1951-03-06 Regular MeetingI 246 Meeti-g of March 5, 1951, co?ti,ued. - ti-(tY A suggestior submitted by ivir. Hal1_ to fly to Charlotte to i^spect their airport termi-al ^C?A building for i^formatio- that may be helpful i^ equippi^g our airport termi^al buildi-g which vrill be completed soo-, was approved by the Board.. Upon motio^ of n4r. Davis, seco-ded by U?r. ?,ove, the Boqrd a,pproved a-d requested the State Highway a^d Public Vdorks Commissio^ to take over a-d m?i-tai^ as a part of our Cou^ty highway system, the paved portio^ of Porters nTeck Hoad in the P.orters.:Neeh Plantation ft=ad Icectio^ of Har--ett tovi-ship. Mr. 0'Shie].ds asked that '.°Keep nev, fi--nover Cou^.ty G7ee^" sig^s be erected alo-g the ? highviays i^ a^ effort to'preve-t or reduce the -umber of forest fires ca.used by lighted , cigarettes careiess7.y throw^ a1o^V the highy+ays, or otherwise. Upo^ motio- of IJfr. Ha7.l, seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields, liir. L. C. Fre^ch vras released from the • payment of -ot listed pe-alY,y charged agai-st his property i^ biock 150, a-d the beirs of ? W. A.__Ere^ch i^ block178, a^d H?r^ett tow^ship for the year 1950, o? accou^t of his i^abil_ity to tist the property o^ accou-t of sick^ess at iisti-g time. 11? 9 recess was the- take^ u^til 5:00 o'c?.ock P.Ifi., Tuesday, Narch 6th, 1951, to co^sider ? _-0 the appoi^tme-t of a sheriff to serve out the u^er.pired term of the late F.Porter Divis. ?k. 1i'ilmingto-, T. C., March 6, 1951. Pursuant to recess taker Mo^day, M?rch 5tn 19517 the Board met at 5:00 o'c.lock P.M., to appoi-t a sheriff to serve out the u^expired term of the 7.ate Sheriff F.Porter Davis. ' Prese^t: Addiso- Hewlett Chairma-, Jas. 1.1. Haii, U1aud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. Davis, Hal J. Love a^d Cou-ty 9ttor-ey Mar•sder BeJlamy. ". After the meeti^g vaas calied to order by the Cha_irm3^, Iiir. Thursto^ C. D-vis moved that ' It4r. Marvi- E.--Register, who has served as Chief Deputy Sheriff co-ti^ously u^der the late Sheriffs C. David JQ^es a^d F. Porter Davis, soo- after his appoi^tme^t December 5, 19327 be appoi^ted Sheriff of Pdevi Hanover Cou^ty to serve out the u^er.pired term of the late Sheriff F. Porter Davis. His mctio^ was seco^ded by Ieir. Jas. M. Halll a^d Mr. Register was u^a-imously appoi^ted Sheriff of_Neiv',Hanover Cou-ity for the u^expired term of F. Porter.Davis, deceased, a-d bo-ds fixed by the Board at $2,500.00 for faithful performa^ce of office a^d $1,000.00 for collectio^ of State taxes. ? Surety bo-ds for Mr...Register asrSheri£f of New Hanover Cou^ty with the.D'ational Surety Corp., S as surety, were the^ prese-ted i;^ the saia amou^ts fixed by the Board, the same havi-g been r approved by the Cou^ty Attor-ey,as to form a^d executio^, were upo- motio- of Nr. 0'Shields, seco^ded by Mr. Love, accepted b,y the Eoard. Mr. Rggister the^ qualified by taki^g the oath of office before the Ho^orable R. Hu^t Parker, Judge Presidi-g Superior Court, _1l. Upo- motio^ of A4r. Davis, seco^ded by I?Rr. Love, it was agreeable to the Board to ra_ise the per,diem pay of•the members of the Eoard of Health for atte*+da-ce of regular meetirgs, to $10.00. P The mee? g ther adjour^ed. ? Clerk. WilminFto^, 17. C., Merch 12, 1951. The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Prese^t: Addiso^ Hew7ett, Chairrna^, Claud 0'Shields, Thurston C. Davis,. Ha.l J. Love a-d Cou-ty Atporney Marsden Be)_lamy. The mi^utes of ineeti^gs of iviarch 5th a^d 6th were read q-d app:oved as recorded. p? Earl Page, S'ev., Hanover N:igh School, a^d Bett; Jo Pearsa1l, Rqymo^d Ciark, a-d r?obert Smith, Take Forest School, yourp stude^ts, were prese^t to observe a^d study the proceedi^gs of the Cou^ty Comr,iissio^ers. The Revere-d G. 4'I. Shepard represe^t9_^p a cormittee of f;he Ogde^ T,yo^s Club a.ppeared to " ask thqt the speed limit over US 17 he reduced to 35 mi].es per hour.from the intersectio- of the `?as the Gordo^ Road to a poi^t beyo^d Ogde^, a^d ca.utio- liFht be i^stalled over the hiphvaay at Ogde-; o^ accou-t of a da-f-erous t:qffic hazard at Ogde^ a^d the Ulrightsville Bea,ch t3oad intersectio^, especia.ily si^ce i-crease 1° iY3ri-e traffic, Upo^ motio- of nir. Davis, seco^ded by.ivIr. Love, the request was approved a-d referred to the State Highlray a^d Pub7.ic Vvorks Commissio-. Mrs. J.-D. Edvrards, Preside^t of *'.C.Sorosis, Mrs. $oyd Quarles, Irirs. Finley ]VicNilla- ald Mrs. J.n4.james 3rd Mrs. Tra Hires Sorosis Clea^-up Committee, appeared to urge the Commissio-ers to clea^ the out-side wails of the Court House for the Azalea Festival, The Chairma^ explaired -? that the'.use of-aysteam girny had bee- plan?ed to clean the buildi-g. The ladies were assured, o^ motio^ of P,4r. ?,ove, seco-ded by I{fir. 0'Shields, that full cooperatio^ to that e-+d would be give". " • ? r'o action was take- of a request of Mr. D. C.. T?TOrth to use Legion Stadium for horse races `?6?+? duri-+g the Ezale3 Festival period March 25th,31 3^d Apri7, lst, The Board feeli^g that matter ' should first be cleared through the Azalea Festival Committee. ?