206.40 be appropriated from ' the Emergency Fund and added to the present salary of Mr. Pickett making his annual salary $2,786.40, retroactive to July 1, 1960. It was seconded by Nr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. INTANGIBLE TAX DISTRIBUTION - , Complying with Section 715, GS 105-213, the State Board of Assessments reported Intangible Taxes for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1960 were $237,512.91. This compares with the fiscal year ending June 30, 1959 of $237,251.09 or a slight increase. COMMIJNITY HOSPITAL ORGANIZATION Mr. Peter H. Braak, who is the representative of the County Commissioners to the Community Hospital and Chairman of the Board of Directors of that institution, report- ed that their Board would like to have some clarification as to their responsibility as to the.:operation of•the hospita;l.;asd?sugge.st.ed that it might be worthwhile to consider seek- ing a Charter to°provide these hospital facilities and thus establish a legal status as a corporation with a Board of Trustees or Managers giving them the authority to engage in all sorts of necessary business relations. The matter was referred to the County Attorney and Mr. W. M. Cameron, Jr. a legal member of the Board of Directors. • Onerational Chanqe - In discussing the Community Hospital affairs, Mr. Braak recalled that the Board had authorized their Board of Directors to make adjustments within , the total salary appropriations, however, after.a discussion of the matter with the Board , of Directors, they request that the Commissioners not restrict them to the total salary amount of the Budget but allow them to operate within the total Budget making adjustments where the Board decides it is wise and would better serve the total hospital program. After a discussion of the problems involved in the operation of this institution, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Board of Directors of Community Hospital be authorized to operate within the totai Budget for the current fiscal year oniy for the best interest of the . County and the Hospital. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the votes were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted ^NO't, however since the other members of the Board voted "Yes", the Chair- man declared the motion adopted. WILMINGTON COLLEGE - Chairman Hall explained to the Board that he had received a request from John H. Fox, Cha3r.man of the Athletic Committee for the Board of Trustees of Wilmington College to furnish prison labor and any other equipment owned by the County for cleaning up and leveling off the athietic field for the college. No funds are provided through tax leuies for athletics. After considering the service it will render the citizens of_Southeastern North Carolina and New Hanover County in particular, Mr. Wil2iams offere'd a motion that we grant this request and render any assistance which can be accomplished with our present equipment and prison labor. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. • • FUNDS TRANSFER The Executive Secretary explained that he had been requested by the Sheriff's Department through the Jailor, to install a lavatory and commode for the use of the Jail- Deputy as it is necessary for him to call an outside Deputy on duty to relieve him in order to use the downstairs faci2lties. As no funds were appropriated in the Jail Budget for this purpose, Mr. Broadhurst moved that the Executive Secretary be authorized to secure not less than three bids for this work and award the work to the low bidder and that funds be trans- . continued- ?? v ? ?? 11? i ?'n _._.?lo• ' pr 608 Minutes of the Meeting September 6, 1960 Continued FUNDS TRANSFER - (continued) ? ferred from the Court House-Repairs Budget to the Jail-Repairs Budget to cover the cost. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. The bids received were as follotas: Biddle Plumbing Company, $375.00; Ideal Plumbing Company, $394•00; and the , Herring Plumbing Company $295•00. The bid was awarded to the low bidder. P,ETITION FOR RELIEF - The Department of Public Welfare presented a petition for Mrs. Sadie Vastie Car- Ci/-1??-?ter Lamb to be admitted and cared for at the County Home because of physical disability , which confines her to bed, and she is in constant need of nursing care. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the petition be granted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. DISCOUNTS AND REBATES - Mr. Williams observed that it had come to his attention that some drug firms were ;- allowing quantity discounts and volume rebates to the Community Hospital which were not al- / ways reported or refunded to the Countyts credit of the Hospital account. He offered a motion that all checks in the future for rebstes or refunds made for quantity purchase of drugs or supplies be made payable to New Hanover County and credited to the Hospital Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. COMMERCIAL HOTEL - ,/ Mr. Williams remarked that there was a pressing need for a commercial hotel large enough to accomodate conventions in our County and suggested the following Resolution be adopted urging the bui2ding of such facilities at Wrightsville Beach: WHEREAS, Conventions are beneficial to the organizations represented and to the counties which the conventions ar.e held and WHEREAS, North Carolina does not have a beach resort hotel adequate for large conventions, and WHERFAS, an adequate resort hotel on the shores of North Carolina would be an asset to the State as a whole, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County do hereby go on record as favoring the construction of such a hotel at Wrights- / ville Beach, North Carolina at the earliest practical date, n u^?' AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution be sent to the Mayor ??v?? and Aldermen of 'IArightsville Beach, the Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce, and the local news media. Mr. Williams then offered a motion for the adoption of this resolution. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. PHOTOGRAPHIC EQUIPMENT - The Sheriff presented an invoice covering photographic supplies which had been 1-11 purchased for use of the department in recording actual pictures of cr ? ime scenes. The total amounted to $41,6.15 which he requested an appropriation to cover. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the purchase of this photographic equipment be approved and that $1,16.15 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to Sheriff's Dept. -Capital Outiay Fund, It was seconded by Nm. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. PETIT JURY The following good and lawful persons were selected to serve as jurors in the trial of cases in Superior Court for the week beginning October 3rd, Criminal Term; for the weeks beginning October lOth and 17th°, Civil Term; and the week beginning Octoybel 31; Criminal Term: _ / Jurors - Week beqinninq October 3, 1960 - Criminal cases E. R. Bray 2 T Lake Village Alton T. Davis W. J. Lewis Wilmington N. C. Dirk Swart III P..V. Helms 3722 Winston Blvd. Cliff C. Morris,Jr. C. F. Pratt 11$ Evans St. C. A. Olmstead A. C. Divine 201 Borden Ave. J. C. Morgan , L. J. Canty 154 Nun St. Jack C. Holland H. E. Fales 1707 Carolina Ave. F. S. Edwards E. N. Hewett 4208 Cedar Ave. J. E. Mitchell E. A. Futch RFD 1, Box 353 M. L. Clement H. R. Drake 411 Castle St. David S. Harriss S. A. Miller 17 South Crreenville Av .W. M. Cannon C. V. Newton 2002 Creasy Ave. J. C. Hardwick J. L. Colley 2201 Princess Rd. J. F. Crawford Robert E. Bell RFD #2, Box 177 Ernes t M. Allen Bennie Harriss 510 S. 6th Street W. G. Fountain R. H. Brady, Jr. RFD 3, Box 265 Edgar E. Mrilliams J. D. Miller % Custom House Rober t E. Vereet Joseph M. Hines 1140 Country Club Rd. T. F. Cartrette Coy S. Bullard 27 Pinecrest Pkwy. F. R. Harrell Lee Fu n Howe 3806 Wrightsville Ave. W. P. Roudabush Charle s E. Dillon 303 Southern Blvd. Willi am L. Smith Willia m T. Shearin 3709 Wilshire Blvd. Joel R. Babcock Varnel l Lee Caldwe1 1143 Spofford Mills Dudle y P. Lewis A. C. Musselwhite Wilmington, N. C. Thurs ton Formyduval Willia m Julius Farr ow 325 Pine Grove Dr. Clare nce L. Holland i ? / 4011 Oleander Drive Castle Hayne, N. C. 1115 Hawthorne Rd. P. o. Box 691 127 5umter Drive 18'Lee Drive 410 North Carolina Ave. 402 Sunset Ave. 1191 Forest Hills Drive 2211 Oleander Drive 128 Renovah Street 507 Colonial Drive 29 Pine Crest Terrace 1606 Princess Street P.O. Box 216 99 Lee Drive 86 Pinecrest Pkwy. 206 Keaton Ave. RFD 2, Box 218 Front & Dock Sts: P.O. 9ox 45 2116 Metts Ave. 209 Forest Road 3618 Winston Blvd. 1915 Nun Street L `? f ? v°0".? Ninutes of the Neeting Septeinber.6, 1960 JURORS - (Continued) Jurors for week beqinninq October 10, 1960 - Civil J. D. Hill P. O. Box 264 Carolina Beach, N.C. E. ? A. Ross RFD 2, Box 254 M.'B. Ward, Jr. 3917 Wrightsville Ave. W. G. Winn 217 South 15th St. T. D. Piner,Sr. RFD 2, Box 132 J. F. Sneeden 2001 Castle St. H. w. Barnes P. O. Box 1288 A. M. Sholar Jr. 4803 Cedar Ave. Wm. D. Kassens 1815 Perry Ave. A. C. Everett 1909 Pender Ave. W. L. Flowers ive ry General Del E. J. Matzke N h 18K?,reLakecVillage John F . Cox, Jr. 610 Chestriut St. I. J. Sutton Box 1199, City A. L. Kelly, Jr. 516 Sunset Ave. C. H. Dooley en. Deliver ? arolina Bea h T. H. Devane 301 S. 13th Street Charle s Shepard 209 Wrightsville St. Joseph N. Brittain2202 Cedar Street Willia m W. Hinton 2207 Cameilia Drive Newton Gillette 5702 Oleander Drive Zobia Dan Garner 508 Nun Street Daniel F. Hartley 5808 Roseland Drive Willie R. Suggs 606 Colwell Ave. Lawren ce E. White 1014 Grace St. John L.nMcCorkle C. C. Wallace, Jr. Hubert C. Russ W. A. Hardee Trez Martin Richard F. Walker Charles S. Hewitt James E. Swart Clyde M. Bordeaux Jr. N. H. McClellan Wil l iam D. Cray Ma,jor L. Brumble Marvin Barfield Fred L. Hewett Haywood B. Gover Steve Harriton Herbert T. Fisher Sylvester Taylor Winnie Truesdale Smith Barber William N. Sidbury McKiniey Waters Sidney L. Baker Ben H. Wright, Jr. John William Hines Jurors - Week beqinning October 17,1960 - Civil 1 P. C. Rann RFD 3, Box 130 B. C. Deans 417 Wrightsville Ave. O, L. Bender 3915 South Front St. Edwar d Davis 249 Whites Ave. E. M. Hill 2868 C. Adams St. C. J. Dilda 408 Sunset Ave. James S. Davis 518 S. 3rd St. Leon R. Gay 3007 Monroe St. H. V. Conly 2720 Oleander Drive N. F. Costin 303 McMillan Ave. Ubert H. Flack 2913 C. Adams St. James H. Sloan SOt} Country Club Rd. W. H. McCall RFD 3, Box 408 L. R. Armstrong 102 Borden Ave. R. H. Snipes RFD 1, Box 416 • Allen Jones 110 S. 12th St. A. D. Watkins 720 Red Cross St. - R. G. Eidson 207 Nun St. Apt. John F. Wallace RFD 1, Box 309 J. W. Streeter RFD 1, Box 249 A Rober t W. Hardison RFD1, Castle Hayne Willi am R. Hammond s218 Pinecrest Pkwy. Edgar C. Crarrabrant 2236 Mimosa Place Arden Cortez Rolli ns2935 Adams 5treet Marvi n D. Pye, Jr. Carolina Beach, N.C. J. N. Alexius, Jr. M. R. Blalock V. A. Creech, Jr. R. P. Cooper Alva E. Penny Robert F. Cameron William C. Carter Harry S. Pope E. A. Rivenbark Thomas A. Shepard John E. Register J. C. Thompson Ralph E. Heath Joseph Breeden Mames B. Giliespie W. D. Stokley John L. Wright W. Henry Williams John A. Johnson W. E. Turner John G. McLemore Winfield Robinson Herbert R. Latimer George J. Smithson Jasper S. Robinson Jurors - Week becainnino October 31, 1960 - Criminal D. J. Batts 4910 Wrightsvilie Ave. C. H. Hayes 212 N. 12th Street Hugh Carr 3025 Adams Street W. T. Todd 202 South 53rd Street W. F. Ganey 2932 APt. C. J,effeEjon Scottie Park 614 South 3rd St. W. E. Kraft 315 N.43rd St. Robert L. Bland P. 0. Box 983 L. D. Nelson 2718 Monroe 5t. W. H. Parker RFD 2, Box 350 B ' E. F. Bryant 210 Keaton Ave. J. A. Glover 12$ S. 4tti St. G. C. Miller 2908 Lake Shore Drive James H. Davis 121 Vance St. Charles T. Blake RFD 2, Box 198 Victor Fox 20 N. 7.th St. D. W. Leonard RFD 1, Box 420 • Sam Lewis Hill RFD i Box 168 • Castle Hayne James P. Rogers 137 Lake Forest Arnold Paolini 323 S. Front St. Thad W. Carmichael 2717 Monroe St. Jack R. Harrell 206:Brightwood Rd. Alexander R. Bordeaux 314 S. 2nd St. William M. Schneider RFD 1, Box 187 A t. Otto Nielsen W. C. Downing G. S. Sherrill C. W. Troutman G. W. McGowan Homer Pierce . Archer D. Walker Alton 'B. 'Powlas R. S. Johnson Isaac B. Pigford Hugh E. Childers J. Frank McCall John G. Brinliley R. M. Buchanan Royce H. Grove Hobart Hansley Paul C. Teachey George T. Swain C. J. Carpenter Eugene M. O'Brien C. M. McCormick William A. Rourk Robert Lane Watters Orville A. Robinson 2311 Chestnut St. 4943 Pine St. 3608 S. Front St. 1805 Queen St. RFD 1, Box 232 C 2277 Mimosa Place RFD 2, Box 394 5741 oleander Drive 120 South 53 Street RFD 2, Box 261 A 54 Lee Drive 14 Hamilton Ave. 36 Spofford 5203 Wrightsville Ave. 3037 Adams 5treet 206 Parkway Blvd.. 1123 Princess Street •211 Kendall Ave. RFD i, Box 135 2913 Jefferson Street RFD i, Box 194 806 Grace Street Gen. Delivery Carolina 915 Rampert Lane 2726 Monroe St. Beach % Atlantic Tobacco Co. Box 167, Carolina Beach 606 Orchard Ave. 2716 Jackson St. 301 Northern Blvd. Box 990 P.O. Box 124, Castle xayne 13 S. Lake Village RFD 1, Box 127 68 Lee Drive 620 S. Front St. 18 N. Lumina, Wrightsv. Beach 327 Davie Drive 2224.Plaza Drive P. o. Box 153 RFD 3, Box 276 P. O. Box 5, Wrightsv. Beach RFD 2,'Box 212 5536 Oleander Dr. 4411 Narket St. 103 Francis Marion Drive RFD 1, Box 465 P. o. Box 134 111 North 5th St. 1309 Grace Street r Box 174, Carolina Beach Carolina Beach, N. C. 5105 Wrightsville Ave. 2942 Adams St. RFD 3, Box 291 2862 Jefferson St. 308 North 5th St. RFD 3, Box 153 320 N: 19th St. 134Spofford 213 Forest Rd. 1101 Cypress Dr. RFD 2, Box 183 D 218 Oak Leaf Dr. 4602 Wrightsville Ave. 228 Bonham Ave. RFD 2, Box 180 A 608 Orange 5t. Kure Beach, N. C. 158 Colonial Circle 321 Castle Hayne Rd. 3629 Wrightsviile Ave. 637 Castle Hayne Rd. RFD 2, Box 226 'A Minutes of the Meeting September 6, 1960 Continued REPORTS - tion: Tn / / ? ?? "' ?---- ??'.? ? The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- 1- Grand Jury Report for August 1, 1960 in wih ai was noted that an inspect- ion of the County Jail and County Stockad 4 n? gvnd to be in excellent order; The County Home was found to be in excellent order also with except- ion of clothes washing situation. 2=-- Public Notice from U. S. Corps of Engineers noting application for permit to dredge a boat channel in the Wrightsville Sound area. Any ob,jections to this proposed work will be received in their office until September 2, 1960. 3- Public Notices from U. S. Corps of Engineers regarding application for bridge construction across an existing canal in Wrightsville Sound on the southwest side of the causeway to Wrightsville Beach. 4- Appiication from the North,Carolina State Highway Commission to U. S. Cor,ps of Engineers for approval of pians to construct a fixed bridge across the, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway at Snows Cut,.near Carolina Beach. $- N. C. State Highway Commission analysis of long range highway needs in North Carolina. 6- Authorized Changes in North Carolina Route Numbers by State Highway Commiss- ion. 7- Secondary Road Additions approved by State Highway Commission. 8- Notice of the reactivation of the Cape Fear Basin Development Association. 9- Letter from Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of Board of Elections regarding the proposed revision of the "election machinery" for New Hanover. 10- Welfare Statistical Changes of recipients. 11- County Electrical Inspectorts Report for July, 1960. 12- Airport Reports including Disbursements 8 Income for July 1960. 13- County Agent's Report for July, 1960. 14- Home Demonstration Agentl;5 Reports for July 1960 15- Wilmington Public Library for July 1960 16- Colored Public Library Report " " ' BEER PERMITS - The following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation: Andrew E. Frank T/A Antis Cafe 420 N. Front St., ADJOURNMENT - ",Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, adjournment. . W? Wilmington, N.C. the Board unanimous2y voted ? Se retary Wilmington, N. C. September 19,1960 ASSEMBLY The regular semimoRtAly meeting of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00nin'the office of Commissioners in the County Court House. The following members attended: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, .lr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill, County Auditor T. D. Love and Commissioner-Elect J. Van B. Metts. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. V. Randolph, Pastor of the Advent Christian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the meeting of September 6th were unanimously approved as written. DRAINAGE PROBLEM - Mr. W. E. Saunders, RFD #1, Box 414, appeared before the Board requesting some a ? assi-stance in draining a savanna which is threatening to inundate part of his property. The Executive Secretary explained that in April this year a petition was received from Mr. Donald A. Curtis asking for relief from Lhe same problem. At the time the investioation was made on that petition by the Drainage Committee, St was found that a road had been con- structed through the area without a pipe being installed and therefore the road was acting as a dam and holds the water from draining. It was also evident that the ditch which would ordinarily carry the water to the sound needed cleaning out badly. The Drainage Committee is willing to recommend the cleaning of the ditch prov3ded relief is given on the road so that the water can get across it. An investigation through the State Highway Commission indicates that the road was constructed by the WPA forces in 1933 or 1934 and has since been abandoned because of the later construction of Wrightsville Beach cut-off road connecting US 17 with US 74-76, as it runs along by the State Highway Patrol office. After a brief ? continued- ? ?