1951-01-15 Regular Meetingr 234 Meeti-g of January 8, 1951, co-ti-ued. S A commu"icatio^ was received from the State Board of Public Vdelfare advisi^g that 5 $43,619.25 was se-t to this Cou-ty for December for 01d Age Assista-ce, Aid to Deperdent . Childre- a"d Admi-istratio-. The meeti-g the- adjour-ed. C. F. Smith, Acti-g Clerk. ?. VJilmi-pto^I F. C., January 15, 1951. ' The regular weekly meeti-g oi the Boqrd v+as he7_d Lhis day at 10:00 0'cl.ock A.M. Prese-t: Addiso^ Hew7.ett, Ch?irma^, Jas. M. H?11, Claud O'Shieids, Thursto- C: Davis, ? Ha7_ J. Love, Cou-ty Attor-ey h4arsde^ Bellamy a-d C.F,Smith, Cou-ty Auditor, The mi-utes of ineeti-gs of December 27th a-d January lst vaere read a-d approved as ? recorded Resig"atio- of Mr. R. W. Galphin as County Farm Demo"stratio- Agent, o^ accou-t of his physical co-ditio-, to become effective February 1, 1951, or as soor thereafter as his State a.+dLFederal retireme"t is effective, was prese-ted a-d upo- motio^ of Mr. Davis, •? seco-ded by Mr. HallIIwas accepted with regret, Upo- motio- of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by ft+fr, Love, Ilfr. D. D. Baggett, Assistant Cou^ty Age^t was o- recommendatio- of ll4r. C..M.Brickhouse, District State Supervisor a"d Mr. A. Schlegel, '1G Chairma- a-d members of the DTew Hanover County Farmers Courcil a-d Advisory Committee who ?were prese^t, was appoi^ted r^,rm Demonstratio^ Ape^t to succeed Mr. Galphi". t Upo- motio^ of E4r. 0'Shi,e].ds, seco^ded by Mr. Davis, the Board,at the request of the Farmers Cou^cil, agreed to take immediate steps to secure a- Assista^t Farm Agert. • Mjr. Thos.G.O'Neal, Director of Civil Defense, reported completio^ of the selectio- of kea. mer for the various depertthe.+ts of Civil Defe-se, a-d advised that most of the sirens i-+ the Cou-ty were out of order a-d some would have to be replaced, and it would be recessary that the Cou^ty furrish a past-time ma- to make repairs. It wili. take approxima,tely 2000 me, to operate the service. The necessary ezpe^ses would be bor-+e by e Federal a-d Cou^ty Gover^me^ts a-d other mu-icipalitles of the County. ' -?? Mr. William M. 1^lilso^?represe-ti-p the Souther- Ivlicrofilmi^g Compa-y of Sumter, S. C.? gave a- exhibitio^ of microfilmed records, a-d swftitted a cost of $8,170.00 for microfilmi-g ?pproximately 567 volumes of recoxds i^ ihe Register of Deeds'a--d Clerks offices, which matter, a.fter discussio-, was received;study and co-'side'r.a,tio? vrith the Local"EaP A95ociatlor. Upor motio- of 1Jir. Davis, seco-ded by Mr. 0'Shieids? Mr. Leo^ T. Croom, 212 CalhoV- Drive; ' Maffitt Vi2lage, a s•eside^t of Tviaso;boro toi??-ship; i:?is gra^ted ar 46ateme-t of Ci?y taxes • _o, a valuatio- of W0.00 rerso^al property q-d poll charged i^ VJilmi-+Fto- Tow-ship i^ error , for the year 1950. Surety bo^d for Hubert Hiyes as 9 .;ustice of the Reace; i^ the amou-t of $I,000.00 vaith the- - "'stional Surety Compa-y as surety, the seid amou-t hivi^g bee^ fixed by law, a-d the said bo^d approved as to form a-d executio^ by the Cou-ty 4ttor^ey, was upo^ motio^ of Mr.Da.vis, ' seco-ded by Mr. 0'Shields, was approved by the Board. "o objections were i^dicated by the Board to the U-ited States District E^gi-eer gra-t'ing perraissio^ to the Souther^ Kraft Divisio" of the I-ter^atioral Paper Compa^y, Georgetow",S.C.I to corstruct 3 sever-pile dolphi-s in the Cape Fear River approximately 11000 feet dow-stream of Lock a-d Datn No.l. - Upon motio- of Mr. Love, seconded by Ivlr. 0',9hields? Il1r. Richard Bisse-ger a reside-t of ffiasorboro v.as gra-ted ar abateme-t of poll taxes charged in the City ir error. Double Ch3r?e. Upo^ notio- of Mr. Love, seco-ded by Mr. Davis, Mr, WiJ.liam fti. H111 was granted a-+ abetemeft ' yUn of taxes or a valuatio^ of $450.00, b.lock 58, lot "E4 Pt.3, account of double charge for t:he 7 year 1949. A letter was received from the State Highvaay a^d Public Plorks Commissio- advisi-g that the Public r,anding Road at Greenville Sou-d was added to our Cou-ty Iiighvaay System at its meeti^g held December 21, 1950. Actio- o^ a request to abate bacY taxes charged aFai^st lots 22, 23 a-d 24 i- block H, fa? Ardmore for the.ye?rs 1944 through 1950 i^ t;he -ame of G.C.I?dcKeitha- Trustee for OZd Apostolic Luther^ Church of Americq,T-?d plice the saMe o^ the tax.free 7_ist, was co^ti^ued pe-di^g receipt of affidavit to the effect that the s3id property was occupied a-d used exclusipely for church purpose.s. Mr. 0'Shields agai- brouFht to the 'itte^tio^ of the Board the matter of requesti^g the ACL Railroqd Compa^,y movi-p its st?tio^ at 7Jrightsboro further fron the highway crossi-g i- to preve-t its tratr_S-#'rom blocki??,.t?ie hiFYnvsy v,?he^ stops are r?ade there. a, : Meetirg of Jaruar3' 15, 1951, co*+ti^ued. Upor motio^ of It4r. Davis, seco-ded by luir. Hai,11 the Cou^ty 6uditor was authorized to ?.G ?urchase a disk harrow for the Cou^ty Farm out of the Cou-ty Farm emerge+?cy fu"d if fou^d ^ecessary. The meeli-g the- ad j oi.ir^ed .' Clerk. - ? • . hilmi-gto-, ". C.1 January 22, 1951. The regular weeki_y meeti^g Nras held at 10:00 o'c'ock A. M. Present: Addiso- Hewlett, Cha,irma-, Cl.aud 0'Shields, Thursto^ C'. Davis, Cou-ty Attorn,ey Marsde- Beilamy a"d C.F'.Smith, Cou^ty Auditor, ' Ugc-inotio- of nir. 0'Shields, seco-ded by Mr. Davis, readi-g of the rai-utes of ineeti-gs of an., & a-d 15 vas dlispe-sed "with. , ?Major Thomas G. 0.'Neal, Director of Civil Defense, preserted a 1ergthy report o- the• ? orga^izatio- of the Office of Civil Defe^se of the P7ilydi^F-to^ -,*'ev? Hanover Cou^ty ?-rnllf?`"? Civil. Defe-se Admi-istration a^d budget estimate for the period February 1 to Ju"e / - 30, 1951, showi-g $5,195•28 which represe-ts 3/7's of the total amou-t of $12,122.32 ?eeded for its operatior vihich, after discussio-, was upo^ motion of Mr. Davis, seco-ded by Mr. 0'Shields, gra-ted out of the Ge-eral Fu^d Emerge^cy Furd, or a^y u^3ppropri_?ted ` sur lus fu-ds? PROVIDFD the City a-d Beach resorts appropriate their pro-rata share: +- A.petitio^ of 26 property ow^ers a-d farmers requesti-g the Courty CommissioRers to a rov / . a-d use their best efforts to have the Stqte Highway a-+d Public Works Commissio++ add po our Cou-ty Highvray System for nai^te-e^ce, anproxim?tely fmur m11es Porters Neck Road Er.tensior ru^^i^g through the Porters "'eck Plantation Sub-division? plus 4600 feet of old roadvaay co-ti^ui-g o^ to US17 3^d e^tering said highvray at a point about one mile -orth of the Porters P'eck'Hiphva3y, u.?as presented by Mr. Edgar L. Yow, 1nd upo^ motion " of n?r. Da.vis, seco^ded by T,ir. 0'Shields, vaas received for co^sideratio- a-d irvestigation o^ the'premises. qlderma^ of_Yirightsviile Beach ' Mr.Dick Sheppard/appeared to say that the Tow- of UTrightsville Beach e-dorsed the co^structio- ? V)of a proposed highway. from US7.7 -ear, the Four n4ile Post vi?) the Vi]_1a View Road to Wrightsvill.e Beach as a mutuRl be-efit to ?t11. - Upo- motio- of I,rr, 0'Shieids, seco-ded by 14r. Davis, the RePister o£ Deeds was authorized to r-?°ecb+s?'employ a temporgry clerk a?d 're?t a--typewriter for?i-dexirg thef1950 births and deaths at a ?(? salary i++ line with that paid for simiiar work, r • Upon motio- of Mr. ')avis, seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Burt Paper Box Company was gra-ted a" abatement of not listed peralty charged agai-st their property ir block 562 for the year 1950, o- recommerdatio- of the Cou-ty Auditor. • x A bill. in the anount of,$432,00 for 54 days hospital care for HarryAlex3^der Durham at -__PtnP Duke Hospital was received from the Supt., of Pubtic Vlelfare, ard the Board haviTg : approved payment for 28 days at $8.00 per day at meeti-gs of November 20th and December 4th, took no further action., , Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shie).ds, Mr. B. F. Ozment,Jr., 132 Pirecrest ? Parkway, was gra-ted a- abatement of taxes on a valuatioM of $50.00 personal property ; listed above exemptio- in error for the year 1950,; or his sigred stateme-t that the property listed by him at $350.00 was ir error a"d should have been $300.00. ?--, Upo- motior of Mr. 0'Shields, seco^ded by Mr. Davis, the Board authorized that advertiseme++t for bids be made for the purchase of accou-tfi-g a-d tax l.isting equipme"t for the auditors office, and for the purchase of three automobiles for the Sheriff's Department a-d ore to^ and _ one half stake body truck for the Cou^ty Farm, 5eale8 bids°to be-Peceived 10:00 o'clock A.M. F.riday, February 2-d 1951. A report of Associated Charities a'nd Cou^t"y Fire<Department.for.December were received a-d filed. • Surety bond for Dr.'YVilliam Fred'erick Barefoot as Coro-er in the amou-t of f02,000.00 with the .A-l;cha- American Employers' I^sura^ce Compa,y, the said imou^t having bee" fixed by the Board, n-d the said bo^d approved as to Porm a^d exe?c?utionby the Cou^ty Attor^ey, was a.pproved. Upon motio- of IvIr. Daeis, seco^ded by 1,4r. 0, 'Shields, the Board authorized the purchase of Streptomyci- for approximately three mo^ths treatme-t for b4illie Pe3rson, 708 Swa^n Street, 0 sufferi^g vrith Tuberculosis o^ recomme^datio^ of Dr. A. H. Etliot, Cou^ty Health Officer, perdi^g her admissio^ to the 5tate Sa-atorium. ? Upor motio^ of ll4r. 0'Shields, seco-ded by Mr. Dpvis, Mr. M.T.Ross, Jailer, was authorized ??2,to atterd a. three day school o^ "Operatio^ a^d Ma^ageme^t of City a-d Cou^ty Jails" irsti:tute of Governmeht at Chapel Hill o^ Ja-uary 24, 257 a-d 26th, 1951. 1 A copy of the mi-utes of the meeti-g of the Board of T'rustees of Commu"ity Hospital of December 20, 1950, vaere received a"d filed. r o objections were indicated by the Board to the U-ited S?ates District E-gineer gra^tirg permissior to the Southerm Kraft Divisior of the Internatio-al Paper Compary of Georgetow-,S.C.9 .r.? to co^struct 3 seve"-pile dolphi"s in the Cape Fear River aPproximately 1500 feet dowrstream of LoCk v-d Dam No.2. A petition of VJ.F.Sledge a-+d Katherire C. Sledge submitted o" State Form R-10, by the , P6S Sledge Lumber Company of Whiteville,' N. C., requesting the State Highway and Public Works -- ` Commissio- to take over ard mairtai- three miles of road leading off US 117 a-d 421 at Skippers Corner -ear Castie Hay-e a^d rejoini-+g US 117 a-+d 421 21 miles South of Skippers Cor"er. was received for further consideration. I