1955-09-26 Regular Meeting , s , ? , ? i ? ,r , f ? ? ? ? I , Wilmington, N. C., September 26, 1955. The regular weel>1y meeting of the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'cloclz A. M. Present: R. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask, J. M. Hall, Jr., Ernest R. P1ayhan, L. E. Broadhurst, Cicero P. Yow, County Attorney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. .. $%. The Chairman asked thaL we stand with bowea heads in silent prayer for the early recovery of Presi.dent Eiserihower who sufPered a heart attaclc Saturday, September 24. The meetinb was then opened with prayer by the Reverend U. S. Johnson, Pastor of St. Lukes Metizbdist Church, colored. ? ? At the suggestion of tize Chairman, it was then directed that a letter of sympathy be written? to our sick President with a prayer for his speedy recovery and restoration to health. Copies of the minutes of the nieeting oP the Board of September 19, 1955, having previously`?,:k?A been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Air.. Trask, seconded by?,??.•,?r,c,b., Mr. Mayhan, approved. . . The question as to the best procedure to follow to secure eontracts for the sand dune rehabil-Q??- . itation work in the unincorporated beaeh areas, whether by advertising for bids or by nego- tiated contracts with the approximate eleven contractors interviewed by Mr. H. M. Loughlin, Ergineer to be in charge oP the._work, was brouzht up for discussion. Mr. Br.oadhurst favor- c&{? h,. ed advertising for bids as the best poliey. Mr. Trask felt best results could be achieved Uy giving all the contracto'rs an opportunity to share alike in the work, thru negotiated con- tracts, under the supervision of the Engineer who will make careful oUservatioils as to sat- isfactory performance of the'contraet, and if it should appear that any contractor is shirk- ing his work his contraet is to tie terminated and his share of tlze work divided among the other coiitractors. ' i . `?... The Chairman then called attention to the different types of maehine work in the beach areds: Dragline and Bulldozer operation is iieceesary in the Wilcnington Beach-Fort Fisher areas on account of Peat or Hard-pan soil, and Bulldozer operation at Freeman Beach, will appai^ently.?,:01,?-Z,- suffice. X A motion was then offered by Mr. Trask, seconded by Mr. Afayhan, and carried, that the rehabil'- - itation sand dune work for the unineorporated beach areas be divided equally among all the contractors who wish to participate in the work, on individual negotiated contracts. The contr•actors are to furnish bond and file iaith the County Auditor not later than the dead-line`^ Monday, October 3, 19550 , The number of pieces of eq+a.ipment £o be furnislzed by the Contractors to do tlie work iaas left?"'`?u? to the discretion of Pfr: H. M. Lough`lin, Engineer, who will supervise the work. The eight (8) contractors present met and selected S. E. Cooper and Jack Scruggs,' operatin as Continential Construction Company as the General Contractor who will be responsible for the work. Messrs. Richard F. Meier and Tohn H. r'?rrell appeared to ask for an apliropriation o*f $1,500. out of the advertisiilg ftind for S?NCBA which was received for consideration whenlthe appor- tionment of the Coanty's adVertising funds are made. . ?, •?, Upon motion of Mr. Trask, seco'nded by Tfr.' Piaylian,-it was ordered, that all orgariizations pecting to share in the d'istribution of the County's advertising funds for this fiscal * must cbme in and file Lheir request with the Board caithin ths next thirty'(30) days, from date hereof, to enable the County Conunissiotiers to niake a fair and equitable distribution of the fl.tnds in a manner that may appear to the best interest of the County. ,1 ? O ?wletter was received from Geueral Edward F. Griffin, State Director of Civil Defeyme, advi"s- f??? xng us of liis approval of our application for $S,`3,500.00 for the purchase of equipnient tq ex-.? pand our Mosquito Control Program, and that the same lia.s been transmitted to the Fbderal Civ- 4?,? uM il Defense Administration at Thomasville, Ga,, and we should receive a favorable reply with-6 ?'?°ry"`f in a few days. ? A letter received from the Board of Education calling attention to the possibility of a safe -?, ty hazard to the students if a fire station is built at the in-klersection within tiao (2) bloclzs. 9 of the jdinter Park School area, was referred back to the Board of Education to malce the re- ???? quest to the Safety Engineer of the StaLe Iiigh?aay anc3 Public Works Commission to investigate the matter and repert to them. ' 15ee??cf, r 0 ' Upon motiA uf DTr.,Trask, seconded by Mr. Mayhan, George Aolmes, 82-year old colored citizen and Social Security recipient, who was placed in the County Houie as an emergency case by Super- °intendent of Public Welfare, was gi^ai7ted permanent admisSion as a pay patient at ?30.00 per , _ month on recommendation of the Superintendent oi' Public Welfare. ? ' o? ?A Zetter of thanks and ai?preciation was received fY?om the City Council of the :own of Carolina'?fy,?' Beach, for tYie unselfish services rendered them during the recezit htarricane emergency. 5A copy of a lett;er wrztten by the Superintendent of Yublic Ldelfare to Mr. R. Eugeile Brown, Dir•ector of State Public Welfai^e, concerning our method of' figuring assistance budgets to able the 'Courity Commi.ssioners to hold the budgets down, in accordance with instructions gi.venl ?'b the Superintendent of Public Welfare was received. -The County Auditor reported the followitig Bonds and Coupons as having been paid,r'a'iid the were ordered destroyed by burning: G dA" N " School Bonds $2530000.00 ? ' County Home Bonds 1,000.00 $ 254,000.00 MAY fV 1974 School Bond Coupons 181,320.00 A ?, S County Home Bond Coupon 11.25 181,331.25 r _..a ?omm` ' °aacN??E Total Bonds and Coupons Paid .......... $? 435,331.215 „ Plonthly r'eports were received from: Wilmington Public Library., Community IIospital, Atorth Carolii7a 'Industrial C-ouitnissiozi, ancl Prel iminary 1955 I'arm Census Swcunary. ?Olohn C. Wessell Tuberculosis Sanatorium Census Report for weele encling September 22, 1955: ' White patients 8 Non-residents 0 • Negro " 17 Vacant beds 12 = Tahite male 4;TJhite female 4;Colored 7u male 2; Colored female 2• 305?TicRae St,'9/20? A naMs+rea - I - .re?,,;?o C?_.•:...-,..., (:nInl^P.f3 F'emale: r9/ ? Meeting of 5eptember 26, 1955 - Continued The Chairman announced that the additional terminal building at the Airport will be completed ?-n approximately ten (10) days, and arrangements will be made for dedication ceremonies, when ? lcompleted. ?P)??he Chairman also reported recent trouUle with water in new developments eutting into our sat- urated areas, and recommended that plans should be submitted and lzave Mr. Hecht investigate it and,d?ainage plans considered before homes are built. ?9??? ?on motion of Mr. Mayhan, seconded by Nir. Broadhurst, County bills No. 24449 tb 24531 were ap- C proved for payment. - The following good and lawful persons were drawn to serve as jurors in the Superior Court for ? the trial of Civil cases for the second week of the October Civil Term beginning 17th October 1955; and for first week October Criminal Term beginning 31st of October 1955: (i . /> bbr the second week October Civil,Term beginning 17, Oetober, 1955: Jos, L. rlaultsby, Rte 3- Box 102-B W. P. Cameron, 1916 Pender Avenue J. E. Hearn, Jr., 208 North 19th Street George J. Baker, 1404 Ann Street Linwood E. Williams, 2528 Burnett Avenue S. S. Cash, 611 Cas'tle Hayne Road George C. PScKeithan, 308 North 16th Street Phillip Moore, 120 Castle Hayne Road John A. Futch, 214 North 4th Street J. L. Roderick, 312 Castle Street Roland E. Bruee, 137 Pinecrest Parkway D. B. Stone, 4403 Park Avenue G. W. Godwin, 3815 Market Street Burton E. Myers, 1812 Nun Street J. M. Bryant, Jr., 2204 Princess Street Hoad J. R. Gutherie, Jr., 307 Central Boulevard John E. Tdood, 4211 Greenfield Street L. D. Webb, Rte. 1- Box 279 Archie G. Hales, Jr., 4220 Greenfield Street E. L. Richards, 126 Gordon Road R. M. Howell, 43102 S+Irightsville Avenue Lister E. Sdilliams, 1520 Orange Street L. C. Smith, 215 I{enwood Avenue Edward D. Delaney, 4907 Pine Street Ralph V. I3uband, 102 South 7th Street E. E. Copeland, 108 Morningside Drive Henry P. Smith, Jr., 307 North 4th Street Winston C. Crawley, 4211 Wrightsville Avenue J. L. Roderick, 2702 Jackson Street R. M. King, 2120 Tiarket Street A. E. Prince, 247 Williamson llrive Wm. C. Piurray, 5042 Pine Street A. L. Kelly, Jr., 516 Sunset Avenue Chas. M. Porter, 221 Rutledge Drive G. T. Sellers, 11-0 Lake Village G. R. Morgan, 109 Pauline Avenue Fbr the N'irst week October Criminal term beginning 31, October 1955: Sames Rutland, 24 Mercer Place S. W. Ivey, 9 Ct.-N Lake Forest Stacy T. Aollis, 2510 Harrison Street Wm. N. Womble, 2901 Princess Street G. T. Grotzen, 107 Castle Street Wm. T. Toms, 2215 Camellia Drive A. S. Trtandle, Jr., 202 Forest Hills C. B. Roberts, Wrightsville Sound B. C. Lewis, Sr., 2121 Brandon Road Haywood S. ICing, 114 South 5tlz Street Robert S. Hufham, Jr., 184 Princess Place Howard Penton, 102 N,imosa Place D. H. Penton, Jr., P..O. Box 426 E. E. Canady, 4934 Pine Street L. C. A4usselwhite, 2123 Klein Road Harold Sternberger, 620 Dock Street G. F. Mohn, 71 1'inecrest Parkway -- A. L. Fryar, 121 Tennessee Avenue S. C. Ellers, 312'South 6th Street L. F. DuVall, 124 Forest Hills Drive C. L. Boddie, Carolina Seach S. D. Zarkalis, Kure Beach G. T. Gay, Jr., 100 Virginia Avenue J. R. Striekland, 404 Castle Hayne Road l?lrank J. Jones, Jr.y 125 Brookwood Avenue ? SCS300I; BQND COUPONS j 59,000.00 Coupon No. Issue Bond No. Amount 33 7/1/37 77 1 at $ ;.13.75 ? 13.75 34 7/1/37 77 1 at 13.75 13.75 33 • 7/1/38 45-47 3 at 13.75 41.25 10 6/1/50 25-46 22 at 6.25 137.50 ? 10 6/1/50 47-106 60 at 7.50 450.00 6 6,(1/52 Series A 51-70 20 at 6.25 125.00 6 6/1/52 t' It 71-240 170 at 30.00 50100.00 6 6/1/52 " " 241-375 135. at 10.00 11350.00 6 6/1/52 " " 376-500 125 at 11.25 1,406.25 • 6 6/1/52 " " 511-700 190 at 11.25 2,137,50 6 6/1/52 " " 701-850 150 at 12.50 10875.00 6 6/1/52 851-1000 150 at 6.25 937.50 E. K. Chestnut, 239 Davie Drive H. C. Benton, 2010 Creasy Avenue James Ft. English, lOS Colonial Circle Emma B. Williamson, 602 Market Street L. A. Spooner, 415 North 41st Street Henry A. Tru.elove, 1404 Chestnut Street Sam Troy, Jr., 1312 Grace Street Geo. C. Montford, Rte. 2- Box 36 T. F. Reese, 4120 Park Avenue J. E. Hall, 4601 Wrightsville Avenue RoUert C. Plummer,, Box 365 D. S. Reynolds, 2414 Princess Street Robert G. Redmayne, 14 Barnett Drive G. C. Canady, 3619 Sdright'sville ;Avenue Charles E. Newton, Rte 2'- Box 144 C. J. Craig, 908 Princess Street W. A. Russ, C-33 Box 339 - J. W. Grise, 143 Colonial llrive' Clarence B. Sternberger, 105 Wrightsville Ave. Donnell Crumpler, 268 Castle Ha,yne Road Arthur F. Teague, 206 Calhoun Drive Otto K. Pridgen, 3701 Market Street Road E. R. Towles, Box 1627 Charles B. Deese, Box 2, Wrightsville I3ch. SJilliam Hocutt, Sr., 2014 Metts Avenue New Hanover County Reconciliation Bonds and Coupons pai$ by Bank February 1 to June 30, 1955 SCHOOL BONDS Interest Issue Bond No. Amount ., ? 6/1/50 25-30 6 at $1,000.00 $6,000.00 14 f 6/1/52 Series A 51-70 20 at 1,000.00 20,000.00 6 % 6/1/52 Series B 1-33 33 at 10000.00 33,000.00 Total Bonds ? F? ,• , , s r Meeting of September 26, 1955 - Continued School Bond Coupons - Continued Coupon No. Issue Bond No. 6, 6/1/52 Series. l3 1-120 120 at 30.00 6 6/1/52 " " 121-334 214 at 15.00 6 6/1/52 ", " 341-345 5 at 15.00 6 6/1/52 " " 350-368 19 at 16.25 6 6/1/52 370-510 141 at 16.25 6 6/1/52 516-545 30 at 16.25 6 6/1/52 551-560 10 at 16.25 6 6/1/52 571-586 16 at 16.25 6 6/1/52 592-613 22 at 16.25 6 6/1/52 ". " 643-660 18 at 16.25 6 6/1/52 ". " 721-1000 280 at 16.25 6 6/1/52 Series C 1-63 63 at 5.00 6 6/1/52 64-153 90 at 6.25 6 6/1/52 154-198 45 at 7.50 6 6/1/52 199-448 250 at 30.00 6 6/1/52 449-648 200 at 8.75 6 6/1/52 649-993 -345 at 7.50 Total Bonds and Coupons COUPONS OUTSTANDING Coupon No. 54 55 35 28 29 30 6 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Issue 7/1/18 7/1/18 7/1/37 1 /1 /40 , 1/1/40 1/1/40 6/1/52 S u eries B 6/1/52 " " 6/1/52 n n 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 u n 6/1/52 6/1/52 Amount $ 3,600.00 3,210.00 75.00 308.75 2,291.25 487.50 162.50 260.00 357.50 292.50 4,550.00 315.00 562.50 337.50 7,500.00 1.075000 2,587.50 $ 42,235.00 $101,235.00 Amount $ 25.00 75.00 27.50 11.25 11.25 11.25 112.50 162.50 650.00 406.?5 162.50 90.00 65.00 16.25 81.25 81.25 162.50 81.25 471.25 975.00 $ 3,678.75 Q? 3,287.50 391.25 3,678.75 Bond No. 63 1 at 25.00 64-66 3 at 25.00 76-77 2 at 13.75 81 1 at 11.25 81 1 at 11.25 81 1 at 11.25 501-510 10 at 11.25 633-642 10 at 16.25 471-510 40 at 16.25 521-545 25 at 16.25 633-642 10 at 16.25 335-340 6 at 15.00 346-349 4 at 16.25 369 , 1 at 16.25 511-515 5 at 16.25 546-550 5 at 16.25 561-570 10 at 16.25 557-591 5 at 16.25 614-642 29 at 16.25 661-720 60 at 16.25 Bank Balance at 6/30/55 . Coupons charged by New Yorlc but not received by IIank BONllS ANll COUPONS PAID FIARCH 31, 1954 ? i? r ; Interest 4 3/4 2 3/4. 2 3/4 2 1/4. 2 1 1/4 2 1/4 • BONDS PAID Issue Bond No. Amount 1/1/30 296-315 20 at 1000 $ 20,000.00 7/1/37 56-61 6 at 1000 6,000.00 7/1/38 37-40 4 at 1000 4,000.00 1-/4j40 50-54 5 at 1000 5,000.00 7/14i? 161-180 20 at 1000 20,000.00 $ 55,000.00 SCHOOL BOND ANTICIPATZON NOTES 11/15/51 2 1 at 14,000 $ 14,000.00 COUN`PY HOME BONll 1/1/40 12 1 at 1,000 1,000.00 ? 70,000.00 SCHOOL BOND COUPUNS PAID Coupon No. Issue Bond no. tlinount 47 1/1/30 296-355 60 at 23.75 1,425.00 48 1/1/30 296-355 60 at 23.75 1,425.00 31 7/1/37 77 1 at 13.75 13.75 32 7/1/37 56-79 24 at 13.75 330.00 33 7/1/37 62-75 14 at 13.75 192.50 33 7/1/37 76 1 at 13.75 13.75 , 33 7/1/37 78-79 2 at 13.75 27.50 30 7/1/38 37-47 , 11 at 13.75 151.25 31 7/1/38 41-47 7 at 13.75 96.25 27 1/1/40 50-86 37 at 11.25 416.25 28 1/1/40 . 55-80 26 at 11.25 292.50 28 1/1/40 82-86 5 at 11.25 56.25 24 7/1/41 161-340 180 at 10.00 11800.00 24 7/1/41 341-500 160 at 8.75 1,400.00 \ ? A Meeting of September 26, 1955 - Continued School Bond Coupons Paid - Contiriued Coupon No. Issue Bond No. 25 7/1/41 181-227 25 7/1/41 232-340 25 . 7/1/41 341-500 7 . 6/1/50 19-46 7 6/1/50 47-106 2 . 6/1/52 501-510 3 6/1/52 1-70 3 6/1/52 71-240 3 6/1/52 241-375 3 . 6/1/52 376-700 3 . 6/1/52 701-850 3 6/1/52 851-1000 3 6/1/52 3 3 3 3 3 3 (1953 Sale) 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 6/1/52 1-120 121-345 346-510 516-545 561-630 643-E70 721-1000 27 47 at 109 at 160 at 28 at 60 at 10 at 70 at 170 at 135 at 325 at 150 at 150 at 120 at 225 at 165 at 30 at 70 at 28 at 280 at ?$ 10.00 10.00 8.75 6.25 7.50 11.25 6.25 30.00 10.00 11.25 12.50 6.25 30.00 15.00 16.25 16.25 16.25 16.25 16.25 SCHOOL ANTICIPATION BOATll NOTES COUPONS PAID 11/15/51 2-3 2 at 87.50 COUNTY HODiE IIflNU COUPONS YATD 1/1/40 12 1 at Total Bonds and Coupons DISTRIBUTION Bonds Paid School Bond Nlxnd School Anticipation Notes County Home Bond F'und Coupon No. Issue 54 7/1/18 55 7/1/18 33 7/1/37 28 _ 1/1/40 3 6/1/52 (6/1/53 Sale) 3 " 3 " 3 " 25 7/1/41 ? 55,000.00 14,000.00 1,000.00 $? 70,000.00 COUPONS OUTSTANDING Bond No. Amount ? 470.00 1,090.00 1,400.00 175.00 450.00 112.50 437.50 5,100.00 1,350.00 3,656.25 .1,875.00 937.60 3,600.00 3,375.00 2,681.25 487.50 1,137.50 455.00 4,550.00 $ 40,980.00 $ 175.00 11.25 11.25 $? 41,166.25 $111,166.25 Coupons Paid ? 40,980.00 175.00 11.25 41,166.25 63 1 at ? 25.00 64-66 3 at 25.00 77 1 at 13.75 81 1 at 11.25 511-515 5 at 16.25 546-560 15 at 16.25 631-642 12 at 16.25 671-720 50 at 16.25 228-231 4 at 10.00 Total $ 95,9,?0?.00 14,a60,00 1,011.25 $111p166.25 llmount $ 25.00 75.00 13.75 11.25 81.25 243.75 195.00 812.50 40.00 $ 1,497.50 NEW HANOVN:R COUNTY RECONCIi,IATION BONDS ANll GOUPOATS PAIll - JIINE 30, 1954 SCHOOL BONllS PATD Bank Per Statement 2/28/54 Error in deposit 1,497.51 .O1 $ 1,497.50 Interest Issue IIorid No. Amount 1 1/4 % 6/1/50 19-24 6 at $1,000.00 $ 6,000.00 1 1/4 % 6/1/52 1-50 50 at 1,000.00 50,000.00 SCIi00L BOND COUPONS PAID Coupon No. Issue Bond No. Amount 25 7/1/41 228-231 4 at $ 10.00 $ 40.00 8 6/1/50 19-46 28 at 6,25 175.00 8 6/1/50 47-106 60 at 7.50 450.00 4 6/1/52 Series A 1-240 70 at 6.25 437.50 4 71-240 170 at 30.00 51100.00 4 241-375 135 at 10.00 1,350.00 4 376-700 325 at 11.25 3,656.25 4 701-850 150 at 12.50 10875.00 4 351-1000 150 at 6.25 937.50 4 6/1/52 Series B 1-120 120 at 30.00 3,600.00 4 121-334 214 at 15.00 30210.00 4 341-345 5 at 15.00 75.00 4 . 350-510 161 at 16.25 2,616.25 4 516-545 30 at 16.25 487.50 4, 571-586 16 at 16.25 2,600.00 4 592-613 22 at 16.25 357.50 4 643-720 78 at 16.25 11267.50 I ! , i L L- hieeting of September 26, 1955 - Continued School Bbnd Coupons I'aid - Continued Coupon No. Issue Bond No. Amount ' 4' 6/1/52 Series B 721-1000 280 at ? 16.25 $ 4,550.00. ' 3' 511-515 5 at 16.25 81.25 ' 3 546-560 15 at 16.25 243.75 3 631-642 12 at 16.25 195.00 ' 3 671-699 29 at 16.25 471.25 3 700-720 21 at 16.25 341.25 4 6/1/52 Series C 1-63 63 at 5.00 , 315.00 ' 4 ' 64-153 90 at 6.25 562.50 ' 4 154-198 45 at 7.50 337.50 4' 199-448 250 at 30.00 70500.00 " 4 449-648 200 at 5.75 1,750.00 4 649-993 345 at 7.50 2,587.50 • $ 44,830.00 SCHOOL BOND AATTICIPATIQN NOTES 1 3/4 11/15/51 3 1 at 87.50 87.50 ' Total Coupons ?$ 44,917.50 Total Bonds and Coupons NEld HANOVER COUNTY HECONCILICATIUN BONDS AND COUPONS PAID - JUNE 30, 1955 COUPONS OUTSTANllING Coupon No. Issue Bond No. 4i 100,917.00 Amount 54 7/1/18 ,63 1 at ? 25.00 ? 25.00 55 7/1/18 64-66 3 at 25.00 75.00 33 7/1/37 77 1 at . 13.75 13.75 28 1/140 81 1 at 11.25 11.25 4 6/1/52 Series B 335-340 6 at 15.00 90.00 4 6/1/52 346-349 4 Eit 16.25 65.00 4 6/1/52 511-515 5 at 16.25 81.25 4 6/1/52 546-570 25 at 16.25 406.25 4 6/1/52 587-591 5 at 16.25 81.25 4 6/1/52 614-642 29 at 16.25 471.25 $1, 320 . 00 ? Bank Per Statement $1,320.00 Upon motion of Mr. Trask, the meeting then adjourned. Ofs:. .? 9?la ? k Wilmington, N. C., October 3, 1955. 1he regular weelcly meeting oP the Board was held this day at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: kt. T. Horton, Chairman and Commissioners Raiford Trask,.J. Im. IIall, Jr., Ernest R. Mayhan, L. L. Broacihurst, Cicero Y. Yow, County A1:i.orney and T. D. Love, County Auditor. The meeting was opened with prayer by the Fteverenc( L. A. Ta3*lor, I:xecutive Secretary of the Wilmington Presbytery. . . • Copies of the minutes oP meeting of September 26, 1955, having previously been mailed to each member of the Board, the same were upon motion of Mr. Piayhan, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst,•ap- proved. . _ ' The Commissioners received from Mr. Louis T. Nioore, Chairman of the Neca Hanover IIistorical Com- mission, the Silver Service the County gave the.USS New Hanover (ARA-73) Nohen the Ship was com- missioned at the North Carolina Shipbuildinj Yards here in December 1944. The Silver Service was recently located thru the efforts of Mr. Dloore in a Naval Warehouse at the IIellevue Annex of the Naval Gun Factory in the llistrict of Columbia where it was placed when the ship was de- commissioned on July 30, 1946: Upon recommendation of Mr. Dloore, the Service was placed in the custody of the North Carolina Colonial llames of America for safe-keeping and display in the Cornwallis House, southwest cor- ner of Third and Niarket Streets, on condition that the same will be insured a;ai.nst theft and. fire and will be r.eturned to the County Commissioners, at any time, upon request. A receipt for the Service, in accordance with the,foregoing, was received fY°om Mrs. Anne T. S. ]3ellamy, President of the Society. • -y"" 'd -'? ?1,/{' PIr:"c. R. Dforse, Tax Collector, made his report oP settlement of' 1954 taxes as shown below which was upon motion of Mr. Hall, seconded by Mr. Broadhurst, a ccepted.subject to the check of the CertiPied Public Accountants. The insolvent list was ordered turned back to Mr. Morse to make further efforts to collect the unpaid taxes,for a period of one year, on motion offered by Mr. Trask and seconded by Mr. Dlayhan. , . ? sp ?^ \ 5 ? + '