1951-04-02 Regular Meeting1251 Wilmingtor, N. C.7 April 2, 1951. The regu7.ar weekly meeting of the Board ?vas held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Prese-t: Addiso„ Hewlett, Chairma", Jas, M. Ha]_1, Claud 0'Shields? Thursto-+ C. Davis Hal J. Love =,-d Cou^ty Aitor^ey blarsde- Bell.amy. The mi-utes of ineeti^g of March 26, 1951, vrere read a-d approved as recorded. Mrs. Craig, representing the Schools Ba^d Fiooster C7.ub, appeared to ask that a do^atio- 1,4,,,Lbe gra-+ted towa.rd the purchase of u^iforms for the Piev,, Iianover High a^d. Ju^ior Ba"ds, fol7owi-g-up a previous request made by i.rs. R.14.Piver a-d bSrs. George Cai^. Upo- motio- of ?irs. Davis, seco^ded by Isr. Hai.l, the Board agreed to give co-sideratio^ to providing • a- appropriation of .$500.00 out of the advertisi-g iu^d i•- ^ext years budget. A request of Dr. J. M. Je^ki-s, State Horticulturis.t, i^ charge of the Vegetable Research Labor»tory rear Cast1e Hay^e, for improver,ie^t to the drai^age by deepe-i-g the outlet for approximately o^e fourth of a r.iile to Pri^ce George Creek, a-d la-d in the rear of the Statiori,was upo^ motio^ of Tr'r. 0'Shields, secorded b5 hIr. Love, granted i- view of the valuable services re-dered by the Statio^; siter completio^ of the prese-t urfi^ished drai-age work..It was also the co-se-sus of the Board to complete the drai^age previously u-dertaYe^ at b4r, Garla^d S. Curri^'s place o- the E1ue Clay Road after completio^ of the -ew Cou^ty Farm drai^age oroject, ?aq._?A report of the Cou^ty Home Demo^stratio^ 4ge-t a^d° 4-Hc.Club for bfarch was presented by ?C, Miss Hele- Smith, Assista-t Age-+t, which ?rere received a"d filed.- r - .?? po- motion of Il4r. Davis, seco^ded by It4r. Love, ar appropriatio^ of $100.007 the same as r' n last year, was granted out of the advertisi^g fn-d tovsard the expe-se of the Jurior High -?Sc?N9'` School Ba-d to Gree-sboro April 9, 1957-5 to compete ir the District Ba^d Co-test. ^lhe Board feelirg the appropriatio- wi11 be beneficial for advertisi-g the resources a-d advartages of the Cou^ty. A request of Mr. C. D. Hogue,Jr., Atty., to abate the 1951 taxes a-d ca-cel the assessme-t o? lot 226 i^ South Olea^der,charged agai-st Hugh LZacRae & Compary, for the reaso^ the said lot is i-cluded in the right of way of Live Oak Parkway, a public hi.ghway, was upon motio- of Mr. Davisj seco^ded by IVir. Love, gra^ted. ? ?na^` Dr. H. J. Rol?ins, State Veteri-ar:ian, appeared at the i^vitatio, of the Board,to discuss .? ?, 'etvith the Commissio^ers a^d local_ sla.ughter house operators, the matter of adoptirg such rules a-d regulatio^s gover^i^g the i-spectio- oi'r:ieat u^der the Meat a-d I-spectio^ Act, which may be fou^d necessary. It1r. Moore ?-d 11r. Bl_ake, ].ocal slaughter house operators, Mr. W. C. Haas, Cou-ty Sa-itaria- a-d Dr. R. P. Huffma^, Cou^ty F'ood a-d Dairy I^spector were present. After a ge^eral discussio- of the n,atter the folloviirg Ordi-a-ce was upo- motio- of Ivir. 0'Shields, seco-ded by I.ir. Hal1, adopted:; IviEA^t ORDIT7.41QCE ATd ORDItiANCE TU REGiJL9TE'THE 5?;.4UGF;TER Ai0 INSPFCTION OF MEAT IN THE COUNTY Or NEVJ H9NOVEH. Be it ordained by the Boa.rd of Cou^ty Cor„missio^ers of Few Hanover Cou^ty i^ a' " sessio- duly held o^ the 2^d day of Apri.l, 19519 that the folJ.ovvi^g rules a-d regulatio-s gover^i^g meat i^spectio^ i^ New Hanover Cou^ty shal1 apply to certai-+ perso^s, firms or corporqtio"s e^gaged i^ the slaughter of inea.t productng a.^imals, preparatio-I distributio" • ind selling of ineat or neat products vrithi- the said county as is set forth i^ paragraph seven of this ordi-a^ce. 1. The *Aorth Carolina n4eat I^spection Act, Chapter 181-, as ratified by the Ge^eral Assembly of rorth Carolina, March 9, 1925, a-d the regul._ations gover^i^g the Meat I^spectior Act as approved by the r*orth Carolina Board of Agriculture are hereby adopted. A copy of this 9ct a-d the regulatio-s are attached hereto. . 2. The Board of-Health of P*ew Fianover Cou^ty is hereby empowered to employ ? qualified veterinarian, subject to the approval of the State Veterirarian, to i^spect meat a^d meat products as prescritied u-der the lava a-d regulatio-s of the Plorth Caroiina Departmerit of Agriculture. Compe"satio^ for his services sha.ll be pa_id by the Health Departme-t of the Cou^ty of Teiv Hanover. 3. A numbered permit may be revoked by the Commissio^et:-of the Forth Caro7.ina ' Departme-t of Agriculture or his duly authorized age-t at a^y time whe^ the establishme-t violates the law or regulatio-s prescribed for the i-spectio- a-d sa^itatio- thereof, 4. 1^his ordi^a-ce shall comnly with Chapter 244 of the Public Laws of 1937, a-d ` F regulations adopted u^der this ].3N.+ by the St,?te Boird of Health. 5: The Board of Health of T'ew Yarover Cou^ty is hereby desig^ated as the enforceme-t agency of these rules a-d 3:egulatio-s except those desig^ated by '!aw as prescribed u-der ?Chapter 1.81, Public L^ws of 1925, a?d Chapter 244 of the Public Laws of 1937• '.6. The foliowing fee schedule sha7.l be a.pplied i^d be collected by the Board of Health of P?ew Hanover Cou^ty a-d utilized by them ?^ the payme-+t of said veterinariah for -services re^dered : Covrs or beef ....................... ...... •75¢ Per carcass Hogs.. ............................................ 25¢ oer carc-iss . Veal, sheep, goets a-d a^y other sma12 a^ima1..... .250 per carcass ']. Paragraph 1 shal.l apply or].y to those certai^ personsi p7,ants, or establishme-ts . that are issued a perm3t -umber by the North Carolina Departmert of Agriculture. . I 252 I4eeti^g of April 2, 1951, co-ti^ued. 8. If any vrord, cJ.ause or pa.ra.graph o£ th?s ordirance is fou^d to be invalid, the rem.gi-i-g sectior.of this ordi^a-ce shqll be in fu21 force a-d effect u-ti1 ].egally revoked. These rules a-d regulatio-s shnil be i- full force a"d effect from a-d after the dete of their adoptio^. Adopted this 2^d day of April, 1951. The follovii^g proposed biil to create a 5pecial Paro1e Officer ior the Recorder's Court of Nev? Hanover Cou-ty was prese-ted by Recorder H, Winfie7.d Smith, a-d upor motio^ ofyMr. Davis, seco-ded by Mr. Hail, vras a.dopted o^ the recomme-da.tio^ of the Cou^ty Atuor^ey: • AN ACT TO CREATE A SpECIAL• PAROI,E OFFTCER FOR TFIE RECORDER'S COURT OF NEVJ HA1vOVER COUNTY The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: Sectio- l. That there is hereby created subject to the vaiJ.l7 appoi^tme-+t ? and/or removal o£ and by the Board of Cou^ty Commissio^ers of Yew fIanover Cou^ty, a positio^ to be k^OVJ- as narol.e's officer of the Recorder's Court of ldew Hanover Cou^ty. Sectio- 2: The pri^cipal duties of the said paro].e oificer shai_l be to investiggte all cases of ?,on-SUpport comi^g before the Recorder's Court of Ivew Hanover. Cou^ty, a-d othe7 matters pertai-i^g t:o domestic rel.atio^s that may be referred to him by the Judge of the Court; to keep a record oi a91 the ca,ses i-vo1-vi-g domestic relatio^s, a-d e-deavor to see that all mo^ies are paid i-to Court for support of children as required u^der terms oi the judgme^t of the Court. , Sectio- ;. That the Board of Cou-ty Comrnissio-ers of "ew Hanover Cou-ty shall be empowered to make ^ecess3ry appropriatia^ iro;n the Recorder's Court fu^d to pay the sa]_ary of the Paroles officer a-d sucn other -ece=sary i-cide^tal expe-ses i^ co^rectio^ with such work. Sect-ior 4. Tha.t all-lavrs ct^d clauses of iavrs i^ co^flict wi.th this Act are hereby repealed. . Rqtified this _ day of April, 1951. 9 report of the Vetera-s' Service Officer for March vJas received a-d fil.ed. Upo^ motior of Yr. Davis, seco-ded by P.fr. HalI , Joseph Ira Sumraerli^, a physical ly C? disabled cou-ty i-dige-t, 73 ye.ars o2d, Nras admitted to the Cou^ty Home o^ recomme^datio^ oi the Cou-ty Supt., of Public l'ie].fare. A copy of a l.etter was received Srom Coi_o^el George W. Gi17_ette, Executive Director of the 5tate Ports P.uthority, to n4r. Vv. H. ti'Jehb, Executive 'vice Preside-+t of "ational Rivers ? q^d H3rbors Co-gress, Americq.^ 4ssoci.atio^ of Port 4ut;horities, VJashi^gto-, D. C., a-d Atla-tic Deeper Gdaterways 9s,_oci3tio-, PriladFlphia., e-closi-g a coDy of a resolutio^ of ,? this Bo?rd of I?Sarch 12, 1951. ,ur?i-?- that gctio- be tik_e^ to e11mi^ate the cause of co-t-ami-ated w?te.rs i- 1v"iyrt7.e Grore Sou^d due to the polluted ard' fresh wat,ers e-tering the sou-d from the C-?pe Fear River thsourh S-ow's Cut, by carryi^g-out the origi^al i^te-tio- of the Gover-n;e^t to put i- a:tiaal Yock i^ S^ow's Cut. • ? i A commu^ica.tio, was received from Col. H.I?.Boyd, City I^dustria7. Traffic Manager, advisi-g that the Civil Aero^autics Board ha.s re^dered a favorable decisior o^ his petitio^ of i^tervention on behalf of the City, Cou^ty a-d Cttamber of Cor,ir.ierce filed ••?,,. i- the.matter of i^vestigation of the tra-sfer of routes 3nd property of P'ational Air.)_i"es. Statements were received from the Cou^ty Auditor shovii^g the-araou^ts o^ deposit i^ each b3^kl together vlith a memora^dur.i of securities held i^ ench case ? a s of Ju^e 30, a-d . December 31, 1.950, a-d February 28, 7951. ?on A resume of the orga-izatio- a-d activities of the Civi7. Air Patrol was received Srom ??r???' Capt. Ke^reth G. 'uJoote^, Comma-di^g oificer of Wilmi^rto- Flight. A letter tivas received from ihird Divisio^ S?ate Hi?hv,?ay Cor:missio?er nir. A. VJiibur Clark, advisi-g that our•request to reduce the 55 miles per hour speed 7imit at Ogde-+ to 35 mi].es per hour, a-d the i^stallatio-. of a cautio- light q,t t;he i-tersectio^ of the Middle Sound Road with US 17 at Ogde^, is bei-g i-vestirated a-d assured appropriate consideratio-. '. A letter was received from State Se-ator ,7. Hqr;pto- Price, Chairma- of the Comr?ittee on 1 Fi^arce thqt a bill providi^g for ferry serv5.ce betwee- Fort Fisher a-d Bru^swick Cou^ty has bee^ reported favorable by the Committee. Jo objections v?ere i-dic-ted by the Board to the US District fi-gi^eer gra-ting a permit 1 -?to the Riegel Carol.i^a Corpor3tio-, Acme, N.C., to construct two 48-inch s'Ceel outlet pipes for a process v.•qste reservoir i^ the Cape Fear River above r.ivi^gsto^ Creek -ear Acme. -? A].etter varitten by TJir. John H. Lou-sbury, Head of the Socia]_ Studies Departme^t of the t? - ew Hanover High School, to I?ir. C]aud 0'Shields, expressi-g the aF?preciatior of his Department a-d tharks for the fi-e cooperation show^ the stude^ts- Stude-t T?ocal Gover^me-t Day, in puttirg the program over so successfuily. _ ??.M r. Davis agai- brought up for discussio^ the matter of dogs ailowed to ru- at large a-d without badges, but -o actioo was taken. The Courty Attor^e.y advised that was a fioard of _• Educatio- matter. . Meetirg of April 2, 1951, co-ti^ued. Upo- motio^ of ndr. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. r,ove, a request was approved that the Civil Aero^autics Admi-istratior m?,ke the ^ecessary cha^ges ir its Gra^t Agreeme^t with P'ew Hanover Cou^ty to release to the Cou^ty the space origi-a?ly desig-ed for ^Wa C. A. 9., Airways Commu^icatio^s Statio- a-d located o^ the seco^d floor of the Termi^al Buildi^g, at the Cou^ty Airport. This r:,otio^ a'ISO approved the architect's proposed pla- to re-desig^ this space for use as a restaura^t a-d kitche^. The meeti^g the- adjourred. __?iC•?-?v Clerk. - Vlilmi^gto^, F. C., April 9, 1951. v The regular weekly meeting of the Board vas held at 10:00 o'clock A. N[. Prese^t: Addiso^ HevJi.ett, Chai:ma^, Jas. M. Ha', ' , Ci.aud U'Shieids; Thursto- C. Davis, Hal J. Love a-d Cou^ty 9ttor-ey Mqrsde- Be'?amv. The mi^utes of ineeti^p of April. 2, 1951, i"Pre read ?.^d a.nproved as recorded. 7'he followi-g resotutio- urgi-g the Ho-o,qble i3?ymo^d 11i. Fo].ey, Admiristrator of Housi-g a-d Fi-a^ce Age-cy q^c3 the office of the Defe^se Productio^ Admi^istration, YJashi^gto^, D. C., to deciare ''ew fia^over Cou-ty to be s critical defe^se housi-p area, a-d that Gover-me-t Reguia.tio- "X", q~d Reguiatio- "`VJ" as it ?pp7.ies to repqirs a-d improvemerts to er.isti^f, buildi^gs be removed from the regula.tio^s i^sofar ?s it co^cer^s the City a^d adjace^t area of Vliimi^gto^, *'.C., vahich vaas urged by representative members of the ?,ocal Rea7. F,state Boai•d a-d Chambe'r of Commerce, was upo- motio- of 1.4r. Da,vis, seco-ded by IWr. H-1_1, u^arimously qdopted: WHFREAS, the -atiora7. emerge^cy produced by the Y.orea^ War a,nd the u^settled state of i^ter^atio^al relatiors has resulted i^ a, tremendous a-d sudden co"ce^tratio^ of military perso-el i^ the tiVilmi^gto- area, a-d this military co-certratio^ has bee^ further aggravated by a ge-era1 i-dustrial expa-sio" i^creasi-+gly occupied i^ productio- for the D;ational emerge-cy, a-d WHEREAS, rece^t surveys by the Wilmi^g.to- Chamber of Commerce, the U-ited States Mqri^e Corps a-d by the Ho^orabie Tighe E. VJoods,Federat Housi-g Expediter, have established the immediate ^eed for a mi^imum of 2,000 additio^a]_ dv<<elli-g?-urits i^ the Wilmi-gto- area to raeet she7.ter requireme^ts o£ military a-d defe^se person^el, a-d WIiEREAS, private builders s^d i^vestors fi^d it impossible, u^der existi^g Federal. mortgage fi^a^ce restrictio^s to act to meet the critical housi^g shortage i^ the Wilmi^gto^ area, ??^d VJHEREAS, respo-sible a-d capable privqte bui7.ders, deve_lopers a^d i-vestors have repea.tedly declared theu!se7_ves r.eady a^d q-xious to assist i^ solvi^g the Wilmi^gto^ housi^g shortage through use of nrivate capital a~d by private i-itiative, a-d quickiy as co-ditio^s permit: THEREFORE BE IT RFSOLVED by the Board of Commissio^ers of T'evt Hanover Cou^ty i-regular meetirg assembled respectful7.y request the Ho^orable Ra.ymo-d M. Foley, Admi-istrator of the Housi-g a-d Home ri--a^ce Age^cy, P7ashi^gto^, D. C., a-d the office of the Defe-se Productio^ Admi^istratio^, 1+ashi^gto-, D. C., to declare P+ew Hanover Courty, North Caroiina, to be a criticai_ defense housi^g area; -q-d further request that " Governme-t Regulatio^ "Y.", ci^d Reguiatio- "V"?S it applies to repair a-d improveme^ts to e;:isti^g buildi^gs be iemoved i-sofar as it co^cer^s the City a^d . adjecert area of 4`iilmi^gto^I P.'o?'th Cnrolina. - - BE IT FURTHER i?ESULVED that a ccpy of this resolutior be forvrarded to the Horo23ble Haymo^d M. Foley, a^d other rederql. Apc^cies co^cer^ed, a-d immediate actio- be requested to the e-d 'uhat the ,3cute housi^g shortage i^ the area ca- be materiaily relieved. ` No objections were irdicated by the Board to the U^ited States District E-gi^eer ib?J?1 granting a oer.mit to Messrs ?.ewis F. Orme-d a-d M.G.Seigler to co^struct a causeway ti. ,.?1121- over the marshla-d adjace-t i:o hSaso^boro Sound approximately 950 feet ^orth of Purvia-ce Creek. Upon motior of Mr. Love, seco,ded by Mr. Davis, the Board voted to se,d a represe-+tative . from this Body to atte"d a meeti^g of the Rivers a-d Harbors Co^gress i^ tilashi^gto^, D. C., vlay 10,11, a-d 12th, i^ the i-terest of securi^g the i^stallatior of a tidal. lock in ??-?5^ow's Cut to stop the ftow of fresh a-d polluted water from the Cape Fear River through Srow's Cut i^to Pdyrtle Grove Sou^d vrhicn has destroyed the fish a-d she11-fish i^dustry i^ s3id sourd. Requested by the City Cou^cil of Caroli^a Beach. n A letter was received from to4rs. David T'ewkirk, Correspondi.rg Secretary af the New Hanover Ju^ior Hiph Ba-d Pare^ts' Club, tna~ki^F i,he Eoard for the annropriatior toward the expe^se of trip to,se^d the menbers of the Ju-ior High Ba^d to the State Co-+test held i- " Gree^sboro seco^d weeY, i^ April. ? A report of the Cou-ty rirema-, a-d Fiureau of Ide^t9.ficatio- for March were received a-d filed. ? P'otice of inte-tio^ to apply for lice-ses to se'1 beer at Caroli^a Beach submitted hy Ted Alabostis, Mrs. P-qtie^ce B. Hor-aday, Mrs. Jesse Outlaw a-d R.fi.Sta^ley, were received a-d ^o objectio^s i^dicated. A copy of the mi^utes of the Board of Tfiustees of Commu»ity Hospital of February 21, 19519 were received a,d filed. A report of the Tax Coliector noath ??Qy $5,4']8.00 for the Cou ty, maki^g a of Narch. ?