1951-03-05 Regular Meetingf 244 Meeti-g of February 26, 1951, co-+tinued. Ar offer of James.Dixo- to purchase a-d cut the timber o^ the airport property ? for poles.was declined. motior offered by Ivir. 0'Shields to appoint a committee to -egotiate with the Reverend T. P: Toe for the purchase of a].ot that appears to be within the fe^ce ` C enclosure of the Cou^ty Oak Grove Cemetery, vras seco-ded by Mr. Hall a-d carried. The Chairma", Mr. Davis a-d Mr. 0'Shields were named o^ the committee. ' The matter of i^crease of salaries for Cou^ty Employees vras discussed, but in view of G?commitme-ts previously made for Civil Deie?se_the matter of available fu^ds to meet the cost was raised a-d actio^ deferred u^ti_ the -eat meeti^g. Upo- motd)o^ of Mr. Davis, a joi^t meeti^g v;ith the City Cou^sil was requested to discuss the civil defe^se budget vrith Civii Uefe-se Director T. G. 0'Neal. .? The follovJing good a-d 1.ar7ful perso^s were draw- to serve as jurors in the Superior ?•N?" Court for the trial. of Civil Cases for a tvro vaeeks term begi-^i^g Iufarch 12, 1.951: ? - M3rvi^ hewtori, 1202 Pri^cess St. R.E.Piner., 1005 n4ercer Ave"ue. P.P.Paschall, 104 Maryland Ave. J.L.Hodges, 207 N. 5th St. Ralph L. Evars,Jr., 617 Dawso^ St. J.S.Campbell, 115 Maryland Ave. Harry Ferrell, Rt.l, Box 257. Norvin C. Smith,-1508 Orange St. Clare-ce B. Ster^berger, 105 tiJrightsvil.le Al.bert L. Jorda-, 9 Ct.T, Lake rorest. Jos. B. Jo^es, 314 S. 5th St. Dexter H. Holla-dl 1.17 S.Va- Bure^ St. Pdrs. Vera Jo^es, 2710 jackso- St. P'al.ter E. Jorda^, 97.E S. 2^d St. V?'.H.Jo-es, 2711 S. Vv?.shi-€-to^ Sti. Mts. Lilii3^ Jarma^, 314 rT. 7th St: G.E.Hadnebt, & Lake Forest Pqrkway. S. Da-iel, 405 N. 3rd, St. Seco^d week- M.C.CappsI 119?'dard St.14affitt Vi11age E.L.Hobbs, 112 Mor^i^gside Drive. Roddie R. Be-ett, 117 S. 7th St. Stone C. Pulliam,212 Y. 16th St. E.M.Westbrook,3r., 1901 Chestrut St. 4V.J.Parker, 20th & Woolcott Ave. E.H.Rhodes, Kure Beach. Chevis T.Faircloth, Box 653A, Carolina Hugh M. Griffith, 2933A, Jefferson St. A.L.Richardson, P.O.Box 1184. S.1U.Murray,Jr., Box 143D, Rt.l. Chas. A. Bedsole, Rt.2, Box;+•2009. Joh^ Ful_to^, 416 re; 6th St. E.L.Hillman; 1516 Niarket St. James Ho1l,a-d, 315 S. bth St. D.M.Lewis, 44 Spofford n4iils. E.E.Cave"augh, 414 Quee- St. P.F.O'Keef-l 2015 Perry Ave. Theetj~g ther+.adjour-ed...-. C].erk. ? Ca^^ie Y. Brya^t 1416 Dock St. Haywood DeVane, k2 5. 16th St. Jas. T.- Strickland , 213 S. 6th St. M.VJ.Ben^ett, 19 Vdrightsville Ave. G.R.Kornegay, 19 Barde- Ave. W.R.Smith, 103 r'. sth St. J.E.Savage, Rt.l? Box 308. J.G.Midd].eto-, 101 Brookwood Ave. Ave.Edw. C. Craft,Jr., P.O.Bor. 552. J.C.Jo-es, 137 Spofford Miils. E.C.Dobso^, 2115 Park Road. H.J.Jo^es, 610 Ce^trai Boulevard. Eifie B. Tvlorto-, Castie Hay-e. Wm.P'.Jones, C 25, Box 321AA. Harry Blake, 10131 S. 2-d St. W.P.Eorde3ur,, 101 Yieaton Ave. Chas. J. Blake, 801 D4arket St. I.Pvl.Stephenson, 120 Brya^t Ave. Joh- C. Leeuive-berg, Rt. 3. E.H.ilJhite, Rt.1. E.G.Register, 510 S. Fro-t St. Reginald Telfair, 615 Via1^ut St. . C.B.Hudso", 2523 Mo-r.oe St. VV.F.Perki^s, 801 Ce^tral Boulevard, R.W.McKe-zie, 305 S. Front St. Beach. I?.A.Pi-er, 215 Mercer Ave. N.H.Davis, 107 S. 17th St. Julius A. Parker, 520 Wooster 5t. Katheri^e I..Babso-, 1205 S. 4th St. Ch-as. F. Bei1. 12 Hawthorre $oad R.B.Perry, ?0? E. Battle St., Maffitt Grqham H. Russ, Caroli^a Beach. Da^iel L. Jo^es, 406 I4arste]_ler St. • F.B.Hewlett, Rt.3, Box 130. Louis W. Latham, 37. Jackso^ Drive. W.M.Vdalters, 22 Ivey Circle. Wilni-gtor, r.C., ll4arch 51 7-951. The regular weekly meeting of the Board vras held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Village . Presert: Addisor Hewlett, Chairmar; Jas, I?4. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. Davis, Hal J. Love a-d Cou-ty Attor-ey b2arsde- Bellamy. . The mi^utes of ineeti^g of February 26,1951, were read a-d approved•as recorded. The Board, sadde^ed by the death of T'ew Har.over Cou^ty's Sheriff F.Porter Davis, a-d wishi-g 7to pay tribute to his memory., u^a^imously adopted the follovai^g resolutio- offered by Mr. Thursto^ C. Davis a-d seco^ded by Mr. Claud 0'Shields: WHEREAS, o^ the 5th day of March, 1951, was called from his earthly ].abors, F. Porter Davis, Sheriff of revr Hanover Cou^ty, i^ which capacity he had served si-ce April 14, 1947, a^d ' VJHEREAS, as Sheriff of P?ew Hanover Cou-ty his Y.-ova'!edge of l.aw e^forcemert a-d his eve- b31a-+ced judgmert tva s.d-"greatrasset i- the admi^istratio- of his office, a-d to the commu"ity he loved a-d served, a-d - - WHEREAS, his ertire service vuas characterized by that high ideal of right a-d fair play . in a true spirit of cooperatio-. He was ge^tle a-d Y,i-B, yet fearless, he served his Cou-ty , well. These personal traits so greatly e^deared him to the people of this Cou^ty, a-d WHEREAS, vre wish to go o- record with a^ expressio^ of our esteem a-d respect for .. • him as a true a-d strict fol'ower of his perso-al co-victions i^,-the light of his duty, a-d i^ his u^timely passi^g this Body recognize the loss oPamost 1_oyal a-d efficie-+t official . a-d desire to pay tribute to his memory. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that while vre have suffered a great loss in his passing, the memory of his faithful devotio++ to his duty as sheriff oT. our cou-ty will be a*+ ideal of co"secreation to iz's:all:_-Resolved further that a copy of these resolutions be se-t to the family with ex.pressions of our deep sympathy a-d a copy of the same be spread upo^ the mi^utes of this Board. • L- T"ilmSngtony PJ. C. • iebruary 28, 1951 Tho Crn&cy Gormissioners met with the Citg Counei2 a,C the iegu2ar meat3M og the Gity Counc3T on the above dete at 3:00 o'c5.ock PM' for the Fn.trpose of discuss4ag the Ciail IJerense Program and to Ixear report from 1?r. Thos. G. O'Neal, Director af Civ12 Dafense 4'or New Hanaver Covntq.. 2'haso ps°esent r+ere: L^r, Addison Herlett9 - ChaSmany Gommiasioners Davis, Lovea O'ShIcelc9s and Hall from the County, gnd tfayor tl:cClelJ.afldD presiding, Counc3lman Sinclairn FFsde and 14h1te; Cii;y E"snsger Hansoa snd City "At•torneg Catnpbe2l. Before toking up the mutter of CIv31 Defense, the Council considered the fo2losning mstters, Lir. Gi.b Arthur v+as preseeu in the 3nterest of the r'ilmingt,on Azalea Fes- Request tiv&Z Open Golf Touxaument and regueated the C3ty to appropr3ate the sinn of 81500.90 for app, towaxds the said event, for adver'tSsfng purposes, roprist: Councilman SinclaYr mo*oed that the Couracil npps°opriate the same amount Golf ? as last yP.&2'y or $750e00, if possible. Counc3lrnan Tvade state3 thai: he wouibd secon3 Tausnami the mottoa on the basis of sna]ring the aplzopr3atian poseible by transfer and res- o1u'tion in aecordance with the law at 'uhe eni of the fiscal yeare 1'he mot2on was j put to a vote and ivas unan3maus]y adopted. - T'he tr±o bodies here entere,9 into jo1nt sese_on. t°ajor O'NPa19 Dirf-ctor of C3vi1 Des"ense for New }Iax±over Covnty read a ReporC memore.ndum, cop3ea of ivhich were previously c^urnished the City blanager, Pda,qor end Civil members of the Cfty CoiulaSle conta3.ning a tontative hudget and discussing policies Defenae and procedvres to be fallowed in completing a consolidated Givil De£ense Organ£za- Adminis- t,ion Por this area and pointing out wha$ f'inanc-lal, coatribut4on could or would be tration reqnired oP eac1a oP the participo.ting local governments. He reQOmrended that the Cit,y and CounLy appropriate 1W6,000.00 each9 or a tot2.?i of w129000.00 for the * setting up of a Civfl Ae£ense pdminiatrsti.oa. A schP8ul.e o£ personal service and other. oxpense in conneet4on eiith the se?tieg exP of the program and a budpet esti- m ate Yar Period Februaay 1, 1951 to June 30, 1951 3s contsined in a deteiled memod randum vihich 3s on filo SYi the Cf'ty's Civil Defense fiZe. f::ajor 0'Aeal told the joint r,od3es that 7q percenL of the actual nork hous°s.by him had been,given to , the zvork of Civil De.fense, not including mnmerous night ID80ting3. Upon inqulry by Cocmissioner 01-Shielda, L'.ajor 0'PTeal cut}.ii>s& the 6,ecoamlishmertta made since the beginning of the organ2zation. Af'ter a eontinued and ftl1 discussion 6' the sub3ec$ of Civil APfense and S.t's astimateci cost, i.nqu2ry wae msde as to hoer the jo3nt bodies might fiasnce tha progrwa and upon flirther consicloratlo.i and 9.a quiry.. 3t appeared 2hst no sub- " stantiiel expendittu-e for th4s purpose could be made until edequate enubling legSs- Iet:ion is obtaineti. The City Eianager coratected N,r. ]?. Z. Josfega Civil Defense Director of , Narth CaroTine, and learnod that a bi11 had baon prepa•red by the Attoxmey General , on the snbjeet and same has been g3ven t0 11r. Jones' office for study; and the P31l auth3riz3ng the expend4ture of ^oflies shou3d ba presented tio Legislatime this woek. The City 1"anager pointed out thmt he had centemplated other additional P'aj or vrork Par 1Hajor O'NeaY in the Fire Department, and that he as very 2.nxfo•us to get 0'Noal n:un started on this work; that, he hopes to soon get this budget and nrogrtun under- retained c7t.y 3ufficientlq to pexmit 1:r. OiNee,I to F3ve a port3on o£ hfs t3mo to BtttF.s work sa f7DD in the firc departtont. We do deEiniteZy need him, Mr. Aenoon said. ? Councilznan 77ade moveci 'chat the City Council and Couaty Carinissioners authar3zo the continuetion o£ M.r. O'Neal in h3s preserit assignment, and that the Cauneii anc] Countg Comn3.asionera cooperate to the fullest eutent in providing stienog,:apiiic and other off3eo sssietence nrtfl Fvch time as the joiut bodies aEn maef again and take some doPim3te acyion on the progrem, or until somo leg- 3s7.ation is passed to author3ze the eppenditure o1' monies by munic4pa7.itYes. The "tion CJ89 seconded by Comm4ssioner Ha].1 BIIa i]flA11iFIL041319 &apj7tQC1. e an M The Gity Manager announced the appolntment of Mr. Geo. Treak as a member C'r. 1Yask o£ the Co;munity FIospital Bom-d, £or iri£ormat3on of the 3oint boc3ies, said appoint- to Comm. ment to fill the uaexp3red term of L1r. Jno. A. Orrell, deceased. Hosp. Bd. Covncilnan Si.nclaix mrnred that the uppo:tntment of ft^r. Trask to £i7.1 the ' unexpirsd term of t'r. Orrell on the Cormnuiity IiospitAl Boas°d be apppoved} 'i'he motioh wes seFondeB 135 Corcnissioncr Daeis end unan3mousZy adopted. r ' ?? I -1 B P,Sx°. 9?o T. Robertson9 Fd;anager o£. ths fSanor 'I'nea•cs°e appeared before tho Cowicil and requertec] that J1e ir givon aame x°r;'s.3eP from t-},e sYde: aZk boing congestecS arul i;rucks and car, a beS.ng parlced in h3s theatxr. zone mss P.;arket Street, Ife also sta- i;er3 thai merchandfse mas £rcaquent7.y placed on tho s2dEwa2l: coaplete]y blocking saza2. Cowacilman Wade moved r,itat the request of P2r. Robertsom in behalf of hAa businesa be recei.ved by the Council and referred to the I'antger and Chiaf of Police for investignt4on mith posner tn act; and that the sftuation be relA$vod satiafac- torily to a11 concernede The motioa was seeonded by Councilmen ?'hite and unanimouslq a,dopted> The Clerk read ca7l far ftirn4shing Lan2efpa2. Zmr.., ..wants (extensione, to serer system in the southern exea), The h'ayor sr,qu9.red if there use anyroae prosont desir3ng to ffle a bid nho had not already done so, and th?ra being none, declared the tir:e closed for f3ling bida, and at h3s diucoction the fol].otiving bids mare open- ed and read s , uaroh221 and Long, Texboro, N. C. ? w 171,039.15 iorw1es-Cline Constxvc,Co. "Ilmington, N. C. 20?.,599.75 BAythe Bx°othersD Charlotte, N. C. 225,925.40 Ts7man Transfer Coripwq Wi3m3ngton9 N. C. 185,573.20 A. H. Guiibn Company Ghharrlotte, N. C. 197,0642.15 Aefore readfng the bid oP A. fi. Gu4on C,ompan,y9 the FUrchasing tp 'ent reed s, telegram whieh ho had seae:tved from the aid Compeny 2n connectiori with it 's bid and nhich Ae opemjd upan rece3pt o£ same pr3or to the meeicixrg; a capy af which 2s attached to the talralation r,P bfds on ofPica.al. records. , Covncilinan Nhite ifOVP.v tYIEt a12 b3ds, SsicludiM the telegram be receinedy and referred to thn City P'.anagara Pvrchasing Agent, Superintend4nt of the ?"ater DQrartment cind C9ty FYhginear Pos° ta'bul.alUony study and re-emrmnendation. The motion was secondod bq CouneiZmare Sfno2air and ux-ianimously ar7opGerl. Bids FLdrsi. improv.Tn discussing a selary i....?.?se for city employoesD the City L^anst±er 5elary said, that trie matter ha3 been undor conslderation £or several months; attd that increases he snd the Council recognize the finartcial pro'61ea our employees ars hxvir.g. Prior City Empl to Chr3stmas a raise aP 05.00 per month £or the f':Lrst six mottths oS the Yiacal year was given the emp3ayees. 2`he City is having •Lhe s¢me problen nith iacreasing costs of mnter3sls, etc., howc3ver, a comparative estimate of rece3pts and dis- hzrsemen'cs hes been vorked up, and it was found that there mill be about v2I,000e more raceipts than was ectus].iy e3tiaiated, anrl recommended that a N10.00 per month 3zxcsresse' ba given sEraight ti.aie empZoyees, and 5¢ Per hous increase f or emplaqees on an hourZy basis, or tempora27 employeea, approx5aating about W;000,00. This to beeome effectine Pr,areh ln 1951> Aftier flxrf,her d3scuss3on, Coursci3matt Mite moved tkat upon rec=endation of the City t+isnager, the Council s9lary inereases aa outlineid by the Mana gera o:r $10,00 par motttfi £or atre.iglit t4mQ employees and 5¢ per hour far employees on an ° hourZy bssis9 Co become effoctivc L§e.ch 19 1951. lsnd that e cont4maed study be made, end i£ add4tional f4ands are availabls at June 30, bhe.t considoration be given to p.rovidtng more flmds to emp2oyeea. The motioa was seconeed by Counailman 5incleiir and unw3mous3y adouted. '. The Citq P•.?anager sabm£tted plans Od specifications for 1lnprovements to 2he F.as•L 17ing oF City ha11D and requetttod appraval thereof; and also authari.zation 2'or adverEisenent far bids in eonnPetion with the said inprovements. Couneflman i7hfte moved that upon r3earmandQE4on of the City AianagorD the plans and specifications for 4r.iprovements to tfie F.ast '+'J£ng o£ C3t'y H¢ll be approvedn eiid Council authorize ednertisemeat far b3ds 3n connecticn thamvit4z. The mot3oa ras seconded b9 Councilmsn Sinclair and unanimov.sly r,doptad. Upon reqizest of t:'r. .i.,ean Bleunstein9 operrater o£ a sestp iron ya2d near fiilton, on the t731m3ngCon EYiI and rertilizo"r bo ab2ndgn bhb ,yard above- mcnlior.ad and to operate a siei3Ya.r yezd at the o1d Indegsndent ICe Compat{y site, Gou?c3lman i','hite novad that the requoet bs approvted &nd the,$ ;,'r: li2nunsteta be per-mitted to operate s scrap iron yard a;; the Iiidependenb Tce Company location, 7tli and BrunsFiick9 tvith the undexstanditig that hs wi11 abandon the Fmesent 3oca- t'on at Ai1ton. The motlon vias seconcled by Counai.8men Sihclair and unanfmwslq adcpted. The Cleric was requested to furniah i;?r. Dlaunstein a capy of the Counciloa actioa on the above maGter. - - - Plana and Sgecifico R, W1ng City Ha11 P.equesB Scrap Tron Yartl Meeti-g of March 5, 1951, co^ti^ued. s 0 Miss Ver^a Belle Lowery, Home Demo^stratio- Age^t a-d n4r. D. D. Baggett, Farm Age-t, prese-ted their renorts for February which were received a-d filed. A request of Mrs, R. M. Piver a-d Mrs. George Cai- for'ar appropriation toward payi-+g the bala^ce of $1,300.00 due o^ u^iforms purchased for the 1'evr Hanover fiigh School Ba^d which cost $3,895.50, vaas after discussion, referred to the Cou-ty Attor-ey to discuss ? the matter with the Board of•Fducatio^ after he had ruled that was a problem of the school authorities to be ma,de avaiiable through its budget a-d the Cou^ty Commissio^ers had ^o right to make a direct appropriatio^ for that purpose. The matter o' divertir+g part of the gate receipts for eve^ts of the Athietic Associatio^ to meet?`ezpe^ses of that ^ature was discussed. , Mr. Alle++ L4arshall represerti-g the Bar Associatio", submitted a request that the City N05v a-d Cou-ty establi"sh a u-iform system of holidays to be observed for the future. Mr. Love ?C moved a"d it was seco^ded a-d carried that a committee be appoi^ted to cor£er with the City Cou-cil a-d Bar Asgociation to ttiat e-d. A4r. 0'Shields a-d h4r. Davis were appoi-ted to represe^t the Cou^ty o: the Committee. The following vras read a-d prese-ted by Nr, Thursto^ C. Davis: "Appreciating the fact that the Cou-ty possesses a very small perce-tage of surplus fu^ds, but also realizi-g that the risi^g cost of livi^g dema-ds official atte-tior, as it co^cer-s certain cou-ty employees, I would like to make the foilowi^g remarks: Some weeks ago I asked for a study to determi^e if there were a^y surplus fu-ds available. The results of this study showed that there wa,s a surplus fu^d o£ approximately sever thousa-d dollars, However, duri^g the i-tertur,, this Boa.rd, o^ my motio^, allocated the sum of five thousa^d doll_ars to be appropriated for the Cou^ty's participatio^ i^ the Courty Civil Defe^se operatio^s. Duri^g the past week, as the resuit of actio^ take^ at a joi^t meeti^g of the City of Wilmi^gto^ a-d Cou^ty of hew H?nover rovernirg boards, the previous appropri.atio^ of the Cou^ty Commissio^ers oi five thousa.-d dollars for Civil D„fe^se purposes was -+ullified. It vaas recog-ized at that meeti^g that Lepislative approva7. a-d actio^ woul.d have to b first gai-ed be£ore the cou-ty cou?_d spe-d a^y such sums for Civil Defense. ? I^ view of-the fact that o^ly a portio^ of the surplus fu^ds vrhich the Cou-ty-*Auditor reports avai]able will be used prese-tly for Civil Defe-se, I move, if it is approved by the Cou^ty Attorney, that this Board use the remai^der of the surplus fu^ds referred to for the purpose of givi^g cou^ty emp].oyees, approved by the Board of Cormissio-ers, a \ .raise i^ salary retroactive to Niarch 1, 1951., through tHe e-d of this fiscal year; the , amou"t of the raise to be determined by the sum of the mo-ey remai-i^g i^ the surplus fu-d ailocated for this purpose, a-d by the ^umber of employees i^cluded. Ard i further recomme-d that a co^ti•+ui-g study be made as to the possibility of i^cludi^g a raise for Cou-ty employees i^ the -er,t fiscal_ year, this phase of the recomme^datio-+ to be discussed duri^g budget heari^gs a"d study for the year 1951-1952. The matter vras the^ discussed at ].e-gth a,d Mr_Davis-mouetl-a_d it was seco-ded by Mr, Ha1.l a-d u-a-imousl,Y carried that Cou-ty employees be €ra-ted a raise i^ salary of $10.OG per mo-th as-of i?q"r"cfi"I;to Jti^e 30, 1951, a-d five ce^ts per hour i^crease to employees vaorki^g o- a^ hourly basis. ? A report of the 'Colored Home Demo-stratio- Age-t for February vias received a-d payme-t oS ?ik?-??3•35 for articles used i^ demo^stratio^s v.as anpr.oved. / ? • Upo- motio- of Mr.. 0'Shields, eeco-ded by I4r. Dnvis, Mr. Hueh Batso^, 3201 Market Street, Har-ett Tow-ship, was gra-ted a- a.bateme-t of taxes on a valuatio"_ of $190.00 perso^al a-d poll a's'bo City tax,es charged i- error:?East Wilming-tn^ Bap.t.i.st Church was gra-etd a- abateme^t of taxes or a valuatio^ of $1,210.00, lots 1,2 a-d 3, i^ Block 12, iJfercer P1ace,Church parso^age occupied by the nastor; gradi^g a-d clea,ring of la^d o- Ja^uary l,for co^structio^ ." of church buildirg started February 7. a-d the same ordered p7.aced o^ the ta.x free 1ist. Joh__I,.,._P._a].mer, Rt.l, Har^ett Tova-ship,abatec? tax o^ q va7_uatio^ of $50.00 perso^al property? poll a-d ^ot listed pe^alty 3ccou^t of double charge, for the year 1950• A report was received from the tax office shovai^F that $6,530.94 back taxes was collected for the =1aX City, a-d $4,378.78 for the Cou-ty, a total of $10,909.72 back taxes coll.ected for . the mo-th of February. Upo- motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by P;Ir. Ha1l_, payme^t of $30.00 to The Vdester^ Atorth Carol3.na I' Sa^atorium for de^tal work fur-ishi-p upper a-d lower plates for Mr. Horace V. Bolto-, County patie^t, was approved o^ recomme^datio- of the Sa^storium as ^ecessary i^ the i-terest of , his rehabilitatio^. f report of the Cou^ty Eiectricai. I-spector for Ja-uary was received a-d filed. A letter wa.s received from Mr. Geo. R. Ross, Director of the State Departmert of hvkmjCorservatio^ a-d Developme^t advisi-g that he had received a- adva^ced copy of a report ( o^ the Steel I4i7_1 5urvey i^ relatio^ to the VJilmi-gto^ Area, a-d as soo^ 3s he has had time to analyze the report wi7.1 come dow- to VJilmi^gto- a-d presert the report i- perso-. ,????Reports of the Veterars' Service Officer, VJilmi-gto- Public ribrary a"d Bureau of l ? ide-+tificatio- for February i-vere received a-d filed. A^ ofPer of the Public Housi^g Adi4tiristration to sell a fire truck used at Maffitt Vi1.7.age, to the Cou^ty for $50.00, wa,s received for i^vestigatio^ vaith Mr. B.H.Marshalll Executive Director of the Housi^g Authority of the City of Flilmi^gto^, as to what service would be expected of tkie Cou-ty ir case of purchase. A 1.etter was received from Dr. C.P.Stevic, Director of the State Divisio^ of Epidemiology, ? I.kSpstati^g he was glad to help with the equipme"t for the Joh^ C. Wessel.l Tuberculosis 0 Sa^atorium, a-d was looki^g forward tnTith ple,?sure to providi-g a-y othe'r service possible. A stateme-t was received from the State noa.rd of Public VJelfare shovai^g that $45,987.49 _ 25? was sent to this cou^ty: i^ February for Aid to Depe^de^t Childre^, Old Age Assistarce a-d Admi-+istr3tio-. , -A I 246 Meeti-g of March 5, 1951, co?ti,ued. - ti-(tY A suggestior submitted by ivir. Hal1_ to fly to Charlotte to i^spect their airport termi-al ^C?A building for i^formatio- that may be helpful i^ equippi^g our airport termi^al buildi-g which vrill be completed soo-, was approved by the Board.. Upon motio^ of n4r. Davis, seco-ded by U?r. ?,ove, the Boqrd a,pproved a-d requested the State Highway a^d Public Vdorks Commissio^ to take over a-d m?i-tai^ as a part of our Cou^ty highway system, the paved portio^ of Porters nTeck Hoad in the P.orters.:Neeh Plantation ft=ad Icectio^ of Har--ett tovi-ship. Mr. 0'Shie].ds asked that '.°Keep nev, fi--nover Cou^.ty G7ee^" sig^s be erected alo-g the ? highviays i^ a^ effort to'preve-t or reduce the -umber of forest fires ca.used by lighted , cigarettes careiess7.y throw^ a1o^V the highy+ays, or otherwise. Upo^ motio- of IJfr. Ha7.l, seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields, liir. L. C. Fre^ch vras released from the • payment of -ot listed pe-alY,y charged agai-st his property i^ biock 150, a-d the beirs of ? W. A.__Ere^ch i^ block178, a^d H?r^ett tow^ship for the year 1950, o? accou^t of his i^abil_ity to tist the property o^ accou-t of sick^ess at iisti-g time. 11? 9 recess was the- take^ u^til 5:00 o'c?.ock P.Ifi., Tuesday, Narch 6th, 1951, to co^sider ? _-0 the appoi^tme-t of a sheriff to serve out the u^er.pired term of the late F.Porter Divis. ?k. 1i'ilmingto-, T. C., March 6, 1951. Pursuant to recess taker Mo^day, M?rch 5tn 19517 the Board met at 5:00 o'c.lock P.M., to appoi-t a sheriff to serve out the u^expired term of the 7.ate Sheriff F.Porter Davis. ' Prese^t: Addiso- Hewlett Chairma-, Jas. 1.1. Haii, U1aud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. Davis, Hal J. Love a^d Cou-ty 9ttor-ey Mar•sder BeJlamy. ". After the meeti^g vaas calied to order by the Cha_irm3^, Iiir. Thursto^ C. D-vis moved that ' It4r. Marvi- E.--Register, who has served as Chief Deputy Sheriff co-ti^ously u^der the late Sheriffs C. David JQ^es a^d F. Porter Davis, soo- after his appoi^tme^t December 5, 19327 be appoi^ted Sheriff of Pdevi Hanover Cou^ty to serve out the u^er.pired term of the late Sheriff F. Porter Davis. His mctio^ was seco^ded by Ieir. Jas. M. Halll a^d Mr. Register was u^a-imously appoi^ted Sheriff of_Neiv',Hanover Cou-ity for the u^expired term of F. Porter.Davis, deceased, a-d bo-ds fixed by the Board at $2,500.00 for faithful performa^ce of office a^d $1,000.00 for collectio^ of State taxes. ? Surety bo-ds for Mr...Register asrSheri£f of New Hanover Cou^ty with the.D'ational Surety Corp., S as surety, were the^ prese-ted i;^ the saia amou^ts fixed by the Board, the same havi-g been r approved by the Cou^ty Attor-ey,as to form a^d executio^, were upo- motio- of Nr. 0'Shields, seco^ded by Mr. Love, accepted b,y the Eoard. Mr. Rggister the^ qualified by taki^g the oath of office before the Ho^orable R. Hu^t Parker, Judge Presidi-g Superior Court, _1l. Upo- motio^ of A4r. Davis, seco^ded by I?Rr. Love, it was agreeable to the Board to ra_ise the per,diem pay of•the members of the Eoard of Health for atte*+da-ce of regular meetirgs, to $10.00. P The mee? g ther adjour^ed. ? Clerk. WilminFto^, 17. C., Merch 12, 1951. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Prese^t: Addiso^ Hew7ett, Chairrna^, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis,. Ha.l J. Love a-d Cou-ty Atporney Marsden Be)_lamy. The mi^utes of ineeti^gs of iviarch 5th a^d 6th were read q-d app:oved as recorded. p? Earl Page, S'ev., Hanover N:igh School, a^d Bett; Jo Pearsa1l, Rqymo^d Ciark, a-d r?obert Smith, Take Forest School, yourp stude^ts, were prese^t to observe a^d study the proceedi^gs of the Cou^ty Comr,iissio^ers. The Revere-d G. 4'I. Shepard represe^t9_^p a cormittee of f;he Ogde^ T,yo^s Club a.ppeared to " ask thqt the speed limit over US 17 he reduced to 35 mi].es per hour.from the intersectio- of the `?as the Gordo^ Road to a poi^t beyo^d Ogde^, a^d ca.utio- liFht be i^stalled over the hiphvaay at Ogde-; o^ accou-t of a da-f-erous t:qffic hazard at Ogde^ a^d the Ulrightsville Bea,ch t3oad intersectio^, especia.ily si^ce i-crease 1° iY3ri-e traffic, Upo^ motio- of nir. Davis, seco^ded by.ivIr. Love, the request was approved a-d referred to the State Highlray a^d Pub7.ic Vvorks Commissio-. Mrs. J.-D. Edvrards, Preside^t of *'.C.Sorosis, Mrs. $oyd Quarles, Irirs. Finley ]VicNilla- ald Mrs. J.n4.james 3rd Mrs. Tra Hires Sorosis Clea^-up Committee, appeared to urge the Commissio-ers to clea^ the out-side wails of the Court House for the Azalea Festival, The Chairma^ explaired -? that the'.use of-aysteam girny had bee- plan?ed to clean the buildi-g. The ladies were assured, o^ motio^ of P,4r. ?,ove, seco-ded by I{fir. 0'Shields, that full cooperatio^ to that e-+d would be give". " • ? r'o action was take- of a request of Mr. D. C.. T?TOrth to use Legion Stadium for horse races `?6?+? duri-+g the Ezale3 Festival period March 25th,31 3^d Apri7, lst, The Board feeli^g that matter ' should first be cleared through the Azalea Festival Committee. ?