1951-02-02 Regular MeetingMeeting of Ja-uary 29, 1951? co,ti^ued. `) ? ?37 A communicatio- vaas received from Mr. Ra^dy H. Hamiltoh, It4a^ager of the Town of Carolira Beach, advisirg that in his opi^ior the budget estimate for Civil Defe-se Eor the period February 1, to Ju-e 30, 1951, is to high for sal.aries a-d a-d office supplies a-d will -ot pay re-+t to ary private i"dividual for space i^ a buildi^g, a-d that he wiTl suggest to his cou^cil that they withdraw from the co^solid?ted Civil Defe-se set-up a-d . orga"ize their ova" defe^se set-up. - ? The Chairma++ reported success in h3vi-g secured a corsiderable amou-t of valuable equipment a?d supplies from the State Board of Health for the Tuberculosis HosFital without cost to the Courty, as a^ i^defi^ate loa^,;a<<hich was very gratifyi^g to the Board. . - Upon motio^ of n2r. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. Ha.11, n2r. E. L. Rogers was granted a- abateme-t s?Qx, of taxes o^ a valuatio^ of $50.00, block 43, 1ot 6, Summer Hill, account of double ch3rget .. for the year 1950. The said lot was listed by PJi^sto- Viilliams. A^ audit report oP the ABC Board £or the six.mo^ths period erdi"g December 31? 1950, R`F,C/ prepared by Mr. J. Neveland Brand, Jr., CPA., vias received. ' Upor motio^ of b7r. Davis, seco-ded by Mr. Hall, Morton G. Futch, a reside-t of Carol.ina Beach was grarted a^ abatement of taxes o^ a valuatio- of $110.00 persoral property a-d ?cv $4.00 poll accou-t of double charge a-d having Zisted i^ Wilmi^gton in error for the year 1950. Upo- motio- of Mr. 0'Shie]_ds, seco-ded by n4r. Davis, Ernest Stato-,1114 SI 7th St.,` J was.gra^ted a refund of taxes collected in error o^ a 1939 Plymouth automobile for ? Wf?_ the year 1949, he purchased March 2, 1949, accordi-g to a statement made by The Southerr Motor Sales Compa^y, 4'lilmi^gto^,, N. C. ftobert Love, Oleander Drive, Hnr-ett Tow^ship, was upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, secorded ...,. ?? by Mr. Hall, gra^ted a^ abateme^t of tax.es o^ a valuatio- of $890.00 a-d poll as to VJilmingto- Tow^ship,charged i^ error. , A report of the Gra-d Jury, Jaruary Crimi^al Term 3.951, was received a-d filed. ? Upo- motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. G'Shields, petitio^s of property owners ? prepared o^ State rorms R-10, requesti^g improveme-ts u-der 9tate mai^te-a^ce of the follvJwi-g roads v,as approved a^d referred to h4r. A. 4'Jiibur C1ark, Third Divisio- State Highway Commissio^er at F?yettevill.e for co-si.deratio-: - Park Ave^ue from 5eve^th Street to 46th Street, Har-ett Tov;-+ship - Castle Hay-e Road to Rocky Ru^, Ca.pe Fear Tow^ship. ' -Road from US117 to Railroad Statio^ at Castle Hay-e, Cape Fear Tow-ship. copy of a Petitio^ of I^terve^tio^ by "ew Hanover County, City of 4Vilmi^gto^ a^d the W1?mingto, Chamber of Commerce, i^ support of applicatior ir the matter of the application of Piedmo*+t Aviatio^j^c., Certificate of re-ewal, prepared by Col.. H. E. Boyd ? Industrial Traffic Ma-ager, was upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. Hall, approved. ? A commu^icatio^ was received from City Clerk Mrs. Mary B. Southerla-d, advisi-g that , the City Marager has bee- authorized to make a survey of all State Highways a-d correctirg ? S roads through the City to determine repairs and improveme-ts -eeded for subrr,issio^ to the State Highway Commission, a-d further that the City offe,rs it's cooperatio- to the Cou^ty Commissiorers i^ coordi^ati^g a road a-d street improveme-t program for New Hanover County. Upo- motio- of 114r. Davis, seco-ded by Mr. Ha7.1, Tract "A" of the Owe- Hall SubdivisionI / East Wilmi-gto-) Har^ett Tovr^ship, ovi-ed by Macedo^ia Baptist Church ard Pi^ey Grove - lUX AbIE Church, of East Wiimi-gto^, was exempt SFom taxes a-d ordered placed o- the tax free list o- affidavit executed by the Chairma^ a-d Secretary of the Ezecutive Committee of the two churches, th-at the said parcei of ].a-d is used exclusively as a play grou^d for commurity recreatio-al purposes. 0- motio^ of 1ur. Davis, the Chairma^ was er.terded a vote of tha^ks a-d appreciatior for his successful efforts in securi^g a qua-tity of much reeded a-d va1_uable suppZies ahd equipme-t for the Tuberculosis Saratorivm £rom the State Board of Health ce^ter at , Charlotte vaithout cost to the Cou-ty. The -eeti^g the^ adjour^ed. Clerk. VJilmi^gto^, Y. U.,February 2, 1951. __j-in^AQ..This bei^g the date a-d hour set by the Board, a-d advertised, to receive bids for the purchase of accou-ti-g a-d tax listing__e_qnipme-t for the Cou-ty Auditors Office, a-d for the purchase of three automobiles for the Shariffs' Departme-t a-d o-e truck for the _C?? Cou^ty Farm, the Board met at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Present: Addiso^ Hewl.ett, Chairma^, C1aud 0'5hieldst Thursto- C. Davis, Con^ty Attor-ey NIarsde- Beil_-my n-d Cou^ty Auditor C.F.Smith. ??.The followi^g bids for the purchase of three a.utomobiles a-d truck were upo^ motio^ of • IJir. 0'Shie].ds ope^ed a-d regd: ??Cspe Fear I??iotor S?.].es Compa^y: 3 1951 6 Cylz^der DeLwce Tudor Ford Cars, $1.,590.00 with 3 1949 Ford Tr3de-I^s. , 3 1951 8 Cy7,i^der DeT,uxe Tudor Ford Cars, 81,800.00 viith 3 1949 Ford Trqde-I^s. 1 1951 rord Truck 6 Cyli-der 158" wheel base $1,g58.00, fi.e•ss $500.00 tr,,)de-iT o- 1946 Ford Tr. 1 1951 FoPd Truck 8 Cyl_1^dEI' 75611 wheel b3SP 1,9$9•00, M tt ir n u er fu . . ? I 238 Meetirg of February 2, 1951. co-ti^ued. ? Ra-ey-Chevrolet Compary / 3 1951 Special Tovrr Seda-+ Cars, $ 4,686.09, less $2;,50.'trade-i-_o? 3 1949"F6rds $2?336.09 ^et. 1].951 12 to-+ Chevrolet Truck, shori; wheel base ?y1,7?8.6Q.1oo£ S175. trade-j.- trucls,1,613.60 " ,_ • or• truck vrith lo-g vrhee7. base $1,825.69 3ess w175.-tr•ade-1- 1946 tsuck 1,650.60 " ?J Upo^ motio^ of E?Ir. 0'Shields, seco^ded by ftir. Davis, the Cape Fear Motor Sales? I^c:, tYie,, `?' lowest bidders for fur^ishi^g the three t cy7i^der 1951 DeLtixe Tudor cars, was award"ed ? ? ' the co^tract to fur^ish the said cars; at a^et price of $11800.00. A-d the Ra^ey-Chevrolet _-Z Compe-y v;as a-?;erded the co-tract to fur^ish lz to^ 8 cyli^der 1951 Chevrolet Truck long wheel base at a cost of $1,825.60 vaithout trade-i- a7iowa^ce, they bei-g the lovrest bidders. The Cou^ty to retai^ the old 1956 Chevrol.et tru-ck, A represe^tative of the Burroughs Addi-g D?echi-e Compa„y reported that his compa-y's bid • o^ office accou^ti^g equipme^t for the Auditors office had bee^•mailed from Detroit and. ? received by the Raleiph Office Y,his mor-?i-g a-d i^ route here, but had not bee^ received-. In view of weather co^ditio^s a-d railroad strikes that may have caused its dFl!;y, ope^i-g . of the bids for the a.ccou^ti^g equipme^t was, o- opi^ior oP the-cou^ty Attor^ey Yiy reason oP'said co^ditions beyo-d their co^trol, wss postpo-ed urtil nezt h1o^day'"s regula.r.meeti^g. However a if it appears that the said bid should bear -, dqte that receipt of,bid vaould h3ve bee- posstble.`- for this meeting, the Commissio-ers reserve the right t;o reject the said bid. , . ? T he purchsse of a hot water boiler for the Cou-ty Home at a cost of 4225.00, w3s upo^ motio- o£ Mr. Davis, seco-ded by Mr. 0'shields, approved, out of the Cou^tf-Home,Emerge^cy Fu++d.- The meeti^g the-+ adjour-ed. Clerk. VJilmi^gtor, N. C.$ February 5, 1951. The regular weekl.y meeting of the Board v;as held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Presert: Addiso^ Hewlett Chairma^, Xas. M. Ha'l, Cl.aud 0'Shields, Thursto" C. Davis, Hal. J. Love, Cou^ty Attor^ey Marsde^ Be?12my a-d Cou^ty Auditor C. F. Smith. The ni-utes of ineeti-g of Februa-ry 2, 1951, viere read a-d approved as recorded. Mrs. Ver^a Belle Loviery, Nome Demo-strqtio^ Age^t prese-tec? her report for Ja-uary which w-3s received a.^d fil.ed. Mr. D. D. BagFett, Farn Demo-stratio^ .AFe-t prese^ted his report for Ja^uary which he very /Y-(-/ i-teresti-gl.y explai^ed i^-detail, a-d expressed his appreciatio^ to the Commissio^ers for ?pX their co^fide-ce i^ appoirti^g him Cou-ty Demo-stratio- Age-t to succeed Mr. R. W. Galphir,., resigned. .: ? , ... Upo- motio^ of lulr. Davis, seco-ddd by Pgr. Hall, i^structions were give- to write Mr. Galphi- ,?c/ with er,pressions of the Board's appreciatio^ a-d tha-ks for the services he re^dered this Cou^ty duri^g the ^umber of years he served as Cou^ty Farm Demo^strat9.o- Age.-t. ?Two proposed bills previously submitted by Mr. G.C.McI^tire, 9ttor-ey, o^e to ame-d Ge^eral Statutes 105-422 by ircludirg New Hanover Cou^ty i^ the list of cou-ties so as to ex.clude said Cou^ty from the provisio^s of said Act i^ barri^g tax lie^s a-d suits to foreclose tax liers u"der the ter year statute. The other to e^able the purchaser at tax sales to recover amou-ts paid for said property ir the eve-t of a defective title, was brought up a-d discussed . by the City a-d Cou-ty Attor^eys, Mr. McI^tire a-d R7r. Ca^ady, Back Tax Collector. After co^siderable discussio-+ the matter vras upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by ivir. Ha1.1, referred bo the Cou^ty a-d City_Attor^eys for study -d report to the Board at the -ext meeting. ? . ? Tow- Officials of Carol.i^a a-d Kure Beaches a-d others i^terested appeared to ea:press co-cer" over curre"t road Programs. Feeli^g it ivould -ot meet the -eeds of those livi-g in Feder.,1 Point i-d at Caroi7,^a a-d Kure Beaches, a-d that improveme^ts i^ wide^i^g the highways to Carolira -1-a-d Kure Beaches should progress aio^g vrith steps take- to irnprove highways to Plrightsvi].l.e Beach. A letter received from P,4r. A, VJilbur Clark, State Hi€hc:ay Commissio^er vaas the^ read by Mr. 0'Shields co-eer-i-g the vride^i^g of portio^s of US 74/76 from UJilmi-gtor to tlae R'rightsville ,.., Road ^ear St. A^dreVrs Church, the^ce via BaUies Hospital to VJrightsville Bridge. After much ., :' discussio- the Eoard assured the delegztio^ that equal a-d impartial efforts have bee^ made by this Body to secure the vride^i^g of the highvanys to ali, oP our beach resorts, which is evide-ced ; by the records a-d correspo^de^ce of the noard. • o, A motior'was the- offered by Mr. Hall a-d seco^ded by 14r. 0'Shields, a-d carried, that -sc'- Mr. A. Wilbur Clark, Third Divisio^ State Highway Commissio^er at Fayetteville be requested to meet here for a discussio- of the mqtter v.ith the view of clarifyirg the program. Openi"g of bids for fur^ishi^g a- Electric Address ograph a-d a^_ E1.ectric Accou^ti^g Machi-e ?• 2,for the Auditors Office havi-g bee^ postpo^ed at Fridays meeti-g u^til this meeting, o^ accou-t of bid of the Burroughs Addi-g iV[achi-e Compa-y,v:,hich we vaere i^formed was i^ r.oute here, but • possibly delayed o^ iccou-t of vreather co-ditio-s or raiiroad strike. The bid ^ow h3vi-g bee- received by the represe-tative, the Cou-ty Attor-ey qsked if a-y one objected to the ope^i^g of' the bid. The "ationRl Cash Itegister Compa^y's r.eprese^tative objected 60 the grou^ds that it was ^ot received i^ time as advertised. I- view of the abse^ce of a post ma..rk date or other evide^ce showi^g whe- the bid vaas mailed, the same vaas upor motio^ of Mr. Love, seco^ded by Mr. Davis, rejected. The foll.owi"g o^ly two bids received were the-, upo^ notio^,oop.ered a-d read, and upo- motior of Mr. Hall, seco^ded by Iulr. Love, accepted o- recomme-datio^ of the Cou^ty Auditor, a-d awards' ??? for fur^ishi^g the equipmert as fo'lovis, with the u^dersta^di^g that the Cou^ty will pet the 1adva-tage of a"y•rol1.-back i^ prices: ? \I