1951-04-23 Regular Meeting Iuieeting of April 161 1951, co^ti^ued. • A petitio- of 17 property ov?-ers of I4qso^boro T047^ship, requesting improveme-ts a-d ' mai^tera^ce of the Tr-ask road, 2,243 feet i- le-gth, ru^-i-g from a poi-t o^ the Maso^boro ?oop road 0.4 of a miie south of P,'hiskey Creek bridge to b4yrtle Grove 5ou^d, was upo^ motio- of i4r. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. ?;ove, approved a-d referred to IVIr. A. UJilbur Clark, lhird Divisio^ St?te Highwag Commissio-er fo: co-sideratio-. -A commu^icetio^ was received from the Ha.rtford Steam Boiler I^s-nectio^ a-d I-sura^ce !?hs? Compa-y advisi^g that the boilers at the Cou^ty Home a-d Prison Buildi^gs viere i^spected , but -o corditio-s observed that require atte-tio^ at this time. A questio- raised: by Nir. 0'Shields as to authority, if any, wou7.d permit a refu-d of !?S the lice^se tax paid by the rece^t VFVJ sporsored shows at ?,egio^ Stadiumg was referred to the Cou^.ty Attor^ey for opi^io-. Upo^ motior, duly seco-ded, Cou-ty biils *'os. 4989 to 5238.were approved for payment. The Meeti^g then adjour"ed. .%"X...c.A&zm-z4 Clerk. Wilmi-gto-, N. C., April 23, 1951. The regular weeltly meeting `of the Bo-ard was neld at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: Addiso^ Hewlett, Chairria-, Jas, M. Ha].i, Cia.ud 0'Shields, Thursto^ C. Davis ' , Hal J. Love, Cou^ty 9ttor^ey I-iiarsde- nel.lamy a-d Cou^ty 9uditor C. F. Smith. The mi^utes of ineeti^g of April 16, 1951, v.ere read a-d a.nproved as recorded. Upor motion of NIr. Love, secorded by R4r. Davis, the Board?pproved a reauest of the Cemetery Committee of the Ogder-Middle Sourd Civic C7_ub, prese-ted b3r the Revere-d, ' G. VV. Shepard, to use our best efforts to have the State Highway a-d Public Works Commission improve the roadway froin US 17, through Prospect Cemetery located -ear the i^tersectio^ of US17, a-d highway to Vil?a Viekv, a-d 4'iriVhtsvil7_e Beaeh to provide access to, the Cemetery.as aipublic_.buryi?k. grou^d•. _•' _ Mrs. 9dolph J. Kaus, a-d ldr. Ra^dy Hamilto^ City Ivla-ager of Caroli^a Beach appeared to asx for cou-ty aid i^,clea^i*+g out the ditch from the Take at Caroii-a Beach to the river with drag li^e equipme-t wa,s upo^'motio^ of fJlr. bove* seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields, granted . as soo^ as prese-t committments ha.ve beer completed. Upo^ motio^ of Ivlr. Hally seco^ded by Mr. Love, the Board agreec to purchase ha1_f page advertiseme-t i^ the n4ay 28th issue of'the Vacatio^ Editio^ of the Charlotte Observer at a ost of $179 th Cit 20 c e ,. . y havi^g agreed to tnke ha,lf page advertisemert a-d the Charlotte Obseryer to furrish whole page freet which, i^ the opinio^ of the Board, will be beneficial i^ advertisi^g the adva^tages a-d resources of the Cou^ty. , ?13C No,objections were raised by the Board to the anp7.icatio-+s submitted by Mrs. Lottie ' J r?J B. Bowma-, 2008 O1ea^der Drive, Jake D. Car^es, Rt.1, a-d Fra-k O.La^dis, 107 South Lumi^a Rve^ue, for State Permit to se].1 beer at the locatio^s.sk';ow-. , • ,., . Upo^ motio-+ of It7r. Davis, seco^ded by I;Ir. Love, Mamie Smith, 408 Ki^g Street, Love Grove? was gra^ted a^ aba-te.mert of tar,es o^ a viluatio- af `,p"270.00 charged agai-st lot Pt.Wl, in block 449, 3ccou^t of doub?e charge, a-d bei-g the sdme property inc7.uded i^ block 31, Love Grove desig^ated as lot ]. a-d 2, a-d the same ordered ca-celled o^ the assessme-t records. _ •.. " o objectio-s vrere i-dicated by the Board_to the applicatio^ of the Souther- Bell Telephone Wq?e?Compe^y to the U-ited States District E^ri^eer for permissio^ to co^struct a^ additio^al , cable o^ existi^p crossi-g poles over Smith Creek above the highway bridge o^ US 421. Upo^ triotio^ of Ivir. Davis, seco^ded by I.fr.. 11,417, ]b1r. •H. F. Hawas gra^t'ed a- abateme^t of -ot listed pe-alty charged aga-i-st lot 4A, pert of lNilliamso^, Har^ett tow^ship, for , ..-)a`- the years 1946-1947-1.949 a-d 1950, accou^t of error in cha,rEi^g the same to R.F.Ha11 i-stead of H. F. Hail, a-d for the further rea.so^ he li,sted other property thi^ki^g the same was ' i^cluded. . " Uoon motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco-+ded by hir. Love, LeHoy Alderrna-, colored, was exempt from -Tak the psyme-t of poil taxes o^ account of poverty a-d physical disability a-d u^ahle to work, Freddy Gause, 809 ^orth 8th, Street, was gra-ted a refund of poll taxes, accou-t of over age, col?ected by gar-ishme^t. ? ?NC A request of the City Cou^cil to meet with the Board of Educatio- a-d thefCou^t-? Commissio-ers was set for Mo^day, April 30th, 11:00 A. IvS. Upon motior of IVlr. 0'Shields,` secorded by 14r. Love, the Board accepted a-d offer of the ? Revere-+d T. P. ;+oe to sell his lot on 5outh 17th Street to the County for $100.001 vrhich is withi- the fence enc1_osure of thc Cou^ty's Oak Grove Cemetery. And the City was requested to take up with the State Highway a-d Public iNorks Commissio^ the matter of ope^i^g-up a-d pavi^g 17th Street to A4arti^ Street to give access to the Cemetery. Up o- motio^ of.D'?r. 0'Shie?.ds, seco-ded by P?Qr. Dnvisj the Board authorized the payme-t of $'/5.00 toward burial expe-se For n4r. B. J. Rathje-, Coti^ty Home i^mate. ? pt% A fi^a^cial a^d circulatio^ report of the VTi'mi-gto^ Pubiic I,ibrary a^d Bookmobile for March was received a-d filed. The Cou^ty Attor^ey repo:ted that the Cornmissio-ers ha.ve ^a lega7, right to re£u-d a lice^se tax urder schedule "B", paid by the Vetera-s of Foreig^ 4'Tars for a^ exhibitio^ of r,ecently ? spo^sored shows at Legio^ Stadium, ^ot paid u^der protest. Nr. Ha11 comme^ted very highly the efforts of the Committee havi-+g provided graded roads through the Cou^ty's Oak Grove Cemetery, a-d well kept premises. I Meeting of April 23, 1951, co?ti,ued. ? Upon motio+^ of Ivfr. Davis? secorded by tuir. Hall, Laura Roberts Poive1l, 70 year oId County indigent, vras granted admissior to the Cou^ty Home o- recomme^datio- of the Superi^te-de-t of Public Welfare. Upo^ motio-, duly seco-ded cou^ty bi'ls *'os. 5239 to 5307 inc7usive, vaere approved for payme-t. The foll_owi^g bords a"d coupo-s were presented by the Cou^ty Auditor as having bee- ? paid a^d were bur-ed in the prese^ce of the Board: _' . BOIv'DS School Bldg. 81 thru 100 20 , 1,000.00 `° `° 216 " 235 20 ?,ooo.oo Court House 215 'i 025 12 17000.00 .Total Bonds COUPON S Schoo7 Blde. Coupon 40 Bo^d 216 th ru 355 140 23•75 3,325•00 25 11 40 • ,t 76 37 13 • 75 508 .75 25 78 ft 79 2 13•75 27.50 17 1-11 ? 120 1.0 10.00 100.00 17 131 " 340 210 10.00 2,100.00 17 " 341 " 500 160 8.75 1,400.00 15 " 1.01 izo 20 10.00 200.00 20 " 35 " 86 52 11.25 585.00 16. 81 130 50 10.00 500.00 16 i' 221 227 7 10.00 70 .oo 23 " 77 - 1 13•75 13•75 24 " 77 1 13.75 1?.75 Sc:hooT Coupon 23 Bord 25 thru 47 23 13•75 Cou-tv Home coupo- 20 Bo"a 12 4 11,25 Court House Coupon 52 Bond 2 15 thru 225 21 25.00 Court House Bo-d s 204 to 214 I^c 11 11000.00 School Bo^d 22 to 24 "' 3 1.?000.00 ." schoo7. Bo-d 63 2 11000.00 13000.00 5chool. Bora 67 to 68 2 1.;000.00 2;000.00 Schooi_ Bo-d 70 to 80 11 11000.00 11.000.00 school slag Bo-a 30 to 34 5 I,ooo.oo - school Bldg Bo^d 35 t0 39 5 1.1000.00 School Bldg Bo^d 196 to 215 20 11000.00 Cou^ty fiome Bo^d 8 ] 11000:00 Tota,l Bo^ds Court House: coupo- 50 sona 204 to P25 22 25.00 550.00 coupo^ 51 Bora ?25 to 225 lt 25.00 275.00 Cou^ty Home: CO11p0^ 18 BO^d S t0 ].p 5 11.25 56.25 Coupo- 19 Bo^d 8 to 12 5 11.25 56.25 School B1dg Bords: coupo- 13 Bona ZZZ to 130 20 10.00 200.00 coupo- la Bo-a 81 to lzo 50 10.00 500.00 Coupor 14 Bo^d 721 to 227 7 10.00 70.00 Coupor 15 Bo^d 81 to 100. 20 10.00 200.00 COUpO•+ 15 BO''C3 l;)1 t0 340 220 10.00 21200,00 coupor 15 bo-a 341 to 500 , 160. 8.75 1,400.00 coupo^ 16 Bo-a 131 to 220 90 10.00 900.00 Coupon 16 Bo-d 228 to 340 113 10.00 1,130.00 Coupo^ 16 Bo^d 341 to 500 160 8.75 1.400.00 School Bond : Coupo?+ p 21 JJo^d 22 t.o 4r7 / r?[ CCJ r-7 1.3 -/5 J l/ ?][r7-50 coupo- 22 Bord 22 to 47 26 13•75 357.50 School Bldg Bo-d: - coupo^ 18 Bo^a 30 to 86 57 11.25 641.25 Coupo- , 19 Bo-+d 30 to 86 57 11.;)5 641.P5 SchooZ B1dg.Bo-d: coupo^ 22 3o^d 65 to 67 3 1.3.75 41.25 coupo- ?2 Eo-d 78 to 79 2 13•75 27.50 Coupo^ 23 Bo-d 35 to 76 • 42 1375, 577.50 Coupo- 23.Bo-d 78 to 79 2 23•75 27.50 Coupo- 24. Bo-d 35 to 76 4P 1.3•75 577.50 Coupo^ 24 Bo^d 78 to 79 2 13•75 27.50 scnooz so-a: coupor 55 Bo-a 71_ to 80, 10 25.00 a_5o.o0 coupo- 56 Fo-a 71 to 80 lo.r ;, 25.00 250.00 Coupo^ 57 so-a 71 to 80 io 25.00 250.00 Coupo^ 58 Bo^d 71 to 80 10 ^5.00 250.00 Coupo^ 59 Eo-a 71 to 80 io 25.00 250.00 Coupor 60 Bo-a 6 3 1 25.00 P5.00 COL1?30^ 60 BD^Cj ( ?7 U / CO p V 6 2 25•00 j?0.00 COllpa^ 60 BO"?d r7 !0 t.0 p V0 11 25•00 275.00 School B1dg. Bo-d : . coupon 37 Bora 296 to 305 10 23•75 237.50 Coupo- 37 Bo-a 316 to 325 io 23.75 237•50 coupo? 37 Bo-a . 336 to 345 10 23.75 237•50 Coupo^ 38 Bo-a 196 to 355 160 23.75 3,800.00 coupor 39 Bo-d 216 to 355 140 23.75 1.?25.00 T 3?000.00 14?000.00 5,000.00 57000.00 20.000:00 20a000.00 20,000.00 1L000.00 51,000.00 , ? 8,843.75 . . 316.25 45.00 _75.00 60,480.00 ? 11?000.00 47,000.00 1.000,00 59,000.00 r 825.00 ? 8 1000.00 715.00 11282.50 , 1,278.75 1,600.00 7.837.50 20.713.7? otal Coupors and Bo^ds . ..........................................$1?F1,131.25 ? The meeti„g the- adjour-ed. Cierk. 112.50 r a?r