1951-02-26 Regular Meetingv Wi1_mir9to-ID?.C., February 26, 1951. 24 E The regular weekly meeting of the Board vras held at 10:00.o'clocl: A. M. Prese^t: Addiso- Hewlett, Chairma-, Jas, M. Ha.ll, Ciaud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. Davis, Hal J. Love a-d County Attor-ey Marsde- Bellamy. . T he mirutes of ineeti^g of February 19, 1951 were 7°ead a-d apps•oved as recorded. Upo^ motio- of Td,r. Love, seco-ded by li4r. Hall, Ivir. Chas. E. Dillob was gra-ted a" abateme-t of taxes o^ a val.ua.tio^ of $4,200.00 stock i^ tra,de listed for him at $4i500. by his daughter, i^ error, for the year 1950, o^ recomme^dation of loir. Thursto- C. Davis who irvestigated the matter. Upo^ motio- of Mr. Love, seco-ded by to4r. 0'ShS.elds, Mr. P,3u1 ti'lebb, -o--reside-tj was released from the 3)aymert of °",.4.Od po?I ta}-es dharged nai^st;lots 53/54-85/86 Arcadia, Wilmi^gto^ towrr.ship,charged ;i^ erro'r;as ^ot listed for the year 1950. ' Upor motior of IVtr. 0'Shields, seco^ded by A4r. ?,ove, the Bosrd grarted the use of Le io+^ Stadium for horse rsces P:Zarch 30, a^d 31, a-d 5u-day, 4pri1. lst, 1957., without re-ta3;charge, Spo^sored by the Wilmi-gto^ Police I3ecreatio-a1 4ssociatio^,duri^g the Azalea Festival. Mr. Hewlett voted no, as to S'u-day races, , - - The foll.owi,,g resolutior opposi.+g Federal taxatio- o- bo-ds, was upo^ motion of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. Love, adopted: - WHEREAS, a^ effort is beirg made to i-duce the Co^press of the U^ited States to pass legislatio^ taxi^g the i^come derived from securities issued by sovereigr States a-d ' their political subdivisio-s; a-d FIHEREAS, outsta-di^g eco^omists have estimated that the ].evyi^g of a Federal tax on the.i^come from mu^icipal.-bo^ds will result i^ mu-icipalities havirg to pay a^ ircreased rate of i-terest o- such bo^ds equa]_ to epproximatel.y $'2.00 every time the Federal taxi^g povrer gai-s $1.00 i^ corseque-ce of such proposed iePJsle.tio-; a;ld - UvHERE.4S, the additid^al cost to the taXpayers of Xew -Hanover Cou^ty vvould be materia'lly.: i-creased by such 9? Act; a-d ' - -1 ," -. 1 , I ' Yy?HEREAS, sirnilar ircreases i- taxatio^ ca^ be anticipated o-^ all ?'uta?n^e bohd:lissuesuof. this Cou^ty; a-d „ VVHEREAS, it is believed, as stated in m3^y U^ited States Supreme Court decisio-s, that the poikrer to tax is the power to destroy, a-d that the givi-g of such power to the Federal Gover^me-t would be a step toward the establishme^t of a totalitaria- state a-d would e-ab].e the Ce^tral Gover-me-t to use coercio- in forcing through its po].icies by the, creapo^ of drivi-g State a^d mu^icipal securities from the market through heavy taxation: n ow, therefore, be it RESOLVED by the Board of Commissio^ers of Nevr Hanover Cou^ty, that the Co-+gress of the U^ited States disapprove of the recomme^dati.o^s of the Secretary of the Treasury,to permit ta3:atio- of State a-d mu-icipaj bo^ds by the Federal Govei^°ment u^].ess the co-se^t of the St3tes is first obtai^ed through a co^stitutio^al ame-dme-t, A°D BE IT FURTHER RE50LVED that -3 cony of this resolution be tra^smitted by the Clerk of this Board to the two Se-ators a-d members of the FIouse from Plorth Carolina. Upor motio^ of PR"r. Love, seco^ded by Mr. Davis, the Board, o^ recomme-datio^ of the Cou^ty Attor-ey, appoi-ted Mr. He^ry Vo^ Oese-, Civii. E^gi^eer, as Special Surveyor to survey a • ,wn.parcel or tract of la^d lyi^p. a-d bei^g i^ H-ar^ett tow-ship, bou-+ded o^ the'southeast by the waters of Ba-ks Cha^^el a.^d or the ^ortheast a-d southraest by the raters of Ba^ks Cha^^el 3-d the la-ds of Gap Farms I^corponted a-d o- the ^orthwest by the lards of Gap Farms I^corpora.ted; co-tai^i^g by estimatio^ ,076 acres, a-d bei-g the sane la-d referred to in E-try of La^d 2Z0. 9165 filed with the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County by James D. Carr, C1.aima^t, o^ J?^uary 18, 1951. . A^ offer of Mr. Richard G. Ball represerti^g Carolina Blue. Pri^ters of Raleigh?to fur^ish mhotostatic copies i^ reouced size, of all the maps ir the Register of Deeds office, to be ?bou^d i^ appror.imately five bi-ders, at a cost of from $Iy300.00 to$'19400.00 wa.s upon U motio- of ivIr. Davis, seco^c3ed hy 11r. 0'Shields, referred to the Chairmar, County Auditor a-d r'•? Cou-ty 9ttor-ey to confer with the Register of Deeds a-d report at the next meeti^g. the Boa rd Upor motio^ of h4r. Davis, seco^ded by Nr. Love,/requested that the weather bureau offices which are -ow located ir the custom house,be moved to Bluethe-tha.7. Airport termi^al buildi-g . aiefoa:where a twe-ty-four hour service could be re-dered to the large trucki^g area in the Cou^ty, , a-d i^structio-s vrere, Five- to tra-smit this rea,uest to our represe-tatives a-d Se-ators ,. ' i^ the Co^gress ta tith reque.st to use their best efforts to that end. , Upon motior of Mr. Love, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, Mr. Thurston C. Davis was appoi^ted ?-GC as the Cou-ty's Representative o^ the?Board of Directors of the Southeasterr North Carolina (f Beach Association. " A copy of the mi^utes of the meeti^g of the Board of Trustees of Commu-ity.Hospital of Ja-uary 17, 1951, urere received a-d filed. , Uoo- motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by Ioir. Hall, the adre:issio- of Hoy Croom, physicai_'y CSW,,u_disabled cou-ty i^dige-t to the Cou-ty Home °'ovenber 7, 1.950, was o^ recomme-datio- of the 5uperirterde-+t of Public Udelfare, approved. The o,rigi^al applicatio^ havi^g bee^ misplaced. A letter was received from Pir. ?,ouis T. Moore, Chairma- of the T'ew Hanover Cou^ty Historical '____L ???Commissio^, advisi^g that t,Yr. Ylm.S.Powe77., Assista^t Dil-ector of-the Spate Departmert of Archives a-d History, u?i'1_ cor^e here i.- the ^ear future to i^spect the a^cie^t coffi-+ recently uhcovered while-excavAti^g.at,the•Cou^tg Aome.. . ? iJpo- motio- of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by P,ir. .°.ali, NIr. Ja,s;B.Mi-tz,, 257.5 Pri-cess Street, vaas gra^ted a refu^d of taa:.es paid o^ a vr!J.uatio^ of ?=I,4b5'.00 perso^a1 property abcolZnt of doub2e charge for the year 1950, The heirs of VJil1iam_AtY--er was gra^ted a refu^d of tqxes -'T? " paid o^ part of l_ot 481 Auduho- for the years T946 through 1949 0^ a valuatio^ of $75•00 a-d the same abated for the year 7950, accou-t of error. All of said'lot vias so7_d to Mr.D.U. Hopki-s i^ 1945. Mrs._I,.B.Y:i^g,, City Market, [^li^sto^-Salem,".C., was granted a refu-d of $8.48 taxes paid i^ er.'ror o^ lot 9, i^ b1_ock 3, Caro?i^a Beach for the year 1948, accou-t of double charge. Taxes for the sai.d year vras paid by .T.M.Jo^es a-d Marie Haskirs. ? f 244 Meeti-g of February 26, 1951, co-+tinued. Ar offer of James.Dixo- to purchase a-d cut the timber o^ the airport property ? for poles.was declined. motior offered by Ivir. 0'Shields to appoint a committee to -egotiate with the Reverend T. P: Toe for the purchase of a].ot that appears to be within the fe^ce ` C enclosure of the Cou^ty Oak Grove Cemetery, vras seco-ded by Mr. Hall a-d carried. The Chairma", Mr. Davis a-d Mr. 0'Shields were named o^ the committee. ' The matter of i^crease of salaries for Cou^ty Employees vras discussed, but in view of G?commitme-ts previously made for Civil Deie?se_the matter of available fu^ds to meet the cost was raised a-d actio^ deferred u^ti_ the -eat meeti^g. Upo- motd)o^ of Mr. Davis, a joi^t meeti^g v;ith the City Cou^sil was requested to discuss the civil defe^se budget vrith Civii Uefe-se Director T. G. 0'Neal. .? The follovJing good a-d 1.ar7ful perso^s were draw- to serve as jurors in the Superior ?•N?" Court for the trial. of Civil Cases for a tvro vaeeks term begi-^i^g Iufarch 12, 1.951: ? - M3rvi^ hewtori, 1202 Pri^cess St. R.E.Piner., 1005 n4ercer Ave"ue. P.P.Paschall, 104 Maryland Ave. J.L.Hodges, 207 N. 5th St. Ralph L. Evars,Jr., 617 Dawso^ St. J.S.Campbell, 115 Maryland Ave. Harry Ferrell, Rt.l, Box 257. Norvin C. Smith,-1508 Orange St. Clare-ce B. Ster^berger, 105 tiJrightsvil.le Al.bert L. Jorda-, 9 Ct.T, Lake rorest. Jos. B. Jo^es, 314 S. 5th St. Dexter H. Holla-dl 1.17 S.Va- Bure^ St. Pdrs. Vera Jo^es, 2710 jackso- St. P'al.ter E. Jorda^, 97.E S. 2^d St. V?'.H.Jo-es, 2711 S. Vv?.shi-€-to^ Sti. Mts. Lilii3^ Jarma^, 314 rT. 7th St: G.E.Hadnebt, & Lake Forest Pqrkway. S. Da-iel, 405 N. 3rd, St. Seco^d week- M.C.CappsI 119?'dard St.14affitt Vi11age E.L.Hobbs, 112 Mor^i^gside Drive. Roddie R. Be-ett, 117 S. 7th St. Stone C. Pulliam,212 Y. 16th St. E.M.Westbrook,3r., 1901 Chestrut St. 4V.J.Parker, 20th & Woolcott Ave. E.H.Rhodes, Kure Beach. Chevis T.Faircloth, Box 653A, Carolina Hugh M. Griffith, 2933A, Jefferson St. A.L.Richardson, P.O.Box 1184. S.1U.Murray,Jr., Box 143D, Rt.l. Chas. A. Bedsole, Rt.2, Box;+•2009. Joh^ Ful_to^, 416 re; 6th St. E.L.Hillman; 1516 Niarket St. James Ho1l,a-d, 315 S. bth St. D.M.Lewis, 44 Spofford n4iils. E.E.Cave"augh, 414 Quee- St. P.F.O'Keef-l 2015 Perry Ave. Theetj~g ther+.adjour-ed...-. C].erk. ? Ca^^ie Y. Brya^t 1416 Dock St. Haywood DeVane, k2 5. 16th St. Jas. T.- Strickland , 213 S. 6th St. M.VJ.Ben^ett, 19 Vdrightsville Ave. G.R.Kornegay, 19 Barde- Ave. W.R.Smith, 103 r'. sth St. J.E.Savage, Rt.l? Box 308. J.G.Midd].eto-, 101 Brookwood Ave. Ave.Edw. C. Craft,Jr., P.O.Bor. 552. J.C.Jo-es, 137 Spofford Miils. E.C.Dobso^, 2115 Park Road. H.J.Jo^es, 610 Ce^trai Boulevard. Eifie B. Tvlorto-, Castie Hay-e. Wm.P'.Jones, C 25, Box 321AA. Harry Blake, 10131 S. 2-d St. W.P.Eorde3ur,, 101 Yieaton Ave. Chas. J. Blake, 801 D4arket St. I.Pvl.Stephenson, 120 Brya^t Ave. Joh- C. Leeuive-berg, Rt. 3. E.H.ilJhite, Rt.1. E.G.Register, 510 S. Fro-t St. Reginald Telfair, 615 Via1^ut St. . C.B.Hudso", 2523 Mo-r.oe St. VV.F.Perki^s, 801 Ce^tral Boulevard, R.W.McKe-zie, 305 S. Front St. Beach. I?.A.Pi-er, 215 Mercer Ave. N.H.Davis, 107 S. 17th St. Julius A. Parker, 520 Wooster 5t. Katheri^e I..Babso-, 1205 S. 4th St. Ch-as. F. Bei1. 12 Hawthorre $oad R.B.Perry, ?0? E. Battle St., Maffitt Grqham H. Russ, Caroli^a Beach. Da^iel L. Jo^es, 406 I4arste]_ler St. • F.B.Hewlett, Rt.3, Box 130. Louis W. Latham, 37. Jackso^ Drive. W.M.Vdalters, 22 Ivey Circle. Wilni-gtor, r.C., ll4arch 51 7-951. The regular weekly meeting of the Board vras held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Village . Presert: Addisor Hewlett, Chairmar; Jas, I?4. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. Davis, Hal J. Love a-d Cou-ty Attor-ey b2arsde- Bellamy. . The mi^utes of ineeti^g of February 26,1951, were read a-d approved•as recorded. The Board, sadde^ed by the death of T'ew Har.over Cou^ty's Sheriff F.Porter Davis, a-d wishi-g 7to pay tribute to his memory., u^a^imously adopted the follovai^g resolutio- offered by Mr. Thursto^ C. Davis a-d seco^ded by Mr. Claud 0'Shields: WHEREAS, o^ the 5th day of March, 1951, was called from his earthly ].abors, F. Porter Davis, Sheriff of revr Hanover Cou^ty, i^ which capacity he had served si-ce April 14, 1947, a^d ' VJHEREAS, as Sheriff of P?ew Hanover Cou-ty his Y.-ova'!edge of l.aw e^forcemert a-d his eve- b31a-+ced judgmert tva s.d-"greatrasset i- the admi^istratio- of his office, a-d to the commu"ity he loved a-d served, a-d - - WHEREAS, his ertire service vuas characterized by that high ideal of right a-d fair play . in a true spirit of cooperatio-. He was ge^tle a-d Y,i-B, yet fearless, he served his Cou-ty , well. These personal traits so greatly e^deared him to the people of this Cou^ty, a-d WHEREAS, vre wish to go o- record with a^ expressio^ of our esteem a-d respect for .. • him as a true a-d strict fol'ower of his perso-al co-victions i^,-the light of his duty, a-d i^ his u^timely passi^g this Body recognize the loss oPamost 1_oyal a-d efficie-+t official . a-d desire to pay tribute to his memory. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that while vre have suffered a great loss in his passing, the memory of his faithful devotio++ to his duty as sheriff oT. our cou-ty will be a*+ ideal of co"secreation to iz's:all:_-Resolved further that a copy of these resolutions be se-t to the family with ex.pressions of our deep sympathy a-d a copy of the same be spread upo^ the mi^utes of this Board. • L-