1951-05-07 Regular Meeting, 250 19ilrrington, ti. C. I Iday 71 7.951. The regular weekiy rneeti^g of the Board was he7_d at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Prese-t: 4ddiso^ Hewlett,. Chairma^, Jas. Iv4. Hall, Ciaud 0'Shi7.eds; Thursto- C. DavisT a-d Cou-ty Attorney Nfarsde^ Bellamy. - The mi^utes of ineeti^e of Aprii 10, 1957, were read a^d approved as recorded. Idrs."Craig appea.red to exte^d q- i-vitatic^ to the Boa.rd to atte^d a Ba^d Booster's C1_ub banquet at the Famous Club at 7:30 o'clock P.?6., T4o-day,-Il4ay ].4th, 1951. Miss Ver^a Beile ?owery, Home Demo-stratio- Age^t a^d P.4r. D. D. Baggett, Farai Age-t, v prese-ted their reports for April which were received a^d fi]ed. A petitio^ of three oroperty ov.rers for repairs a^d mai^te^a^ce of the "Stitio^" road for a dista^ce of 800 feet.which ru-s froM US 117 via of.- the Railroad Statior at Castle _-(?,?v`9 Hayhe, Cape Fear Tow-ship? to the Hampstead highway, o^ which three houses ire located, was upo^ motio^ of n4r. Da,vis, seco-ded by Mr. 0'5hields, approved a-d referred to the State Highway a-d Pub7_ic Plorks Commissio^ for co^sideratio-. Aiso a petitio^ of property ow-+ers for improvements to roed riz^^i^g Trom US 4?l, Caroli.^a Bea,ch Road, to Adams Street i^ 5u^set Park o- which 78 houses are located, was approved. - ?h?????u?? A report of the Vetera^s' ? ?a`? . Service Officer for April was received a-d fii.ed. A report of back tax collections showi-g $4?520.02 Was co>>_ected for the City, a-d $5,337•57 for the Cou^ty, meki-g a total of $9,857.59 back takes coilected for the mo-th of Anri7., was received a-d filed. A report of the Co?ored iiome Demo- str?tio- AFe^t iol Aprii vras leceived a-d piyme-t of ?t'10.60 for supplies ?9rd articles used i^ demo-stratio-s was npb^ motior of Mr. Davis, ? seco^ded by Mr. Hgil., authori.zed. A commuricatio- was received froni the State Board of Fubl.ic 4lei.f+re advisi^F that ?55,603.37 vres se-t to this Cou-ty for Old AEe A:;sist-ce, .4id to, Dene^de^t Childre^ a-d 9dmi^istratio^ for the mo-th of 4pri'. -- ? A report of the Bureau of Ide-tifioati.o- for Apri' waS received a-d fi7.ed. fi o objections were rqised Uy tne F+oard to the anplicatio^ of FairclotlYe?s Oy5ter Roast ? to the U^ited States District E^gi-eer for pern.issi.o- to dredge a cha^rel a^d basi^ alo-g the west side of the I-7.a~d 61qtelrrqy i-- fro^t of-their wharf at Wrightsville Sou^d. Upo^ motio- of Mr. 0'Shields, seco-dFd by Mr. Hsll, Chaslotte Boo^e Capps, 82 year old , i^dige-t citize^, who has bee^ co^fi^ed i^ the jail. for several mo-ths awaiti^g admissio- to the State Hospital at Gol.dsboro as a ff:e-tal patie^t, was o^ recomme^datio^ of the ' ' more sfie vrill have Superi^te^dent of Publ.ic Puelf3re tra^sfe'rred. to the Cou. ty,Home'.vahere • su^shi^e a-d freedon. • 9 detailed list of i^dige-t patients from the City a-d Cou-ty tre?ted at James VValker 5 Hospital duri-+g the first quarter of 1951,-shovri-g ch?rged agairst Siew Hanover Cou-ty ?--? ? $63,369.66 less credit of $48,07.1.96 leavi-g a difference of S15,757.70,_was received a-d referred to the Cou^ty 9uditor for a^alyzatio- a-d report to the Board., Mr. 0'Ehields,who vrill represe-t the Cou-ty at q meeti^g of the Rivers a-d Harbors Co^gress, Vdashi-gto^. D. r., PS?.y ?.0-12, authorized a,t meeti-g of Apriii`12, 1951, i^ the irterest of securi^g a gover^me^t irstallat5.o^ of a tidal lock i- S-'ow''s Cut to stop the T(low of , iA water from the Cape Fear River poliuti^g the waters,,,of Myrt1_e Grove Sou^dl was also asked to to the e Offi b ? -- y? c s uleau ^co^fer with Co-gressrna- Cariyle co^cer^i-g the movi^g of the weather termi^a,1 buildi^g at Bluethe-thal Airnort wtiich vrould afford a better service to the fai-mers as well_ as releasi-g room at the custom house for other governme^ta1 ^eeds. The Cou^ty .Ati:or^ey advised that the lease had bee- draw- leasi^g to the Sta.te Highway 9)C a portio^ of the airport la^d adjoi^i^g the Highway Camp and Public VJorks Commission P\?6 , site (formeriy Cou^tg Stockade) as directed, a-d f'orvrarded i;o {;he State Highway Commissio^ ? for approval,and would ther be preserted to the Board for executio^. ds discussed arra-geme^ts for the America- Legior Ju^ior Baseball team, also 0'Shiel Mr . . Cape Fear T,eague suggested by Nr. Davie, to use Legio- 5tadium for baseball duri^g- the surr,mer, i^ view of A4emoriai Park ^ot bei-g availa.ble or other league,games'sche8uled this seasor ld i r -g wou light grass would h3ve to be removed fron the base ii^es,'a-d that the cost fo be take^ care of by the teams, r',hich *a.s aoproved bgl the Stadium Committee. The Chairma- a-rou^ced that a meeti-g of the Auditorium Comr.nittee group was called to be held, 1951 i 23 15th d ' , . v y ay, ¢lock P.M., Tues i^ the City Cou^cil Chambers at the City Hal', 8:00 o ? The meetirg the^ adjourned. Clerk. , -A