1951-04-09 Regular Meeting Meetirg of April 2, 1951, co-ti^ued. Upo- motio^ of ndr. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. r,ove, a request was approved that the Civil Aero^autics Admi-istratior m?,ke the ^ecessary cha^ges ir its Gra^t Agreeme^t with P'ew Hanover Cou^ty to release to the Cou^ty the space origi-a?ly desig-ed for ^Wa C. A. 9., Airways Commu^icatio^s Statio- a-d located o^ the seco^d floor of the Termi^al Buildi^g, at the Cou^ty Airport. This r:,otio^ a'ISO approved the architect's proposed pla- to re-desig^ this space for use as a restaura^t a-d kitche^. The meeti^g the- adjourred. __?iC•?-?v Clerk. - Vlilmi^gto^, F. C., April 9, 1951. v The regular weekly meeting of the Board vas held at 10:00 o'clock A. N[. Prese^t: Addiso^ HevJi.ett, Chai:ma^, Jas. M. Ha', ' , Ci.aud U'Shieids; Thursto- C. Davis, Hal J. Love a-d Cou^ty 9ttor-ey Mqrsde- Be'?amv. The mi^utes of ineeti^p of April. 2, 1951, i"Pre read ?.^d a.nproved as recorded. 7'he followi-g resotutio- urgi-g the Ho-o,qble i3?ymo^d 11i. Fo].ey, Admiristrator of Housi-g a-d Fi-a^ce Age-cy q^c3 the office of the Defe^se Productio^ Admi^istration, YJashi^gto^, D. C., to deciare ''ew fia^over Cou-ty to be s critical defe^se housi-p area, a-d that Gover-me-t Reguia.tio- "X", q~d Reguiatio- "`VJ" as it ?pp7.ies to repqirs a-d improvemerts to er.isti^f, buildi^gs be removed from the regula.tio^s i^sofar ?s it co^cer^s the City a^d adjace^t area of Vliimi^gto^, *'.C., vahich vaas urged by representative members of the ?,ocal Rea7. F,state Boai•d a-d Chambe'r of Commerce, was upo- motio- of 1.4r. Da,vis, seco-ded by IWr. H-1_1, u^arimously qdopted: WHFREAS, the -atiora7. emerge^cy produced by the Y.orea^ War a,nd the u^settled state of i^ter^atio^al relatiors has resulted i^ a, tremendous a-d sudden co"ce^tratio^ of military perso-el i^ the tiVilmi^gto- area, a-d this military co-certratio^ has bee^ further aggravated by a ge-era1 i-dustrial expa-sio" i^creasi-+gly occupied i^ productio- for the D;ational emerge-cy, a-d WHEREAS, rece^t surveys by the Wilmi^g.to- Chamber of Commerce, the U-ited States Mqri^e Corps a-d by the Ho^orabie Tighe E. VJoods,Federat Housi-g Expediter, have established the immediate ^eed for a mi^imum of 2,000 additio^a]_ dv<<elli-g?-urits i^ the Wilmi-gto- area to raeet she7.ter requireme^ts o£ military a-d defe^se person^el, a-d WIiEREAS, private builders s^d i^vestors fi^d it impossible, u^der existi^g Federal. mortgage fi^a^ce restrictio^s to act to meet the critical housi^g shortage i^ the Wilmi^gto^ area, ??^d VJHEREAS, respo-sible a-d capable privqte bui7.ders, deve_lopers a^d i-vestors have repea.tedly declared theu!se7_ves r.eady a^d q-xious to assist i^ solvi^g the Wilmi^gto^ housi^g shortage through use of nrivate capital a~d by private i-itiative, a-d quickiy as co-ditio^s permit: THEREFORE BE IT RFSOLVED by the Board of Commissio^ers of T'evt Hanover Cou^ty i-regular meetirg assembled respectful7.y request the Ho^orable Ra.ymo-d M. Foley, Admi-istrator of the Housi-g a-d Home ri--a^ce Age^cy, P7ashi^gto^, D. C., a-d the office of the Defe-se Productio^ Admi^istratio^, 1+ashi^gto-, D. C., to declare P+ew Hanover Courty, North Caroiina, to be a criticai_ defense housi^g area; -q-d further request that " Governme-t Regulatio^ "Y.", ci^d Reguiatio- "V"?S it applies to repair a-d improveme^ts to e;:isti^g buildi^gs be iemoved i-sofar as it co^cer^s the City a^d . adjecert area of 4`iilmi^gto^I P.'o?'th Cnrolina. - - BE IT FURTHER i?ESULVED that a ccpy of this resolutior be forvrarded to the Horo23ble Haymo^d M. Foley, a^d other rederql. Apc^cies co^cer^ed, a-d immediate actio- be requested to the e-d 'uhat the ,3cute housi^g shortage i^ the area ca- be materiaily relieved. ` No objections were irdicated by the Board to the U^ited States District E-gi^eer ib?J?1 granting a oer.mit to Messrs ?.ewis F. Orme-d a-d M.G.Seigler to co^struct a causeway ti. ,.?1121- over the marshla-d adjace-t i:o hSaso^boro Sound approximately 950 feet ^orth of Purvia-ce Creek. Upon motior of Mr. Love, seco,ded by Mr. Davis, the Board voted to se,d a represe-+tative . from this Body to atte"d a meeti^g of the Rivers a-d Harbors Co^gress i^ tilashi^gto^, D. C., vlay 10,11, a-d 12th, i^ the i-terest of securi^g the i^stallatior of a tidal. lock in ??-?5^ow's Cut to stop the ftow of fresh a-d polluted water from the Cape Fear River through Srow's Cut i^to Pdyrtle Grove Sou^d vrhicn has destroyed the fish a-d she11-fish i^dustry i^ s3id sourd. Requested by the City Cou^cil of Caroli^a Beach. n A letter was received from to4rs. David T'ewkirk, Correspondi.rg Secretary af the New Hanover Ju^ior Hiph Ba-d Pare^ts' Club, tna~ki^F i,he Eoard for the annropriatior toward the expe^se of trip to,se^d the menbers of the Ju-ior High Ba^d to the State Co-+test held i- " Gree^sboro seco^d weeY, i^ April. ? A report of the Cou-ty rirema-, a-d Fiureau of Ide^t9.ficatio- for March were received a-d filed. ? P'otice of inte-tio^ to apply for lice-ses to se'1 beer at Caroli^a Beach submitted hy Ted Alabostis, Mrs. P-qtie^ce B. Hor-aday, Mrs. Jesse Outlaw a-d R.fi.Sta^ley, were received a-d ^o objectio^s i^dicated. A copy of the mi^utes of the Board of Tfiustees of Commu»ity Hospital of February 21, 19519 were received a,d filed. A report of the Tax Coliector noath ??Qy $5,4']8.00 for the Cou ty, maki^g a of Narch. ? i ? 54 Meeti-g of 0.pril 9, 1951, co^tirued. ' Nr. 0'Shieids ca]led atte-tio- of expe-se of the Wrightsboro Fire Departme-t i^ ` helpi-g the Cou^ty Firema" o- occasio-s a-d felt the Cou^ty should repay the ` Depsrtme^t for assista-ce re-dered, a-d was the co^se-sus of the Board to that effect. . '? Upo- motion, the State Highway a-d Pubi_ic Works Commissio- was requested to take over the Airport Road'for mairte-a^ce frou, the railroad crossi-g at the 01d Red Cross Sa"atorium site -ear the.Priso- Camp, to the State hi,ghvvay at the fiorth kate of the airport, which said road serves the .Airport ternina7. a-d admiristratio'n . buildi-gs. ' The matter of the State taki^g over aoditio^al la-d at the State priso^ camp, was ? referred to the Board to i^vestigate. A commu^icatio^ was received £rom the Cou-ty auditor advisi-g the amou^t o^ deposit in eqch ba-k a.s of IVIarch 31, 1951, together viith a memora^dum of securities held by us , i^ each case. 9 report o£ the Colored Home 4ge-t 4.-d 4-H club for IvIarch vras received a^d nayme-t of Y? $7.67 for office supplies a-d articl.es used i- demo-strations, was anproved.' Upo^ motio^ of i,2r. 0'Shiei.ds, seconded by Mr.. Davis, i^structions viere give- to write Dr. He^ry W. Jorda^, Chairma^ of the Stcite Hirhi;,ay a-d Public Works Commissio-, ?,q co^cer^i^g the status of the project to.straighte^out a-d vaide^ the highway approach : ` through the Hi^to- property at Vlriphtsvilie Sou-d a^d improvemerts to the bridge, which has beer pe^di^g for sor;e time. The meeti-g the^ adjour^ed. Ci erk. Wilmi^gto-, N. C., Apri1. 16, 7.951. > The regular weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'cl_ock A. M. Present: Addiso^ Hew7_ett, Chairmar, Claud 0'Shields, Thursto^ C. Davis, Hal J. Love a-d Cou^ty Attor-ey Marsde^ Ee'iamy. The mi^utes of ineeti^g of April 9, 1951, vrere read a-d approved as recorded. propertv It7r. Herbert Hewlett represe-ti^g/ou:,^ers o^ Audubo- Bou]evard a1,ne?qred to reouest that the East side of Audubo^ Bou].evard,which is a tv+o-1a-e highway, the VJest side which is paved, the Esst side u^der State r,rni-te-a-ce be paved fron the Old Wrightsville Highway to US 74/76 i^ view of the i-cregsed volurae of traffic over the same, v+as upo- motio^ of n4r. 0`Shiel.ds, seco-ded by i.:, . Davis, approved a-d refe. red to n'Ir. A. Vui7.bur Clark, Third Divisio- State Highr:ay Comnissio-er, for co-siderati.o-. ?v -'oti.ces of i^te-tio- to appi,y for State perrnits to se'l beer were received from ,?iChas.C.A,]_]e-, Caroii-a Beqch; CertrtidQ?.aircloth, Nirightsvi'ie Sou^d; Geo. Fi. Gree^, _? 2928 S. rro^t Street; .irF. Kaus, L'iriehtsvi"e Causeway; Christos J. Stascios? 520 ,-r, •. "ixor: Street; Fq^-ie Le.e, Tol_i^es, Se= F,reeze; Yirs. Byro^ E. Z';atso^, Caro]_i^a Beach. "o ' objections were irdicated by the Boasd. l ?Q? Upo^ motio- of NIt. Love, seco^ded by Mr. 0'cnields, G'e-ora Hawki^s, 710. ^'u^ St., was ? pra^ted a.^ abateme^t of tar.es o^ a val.uatio- oi ?1,000.00 accou^t of doubl.e listi^g of a. 1949 Chevrolet Automobil.e for the yeas 7_950. . ? Upon motio^ of Mr. 0'Shieids, seco^ded by Mr. Love, the Board agreed to lease to the State Highway a-d Public VJorks Commission, subject to the approval of the Civil Aero^autics C? Admi^istratio-, a parcel of the Cou^ty Airport la^d adjoi^i^g the la^d occupied by the , ? State priso- camp department, o^ the South side of the Airport or Gordor road as i^dicated o- survey map submitted by the State Highway Department, for a t8rm of te^ years with the . privilege of renewal so lo^g as the same is mai-tained a-d used for State Priso- Camp purposes. ' Mr. W. K. Rhodes, Attor^ey appeared with Mr. Pleasa^t B^tso^ to request re^ewal of the lease o- stables, track, toilet a,^d shovier privi.leges for horse races at Legion Stadium which expires IJfay 15thz 1951. The ..mou^t due the Cou^ty for lights ?-d potiver estimated by the Cou^ty Auditor at ?p251.40, for the period of the'].ease from ?;ovember 1, 1950, to May 15, 1951, vaas discus<ed ar.d 1u:r. Batso^ felt the charges for April ?^d Phay amou^tirg to $62.82 were too high. Hovrever, ii: v,,as the co-se-sus of the Eioard that payme-ts be made through 84arch 1951, after which co-sidere.tio- vaill be give^ to renewal. of the lease, a-d charges for April a-d M3y to be further i-vestigated, which vaas:agreeqbl.e to all parties corcer^ed. A report of the Cou-ty Electrica! l-spector ird fi^a^cial repo'rt of the A"ssociated Charities - •? for ivia.rch were received --d fiied. _ C? G ? A st?teme-t vias received from the State floqrd of Putilic PJelfare shovri^g that $45,262.62 was sert to this Cou^ty for n'arch,for Old Age .Assista^ce, Aid to Depe-de^t Childre- a-d Admi^istratio, Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by n4r. 0'Shiel.ds, authority vras gra-ted to pay the cost of from "??200. to$250.OO,,.for operatio^ for Perry Jorda^,q cou^ty patie^t;i^ Ivorth Cirolina Sa-atorium; at Duke Hospital recomme^ded by the Supt., of the Sa-at3rium, i^ a^ effrort to bri^g about-arrest of his pulmo^ary tuberculosis, if uro^ i^vestigatio^ it is fou-d that his fi^arcial circumstarces wi11 not permit the operatior expe, se without cou-ty aid. P'o objections were indicated by the Board to the US District F^gi^eer gri^ti-g Mr.J.E.Werre^ of Kure Beac}i to rebuild a boat la-di-g dock at the outer e^d of the existi^g pier in the Atla-tic Ocea- at kure Beach. r ?