1951-07-09 Regular Meeting N 269 Igeetsrg of July 2, 1951, corti-ued. - For the O-e YJeek SpecialtGrimiral Term begi^^i-g July 301 1951: , F.1V.Lyerly, 1819 Arn St. R:D.McCal1, 2302 Bra^do^ Road. M.H.Powell, 8 Ct. J, T,ake Forest. L.B.Carroil, 715 GrEice St. P.4rs. Ly?ly B. Ca.pps, 505 Quee^ St. George Cutler, 111.1 S. 9th St. Christy Me.ddre^, 104 S. 16th St. O.C.Adqr..s, 521z S. Fro^t St,L K.B.Hampto^, 181 Lake rorest Pnrkwqy. E.VI.Hi-es, Rt.3. Vdil7ie Ja.ckso-, 100 T?-ke Viliage. j.1I.r^ox, 716 firookwood. Alms R.P.Padgett, 2 Caroli-a Apt. Reir,ley E. Pugh, 1112 Roderick A1.ley. Dora E. joh-sor, 275 k-- St. 4.T.Ho'lon3-, Jr., 7031 N. 4th St. . D.Carl Winrer }3or. 605 Caroii-a Beach. H.C.Davis 40J b'd^iFhtsville Ave. Pdike Zezefellis, 310 tNrightsvilie Ave. VJm.i.Tucker Bor. 144 Cnroli-a Beach. , . E.M.Jo-es, Jr., 312 S. 3rd, St. , Chas.C.Pi-ck^ey, 315 Wal^ut St. Jas".S.Lyei.l,Jr., 10? bari'ghtsville Ave. Geo. N. Gentry, 1.ri05 S. 4th St. Li^wood Jacobs, 509 S. ?-d St,. Ro?..i-d Je-ki^s 150 Pi^ecrest Parkway. ? F.A.Rackley, 2901 M,?rket St. R.f:.Kia-der, ? 71C Adams St. Robt. G. Bu-- 109 Plfo-roe St. $ H.R.Surimers, 206 Davie Drive, Pfiqffitt Vil1ape. 22 Caroii-a Ave. H.V.1'Ji-kle, 1 Albert E. Jo^esz 5B Ol.earder Ct., 9pt. 3as. H. Cowie, Box 203. P?I.C.Biackhur^, t517 Ora.-ge St. L.P.Holl.ema-, 78 Spofford Tviills. " ".S.Hasket,Jr., 305 N. 5th 5t. A1pha S. Robinson, Ge^.De7. Caroii-a Beach. D.M.Hoimes, 11^ Mor^i^gside Drive. T.D.Sikes, 22 T'. Front St. R.B.Jerre1.1, 315 Meares St. Chas,H.Davis, 617 Churcli St. Gd.Al.bert Brow^, 2305 Market St. P.VJ.Kill.ia-, 908 Mnrket St. Clifford A. Farr, 25 Terrace VJalk. Fred B. Itiirgg 808 S. 6th St. Roscoe G. Osber^, 208 1Voodrow Piace. Fred T. Rouse, 507 4Jrightsviil.e Ave. YJm.G.Miiiica-, 116 Marsteiler St. G.B.Futch,Jr., Rt.7., Box 25. Gi17a rd Croom, 1009 Quee^ St. The meeti-g the^ adjour^ed. ••4 ?l?-?- a4 C 1_e rk . ? 1ry7l.r.?i_'-Ft;0^. ". C. I JUlY 91 1951. ihe re-uiar weekly meeti^f- of the Board w».s held at 10:00 o'clock A. L4. Prese-t: .4ddiso- I.evriett, Chairrna-, Jas. ?si. H3'?, Claud 0'Ehields, Thursto^ C. Davis, Ha1 J. T.ove a-d Cou•-ty Attorrey Pdirsde- Beilan;y, T-e mi-utes of ineeti-F of Juiy 2, 1951 viere read a-d approved as recorded. Upo^ motio~ of 14Sr. Davis, seco^ded b,:? IJr. T,ove, payme^t of 4,,1,986.90 cou^ty's ha].f share of civil deie-se er.pe-se for period from Ueptember 13, 1950 to Ju-e 30, 1.951? vras approved, a-d i^structio^s crere give^ to write Cit3* Pda^ager• Jas. R. Be-so^ a-d ----1?711 Civil Defe^se Director Eiajor T.G.O"'eai an expressio^ of the Board's appreciation a-d tha^ks for their efforts made i- u-dertaki^g to orga^ize a civil defe^se system for thi.s commi^ity. Actio- o^ a request of Nir. W. P: F3urkhimer to purchase lots l, 21 6 a-d 8, part of ?- Nethodist Church property; Maccumbers Statio^, for his c7.ie-t n'Iary J. Jackso^, tvas co^ti^ued for further i^vestigatio^ as to the 2ocation i^ co^^ectio^ with the State Highviay right-of-way. Surety bo^ds for Mr. V1. D. ivlac112i?.ia^ as chairma^, a-d Dr. James Ai.le^ Oldham,Jr., members of the New Hanover Cou^ty A.B.C.Boc)rd, i- the amou^t oT $5,000.00 each with the "ational Surety Corporatio^ as surety, were r.eceived a-d o- i^structio^s of the Cou-ty Attor-ey were ordered retur^ed for correctio^ as to the Obligee, term of office - a-d proper executio^ by the Pri^cipals. A-d Dr. Joh- T. Hoggard, Chairma^ of the A.B.C. 'Composite Board was requested to call •s neeti-E of the Composite Eoard at a^ ear7.y date. The matter of adjusti-g the back taaes o- "he property of joh- Gore i- block 10, requested by L•Ir. R.'H.'Hol"la^dr was co-ti-ued for i^vestigatio^. Upo- motio^ of :s. Davis, =eco-aPa r,y r,ir. Love, payme^t of $40.00 to the State Hospital for 30 days treatme-t of Richard Ii4a--i-g Srr.ith for i^ebriacy, was approved o^ certificate a-d request of the C1eri: of the Superior Court. A report of the Bureau of Ide-°tificatio^ for ju-e vias received a-d filed. Upo^ motio- of P>ir. 0'Shields, seco-ded by 13r. Davis, the Board authorized the payme^t of $200.00 to Itir. Herbert Btuethe-thal a-d vrife for the hala^ce due o- the purchase price of 206.8 acres of la~d, part of Hermitage a-d Twi-i^g, Cape Fear Tow^ship, which said amou^t was retai-ed by the Cou-ty pe^di^g release of 1A6 i-terest i- 4 acres of 'ia^d, p3rt of said tract, outsta^di^g i^ the heirs of Tate a-d ;iix.on abutti^g o^ the E7_ue Clay Road, upon fur^ishi^g bord i^ the amou^t of $400.00 to i^dem^ify the Courty agai^st a-y loss by reaso^ of the tra^sactio-,that will meet the approvai. of the Cou-ty Attor^ey. A stateme-t was received from the State Board of Public Vdelfare advisi^g that $46,531.88 5S was sent to this cou^ty £or 01d Age Assista-+ce, Aid to Depe^de^t Childrer, A.id to Perma^e^t1Y a-d Tota.lly Disabled, a-d &dmi^istratio^ for the rio^th of Ju^e ,/? A letter of tha^ks vras r•eceived from the Giri. Scout Cou^ci_ for the Board's cooperatio^ i^ ,-?-L??-' havi^g the I-a-d cleared at their camp site, for their Day C,amp Program. A report was received from the Back Tax Col_lector stati^g that $2 706.01 was coliected for ?-?(? the City a-d $2,428.77 for the Cou-ty, mal:i-g a total. of ?S5,i34.7A back taxes coll.ected for /? the mo^th of Ju^e. A^d further reported that ;;41,619-23 vaas outsta-di^ for the Cou-ty a-d $32,665.67 for the City for the year e^di^g Ju-e 30,,1951, a totai of 974,284.90. A commu^icatio- w3s received fror.: the V'iiimi-Fto- ju^ior Chamber of Commerce co^cerri^g P/the status of the auclitoriuc, questio^, ard i--structio-s vrere give^ to advise then that ?C?"`?,,?,,e, -egotiatio^s for the Pembroke Jo-e= Park site is :;ei-g made by the Board of Educatio^ a-d City of VliIm:-gto- a-d tt?e matter at th5.s tirrie is e^tirelY ir the ha^ds of the two ,age^cies pe-di^g comp?etio- of their vaork. -A Meeti-g of Ju1y 91 1951, co-ti^ued. f I-structio-s were give- to write Mr. Sherwood Brockweit, State Deputy Comr,iissioner ? of I^sura^ce, to ascertai^ what requireme-ts our local Volu^teer Fire Departme-ts Awould amd e?oto ebeive e belefits e it for may e affordlP in the T'orth Caro1_ina Firemen's Upo^ request of Mr. 0'Shields i-structio^s were give^ to write i-ir. A. Wilbur Cla.rk? Third Divisio- State Highway Commissio^er, requesti^g a co^fere-ce with him here for JQ??1 a ge-eral discussio^ of the road situatio- i^ this cou^ty? or Meeti^g at Fayetteville at a- early date if more co^ve-ie-t. Upo- motio^ of Mr. Hall, seco^ded by Itlr. 0'Shie?ds, the Chairma^ a-d the Clerk of the ?j Board ar.e hereby authorized a^d directed to execute, o^ behalf of the Cou^ty, a Lease `?? Agreeme-t prepared by the Denartme^t of 9rmy Corps of E-gi^eers, South A,'a-tic Divisio^, ^ C, to gra^t to the U-ited Utq,tes air Force the right a-d privilege to use joi^tly the ' ,ru^rvays, etc., of Ivew fianover Cou-ty Airport, a-d a portio^ of the said airport for a- encampme^t of its perso^^el, for the purpose of Miiitary A-Ta-oeuvers of the Depaxtme^t of . the Air Force. The locati.o- of i-y space desi.[.-ated for exclusive use of the Gover^me-t sha11_ be subject to agreeme-t of the T,essor ( Feea Fianover Cou-ty). In authorizi-g the ezecutio^ of ths aforesaid ?.ea.se Ag?eeme-t the Board of Cou^ty Coirmissio-ers H?art it specifici'ly u-derstood by ali narties that ii' a^y part or the t whole of this Le?lse Ap_reeme-t te-ds to deiay or obstruct developme-t or expa^sio- of Nj f!?cilities o- s3id airport 7;y 3-y ot.herwise dul.y co-stituted authorityi that part of the whole of the said Lease 4g,reeme-t v;il.l iMmediately cea,se to be i^ force. It is also directed that this resoiutio- be attqched to a-u become a part of the said 1ease. The meeti^g the^ adjour^ed, , 'Clerk. v ? 1'lilmi^gto-, Y. C., July 16, 1951.. The regu7.ar weekly meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock 9. Iai. Present: Addiso^ Hevalett, Chai.rma-, Jas. 12. Ha'1, Ciaud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. Da.vis , Hal. J. Love, tuiarsde- Beli_amy Cou^ty Attor^ey a-d C.F.Smith, Cou-ty .4uditor. - The mi^utes of ineeti^g of July 9, 1951, were reid a-d approved as recorded. It4r. Hugh Il4or-to^ appe3red *o nraise the e_°i'icie-t riork oi the Coti^ty Firema^ i- exti-guishi^g ' a recent, brusYi fire i^.th2 Fort Fisher area, a-d urged e-cou?ageme^t of orga^ized volu-teer fir?e fighti^g departirie^ts i- var?ous parts of tfie Cou^t;y to coordi-ate their efforts with ? the Cou^ty Ce^tra?_ ''ire Derq rt?-e?t. Mi ..'1.4.Pe; ryr-:a^ a-d I.1r. E.B.Wright of the GJrightsbor.o Volu-teer rire Depa,rtme^t sa'1d +hey would se-d a xert of their equipme-t a-d mar power to cooperate witPi other u^itc r;he- -ee(aed. They 91so raised the questio^ of perso-al liability, i^ a^swer to which the Cou-ty 9ttor-ey stqted that i^ his opinio- would -ot be liable except for gross neglige^ce. The cha.irrr.a- the•- brou€ht to the atte^tio- aletter received from n4r. E.Fi.i;ia sshall,Jr., E):ecutive Disector of the Housi^g Authority of the City of Nrilmi^g to^, advisi^g th3t tne Richmo-d 'r'ield Office of the Public Housi^g Admi^istratior had authorized him to ma,ke a^ew oiier i:o the Cou-ty Corranissio^ers. If they will, assume the respo^sibility of upkeep_a--d opera.t'ro- of the fire truck, they wi1l sell them the maffitt Viilage fire truck a-d a1l equipme-t for $50.00, a-d wil't give the cou^ty the use. of the garage vrhere it is ^ow housed re^t free; also vrill provide o^e dweli_i^g u^it re^t free for the use of the fire truck perso-^el so 1o-g as the Gover^me-+t or Houci^g ' Authority rem-ai^s i^ co-trQl of the operatio- of the Varce Sectio^ of MafPitt Vil.lag e.. . The of£er iras received for further i^vestigatio^. Tto objections were raised by 1:he Eoard to the United States Di"strict E^gi-eer gra^ti^g P?tr. Ala^ N. Trask perr?ission to to corstruc"t a pier 60 feet Iong and 4 feet wide exte-di^g ? cha--elward 32 feet beyo^d the low water 1.ihe i^ Ba^ks Cha^^el at Wrightsvill.e Eeach approximately 39 feet south of Wright Street. z ? : 7ames Fra"klir 4Veeks a^ative of Pe^der Cou-ty, formerly"resid@d at 411 N. 2nd St., ' who was reported by the Welfare Officer as ill a-d was i^ a r.oomi^g house without £ood . a-d placed in the Cou^ty Aome by him o- July 11, 1951, as a^ emergercy case, vras upo- . rotio^ of Mr. Hall, seco^ded by Nr. Davis, perMitted to remai^ at the Home pe^di^g further r. i^formatior as to his place of reside^cer etc. • Upo^ irotio^ of Pdr. 0'Shields, seco-ded by IQr. Love, Addie Cobi$ vras gra^ted a refu^d of : taxes for the previous two years p=a5.d o- a va.luatio- of 1 ,:600.00 0^ buildi-g located o- 4.4 . ecres of la^d F 1/3 ?empsey traci;, liar-ett tova-ship, which s^ras destroyed i^ 1945, a-d the same was ordered ca^ce'ied o- lu-he tax. records. .? A Ietter v;as received fro:; 'ti?.ee- Sr.?ith, Ser-etary to i:'r . 4. G;il blzr Clark, 'Highvray , • Cornmissio^er, advisi.-g thai, Isir. Clark :;s o- vac!atio-- a-d vaiii return to his office or ? July 23. After that date he vaiil co-tact us.a-d arra^ge a co^verie^t date to meet with us for a discussio- of road rnatters. A copy of a resol,utior a.ddressed to the Jhiembers of the City Cou^cil was received from the ? Ex.cha^ge Ci_ub, protesti^g the apathetic delay of the Auditorium Comrnittee i^ ma.ki^g a formal report as agreed by Ju-e 26, o!' its fi~dirgs. I-asmuch as this matter is e^tirely i- the ha-ds of the City a-d Eoard of rduce.ti.o^ to ascertai^ if the Jo-es Park site could / be made availaUle for the co-structi.o- of a- auditoriun, the Auditorium Committee vaould have -othi-g -to report be-cii-e that i~vestigatio^ by the tvro age-cies. . A commu^icatio^ was received from Ivlr. Geo.R.Ross, Director of the Departrne^t of Co-servatio-• a-d Developme^t givi^g a- outli-e of cooperative o£fer to this cou^ty over a three year ? period of forest fire pz•otectio^ o^ a basis of 40% by the Courty a-d 60% by the State on 0" estimg?tedLcost.,6f,;$20,735.00 for the first year a^d $15?000.00 a-d $81300.00 for the secord a-d third years respectively, or for miibimum cooperatior ofier for limited forest .. ., protectio- a-d forest ma^agemert work at $9,000.00 for the first yea.r a-d a7,500.00 for the secord a-d third years respectively. Po action was taY.en. ' "?