1951-04-30 Regular Meeting?? • _ Wilr.i^[to^, iC. C., April 30, 1951• The regular weekly rneeting of t:?e Board was held at 10:00 o'ciock A. M. Present: Addiso^ Hevilett, Crairman, Jqs. M. i'•ail, Cla.ud 0'Shields, Thursto^ C. Davis, Ha1 J. Love a^d Cou-tp Attor^ey tciarsde- Eellar;y. The mi-utes of ineeti^p of 9pri1 23, 19K1, v:ere 3ead a.^d approved as recorded. . Upo^ motio_ of 7r. Love, seco^ded by Ivir. 0'Shieids, the Chairma^ a-d the Clerk of ? the Boa.rd vrere authorized ard directed to execute, o^ behalf of the Cou^ty, a licerse ? ?dp? a^d trespass agreeme-t prepzred by the U-ited Stetes 4ir Norce to gra-t to the "'inth Air Force MC) the right e.^d nrivile.ge to operate a^d mai-tai- a mobile rqdar station o^ "ew I.a-over Cou^ty Ai.rport, such locatio^ to he i^ agreeme^t ti,ith ai1. co-cer^. - • Upo^ motion of bfir. 0'Shields, seco^ded by n4r. Davis, the Caroli^a Co-fere^ce of Seventh Day Adva^t Church was gra^ted ar abateme^t of takes o^ a valuat&io- of.$l',000.00 0- pa7•t of lots 5 a-d 6, Vieeks Divisio^, VJilmi^Fto^ To?R?ship for the yectr 1951, accou^t of Church ' property used as the church school playgrourd, purchased from F.?,.n4i11s,Jr.1 December 20, 1.950. And the.same ordered p]aced o^ the"tax free list. _ .._'" Upon motio- of Mr. Hai.l, seco^ded bg I?+ir. Davis, lots 28, 29 ind 30, Atla^tic View which lots have escaped taxatio^, were charged to Mrs. Carrie E. Helbig, the ov:-er of record, for the previous five years- 1946, 1947? 19481 7949 a-d 1950, o^ a tax assessmert basis of $250.00 for ea.ch lot, a^d the same ordered placed o^ the tax books for coilectio^. A copy of the mi^utes of the meeti^g of the Board of Trustees o£ Commu^ity fiospital of tr? M3rch 21, 1951, 'was received a^d filed. A report of the Cou^ty rirema^ for 9pri1 was received a^d_filed. '•?o objections were raised by the Eoard to the applicatio^ submit:ted by Davis. D. Thomas,Jr., for a State'nermit to sel i beer gt 7.17 Lqke Park Boul_ev?.rd. Upo- motio^ of J1:1r. D»,vis, seco^ded'by I,•ir. 0'Shieids, Eruna '°eal IgcKoy, 82 year old County ?,tiu?''1' indige^t, sick a^d u-qble to 'ive a1o-e ?.nd c?se for hersel.f, vras admitted to the Cou^ty `? Home o^ recomme-dq,ti.o^ of the Supt.; of Pubiic 'Welfqre. . Ar audit report of the AEC Board fer the -i-e mo-ths period e-di^g hiarch 317 1951.9 prepared by Mr. J. ''. Bre.nd,jr., CP4, dras received a^d referred to the Cou^ty 9uditor. The fo1'ov;i^r, good a^d lawfui perso-s were 8ra_w^ to_serve as jurors i^ the Superior y l4? 1957-: 4wp Court for the triai of Crimi^al Cases for the o^e week term begi-^i^g Ir,-q s • - Theo. Brock, 412 Castle St. R.C.Shackelford, 221 N. 25th It. Thomas Poilock, 403 PJright St. Mrs.Julia F. Jones, 1617 Pri^cess St. raura Mae Ray^er, 17.3 N. 7th St. Garland 7?. Buie 7?9.Cqurt J, T,ake Forest. H. H. Be^so^, 51 5pofford Mills. L,eRoy Gi7_more,?17 S. 8th St. J. J. Siefried, 2713 S. Fro^t St. Roy H. Harts, 909 S. Frort St. Jos. J P.O.Box 44, VJri. Beach. . Eiden jos. 1. Kirg,Jr., C25, Box 28C. W. F. , 105 Certrai Bou1_evard. Brittai^ Harold May, 101 23rd St. H J , 406 S. 4th St. Southerla^d 0. 1J. Waters, C25, Box 429. . . R. B. , Page, Jr., °fo VJilmi^gto^ 5tar-News. W. C. Ludlam, Rt.]_ Box 177D. Andrew Fra^ks, 52P Surset Ave. Joh^ E. Lav+hor^e, $07 Dock St. 511 S. 18th St. Chadwick : Elizabeth V bi J. H. J. E. Reaves, 1405 Castle St. Hear^,Jr., 208 r?. 19th St. , . rs Bruce E. Tewis, Rt.l, Box 252C. VJ.L.Go d]_ey, 1305 Virginia Ave. J. P. Be?l, 113 W'al^ut St. J. M. Geddie, 1.404 Ra^ki^ St. Geo. W. James, 1.104 S. 7th St. Louis B. Joh-so^, 41 Spofford Mi'ls. E. D. Pdo-tgoa:ery, C-1,01_ea^der Ct. Apts. C. D. F Gore, 2520 Pri-cess St, Road. 56 Lee Drive H fh EaTI L. IIrova^, Rt.3, Lox 231. iiod-ey B. Gor-to,Jr., 7.4 Ct.Pj I,ake Forest. . H. J. B. . am, u Qui^^, 505 Chest^ut St. PJI.r,Baysde-,Jr., 2F, Piesbitt Court. Prm. Tu 34 Pinecrest Parkvray. cas A.V.H?~cock, Rt.1, Box 99• Li'1ie , R. Bridgers, 214 S. 2^d St. Harry L. Hu^nley, 15 S. 4th St. Roy T. T.urli-Fto^, Box 294C i4t.2, n4r•s. Rosal_ie P'eivman, Forest Hiils. J,E.I- gram, 704 Centrai Bouievard. Aliie Ivi. I3aidi,?!i^,Jr., Rt.3, Box 54F. J 'W q B P.O.Box 523. rsha1Ae: Ke--eth C. 1h1ard1 1921. Klei^ Road. . . . A^^ie , Eerry, Rt.2, Box 272. Odcl Oidham, Box 1_36 Caro'i^a Beach. Hattie D. Tolar, 1923 Fvooi.cott Ave. Tuther Su"iva^, Rt.l, Cpstle Hay^e. For the rirst u;eek Civii, term begi--i-v iMay 28, 1951: FJ.A.Matthews, 226 Pi-ecrest ParkNray. Mrs. IvIary El_la Farley? C25,Eox 43. T. T, . Kimball, Rt .3 , Box 237D. IJ[iss Opa1 E, laii-cher, 314 S. 6th St. L. C. Walker, 708 S. rro^t St. Jasper Batsor, Rt.l. Mrs. W. M. Chinnis, 2319 Narket St. VJm. J. Hol.lis, Rt.2, Box 191. Abraham Goldstei^, 1902 Pri^cess. Bobby Daughty, 22 Morri^gside Drive. W. B. Carter, 144 Sumter Drive. C. T. Bame, Box 1.04, Carolira Beach. Marvir R. TvlcGowa^, 115 N. 8th St. Robert P. Bender, Ht.2, Box 298• E.P.VJeathersbee, 507 Grace St. Joh- W. Hi^es, 2726 Mo^roe St. Tracy Formy;=Duva1,1301 S. 4th St. A.G.Carter, 1007 1,.4ercer Ave. Coy R. Jo^es ,910<"Pri-cess St. V?.B.Potter, A16 S. Fro^t St. L. F. Gore, 2222 Idetts Ave. Iars. Grover W. Hii1, 602 ''orthern Bou7.evard. F. Tvi. Shepherd, P.O.Box 521. R.P.Jo^es, 2913 IJlarket St. Road. A^rie F, Hiit, 204 Ca.stle St. L. UJm. Gree,-I 403-k Dock St. Ctyde r,eo^ard S 107 T? . 6th St. Mrs. Hattie M. Smith, 301 ". 12th St. Betty H. Hurd, 2513 Harriso- St. J. G. Register, Rt.l. T. U. Gre.e^, 116 riun St. Mrs. Ira A?rper, 203 Kidder St, J. H. Bowers, 301 Ce^tra7. Bou?evard. E. C. ll4arlowe, P. 0. Box 1033. Fred E. Lit,tle-, 1619 Chest^ut St. Clyde T. S'Patso^, Rt.3, Box 1-56. E. P. Godv:i^, Rt. 1. Fred M. I,ehrscall, 13C resbitt Court. Stanley N. Gunnerse^, 209 Malyla^d Ave. 4J. A. Vialker, i915 PP-der Ave. R. ?:. Church, 1207 Chestnut St. Iiiary F. Deva, 212 Red Cross St. -A i Meeti-g of April 30, 1951 co^ti-ued. ? At the request of the City Cou-cil, the Board of Educatio- a-d the City Cou-cil ? C met with the Cou^ty Commissio-ers for a joi-t discussion of matters pertairi^g- to ways a-d me_a,s i'or the corstruction of an auditorium to meet the needs of the community. tulembers of the City Cou-cil prese-t: Mayor R. S. iJlcCleila-d, E..L..White',..D?vid , Si-clair a-d City Pyia^ager J. R. Berso-. Board of Educatior: Dr. John T. Hoggard, J. C. Roe, E. A. Larey a-d H.M.Roland, Supt of Schools. City Ma-ager J. H. Berson opened the discussio-+ by readi^g a recomme^datio- he made to the City Cou^cil i^ August 1950, for the ^eed of a- are-a-type, 5000 seati^g capacity structure. ,,? I?Iayor ivlcClella-d stated that the ^eed of a^ aud.itorium is nore tha- a City affair a-d '\?' should be undertake- cooperative.ly by the three Bodies. Mr.,E.I•.White felt that i^asmuch as the Board of Educa.tio^ cortemplates the buildirg of a larger recreatio^al a-d assembly hall, that,should be co^sidered i^ co^^ectio^ viith the provisior for a- auditorium -d i^jected i-to the issue. ?Vir. Cou^cil, Presi?3e^t of the Ju-ior Chqmber of Commerce gave a resume of the I?y auditorium effort, a-d a tnree yegr study of its -eeds ?-d type of buildi-g to C? accom:r.odate 5000 perso-s a-d recomme-ded Pea:b;oke JO^P.S Park -ear the VJilmi-gto^ Coll.ege a-d High School as ihe site. ,,F/ Dr. Hoggard expiai^ed that the Eo3rd of Educatio^ had ^ot co^temp].eted the co^structio- of a recreatio^al buiidi-g, but a stude-ts utility ouiidi^g, vahich would'i.^clude facilities for basketbail a-d ROTC usage. ri4r. J. C. Roe made it cle3r thet q-y buildi~g they vroul.d ask for vaould be used primarly --?`? for educatio^al purposes for such perce-tqge oi time ^ecessary to meet that ^eed, which? ' i^ the opi-io^ o£ the Board of Educatio^ could be pr.ovided at a cost of $100,000.00. Mr. tiiade said the records wouid prove that he advocated a^ auditorium at Pembroke. Jo-es ' Park site a-d thought a re).ease of the pro,r,ert.y coui.d be secured for th.at purpose. Me^tior of the use of the steel i^ a^ airport hargar at fil.uethe-thal Fie1d was made, which ? it vaas said wou7_d save about $25,000.00 i- cost of co-structio^ of the auditorium, but -? IvTr. Hewlett war^ed of possible compl.icatio^s with the Civ.i.l Aero^autics Admiristr3tio^ if such was u-dertake-+. a-d ' The matter was furthe.r discussed-at le-gth,/o^ a motio^ made by Iulr. E. ?:. White to appoi^t a committee from the City Cou^cil to i-ciude the City E^gi^eer, Board of Educatio+^, Cou^ty Commissio^ers, City a-d Cou^ty 4ttor-eys a-d t,he beaches, to meet for a discussio- of the matter withi^ 60 days, a-d report their recomme^datio^s to the three Bodies, wac seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shieids a-d carried. The foi lowi^g vaere the- -arned o- the conrnittee,a^d the Chairma- of the Board of Cou^ty Commissio^ers was asked to cali_ the groun toFether ior discussio^: Cou^ty Commissio^ers: Ha! J. I:ove, Clgud 0'Shi.el.ds, Thursto^ C. Davis. . City Cou^cil; li,ayor R. S. 1iicClella^d, City mia-ager J.13.be-so^ a-d Robert Colema^, City E^g i^eer. Board of.Educatio-.: Dr. Jon- T. HoFf-ard, J. C. Roe a-d H. M. Ro13~d? Supt., of Schools. Caroli^a Beacn: Niayor J.C.B?me, City I,:3-3per.Ra.-dy Hamiltor.., a-d Gle-^ TrI. Tucker. Vurightsville Beach: Iv;a.yor J. K. T?ylor,Jr., Bruce Camero^ a-d Heide Trask. Kure Beach: Mayor L.:_C. Kure, L. E. Vdei^berg a-d W. R. Davis. City Attor^ey W. B. Campbell a-d Cou^ty Attor-ey.n-Zarsde- Bellamy. T he meeti^g the^ adjour^ed. .?.?. Clerk. ? r , <.? ,