1951-07-30 Regular Meetingr'2 7 4 n4eeti^g of Ju1y 23, 1951, co^ti^ued. Other departme^ts of the Cou^ty budget v.ere co-sidereQ i- detail. Upo^ motio- of Mr. 0'Shields, seco^ded by P,ir. Love, the budget for the 1'lilmi-gto^ Port Commissio^ was approved for $11,938.00 as prese-ted. A recess was the^ taker u^til 10:00 o'clock A.T,;., Mo^day, Ju7_y 30? to further co-sider ihe 6ou^ty's budget with the vievr of approvi^g the same a-d fixi^g the tax rate for the fiscal year 1951-1952. ? Clerk. VJi1mi^gto^, PT . c., Tu1y 30, 1951. The regul.ar weekly ineeting of the Board -aas hel.d at 10:00 o'cJ_ock A. M. PrQse^t: Addiso^ Hewlett, Chairna-, Jas. M. Hall, Claud 0'Shields, Thursto- C. Davis, Hal J. Love a-d Cou^ty Attor^ey n4arsde- Beliamy. Copies of the aiirutes of ineeti^g of July 23, 1951, having bee- fur^ished to the members , of the Board,a^d approved, readi^g of the mi^utes,was therefore dispe-sed 1^,ith. / Upo-• motio^ of Nir. Davis, seco^ded by Mr. Love, Mr. C. H. P,4orse, T=+x Collector, was authorized a-d directed to advertise the sale of la-d for taxes o^ce a week for four weeks as required by lavJ, o^ rJhich said i.a^d the 1950 tares have -ot bee-+ paid, said sale to take piace o- the first Pdo^day i- Septer?ber, 1.951. Upo^ motio- of Mr. Davis, seco-ded hy Ii4r. Love; 1.1r. C. R. ?riorse was re_elected City- Cou-ty Tax Co1J_ector for the two years term begi--i^g October 1, 1951, a-d his bo^d fixed at $37,500.00 each by the City a-d Cou.-ty as heretofore. Sin:i].ar actio^ havi^g bee- take- by the City Cou-cil. Only o-e bid was received for the purchase of the oic] Hed Cross Sa^atorium property as advertised. Due to u-settled co~ditiors -d a-ticipqted activities by the U^ited States Air Force at the ^ear-by Bluethe-thal Fie7d, -?~d the Board aiso feeli-g th3t other bids f-- should have bee^ received, I?:r. Tove moved a-d it was seco-ded by IeIr. 0'Shields a-d carried,. that further efiorts to se'i the sajd property be he1.d i.^ abeya-ce, a-d the iz-;?ope^ed bid was ordered retur-ed to 1.1r. Garla-d S. Curri- who subnitted the same. Upo^ motio- duly n^de a-d seco-ded, Clare•-ce Da~~er, re,'eral Poi^t Tow-ship, vaas gra^ted a-d abatenent of $2.00 poi i tax a ccou-t of doubl e cha.rge for the year 1950. ,It appeared --? that poli taxes was charged o- his re?.l estete list for Kure Beach a-d paid, a-d also charged o- his perso-a7. list for Federal. roirt toya-ship. Upor motio^ of ?4r. G'Shieids, seco-ded hi ll4r. D^vis, tiie Board authorized the resal.e of property at Seabreeze a-d 7ot 1,3, i.- b?ock 10, VJiI r,:i^gto^ Beach, §old" for tfixe5',-to Mrs. Ethel Nurri^ upo- payme^t of a'1 the t3yes -a^d experse d'ue the Cou^tp i- co^^ectio^ therewith, a,rr:ou-ti-g to $571..45, to e-qb1e he?. to redeem the property. ?- A letter was r?ce5.ved fron P?,r. H. M. Rolq-d Secretar}> of the Board of Educatio- of new Hanover 4e Cou-ty accomparied by the fol.lovii-g resolutio-: Exerpt fron the hfi^utes oS the Board o£ Educ3tio^ Ju^e 7_9, 7.951. ' "' Foilowi^g a discussio^ by the Board of Educatio^ for the ^eed for additio^a1. fu^ds to complete their prese^t buildi-g progran, upo- motio- of hfr. La~ey, seco^ded by Mrs.Iuieister, the attached resolutio^ vias approved. VJHEREAS, the Board of Educatio^ has u^dertake,r a program to equalize school feci.l.ities throughout the cou^ty, a-d YJHF REA5, this program, formerly approved a-d i^ part u^der co^structio-I has -ot sufficiert fu^ds to complete the program, and VVHEREAS, the classrooms; assembly roons, cafeterias a^d toilets are a^ecessary part of school facilities, hereby bE IT RESOLVED, thfit the F'ew Hanover Cou^ty Board of Educa.tio^ requests the Tlew Hanover Cou+^ty Board of Commissio^ers to levy the sw-.9 of approxim-,tely $40,000.00 for the purpese of buildire toiiets, assembly rooLns, classroons, 3^d cafeterias. This sur.: is ^eeded to Meet the co-stitutio^al requiremerts for the ma.i^te^a^ce of *'eva Ha,nover Cou^ty Schools. . c? This resolution was adopted Vaith_.the fo"ovai°F vote: -•?, ; Ayes: Hogga.rd - ;-;-?; La^ey ° Roe ' Ivieister . Craig Absent:La^de^ ^;o :None S/S ft.31.Rola^d, Secretwrp of the Board. Uoo^ aiotio^ of h4r. D^vis, secc-ded by b_r. I:ove, *he foreFoi^g request was approved as a ?^ecessary expe^se o£ the Cou-ty, a-d the Cou-ty 9ttor-ey wras authorized a-d directed . to take steps ^ecessary for the issua-ce of said bo-ds,witn the bo-d Attor^eys, upo^ bei^g fu.r^ished with certificate from the Cou-ty Auditor shoivi^g the anou-t of bo^ds th?at may be• issued withi^ the linitatiors required by lava. ?: _F: 27 ;?5 ) Meetirg of-Tuly 30? 1951, co^ti-ued. • Vdith reference to a request fiied by bIr. J.Y.Ba^nerm.an, Chairrr,a- of the Boa.rd of Trustees of St.;A-drews-Cove^a^t Presbyteria- Church for aba.teme-t of the 1949stax€s charged agai^st the property i- b1ock 487 purchqsed fror?IaYr. P.A.Dawso^ Ja-uary 8, 19493 l ilvhich was decli^ed at meeti-g of Ju1y 23> 1951. A letter.v,as received from Mr. Ala- A. Marshall advisi-g that the co^tract to purchise tne property vvas made by the Church i^ Lecember 1948, a-d therefore shouid ^ot be chazge;' vrith the 1949 tahes. Upor motio- the request was granted upor fur?ishing the Cou^ty Attorrey v!ith satisfactory proof that the co^tract to buy took nlace prior.to Ja^uary Ist, 1949.. 4 report of the Coa-ty E].ectricai I-spector foz Ju^e vras received a-d fi1_ed. lipo- motio- of 11'r. IIn71, seco-c9ed bi, Mr. 0'Shietds, a divisio- of assessme^ts o^ the / praperty of the Trustees of Diose=e of Fnst C?roli^a, formerZy the property of A11en E. JacY,so^, as fixed by the Tax Sunervisor i- biocks 9p, 186 a-d 282 for the purpose of cleari^g the tqaes o^ parceis o.i the property i1,a-d vjhe^ so1d, was upo- c?otio- of Mr. 0'Shields, seco-ded by Prtr, ?,ovE, saproved. Upo^ motio- of is4r. Davis, seco-ded by i,ir. Love, I„r. T. D. Per-ritte was gra^ted a^ abateme-t of taYes o- a valuati.c- of w7,150.00 0- lot 66X100 :'eet, I'Ji-ter P-rk, accou-t of double charge; for the yUar 1949. 9 request of Mr. Robert V. Rogers for abateme^t of the cost a-d i^terest i^cluded ir the 1949 back taxes o~ his 1a^d i^ Har^ett tow^ship, for the reaso^ he was advised by .? the tax office that the taxes were paid, he said; was decli-ed as the satte is a proper charge fiied'by lavr, a-d the Co?issio^ers, i^ the opi^ior of the Cou^ty,AtittS?? have_.rio':right to abate the same, ? ? XA cor.!mu^icatio^ was:;received fror,-, the Civi7. kerorautics Adrrii^istratio- advisi^g that a co^traet• has beer avlarded to Il4cAde^ Co-structio^ Compary South Hill Va for the , ., , co-struct.io- of a^ I^strume^t I,ardi^g System o^ the la^d leased froM the Cou^ty at the Airport•. I^surarce coverage o- the,Joh^ C. Vlesseil Tubercuiosis Sa_ratoriurn buildi^gs a-d co^te-ts was upor Motio^ of Itir. Davis, seco-ded by Mr. Fiail, fixed as fo7l.ows:_ , • Hospital," muildi-g $50,000.00 Co-te-ts 25,000.00 Ivurses Home, :Buil,di.rg I.33500..00 " Co-te-ts 29500.00 Caretakers Cottage, Bui7di-p 51000.00 Garage and Co^Le^ts. .1.000.00 • Total coverage $97,000.00 Upo^ motio^ of Ivir. D-4vis, seco-ded bg P:r. Ha11, the Board directed that steps be taker to provide a buildi^g at the Joh^ C. Niessell Tuberculosis Sa^a.torium for i--stalli^g n wa7_k-i^ refrigerator. oopy' of a reso7_utio- adopted by PJilni^gto^ Post S'.o. 10? The American Legio-, directed ' to the Sub-co!-.,--nittee of the Rouse of neprese-tatives of the Co-gress o£ the U^ited States, ?^dorsi^g the establisYure^t of a^ Air Force Troop Carrier Wirg to uti].ize the existi^g facilities at Bluetherthal Field, was received q+^d fi].ed. . Upo^ notio^ of Mr. Da.vis, secorded by Pt4r. 0'Shields, ivIr. K. W. Jeweil,Jr., a resi.de^t of Caro1_i^a Beach, was gra^ted a^ abatemert of poil taxes listed i^ Vli7.mi^gtor tow^ship i^ error as a double charge for the year 1950. • Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco-ded by I;Ir. ?,ove, 14r. P.E.Sherilllvaas gra^ted a refund of .? taxes paid o^ a veluc?tio- of $350.00 0- houee charged i- eiror o- lot l, i^ block 18 Kure Beach for the year 1948, $300.00 per=o-ai. pronerty charged i^ error for the years 7948 a-d 19491 a^d o° ? valuatio^ of ;':200.00 perso^al. property charged i^ error for 1950. 9- offer of the Richmo^d Fie?d Office of the rub7_ic, Housi-g Admi^istra,tio^ to seil the fire truck a-d equipMert to tihe Coiz-ty for $50.00, a-d give the Cou^ty the h2affitt Viliage V),L. _ use of the g^.rage a-d o^e dvie'!li-g u-it re-t free for t,he use of the fire truck perso-^e1l ' was upo^ Tnotio^ of P.;r, Hail, seco-ded hc Mr. 0'3hields, decl_i-ed for the reaso- if the Cou^ty took over the fire clenartme^t at I:iaititt Viliage it coul.d o^Iy mai^tai^ the services . of o-e ma^ which viould mat?riaily reduce the prese-t fire fighti^g perso^^el a-d therefore . ' could ^ot provide the services -ova Uei^g fur^ished Lhat comnu^ity. t ' • i The Cou^ty's 1951-1952 budget estimates showi^g the amou-t of expe^se for the Cou^ty a? its activities a-d i^stitutions, was upo^ niotio^ cf iti4r. Davis, seco^ded"by Gover^me"t ?u , Mr. HaiZ, adoptecl a-d ordered placed i^ the ha^ds of the C'I.erk for public i^spectioh ' £or a•period of twe^ty days pe-di^g the a,;optio^ of the App?ropraitio^ Resol_utio^ at the regular ?eeting to be he].d Mo^day?,August 20, 1951, Allotne^ts for advertisi^gl Airport, erosio^ co^trol, Legior Stadiwrt, Libraries, Port Deve?opme^t a-d Vli7ni-gto^ Charaber of Commerce•to be paid out of the profits to be received from the ABC Stores. All members votirg affirinatively. ? Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Ha11, seco^ded by n4r. Davis, the foilowi^g resolutio- fixi^g the ? fieAl ` 1.951 tax rate at o^e dol.lar a-d te^ ce^ts o^ the o-e hu^dred dol.lzrs va].uatio- of property a-d two dollars o^ eqch poI?, recomrr.e^ded by the Cou^ty Auditor, tivas u^a^imously adopted: BE-IT RESOLVED BY- TH33 Board of Cou-ty Con,missio^ers oi P'ew Hanover Cou-ty, that the fo'ilov:irg tax ievies a-d assessr^e-ts upo- iil tqxeble property i^ r°ew Hanover Cou^ty, for the year 7.951, as prescribed a~d authorized by 'Lhe Ge-eral a-d Special. Acts of the Legisl.ature, to be as foilows: r 2'7 - ? &Ieeti^g of Ju1y 305 1951, co^ti-ued. pHO_PERTY FOT,I, Agriculture & Eco^oMics ... ............. .0744- Aia to B,.i^a ............ ............. .0115 . Aid to Depe^de-t Childre^ . ............. .0353° , Old Age Assista-ce ........ ............. .0613- Aid to Perr.ia^e^t].y a^d Tota iiy Disebl.ed .0065- Cou^ty Y,ome .. ......... ............. .0683i Health Departme^t ........ ............. .0335' V'elfare Departme^t ........ ............ .0325? Hospitals ................. ............. .0913, , Johr C.17esseil Tubercu7osis Sa-atoriwn . .0225, Ge^eral Fund .............. ............. .1486- .50 Schools: Hegular .... ............. 1703- 1.50 " Supplemert . ............. .2000y- " Books ...... ............. .0161. Pe-siors ... ............. .0080° . Ju^ior Col_le ge .......... .0500- Debt Se.vice: School Bo^ds ............ .1263r cou^ty xoBie Bo-as ....... .0016: Tota.l .... ............. 1.10 2.00 The Board ack^ovrledged with appreciatio^, acift of 32 thermos bottles do^ated to the Joh^ C. Plessell Tuberculosis Se- atorium by Dr. ?7. K. Leary. The foll.ovaing good a-d iavaful. nerso^s riere dr-mr- to sei~ve as jurors i- the Superior ' ' Court for the trial of crimi^al cases for 'the.ore week te rii begi^^irg August 13, 1951: ? George Tabery, 114 N. 12th St. Coley Phil.lips, 520 Davason St. J.K.;viveni 2515 Vias}ii^[bo- St. i.H.?Ioh^, 1.122 P.iarket St. 406 3. lbth,St. Vdm. D. 3lcFadyen He-ry Jar:ies Fsla.~d, 9E P:esbitt Court. , Edith O.Vdai.ker, 21!1 Gibson Ave. Mike Jacobs, 1907 Castle St. 14 T.ake rorest P?rkv:ay. J,M.Slqughter H.PJI.Sirn:ons, 80' A-^ St. , Jas. E. Phiilips, 721 S. 4th St. e1m. B. Sir..pso^, 300? Adans St. Robt. M. Phillips, 1-Tu, ?rake Village. ["v^lter C. Cartier, Rt.3. C.L.McIienzie, Rt. 3. J. F. Canps, 1710 Orarge St. A.B.PJoodcock, 815 Grace St.. P.C.Jorda-? Ct.l-D, Lake Forest. h4.L'.Wood, 4?0 S. Fro^t St.. . P;.W.111a1ker, 1415 Castle St. ? Porter Bqtso^ Rt. 3. $ Arthur L. Pharri 2543 Bur^ett Boulevard. r ak F t Ct J J M G d i- Woodlava^ Ave., J.H.Smith, 70 , e ores . as. o . . vi 7 7 ' 4t`.D.Holmes, 2 Ct.PT, Lake Forest. T?4iss Ida F. Reynolds? Box 56, UJrightsvill.e Beach. Wm.C:Eng7ish, Boy 711; CRro7i-a Beach. E.R.Bray, 18 Ct.S, Lake Forest. A1Te- Vlestermar 11? Eastle.St. E.O.HevJlett, 37.4 S. Fro-t St. Edna F. Moore, h7 Red Cross St. Woodrow D. But7.ert 151212- A- St. B - E d - J E ^ 10 ^d Gi7.bert Batso^7 #3 Jackso^.Drive. oa o . essie rya , 2 b ra J.V.Tomberli^, 284b S. Fro-t St. V:.H.Clay, Rt. 1. J.P.Bradshavr, 307 S. 17th St. L.G.McFadde^, C 25, Box 357. Luke C. Ray, 809 A^- St. Geo. B. N!ebster, 2400 Metts Ave. VJ.VJ.A11.I Rt. 3. J.E.Piewton, Jr., 35 N. Tyler St. Thelga D. Davis, 2013 Creasy Ave. C.A.Jones, Jr., 314 S. 2rd St. 0. J. Parker, 209 Dock St. Hichard W. Ca^tiHel_l,Jr.? 107 S. 5th St. Carl-idIathes, 406 N. 3rd, St. David Greeng Rt.l, Box 224 DA. Aaro- Eberett Rt 3. • I Rt. 3. - ? P;iiss Fsuli^e K. Black . , ??'.N.Nelns, Jr., 1_60 Pinecrest PRrkAlay. ! Ker-eth Harris, P.O.Box 151, Wrightsvi'le Eeach?. l?u.D.Small, 2123 P.4etts Ave. George Cai^I 405 S. 18th, St. C1are^ce Little, i3t.• 3, Box 186. TAike Paluek, 707 N. 3rd, St. For the trial of Civil Cases for the ti,;o w eeks terr. beginri^g august 10? 1951- Jae.'R.Bli^r? 207 S. 4th St. . A.R.Ieiorse, 319 S. 3rd St. ' Rola.^d E. BrucE, 137 Pi^ecrest P?.rl<rray. Is-i?.c J.Ki-g? Jr.? Rt.l. • J.L.Outlaw, Rt.21 Bor. 168A. Ir•vi^ L. Be-to^, Rt.21 Box 328. Chas. Y. DeVaun, jr., P.O.Fsox 714. J..G.ll;cPherso-, 701 S. 6th St. I,awre^ce Je-ki^s, 309 T'un St. Joh- Dexter, Rt.l. Robert R. Brova-, 8 W. Ruee^ St. H. B1.uei;he^thal, P.o.Box 42, E.D.Dela-ey, Rt. 3. IJirs. Adelaide Bizzell, 1910 Perry Ave. i'J.n4.Whatley, 44 Lee Drive. rmsiey Horto-, Ge^eral Delivery. • P.F.Bowers, G=5 Lake Forest. Ed Brya.^t, 2732-D, Riverside Apts. Bessie Stephe-s, 317 Quee^ St. A?to^ A. Muii_is, 1314 Dock St.- H.A.Topel., 2017 Pe-der Ave. 'udilbur L. Garriss, 207z S. Front St. J.F.Swa-^, Rt.l Box 725. J.T,.VJillard, ].Ol S. ?nd St. D.R.Parker, 1919 A-^ St. 47.G.Farrow-,6 Rt. 3, Box 744B. V1il7 ie H. Mobley 714 S. 6th St. Wm.E.Smith, 9 Jackso^ Drive, Lake Forest. . Jos. M. Block, 1b19 Pri^cess St. H.F.FPrrow,, P.O.Box 960. Ar-old C. Blue, 117 S. 9th St. S.E.n2i-tz, 807 S. 6th St. V.Vu.Tolar? 209 northern Boulevard. r.G.Barnard, 21? Ke^wood Ave. Grace Miller, 409 S. 2-d 5t. i!`.M.Hewlett,R?.O.Box 1?71. Stacy T."Hollisq 33 N. Harrison St. ED. H. Butler, 71? Ora-ge St. A.V1.Brya-, 706 T?. 5th St. - - Sam B. Sullivan, 61 Spofford Mii i s. . Hal Y. Mi11er, 224 S. 3rd St. J.r„ Coley, 2?01. Pri^cess St. Road. LeRoy Halbrook, 17 C. UJ, Lake Forest. Ide?_le Jolly, P.O.Box 482. • 1Vm.E.Padrick, 1021 S. 4th St. Harry E. Ylitchell,Jr.5 YIoiCA C.4d.Iviaddiso-, 1011 Llarket St. J.S.Zanf, 1G17 I?.4arket St. Horace L. P?iiliams', 5-H T•iesbitt Ct. . D.5.Sturgis, 1519 S. 5t1, St. _ For the second week- R.G.MacLe-^o-, 38 Lee Drive. Geo.W.firitt, 617 Pri^cess St. H.C.Sullivar, 817 Surry St. Hobert E. Cagle, 17. Ct. P, Lake Forest. Jas.C.Loder, 218 C.C.Bou7_evqsd. Jas.D.Ward, 409 Daviso^ St. Chas.F.Telia.ferrol 21 Caro7_i-s Apts. C.R.Cq^^ow, Ei2 Pi^ecrest Parkuvay. H.A.h7eLea^, Kure Beach. Leo- Techey, 3 Ct. R, Lake Forest. Oscar V:'i7l_iams, 311r Red Cross St. Oscar Sraith, 90? Dawso^ St. ., ? :? 1yy? yf, fd 8 s Meeti-g of July 301 1951, corti^ued. Jas. Id. Brya^, 16-P, L?ke Forest. Lee Byrd, 141.0 Castle St. , K.M.Wil_i iamson, i10 S. 6th St. Robt. G. Southerla?d, 417 Queer St. Ker-eth R. Pi^kstor,; Kure Beach. B.J.Griffith, Rt.3, Box 54, Piri. Beacha P.L.Ca^twell, 303 S. 2rd St. G.VJ.Powell`, 109 Church St. 5'as. T. Clemo^s, 309 s. 15th St. Thos.E-.Bessellieu, Jr., 322 S. 17th St. H.H.Be^so-, 309 Har^ett St. H.R.McLawher, 13 Ct.G, Lake Forest. B.UJ.Broiv^i^g, 174 Spofford Mills. J.L.Hiatt, 411 N. 15th St. R.K.Vdeeks, 315 Vdri?htsviile Ane. H.C.West, 1507. Ora-ge St. R.Iui.Piver; 206 Kenvaood Ave. J.V1.Buch?^a-, 4; iiudso^ Drive. R.A.Woodcock, 31.4 Grace St. F.C.Adams, 205 S. 5th St. C.L.Sta^ley, 407 S. 16th St. J.H.&4119 1712 Ora-ge St. H.B.Porter, Rt.l1 Box 148. Id.? .Tti4arshburnT51? Quee^ St. H.I4.1:e^eave , C33, Box 341. Fred 4dilletts i Jr., 309 Viti-dsor Drive. J.^'.Cooper,Jr., 502 S. Front St. Geo.H.Hall, 3rd, 48 Vdest Drive, Lake Forest. T.W.StiN8.1-, Rt.3. Edciie Edwards, 614 Coldweli Ave. Mo11ie VJil_liams? 209 S. 17th St. Ray Cq-^on, 220 Neares St. O,S.Canady, 510 S. Front St. W.E.Jerki^s, 1804 Narket St. F.N.Vlarrick, 2632-r, Adams St. F.L.A4eier, 4.12 Church St. joh- N. Littl.e.? 106 S 9th St. H.P.Cooper, 2850 F•. Adans St. The Pneeti^g the^ adjo-.zr^ed. zn::9st__ .•4 C7erk. • '0? Flilxi^gto^, N. C., August 6, 1951. The regular weekly meeting of the board v?!a.s held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: .4ddiso- Hewlett, Chairr.ia-, Jes, Id. HqI_1, C1aud 0'Shields, Thursto^ C. Davis, Ha7_ J. Love a-d Cou-ty Attor^ey 1?,'?rsde- Be1l.any. ? a-d Rebecca L. Naii, Col ored Hone A?e-t nrese-ted their reports for July which were received a-d filed, ?^d payr;e^t of wv3.10 for a.rticles used i- demo^stratio^ work subu:itted by the coiored age-t, v=:s arp:oved. The Ju]_,y report of the Fary. Demo^stratio^ Age^t was prese^ted by IeTr. C.E.Levris,Assist,a,-t Age^t, due to the abse^ce of Cou^ty Age-t i;ir. D. D. PaFgett who v.as ordered to repor•t for two v!eeks mil.itary duty at Fort Be^^i^gj Ga., fron August 5th through the lgth. Copies of the r.?i^utes of the r..eeti^g oi the 3oard of Juiy 30, 1951, havi^g bee^ fur^ished the reLnbers of the Boqrd a-d approved, readi^g of the r!i-utes was therefore di.spe^sed with. Ni.ss Ver-a Be7le Ioraery, Horie Der..o-stratio^ .4gert7 i:Iiss fiele- E. Snith, Assista^t Age^t Surety bo^d for C.E.Wii_so^,a.s a Justice of the Peace; i^ the'amou-t of $1,000.00 with the A;ationa?_ Surety Corpo~a.tion as surety, was prese-ted a-d the same havi^g bee^ approved as to forr-I a-d executi.o^ by the Cou^ty 9ttor^ey a-d the ainou-t fixed by law, wa,s upo^ r.totio^ of Ii4r. 0'Shie7.ds, seco^ded by Mr. Love, accepted. N?`\tr? Reports of the Vetera^s' Service Officer a-d Bureau of Idertifi_catio^ for Ju1y were ? received a-d filed. / The Chairnar a-^ou^ced that he a-d LRayor E.L.Vlhite, acti^g u^der aizthority oi Chapter ? 921, of the Sessio^ Iavrs of 1945, appoi-ted Mr. W. K. Rhodes, 114r. T.M.Jeffords a-d - Dr. G.R.C.Thompso- to serve as mer;bers of the P±ew Hanover Cou^ty Bor,i^g a-d IVrestli^g ? Co;a:r5.ss.io^ for a terxl of six qe.ars, four yea.rs a-d tv;o ,years.re9peetivelyq a?d.'the ' sabe ordered irserted i- "the mi-utes of the Board..' '- " A petitio^ of seve- property ova^ers presented or State ForLi R-10, requesti^9 the State Highvra.y a-d Pub).ic Vv'orYs Cor.:missio^ to repair a-d r:ai^tai- Cha.^-el Drive a^d 4uditoriua? y Street at fiarbor Is].ard, Har^ett township, frori US 74/76 to Live Oak Drive, was upo- inotio- ? of IvSr. 0'Shiel.ds, seco^ded by 14r. Love, approved a?d referred to the State Highway a-d Public 4iorks Corinissio- for co^sideratio-. A commu^ica.tio^ received fror the "eva :ia.rover Cou^ty Ear Associatio- urgi-g air co-ditio-i^g of ihe Superior Courtx•oom, VT95 take- u-de7 adviseme-t. i ? ;A < Upo^ r,otio- of -t.r•. D3vis, seco-ded b5• I.;r. i-Iall, the Board authorized the r.erewal of lease biL< -umber C2CA-3937 vaith the Civil 4ero-au.tics Adr?i^istratio- coveri^g tiie use of a tract of la-d a.t the Ivew Hanover Cou^ty Ailport for the use of a site for a- e-gi^e ge^erator ? buildi^g for period begi?~i^? july 1, 1951, a-d e^di-g Ju^e 30, 1952• A^d the Chairina^ , was authorized a~r'. directed to sig- t,he sa.me o^ behaif of the Cou-ty. 9 report of the Back Tax Office showi-F that Yi1,750•38 was coliected for the City, a,^d $4,302.60 for the Cou~ty, maki^g a total of $6,052.98 back taxes coliected fur the mo-th of July. A report of the Cou^ty Firema^ for July was received a^ci filed. Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by n4r. Love, the Board authorized a-d directed the payine-t of $200,.00 to A4r. Herbert Bluethe?tha7, a^d vaife, balarce diae o^ the purchase price of 206.8 acres of 1a^d nart of Hermitage a-d Twi^i^g, C,-pe rear tovi^ship, which said anou-t was retai^ed by the Cou^ty pe^di-g release of o^e sixtee^th i^terest i^"a portio^ of the tract outstandi-g i^ the heirs of Tate a-d Diixon. idir. B'•uethe^thal havi-g fur-ished bo^d i^ the amou^t of $400.00 to i^dem^ify the Cou^ty agai^st a-y loss it may suffer hy reaso^ of ttie tra-sactio^, vahich said bo^d was approved by the Cou-ty 4ttor^ey a-d accepted by the Board. -A