1960-10-03 Regular Meeting61. 4 Wilmington, N. C. October 3, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the Court House. The fol- lowing members were present: Chairman JT.„M.,.,Hall, Jr„ Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, and J. E. Holton, Jr.; Cbunty Attorney iJohn Bright Hill, County Auditor T. D. Love, Commissioners-Elect J. Van B. Metts and Ernest R. Mayhan. Commissioner Berry A. Wil- liams was unable to be present for the meeting, INVOCATION - Reverend C. H. McLean, who caas scheduled to serve as Chapiain, was called to the hospital and was unable to be present and the Chairman called on Mr. P. M. Camak, Dir- ector of the Greater Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, for the invocation. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - The minutes of the regular meeting and the joint meeting with the City Council, both held on September 19th, were upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved. TAX BOOKS - County Auditor Love presented the tax.books for the fiscal year for approval and delivery to the Tax Collector. He explained that the totals would not be available until the middle of the week because of the increase in the valuations and population, the work load continues to grow, and several of his employees had been out sick, therefore,they were a few days late. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the tax books were accepted with the prov3sion that final figures were to be inserted in the minutes. TAX VALUES AND LEVY FOR 1960 1960 1959 Real $ 1i9,409,581 $ ii5,285,881 Personal 30,955:733 29,298,022 Corporate Excess 4,020,533 3,722,199 Total Valuation g 154,385,847 $'148;306;102 Taxes 1,929;860.32• . 1,750,039.35 Poll Tax 18,752.00 19,430.00 Dog Tax 4,916.00 5,013.00 Penalty N/L 4,527.76 4,280•49 i,958,056.08 1,778,762.84 TAX SETTLEMENT - ? Tax Collector Sam W. Johnson presented the settlement of the 1959 County taxes -T? showing the following: , Total charges $1,793,396.53 Collections and bank deposits 1,793,450•59 This leaves overage of 54.06 In searching for the differences in the tax receipts and the amount of the bank deposits and collections, the Tax Collector has discovered an error of $65.86 which was credited to the County that should have been paid to the City. Search for the other small errors will continue until the total receipts reconcile with the total deposits. The independ- ent auditors are now making their audit and the corrections will be made then. He noted that this represented a percentage of 95.26 of collections of,the charges. Upon motion of Mr. Holton, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the settlement accepted as presented by the Tax Collector, subject to confirmation of the independent auditors. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE - Junior DairY Show - Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of the Gr.eater Wilmington Chamber ? of Commerce,reported that the Junior Dairy Show was very successful this year and they were abie to save $343•95 from last yearts cost. He explained that t"?Ie spring Market Stock Show and Sale expenditures amounted to $428.43 more than the allocation of funds by the County Commissioners for that event and he requested that the overage of $343•95 which they were _.--, able to save on the .lunior Dairy Show be used to offset the deficits of $428.43 resulting from the Market Stock Show and Sale. He said the Chamber of Commerce would be willing to absorb the deficit of $84.48. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this request. Entertainment - Mr. Mortimer S. Neblett, Chairman of the Committee on Entertain- ment for the Chamber of Commerce, explained that he was planning an appreciation dinner for the officers of Camp LeJeune and requested an allocation of $150.00 to assist in thfs pro- ?G ject. Director P. M. Camak, who was present, explained that the Chamber of Commerce was 4'07??L?_ interested bringing money and industry into New Hanover County, but he thought we should 1 continue to let the officers and personnel nearby Camp LeJeune know that we appreciate the 04(_W? large volume of business which they bring into the County. He also observed that the City of Wilmington and the Chainber of Commerce would participate in this endeavor. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously approved this request and allocated $150.00 from the Entertainment appropriation. Advertisinq Allotment - Mr. Camak reminded the Board that on June 30th the Greater 'VTilmington Chamber of Commerce, through its presiderit, explained their need for an advertising program in the spring and summer particularly aswe are competing with surround- /ing areas in the luring of tourists to our County. Their program for the fiscal year in- ?-+^"",?-cludes advertising the assets New Hanover County through duly licensed and recognized med- ium located fifty miles or more beyond the County line for which they ask $4,000 and secondly, the agricultural program which includes the Junior Dairy Show and Sale and the Market $tock Show and Sale which will require an estimated $4,000. He pledged a full account to the Board and suggested advertising as in the past. It is their desire to create a desirable climate where people will like to visit, live, work, and establish aoing concerns of taxable value. The Chairman thanked him for their efforts to promote New Hanover County and assure him that due consideration should be given to their request. ` (`P1.A. 15 Minutes of the Meeting ._October. 3, 1960 Continued CAP FRIENDSHIP DAYS - Mr. James B. Moore, General Chairman of Third Annual CAP Friendship Days Show, explained that they considered the show an outstanding success and that it had created sufficient atmosphere to take on a natinnal climate as special recognition was given it in many magazines with a national circulation and, in fact, several sent writers to cover the event in person. He expressed, particularly, his satisfaction for the unselfish and efficient efforts of the Sheriff's Department and the Highway Patrol, as weil as the ROTC and Military Police in handling the estimated crowd of 115,000 persons. He explained that there were innumerable incidental expenses incurred which could not be forseen in the original planning. They amounted to a total of $1185.00 and he requested the County to allocate $450.00 to help defray this deficit. He is requesting a like allotment from the City and has individual pledges for the balance of the total deficit providing the City and County are,willing to help him. Mr. Holton reminded the Board that his original motion had been to allocate the same amount this year as was given last year to this cause which was $750.00 instead of $300.00 which was approved at the meeting on September 6, 1960 and therefore, he moved that the additional $450.00 be approved as intended in the original motion, which will bring the total up to the same as last year. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried. Mr. Moore thanked the Board and ex- pressed his hope for them to be a co-sponsor next year. DRAIPJAGE - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that at the instructed to confer with the State Highway Commission with refer from US 17 to the Wrightsville Beach Cut-Off by the State Highway was obstructing the free flow of water in a natural direction and is overflowing into the property of Mr. W. E. Saunders and others last meeting, he was znce to a road running Patrol Station which damming up an area which ? in that vicinity. A letter from the Division Engineer informs us that the road in question was not taken over by the State in 1931 and is not a part of New Hanover County Secondary Road System, there- fore, the road would normally revert to the original property owner on which it is located. He suggests that the property owner be contacted and if he is agreeable then to open_a ditch across the road which would ali.ow the water to flow in its natural direction. By common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to refer this petition to the Drainage Committee for their investigation and recommendation. PROPERTY VALUATION - A letter was received from the Schloss Estate Corporation calling attention to the damages suffered to their properties by Hurricane Donna and requesting the Commission- ers to make an inspection with the view to adjusting their valuations. They allege that their ocean front lots were severely lashed by the storm and that 4 or 5 feet of sand was ? washed away from their property between Lumina and the old Rineheart Cottage, and from -?-L-? several of the Sound lots in the Seaforth Development which were damaged by high waters. After considering the problems involved in this request, Mr. Holton moved that the matter be referred to the Tax Supervisor and presented at the next meeting of the Board of Equal- ization and Review. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ACCESS ROAD Mr. Richard F. Meier presented a petition signed by the property owners at ? ' Wrightsville Beach and Harbor Island requesting the opening of an access road parailel to ?.,•-D'? ' Channel Drive to the Wrightsville Beach School property on Harbor Island. As the entire road would be located on the property owned by Shore Acres Development Company, he had secured written approval for rights-of-way from Mr. J. Lawrence Lee, the president. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the Board approve this request and give wholehearted support to this very deserving project and that the petition and recommendation be sent to the State High- way Commission for their consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously endorsed by the Board. PROPERTY REAPPRAISAL - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that on May 2nd, 1960, they approv- ed the sale of a lot described as being in Bronx A, Lot 9 for an appraised value of $280.00 v to Mr. Thomas E. Neville. Mr. Neville considered the valuation excessive and refused to accept it. General R. S. McClelland now has a client who has offered $150.00 cssh for the? E? lot. He states that it is in an undeveloped wilderness and if the Commissioners agree to accept this offer it will be developed and pleced on the tax books. The matter was dis- cussed with the Property Assessors who have made a reinvestigation and revised their ? appraisal and recommend that it be sold for the $150.00 offered. Mr. Broadhurst moved that the Board approve the revaluation at $150.00 and accept General NtcClelland's offer to purchase but that the man who made the originai offer be given first refusal at that price, subject to approval of the City Council. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unani- mously approved. COPM7UNITY HOSPITAL Mr. A1 E. Gibson, Chairman of the Finance Committee for the Board of Directors, ? accompanied by the Board explained that they were seeking some clarification for guidance in administering the finances of the hospital under the restrictions that were placed on them by the Commissioners at their meeting on September 6th. He explained that it placed the Board of Directors in a difficult position'and they were asking the Commissioners to put confidence in th oard which they had appointed to do this ,job and allow them a free hand in operation oflhgspital one year. He cited the fact that last year they had not expended the entire Budget and had more than $7,000 left over, which was some indication of their conscientious efforts to operate efficiently and save the taxpayers money. He observed that much progress had been made during the past year and the thought the achieve- ments were worthy and that they were proud of the improvements they ha) accomplished, and that if the indigent patients, of which represented 60 to 62% of those hospitali2ed there, were placed in the other local hospitals the cost to the taxpayers would have been $198,000 as compared to the $168,000 which was the cost last year, thereby saving and in their opinion justifying the continuation of Community Hospital. Mr. Holton explained that his reason for approving the restrictions on the administrations of funds was chiefly in the low salary clarification and that it was not his intent for the administrative or key personnel to receive salary increases as no other County employees had been granted such increases for the'fiscal year but it was rather an effort to bring the underpaid low salaried employees' compensation up to a more equitable standard. After a detailed dis- cussion of the various factors surrounding this problem, the Chairman explained that the continued- -A Minutes of the Meeting October 3, 1960 Continued COMA7UNITY HOSPITAL - (continued) i only restriction as he saw it was in the realm of administrative or key per- sonnel. Dr. Eaton then suggested a ciear line of demarkation should be established be- tween the understanding of what is considered administrative or key personnel and ask- ed if nurses or nurses' supervisors should be included. Commissioner Braak is still of the opinion that the hospital should be chartered and operated with a Board of Trustees or Managers and the County pay for its indigents on a per diem basis. Mr. E. M. Butler suggested that the Finance Committee of the hospital prepare a detailed list of the recom- mended adjustments in salaries and discuss them with the County Auditor and he thought that an amiable understanding could be worked out which would be agreeable and satisfact- ory to all concerned. County Auditor Love recommended that the Finance Committee have these recommendations approved by the Board of Directors before the specific adjustments were brought down for cons3deration. After a brief discussion of this suggestion, the Board, by common consent, unanimously agreed on this procedure and instructed them to present it before them at their meeting on November 7th for further consideration. INSURANCE PROGRAM - Pursuant to authority given the Chairman at their meeting on August lst, the Wilmington Association of Insurance Agents Incorporated advised that they were in the ???µ,Yer*-`? process of making a physical inspection of all properties owned by the County for the pur- pose of appraising them for safety of life and fire provision, as well as seeking revis- ed rates under the new Public and Institutional program through the actual inspection by the Rate Bureau Engineers. They request that the permission be put in writing so that they can make application for completing the survey which they have started. The Chair- man recalled,that he had signed such a letter for the Baldwin-DesChamps Agency which was approved by the Board at the September 19th meeting. After a brief discussion of this dilemma, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Chairman be authorized to handle the con- flicting requests as he sees fit. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. SCHEDULE "B" LICENSE - A letter was received from Mr. Harold Chase stating that he was a disabled veteran and requesting permission to sell rummage in New Hanover County without paying the Schedule B License fee. After a brief discussion, Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Executive Secretary be authorized to handle this request based on two considerations: 1- That it be cleared with the Health Department 2- That the Veterans, Administration furnish a letter confirming the disability of the petitioner. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. (The Veterans' Administration have verified the disability and the Health Department has no objection with the'exception of used mattress- es and bedding which is covered by the State Statutes.) ADVERTISING ALLOTNENT - JAYCEE A request was received from the State Junior Chamber of Commerce Directory for inserting an advertisement, the cost of which is $50.00 to be shared.equally between the ? City and County. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the County approve payment of $25.00 as its share of this joint z page advertisement in the State Jaycee Directory, It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously approved. CONFEDERATE CENTENNIAL CONMITTEE - A news letter was received from the State Confederate Centennial Commission requesting the County Commissioners to appoint a local Centennial Coromittee to work with / the State Commission in conducting the commemoration on a local level. The local commit- ?,n tee will also be in charge of marking all confederate sites and graves, the rededication of monuments and a compolation of troop units enlisted from the area. It urges all resi- dents of the County to take an active interest in this anniversary and assist the local committee in all possibie ways. Mr. Holton offered a motion that the Chairman be authoriz- ed to appoint a committee to handle this important historical function. (The Chairman has appointed Mr. Henry J. MacMillan, Jr. Chairman of the Committee composed of Mrs. J. S. I Crowley, Mrs. Georye Allie Moore, Jr., Mr. Glenn M. Tucker of Carolina Beach and Mr. W. G. Houck.) , HARBOR ISLAND CAUSE4lAY - A letter was received from Mr. E. Lawrence Lee, President of Shore Acres Com- pany, requesting the Board to endorse his request to the State Highway Commission a'sking ? to extend their northern right of way boundary from Harbor Island westward across the w0,XZ,w0-'o causeway and to release the balance to the north of that which would still leave 70.2 feet of right of way for the State Highway Commission. The Chairman observed that he was familiar with the request and the situation since he had surveyed the site for the salt water conversion plant and asked for authority to honor the request of Mr. Lee to write the State Highway Commission in his behalf. Upon motion of Nr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Holton, the Board unanimously agreed for him to write the letter. AIRPORT GROUND TRANSPORTATION - Mr. Louis W. Latham reported to the Board that he was representirryAvis Trans- (/W portation Company which desired a location at the local Airport. The Board informed him that at present the Hertz people had a lease which was recently executed for a 5 year ? exclusive righL. Mr. Latham thanked the Board and observed that he merely wanted to ? clarify this point and check the present commitments of the Board in regard to this ser- ? vice. No action was taken on matter. I AIRPORT DONNA DAMAGES - ? The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that Hurricane Donna had destroy- ed a portion of the roof of the large hanger now being leased to the Piedmont Airlines ? and explained that the repair materials would have to be ordered from the factory in Ohio and he asked for authority to place an order for the replacement material in order that it could be,shipped and enroute by the time we had received bids for the repairs. He ° also reported that the large generator which furnishes emergency current to the control towers and runway lighting `was overheated and field coils destroyed and that they would have to be rey,ound. The airport manager has recommended that it be sent back to the fact- ory for this repair job, however he admitted that there were two firms in New Hanover County that had equipment heavy enough to make repairs. After a brief discussion of these problems, Mr. Braak offered a motion that authorization be given to ordering the material and that the recommendation to return the generator to the factory for repairs be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously carried,,dl this was considered Mi. emergency. 6? Minutes of the Meeting October 3, 1960 (Continued) COUNTY HOME PETITIONS - Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, Superintendent of the Welfare Deartment in New Hanover . County, presented the following petitions for admission to the County Home for care, George Melvin and Delma Morgan Moody. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broad- hurst, these petitions were unanimously approved. e , ?B-H?-•- ? / PARK BEAUTIFICATION - ? Mr. E. C. Funderburk, Superintendent of the City-County Schools informed the `? Board that there was a strip of Hugh MacRae Park adjacent to the Roland-Grise High School property adjoining NC Highway 132 and requested permission to clean up and beautify this small strip of County property. After a brief discussion of the terms of the grant by the MacRae family, the Board unanimously authorized the approval of this request pro- vided the Executive Secretary clear it with Mr. Hugh M. Morton and the State Forester in event trees had to be cut. REPORTS - reference: The following reports and letters were reviewed and ordered filed for future 1- Notice of the !}-H Club Poultry Sale at the Farmerst Wholesale Market on October bth at 2:00 P. M. . , 2- Notice from General Services Administration advising that the Notice of Reverter on Airport property is being.contested. • ? 3- Letter from Colonel Harry E. Brown of the Department of Water Resources advisino that the State would provide $100,000 to build a dike on Eagles' Island. 4- Letter from Henry Von Oesen R Associates attaching preliminary estimates for Hurricane Donna damage on County property amounting to $43,000. 5- Copies of the 1960-61 Secondary,Road Plan and Maintenance Allocation and Cons- truction in New Hanover County. 6- Thank-you letter from Edward Scheidt, Commissioner of Department of Motor Ve- av?.?m? hicles. 7- Notice from the State Board of Public Welfare of the Federal and State funds allocated for the month of June amounting to $97,464.12 PETIT JURY - 0rcc.t The following good and laifful citizens were selected to serve as Jurors in ? d Superior Courtfor the week beginning November 7th, Criminal term; for the weeks beginning November 21 and November.28, Civil term. Jurors for week beqinninq November 7, 1960 - Criminal term D. R. Lee Benjamin Gurr Leo Fowler D. A. Bellamy Leo J. Bland L. J. Edwards H. L. Cooper W. L. Warren L. S. Holland T. M. Dowling L. R. George Jr. R. J. Schnell H. F. Koonce R. V. }Cittle Rufus G. Cook T. N. Sirnmons W. S. Pittman John D. Parris Vernon L. Hopkins Charles R. McGhee Morton G. Futch John B. McMichael Benford L. Smith Hampton H. Jarman DeLeon Kornegay 311+ W411iamson Dr. 2103 Brandon Road 140 Spofford 27 Morningside 217 Floral Pkwy. 1904 Castle St. 1405 Grace St. . 511 Chestnut St. 23 Jacksonville Ave. 106 Bordeaux Ave. 146 Pinecrest Pkwy. 2534 Harrison St. 718 Market St. 4634 Long Leaf Hills 4209 Oleander Dr. RFD 2, Box 146 2012 6Jrightsville Ave. 1725 Carolina Ave. 510 Princess 5t. 1015 s. 14tn st. P. O. Box 192, CaEoliRa 44 Dexter St. eac 609 S. 17th st. 2823 Washington St. 126 Rutledge Dr. Homer E. Chesser, Sr. L. Schwartz M. J. Fountain John D. Hufham Euoene Bryan J. S. McKenzie D. N. Chadwick James N.Powell Helen Lovering H. W. Stovall, Jr. Houston L. Spivey J. C. Henderson Fred H. Baker M. 0. Saunders James H. Craig Samuel Scheer G. G. Richardson Benj. Y. Fussell Lester Maquire Charles A. Dellinger William F. Benton Carl R. Dell-Ross Stanley H. Benson Jr. Charlie Leonard Isaac Ralph Rollins Jr. Jurors for week beninninq November 21, 1960 - Civil Term A. H. Yow 1801 Nun St. R. L. Lewis A. Russ 417 S. 17th St. James E. Johnson C. L. Munn 3825 Princess St. G. A. Hardwick Ira L. Hill 4300 Oleander Dr. K. E. Johnson O. E. Rhodes 4915 Pine St. R. E. Sanders C. F. Smith 4916 Wrightsville Ave. Curtis Benton J. R. Parker 1410 S. 2nd St. W. W. Peterson A. J. Cooper P. O . Box 1378 Albert'Axler Rodney B. Teal 43 L ee Drive Jack T. Bland R. B. Kir}cham P. O. Box 1524 J. F. Rockette H. N. Leneane 314 Midland Drive Tony McDowell J. M. Shytle 3614 Straford Blvd. Edward J. Scott Wm. J. Bramble RFD 1, Box_92 James I. Hines A. R. Kimrey 2216 Chestnut St. J. Love Davis James N. Robbins 114 Jasmine St. Sidney G. Woody M. E. Blanton RFD 1, Box 22?astle Hayne Henry A. Jordan Jack W. Weeks 239 Calhoun llr. S. P. Livingston Roger W. Hewlett 615 Country Club Rd. Robert H. Clemmons Sr C. J. Montgomery 216 S. 3rd St. James B. Stokely continued- 2006 Pender Ave. 713 N. 4th St. 110 West Lake Shore 1913 Creasy Ave. RFD 1, Box 442 151!} An n 5 t. 203 Oakleaf Dr. 119 Moroan St. 712 Market St. 1216 Fairway Dr. 423 s. 4tn st. 120 Ward St. 209 Dixie Ave. Kure Beach, N. C. 911 Orange St. 419 Dock St. 5901 Oleander Dr. 32 Morningside Dr. 414 Church St. sox 1490 202 S. 42nd St. 2869 B. Adams Box 307, wriggeac?ille 216 5. 8th st. Box 491, RFD # 3 1302 Castle St. RFD 1, Box 176 60 Pinecrest Pkwy. 209 Keaton Ave. RFD 1, Box 139 102 5outhern Blvd. 31 Live Oak Ave. 905 N. 4th St. RFD 1, Box 228 A 3909 Wilshire Blvd. RFD 1, Box 13 Box 237 Castle Hayne RFD 3 203 s. 41st st. RFD 3, Box 143 6350 Oleander Dr. RFD 3, sox 359 2850 E. Jefferson 2536 van Buren .. J Minutes of the Meeting October 3, 1960 Continued PETIT JURY (Continued) Jurors- Continued Jesse Lee Gooden 714 S. 5th St. Bryant Sneeden 1608 Church 5t. Brooks T. Williams 22 S pofford Randolph F. Crow RFD 2, Box 53 Clarlc W. Poisson 315 S. Front St. Daniel L. Thompson 720 Chestnut St. Willie Sue Johnston RFD 3, Box 600 Raymond Arms Nichol sP. O. Box 1071 Mauric e A. Pace 401 North Carolina Av.W. G. Hasha_gen 102 Brookwood L. J. Hilburn 4115 bdilshire Blvd. W. D. Wright RFD 3, Box 148 Jurors for week beqinninq November 28, 1960 - Civil F. S. Burr, Jr. J. F. Reed Coy Talent G. F. Dew, Jr. G. M. Hall R. A. Yopp, Sr. J. S. Fisher C. W. Taylor N. J. Plisco Hugh MacRae II Julius C. Ez2e11 James C. Hogan B. F. Rhodes Fred Edwards John H. Ammons R. P-: Jones C. Fred Cameron Jack B. Farrar Lowell Clark Charles H. Shotts J. L. Craighead Cornelius Spicer John A. VonOeson Fletcher L. Honeycutt Herbert Carl Prince ADJOURNMENT - . The motion unanimously adopted. 315 S. 2nd St. 5733 Oleander Dr. 1819 Castle St. 228 Lake Forest 6 Wrightsville Ave. 208 Floral Pkwy. 706 5. sth St. RFD 1, Castle Hayne 601 N. l}th St. P. o. Box 839 4 07 Oleander Dr. 1? M. Lake Village 2020 Creasy Ave. 205 Kenwood Ave. 3913 S. Front 2909 Market St. sox 765 P. o. Box 418 RFD 3, Box 620 202 S. 3rd St. 502 Bonham Ave. 51121 Walnut St. 23 Jackson Drive 1206 Cypress Dr. 523 Dock St. Wm. A. Hurst R. A. Oxendine William H. Jordan A. J. Mitchell G. R. Piner E. D. Horne Reid H. Cole R. H. Williams Bennie M. Jordan Royce Tisinger W. F. Corbett Arthur td. O1 iver F. C. Hilburn Joseph Farrow, Jr. J. L. Forhand Rhodie B. Perry Jesse Batson George Johnson H. A. Leewenberg James S. Williams Jerome W. Greer Claude T. Johnston Clarence T. Rogers William L. Rogers H. N. Vandergrift, to adjourn was made by r by Mr. Braak and , Executive -6,ecretary Wilmington, N. C. October 17, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held on this date at 9:00 A. M. in the Commissioners Room of the Court House. The fo2lowing members were present: Ch)rrman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. ?IINl3TE? - Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, And Berry A. Williams, Bright Hill, County Auditor T. D. Love and Commissioner-Elect J. Van B. Metts INVOCATION - , Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked R Pastor of Pentecostal Free Will Baptist Church, to give a prayer The minutes of the meeting of October 3rd were approved as written with the - exception of next to the last word in the Paragraph headed CAP Friendship Days which was changed from "last" to "next", upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, by a unanimous ballot. ARTIFICIAL REEF - Mr. Kennetfi M. Sprunt appeared before the Board and explained that a group of citi2ens were underwriting the construction of an artificial reef off the coast of Wrights- -? ville Beach in an effort to increase the fishing which in turn would bring more people in-, c;?yyu?U? to the county. He.thinks that it will result in advertising the activities of our county. They are planning to use scrap automobile bodies, refrigerators, stoves and any other durable waste materials that can be used in the project. They have leased a barge which will be free for use between now and the first of the year. It'will be used to convey the scrap materials out to sea and he requests the use of the County dragline for loading it on the barge. Chairman Hall commended Mr. Sprunt for the efforts being made in this direction and thought it was the least we could do to make the dragline available for use on this job. Mr. Williams offered a motion that the County furnish dragline service to load the barges when they were ready provided it was not tied up on some other project.at the time. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously endorsed by the Board. L Lll*V•Vj Y / ?vnwu?- 4 ? nv-'-`-- / CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ADVERTISING Mr. P. M. Camak, Director of the Chamber of Commerce, reminded the Board that he timidly brought up the Advertising Allocation at the last meeting. He informed the Board that the National Travel Council was having a meeting in Cincinnati next month and they would like to be able to inform them at that meeting whether or not they could par- ticipate in advertising to draw out of town and out of State people to New Hanover County and thus bring new money into the County. He advises,that this matter is being sponsored by the State Department of Conservation and Development and they are participating in an effort to lure out of State people into North Carolina. The County Auditor advised that the allocation for.1959-60 was approximately $6,500. After a brief discussion, Mr. ld'il- liams offered a motion that $6,000 be allocated from the Advertising Fund to the Chamber of Commerce with the understanding that further consideration would be given to future re- quests if emergencies arose. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. Mr. Camak stressed the importance of advertising to attract tourists and referred the Board to their letter of June 30, 1960 outlining in detail their need for an advertising appro- (continued) RFD 2, Box 51 1516 Moore Plaza City 505 Wrightsville Ave. RFD 2, Box 398 4623 Long Leaf Hills RFD 2, Box 330 1811 Perry Ave. 3704 S. Front St. RFD 1, Sox 28t3, Ca tle RFD 1, City ?ayne 211 Brightwood Rd. RFD 2, Box 427 B RFD 2, City 511 N. 7th St. 1319 Orange St. 115 Castle St. RFD 2, Box 253 C 3019 Market St. 3908 Peachtree St. 4944 Wrightsville Ave. 2915 F Jefferson St. RFD 3, Box 459 10 S. Lake Village 2525 Burnett Blvd. County AtQ,orney John ? everend A. C. Wheeler, of invocation, ?