1951-01-01 Regular Meetingr? 1Vilmi-f-to-,N.C., january 1, 1951. The regular weekl.y meetinp of the Bo?)rd vres held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Addiso^ Hewlett, Cheirma-, Ciqud U'Shields, Thursto^ C. Davis, Hal.'J. Love a-d C.F.Smith 'Cdurty.A'uditor awd Acti^E C?erk. Miss Hele- Smith, Assistant Home Demo^str?tio^ Agent preserted her report for December which was received a-d filed. U \;,1A report of the Vetera-+s Service Officer for December was received a-d filed. A copy of ^otice of i-te-tior to apply for State Permit to sell beer at Wrightsville Causeway submitted by Leonard Phipps, nras received. A letter received from Mr. A. Wilbur Clark showing the status of'the Seco-dary Road Bo.+d Fu"ds for all cou^ties in this district, as well as the -umber o£ miles paved si^ce the begi.+ri-g of the present Administratio-, was rec2lved and filed. Upo" motion,Charles Cowar LeSesne, Phisical.ly disabled Cou-ty indige^t, 67 years of qge, was o- recpmme-datio- of the Supt., of Public YJe].fare admitted to the Cou-ty Home. Upon motio- of b4r. Davis, seco^ded by P,Ir. Love, h4r. Foster Edwards, Clerk of the Superior ? Court, was authorized to atte-d a school for Clerks of Superior Court, I^stitute of 1C? Gover"me-t at Chapel Hi7.1, Ja^uary lOth through 12th, at Cou^ty Expe^se. ? a?f,,A'Mr. 0'Shields suggested that a meeti^g be held to discizss legislative matters at a time ?z other thar at a regular meeti-g. A communicatior was received from Messrs Harry Vd. Cherry and Flilliam C. Barfield, Certified ? U Public Accourtants, advising that they have audited the accou»ts a-d records of A.L.Meyland, deceased, Clerk of Superior Couzt, P'ew Hanover Cou-ty, for the period from Jul.y 1,1950 to December 4, 1950, a-d al_1 furds u^der his custody appear to have bee» accounted for. , A letter was received from The fiorth Carolina n4ercha-ts Associatior, co^cer-i^g a special ? issue of their official publicatio- °"The Retailer", vias received a-d filed. The followi*+g good a-d la.wful persors were draw- to serve as jurors i^ the Superior Court for the trial of Crimi^al cases for the o-e vaeek term bepi-i-@ Ja^uary 15, 1951: / J.J.19i-dley, 1819 Perry Ave-ue. Thero-+ Dunn, 2114 Bra.^don Road E.L.Southerland, 306 Diorthern Boulevard. A.C.Nichols, 107 S. 4th St. R.H.Davis, 301 N. 3rd7 St. Wil7.iam DeCover, P.G.Box 547. Wm. E. Ha.+d, 2400 Metts 9ve. H. Beery VJillsor, 20E Brookwood. L.B.Harrell, 118 S. 17th St. R.F.Phelps, 310 YJindsor Drive. G.D.Daughtry, 1811 D?un St. T.C.Clark, Box 182. - C.E.Gosnell, 2532 WashinFto- St. H.F.VJilsor 2013 I?etts Ave. S.P.Deil, ?04 Co7o»ial Ave. H.G.L4oore, 404 S. 18th St. H^.rry B. Register, 105 Keator Ave. B.W.Du-ham, 1736 Orange St., Geo. F. Duke, 203 N. llth St. Taylor S. n4urray, % TWPCo. A.E.Sondey, Castle Hayne. Chas. W. Rezze, 509 S. 5th St. Jas. J. Stevens, Rt,(2. David M. Blake, 109 N. 8th St. R.P.Cooper, 109 Jackson St. Jas.E.Pugh, 1.10 Queer St. W.A.Wilsor, 209 Ptorthern Boulevard. Ke^"eth B. Cook, 19 M. Like Forest. Geo. D. Blakely, 146 Like Forest Parkway. John J. Jacobs, 309 Kidder St. The meeti"g ther adjourned. C.F.Smith Acti-g Clerk. Wilmi^gton, N. C., January 8, 1951. The regular week?y meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. i r r Present: Addiso^ Hewlett, Chair•ma-, Jas.Itl.Hal1, Claud 0'Shields, Thurstor C. Davis, Ha7_ J. Love, Marsder Bellamy, Cou^ty Attoz°^ey a-d C.F.Smith, Cou^ty Auditor ard Acti^g Clerk. ' The Cou^ty Attor^ey reportirg o^ a request of Mr. Geo.A.Ca^ady to be released from the Ke?wood i^ the rtame sof i-terest ethat y?o actioed be gta.ken i^asmuch das j the gsame ? is a proper charge. Hoviever, upo^ motio^ of nir.H911, seco^ded by IvIr. Davis, Mr. Ca^ady was released from the pgyme^t of pe^a7ty for ^ot listi^F charged agai^st the property for 1947, thi^ki-F the same h3d bee- listed by the forner ovt^er. Y Mr. Dudley Humphrey ?ppegred to ..reqizest ', - a1n abatement of -ot iisted pe-alty charged against _YX Graysto-e Property ( Pite Hotel Gompa^y) Caroli^a Eie?ch, for the year 1950, vrhich was upo++ . motio- of Mir. Davis, seco-ded by Tvir. Hai1., gra-ted. ?\^ 14r. 0'Bhields reported o- a co^yersatio^ with Mr. A.64ilbur Clark, Third Divisior State ` c? Highway Commissio-er, a-d his visit here this or ^er,t week to discuss major highway matters. Surety bord for Dr.Wi].1.iam Frederick Barefoot as Cororer was presehted, but same bei;ng i-complete was ^ot approved. i tvlr. Hq11 discussed the posibility.of selling lots o^ Commu-ity Drive, part of Legio- ?,1k? Stadium property, ard upo" his motion, seconded by b4r. Davis, the Board 3greed to put 7? i^ progress work on the project.