1951-05-14 Regular Meeting260 14;?y 14> 1951. l ??r The reguiar veekl.y meetinf, of the Board vqs held at 1-0:00 o'ciock A. M. Present: Addiso^ Hewlett, Chairnri3-7 Jas. Ivi. H511, Ciaud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. D?vis Hai J. Love a-d Cou-ty Attor^ey IvT3rsde^ Be'lsmy. ' The mi^utes of ineeti^p of Nay 75 1951, were read a^d approved as recorded. A request of Mr. VJ. K. Rhodes,Attor^ey, that the Cou-ty re-evr its lease with Mr. P1easa-t Batso, o^ the four bar^s or horse sta.bles together ivith the use of o^e-ha1.f mile track, toiJ.ets a^d shower:rooms i^ the Stadiun Buildi^g which expires May 15, 1951, for a-other term begi^^ing T;ovember 7., 1951 and e-di^g Iu1ay 15, 1952, was upo- riotio- of Mr. Davis, secorded b3= b4r. Ha1,1, gra^ted subject to the approval of Uhe Stadium Committee, and subject further to the approva.l of the Stadi.um Committee a-d the Cou-ty Attor-ey to certai^ cha-ges suggested to be made i^ the 1ease. A letter received from N4r, Kirby Sidbury aski-g for a refu^d of $73.51 taxes paid u-der protest April 7, 1951, o- property i^ DZaso-boro Tow-ship tvhich he claims he foreciosed 1^ 1935 a^d has been payi-g the taxes si-ce that time, which said payment of $73,51 was made because of a- actio^ pe-+di-g- i^ the Superior Court agairst J.J.Lampos i-+ order to stop the sale a,;?d:protect his property, vras referred to the Cou^t? Attor^ey for opinio^. , Upo^ motio- of Mr. Dqvis, seco^ded by ll2r. Love, the Heirs of J. C. McCart-ey were gra-ted a^ abateme^t of ^ot l.isted pe-alty ch3rged agai^st property in block 117, for the year -J? 1949, to e^a.bJ_e I.Ir. Joh^ .. McCa1•tney, 4308 Hailey Terrace, V/ashi^gtor,D.C., a^o--reside-t, to pay the taxes a^d stop the suit ^orv pe-di^g for the coilectio- of same, which actio- vaas apnroved by thP Cou-ty Atitor^ey. Upo- motio- of i:ir. H911, seco-ded by TuIr. T:ove, the Board dec7.i^ed to pay for damages to iJir. W. S. Baicer's automobil e vche- the car, drive^ by his wife 7 eollided vrith a Cou-ty ,?uStiS truck v=he^ she u-dert;ook to pass frorn a reqr approach whe^ the driver of the truck made a lef1: ter^ i^to the Tuberculosis Hospital _ road o^ the Wriphtsviiie Tur^pike? o-+ opi^io^ of the Cou-ty Attor^ey that the Cou-ty.i.s -ot iiable i-'damages"for the torts of its age-ts:. A commu-icatio^ was received from the Board of IvIa^agers of Jas. Vlal.ker Nemorial Hospital advisi^g that actio^ o^ the proposed a.me-dme,t to its charter providi^g for the appoi^tment of tv,o additio^ai_ -menibers to the Board of t:iaragers o^e each fro.m the City a^d Cou^ty, will. ? be taker o-"44y.241 1951. A commu-icatio- was received from the State Highviay a,d Public VJorks Commissior advisi^g that Peachtree Street ard Park Ave-ue i^ Pii^ter Park, a^d V`i'liams Community Hoad o^ ??a Myrtle Grove Sou^d vrere added to our Cou-ty Highviay system, but could rot see its way clear to approve the additio^ of 43rd Street i^ ZFJi-ter Park, Seagate Cemetery Road o- US 74/76 or He-ry Street ir East Wilmi^gto- as their i"vestigatio- shows that the services re-dered will ?ot justify this expe-diture at this time. Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded,by P1Ir. Love, , petitio^ of ]?9 property ow-ers submitted o^ Etate Form R-10, requesti-F pavi^g of Myrtle Ave-ue ru^^i-g from the '. Se-agate road to the Tide VJater Povaer Cornpany's old car li-e right of way wa.s approved ? a-d referred to the State Highvray a^d Pub].ic tidorks Commissio^ for co^sideratio^. Upo- motio^ of idr. Davis, seco-ded by b:r. Hall , the Heirs of Fd Hall were gra-ted a ;ax refurd of taxes for tvro years paid or a vaiu?,tio- of $250.00, part of Farm 60-Wi-ter Park which was sold i- 1946, a-d a part rem»i-i-g charged agai^st Ed Ha11 i^ error. Mr. 0'Shileds reported o- his atte^da-ce of thP Rivers a-d Harbors Co^eress i^ Washi^gto-,.. D. C., P:iay 10 q^d 11, i.- the i-teiest of securi^g a Gover^mert i^stailatio^ of a tidal- lock in S^ow's Cut to stop the fiova of vriter a-d silt from the Cape Fear Ri.ver pn7.luti-g _. v the ea-gters of ItRyrtie Grove Sou-d. The itaso^boro I^iet proposed project, a^d co-ferred with Se-ator tili'lis Smith co^cer-i-g the r•emov3l of the wea,ther bureau statio^ located i^ the Custom House,to the Airport Termi-al Buildi^g to provide a-d mai^tai^ a better ser-vice o^ a?4 hour bqsic. ioir. 0'Shileds said Se-a,tor Smith felt this commu^ity was e-titled to better itreather t:ure,?.u service a^d assured him that he would use his best efforts to that e^d. ' Upo^ motior, Lir. C. F. Srr?ith, our Cou-ty Auditor, vras authorized to atte^d a session for Cou-ty Accou-ta.^ts,snorsored by the Irstitute of Gover^nent at Chapel Hiil n4ay 15 through _ l8th. Upor motio-, Cou-ty bill.s F?os. 5308 to 5509 were approved for payment. 1" . The meeti-g then adjourned. J49?Ie__,?-ti'? Cterk. ?-