1960-12-05 Regular Meeting6,???.? Minutes of the Meeting November 21, 1960 Continued i BATTLESHIP NORTH CAROLINA - The Chairman informed the Board that he had authorized the Executive Secre- tary to write a letter to the recently appointed Advisory Committee for securing the USS Battleship North Carolina for our State as an appropriate shrine. He is of the opinion that we should encourage this effort as it will be a great attraction to lure more tour- ists to New Hanover County. The Board unanimously approved this action by common consent. INSTITUTE OF GOVERNMENT A letter was received from Dr. Albert Coates, Director of the Institute of Government at the lJniversity of North Carolina, describing the million do2lar building whdch was a result of a large gift of $500,000 from the Knapp Foundation and inviting the Commissioners and other interested public officials to a dedication ceremony start- ing with registration at 2:30 P. M. Wednesday afternoon, November 30 and continuing un- til noon the next day and requesting a picture of the Board to be placed under the pict- ure of the New Hanover County Court House now on the wall in the Joseph Palmer Knapp Building, which is the home of the Institute of Government. The Chairman urged all of the Board possibie to attend this event. Messrs. Braak and Metts requested the Execu- tive Secretary to make proper registrations for their attendance. COUNTY ASSIGNMENTS - Mr. Williams reminded the Chairman that he is now serving on the USO and SENCSA Committees and suggested that as he was retiring from the Board, new appointments should be made to fill this vacancy. BEER LICENSE PERMITS The following applications for Beer Licenses were reviewed and ordered turned over to the Sheriff for his investigation and consideration. Laura O. Alexander T/A Laura's Coffee Kitchen RFD 1, Box 271 Jesse Graham Yarborough 1?21 Drive In Highway &21, City REPORTS - The foilowing reports were reviewed and ordered 4'iled for information: 1- New Hanover County Airport Reports of Disbursements and Income. 2- USO Cluh Report for October 1960. ?I 3- Wilmington Public Library Report fot October 1960. 4- " Colored " " " 5- County Farm Agent's Extension Report. L_RETIRING CONdNISS10NER5 Chairman Hall reminded the Board that Messrs. J. E. Holton, Jr. and Berry A. Williams would be retiring from the Board as of December sth and expressed to them the gratitude which he felt for the unselfish service they had rendered the citizens of this County and expressed the good wishes for their future endeavors in whatever they chose to do. ADJOURNMENT - Thece being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. !dilliams moved to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Mr. Hoiton and unanimously approved. r W. G. Houck, Executive Sec etary Wilmington, N. C. December 5, 1960 ASSEPBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners assembled today for their regular semimonthly meeting in the Commissioners Room of the County Court House at 10:45 with the foilowing members present: Chairman J. M. Hall, Jr., Commissioners Peter H. $raak, L. E. Broadhurst, E. R. Mayhan and John lfan B. Metts, Jr, and County Auditor T. D. Love. City Attorney Cicero P. Yow attended the meeting in the absence of County Attorney John Bright Hiil, who was ill and unab2e to be present for the meeting, INVOCATION - Reverend R. W. Graham, Pastor of 6doodburn Presbyterian Church, who was scheduled to serve as Chaplain for the meeting was unable to attend and }iad requested Reverend E. G. Connette, Jr. of St. Andrews Covenant Presbyterian Church to substitute for him, however, as the meeting was not opened until after the new Commissioners were sworn in, Mr. Connette had to leave and the Chairman asked Executive Secretary Houck to open the meeting with prayer. APPROUAL OF THE MINUTES - • Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, the minutes of the last meeting were approved unanimously as written. ? ORGANIZATION - The Chairman announced that the first order of business would be the reorganiza- tion of the Board and opened the nominations for Chairman. Chairman ?- Mr. Metts then offered a motion that Mr. J. M. Hall, Jr. be reappoint- ed Chairman for th'e ensuing year. it was seconded by Mr. Braak, who offered a motion that the nominations be closed which was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and when the ballots were cast, Mr. Hall was unanimously chosen as Chairman. Continued- i L? 631 Minutes of the Meeting December 5, 1960 Continued ORGANIZATION - (Continued) Uice Chairman - The nominations were open for Vice Chairman. Mr. Braak placed the name of Mr. Metts in nomination, whereupon, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that the nomina- tions be ciosed. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and Mr. Metts was unanimously chosen as Vice Chairman. . / County Attorney - Mr. Mayhan then offered a motion that Mr. John Bright Hill be renamed County Attorney. It was seconded by Mr. Sroadhurst and the Board unanimously approved it. Clerk-Executive Secretary - Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that Mr. W. G. / Houck he reappointed Clerk-Executive Secretary for the ensuing year. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously carried. Committees - The Chairman announced that he would be ready to appoint the Com- mittees at the next regular meeting. ? BATTLESHIP USS NORTH CAROLINA - ? The Chairman informed the Board that he had authorized the Executive Secretary to write a letter to the Chairman of the Advisory Committee, appointed recently by Governor Hodges, approving the action of the local American Legion Post in seeking to bring the Battleship U55 North Carolina to our shores and set it up as a public shrine. He express- ed the hope that it be brought here as it would be an excellent tourist attraction and ask- ed the Commissioners for their approval of triis action. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, it was unanimously approved. ASSISTANT SOLICITOR - Mr. 6roadhurst informed the Board that Superior Court John J. Burney had request-? ed the appointment of W. Allen Cobb as his assistant and offered a motion that he be renamed Assistant Solicitor of Superior Court. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. TAX ABATEMENT - Letters were received from St. Paul's E.rangelical Lutheran Church and the TrinLty ? Methodist Church requesting abatement of taxes which has accrued against some property own- ed by them. After a brief discussion, the Board unanimously agreed to refer the matters to the Tax Supervisor for study and recommendations as the circumstances seemed to indicate that they were borderline cases. He is to report his recommendations at the next regular meeting. SENCLAND DEUELOPMENT ASSOCIATION - Chairman Hall explained he had been approached by an officer of SENCLand Develop- ? ment Association for a contribution equal to that of last year. He stated that in his opin- ion it was a worthy activity and he felt like it should be encouraged. The Executive Secre- tary reported that he investigated and determined that the allocation made last year for this purpose amounted to $100.00. Mr. Braak then offered the motion that $100.00 be allo- cated out of the Industrial Development Fund Appropriation to this cause. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved by the Board. Mr. Metts observed that he thought that this sort of request should be considered at Budget time. SALINE WATER CONVERSION PLANT The Chairman informed the Board that a group of inen from Washington would arrive at Wrightsvilie Beach on Wednesday, Lecember 7th for the purpose of selecting a site for the pilot plant which will seek to convert salt water into fresh water. He explained that the Town Council of Wrightsville Beach wouid like to arrange for dinner and invite the Site Selection group as guests along with the County Commissioners, and requested the County to participate in this entertainment. The County Auditor informed the Board that their Enter- ,, tainment Fund was practically depleted. Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that approval be _17,m?" ? given to the participation in this event and that $500.00 be transferred out of the Emerg- ency Fund to the Entertainment Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unanimously approved. PUBLIC FUNDS Clerk of Superior Court Foster Edwards made his annual report on the Public c„$e ! Trus:L.Funds in his care as follows: Public Funds in Individual Safe $205,779.00 ' Unclaimed Civil Witness Fees 135•50 " Support Money=Recorders!Court 31.50 Totai $205,942.10 He stated that the County Auditor had inventoried the records and had reconciled them but had not inspected the contents of the Saf Deposit Box in the Wachovia Bank andl?us,t Company. Upon motion of Nfr. Broadhurst, seconded bprMetts, the report was unanimousiy accepted for record and the Executive Secretary authorized to have it published as required by -law. CAPE FEAR KAR CLUB - Dr. Hooper Johnson informed the Board that recently the Cape Fear Kar Club had sponsored a supervised Go-Kart Racing Event on an infrequently used runway at the County Air- port*officials and found no ob,jection to using the stand-by area He pledged complete liab- ility insurance would be obtained to protect the County property as well as any spectators. At the present time, their plans are to conduct this go-kart race on the 18th of December , with the understanding that should the weather be inclement it could be held on the 26th. He observed that N,yrtle Beach, S. C. sponsored this go-kart racing as part of their attract- ion to tourists. After a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the re- 0'ab- ? quest be approved provided it would not interfere with any of the airport activities, and ? ? that proper liability insurance was provided and that any minors have their parents sign for them and that all of these provisions be approved hy the County Attorney. It was second- " ed by R4r. Ntayhan and unanimously adopted. * after checking with the A y,-n \ /?c a ? ? i h^,?Tl_ 4-r ? / / ?9oti,u?- / Minutes of the Neeting December 5, 1960 Continued OGDEN DRAINAGE - The Executive Secretary reminded the Board that they had authori2ed him at the meeting on September 19, 1960 to secure an estimate for the completion of a drainage ditch near Ogden which had been approved and committed by the Drainage Committee before the drag- line was shut down, After a consultation with the Drainage Supervisor, ?ave W. Rivenbark and the Soil Conservation Engineer J. B. Simpson who examined the proposed site of the ditch and estimated a total cost of not more than $720.00 based on using the County drag- line and an operators pay rate at not more than $2.00 per hour. After briefly discussing the subject, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that it be tabled. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. UNAMED STREETS - The Executive Secretary reported that the Winter Park Rural Volunteer Fire De- partment requested the Commissioners to consider some sort of Ordinance to compel the naming of streets in subdivisions within their fire district and the elimination of similar or duplicate street names. As examples, he cited Hawthorne Road which is so similar to Haw- thorne Drive whlch is actually the same as 53rd 5treet and suggested Hawthorne Drive be deleted and the sign removed and the 53rd Street bign be left. He also cited the confusion which occurred when a fire is reported and no street signs are at the corners, and likewise, when there are duplicate or similar signs. By common consent, the Board unanimously referred the matter to the County Attorney for a recommendation at the next meeting. CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS The Executiwe Secretary reported that he had been approached by several County employees wishing to make arrangements for the Christmas Holidays and wanting to know what time they would have off. After a brief discussion in which it was determined that as the Clerk of Superior Court and the Register of Deeds office are required by law to be open on Saturday morning, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motidn that Saturday, December 24th and Monday, December 26th be declared legal holidays for County employees and that it be left up to the Department heads to allow employees to leave Friday noon. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved by the Board. REFUSE DISPOSAL SITE - Mr. Braak reported for the CommitLee appointed to select the site and implement rules and regulations to govern County refuse disposal operation. The Committee has agreed for the County to operate a landfill operation with burning and to use the County dragline as well as the bulldozer owned by the Consolidated Board of Health and charge $150.00 per month for use of the disposal site by the large commercial garbage haulers and $50.00 per month for the smali one. They recommend that the funds to be collected from the commercial haulers go toward the operating cost and that the new operation start at the new site on December 15, 1960. The site selected is located on the west side of 23rd Street Extension on County owned property along Smith's Creek which is now being used as a hog pasture. The operation will be under the direct supervision of Dave W. Rivenbark. The Executive Secre- tary reported that the Consolidated Board of Health had submitted the following agreement for use of their bulldozer: "The Eonsolidated Board of Health agrees to let the County of New Hanover use the bulldozer belonging to the Consolidated Board of Health in the operation of a sanitary landfill, for the protection of the Public Health, sub,ject to the following conditions: 1- The bulldozer shall be systematically operated only in a manner and method approved by the North Carolina State Board of Health for sanitary landfill opera- tion and by a fully qualified operator as approved by the Health Center Staff. 2- The bulldo2er shall be lubricated and maintained properly. All breakages shall be properly repaired. 3- The bulldo2er shall be available for use by the Health Center, should circum- stances cause it to be urgently needed to protect Public Health if unforseen situa- tions occur. 4- The County of New Hanover shall be responsible for having the bulldozer trans- ported to and from the landfill. . 5- Title and/or possession of this equipment shall remain with the Health Center.." After a brief discussion of all the factors involved, Mr. Braak offered a motion that the arrangements outlined above be approved by the Board. It was seconded by Mr. Metts, Mr. Broadhurst voted "NO" however, since all other members voted "YES", the Chairman declared the recommendation adopted. PUBLIC HEALTH ASSOCIATION - A letter was received from Dr. O. David Garvin, Chairman of the Legislative and Appropriation Committee of the State Public Health Association asking that the County Board of Commissioners pass a Resolution in support of the State Board of Health allocating new monies in the "B" Budget. Consultation with John Alexander McMahon, General Counsel with the State Association of County Commissioners, advises that endorsing this request will tie l in with their own legislative proaram. Mr. Broadhurst then offered a motion that the Board ?'?'C? go on record as endorsing this request and the Executive Secretary be authorized to write such a Resolution. It was seconded by Mr. Metts and unanimously approved. ??,?? SURETY BONDS - Surety Bonds amounting to $1,000 each were presented for approval as follows: Lawrence F. Duke Constabie Wilmington Township - James B. Moore " Nfasonboro Township Joseph M. Shingleton " Harnett Township Victor Gray Sneeden Justice of Peace Harnett Township Also Bonds for $10,000 for Robert L. Black, Register of Deeds. After reviewing the Bonds, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that they be accepted, sub,ject to approval of the County Attorney. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. L_ Minutes of the Meeting December 5, 1960 Continued TAX LISTERS - Mr. T. ?. Love, Tax Supervisor, recommended the following Tax Listers: CAPE FEAR TOWNSHIP: Mrs. George W. Wiikins - RFD 1, Box 160, Castle Hayne, N.C. FEDERAL POINT: Mrs. J. H. Myatt - Box 196, Carolina Beach, N. C. (CAROLINA & KURE BEACHES ALSO) MASONBORO: Mrs. Louise B. Melton - RFD 2, Box 161, Wilmington, N. C. HARNETT # 1: Mrs. John C. Leeuwenburg - 3407 Wilshire Blvd., Wiimington, N. C. Mr. S. W. Brinson - 5007 Wrightsville Avenue, Wilmington, N. C. HARNETT # 2: Mrs, Saliy Best, RF? 1- Box 214, Wiimington, N. C. WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH: Mr. S. W. Brinson WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP: Mr. Herbert Coughenour - 1702 Orange St., Wilmington, N. C. Mr. J. L. Gholson - 1510 Dock St., Wilmington, N. C. Mr. H. S. King - 114 South sth St., Wilmington', N. C. N?r. T. J. Morris - 107 Wrightsville Ave., Wilmington, N. C. Mr. George Thomas Swain - 608 Orange St., Wilmington, N. C. Mr. W. P. 1'oon, Jr., 520 Princess St., Wilmington, N. C. Mrs. N. L. Wallace, 507 N. 23rd St., Wilmington, N. C. for the period beginning .tanuary 3, 1961 through January 31, 1961 with the understanding that the same procedure be followed as that of last year in listing corporations, firms, or individuals in business. After briefly discussing the instructions, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the request be approved. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unani- mously approved for the next year. . Try A? NACO MEMBERSHIP - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that'he had received notice that mem- / bership in the National Association of County .dfficials_. was due. It amounts to $75.00 per year and upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, it was unanimously approv- ed for the next year. ' DRAGLINE OPERATORS SALARY - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that Henry Von Oesen and Associates had informed him that the operator secured for the County dragline used in the preparation of the ditch leading from the Azalea Shopping Center had put in 26 hours'and was entitled ?rm.•,"' to the salary of $52.00. Upon motion of Mr. Braak, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unani- mously authorized payment of the salary of Jack Alford Jones who did this work. FIREARMS CLARIFICATION - Mr. Charlton A. Pope observed that he understood that the recent Ordinance con- trolling the use of the firearms in the County included a clause restricting the right'to' , discharge firearms on one's own property. He thought this was exceeding the authority vest- ? °?'"" ? ed in the County and would like to have a clarification. The Chairman explained the Ordin-0' ance to him to his own satisfaction and no further action was necessary. ROAD PETITION - , 1_? A petition was received from L. A. McKinnon of RFD 3, Box 517 requesting that McCumber Station Road be approved for acceptance in the Secondary Road System of the State. Nr. Broadhurst offered a motion that it be forwarded to the State Highway Commission for their_consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and approved unanimously. REPORTS The following reports were reviewed and ordered filed for information: i i 1- County Home Economics Agent's Narrative Reports for November, 1960 2- Excise taxes in the amount of $18,437.16 from the Tax Division of the 5tate Department of Revenue, which represents the County's distributable share . for the period October 1, 1959 - September 30, 1960. . P ET I T JURY - • -y?,,,,,? The foldowing good and lawful persons were selected to serve as Jurors in Super- ! ior Court for the Criminal Term beginning January 16Lh and for Civil terms, weeks beginning January 23rd and January 30th, 1961. • • •Jurors for the week beqinninq January 16, 1960 - Criminal L. D. C..W. J. E. w. J. G. H. C. F. A. J. James J.. L. Dell Homer W. E. Gaddy Riesz King Hines Cook Beck Litgen 5. Paoe Frost J. Hintze D. Inman OtNeal 110 Greenville Ave. 4404 Wrightsville Ave. 3033 Adams St. 4023 Wilshire Blvd. RFD 2, Box 451 616 Waynick Blvd. 224 Oakleaf Dr. Kure Bea.ch, N. C. 2517 Burnett Blvd. 609 Central Blvd. 125 Laurel' Dr'. 14 D Oleander Apts. A. F. Dicksey G. F. Sellers R. H. Walker A. H. Weedon J. P. McGinnis Charlie A. Bedsole A. R. Hairr Claude R. Johnson N. C. Rhodes C. Hingerty G. W. Hoonce. Harvey Hall RFD 2, Box 202, City 817 S. Front St. 200 Victoria Dr. 1504 s. 3ra st. RFD 2, Box 13 4006 Peachtree,5t. 4005 Creasy Ave. RFD 1, Box 269 4200 Oleander Drive 419 s. 17tn st. RFD 1, Box 175 RFD 2, Box 452 Continued - A Minutes of the Meeting December 5, 1960 Continued PETIT JURY (Continued) M. C. Hampton 91 Lee Drive C. A. Harrell 2201 Brandon Road L. C. Bowden RFD 2, Box 414 W. J. Horne 213 Greenville Ave. G. C. Gorman, Jr. RFD #1, Box 180 L. J. Hilburn Wilshire Blvd. Lloyd C. Brinkley 123 Renovah Circle H. R. NcKinney 2006 Park Avenue Leon Blaustein 502 South 17th St. Millard Blackburn 10 O Lake Village Frank Parker 310 Mercer Ave, Charles E. Robinson 614 Colwell Ave. Courtland Symmes 5303 Greennleaf Ave. Oswald M. Hartley 221 Dixie Ave. Harry S. Borneman 138 Green Forest Dr. William Burt Simmons 123 Hinton Ave. Joseph R. Thornton 233 Rutledge Dr. Paul Frank Smith 3706 S. Front St. F.red E. Little 1619 Chestnut St. J. M. Simmons 202 Briohtwood Rd. Jesse A. Gurganous RFD i, Box 243 John W. Sessions 2841 F. Jefferson Vernon A. Good 313 Francis Nharion Dr. Homer L. Council 2023 Pender Avenue L. D. Hollingsworth 307 S. 46th St. Robert James Hobbs 5300 Greenleaf Dr. James W. Jackson 2407 S. Front St. Curwoo d Yarborough 1605 Moore Plaza F. W. Lyerly 1819 Ann St. Donald Ray Todd RFD #2, Box 95 Sidney E. Schiesser 251 Castle Hayne Road Robert Lee Sparks 213 Kendall Ave. James Bradburn Newsom 2730 Harrison St. Robert D. Nartin 136 Arlington Drive Rufus H. 5hepherd Jr. RFD 3, Box 129 James E. Loughlin 401 Northern Blvd. Jurors for the week beqinninq Januarv 23. 196L - Civil H. 0. Thomas 2933 B Jefferson St. W. F. DeYoung Jr. 219 S. 17th St. Fred G. Beach Box 143, Wr;ightsg?J?fi Alvin H. Hughey 228 N. 23rd St. D. L. Smith 1210 Yaupon Drive J. B. Burton Jr. RFD 1, Castle Hayne J. J. Vereen 207 Central Blvd. C. W. Merrick 315 N. Front St. C. K. Davis, Sr. 2424 Jefferson J. W. Blanton 415 N. 41st St. A. C. Atkinson 224 North 23rd St. J. Henry Gerdes 516 Forest Hills Henry H. Ludwig 113 Francts Marion Dr Foster Barfield RFD 3, City J. W. Hawkins 11 Wrightsville Ave. A. C. Ingram 2258 Cameliia Dr. J. N. Jenkins 609 Northern Blvd. B. T. Presnell 221 Calhoun Drive Straley M. Hatcher 2518 Jackson St. 4larren M. IvicFagne 2523 Burnette Blvd. Richard Napier 4106 Franklin Ave. Raymond Retchin 111 Colonial Drive ln[i1-1 R. Taylor 3715 Stratford Blvd. Everett J. Skipper 5028 Pine St. William R. Pape Jr.4940 Oleander Drive Norman R. Smith 316 Castle Hayne Rd. Walter L. Burnett RFD #2 William M. Wilson 2411 Market St. Henry P. Smith 223 N. 27th St. John U. Nilliken 112 South 53rd St. C. H. Rongates 2834 S. Front St. Van A. Moore 2219 Brandon Rd. Charles F. Bell 52 Woodlarm Ave. John R. Rabon 5211 Wrightsville Ave. George C. Woodbury 2339 Shirley Rd. Dewey Skipper Jr. 1501 Moore Plaza G. B. Phillips Sr. 128 Colonial Village. William Moore 216 Rutledge Drive J. K. Graybeal 2529 Burnett Blvd. T. C. Peterson 9231 Live Oak Pkwy. Curtis W. Loftin 10 K. Lake Village James V. YJarren Apt. C-6, Oleander Ct. Apts. James G. Henderson Sr .2223 Klein Road LeRoy Schnibben 608 North 23rd St. Guy R. Davis, Jr. 2912 B. Adams Eugene Dorsey Smith 3924 Plrightsville Ave. John E. Clayton, Jr. 117 Brookwood Ave. Franklin Higbee Allen 605 Central Blvd.,. Robert F. Bellomy 2247 Camellia Drive Hermon Thomas Powell Box 460 Market St. Rd. Jurors for the week beqinninq January 30, 1961 - Civil P. H. Koen 7 Wrightsville Ave. H. F. Hall 403 South 52nd St. L. B. Ginn 6391 Castle Hayne N. W. Bond RFD 1, Box 258 J. W. Crawley 4211 Wrightsville Ave. Glen L. Wood 110 Sumter Drive L. M. Smith 201 Tenn Ave. E. L. White Jr. 2735 Mimosa Place E. W. Todd 207 Davie Drive F. D. Blizzard 3035 S. Front St. W. T. Kraft Jr. RFD 2, Box 150 C. W. Lewis RFD 21 City Leona rd G. Drew RFD 2; 402. City Victo r Hussey RFD 3, Box 166 H. W. Haskett 2302 Chestnut St. S. D. Keily 1902 Carolina Ave. J. P. Brinson 903 Market St. Arthu r Lee RFD 2, Box 189 Georg e E. Jones 217 Mercer Ave, W. J. Nills 2731 Van Buren J. H. Miller 5201 Oleander James L. Johnson 2611 Market St. Wi lto n Stephens 308 Calhoun Drive H. F. Newkirk Jr. 1507 5outh 4th St. W. H. Tierney Jr. 210 N. bth St. L. J. Willett D. H. Williams Wm. E.,Grimstead W. J. Dunlevy James H. McLamb Frank M. Martin Sr. James P. Carroll William Earl Eagle Elliott W. Johnson Boyd E. Lowe .lohn Torham J. E. Hinnant Mercer P. Sykes C. C. Johnson A. F. Grimstead Cova Clemmons Leroy Hollis J. W. Clayton Theron Dunn Henry D. Easterling Louis Miller Hubert R. Stiles Robert A. Woodcock Denton B. Wali Perry J. Whitman Jr. 122 Sebrell Ave. 711 Surry St. 108 West North Carolina 4911 Oleander Dr. 228# }(enwood Ave. 1607 East Plaza 2922 Adams SL. 150 Pinecrest Pkwy. 1950 Pender Ave. 201 Francis Marion Dr. RFD 3, Box 276 5906 Park Ave. 154 W. Ship ard Blvd. 410 soutn i?tn st. 302 Castle Hayne Rd. 3706 laWr.ighLsville Ave. 5022 Wrfghtsville Ave. 206 Vance St. 2860 Jefferson St. 2021 Pender Ave. RFD 1, Box 1769 Castle 2217 Brandon Road 6010 Park Ave. 319 Davie Drive 11 North 7th St. ADJOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously voted ad,journment. Ave. r Hayne W. v, xoucx, r.xecuzsve ae?retary _ I. \