1960-09-19 Regular Meeting Minutes of the Meeting September 6, 1960 Continued REPORTS - tion: Tn / / ? ?? "' ?---- ??'.? ? The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for informa- 1- Grand Jury Report for August 1, 1960 in wih ai was noted that an inspect- ion of the County Jail and County Stockad 4 n? gvnd to be in excellent order; The County Home was found to be in excellent order also with except- ion of clothes washing situation. 2=-- Public Notice from U. S. Corps of Engineers noting application for permit to dredge a boat channel in the Wrightsville Sound area. Any ob,jections to this proposed work will be received in their office until September 2, 1960. 3- Public Notices from U. S. Corps of Engineers regarding application for bridge construction across an existing canal in Wrightsville Sound on the southwest side of the causeway to Wrightsville Beach. 4- Appiication from the North,Carolina State Highway Commission to U. S. Cor,ps of Engineers for approval of pians to construct a fixed bridge across the, Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway at Snows Cut,.near Carolina Beach. $- N. C. State Highway Commission analysis of long range highway needs in North Carolina. 6- Authorized Changes in North Carolina Route Numbers by State Highway Commiss- ion. 7- Secondary Road Additions approved by State Highway Commission. 8- Notice of the reactivation of the Cape Fear Basin Development Association. 9- Letter from Mr. Henry C. Bost, Chairman of Board of Elections regarding the proposed revision of the "election machinery" for New Hanover. 10- Welfare Statistical Changes of recipients. 11- County Electrical Inspectorts Report for July, 1960. 12- Airport Reports including Disbursements 8 Income for July 1960. 13- County Agent's Report for July, 1960. 14- Home Demonstration Agentl;5 Reports for July 1960 15- Wilmington Public Library for July 1960 16- Colored Public Library Report " " ' BEER PERMITS - The following application for a Beer Permit was reviewed and referred to the Sheriff for his investigation: Andrew E. Frank T/A Antis Cafe 420 N. Front St., ADJOURNMENT - ",Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, adjournment. . W? Wilmington, N.C. the Board unanimous2y voted ? Se retary Wilmington, N. C. September 19,1960 ASSEMBLY The regular semimoRtAly meeting of the Board of New Hanover County Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00nin'the office of Commissioners in the County Court House. The following members attended: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, .lr. and Berry A. Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill, County Auditor T. D. Love and Commissioner-Elect J. Van B. Metts. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend W. V. Randolph, Pastor of the Advent Christian Church, to open the meeting with a prayer for guidance. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the meeting of September 6th were unanimously approved as written. DRAINAGE PROBLEM - Mr. W. E. Saunders, RFD #1, Box 414, appeared before the Board requesting some a ? assi-stance in draining a savanna which is threatening to inundate part of his property. The Executive Secretary explained that in April this year a petition was received from Mr. Donald A. Curtis asking for relief from Lhe same problem. At the time the investioation was made on that petition by the Drainage Committee, St was found that a road had been con- structed through the area without a pipe being installed and therefore the road was acting as a dam and holds the water from draining. It was also evident that the ditch which would ordinarily carry the water to the sound needed cleaning out badly. The Drainage Committee is willing to recommend the cleaning of the ditch prov3ded relief is given on the road so that the water can get across it. An investigation through the State Highway Commission indicates that the road was constructed by the WPA forces in 1933 or 1934 and has since been abandoned because of the later construction of Wrightsville Beach cut-off road connecting US 17 with US 74-76, as it runs along by the State Highway Patrol office. After a brief ? continued- ? ? 611 1 Minutes of the Meeting September 19, 1960 (Continued) DRAINAGE PROBLEM - (continued) discussion of the problem, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Executive Secretary write the State Highway Commission and explain this situation and see if they would be willing to make some correction that would help relieve the problem. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and was unanimously approved. C, ?3,c, / CONMUNITY HOSPITAL BUDGET - Mr. Holton observed, that he had heen informed that subsequent to the action of the Board on September 6th approving permission for the Community Hospital Board of / Directors to make adjustments in their detailed Budget for the best interests of the Hosp- ital so long as they stayed within the total Budget appropriation, that some oF the Admin- ---lm-U' istrative personnel had been recommended for raises. He stated that it was his definite understanding when the original action was taken that its purpose was to allow adjustments in the low salaried employees and not to ailow increases to any of the Administrative Staff and voiced a protest against raises for the key personnel., He further interpreted the action to mean that the Board of Directors were empowered to use their discretion in either making adjustments in the low salaried emplo.yeest wage scale or increase personnel. He remarked that he'was aware of the total difference of approximately $18,000 in the , salary items included in the Budget and thought the Board of Directors should have author- ity to use their best judgement for the more efficient operation of the hospital. Mr. Williams observed that his intent in making the original motion to permit the Board of Directors to operate within the total Budget was for them to: #1- Allow adjustments in the wages of personnel or #2- They could use their discretion as to whether to use the available funds to make the adjustments in salaries or for the employment of.aiiditional personnel #3- That increases in any'Budget items should show a corresponding decrease in other Budget items at the time the change is made. By common consent, these points of clarification were approved as the official policy of the Board regarding the Budget for Community Hospital. Communitv Hosoital Director - Mr. Broadhurst observed that there was a vacancy ? on the Board of Directors for Community Hospital caused by the resignation of Colonel A.P. Kelly and offered a motion that Mr. Charlton A. Pope be appointed to complete the Board. There was no second to this motion and the Chairman ruled it dead. Mr. YJilliams then offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to appoint a member to the Board of Dir- ectors.• It was seconded by Mr.. Holton and when the votes were cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" but as the others had voted in the affirmative, the Chairman ruled the motion carried. SCHOOLS - CAP I TAL OUTLAY i ?$ A letter was received and read from the Consolidated Board of Education thank- ing the Commissioners for their thoug&t and deliberations on the School Budget requests. They re-emphasized the fact that they had presented a conservative Budget and were alarm- ed over'the small Capital Outlay appropriation. They reminded the Board of Commissioners that in event an emergency presented itself they might have to make an additional request for funds. In closing, they again expressed their disappointment in the small Capital Outlay and observed that a great amount of work needed to be done in that field and hoped that the Capital Outlay Budget might be appreciably increased in the future. The Chair- man ordered the correspondence filed for reference. i DRAINAGE-WILMINGTON BEACH A letter was read from Mr. W. :H. :Green who owns property on Fourth Street in Wilmington Beach advising that an acute drainage problem had developed in that area and requested an investigation with the possibility in mind of gettinc some relief as the water stays in the area continually. By common consent;of the Board, it was referred to the Executive Secretary and the Drainage Supervisor for handling. r TUNNEL CROSSING THE CAPE FEAR RIVER A letter was received from Mr. Harry Hayden, a local citi2en,suggesting that the Commissioners encovrage the State Highway Commission to investigate a tunnel crossing of the Cape Fear River in order to eliminate the tanker transport traffic from Third Street and eliminate the controversy between the proponents of the high level bridge at the south end and the low level bridge at the north end. He further suggests in event the tunnel is not feasible, a water-skirt route along the river which would remove the unsightly and snaggle-toothed appearance now viewed by passengers aboard incoming and outgoing ocean liners through Wilmington Harbor,* The Chairman suggested that Mr. Hayden be thanked for his interest and suggestion, a: consideration be given this idea. VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER - ` 1-1 The Executive Secretary explained that the Chairman had requested a review of ')?I"O;V"'`2 - the action taken on July 18 deleting the recommendation for the recently resigned Veterans Service Officer. Chairman Hall is of the opinion that a letter of recommendation should be written as requested. After a brief discussion of matter, Mr. Williams suggested that individual letters could be written by any member of the Board as far as character was concerned but he did not feelthat it should come as a corporate action of the Board. Mr. "roadhurst offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to write a letter of recom- mendation but it received no second, and the Chairman ruled it dead. The Chairman then ? agreed that he would write a personal letter of recommendation. SALARY ADJUSTMENT - MENTAL HEALTH ? The Chairman informed the Board that at the last meeting of the Consolidated Board of Health an adjustment was recommended for Mrs. Betty B. West who is emp2oyed in the Mental Health Program of the Health Department. After some discussion of the advis= ability for this change, Mr. Holton moved that the'Board of Health be authorized to make adjustments so long as they stayed within the present appropriation. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and when the votes were•cast, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO", however, as other mem- bers of the Board voted "Yes", the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. TAX LEVY AUTHORITY - T? - Chairman Hall.observed that in a recent review of the legislative act author- ? izing the Health Department, he had discovered that they were invested with the power to levy taxes. After a discussion of the subject, the Board by common consent, instructed the Executive Secretary to confer with County Attorney John Bright Hill and secure a ruling(?le?" on this apparent authority and report back to the Board at the next meeting. I 612 Minutes of the Meeting September 19, 1960 Continued ' f MAJOR DRAINAGE PROGRAM - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that the dragline operation of the County wouid be halted at the end of September because of insufficient funds to continue its activity. He reminded the Board that the Drainage Committee had approved another project in the Ogden area that was scheduled to be completed. The dragline is now at the Airport shop heing repaired and made ready for service as he understood the intent of the Board was to complete the drainage project which had been committed. After some discussion concerning the cost of completing this commitment, the Board authorized the ? Executive Secretary to make an investigation of the cost through the Drainage Supervisor and the Soil Conservation Engineer and report back as soon as possible. , TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that he had an offer from Robert o??•?- Cooper to purchase a part of Lot #1 in Block 252 for the appraised price of $350 which was determined by an examination of the Property Assessors. The City and County only own two-thirds interest in this property and F. C. Sadgwar owns one-third. Mr. Holton moved that approval be given to the sale of this lot for the appraised value of $350.00 , subject to the approval of the City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mously approved. William H. Fisher, at the last meeting, requested an appraisal of ajointly /owned piece of property described as Lot #3 in Block 2 of the West Mercer Subdivision. The Property Assessors appraised the lot at $600. This was reported to the City Council for their approval but before any action was taken on the matter, Mr. Thomas B. Hughes .lr. appeared and made an offer of $700 for the lot, therefore, no action was taken by the Council until the matter could be presented to other interested parties and resolved. Mr. Holton remarked at the time approval was given for the sale at $600 it was the intent of the Board that it be sold to Mr. Fisher who had made the overture to purchase it and he offered a motion.that the sale be ratified. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. /Subsequently the Executive Secretary conferred with the attorney for the Fisher interest and was told that they would not be interested in paying more than the $600 for the lot and in fact they had abandoned the idea of buying it but thought that the City and the County should sell it to the best advantage for the benefit of the taxpayers. ELECTRIC SERVICE - • , Pursuant to instructions at the last meeting the Executive Secretary had arrang- ed for the Electrical Inspector to examine the electrical services in the Court House and particulariy in the Board of Education offices. He reported that an auxilliary panel could be lnstalled in the present service that would furnish sufficient power to operate the electric bookkeeping machine and three air conditioners. He further recommended that if any additional load was placed onthe service, an entire new service equipment would ? have to be installed and suggested not less than 1200 amp. After a discussion of this C 46?wOc, problem, Mr. Holton offered a motion that work proceed and that the funds be transferred from Court House-Repairs to pay for the job. It was seconded by Nr. 4Jilliams and unani- mously approved by the Board. PUBLIC NOTICE - / The Corps of Engineers informed the Board that the Atlantic Coast Line proposed to build a fender system of four 37-pile clusters and eight 5-pile clusters connected by , w07U,,,Wo.P(o guard wales on the Cape Fear River at their drawbridge at Navassa, and the Cast-Away Corp- oration at Carolina Beach wanted to construct three piers in the boat channel for berthing small boats. They requested any objections to this proposed work. The Board unanimously agreed that there was no objections and instructed the Executive Secretary to inform the Corps of Engineers.' INSURANCE SURVEY - ! A request was received from the Baidwin-DesChamps Agency, Incorporat,ed for exclu- sive authority to represent the County for the purpose of negotiating with the insurance companies or rating organizations concerning all matters pertaining to the Public and Insti- tutional Property Plan affecting fire insurance in New Hanover County. The Executive Secre- tary reminded the Board that they had recei'ved a similar request from the Wilmington Assoc- iation of Insurance Aoents, Incorporated in July and that it was his understanding permis- sion was given and the study now underway. By common consent of the Soard, the Chairman was authorized to approve the request made above and authorize the survey of existing ins- urance contracts. BEER LICENSES - The following Beer License application was ordered referred to the Sheriff for investigation: Andrew E. Frank T/A Antis Cafe 420 North Front St., Wilmington,N.C. DONATION - Mr. Braak reported that he had been informed that Mr. Broadhurst had obligated ? the County for six hogs to be contributed to the CAP Friendship Days Committee. Mr. Broad- ?n hurst explained that it was during the confusion caused by Hurricane Donna which had all of the communication lines out of order and he could not call to get approval of the rest of the Board and since the matter was urgent, he took the responsibility but even at that the decision was made too late for them to be delivered in time for the caterers to use them in the barbecue luncheon furnished the.participants in the show sponsored by tkae CAP so he offered a motion that this action be approved and that six hogs be donated at the market price. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved by the Board. ? t ? ?Q- ? ? ACCRUED INTEREST County Auditor Love informed the Board that he had received $2700 in accrued interest on the funds which had been invested for Wilmington College. At a previous meeting, the Board agreed that they should be allocated to the College Building Fund. Mr. Holton offered a motion that $2700 be appropriated from Unanticipated Interest to Wil- mington College Building Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. FORECLOSURE ADJUSTMENT County Auditor T. D. Love reported to the Board that on May 20, 1954 a sale had been made of jointly owned tax foreclosed property in Block 68 to Willie Graham for $498.95• The County's interest in this property amounted to 47% ($234•51) and the City's (continued) L_ Minutes of the Meeting September 19, 1960 Continued FORECLOSURE ADJUSTMENT - (continued) e- `? amounted to 53% ($264.44). Inadvertently, no division has been made of these funds and he suggested that an appropriatdon should be made to correct this error. Mr. Holton offered a motion that $264.44 be appropriated from Unanticipated Funds-Sale of Pro- perty to the City of Wilmington to adjust this matter. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. REPORTS - The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for future reference: 1- New Hanover County Airport Reports for August, 1960 2- U50 Club Report 3- Wilmington Public Library Report for August, 1960 l+- Colored Public Library " " " 5- Notation from Federal Aviation Agency 6- County Agent's Report for August, 1960 , 7- Narrative Reports from Home Demonstration Agents 8- Letters from Seaboard Air Line Railroad Company and ACL Railroad Officials 9- Changes in We2fare Recipients Statistical Reports 10- Roster of Confederate Troops - Publication notice received. l j -m ,Srr.?, ,8wi ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Holton moved adjourn- ment, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. . ? WACT/Houcv,Executive Secretary Joint MeeLing of the New Hanover County Commissioners and Wilmington City Council Sentember 19. 1960 ASSEMBLY - A special called meeting of the New Hanover County Commissioners and the Wilming- ton City Council was held in the Council Room at the City Hall on the above date at 4:30 P. M. County Commissioners present were Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Braak, Holton, and 4Jilliams; Councilmen present were Mayor E. S. Capps, Jr, and Councilmen Burney and Lane, City Manager J. R. Benson and City Attorney Cicero P. Yow. Commissioners Broad- hurst and County Attorney Hill were unavoidably absent from the meeting and Councilmen Batuyios and Wadecould not be present. COWVOCATION - Chairman of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners J. M. Hall, Jr. pre- sided at the meeting and explained that the purpose of the special meeting was to discussN?.?? ? the deepening of the Cape Fear River by the Federal Government. He informed the Board ? that Colonel Harry E. Brown had conferred with him and advised that the project would amount to approximately $6,000,000 in Federal funds and that the Corps of Engineers were , ready to make their recommendation provided local interests (City, County, and State) would construct a dike on Eagles' Island to retain the spoil which would be dredged from ? the bottom in the deepening process. The estimated cost of this dike amounts to $100,000 ?P,.? which Colonel Brown is willing to recommend as the State's participation in the project if the County and City are willing and able to maintain the dike at an estimated cost of $15,000 annually. WAIVER OF NOTICE - Upon motion of Commissioner Hoiton, seconded by Commissioner Braak, the Board of County Commissioners unanimously voted to waive the notice of a special meeting as re- quired under the General Statutes 153-8. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION A brief discussion of this proposal by those present indicated that each of them had an interest in the matter and thought that it would be a very fine thing for New Hanover County and Wilmington to have our harbor deepened to handle any shipping on today's sea lanes. Commissioner Hall explained that he was not informed as to the proposed depth that the Corps of Engineers would recommend but that it would extend for 1i miles beyond the railroad bridge across the Northeast Cape Fear River.. City Attorney inquired as ta the advisability of conferring with Brunswick County with the idea of having them partici- pate in the project. After all the questions had been answered satisfactorily for the ,joint Boards, Councilman Burney offered a motion that the County and.City agree to assume the maintenace of the dike to be constructed on Eagles' Island at an estimated cost of $1$/J00 annually and also that the State be requested to appropriate funds for the construct- ion of the dike at an estimated cost of $100,000 and further that the City [Tianager, City Attorney and the Executive Secretary of the Board of County Commissioners be auLhorized / to draft a letter to Colonel R.P. Davidson, District Engineer of the Corps of Engineers outlining the local interest in this project and urging that a prompt favorable report and ????'•^?'1 recommendation be made to the Chief of Engineers for presentation to the Congress for con- s-Ideration at their next session. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Braak and unan- imously adopted. CONSOLIDATED TAX AUDIT - The City Manager reported that it was time to award a contract for an independ- C?? ent audit of the Consolidated Tax Office. iJpon motion of Councilman Lane, seconded by / Commissioner Holton, the ,joint Boards unanimously approved awarding this audit contract to 7W J.B. McCabe & Company for the fiscal year 1960-61, the cost of which was to be borne joint- ly by the City and County. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Commissioner Holton, seconded il a urney, the Board unanimously adjournEd. ` W. ive%Secretary ?J