1951-06-25 Regular MeetingI 266 Meeti-g of June 1.8, 1951, co-ti-ued. 9 commu-icatio- was received from Mr. A. F. Gibso^ co,cer-9.-g the iighti-g of the A'orth East River Bridge. The State Highway and Public tiVorks Commissio^ advised that E].?_Rc?ad leadi^g west ._-R ?!? • from US 17 ^ear the Blue Top T,odge, a^d the Roa3 throu-?h the.airnQ? were added ?T to our Cou^ty highway system at a meeti^g of the Highway qommissior lvtay 31,1951. . "o objectiors weie i^dicated by the Board t;c the U-i.ted States District E"gi^eer gr3^ti^g permission to the State Highvra.y a-d Pubiic Vlorks Conmissio+^ to co^struct --u1f a. highway bridge across the Cspe F'e3r River at L7ack Rock I•-i^di^g two miles down- stream from Lock a-d Dam T'o. 1. Upon motio^ of I4ir. Davi.s, seco^ded t;3c ll4r. 0'Shie7ds, payme^t of $150.00 to David Si^clair a-d L.B.Tillery, Speciai 9ttor^eys a?-,poi^ted by the Court, for services ?? re-dered i^ defe^di-g Joh--ie Cooper charged vjith mur.der, Ju^e Crimi^a1 Term 1.951, was authorized o^ order of the Ho-orable R. Hu-t Parker, Judge Presidi^g. Charges for fees at E10.00 per day for i^vestig.,ati^g causes of deaths of perso^s i^ the Cou^ty i^ cases where a- i-quest raas ^ot held, submitted by Dr. W.F.Barefoot, ?Cby,polv Coroner, were referred to the Cou^ty !!ttor^ey for opi^io^ as to the legality of the amou-t charged. A request of a State Highway emp)oyee for permissio- to put a trailer or the 0].d Red, Q Cross Sa^atorium premises -ear the railroad vaas upor motio^ of PHr. Davis gra^ted if sa-itary co^ditio^s a-d regulatio^s are complied with a-d referred to the Board for i^vestigatio-. ? Upor motior of TvIr. Davis, the Board voted to make a fi^a1 i^spectio- of the co^structio^ of the Joh- C. Vdessell Tuberculosis Sa^atorium buildi^g at 9:30 A:M., Wednesday,-Ju-e' 'r• 20tn, 1951. ' The meeti-g ther adjourned. 94?. ?? Clerk. Wilmi^gton, N. C., June 25, 1951. The regular vJeekly meeting of the Board vais held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Prese^t: Addiso^ Hew1ett, Chairma^, Claud 0'Shields, Thurstor C. Davis, Thursto^ C. Davis, Hal J. Love, Cou-ty Attor^eq Tuiarsde~ Ee'lamy a-d C.F.5mith, Cou^ty Auditor. The mi^utes of neeti^g of Ju-e 18, 1951> v:ere rend a-d approved as recorded. , Complai-ts of assessme-ts o- real estate filed viith the Cor.unissiorers sittirg at this , ,\?`?'U•meeti^g as the Board of Equalizatio^ a^d Review, as provided by la.va, were received 4?"1 for investigatio^ a-d revievr.( The Cou^ty Attor^ey cailed atte^tio^ to assessments • !' made for the quadre-rial period,ca°^ot be cha^ged except in ca,ses where extraordi-ary ? conditions have take^ pl.ace si-ce the last a.ssessrie-t,o1 for error. A^ offer of NIr. W.P.Burkhimer, Atty., to purch3se lots 1,2,6 a-d N Property, NIacwnbers Statio^, Har^ett Tow-ship, for his clie-t a.t ? ? property wes bought-i^ for t3xes by the Cou-ty, v:a.s received for valize before setti-g a price, a-d tv"r. L'urkhirner was requested to writing. The Cou^tyr Attor^ey agair ruled th3t the Cou^ty (fould -i for the ?ots u^less justified upo^ exarni-ati.o- of title. 8, Methodist Church $175.00, which said irvestigatior as to submit his offer i^ )t give a warra^ty deed A^ ar-ual report a-d resume of the activiti.es of tne 4Yilmirgto^ Port Commissio^ for the ?G fiscal year 1950-19511 ti^+as submitted by Tt4r. 1"J.S.R.Bea^e its Chai.rma^, which vras received a-d filed. Mr. Bea^e also submitted the Port Conmissio^'s budget estimates for the ^ext fisca7, year i^ the total anou^t of $11,938•00, a-d asked that the mar.imum amou-t be allowed, • vJhich was received for study duri^g the preparatio^ of the Cou^ty's budget. - I4r. 0'Shields brought up the questio^ of providi-g quarters in the court house for Port Conunissio^s office, which vaould Itmou^t to $300.00 per year reed'ed.:in-its..budget4which?is ? / w limited by law, a-d also asked that quarterly reports be made to keep this Board i^formed. The Board declired paymert of inembership i^ the Cape Fear Club, o^ opi^io^ of the to sperd public fu-ds for that purpose. Mr. Robert E. Vereen appeared to complai p\was upo^ motio^ of t5r. Love, seco^ded by fees for the Port Commissio"'s Commercial Age-t Cou^ty Attor^ey that the Cou^ty has -o legal right ? of a_ditch through his lot at Caroli^a Beach, IVIr. Davis, received for i^vestigation. The questio^ of-abati^g the taxes chlrged i^ ei;ror agai^st W.L.Schutt o^ the EMPt. of lot 11 '?Dr bl.ock 307, o^.accou-t of error i^ tra-sferri^g other property i^ said block from ldy, M. Rathge- to VJ.L.Schutt, vJhich said 7.ot a.7.so appears to be ow-ed a-d i^cluded i^ a previous assessme^t o^ the property of A.D.UJatki-^s, was referred to the Cou^ty Attor-ey for i^vestigatio^. A report of the Courty P:lectrical I~spector for tL3y was received a-d filed. 1 0 A report of the VJi7mi^gto- Public I,ibrary a-d Bookmobile for May vias received a-d filed. . A commu^icatio^ was received from the National Rivers a-d Harbors Co^gres"s advisi^g that o^ May 11, 1957?, the officers a-d directors'of the National Rivers and Harbors ?Co^gress, upo^ the recomme^datio^ of the perma-e^t Project Corr,mittee, voted u^a^imously -?a} to classify project 725-R-3 Ca roli^a Beach, ir Class III, vrhich mea^s that the Committee ' believes the Corgress should request the e^gi^eeri^g authority to expedite the report of its i^vestigatio- a-d survey of the project to the erd that appropriate actio- may be had thereo- i^ reg,ard to classification by the Co^gress. ? IVleetirg of Ju^e 25, 1951, co-ti^ued. 26( Surety bord for Mr. S.F.Coil.i-s as a Justice of t?e Peace, in the amourt of $1,000.00 with the Amer.ica^ Iriotorists I-sura-ce Compa^y as Surety, vras received a-d referred to the Cou^ty Attor^ey for i-vestigatio- a-d approval as to form a-d executio^. , ? - Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, (, s?_co^ded by ivir. 0'Shields, Christopher E. Wessel_1, 64 years old? physically disabled a-d livi-g a-lo^e, a^d part time u-able to walk or accou-t of artificial ? right leg a-d partial amputatio- of lst a-d ?^d toes o^ 7.eft foot, was o- recomme-datio- ? of the Supt., of Public Vlelfare, admitted to the Cou-ty Home as a•pa.y p2tie-t at $1.00 per day. Upo^ motio^ of Mr. 0'Shields, secorded by Mr. Davis, Mr. E. T. Lotvey i%;tilmi^gto^ Tow-ship, a-or-resident Ja-uary 1, 1950, was gra-ted a- abateme^t of taxes o^ a valuatio- of tt'340.00 automobile a-d poll for the year 1950, or certificate of-n4r.R.C.Eva^s,Jr.q M?-ager of the Wilmfingtor Li-e- Service , that Idr. Lowery, a- emnloyee of his Compa-y, was tra^sferred from Chattarooga,, Te^-., to Wilmirgton a-d established his residence here i^ Ju^e 1950• ` A stateme^t received frow the City shorvi^g a total auiou^t of $7,973.80 Admi^istrative i?e Disbursements for Civil Defe-se for period September 13, 1950, to Ju-e 30, 1951, to be paJld ? m?} ?joi-tly by the City a-d Cou-ty, was co-ti^ued u^til.^ext meeti^g., IVIajor T.G.O'A1ea1; Director of Civil Defense, ?ido submitted budget e,stiMates for Civil Defense for the next fiscal year 1951-1952 i^ the total. amourt of ??6,560.00 0^ a joi-t - bases with the City, which vaas received for co_sideratio^ duri^p the pregaratio- o£ the Cou^ty's budget. ?Upo^ motio- of P?4r.,0'Shields, seco^ciedcby ?;?r. Love, authority vaas give^ to co-ti^ue operatio^ _p ?c? of the various departme^ts of the Cau~t?, o- the s3me basis of the 1950-1951 budget appro- priatio^s, pe-di^g adoptio^ of i;he 1951-195? budget. The State Highv,,ay a-d Public Vlorks Commissio^, through its Divisio^,,?'^gi^eer Mr:.L?:.,E'.ti'Jhitfield, i-dicated its objectio- to putti^g perr.a^e-t improveme^ts upo^ 1_a^d?Yeased from the Cou^ty, adjoi^i^g its priso^ camp o- the Gordo- or 4irport Road, therefore ?ec7_i^ed to execute.a V lease foir said la^d prepared by the Cou~ty Attor-ey which was authorized by the Cou^ty CommiSsio^ers Apri]_ 16, 19.51, but va.ouid accept a deed co^tai-i^g a cl:3use that the said ' la^d would revert to the Cou-ty if a-d vahe^ 5.t ceased to be used for priso^ camp a^d/or highway purposes i^-this district, r+as referred to the Cou-ty Attor^ey for further i^vestigatio^9 a-d report back to the Bo3rd. forms he Chairna^ a^^ou^ced that preoaratio^ of the 1951-195P budget/Yaave.bee^ completed to hold `?u;? budget meeti^gs at a^y ti?e•^ovrT A^d the Chairma^ a^d the Cou^ty Auditor were authorized ard directed to i^sert amou^ts i- said budget for the ~orr,ial operatio^ of the Cou-ty. The meeti-g the- adjour^ed. ,_:. Clerk. ? VVilmi^gto-, t%. c. July 2, 1951. The regular vieeklY meeting, of the Board vias held at 10:00 0' c1 ock 4. M. , ., Claud 0'Shields, ihurstio- C. DIvis, Prese^t: Addi.so^ Hevilett, Chairma^, Jas.It4.Hail Hal J. Love a-d Cou^ty Attorney Marsde- Beila.r.:y. The mi^utes of ineeti-g of 5u-e 25, 1951, ti,'ere read a-d 3pproved a.s recorded. k Upo^ motio- of iJ?r. Dnvis, sect--ded by i?T:. 0'Shields, ivlr. Iristhe?•: J. 1i?alker, a disabled ? ?,,QUdorld UJ3r II Vetera-, residi-g et I,,,y:t!a Grove Sourd, v;-as gra^ted rREE LICF?'SE to sell , fruit and vegetab7es i^ New Hanover Cou^ty as provided by i-iw i^ such cgses. } Reports were received for the rao-t;h of .iu-e from T;Irs. Ver^a Bei1e I,ovrery, Cou-ty Denonstratior -L?Age^t, Mr. D. D. Baggett, Farpi ".ge^t a~d Rebecc3 I:. H1il, cn?ored Hor?e kge^t, by perso^al prese-tatio^, vrhich tive?•e received a-d fi7ed, A 1.etter vras received f?^Orn•I'dr. W.P. Burlthimer, Ai,ty., submitti?g a- oifer of $775.00 for lots i, 2, 6, a^d 8- i?iethodist Church Property, Iviacumbers Statio^, Har-ett Tova^ship, for ?his clie-t Mary Grahan 73ckso-, to redeem the same as her home, bought-i^ for taxes by ther Cou^ty, vra,s received for checki^g a-d fi^al actio^ at the -ext meeti^g. A surety bord for S.F.Co1i.i^s as .a. Justice of the Pea.ce, i- the amou^t of $1,000.00 vaith the _,,),,&4merica^ h4otorists Irsw°a^ce Compa^y of Chicago as Surety, the, said anou^t havi-g bee^ fixed by law a-d the said bo^d approved as to form a-d executio- by the Cou-ty Attorrey, wn.s upo^ motio^ of Mr.• D-gvis, seco^ded by TuYr. 0'Shields, accepted by the Aoard. Upo^ motio^ of IvIr. 0'Shie'ds, seco^ded Yy Mr. Davis, L.l°J.Moore, Trustee, was gra^ted a^ ? abatene^t of taxes o^ a va.luatio^ of $450.00 charged agai^st 1.3 acres of la~d,Tria^gle, -? ??- Cou^try C?ub Terrace,i^ error,-~ &Iaso^boro Tow-ship;for the years 1947 tnrough 1950. _It appeared that the said 1a^d was purchased by Mr. J.B.Hughes from Id.Prl.Chase et al., Ju-e 27, 1946 a-d has bee- listed by him si-ce that dqte. Upo^ motio- of Pdr. 0'Shields, seco-ded },y 11r. Love, the Cou-ty 4uditor was authorized a-d _- '5S Directed to i-crease the VJelffire Pudget by $600.00 for the yeas 1950--L951 to e-a.ble the disburseme^t of a special a'lotme^t i.- that amou^t mede by the Ste.te Eoard of Public Vrelfare for the purchqse of eo,uipme-t. -4)WA report oi the Ccu-ty Firema- for Ju^e 1^??s received a-d fiied. I ti