1951-02-12 Regular Meeting 240 Wi]mirgton, N. C. February 12, 1951. The regular weekly meeting of the Board w,s held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Prese^t: Addiso, Hewlett, Cha.irma^, Jas. L4. Hail_, Claud 0'Shie7.ds) Thursto^ C. Davis) Hal J. Love 9-d Cou.-ty Attor^ey Mersder Beilamy a-d C.F.Smith Cou^ty Auditor. The mi-utes of ineeti-F of February sth, 1951, were read a-d approved as recorded. A request of I;4r. W. p. Saffo for a- ,ihateme-t of the 1942 a^d 1_943 tar,es char,ed agai^st the property of St. "ichoias Church, block 126, purchased in. 1942 0- which to. erect 9 church buil_di-g, but co-structi.o- del,?yed o- a.ccou-t of i^ability to secure m3terials. It w3s suggested that Mr. Saffo fur-ish a^ affidavit as to the date co^structio- • was starte.d. - - r ` A petitio^ signed by 25 property ovr-ers requesti-g pavi^g JacksonvilIe Ave"ue from U5 17 east of Kerr Ave^ue, to Fra;-k].i- Street, the-ce vrith Frarkli^ Street to Kerr Ave-ue, a distance of approximately one fourth of a mile, was upo^ motio^ of Itir. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. Hatl, approved a-d referred to i?lr. A: YJilbur Clark, Third Divisior State Highway Commissio^er for corsideration. , Upor motio, of TGtr. Davis, seeorded by IJir. Love, the Tax Co].lector was i^structed to ?G?-• disco^ti-ue the method of procedure of fil.irg suits for collectio, of back taxes u-der Ge-eral Statute 105-392, as ame-ded, a-d proceed u^der Ge^eral Statute 105-391.. Upo- motio- of n4r. Love, seco-ded by n4r. Davis, the fo1_lowi-g resolutior approving cha.rge ?- ? in cou-ty road, vaas adopted: WHEREAS, the State Highway a-d Public Udorks Commissio- h.-s filed with the Boaxd of Commissio-ers of the Cou^ty of iiew Hanover - a map desig-ated as "The T'egro Head Road" from U.S. 421 in Pender Cou^ty to Poi^t Peter o^ U. S. 74 a-d 76 at Wilmi^gton, showirg ° a proposed relocatio^ of a sectio- of cou-ty road; 3-d . WHEREAS, it appea.rs that this re7,ocatio- is for the best i^terest of the road system of the said cou-ty; - NOW? THEREFORE, the proposed change a-d relocatio^ as show- or the said map as project 3-9-32-209 is hereby a^proved a-d r.3t1fied. The Board recommerdec] th-at the said road arc toward Flemi-gto^ Village a-d co-rectio- be made to the ^'orth. Upon motio^ of Mr. Davis,, seco-ded bY. Mr. Tove, Mr. Percy C. Ra.^r, Vlorld War Vetera- of Har^ett tow-ship, was exempt from the payme-t of no11 taxes o^ a.ccourt of physical - disability. Uoor motio^ of IlrTr. Davzs, secorded by Mr. I,ove, Bruce Norsis, C-nroiina Beach was gra-ted ? !3" abateme-t of po7.1 taxes as to YJi1.mi,?g.to^."tovi;?skaiFaccouat of double charge a-d error. 9?? T.R.Ames abatement of taxes on a valuatio^ of ?500.00, lot 132 i^ Divisio- 1, Shore ? ?(e .1 Acres accourt of double charge. The same vaas listed by Joh^ C. Freela^d?Jr. Robert A. . Hahn, 84 Lake Village, taxes abated on a valuatio^ of $225.00, automobile ?7_isted i^.error at $1,305.00 'which accordi-g to the Red Book should have bee, $1,080.00. E. M. Bame, • Carolira Beach, wss gra-ted a refu-d of taxes paid ir error o^ a val.uatio^ of-_$1-,405.00 perso^aI a-d ^ot Iisted pe-alty accourt of double charge 3gai^st lot-Zllblock 61, Cproii-a Beach Personal property was listed regular a-d also btought Eorwardl6n1^ot::3isted sheet. 1J111i4m_lN.-io-1-t-, 708 S. 7th, St., poll tax abated accou^t of bei^g-in the Armed Service Ja^uary 1950 accordi-g to his discharge dated Ja^uary g, 1950. Be?iami^_i?iav_i406 Chest-ut ' Street was abated $1.50 cost charged agai-st property i^ talock 93 i^ the -ame of E.T.Simpso- for the year 1947 accou-t of de).ayed payme^t of bala^ce due o^ prepayme-t made for said year. Upon motio- of Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by 14r. Davis, the Baard approved 2? °orm letter $ubmitted ?to be typed a-d mai].ed to the members of the Ge^eral Assembly urgi^g the,passage of a-?Act th3t woul.d give the Cou-ty a 7.ien o- the property of recipie-ts of OId 9ge Assista-ce, , • similar to the Lie- Law i^ operatio- i- India^a. ? ? Upon motio^ of Mr. Davis, secb^ded by Mr. Love, Edgar T. telaho^e, 81 years of age? was gra^ted temporary admissio- to the Cou^ty Home as a- emerge-cy case on recomme^datio^ of the Supt,, of Public We7,fare as a pay patie^t, ' A request of Mr. Joh- Ha11? £or a refund of $96.61_-ot listed pe-alty charged against several JaX pieces of property for the year 1950, a-d paid o^ Ja-uarq 29, 1950r wYiich property he failed _I • to list o- account of sick-ess, was upo^ motio^ referred to the Cou^ty Attor^ey for opinior. Upor motio^ of Mr. 0'Shields, seco-ded by NIr. Love, the Chairma^ vaas authorized a^d directed ' -0?avdr to sig- a co^tract vJith the Piednro^t Aviatior, 7^c., leasi^g to said corporatior certain premises, facilities a-d rights i^ co^-ectio^ v+ith the Airport,(if said lease i? i^ 1.ine with the o:igi^al agreeme^t. Upo^ motio- of nir. Davis, seco^ded hy A'ir. payme^t of F3,195•00 to Idr. Wi7.liam C. • Barfield a-d Hr. Herry WT Cner.ry, CPA's, for auditi^g the records of New Hanover Cou^ty for the fiscal ye3r e^di-g ju^e 30, 7950, a-d ?345,00 for auditi^g the records of A.L.Meyla^d, dece,?sed, Clerk of the Superior Court?for the period July 11 1950 to December 4, 1950, n,aki^g a. total of $ 3,540.00, v?%as o-recomme^datior of the Cou^ty Auditor, approved. Ar offer of Mr. Ki-sy Ki-g in the court house w8th -fres A report was received from ?'jaX for the City a-d $5,500.85 for the mo^th of Ja-uary. to replace the name plates at the e^tra-ce of the departmerts v ohe's at $1.00 each, vas upo- motio-.referred to the Chairman. the Back Tax Collector advising that $5,043.98 was collected for the Cou^tv, maki-g a total of $10,544.83 back tax coll.ected . i ? - t . / Meeti"g of Feby 12, 1951, co-ti^ued. A questio" of ame^di^g the Act that authorizes the appoi-tment of two assistart clerks appoi"tme-t o New e ut e s s ? r ? H ? eP f e Ot wh ich wi t clerks? l three ?esPsta additio-al office the so 2l of the pe affect cost to the cou^ty, was brought up but ^o actio-- vaas taken. It is the opiyio^ of the Cou^ty Attor^e y that a ma- i^ the armed service is exempt from Po11 taxes, .,-d if.temporary statio^ed here awaiti^g orders to be trarsferred should ^ot be charged with tax o- automobile, but if a bo-a-fide resident of the Cou-ty is liable for auto and other perso-al property tax ot her tha^ poll. N o action was take- on a matter to dest roy certai^ records in the office of the Clerk of ds rt t i the Superior Court prior to January 1, . a recor mpor 1945, to provide room for more r Court followi-g o The iawful „ P o t r e ? SN' the crimiral for the of February 26, begi??i?g tvo weeks term 195i , ' Jas. C. Holdford, 1017 S. 2-d St. V.D.Gurganus, Rt.ABox 117. William Smart, Castle Hayre. Delbert Autry, Rt.l, Box 224C. L.Hugh Marshburr,Jr. Box 101 Carol.i^a B each.Bryant E. P3ewkirk, 318 N. 16th St. E.S.Piver, P.O.Box-923. Russell R.Greenj Rt.3, Box 226A. E.A.Briokley, Greerfield St. Jas.E.Vlalker, Rt.2, box 193A, S.P.Bra-ch, 1917 Nun St. O.W.1'Jiilaimson, P.O.Box 968. Mrs. Margaret Bo].les, 404 N. 3rd, St. H.E.Canady,Rt. 1,.Box 197• A.L.Simon, 1900 Woolcott Ave. W.S.Ki^g, 107 S. 5th St ' P.L.¢a-+ady, 2104 NIetts_Ave. Chas. Fi^kelstei^, Fro-t & Market Sts. . ' Percy H. Morton, CaTbli^a Beach. B.F.Brittai^,Jr., 105 Castle St. - Robt. B. Buck, Rt.3. F.FJ.Sch7_ey, Caroli^a Beach. L.O.Gore, 2302 Gibso^ Ave. Luther L: Mi-tz, C15, Box 2A. F.G.Fowler, Box 73, Caroii-a Beach. T.E.Cox, 112 Erya^t Ave. M.G.Sch-ibbe", Rt.l1 Box 272. Ja.s. F. Yopp, Rt.l. ' B.H.Wright, 207 S. lOth St. R.M.Scott, Rt.l, Box 150. ? R.P.Spivey, 127 S. Harriso^ St. C.M.Puckett, 805 Ce^tral Bou7.evard. Vd.H.Shin-, P.O.Box 150• E.?'.Hev.ett, Rt.2, Box 61A. - Walter P. Barnes, Rt.3, Box 56. Is1.C.Bishop, Rt.3,;Box 118. W.UJ.H1gg1•+s, Rt.j, BOx 56AA, B.I3.Wil.so^, Rt.l, BOX 224 BA. Alto- Murphree, Rt.2, Box 219. V.T.hea7.y, 8 Bellweil A1.7_ey. C. Elbert Hill, 406 ACL Office. Roger HL Smith, 1908 Nun St. Edgar R. Builock, 1934 Church St. Arthur Fulvaood, 313 Meares:5t. Jas. H. Myatt, Box 196, Carol.i^a Beach. P.R.Dodd, Caro7_i^a Beach. Robert C. Plummer, P.O.Box 365. Geo.G.Capla-, 511 Orarge St. . H.W.Hewlett, Box 541. VJ.C.Lorg, Rt.3, Box 264. - Secord week- S,UJ.Brirson, Sr. Rt.3, Box 264A. R.L.Godbold, 1910 Castle St. Harry A. Burr, 19 N. 23rd St. Alonza-DudTey, Rt.]_, Castle Ha?y^e. Russell Moore, 111 Wal-ut St. B.B.Cameror,Jr., Box 990. McKi^ley Waters, 806 Grace St. G.B.He-+ricksor, 60 Orange St. ; Jas.L.Smith; Jr., Rt.l, Box 168. VJ.G.Craig, Rt.l. , R.A.Ki^g7 1?0 Davie Drive. 0.9.Stroupe, Rt.l. C.B.Morris, 2913 Pri^cess St., Road. G.G.Richardson, C25, Box 318A. - Fra-klin D. Greer, 5CH-Lake Forest. J.B.Foxjr., City. J.VJ.Hightowrer,Jr., P.O.Box 1474. Geo.1U.Shea.ror, Box 598 CaroTi^a Beach. Edward L. Scott, 913 Ora^ge St. Roy T. Nlurra.y, 122 CoJ_o^ial Vi11age. N.VJ.Pearsall,P.O.Box 1203. H.P.Ca^ady, 2538 Bur^ett Ave. V1.M.Holla-d, Rt.l, fiox 259. Jas.H.Squire,• 2659 Jefferso^ St. , J.D.Sa,vage, Rt.3, Eox 241. Timothy R. E7.ackbur^, 326 Calhou" Drive. Amos G. IIrow-, 6 libert Ct. Wm.H.Irvi^g, 616 S. 1'Ith St. Acie Ki^lav;, 2 Ct.Ql Lake Forest. C+regory McI-tire, 910 Wal^ut St. Rodney B. Croom, 38 Pi^ecrest Parkwa,y. Perry A. Dobso^, 20 S 15th St. J.1V.Hi7so^, 310 Chest-ut St. L.r.Hufham, Sr. Rt.3, Box 252. Robert J. Herri^g, Rt.3. A.b4.La-i.er, 320 U. 7th St. - A.H.Hart, Rt.l, Castle Hayne. Thonas Avison, Rt.3, Box 136. Johr A. Be-der, Rt.2, Box 298. J.S.Nlilliamsl 112 S. 13th St. J.B.Taylor, Box 684 Caroli-a Beach. C.Yi.Cou^cil, At.l, Box 469. C.I.Bri^soni 307 S. 2nd St. C.S.I,owrimore, Box 661. 508 S. 5th Et. J.W.Peterso-+ Richard Warre-, 814 Har-ett St. , Jos. M. Hobbs, Box 6761 Ca.roli-a Beach. Roy E1lis,Rt.2, Box 303. i J.E.H311q Rt.2. Johr T.R.Sirnmors, 822 S 8th St. The meeti^g the- adjour-ed. /lkx. sAcralk Clerk. Wilmingto-, N.C., February 19, 1951. • The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Presert: Addiso- Hewlett, Chairma-+, Jas. M. Hall, Cl.aud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis, Hal'J. Love, Cou-ty Attor-ey Marsde^ Bellamy a^d Cou^ty Auditor C. F. Sffdth. _ The mi^utes of ineeti"g of February 12, 1951, v;ere read a-d approved as recorded. A request of A. DeLugi*+ for abateme-+t of taxes o- the property of B'P+ai Israe7. Congregation q? block 467, a^d put the same o^ the tar, free list, for the reaso- the sa.me was purchased for i? the purposeof erecti^g a sy^agogue thereo^, was declired for the reaso^ the property is ^ot occupied •or; used for church purposes. A reouest of Mr. Alls^ Marshall for a, appropriatio^ of $1,250.00 fto the Wilm'lngton Athletic Associatio^ toward the er.pe-se 6f_Ope^:Go1f Tour-ame-t to be held in con+^ectior vaith the Azalea Festival, was upo- motio^ of &ir. Davis, seconded by Mr. Hall, gra^ted for ' $500.00 out of the advertisi^g fu^d, which, i- the opi^io^ of the Boa.rd, vrill be to the ' best i-terest of the cou^ty for 3dvertisi^g.the advi^tages ?^d resources of the Cou^ty. -A