1951-01-22 Regular Meetinga, : Meetirg of Jaruar3' 15, 1951, co*+ti^ued. Upor motio^ of It4r. Davis, seco-ded by luir. Hai,11 the Cou^ty 6uditor was authorized to ?.G ?urchase a disk harrow for the Cou^ty Farm out of the Cou-ty Farm emerge+?cy fu"d if fou^d ^ecessary. The meeli-g the- ad j oi.ir^ed .' Clerk. - ? • . hilmi-gto-, ". C.1 January 22, 1951. The regular weeki_y meeti^g Nras held at 10:00 o'c'ock A. M. Present: Addiso- Hewlett, Cha,irma-, Cl.aud 0'Shields, Thursto^ C'. Davis, Cou-ty Attorn,ey Marsde- Beilamy a"d C.F'.Smith, Cou^ty Auditor, ' Ugc-inotio- of nir. 0'Shields, seco-ded by Mr. Davis, readi-g of the rai-utes of ineeti-gs of an., & a-d 15 vas dlispe-sed "with. , ?Major Thomas G. 0.'Neal, Director of Civil Defense, preserted a 1ergthy report o- the• ? orga^izatio- of the Office of Civil Defe^se of the P7ilydi^F-to^ -,*'ev? Hanover Cou^ty ?-rnllf?`"? Civil. Defe-se Admi-istration a^d budget estimate for the period February 1 to Ju"e / - 30, 1951, showi-g $5,195•28 which represe-ts 3/7's of the total amou-t of $12,122.32 ?eeded for its operatior vihich, after discussio-, was upo^ motion of Mr. Davis, seco-ded by Mr. 0'Shields, gra-ted out of the Ge-eral Fu^d Emerge^cy Furd, or a^y u^3ppropri_?ted ` sur lus fu-ds? PROVIDFD the City a-d Beach resorts appropriate their pro-rata share: +- A.petitio^ of 26 property ow^ers a-d farmers requesti-g the Courty CommissioRers to a rov / . a-d use their best efforts to have the Stqte Highway a-+d Public Works Commissio++ add po our Cou-ty Highvray System for nai^te-e^ce, anproxim?tely fmur m11es Porters Neck Road Er.tensior ru^^i^g through the Porters "'eck Plantation Sub-division? plus 4600 feet of old roadvaay co-ti^ui-g o^ to US17 3^d e^tering said highvray at a point about one mile -orth of the Porters P'eck'Hiphva3y, u.?as presented by Mr. Edgar L. Yow, 1nd upo^ motion " of n?r. Da.vis, seco^ded by T,ir. 0'Shields, vaas received for co^sideratio- a-d irvestigation o^ the'premises. qlderma^ of_Yirightsviile Beach ' Mr.Dick Sheppard/appeared to say that the Tow- of UTrightsville Beach e-dorsed the co^structio- ? V)of a proposed highway. from US7.7 -ear, the Four n4ile Post vi?) the Vi]_1a View Road to Wrightsvill.e Beach as a mutuRl be-efit to ?t11. - Upo- motio- of I,rr, 0'Shieids, seco-ded by 14r. Davis, the RePister o£ Deeds was authorized to r-?°ecb+s?'employ a temporgry clerk a?d 're?t a--typewriter for?i-dexirg thef1950 births and deaths at a ?(? salary i++ line with that paid for simiiar work, r • Upon motio- of Mr. ')avis, seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Burt Paper Box Company was gra-ted a" abatement of not listed peralty charged agai-st their property ir block 562 for the year 1950, o- recommerdatio- of the Cou-ty Auditor. • x A bill. in the anount of,$432,00 for 54 days hospital care for HarryAlex3^der Durham at -__PtnP Duke Hospital was received from the Supt., of Pubtic Vlelfare, ard the Board haviTg : approved payment for 28 days at $8.00 per day at meeti-gs of November 20th and December 4th, took no further action., , Upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shie).ds, Mr. B. F. Ozment,Jr., 132 Pirecrest ? Parkway, was gra-ted a- abatement of taxes on a valuatioM of $50.00 personal property ; listed above exemptio- in error for the year 1950,; or his sigred stateme-t that the property listed by him at $350.00 was ir error a"d should have been $300.00. ?--, Upo- motior of Mr. 0'Shields, seco^ded by Mr. Davis, the Board authorized that advertiseme++t for bids be made for the purchase of accou-tfi-g a-d tax l.isting equipme"t for the auditors office, and for the purchase of three automobiles for the Sheriff's Department a-d ore to^ and _ one half stake body truck for the Cou^ty Farm, 5eale8 bids°to be-Peceived 10:00 o'clock A.M. F.riday, February 2-d 1951. A report of Associated Charities a'nd Cou^t"y Fire<Department.for.December were received a-d filed. • Surety bond for Dr.'YVilliam Fred'erick Barefoot as Coro-er in the amou-t of f02,000.00 with the .A-l;cha- American Employers' I^sura^ce Compa,y, the said imou^t having bee" fixed by the Board, n-d the said bo^d approved as to Porm a^d exe?c?utionby the Cou^ty Attor^ey, was a.pproved. Upon motio- of IvIr. Daeis, seco^ded by 1,4r. 0, 'Shields, the Board authorized the purchase of Streptomyci- for approximately three mo^ths treatme-t for b4illie Pe3rson, 708 Swa^n Street, 0 sufferi^g vrith Tuberculosis o^ recomme^datio^ of Dr. A. H. Etliot, Cou^ty Health Officer, perdi^g her admissio^ to the 5tate Sa-atorium. ? Upor motio^ of ll4r. 0'Shields, seco-ded by Mr. Dpvis, Mr. M.T.Ross, Jailer, was authorized ??2,to atterd a. three day school o^ "Operatio^ a^d Ma^ageme^t of City a-d Cou^ty Jails" irsti:tute of Governmeht at Chapel Hill o^ Ja-uary 24, 257 a-d 26th, 1951. 1 A copy of the mi-utes of the meeti-g of the Board of T'rustees of Commu"ity Hospital of December 20, 1950, vaere received a"d filed. r o objections were indicated by the Board to the U-ited S?ates District E-gineer gra^tirg permissior to the Southerm Kraft Divisior of the Internatio-al Paper Compary of Georgetow-,S.C.9 .r.? to co^struct 3 seve"-pile dolphi"s in the Cape Fear River aPproximately 1500 feet dowrstream of LoCk v-d Dam No.2. A petition of VJ.F.Sledge a-+d Katherire C. Sledge submitted o" State Form R-10, by the , P6S Sledge Lumber Company of Whiteville,' N. C., requesting the State Highway and Public Works -- ` Commissio- to take over ard mairtai- three miles of road leading off US 117 a-d 421 at Skippers Corner -ear Castie Hay-e a^d rejoini-+g US 117 a-+d 421 21 miles South of Skippers Cor"er. was received for further consideration. I I ,236 Meeti"g of Ja^uary 2?, 1951, co^ti-ued. A report of the Vlilmi-gto- Public Libiary for December was received a"d filed. Upon motio- of IuIr. "avis, Seco-ded by lrir. 0'Shields, Ivlr. T. F. Applewhite was gra^ted a^ abateme^t of taxes o- a va.iuatio^ of $400.00, lots 2 a-d 22, i- block 22, Su-set Park for the ye?rs 1949 a-d 1950, accou^t of double chsrge. The said lots were listed by Mattie J. Patterso- for s3id yeRrs, ?voN, The followi^g good a-d lawful perso-s were draw- to serve as jurors i^ the Superior for the trial of civil cases for the two weeks term hegi^-i-+g February 5, 1951: Louis E. Hall, 109 h. 15th Street. H.L.Pate, 212 N. 4th St. , VJ.U.Page, 1614 Dock St. R.L.Mahone, 619 S. 5th St. A.A.Parker, 820 Dock St. ' Wm.L.Mahler, 82 Pi-ecrest Parkvray. G.C.Lewis, 711 Ce^tral Boulevard. Gordon W. Ittrer, 504 Ce-tral Boulevard. F.B.Iriaing, 314 S. 6th St. M.C.Martin, 42? S. 5th 5t. . Russell Parks 312 S. 3rd St. M.F.Lewis, 80A Gree??ield St. L.J.Coley, 107 Spofford Nills. - Thmmas Mazur, Rt. l, Castle Hay-e. Jas. B: Hughes, P.O.Box 209. T.B.Martir, 209 Dock St. C.r1.Long, 1507S. 3rd St. Warre- B. Brown, 1619 Castle St. Seco^d VJeek- Victor S. Carmichael, 712 S. 5th St:. Herry V. Borjes, 707 n2arket St. Jas. V. Warre^, 210 S. 9th St. Roland Vdatts, 148 Spofiord 1vli'ls. S.J.Howie, Jr., 610 Ghur.ch St. Wm. S. Moore, 2115 Barnett 0.ve. Carl Pen^i^gto-, Rt.3. E.E.Loughli^, 143 Forest Hill.s Drive. E.Vd.Peterson 205 VJrightsvill.e Ave. J.W.Permenter, Rt. l. Edw L. Ward, 186 Pinecrest,I,ake Forest. 5.F.Burr, Jr., 315 S. 2-d St. F.S.Burr? Jr., 315 S. 2-d St. IJI.H.Matthews, li Vlest Drive. E.C.Reynolds, Rt.3, Box 119. , L.J.Gornto, 102 Kerwnod ^vc±.. Herbert D4alpass, 2938 Adams St. R.E.Broev*+e, 303 N. 15th 5t. Lloyd J. Todd, Rt.3. The meeting ther adjourred. lerk. VJalter M. Edwards, 2216 Gibson Ave. W.B.Mallard7 319 s. Front St. Samuel B. Yopp, 307 Church St. L.S.Sripes, Rt.2, Box 308. ? A.T.Murray, Rt.l. T.D.Martio, 305 S. 19th St. H.C.Hammo"d, Jr., 164 Co.lo-ial V.i7J.age. R.C.Persons, 22 Lake Forest Pqrlcway. R.G.Capps, 102 Kerwood Ave. ' J.T.Hardison, 112 S. 17th St. Norman H. Larkirs, 16 S. 9th St. B.L.Pressley, Kure Beach. . W.HoPalmer, 1408 Grace St. T.B.DGagill, 12 Ca.pe Fear Apts.. R.S.Ti1de-,Jr., Rt.3, Box 13. ". Gilbert Postma, 110 heato- Ave. Joh^ D. Player, Rt.l. C.E.Fprrow, Rt.3, Box 191 VJrightsviJ_le Sound. 4.Pl.Trask, Rt.3, Box 49. J.H.Tur^er, 320 S. 4th St. Mtrk D. Ve^ters,Jr., C25, Box 41.' H.K.Paul, 213 N. 23rd St. Leo'.R.Palmer,Jr., 15 Court S, Lake Forest. B.G.Page, 121 S. 6th St. Clay Porrish, 2835A, Jeffersor St. Jos. P. Ward, 13 Court J, Lake Forest. D.B.Packard, 314 Grace St. W. I. Davis, 512 "orthern Boulevard. C.H.Bowe-, 2853 S. 1?'ro^t St. H.R.Love, 320 S. 3rd, St. A.R.Love, 120 S. 3rd St. We-dell D: Moore, 209 L3ke Forest Parkway. Leo- K. Anders, 1616 Orarge St.. Vd.F.4Vatso-, 110 Spofford M1l.1s. Sid-ey J. Ri.verbark, 1901 Nun St. C.G.Padgett, 2850 E. Jefferson St. L.T.Rhodes, Rt.l. Wilmington, N. C., Jan., 29, 1951. The regular weekly meeti-g of the Board Pras held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. ; . i ? ? , ? Presert-: Addiso^ Hev:J.ett, Chairma^, Jas. M. Ha7.l, Claud 0'Shields, Thursto^ C. Davis a-d Cou-ty Attor-ey ll4arsde^ Bellamy. The mirutes of ineetings of Ja^uary 8, 15, a-d 22, were read a-d approved as recorded. #3100 Mr. G. W. Martin,/It4arket Street Road, appeared to complai- of a hog peT -ear ?tss home 54' beyo-d the City Limits, a-d asked that the s,ne be removed, was aslted .to take: the C? . matter:up:vrith the City Courcil. Two bills submitted by Mr. G.C.McI^tire,Atty., a-d Back Taz Co1lOctor J.E.Carady, o-e to ame.+d Gereral Statutes 105-422 by i-cludi-g t:ew Hanover County in the list of courties so as to exclude said county from the provisio-s of said Act i^ barri.+g tax lie^s a"d suits to foreclose tax lie-s u^der the te- ye?r statute; the other to e-able the purchaser at a tax foreclosure sale to recover amou-+ts paid for said property i^ the eve"t of defective title. was upo" motio^ of Mr. Hall, seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields, co^tinued u^ti1 ^ext meeti-g for further study. .' Upo- motio- of ttir. 0'Shiel.ds, seco^ded by Mr. Davis,a,uthority was give" to trarsfer City- Cou-ty ovrred property bought for taxes, Uiock 80, En7 1/8 lot 3, a-d block 337 NVJ 1/8 4 to the former ovmers Maria Wade a-d Fred RI Levris, respectively, upo^ paymert of $148.25 / Ufor each piece of proper•ty, a-d the Chairma^ a-d the Clerk were authorized a-d directed . to sigr the deeds co-veyi^g the same o^ beha.7.f of the Courty.•, ? Upo- motio^ of Mr. Dgvis, seco^ded by b1r. H3i1, a- item of 1941 taxes charged agai^st ' 8 acres of la-d Adjoi^i-g G:ee^field, Lake Forest, appeari^g i^.the ^ame of ,7oh^ D. Ballamy, -?aX which v_aas take^ over by the U-ited States Gover^me-t, a-d whichis i-cluded i^ the Housi-g Project., was oidere6 ca^celled. . Mr. Hall a^^ou^ced that a letter had beer mai].ed by 114r. Clark, Third Divisio- State ?aS Highway Commissioner, which has -ot bee^ received, approvi^g the co^structio^ of a ' i highway fdom US17 ^ear the Nour Mile post to Wri€htsvilte, which wou].d ^ot i^terfere with the proposed wide^i^g of the Vdrightsvil7_e Eeach Highvray.