1960-12-19 Regular Meeting1 iF) ?? - D Wilmington,N. C. December 19,1960 ASSEMBLY - The regular semimonthly meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Commission- ers was held today at 9:00 P. M. in the Commissioners Room of the Court House with'the fol- lowing members present: Chairman J. M.Ha11,Jr.Commissioners Peter H. Braak, L. E. Broad- hurst, E. R. Mrayhan, and John Van B. Metts, Jr., County Auditor T. D. Love and County Atto`rney John Bright Hill. INVOCATION - Chairman Hall called the meeting to order and asked Reverend E. T. Smail, Pastor of the Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, to give a prayer of invocation. RESIGNATION - COUNTY ATTORNEY The Chairman read a letter dated December 8, 1960 from Mr. John Bright Hill ex- pressing his appreciation for re-election as County Attorney but,on the advice of his _ doctors and for personal reasons,offered his resignation effective January 1, 1961 in order to devote his entire time to his private law practice. He offered his assistance and advice to his successor and will turn over to him all County files and supply any in- formation pertaining to County affairs. After a brief discussion by the Commissioners expressing their appreciation for his service, Mr. Braak moved that the resignation be accepted with sincere regrets and that Mr. Hill be presented a Certificate of Award for his valuable contribution in handling the County business. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board. ? e, az" APPOINTMENT - COUNTY AT'IORNEY C, The Chairman informed the Board that the next order of business would be to appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term of County Attorney Hill. After briefly dis- cussing the requirements of the office, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that Mr. L. Brad- ford Tiilery, a former Assistant Recorder's Court Judge, be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Hill as County Attorney. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan, whereupon Mr. Metts offered a motion, seconded by Mr. Braak t at the nominations be closed and upon the unani- mous vote of the Board, Mr. L. Bradford?w??s?eX?pointed County Attorney to succeed Mr. Hili. / C ?L?l?tih{ 0 CAPE FEAR KAR CLUB - The question arose as to whether or not the Go-Kart Racing Event approved on December 5th to be conducted on December 18th was actually held.and, if so, was proper liab- ility insurance provided as stipulated in the approval agreement. The Executive Secretary was instructed to confer with Dr. Hooper Johnson who was one of the sponsors and supervi- sors of the event and request that insurance policies be delivered to the Commissioners' office in the future for such events. HOSPITAL RE-EVALUATION COMMITTEE - The report from the Committee authorized by the Board on April 18, 1960 to study ? the factual needs for hospital facilities in this area and re-evaluate them in terms of a recommendation was received from its Chairman, Mr. Harry M. Solomon, who reported that after a thorough study, they were unanimous in finding a compelling need for a new general hospital to replace the present physical plants at James Walker Memorial and Community Hospitais. They recommended and urged that the Board of Commissioners appoint a Finance Committee to determine ways and means to carry out the recommendations. HOSPITAL RE-EVALUATION COMMITTEE REPORT Gerier.al: The following is a list of the activities of this steering committee. In each case members of the larger committee participated in the functions of the sub- committees and the meetings of the steering committee. 1. Studied Norman report. 2. Interviewed officials and investigated conditions at the following existing ` hospitals: a. James Walker Memorial Hospital g. Onslow County Hospital b. Community Hospital h. Columbus County Hospital c. Cape Fear Memorial Hospital I. Duplin General Hospital d. Babies' Hospital j. Wake County Memorial Hospital e. Pender County Hospital k. Charlotte Nemorial Hospital f. Dosher Memorial Hospital 3: Mr. W. F. Henderson, Executive Secretary of North Carolina Medical Care Com- mission, and Mr. Marshall Pickens, Director - Hospital Section Duke Endowment, were invited to Wilmington and met with The Committee of 70. 4. Interviewed the following individuals and groups: a. New Hanover Medical Society j. Wilmington College, Board of b. Wilmington Medical Society Directors c. Board of Directors, Community Hospital k. County Auditor d. Board of Directors, J.W.M.H. 1. Exec. Dir. of Urban Renewal e. Exec. Comm. - Chamber of Corunerce Commission f. Exec. Comm. - Merchants Association m. Auxiliary of Community Hospital g. Community Council n, School of Nursing Staff of h. Hospital Auxiliary, J.W.M.H. Community Hospital I. Exec. Comm. - Committee of 100 0. Civitan Club Conclusions: 1. Need: After investigating all existing hospital facilities in New Hanover County this committee feels there is a compelling need for a new general hospital to replace the present physical plants at James U!alker Memorial Hospital and Community Hospital. There are several general areas which in- dicate the need for a new hospital. These, are: continued- .i 636 Minutes of the Neeting December19, 196:0 (1) The existing buildings are outmoded, antiquated and excessively expensive to maintain. (2) The inefficient layout of the existing buildings increases operating costs appreciably. (3) Limitations of the present sites prevent expansion of the existing hospitals. (4) Federal funds are not available either to expand or modernize the existfng facilities. ($) Both hospitals lack areas to house equipment demanded by modern medical technology. (6) A new modern hospital will lessen the problems of attracting resident phy- sicians, interns and nurses. (7) A new modern hospital will aid in attracting industry. This need was substantiated by each individual and group interviewed by this committee. I°t is quite evident that New Hanover County is falling far behind other counties of the state in providing adequate hospital facilities for the citizens of this county. II. Si2e and Type: There is a total of 342 beds in James Walker Memorial Hospital and Community Hospital. The minimum of beds immediately required is 380 beds. This is in addition to other hospital facilities now available in this county. Therefore, this committee recommends the construction of a new 400 bed _general hospital expandable to meet future needs. III. Operation: The establishment, under the Hospital Authorities Law of North Caroiina, of a New Hanover County Hospital Authority to construct, equip and ? operate the new facility is a recommendation of this Committee. It would be the responsibility of such an authority to make available hospital facilities 1 for any citizen of New Hanover County. - IV. Financing: The Federal Government will presently match local funds on a basis of 55% from the government to 45% local funds. The total cost of a nerr 400. bed hospital will be approximately $6,000,000. The countyts share of this ost will be $2,700,000. Use of equipment and assets from James Walker Memorial Hospital and Community Hospital, private bequests and coniributions which shall make up the bulk of the funds and which possibiy would be matched by Duke Found- ation Funds, donation of site, savings on operating cost of Community Hospital to county, would reduce the anount to be furnished by the county to a minimum amount. V. Location: It is felt by the Committee on the advice of experts, that the hospital should be located on at least 40 acres of land, preferabiy in the center of the county. The final decision should be made by the aforementioned Hospital Author- ity: since there are many technical considerations and requirements involved in site selection. VI. Finance Committee: Upon receipt and approval of this report by the County Com- missioners, we urge the Commissioners to appoint a committee to determine ways and means for the implementatinn of this report. Chairman Hali thanked Mr. Solomon for the strong sense of duty which his committee had assumed and felt that they had rendered a valuable service to the citizens of this County and surrounding area. Mr. Braak then offered a motion that the report of the Committee as a whole be accepted with thanks and appreciation and that eaeh member of the Committee be sent a letter of thanks, individually, and that the Committee be dissolved as it had discharged the duties originally assigned to it. The motion was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unaimously adopted. HOSPITAL FINANCE COMMITTEE - / Pursuant to the recommendation of the Hospital Reevaluation Committee of 70, ? Mr. Braak offered a motion that the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners be given authority to appoint the necessary Finance Committee, after consultation with other members of the Board of Commissioners, the duties of which shall be to investigate and implement all ways and means of raising funds for the consttl~ction of a general hospital. This Committee is to report back its recommendations to the'New Hanover County Board of Commissioners not later than April 1, 1961. It was seconded by Mr. Metts but before the question was called on this motion, Mr. Mayhan offered a substitute motion that the Com- mittee be composed of 15 members and that each Commissioner be allowed to name three each. This substitute motion was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. ?f? r R discussion of the problem, n h a ballot was taken on the substitute and Messrs. Broaclliurst??ro?.ed "yes" and Messrs. Braak, Hall and Netts voted "no". The Chairman declared the substitute motion defeated. The ballot was then taken on the original motion and Mr. Mayhan voted "No" and Messrs. Braak, • Broadhurst and Metts voted "Yes" and the Chairman declared the motion prevailed and agreed to appoint the Committee at an early date. Z C.P. 8 L. DAMAGE CLAIM - A letter was read froin the Carolina Power 8 Light Company stating that the Connty dragline had accidently damaged their electrical facilities at the intersection of Floral Parkway and Park Avenue. The Executive Secretary reported that he had learnsd, ? through investigation, that the accident occurred during the time the operaLor was do- b?-u•?^?-? ing a gratis job for the State Highway Commission by cutting Floral Parkway in two sections preparatory to laying pipe in the canal which it crosses. The total amount-of the damage is $22.46. Mr. Broadhurst moved, seconded by Mr. Metts, that the Executive Secretary be authorized to negotiate with the State Highway Commission in making a satisfactory adjust- ment of this ciaim. It was unanimously approved by the Board. (Subsequently, Mr. R. A. Ashwor.th advises that if the invoice is made to the State Highway Commission and sent to him at Burgaw, North Carolina, he will process it for payment. / ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR The Executive Secretary advised the Board that at the time Mr. .lohn E. •. '. 4'.0o d. was appointed County Electrical Inspector, it was on a temporary basis. After • a brief discussion, Mr. Broadhurst offered a motion that the appointment be extended for a period of one year. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved. 6, ?371 Minutes of the Meeting December 19, 1960 Continued PROTEST PETITION - Mr. J. C. Green presented the Board with a petition, signed by approximately 40 residents of the Belvedere and Princess Place area, protesting the new location of the Refuse Disposal site, anticipating that it is near enough to their homes to depreciate the value of their property and prove annoying from smoke, smog and pungent odors arising there- from. The Chairman asked him if it_was a nuisance at present to which he answered "No" and the Chairman then promised to give it consideration should it prove to be a nuisance. URBAN RENEWAL PROPERTY - A letter was received from the Redevelopment Commission of the City of Wilming- ton advising that the lots listed bedow were located in the Waterfront Urban Renewal Area being planned by the Commission. The titles are held by New Hanov,er County and the City of Wilmington ,jointly. The Housing..and Home Finance Agency,has requested written consent from the Board of Commissioners that they will be agreeable to negotiating the purchase price of these vacant lots and not object to Court determination of the compensation in event prices can not be mutually reached. Block Lot No. Description 291 Pt. 5 33' x 75' 291 Pt. 4 33' X 75' 304 4? 7 33t x 601 331 The Chairman explained that1he had probably assumed more authority than was his right and had agreed to the above request and asked the Soard to ratify the action "Nunc pro tunc". Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Metts, the Board unanimously approved the action taken by the Chairman in this matter. MEDICAL CLAIM ?. A letter was received from Dr. Edwin J. Wells explaining that he had operated on Charles Allen Rivenbark (DPW16902) on December 15, 1959 for an inguinal hernia and hydro- cele. His fee was reduced to $100.00 for this professional service. Investigation through the Departrr:ent of Public Welfare disclosed that he had issued a permit for diagnosis and treatment as an indigent patient and paid his hospital bill at the rate of $13.00 per day. The records at the County Farm show that he was discharged from his court sentence on Dec- ember 22, 1959. After considering the facts, the Board unanimously ordered the claim re- r ferred to the County Attorney for his advice before taking any action. ROAD PETITION Mr. T. A. Crews submitted petitions for adding Campus View Circle and Rose Ave- nue to the State maintained 5econdary Road System. After reviewing the matter, Mr. Broad- hurst offered a motion that they be approved and sent to the State Highvray Commissiott for their.consideration. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. TAX FORECLOSED PROPERTY SALE The Executive Secretary informed the Board that F. C. Sadgwar, who owns a third interest in tax foreclosed property located in Block 228, Parts of Lots # 2 8 3, which is 33' x 72Z, wanted to purchase the other two-thirds interest owned jointly by the City and County. Sadgwar c;laims he has been paying the full tax on this property over a period of years just as if he had full title to it. The County Property Assessors, Messrs. McGirt and Blake have appraised the valuation at $360.00. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, second- ed by Mr. Braak, the Board unanimously approved this sale; subject to approval of the Wilmington City Council. BEER LICENSES - cA-r- I The application of Mr. Hollis Burke Frissell Briggs, 222 South-12th Street, of this City, for a Retail Beer & Wine Permit was ordered upon motion of Mr. Braak,seconded - by Mr. Mayhan, unanimously referred to tne Sheriff for his consideration. TAX ABATEMENT - Pursuant to assignment at the last meeting, the County Auditor reported that he had investigated 5t. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Trinity Methodist Church for abatement of 1960 taxes. He was unable to find any legal authority for canceling the taxes amounting to $167.19 for St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church as the property is not being used for church purposes and, in fact, is being advertised for sale at present. He reported that the property in question for the Trinity Methodist Church has been trans- ferred since AugusL 1959 to the Trustees of the Church and is being used for church pur- poses and, therefore, should be tax free and recommends that a refund be made of the County taxes amounting to$47.44. Mr. Broadhurst then moved that the recommendations above be approv- ed. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously adopted. HURRICANE DONNA DAMAGES An invoice for repairs to the emergency cause of over activity during Hurricane Donna, was Company, Incorporated. in the amount of $1378•75• meeting of October 3, 1960. The Auditor reported this emergency, Mr. Braak offered a motion that $1 Emergency Fund to the Airport-Repairs Fund and the ed by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. generator at the Airport,burned out be- received.from Electric Repair and Service This expenditure was authorized at the that since no Funds were budgeted for 378•75 be appropriated out of the General bill be authorized paid. It was second- r i i REFUSE DISPOSAL - ' The Chairman of the CommitLee appointed for implementing a satisfactory trash ,??? disposal operation recommend the fol?lowing amendments in addition to the rules approved by the Board in their meeting on December 5th: 1- That the operation be under the supervision of Mr. Dave W. Rivenbark. 2- That the hours be from 7:00 A. M. to 5:00 P. M. Monday through Saturday. Sundays 8:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. 3- Signs are to be posted designating the areas-to be used for dumping from day to day. 4- That a receipt book be furnished the guard on duty for the purpose of issuing a re- ceipt-for.any money collected. 5- That a charge of 50ie per load be made for all materiais other than household trash and garbage. continued- -A r 638 Minutes of the Nteeting December 19, 1960 Continued 6- That the old trash dump be cieaned up and the stumps and tree limbs scattered about be pushed off into the swamp before it is abandoned. 7- That George A. Shepard, an employee of the Consolidated Board of Health, be employed to operate the bulldozer to clean up the old dump and instruct Dave W. Rivenbark in its operation. He is using his vacation time to do this and will be paid on the basis of $2.00 per hour. Approved this the 12th day of December, 1960 /S/ Peter H. Braak, Chairman Ernest R. Mayhan J. Van B. Metts, Jr. There were no dissenting remarks voiced on these recommendations and therefore they were unanimously approved by common consent. < Appropriation - The Executive Secretary informed the Board that two commercial haulers had paid their fee for using the Refuse Disposai amounting to $200.00. Mr. May- han offered a motion that these funds be appropriated out of Unanticipated Funds and l laced in the Refuse Dis osal Fund for the ur ose of p p p p going toward the payment of any expenses incurred in the landfill operation. It was seconded by Mr. Braak and unani- mously approved. BOUNDARY LINE RETAINING WALL - Pursuant to action of the Board on November 21st, Mr. G. Dudley Humphrey pre- ,.,_I?.?.? / sented an agreement establishing the boundary line between the property of New Hanover ' t " County arid the Peoples Saving & Loan Association and providing for a 12 underground drainage pipe to cross the County property and empty into Jacob's Run. This drainage line replaces the present 6" surface line. Upon motion of Mr. Broadhurst, seconded by Mr. Mayhan the Board unanimously approved this agreement provided it was favorably passed on by the County Attorney. SURETY BONDS - Surety Bonds for the following were unanimously approved sub,ject to approval of the County Attorney upon motion made by Mr. Braak and seconded by Mr. Broadhurst. James Henry Burton B. B. Christmas Ruby King Matthews Nicliolas H. Modinos James Gilbert Moore , Harper MacDonald G''Suilivan ' Thomas 5olomon Roney Owen Frank Watters Jr. Paul Phillip Wolfe 5amuel Baxter Yopp .TAX BREARDOWN CHART - County Auditor T. D. Love presented a proposal to have printed, for d`istri- bution by the Tax Listers and others, a breakdown of the present tax structure of the County showing the disbursement of the various funds. He suggested that it would prob- ably be a good will gesture and pay for itself in the field of public relations. He proposed to have in the neighborhood of 20,000 two-color charts made at a cost aot to exceed $250.00. The two-color chart only costs $40.00 more than the one color and is deemed more effective. Mr. Braak offered a motion that this recommendation be approved, the cost not to exceed $250.00 and to be appropriated out of the General Emergency Fund. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously adopted. / HOLIDAY - The Board was reminded that it had been customary over a period of years to _ allow County employees New Year's day as a legal Holiday. After a brief discussion, Mr. Mayhan offered a motion that as New Yearts came on a Sunday, January 2nd be declared a legal hotliday for County employees and that the next regular meeting be held on January 3rd, 1961. It was seconded by Mr. Broadhurst and unanimously approved. DRAINAGE & EROSION - County Auditor T. D. Love informed the Board that the Drainage and Erosion appropriation had been exhausted and as they had authorized the use of the dragline an , additional appropriation should be made to replenish the account. Mr. Broadhurst then ? offered a motion that $600.00 be allocated out of the General Emergency Fund to the Drainage & Erosion Fund to ciear up the deficiency. It was seconded by Mr. Mayhan and unanimously approved by the Board. REPORTS - The following reports were received and reviewed by the Board and ordered filed for information: ?r AD.lOURNMENT - Upon motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Mr. voted adjournment. 1- New Hanover County Airport Report for November 1960 „ 2- Wilmington Public Library 3- Farm Agent's Report for November 1960 4- USO Club Report " " " 5- Grand Jury Report for term of Criminal Court beginning December 5,1960. Broadhurst, the Board unanimously 0 , A . ? - W. G`Houck, Executive Secreta?y L_