1951-05-28 Regular Meeting?26`2 Dueeti-g of May 21, 1951, co-ti^ued. For the O-e v?eek crir!i^q1 term begi^-i-g Ju^e 11, 3.951: H.C.Moore, 29 Ivey Drive. H. Berger, 707 14'. 4th St. Niarion.H. Wiggi-s, Rt.3• B.B.Potter, 814 S. Fro-t St. S.D.Z3rka.lis, Kure Beach. Albert Ke^-edy,Jr., 920 Dawso^ St. Romie L. Herring, 2101 Era^do^ Road. A.W.Eru-jes, 23 N. 25th St, John P. Chapma-, 413 Pi. 3rd St. J. Sbner Pitts, 1502 S. 4th St. W.T.Sikes, 805 N. 5th St. A.J.Lee,Sr., 302 N. 7th St. , Lonnie DudJ_ey, Rt.3• TeRoy Heviett, 1119 S. 7th St. Maybell Carterette, 17 Wooster Street. 9rt,hur D.-Ca.sht^re11 213 N. 6th St. J.T:Lee, 48 Spofford Mi1's. - , F.C.Haman- 213 S. 6th St. Frank Scott,Jr., Rt.l. , R.H.Cherry, 1517. Cast]_e St. Geo.D.Motte, 1.4 Ct.Q, Lake Forest. E. B. Lough7.i^, 143 Forrest Hil?s Drive. Edv<<. M. SeaTS, Jr., Box 769 Caro7i-a Bch. A.J.Hurst, Rt.l, Box 46. . Vdm.G.Freemar, Ht. 2, Box 240-B. J.S.Morriso- 321 S. 2nd St. J.A-.Bullock, 2 Ct. R, I,ake Forest. , H.V.Nelson,Jr., 197 Pi^ecrest Parkway. Alo"za VJaddei.l, 807 S. 15th St. Chas. H. Pdathews, Box 550 Caroli^a Beach. Chas. E. Goodykoo-ce, 2002 Pe-der Ave. Vdalker T. Brow-, 73 Terrace 4Jalk. Boyd Parker, 20 N. Il4onroe St. Ivlrs. F..E.Barber, 317 S. 5th St. " Corbett 47atts, 120 Spofford biiils. A. H. Hardwickj Box 216 VJrightsville Beach. J.E,:Barres, Rt.l, Box 741. Z'J.B.Cochra^, 20-H, Tdesbitt Ct: Mrsl David iones, 10? Co7.o^ial Drive. 49. G. Ludy!ig, Ge-.De't.. Ca.rol.ira Beach. Hobert A. Jenki^s, 147_5 DocY. St. J.B.Itio^tgomery? 707 S. 7th St. ? T.H.Worthi^gto^,Sr. r?t.3, Box 17. 6 E. G. Heath, 1101, S. 3rd St. Jas. A. Phii.lips, 2 43 4dams St. Mo-trose M. Hi^^a-ti E-10, Olea^der Ct. Apts.. W. R. Batso-, Bor. 1.23 Caro'i-a fieach. Al.eya^der Je^icki, Castl.e Hayre. Ri1ey Carter, 724 S. 6th St. Geo. T. Nel,•rton, 615 S. 5th'St. ,,. The r,eeti^g the^ a.d;iour^ed. /ll?Hil.? Cierk. ? Wilmi-Fto^, ?'. C., I!4ay 28, i951. The regul.ar weekly meeting of the Bo?rd 4d?S hei.d at 1.0:00 o'cl.ock A. M. Prese^t: Addiso- Hewlett, Chc?irma^, Jas, M. H?ii, Claud 0'Shields, Thw•sto^ C. Davis, Hal J. Love a-d Cou^ty Attor^ey &`iarsde- Bel'amy. The mi^utes of ineeti^g of Iti7ay 21, 1951, were read a-d anproved as recorded. The 1951-1952 Assista^ce Estim3tes submi.tted by the State Boa.rd of Pubi.ic VJelfare ? G? showi^g the Cou-ty's p"roportio^a.te part for 07d Age Assista^ce to be $59,400.00, Aid . -~ to Depe^de^t Ch?7di•e- $37,320.00, Aid to Partial a-d Totally Disabled Perso^s $5,400.00 a-d Admi^istr•ati.o- $c38,391.00, w-is after discussio^ a-d upo^ motio^ of Mr. Ha'tl, seco^ded by Mr. D3vis, te-tativei.y- approved i.- the amou^ts shova^ subject to reductio^ b2fore fi-ai adoptio- of the Coia~ty's 1951-1952 budget. - ' Upo- rotio^ of Mir. 0'Shie'ds, seco-ded hy D`r. Tove, tYie 1-951-1952 estSmates for 9id to the Bii^d i^ the amou^t of.18'1,469.00 fer the Cou^ty's proportio^ate part, was te^tatively approved subject to reductio^ before fi-al approval_. Upor motio^ of Mr. Hai7., seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board autnorized the payme,^t ? of approximately $ 101.00 to Dr. Graham Barefoot, Radiologist i- the X-rqy Deoartme?t ?}v of Ja.mes V`alker Hospital, for treatment of ca^cer for Jesse Farrow a-d I4ary VJilliams, out of the emerge^cy fu^d. , ' seconded by T44r. 0'Shields, Kid El1is was exempt from the paymert Unor motio^ of Mr. Hali , of rooli taxes o- accou-t of i^dige^cy, a-d rvas further gra^ted nrivilege to operate a ^ ? t of bei?g a Lu^ch a-d Soda Shop busi^ess at Iio. 27 Tdorth 3rd, Street,tax free;accou disabled World V1ar Vetera^, as provided by 1aw i^ such cases. A revised budget of the Board of Educatio^"for 1950-1951, submitted by A4r. H.n4.Rota^d, ? ? Secretary,for the Boards approval, which i^cludes $31,915•76 fu^ds received fflom the Federal Gover^me-t a-d excess co7.lectio^s i- Regular Budget, requesti^g the Commissio-ers ? to add $18,000.00 to the Heguiar Budget, $10,915•76 to the Suppleme-tary Budget a-d $3,000.00 to the Book F?.i^d i^ order to authorize their er.pe^ditures, a-d that $22,681.64 the cash balance i^ the Regular Budget a.s of July ]., 195C?, be a.dded to the capital outlay for the , 7.950-1951 budget to pay for the extra. equipme^t ^ecessary for the additio^al pupils, was received for further study. . tv7r. He^ry E. boyd, jr., .4irport 1,.4q-ager, reported a-? i^tervievi he had with Gover^me^t ^ a rece-t trip to u'lashi^gto^ i.;hich i-dicated a much brighter outlook for Offici3ls o ? ? . securi^g a removal. of the VJeather Bureau o"fices.from the Custom House to the termi^al•buil.ding {u? at Bluethe^thal 9irport a-d•the estabiisYuae^t of a 24 hour weather service. The Board feeli^g that if the vlesther Eureau rris ioc3ted at the airport o^ a 24 hour basis a better service cou13 be re^dered the l.arge trucki-E area as vaeil as airway tra^sport3tio^ a-d co^trol, Therefore ?4r: Love moved 3^d it vaas seco^ded by ll4r. Davis a-d carried, that our two Serators a-d Co^gre.ssma^ be further urged to use their best efforts viith the proper authorities i- Rrashi^gto^ to bri^g about this cha^ge. . the foiibwirg resolutior was upo-+ motio- of Ivlr. Davis, seco-ded by NIr. Love, adopted , at the request of District Solicitor Clifto^ L. Moore: there are such a large accumul.atio^ of crimi^al cases o^ the docket of the _ R'HEREAS , -• Superior Court.of T1ew Hanover Cou-ty for trial, a-d WHEREAS, there were more tha- o^e hu^dred a-d fi£ty cases left or the docket whe^ the May 1_951 crimiral term expired9a^d there are a^urnber of ].ottery-cases docketed for tria7. i^ the 5uperior Court of said Cou^ty o^ the crimi^al cale^dar, a-d ' WHEREAS, ait of said cases ca-^ot be disposed of at the regu7.ar term scheduled to co^ve^e Ju-e 11, 1951, or the regu7.ar July term, a-d - • .,r , ?6 F'9) b4eeti-9 of Ii2ay 28, 1951, co-ti-ue,d. WHEREAS, it is the u-a-imous opi-io- of the Board of Cou-ty.Commissioners of Vew Hanover Cou^ty that it is -ecessary to provide tvao o"e week terms of crimi^al court to dispose of the cases ^ov; or the docket for trial i^ P'ew Ha7over Cou^ty BE TT THEREFORE R1sS0I,VED that the Board of Cou^ty Commissioners of P:ew FIanover County u^a-imously request the Ho-orable VJa,7.ter P. Stacy, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Sta_te of :7orth Caro7_ina, to order two special terms of the Superior Court, without a Gra-d Jury, for the trial of crimi^al cases or1y, to co^ve-e o^ Ju7.y 16, a-d July 30, 1951, respectively, a?d to co^ti-ue for o-e week each, a-d that a Judge be assigned to hold the said special te2ms. Be it further resolved that the Cierk of the Board of Cou^ty Commissio-ers be, a-d he is hereby directed to fur-ish a copy of this resolutio- to the Ho-orable UJalter P. Stacy, r Chief Justice oF the Supreme Court of the State of North Carolina. electric - Upo- motio^ of Mr. Davis, secorded by Mr. Love, the Board a reed to pay for/current a-d mai-+te-arce of 40 l.ights o^ the "'orth East River Bridge at ?30.00 per light, on a 50/50 /(3 basis with the Citv of Vdilmi^gton, u^der the City's co^tract for 1ig.hts a-d mairte-a^ce with the Tide Vdater Power Compa^y. Provided the State Hifrhiuay a-d Public tiJorks Commissio- wiil put the lights i- order for use. , A commu^icatio^ vra.s received fro;:,Mr. r.I.Meier,Jr,, Secretary of the Ju^ior Chamber of , ?Coi-mnerce advisi^g i.ts e-dorseme-t of ape--eral p1e- for a gym-type auditorium for the Board of Educ3tio- prese^ted-a-d er.pla,i-ed by IC1P. Charles Bo^ey at a rece-t meetirg of the Ju-ior ; .--- Ch3mbsr, a-d urgeC that the City 3-d Cou-ty Commissio^ers call a special bo+^d electio- to raise mo^ey for the erecti.o- thereof at the first possible a-d practical date. A reque=t for fu^ds for that purpose, hovrever, ?s e^tirely with the Board of.Educatio^. ? A commu-icatio^ vras received from 1.2r. W. T. Be^to^, Forema^ of the Gra^d Jury, recomme-di^g cleari^g i-d nai-ti-g the i-side ti,;-lls of the Old Court House, relieve the overcrovaded co^ditio- o£ the Welfa.re Depqrtme-t 'i^d improve the ve-tilatio-, especial_ly for the v?orkers ? who are housed o^ the i-side of the ol.d vault, a-d further recor,une^ded that the room across from the Gr_a^d jury room, formerly occupied by the State Highrvay Departme^t be used for the Gra^d Jury vrit^esses. A copy of a_7_etter writte- by Idr. Hugh D4orto- to Mr. O.O.Allsbrook, Preside-t of the ?'?y?' i!mi^,?to- Charnb-er o-f Commerce, co^cer^i^g pi.a^s for the e-tertai-me^t of the -S;o"rth Cerolina ??m?"y" P'ress Assoeiatio^ Co^vertio- at 4Jrightsvill,e Beach August 17-18, ta?as received and postpo-ed ? u^.til the -ext meeti*+g for co-sideratio^. A commu^icatio- was received from Mr. J. Holmes Davis, calli^g atte-tio^ to the traffic problem arisi^g from the -umber of times the draw bridge over the i^J.ard waterway at Wrightsville Sou-d is raised to permit boats of differe"t types to pass through a-d suggested that the matter be 7_aid before the State Highvaay a-d Public VJorks Commissio- with request that the draPi bridge be raised sufSicie"tly to take care of smal]_ craft vahich he believes would take care of at least 75% of the boats passi-g through the waterway. n4r. Da^ Cameror, Chairma^ of the Boai•d of Directors of the Joh^ C. Wessell Tubercu?osis ?CAq Saratorium, appeared a-d to7.d the 13o3rd tha.t the hospita7 statf had been li-ed-up a-d wi7l'be re-dy to begi^ operatio^ 3bout -Ju^e 1.5th, or as soo^ thereafter as the buil.di^g is ready for use. A request of Buge^e lri^dham, coiored, for a reductio^ of tYie assessme^t oP $130.00 on a 1937 Buick car vuhich he said wa= v,orth ro rnore tha- ju^k whe^ he listed it Feby 4, 19507 or h?s bee- used si-ce thet time, a?d h9s si^ce bee^ sold for ju^k for $15•00, vras co^tz^ued u^tiI ^ext meeti^g pe-oi^g further S-£or?iatio^ as to the date it was sold etc. T he meeti^g the^ adjour^ed. ?,e- 4d.-._4 C1erk. ? YTilmirgton, 11. C., June 4, 1951. The regular weekly meeti-g of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. e - Present: Jas. M. Ha11, Vice Chairmar, Ciaud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. Davis a-d Cou^ty Attorrey Marsde- Be7.lamy. The mi^utes of ineeti-g of May 28, 1951, were read a-d approved as recorded. ' ,. Reports of the activities of their respective departme^ts W2S?' prese^ted by Il4rs. Ver^a Bel1e "- _C)?-a_ Lowery, Home DeMO^stratio^ Age-t, Rebecca I„ Ha1'l, Col.ored Home Age-t a-d P:Ir. D. D. Eaggett, . 3 Cou-ty Farm Age-t, for the mo^th of Ivlay. And payme^t of $7.71 for oi'fice supplies a-d artic7.es used i- demo^stratio^s by the coiored home age-t was approved, Mr. Louis T. Moore, Chai'rma- of the D?eva Hanover Cou^ty Historical Commissio^ appeared to ask l that proof copies of future advertis9.^g of the CiT,y a-d Cou-ty through Cou^ty appropriatio-s be carefuily checked for accuracy Ye£ore publ_;shed a-d to see that such appropriatiors are ' used o^ly for the purpose ar.pronriated, a-d to that e-d Mr. Da.vis moved a-d it vaas carried - that a committee be -amed for that purpose a-d that ^o future appronriations be made for advertisi-g u^tii copies of such sdvertiseme^t shall, ha.ve bee^ approved by the committee t,a or this Board, a-d that Mr. Moore be made a nember of the corunittee. ' Upo^ motio^ of Mr: Davis, seco^ded by Is15r. 0'Shields, the Diew Hanover Ke--el Ciub was ---?F? gra-ted the use of the er.hibitio^ buildi-g at the Stadiun for dog show October 22 a-d 23. ???WN'? A report of the Gra^d Jury IvIay 1951- Crimi^al Term was received a-d filed. ? Schedule Lipor motior of Yir. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board of Cou^ty Commissio^ers B- of Neva Hanover Cou-ty does hereby i_evy to the Maximum amou^t, a lice-se tax for the years .?. -? lQx 1951-1952 a-d 1952 a-d 1953, o- ai2 trades, professio-s, busi^ess etc., carried o^ a-d co-ducted i^ said cou-ty, vahich are specficaily desig-ated a-d defined i- Schedule B, of the Reve-ue"Act of North Carolina passed at the 1951 or_other Sessions of the Ge^eral Assembly; excepti-+g those cases vjhere it is expressly prohibited by law. , W I