1951-03-19 Regular Meetingi 24?? Meeti-g of March 12, 1951, co-ti^ued. WHEREAS? this deprives these people of ar estimated a^nual i-come of rearly $250,000.00 per year based o^ prese-t prices a-d past experie^ce i- taki^g oysters a-d clams from these vraters, a-d VJHEREAS, this actio- o^ the past of the Federal Gover^me-t has resulted i^ grave hardship to these people as weil as eco^omic ioss'to the U^ited States, State of T'orth Carolina a-d TTew Hanover Cou-ty,-a-d _ PJHEREAS, we are bei-g urged to produce more food for oursei.ves a-d our allies i- this defe-se effort, a-d WHEREAS, this situation could be all.eviated a-d cured and redress obtai-ed for these people by the erection of tidal locks to prev2-t the fresh vrater from pa.lluting these waters, a-d WHEREAS, these locks were -ever co^structed i- spite of their i-cl.usion i^ the project, a-d WHEREAS, repeated efforts have failed to have this gra.ve wrong done by the Federal Gover^ment corrected - Tt0,f, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Nevr Hanover Board of Cou^ty Commissio-ers i" meeti-g' this 12th, day of Ntarch, 1951, that the T'ational.Co^gress o- Rivers a-d Harbors be petitio?ed to place this matter on their age^da for the forthcomi^g co^gress to the e^d that a survey report or the solutio- to the problem of pollutio^ of E4yrtle Grove Sourd vaill be made by the U^ited States Corps of E?gi^eers a-d th3t substa-tial justice map be obtai-ed for vizr people who vaere wro?ged by r^ederal actio^ a-d whose grievous hardships have rot heretofore bee- relieved.. The meeti^g the- adjour-ed. Clerk. v Vuilmi.^ato^, N.C., Il4arch 19, 1951. The regular weekly meeting, of the Board vras tie].d at 10:00 o'clock a.M, Aresent: .4ddiso^ Hewiett, Chairma-, Jas.Nt.H^11, Ci.aud 0'ShieJ_ds, Thursto^ C. Davis a-d Cou-ty Rttor^ey 14prsde- Be'_' amy. The mi^utes oi meeti^g of i;4arch '2, jQ51, w.ere read ?-d apnroved as recorded. ivir. Harry A. Bra-ch ipr.eared t,o the Wrightsvi'.le Beach i-Iiehvray. i^ a^ effort to curb the me-a.ce .+^ require taggi^g of a.'1 dogs a~d discussio^ the matter w3s refer renort to the Board 3t the ^ext compiei^ of strqy dogs kiiii^g'hi.s chicka^s at his place o- ieir. D-ivis urged that immediate steps be take^ by the Board of degs ru--i-g at large,by special Act if ^ecessary, to picki.-F-up q-d empou^di^g dog-s ru--i^g at large. After red to Idr. Davis to co^fer vrith the Cou^ty Attor^ey a-d meeti-p. . • The matter of decori.ti^? `he ceurt }10L7.°P. buildi-g for the Azelea Festival the sanie as l.ast year at a price of ??26.00 plus $2.00 for each piece of additio-al decoratio^s used, o^ bid submitted by Everett Brothers was discussed a-d referred to th? Chairma^ with power to act. P?r. 0'Shields asked that the matter of i.^creasi^g'the a-ourt of liability coverage o- cou-ty ubmitted tto the vehicles t at $ a Osnb?eqne-+t rmeetiogal i^jury be investigated a^d recomme^dations s ' A tetter vras received from t4rs. Jarries M. 3ames tha^ki^g the Board for the courtesy a-d co^sideratio^ show- the delegatio^ of vrome- for the c7.ea^-up campaig^ for the Azelea Festival. y Satisfactory results -ot havi^g bee- achi.eved by the use of a steam gi^^y for clea.^i-g the out-sida wal.ls of the court house, L4r: 0'Shields suggested that a sa^d-bl.aster availab7e -at the Sard a-d Gravel Compa-y's p1.a^t he give- a try=out. - Ho^orable Addiso^ Hev;lett, Jr.,, our represe^ta,tive i^ the Ge^eral. Assemb].y toid the Board ?that it could ^ot be determi^ed at this tin;e what success a State-wide Civil Defense bill.9 which had bee^ i^troduced, i^+ould have for passage, but i- the eve^t of its f,4il.ure recomme-ded the i-troduct5.o^ of a. local bill 1-hich met viith the approval of the Board. Mr. George R. Ross, Director of the State Dep3rtme^t of Co-servatio^ a-d Develonme^t, a-d Mr. Pau7. Ketly, Assista^t, anpeared to prese-t to the Cou^ty, City a-d State Port Authority offici.als who were prese^t, ct report o^ the Steel b7ili Survey i^ ReTatio^ to the VVilmi^gto^ Area, prepared by Dr. UJiliiam G. Friedrich, Co-su].ti^g Fco^omist a^d E^gi^eer, Ja-uary3l, 1951? tvir. Ross discussed the most impotta^t phases of the report a-d submitted the same for careful study a-d a^alyzatio^ for future discussio- to be had at a later date. City b4a^ager J. R. Be-son advised the Board that if it should become ^ecessary for the City ??1v??? to use the fire truck loared the Cou^ty, he would have to ask for its retur-. Mr. 0'Shields discussed with ll4r. Be^so- the matter of securi^g City garbage for the live stock n? at the Cou^ty Home, which collectio- of garbage, Mr. Be^so^ said, hasobeer-b--cb^tract, but he would look i^to the matter. ? A letter from the State Department of Public Welfare to the Cou^ty Peelfare Board, advisi^g ?.that Nr. Da" Camero-+ had accepted the appoi-tme^t as the State appoi-tee o^ the Cou^ty ^-? YVelfare Board, succeedi-g Mr. R. B. Roebuck vrhose term wi11 termi^ate u^d'er tihe law,March 31, 1951. Upon motio- of Mr. Ha'1, seco^ded by Mr. Davis, i-structio-s vaere give^ to write Mr.Roebuck, a- expressio^ of our appreciatio^ for the ma^y years he has served o- the 1'7elfare Board J faithfully 3-d efficie-tly, a-d £or the past severai years as its chairma^. •?A report of the Wilmi-gto- Public Library a-d Bookmobile for February was received a^d filed. A copy of a^otice of i-te^tio^ to apply for a State permit to sell beer at Caroli-a ?FiOj Beach vras received from h4r. r,.A.Hardi~g. L_ 2 t . ? ? Meeting.of Niarch 29, 1951, co^ti^ued. Upo- motio^ of Il4r. Davis, sece^ded by 1v1r. H^11, authori.ty was give^ to correct a- ?error i^ tra-sferring all of a parcel of lard in b].ock 159 ow^ed by Howard A. Ha^by, to R.I.Becker i^ 1949. It appeari^g that only a part of the said la-d was sold. And authority was give- to;separate the assessme-ts to enable It4r. Ha^by, to pay the 1950 ' taxes o^ the part he retained. Upo- motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by Pt4r. Ha11., the Trustees of Trinity hiethodist Church were gra-ted ar aba,temert of taxes o^ a ualuatio^ of $10,350.00 charged agai^st part of lots 2 a-d 3, i^ block 3, Caroli^a Heights for the years 1949 a-d 1950, which is occupied ard used exclusively as a_parso^age for the pastor, a-d the same ordered p].aced o^ the tax free list. Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco-ded by NIr. Hall, 114r. B. N. Burleyson, 401 Circle Ave-ue, Takoma Park 12, Maryland, was granted a refu-d of taxes paid. i^ error on a valuatio^ or $550.00, lots 3 a-d 20, in block 2, Vuilrui^gtor Beach, accou^t of double charge a-d the same eharged against him i^ error for the year 1.950. 1'he said lots are otiv-ed by N. J. Bul_lard and ordered charged to,hir^: ' . Upo^ motio- of iVYr. U'Shields, seco^ded by P:r. Ha11, Joseph Reddol, 15 N. llth Street, ,?ap was released from payment of ^ot listed pe-3lty charged agai-st his property in b7.ock 187 for the year 1950, which he claims vras l.isted. Upo- motio^ of Crlr. H^11, seco^ded LS rr1r. Da.vis, the Board requested that bir. He-?ry Boyd, Jr., kirport Iuia,-ager a-d ivlr. Earl G. Burroughs, Cou^ty Firema^, be swor--i^ -/ ? '0b?-as deputy sheriffs, vihich appears to be ^ecessary i^ co^^ectio^ eaith their duties, --p.%11 a-d to receive i-structio-s from the Cou-i;y Attor^ey as to their duties a-d obligation before tiki^g over the duties of a duputy sheriff.. Itir. 0'Shields asked vrhat descisio^ had bee^ reached by t,he Azalea Festival Committee co^cer-i-+g the use of Legio^ Stadiur:i for har^ess races. Vdas advised by the Chairman that a letter requested by him co-cer^i^g that Matter had ^ot bee^ received from Mr. E. T. Ylhite, Chairma^ of the Committee. Upor motio^ of.It4r. 0'Shields, seconded by Mr. Davis, Cou-ty biils Nosi'4313 to 4988 were approved for payment. Upo- motio- of Mr. Claud 0!Shields,seco^ded by Mir. Davis, the Cha.irma^ a"d the Clerk of o?jthe Board were authorized to execute, o^ behalf of the Cou^ty, a licerse agreeme-t prepared ?,?fr by the Civi1 Aero-autics Admi^istratio^ gra^ti^g to the U^ited States of America the right a-d privilege to i^stall, operate a^d ma,i^tai^ ar I^strume^t La^ding 8ystem upor I3ew Hanover Courty Airport a-d especialty upo^ la^ds vaithi^ the bou^ds, of the Airport a-d more particulariy described i^ the agreeme^t u^der titl.e of "Descriptiovl of Localizer Site" a-d "Descriptior of Guide Path Site". The meeti-g the^ adjour^ed. • Clerk. ? Fail.niingto^, N. C.i 12-rch 26, 1951. The regular weekly meetinp of the Board v;as held at 10:00 o'clock,A. M. I Present: Addiso- Hetir_1.ett, Chairma^,.jas. IvI. Hall, C1aud 0'Shie1_ds, Thursto^ C. Davis a^d Cou^ty Attor-ey Tv2arsde^ Be'iamy. The mi^utes o£ meeti^g of Io-Sarch 19, 1951, vaere ,-ead a-d approved as recorded. Mr. E. L. Vdh3te, Preside^t of the 1951 UJi1mi^gto^ Azaiea Festival, orese^ted o- behaif ?-of its Board of Directors, a writter disapproval of the Stadium's Committee actio^ i- ? l.easi-g the Stadium•o^ Maxch 31, a-d Apri7_ lst, for a- attractio^ which the Boa.rd of ? Directors feel is -ot i^ the best irterest of the success of the Azalea Festival, a-d the,refore.requested that the CommissioTers withdraw the permissio-+ for the use of the Stadium o" the dates of &larch 31 a-d April lst, for the reaso^ that a^ything that would atte?rd•to affect the success of the Commu^ity Festival is ^ot for the betterment of the ' Commu-ity. Tslessrs Hugh Morto*+, L. C. LeGvri", Tom James, the Revere^d H.I.Glass a-d City ti4a„ager J.H.Be-son, spoke in support of the protest. I6r. W. K. Rhodes sa'_d he VJ3S i^ - sympathy with the 9zarea Festival, but feJ_t 1t wou7_d be unfair to ask b4r. Batso-, lessee of the Stadium a-d track, re^ege o^ his horse ra.ces, vrhich privi_lege was gra-ted by the • Stadium Conunittee for Saturday March 31, a-d Su^day April lst, which eve^t had been advertised. After a pause i^ tne discussior, Mr. Hewlett expressed his regrets that a co-flict had occurre,d. That he felt all co^cer^ed wa-tec to do the thing that would be best for the commu-ity a-d acted i^_good faith, but again stated his position as bei^g opposed to horse - races o^ Sur+days. The matter of displayi^g the floats at the Stadium for public i^spectior was'discussed. R4r. 0'Shields did ^ot feel that the use of the use of the field uaturday a-d Su^day would irterfere vrith placi^g the floats there. b4r. Davis asked why we did ^ot hear of the Azalea Board of Directors protest actio^ of hiarch 16, earlier thar March 22. Mr. Ha1l_ stated-^ot havi-g heard a^ythi^g from:.the--9zalea Cor.imittee, co^curred in gra-tirg . the use of the Stadium for horse races, o^ the dates stated. The matter was further discussed , at le^gth, but ro actio^ take- to resci^d the actio^. 4?he Chairman than prese^ted a letter f•ron_P,Zr,:: E.L..Vdhite, President of the 1951 Azalea Festival, which waF received at 2:30 F.L4., Di?rch 22 1951, advisi^g that the Board of Ditectors of the Aza.lea Festival, o^ Friday ^ight, PaIarch l?th u^a^imously voted ^ot to e-dorse horse raci-g at the Stadium ll?Iarch 31, a^d Apri7. l, 1957-• Upo- motio^ of Mr. Ha11, seco-ded hy Iv;r. Davis, Tvir. Everett ?:ewis, a-ative of Pe-der County a-d a graduate of State College, with three years exper?e^ce Nvith the Vlester- Vegetable Statio?, was ?ppoi^ted 9ssista^t Farrii Demo-stratio^ 9gert for Aiew Hanover Cou-t}• o- ? recomme^datio^ of IcIr. C. Pv7. firickhouse, State, District Supervisor.a^d the i"ew Hanover Cou-ty Agricultural Committee, elfective Ju^e 1, 1951. -A