1960-11-07 Regular Meeting611 fa 1 CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD - (continued) The motion was seconded by Mr. Braak and in the discussion which followed Mr. Williams requested the County Attorney to explain the present law which now gives a County Planning Board powers to enforce ordinances passed by the County Corranissioners. The County Attorney read the General Statutes on this sub,ject which authorized the promulyating of such ordinances hy the County Commissioners. Mr. Holton reminded the Board that he had appointed the present Planning Board during his term of office as Chairman and that they had no authority to act and that was the reason for their inactivity and he did not feel thaL they should be replaced without an opportunity to serve in this capacity. He also recallec2 that he had advocated a Building Inspector ever since he was e2ected to the Board and is still of the opinion that it wou2d be good for the orderiy development of the County to have a Planning Board but he was not ready to uote on the matter at this time as the motion now stands. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a substitute motion that a decision ori this matter be deferred until our next meeting on November 7th. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and when the ballot was taken, Messrs. Braak and Williams voted against the substitute motion while Messrs. Broadhurst, Hall, and•Hoiton voted for the motion which the Chairman declared car- ried and instructed the Executive Secretary to,schedu.le this subject for discussion on the Agenda for the next meeting. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - The second subjec,t which is of major importance to the County is the operation of the Community Hospitai and Mr. Wiiliams suggested the following basic principles be approv- ' ed: 1- That Lhe Board of County Commissioners go on record as approving the operation of the Community Hospital on a non-profit basis by a Board of Trustees of Managers; 2- That the Community Hospitai Building and equipm¢nt be leas,ed to the Boxrd of Trustees or Managers at a nominal sum with adequate provision for upkeep and assurance that,the Hospital will be ? operated according to reasonable standards for the care of patients; 3- That Defore a con- ??-czP tract is signed the advice of a recognized,Hospital authority (such as Duke Endowment) be obtained; !}- That immediate steps be taken to get such advic¢ and details with the ultimate aim of securing a Charter from the Secretary of State; 5- That after the Charter is receiv- ed and the contract signed the County will pay only for indigent patients on a per diem cost basis; 6- That some provision be included in the agreement for a rotating Board to be appoint- ed by the County Commissioners; 7- That title to the buildings and equipment be retained by the County: After a brief discussion of the proposals, Mr. Williams offered a motion that they be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak for the purpose of discussion. When the ballot was taken, Massrs. Williams and Braak voted for the motion while Messrs. Broadhurst, Hall and Holton voted against the motion, therefore,,the Chairinan ruled the motion failed. ^ SCHLOSS ESTATE CORPORATION - A letter was received from S. A. Schloss, Jr. dated October 12th insisting that some action be taken relative to damages by Hurricane Donna to the valuation of lots owned by them at Wrightsville Beach, The County Attorney ruled that no legal action could be taken on this matter until the Board next convenes in their capacity of Equalization and Review. Ey common consent, the Board unanimously authorized the Executive Secretary to write Mr. SchLpss and refer him to the provisions of the General Statutes. RIVERS AND HARBORS - A letter was received from the Corps of Engineers confirming our pledge of loczl participation for the maintenance of dikes or bulkheads used as retaining of disposal.areas of spoils left as residue in the deepening of the Cape Fear River Channel in event the Con- gress authorizes the work and appropriates the funds for its accomplishment. This confirmation is written as a result of the letter dated September 20, 1960 pledging local cooperation as required on the modifications to the Wilmington Harbor Project provided the Chief of £ngineers recommends the deepening the channel in the Cape Fear River. ADJOURNMENT - , There being no further business to be brought before the Board, Mr that they adjourn. The motion was seconded by Mr. Williams and unanimoy.s.Fy X Holton moved „tod _ Secretary , Wilmington, N. C. November 7, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners was heid on this date in the Commissioners$ Room of the Court House at 9:00 A. M. with thc foliowing members present: Chairman J. N. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broadhurst, J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams, County Auditor T. D. Love, Commission- ers-elect J. Van B. Metts, Jr. and Ernest R. Mayhan, and County Attorney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Major C. R. Collins of the Salvation P:rmy to give the invocation. MiNUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Braak, the minutes of the last meet- ing werc unanimously approved. COMMUNITY HOSPITAL - Pursuant to the action of the Board at.the meeting on October 3rd, the Finance Committee of the Community Hospital Board of Directors reported-that the total increase in salaries recommended by them and approved by the Board of Directors amounted to $8,428.00. They will meet this increase by saving $240.00 on Dr. Grayts salary and the salary of Dr. Jeanty amounting to $1,000.00. Salaries approved for new help, which was not hired untii after the f3rst quarter, amounts to a saving of $1380.00 and there is a stipend in the Bud- get availabie for use in the amount of.$!},OOO.OO'making a total approved of $6,620.00 leaving a balance of $1800.00 which they recommend be transferred from the Dietary Depart- ment Budget. After discussing the matter, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the above recommendations for salary changes and transfers as presented be approved effective as of November 1, 1960. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously adopted. ?- -A r'c' 2 2 ? Minutes of the Meeting November 7, 1960 (continued) SUBORDINATION - WELFARE LIEN Pursuant to action of the Board on September 6th in which a Welfare Lien placed on property of Blanche R. Meares as a result of Welfare grants was subordinated to aDeed of Trust in the amount of $2400.00 by the Citizens Building and Loan Association, a letter was received from Mr. Marsden Bellamy requesting that the County Board of Commissioners and the County Board of Public Welfare .act jointly as provided in GS 108-30.1. Chairman Hall then declared a,joint session with the Public 'kiielfare Board consisting in their Chair- man, W. Allen Cobb, Welfare Superintendent, Mrs. Helen B. Sneeden, and Peter H. Braak, representing both Boards. T'he Chairman explained that the Attorney interpreted the law to require joint 'action on this matter, therefore Mr. Braak, representing the Welfare Board, offered the motion that the action of September 6th be ratified and that the Welfare Lien be subordinated to the Deed of Trust of Citizens Building & Loan Association. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Williams and unaimously approved. The Executive Secretary was instructed to write Mr. Bellamy to this effect. IDissolution - There being no further ,joint business to be discussed, Mr. Cobb offered a motion that the joint session be dissolved. It was seconded by Commissioner Broadhurst and unanimously approved. ACL - SAL MERGER Complying with instructions at the meeting of October 17th, the request of the ? Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen was scheduled for further discussion. Mr. ? R. H. Holden, representing the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, was present and discussed the merger, suggesting that he would like for the Commissioners to take their time in making a definite decision on this matter since there were many questions affect3ng the ,jobs of , many p¢ople involved. He reported that the Hearing before the Interstate Commerce Commiss- ion would be held on November 28th, however, there were many details that would have to be worked out even after the Hearing. After a brief discussion, the Board, by common consent, agreed to defer any action on this matter, REQUEST FOR AID - Mr. C. W. B. Korb of Box 87, Wrightsville Beach, requested the Board issue author- / ity for the use of prison labor to shrub and clean the grounds of the St. Aridrews Episcopal k Church of underbrush and debris left by Hurricane Donna. After briefly discussing the re- quest, the Board unanimously concluded that this was flot a public serviae and, therefore, declined the request and instructed the Executive Secretary to notify him. I-NGH MAC RAE PARK - / Poiicies - Pursuant to the appointment of Mr. James E. Holton, Jr., Mr. Hugh M. Morton and Mr. Berry A. Williams as a committee to investigate and recommend a permanent policy governing the administratlon, maintenance, and use of Hugh MacRae Park, they reported thzt a study of the provisions of the original grant and the many requests for developing it for use led them to recommend the following: PERMANENT POLICY GOVERNING ADMINISTRATION, USE, AND MAINTENANCE OF HUGH MacRAE PARK As a guide to its employees in charge of administering and maintaining Hugh MacRae Park, and to serve as information for those citi2ens of New Hanover County and Lheir guests who use, the Board of Commissioners of New Hanover County publishes the following statement of policy for Hugh MacRae Park: 1- Hugh MacRae Park was accept¢d as a gift from the late Hugh MacRae and his wife, .Rena N. MacRae, and the conditions oE the gift will be honortd, as set forth in the deed and agreement dated April 10, 1925 and recorded in the offiee of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County in Book 162 at Page 162, 2- In recoanition that adequate park areas are essential to the w¢11 being of the citizens of the County, and in further recognition that other facilities, no matter how worthy, should as a matter of principle not be allowed to infringe upon duly de- signated park areas, the Board of County Commissioners and its staff will prohibit groups or individuals from using any part of the land at Hugh MacRae Park for other purposes. 3- The stand of Long Leaf Pine at Hugh MacRae Park is uniquely beautiful, and preser- vation of its beauty was a ma,jor objective of the donor of the park lands, Hugh MacRae. In respect of the wishes of the donor of the property, and in order that the natural beauty of Hugh MacRae Park may be preserved for the appreciation and enJoyment of fuLure generations, the County of New Hanover wili protect the trees on the park land and in no event cut the same, except under the approval of a landscape architect to be select- ed by the State Forester of the State of North Carolina. 4- The erection of signs or billboards or the accumulation of trash or anything unsight- ly on the land will not be permitted, nor will trespassing on said land for purposes other than that which may be incident to the use of the same as a park be permitted. 5- Improvements to Hugh NYacRae park will be made in keeping with the provisions of the original deed and agreement, and it shall be the purpose of the Board of County Commis- sioners to follow a master plan for orderly park developmenL under the approval of a landscape gardener and architect. At the option of the County Commissioners, advice and recommendations may be sought from the Superintendent of State Parks of the State of North Carolina. ' After a. ;di'scussion of tlie provisions, Mt. Holton"moved-its adoption with the addendum that • mimeographed copies be made and kept in the.file for distribution for persons inquiring and making requests for services and uses prohibited by the policy. It was seconded by Nr. Braak and unanimously adopted by the Board. ; b: T,, .:???-? Minutes of the Meeting November 7, 1960 (continued) HUGH MacRAE PARK - (continued) Boundaries - Mr. Williams observed that there were some portions of Hugh Mac- Rae Park boundaries which were not marked and he had discussed the matter with the Dean of Wilmington College who advised that their class in Civil Engineering would be willing and glad to establish the boundaries as part of their practical teaching. He suggested that the portion of the park lying on the southwest side of College Road (46th St. or NC 132) be developed as a roadside park and that permanent markers be placed at the corners of the boundary lines. After a brief consideration of this recommendation, Mr. Williams offered a motion that it be approved by the Commissinners. It was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously carried. The Executive Secretary was instructed to notify Mr. J.M. Crcws to this effect and authorize him to start the project. CITY-COUNTY PLANNING BOARD - A discussion of this sub,jeet was resumed as contemplated from the last meeting. Mr. Williams suggested that the number of inembers of the Board should be limited to ten and that they be appointed from the areas outside of the City of 'Ydilmington. After consid- eration of this recommended change, Mr. Williams offered a motion that the Board approve the change in the minutes to read "consisting of 10 members" instead of "not less than 6 nor more than 10" and that they come from outside the City of Wilmington instead of "from the unincorporated areas" and that the Chairman be authorized to confer with the City Coun- cil and discuss the feasibility of operating as a joint City-County Planning Board, sub,ject to the approval of the City. Mr. Braak seconded this motion and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" for Lhe reason that he thought the previously appointed Planning Board should be considered. The balance of the Board voted "Yes" and the Chairman declared the motion prevailed. SALINE WATER CONVERSION - The Chairman informed the Board that he had ,just received the foilowing tele- gram which is self-explanatory relative to the establishment of a pilot plant at Wrights- ville Beach and the possibility of a Federal laboratory: "Ready to place a pilot plant at Wrightsville Beach as soon as land is prepared. Plans call for six or seven pilot plants in two years if legislation adopted. Also Federal laboratory possibility. Wrightsville Beach is running for demonstration plant. /S/ A. L. Miller, MD Director" This marks the fulfillment of long negotiations and renews hopes for the eventual full scale operation. NATIONAL GUARD UNITS ALLOGATION - Representatives of the three National Guard units in the County have agreed on dividing the appropriation of $1,000 as follows for the fiscal year 1960-61: ? Commanding Officer Hg Btry. 252 N AR1'Y. Cp. (4?D) NCI-IRNC " $!}2S•7S " " " " 2 D AW BN (SP) DARTY. NCHRN „ n lllth Special Force3, N?Nb n „ • $1,000.00 Mr. Holton then moved that the appropriation be allocated as requested and the County Auditor authori2ed to send checks accordingly. It was seeonded by Mr. Braak and unanimous- ly approved. . • . 6n-d-.-r i"?-d FIREARMS ORDINANCE - , A group of citizens living in the Long Leaf Hills Subdivision informed the Board that recently Mrs. J. F. Bosenman of 107 Parkwood Drive was almost hit by a bullett which struck a garbage can only three feet from where she was standing. There was a total of 12 to 1$ shots fired at an elevation of approximately 20 inches above the ground which would have been fatal to a child as it would have been in the chest or head. They presented a petition signed by 25 property owners requesting the County Commissioners to adopt some sort of regulatory ordinance that would control careless handling of firearms. Consideration was given to the provisions of such an ordinance and while there were some objections to some of the restrictions, it was felt that the matter was of such.importance that it should be adopted as drawn and amended as occasion required in the future. Mr. Holton then offer- ed a motion that the following Resolution be adopted. It was seconded by Mr. Braak for i- the purpose of discussion and after due consideratio n, unanimously adopted by the Board: AN ORDINANCE OF THE COUNTY OF NEW HANOVER REGULAT.ING THE USE OF FIREARMS, DYNAMITE AND EXPLOSIVES IN ? NEW HANOVER COUNTY Whereas the General Assembly of North Carolina enacted during the 1959 Regular Session a law as set forth in the,1959 Session Laws as Chapter 902. NOW THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County doth ordain: Section 1. It is hereby found and determined by: the Board of.County Com- missioners of New Hanover County in regular meeting assembled on this 7th day of November 1960 that it necessary to issue, pass and promuigate ordin- ances, rules and regulations governing the firing of guns, rifles, pistols or any kind of firearms in thickly populated areas outside of the corporate limits of a city or town in the County.of New Hanover and the use and con- trol of dynamite and other explosives in said County, and that af'ter the' adoption of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person to violate same except as hereinafter specifically provided. Section 2. (a) All 22 caliber rifles, air rifles be fired within one mile of an occupied residence, park, business or any other occupied property that of persons. (b) Shotguns shall not be fired within residence, church, highway,,school, park, business perty that might endanger the lives of persons. and/or pistols shall not church, highrJay, school, might endanger the lives 300 yO:r.ds of an occupied or any other occupied pro- ? (c) High powered rifies (above a 22 caliber) shall not be fired within 3 miles of the same area above described. continued- J IF`';? ? JA_ Minutes of the Meetin9 NouemS:er 7, 1960 Continued- FIREARMS ORDINANCE - (continued) (d) This ordinance shall not apply to designated target ranges with pro- per backsLops and approved by the Sheriff of New Hanover County or Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, and this ordinance shall not apply to the fir- ing of firearms on privately owned property. Section 3. Dynamite and other explosives shall not be fired in New Hanover County until the Sheriff of New Hanover County has been notified and a permit given by the Sheriff or the Board of County Commissioners. { Section 4. The Sheriff of New Hanover County 'is hereby authorized, einpowered and directed to enforce the terms and conditions of this ordinance and any person vio- lating this ordinance shall be charoed with a misdemeanor and upon a plea of nolo contendere or a plea of guilty or upon conviction, shall be fined not exc¢eding ' fifty ($50.00) dollars. Section 5. Any ordinance or part of any ordinance in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict, is hereby repealed. Section 6. This ordinance is adopted in the interest of pub2ic safety and is de- c2ared,to be in force and effect from and after its adoption. Adopted this 7th day of November 1960. /S/ J. M. Hall, Jr. Chairman of Board of County Commissioners 3Cn'ii'{i"iFf F INTER-AGENCY COMMUNICATIONS A group of citi2ens headed by Mr. 5tanley Rehder as spokesman appeared before the Board attd informed them that this committee had taken upon themselves to study the emer- gency communications in the County over the last 10 year period and while hurricanes had been the ma,jor events which calied for rapid and accurate communications, they would not want to limit it to any particular type disaster but recommended a closed network of communication be set up on a permanent basis. Colonel McCumber, Director of the local office of Civil Defense explained the details of a closed circuit network which could be used in any emergency and that the equipment could be purchased at the present time through Civii Defense on a matching fund basis which means that the County would only pay one-half the cost of such equipment. He recommends that 10 units be purchased and that the County spearhead the project and underwrite the cost at $400.00 each with the understanding that the Civil Defense woald reimburse the County for one-half the cost or $200.00 each. The title to the equipment, regardless of its distribution, will,remain in the name of the County.• The entire communication system will be tied in with the Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES). After discussing the merits and considering the frequency with which this particular area is faced with emergency situations, pro- voked by uncerLain coastal weather, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the County spearhead this project for the purchase and installation of ten units, at a cost not to exceed $4,000 with the understand3ng that the Civil Defense Director be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of the sets and the reimbursement money from the Federal government with the further provision that he be charged with the placing of the sets in strategic locations where they will serve best for the benefit of the citizens of New Hanover County. It was seconded by Mr. Holton. Before the question was called, Mr. Broadhurst offered a Substitute motion that the County initiate the program outlined above but with the pro- vision that the incorporated municipalities of Wilmington, Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach and Kure Beach be consulted first to determine if they would be agreeable to the pcirchase of the equipment which would be assigned to them. Since there was`no second to the substitute motion, the Chairman ruled it dead. The question was called on the orig- inal motion and when the ballot was taken, Mr. Broadhurst voted "A10", however, as the other members of the Board voLed "Yes", the Chairman declared the motion carried. AVAILABLE PROPERTY - % N?r. Fred 47illetts, representing the Cooperative Savings & Loan Association, in- razformed the Board that the property owned by the Loyal Order of Moose was available for purchase and since the Connty, at present, was making use of basement offices for the Pub- lic Welfare and he understood that the building occupied by the Consolidated Board of Health would soon deteriorate to the point that it would be unsafe for continued use, he thought it possible that the County might be interested in the property as a possible expansion program. He did not devul?e any price on the building but di@ imply that the pr¢sent valuation was approximately 250,000 and that it cou2d be purchased at a much low-- er figure and that the interior could be arranged suitable for almost any type occupancy and financing could be arranged in any way that would be require@. He suggested that the Board investigate and determine if it would fill a need of the County. The Chairman recom- mended to the Board that they keep this matter in mind and make an inspection of the build- ing plans. FIAEMENS' RELIEF FUND Mr. H. M. Wolff, Chief of the Wrichtsiroro Rural Volunteer Fire Department, in- formed the Board that there is a.vacancy on the Board of Trustees for the Firemens' Relief Fund and recommended that the Board of Commissioners appoinL Mr. Calvin W. Hood to fiil it. Upon motion of Mr. Wiiliams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the recommendation was unanimous- ly approved. , / COUNTY EXTENSION ADVISORY BOARD - egyyjP? A letter was received from Mr. D. D. Baggett, County Agricu2tural Agent, advis*= ing that the terms of office of the following members of the County Extension Advisory Board will expire at the end of the calendar year: A. Schlegel, Mrs. Isabelle McGowan, Miss Kay Counts, Louis W. Latham,,and Reverend Frank Elliott. He recommended the foliow- ing to replace them: John Lorek; farmers; Mrs. Geneva Moore, women (negro); Cole Porter, 4-H; Ray Biack, Chamber of Commerce,(business); and Reverend Francis VJomack, Pastor of Cape Fear Presbyterian Church, Ministerial Association. Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Holton, the recommendations were unanimously approved by the Board. , , Minutes of the Meeting November 7, 1960 Continued BOARD OF ELECTIONS - A letter was received from the Chairman of the County Board of Elections re- questing a supplemental appropriation of $5,000 to cover the general election to be held on November Sth. Durfng the discussion of this matter, Mr. Broadhurst insisted that the ? personnel serving at the precincts during this election be paid immediately out of the bud- geted funds and moved that the request for additional funds be tabled until a full account- ing could be made of the actual expenses incurred. This motion was seconded by Mr. Holton and unanimously approved. . ' TRASH DUMP- The Chairman explained that in view of the difficulties encountered in establish- ing a new refuse disposal area, he would like to appoint a three man committee to study the problem and make recommendations for relieving the County of any responsibility as a result of smoke and seagulls engendered by the trash dump which would endanger the safe operation of the Airport. Upon motion of Mr. Wiliiams,'"seconded by Mr. Holton, the Chair- man was unanimously authorized to appoint a committee to investigate and select a garbage disposal site and report back to the Board with their recommendations, whereupon Mr. Hall appointed Messrs Peter H. tiraak, E. R. Mayhan and J. Van S. Metts, Jr. r ? APPROPRIATION - County Auditor T. D. Love informed the Board that inadvertently he had failed to include in the Capital Outlay Account of the Sheriff's Department for the new dog catcher truck equipment and suggested that $1350.00 be appropriated from the General Emergency Fund to the Sheriff's Department-Capital Outlay Fund to cover this expenditure. Mr. Holton offer- , r- ed a motion that this appropriation be made. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unani- mously approved. BELLEWE CEMETERY - Mr. R. M. Kermon explained tha.t 60% of the owners of lots in the old Bellevue Cemetery were unknown and again requested the County to clean the underbrush and roads, ' as well as cleaning up some of the graves where the owners were not known. The County Attorney ruled that under GS65-1 & 2 the County Commissioners wer¢ obligated to assist in such projects. After a brief discussion, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the County assist in any way possible in the clearing up of Bellevue Cemetery grounds. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. PETITIONS FOR RELIEF - Petitions for admittance to the County Home for care was received ment of Public Welfar.e for Graham Atkinson, Carrie Sauer Guyton, and Millie moLion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the requests were approved. PARADE .? from the Depart- Robinson. Upon I A request was made by the Director of Bands of the Consolidated School System for the Commissioners to ride in a parade on Tuesday, November 8th in observance of Amer- ican Education week. The Chairman urged members of the Board to make every effort to participate in this worthy endeavor. INDUSTRY APPRECIATION WEEK - The Chairman informed the Board that Governor Luther H. Hodges had declared the / week of November 28th through December 3rd, 1960 as Industry Appreciation Week in North Carolina and urged each County to recogn3ze the valuable industries which contributed so much to the counties' well being. After considering the request, Mr. Williams offered e. Et? a motion that the Chairman be authorized to issue the following Proclamation for New Han- over County: PROCIAMATION WHEREAS, the industries of New Hanover County make a substantial contribu- tion to the economy of the county, by employing citizens of the county, by buying items grown or produced in the county, and by paying taxes to help support county services, and • WHEREAS, the efforts to encourage the location of additional industry in the county at times may appear to overshadow the contribution now being made by existing industry, and WHEREAS, Luther H. Hodges, Governor of North Carolina, has proclaimed the week of November 28 to December 3, 1960, as Industry Appreciation 14Seek throughout North Carolina; NOW THEREFORE BE IT PROCLAIMED by the Board of County Commissioners ofNew Hanover County, North Carolina, that the week of November 2$ to December 3, 1960, wil.l be Industry Appreciation 4Jeek in New Hanover County thereby providing an oppor- tunity for officials and citizens to express appreciation for the great contribu- tion made by industry to the county. During this week, newspapers and television and radio stations serving the county should acquaint the people of the county with the contribution being made by industry. In turn, the people of the county should, as individuals, express their appreciation to the owners, managers, and employees of industry for this contribu- tion. The leaders in?.each of the various communities in'.the county are encouraged to designate a day during Industry Appreciation 47eek, at which time the community may, as it deems appropriate, recognize the contribution of its own industry. Adopted this the Seventh Day of November, 1960 /S/ J. M. Hail, Jr. Chairman, New Hanover County Board of Commissioners continued- -A ,,?2 6 Minutes of the Meeting November ?, 1960 INDUSTRY APPRECIATION WEEK - (continued) The motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. The Chairman suggested that the cooperation of the Chamber of Commerce, Committee of 100, Merchants' Association, the newspapers and City of Wilmington be solicited to help in the celebration of this important event. INDUSTRIAL SURVEY - ? Mr. Braak informed the Board that he had recently attended a meeting of the officers of the North Carolina Association of Motor Carriers who decided, at their own ex- pense, to make an industrial survey of this area and publish a brochure for distribution. They are seeking the approval of the Board of Commissioners and their assistance in writing letters to the various industries endorsing the project. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, second- ed by Mr. 4lilliams, the Board unanimously agreed to help them. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE - Mr. Braak informed the Board that the State Department of Public Welfare was holding a meeting in Raleigh the first three days of next week and as he was a member of the local Public Welfare Board he would like to have the authorization of the Board to attend this seminar on County expenses. Mr. Williams offered a motion that this request be granted and unanimously approved. SCHOOL CROSSING GUARDS - A letter was received and read from the Principal of the Roland-Grise High School / concerning the classification of the duty post of the traffic guard assigned to that school. He explained that the assignment was issued by the Sheriffs' Department, however, he was of the opinion Lhat it was a wise decision as traffic at the 41st Street crossing had been min- imized by use of bus transportation and that the traffic problem at Lake Avenue and 46th Street had become acute. Mrs. Miriam Sanders, who was assigned to that station of duty is doing an outstanding ,job and has gained the respect of the entire student body, school bus drivers, and the general public for the fine manner in which she is carrying out her duties. After a brief discussion of the original intent of the Board in making this guard available, Mr. Braak offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Williams, that the entire problem of assignment be left up to the Sheriff to work out with the school officiais. The motion was unanimously approved. ? COP'IIMISSIONERS' DISTRICT MEETING - A letter was received from Vice President Berry A. Williams of the State Associa- _ tion of County Commissioners announcing that a District Meeting would be held at the Hotei Whiteville, Whiteville, North Carolina on November 17th from 10:00 A. M. to 3:00 P. M. It is to be a"Dutch" luncheon. The legislative program which will affect County government will be.discussed. All Commissioners were urged to attend if possible. INSTITUTE OF GOVERNNIENT - A letter was received from Dr. Albert Coates, Director of the Institute of Govern- ment, announcing the dedication of the Joseph Palmer Knapp Building, which is the home of the Institute of Govzrnment. The dedication is scheduled from 2:30 Wednesday afternoon Nov- embe'r 30th and continuing until noon the next day. In addition to urging reservations for attending this event,. he requested a picture of the present Board of Commissioners in sess- ion to hang under the picture of the New Hanover County Court House which is alr¢ady handing on the walls. Any Board members who would like to attend this dedicatory ceremony should advise the Executive Secretary who will make the reservations for him. Mr. Williams moved that the Board go on record as authorizing the expenses of any Commissioner or Commissioner- elect who wished to attend. It was seconded by Mr. Braak•and unanimously approv¢d. GRAND JURY REPORT - J The Grand Jury Report to his Honor, William Jt Bundy, was reviewed by the Board and upon•imotion of Nr. 4dilliams, seconded by Mr. Braak, unanimously approved and ordered filed for information. / HFALTH BUILDING - The Executive Secretary reported to the Board that Dr. Davis, the Health Director, had informed him that further deterioration in the ceiling of the nurses' offices continued and,in facL, recently a large patch of plaster had almost fallen on the head of one of the nurses. The Executive Secretary had instructed the Custodian of the building to examine the building for loose plaster and remove any that seemed to be dangerously loose. The Chairman explained that this matter had been discussed at the meeting of the Board of Health and he thought steps should be taken to repair damaged ceiling. By common consent of the Board, the Executive Secretary was instructed to have Mr. Rhoda Farrow figure an estimate for this job as soon as possible and report back to the Board for further consideration. ? 'VETERANSI DAY The Executive Secretary remi,nded the Board that next Friday, November llth was Veterans' Day and that it was a legal holiday and had been observed by the County in the past. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Braak, that November llth be set aside as a legal holiday for employees. It unanimously approved. BEER LICENSE APPLICATIONS The following applications for Beer Permits were reviewed by the Board and re- ferred to the Sheriff for investigation: ' David Milis Rose T/A Langley Grocery 3916 Carolina Beach Road, City Ithel Victoria Bains T/A Laurats Coffee Kitchen Market Street Road REPORTS - I /The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for #'uture reference: ? 1- Welfare Recipients' Statistical Changes ? 2- Auditorts Statement of Revenue through September 30, 1960 3- Home Demonstration Agents Narrative Reports for October, 1960 -; Minutes of the Meeting November 'j, 1960 PETIT JURY - The following good and lawful trial of Criminal cases in Superior Court 12th, 1960. Continued citizens were selected to serve as Jurors in the for the weeks beginning December sth and December Jurors - Week beqinninq December 5,1960 - Criminal Term J. T. Jones P. B. Braak Jack F. Hart F. 'YJ. Mohr D. E. Lieske F. H. Schenck Hubert A. Lee Carl M. Ezzell R. L. Butler Stanley Mazur W,l W. Williams J. C. Davis P. F. OlKeef L. C. Thorpe Cliff D. Lewis T. W. Tucker Marvin E. Hinson Donald Parsley Jr. Linwood H. Lewis F. E. Crowell Leslie H. Row Thomas F. Bradshaw M. Page Taylor O. R. Parker Donald F. Parrish 4$19 Market St. B. W. Newkirk Jr. . RFD 1, 6 ox E. W. Wailace ???JA NRne 311 Mac E. G. Vereen Jr. 34 Jackson Dr. B. F. Eichorn 79 Spofford J. R. Reaves Kure Beach, N.C. Calvin W. Lane GeneralCPie,??y§EyBeac hJ'R. Reaves RFD 3, Box ? Lacy Simpson RFD 3, Box 4 53 Hugh MacRae II g RFD 1, a°X I4 Hayne ? ?t Milan E. Wood 2206 Oa . Howard E. Stroupe 3801 S. Front St. J. L. Out12w 2015 Perry Ave. Wm L. Thompson, Jr. 3020 Jefferson Ernest E. Jones Box 122, Ca?oli?a Gilliam K. Horton 505 N. 23rd §f? Graham G. Webster P. O. Box 1594 Norman ldilliamson P.O. Box 432 L. B. King 51.1 S.. 3rd St. J. A. Sneeden 2319 Market St. Robert G. Wells P. O. Box 1525 Robert Allen P. O. Box 1153 L. W. Bordeaux. 3525 S. Front St. Claude B. Jones 1410 S. 7th St. Thomas E. McCallum 5332 Wrightsville Av e.R. Wendell Hickman Jurors - Week beginning December 12, 1960 - Criminal Term L. E. 4Jalke H. F. Snow D. T. Odum J. C. King C. A. Lee J. L. Lamb C. H. Hewlett F. L. Walker L. D. Moore J. H. Johnson Joseph Mighton J. A. Mangum Frank Herbst O. E. Larson Walter E. Cooper Ray Reaves K. K. Kimmell Wrennie Murray Elbert E. Cavenaugh Raymond C. Gerrish E. L. Mathews Sr. Howard D. Bridges Raymond A. Smith Richard Isaac Quigley ADJOURNMENT Box 728, City Joseph L. Conrad, Jr. 1920 Perry Ave. ,lohn Monds 4604 Oleander Dr. M. G. Schnibben 207 S. 47th St. D. J. Hilburn 9 La urel Drive Edward Scott 112 N. 42nd St. Thomas James Jr. RFD 2, Box 99 H. H. Milliken 113 Bell St. J. G. Pittman 120 Castie St. G. Swart 109 Williamson Dr. A. H. Ketchum RFD 2, Box 242 A Oliver L. Rivers Box 161 Carolina Beach A. B. Barefoot Box 385, City Joseph Taylor RFD 3, Box 31Et Claude F. Howell 1312 Orange St. Ralph Poweil 28 Lee Drive, U. G. Woodward 319 MacMillan Ave. Benjamin Kingoff RFD 1, Box 95 Elbert E. Cavenaugh 2407 Poplar St. Donald`Wa112ce Bailey 601 N. Lumina J. L. McKeown 2802 Lyndon Ave. Leon M. Fletcher 511 Centrai Blvd. Norman James Sanders 9 We st Drive Johnny A. Williams Jr. 108 Coloeia,cle E. Harlan McKeithan P. 0. Box 11, City LF212 Oleander Drive 511 E. Shipyard Blvd. 918 N. !}th St. 1139 Country Club Rd. 5803 Roseland Dr. 1139 Country Club Road RFD 1, Box 181 Cas?le 1212 S. Live Oak pWe 104 Stradleigh Road RFD #2, Box 361 210 Sunset Ave. 232 Davie Dr. RFD 2, Box 402 619 Forest Hills Dr. 104 5. 41st St. 115 Bell St. Caro2ina Beach, N. C. 1221 Azalea Drive RFD 2, Box 421 A RFD 2, Box 432 3623 S.Fromt St. 720 Colwell Ave. RFD 1: Box 78 A CaA?,g¢ 119 S. 39th St, y'a .--?- ?S RFD 3, Box 275 2013 Barnett Ave. 3817 Market St. 2008 Klein Rd. RFD 2, Box 251 % Mariah Wilburn, City 115 Greenville Ave. 12 Southern Blvd. P. o. Box 838 2519 van Buren St. 520 wooa st. RFD 1, Box 230 Castle Hayne RFD 3, Box 564 44 Carolina Apts. 212 N. Wallace Ave. 114 w. Shipyard Blvd. 301 N. lsth St. 2407 Poplar St. 16 B. Lake Village 2$42 Burnett Blvd. 5001 Oleander Dr. 261 Lake Forest Pkwy. 311 North 6th St. 2239 Camellia Drive Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously voted to ad,journ. r.? . . W. G. Houck, Executive Secretary . . Wilmington, N. C. November 21, 1960 ASSEMBLY - The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners held their regular, semimonthly meeting on this date at 9:00 o'clock in the Commissioners Room of the Court House. The foliowing members of the Board were present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Comm3ssioners L.E. , Broadhurst, Peter H. Braak, J. E. Holton, Jr., and Berry A.°Williams; County Attorney John Bright Hill, County Auditor T. D. Love, Commissioners-elect E. R. Mayhan and J. Van .B. Metts, Jr. INVOGATION - , Chairman Hall called the meeting to order, and,as Re'verend C. L. Turpin, Pastor of Pentecostal Holiness was delayed in arriving, asked the Executive Secretary, Mr. W. G. Houck to give a prayer of inuocation. . APPROVAL OF THE WIINUTES - Upon motion of Mr. Williams, seconded by W. Braak,-the minutes of the last meet- ing were unanimously approved as written. :, ?A