1951-08-06 Regular Meeting1yy? yf, fd 8 s Meeti-g of July 301 1951, corti^ued. Jas. Id. Brya^, 16-P, L?ke Forest. Lee Byrd, 141.0 Castle St. , K.M.Wil_i iamson, i10 S. 6th St. Robt. G. Southerla?d, 417 Queer St. Ker-eth R. Pi^kstor,; Kure Beach. B.J.Griffith, Rt.3, Box 54, Piri. Beacha P.L.Ca^twell, 303 S. 2rd St. G.VJ.Powell`, 109 Church St. 5'as. T. Clemo^s, 309 s. 15th St. Thos.E-.Bessellieu, Jr., 322 S. 17th St. H.H.Be^so-, 309 Har^ett St. H.R.McLawher, 13 Ct.G, Lake Forest. B.UJ.Broiv^i^g, 174 Spofford Mills. J.L.Hiatt, 411 N. 15th St. R.K.Vdeeks, 315 Vdri?htsviile Ane. H.C.West, 1507. Ora-ge St. R.Iui.Piver; 206 Kenvaood Ave. J.V1.Buch?^a-, 4; iiudso^ Drive. R.A.Woodcock, 31.4 Grace St. F.C.Adams, 205 S. 5th St. C.L.Sta^ley, 407 S. 16th St. J.H.&4119 1712 Ora-ge St. H.B.Porter, Rt.l1 Box 148. Id.? .Tti4arshburnT51? Quee^ St. H.I4.1:e^eave , C33, Box 341. Fred 4dilletts i Jr., 309 Viti-dsor Drive. J.^'.Cooper,Jr., 502 S. Front St. Geo.H.Hall, 3rd, 48 Vdest Drive, Lake Forest. T.W.StiN8.1-, Rt.3. Edciie Edwards, 614 Coldweli Ave. Mo11ie VJil_liams? 209 S. 17th St. Ray Cq-^on, 220 Neares St. O,S.Canady, 510 S. Front St. W.E.Jerki^s, 1804 Narket St. F.N.Vlarrick, 2632-r, Adams St. F.L.A4eier, 4.12 Church St. joh- N. Littl.e.? 106 S 9th St. H.P.Cooper, 2850 F•. Adans St. The Pneeti^g the^ adjo-.zr^ed. zn::9st__ .•4 C7erk. • '0? Flilxi^gto^, N. C., August 6, 1951. The regular weekly meeting of the board v?!a.s held at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Present: .4ddiso- Hewlett, Chairr.ia-, Jes, Id. HqI_1, C1aud 0'Shields, Thursto^ C. Davis, Ha7_ J. Love a-d Cou-ty Attor^ey 1?,'?rsde- Be1l.any. ? a-d Rebecca L. Naii, Col ored Hone A?e-t nrese-ted their reports for July which were received a-d filed, ?^d payr;e^t of wv3.10 for a.rticles used i- demo^stratio^ work subu:itted by the coiored age-t, v=:s arp:oved. The Ju]_,y report of the Fary. Demo^stratio^ Age^t was prese^ted by IeTr. C.E.Levris,Assist,a,-t Age^t, due to the abse^ce of Cou^ty Age-t i;ir. D. D. PaFgett who v.as ordered to repor•t for two v!eeks mil.itary duty at Fort Be^^i^gj Ga., fron August 5th through the lgth. Copies of the r.?i^utes of the r..eeti^g oi the 3oard of Juiy 30, 1951, havi^g bee^ fur^ished the reLnbers of the Boqrd a-d approved, readi^g of the r!i-utes was therefore di.spe^sed with. Ni.ss Ver-a Be7le Ioraery, Horie Der..o-stratio^ .4gert7 i:Iiss fiele- E. Snith, Assista^t Age^t Surety bo^d for C.E.Wii_so^,a.s a Justice of the Peace; i^ the'amou-t of $1,000.00 with the A;ationa?_ Surety Corpo~a.tion as surety, was prese-ted a-d the same havi^g bee^ approved as to forr-I a-d executi.o^ by the Cou^ty 9ttor^ey a-d the ainou-t fixed by law, wa,s upo^ r.totio^ of Ii4r. 0'Shie7.ds, seco^ded by Mr. Love, accepted. N?`\tr? Reports of the Vetera^s' Service Officer a-d Bureau of Idertifi_catio^ for Ju1y were ? received a-d filed. / The Chairnar a-^ou^ced that he a-d LRayor E.L.Vlhite, acti^g u^der aizthority oi Chapter ? 921, of the Sessio^ Iavrs of 1945, appoi-ted Mr. W. K. Rhodes, 114r. T.M.Jeffords a-d - Dr. G.R.C.Thompso- to serve as mer;bers of the P±ew Hanover Cou^ty Bor,i^g a-d IVrestli^g ? Co;a:r5.ss.io^ for a terxl of six qe.ars, four yea.rs a-d tv;o ,years.re9peetivelyq a?d.'the ' sabe ordered irserted i- "the mi-utes of the Board..' '- " A petitio^ of seve- property ova^ers presented or State ForLi R-10, requesti^9 the State Highvra.y a-d Pub).ic Vv'orYs Cor.:missio^ to repair a-d r:ai^tai- Cha.^-el Drive a^d 4uditoriua? y Street at fiarbor Is].ard, Har^ett township, frori US 74/76 to Live Oak Drive, was upo- inotio- ? of IvSr. 0'Shiel.ds, seco^ded by 14r. Love, approved a?d referred to the State Highway a-d Public 4iorks Corinissio- for co^sideratio-. A commu^ica.tio^ received fror the "eva :ia.rover Cou^ty Ear Associatio- urgi-g air co-ditio-i^g of ihe Superior Courtx•oom, VT95 take- u-de7 adviseme-t. i ? ;A < Upo^ r,otio- of -t.r•. D3vis, seco-ded b5• I.;r. i-Iall, the Board authorized the r.erewal of lease biL< -umber C2CA-3937 vaith the Civil 4ero-au.tics Adr?i^istratio- coveri^g tiie use of a tract of la-d a.t the Ivew Hanover Cou^ty Ailport for the use of a site for a- e-gi^e ge^erator ? buildi^g for period begi?~i^? july 1, 1951, a-d e^di-g Ju^e 30, 1952• A^d the Chairina^ , was authorized a~r'. directed to sig- t,he sa.me o^ behaif of the Cou-ty. 9 report of the Back Tax Office showi-F that Yi1,750•38 was coliected for the City, a,^d $4,302.60 for the Cou~ty, maki^g a total of $6,052.98 back taxes coliected fur the mo-th of July. A report of the Cou^ty Firema^ for July was received a^ci filed. Upo^ motio^ of Mr. Davis, seco^ded by n4r. Love, the Board authorized a-d directed the payine-t of $200,.00 to A4r. Herbert Bluethe?tha7, a^d vaife, balarce diae o^ the purchase price of 206.8 acres of 1a^d nart of Hermitage a-d Twi^i^g, C,-pe rear tovi^ship, which said anou-t was retai^ed by the Cou^ty pe^di-g release of o^e sixtee^th i^terest i^"a portio^ of the tract outstandi-g i^ the heirs of Tate a-d Diixon. idir. B'•uethe^thal havi-g fur-ished bo^d i^ the amou^t of $400.00 to i^dem^ify the Cou^ty agai^st a-y loss it may suffer hy reaso^ of ttie tra-sactio^, vahich said bo^d was approved by the Cou-ty 4ttor^ey a-d accepted by the Board. -A r-278 Meetirg of August 6, 1951, co^ti^ued. ` Upo^ raotio^ of Il4r. Davis, seco^ded by i:'r. 0'Shie).ds, t}te foliowi^F resolutio^ was' adopted: - It is hereby ordered b;y the Board of Cou-ty Comc•issio^ers of fiew HAnover Cou^ty, horth Carolina, that the for?r. of igreeme^t betwee^ the said Cou^ty a-d the Atla^tic Coast Li-e R?ili'oad Gompa^y, dated July 5, 19[1, by:.the provisioT5 of which the said Ra?lroad Cozipa^y gra-ts to the sa.id Cou^ty the-right or lice-se ?to na.i^tai^ for the purpose of d?ai-a.ge, 3 1.i^e of 42-i^ch rei^forced co-crete pipe, as ^ovd i^ pl.ace, u^der^eath the rrai^ track of the At7.a^tic Coast Li^e Raj.lroad Compzry's Ivewbern Bra.-ch, at br ^eaz• 41?:1;.!i-gto-, North Carolina, at a point 2820 feet -ortheistwirdly, r.:easured alo^g the ce7ter ii^e of said track, fior, mi7e post CB-248; together with right or ].ice^se to r..ai-tai- a di.tch betwee^ the e-ds of said pipe a-d the boi.rdrp lires of said right of wa.y; a1.1_ as,particularly described ir said agreeme^t, be ard the same is hereby approved. ( Sec Kgreement Attechec.) Further that the are hereby authorized of said Cou^ty. ChaS.rma^ a-d the Clerk of said Board of Cou^ty Conmissio^ers ,i^d directed to execute said apreexte^t i- the ^aine a-d o^ behalf Upo- a:otio^ of Mr. 0'Shie7_ds, seconded by Mr. Davis, the Chairraa^ was -aased to represe^t the Cou-ty i^ atterda-ce upon the meeti^g of the 44th A^rual Co^ve-tio^ of the State Associatior of Cou^ty Cornissio-ers to be held'at Elowi^e Rock August 27th through the 29th, together with a^y other member of the Board who siay fi^d it co-ve^ie-t to atte^d. A request of Mr. Howard A /?Gk land adjoiri^e Ai^sworth, re£erred to the Chairriian, report back to the Board. Ha^by £or ca^cei.latio^ of"the assessmert o- 25.2 acres of Federai. Poi^t tovr^ship, which he sa.ys he does ^ot ow^, was Cou^ty Auditor a-d Cou-ty Attor^ey for i-vestigatio- a-d a t I Upo- x:otio- of Tt7r. Love, seco-ded by i:ir. 0'Sh5.elds, the Board accepted a check.for ??? $2,4.52.25 from the Alcoholic Beveiage Co-trol Board dated Jui.y 303 1944, which acceptarce dras delayed o^ accou^t of disagreeme^t as to the ye3r the payme-t should apply for support of port debeTOpme^t? a-d the sa?:ne•ordered tur^ed over to the Cou^ty Auditor for deposit,a^d credited to nort c3evelop:.;e^t. Mr. Geo.H.Huta.ff appeqred to request T.hat o-e of the buildi-gs at the old Red Cross ?t><? Sa^atorium site be m3de 3iTa:i].able for o°,ice use:i- r:aki^g co^tacts i- sei7.i^g produce to the Army. Due to u^settied co•-dbtio-s a-d possi.hle use of the prer:;ises for other purposes, -o actio- i+,as take^. p? Upo^ D;otio^ of ivir. 0'Shields, seco•-ded by P:?r. r.ove, the Board agreed to pay the expe^se _ 1,of Mr. He^ry Boyd,Sr., I^dustrial Traffic P.ia-ager of the City of Wilmi-to^, to represe^t• the Cou^ty at a heari^g of the Piedr.;o-t Airl.i-es matter i- INi^sto--Sn7_em August 20th. Upo^ ia;otio^ of TvIr. Ha)_1, seco-ded by Mr. 0'Shields, i-structao^s were give- to advertise for the purchase of a- ali, metal sta.tio- wago^ for the Joh^ C. Plessel.l. * Tuberculosis Sa-atorium o^ sealed bids to be received at 10:00 o'clock A.IVf., ? Mo-day, August 13, 1951• The Cou-ty reservi^g the right to reject a^y a-d all bids or to accept a^y bid that e:ay appear to the best adva^tage of the cou-ty. NTith refere^ce to the wide?i^g of the VVrightsviil_e Beach Iiighway, Mr. Clark said that two sources of reverue have a7,rEady beer provider, but it viould probably be sixty days before coLqmitraents from the Federal Gover-me^t for the third source wiil be r?afle. N?he-+ a1]_ fu^ds are i^ ?hand wobk should start i^ four rto^ths after that date. A sa^d problem was e-cou^tered or the route 421 project which delayed the work, but the co-tract for the bridge over Fishi^g Creek had been let a-d the project will. be completed. A report of all road requests i^ the Cou^ty wi'il be give-, a-d a cor.^.piete report o^ -? primary a-d seco^dary road fu^ds expe-ditures vaiil be fur-ished a-d statement of bala^ce left i-- the road bord fu^d a-d a-+y other fu-ds 1ve are e^titled to wi11 be fur^ished the Board. The neeti^g the- adjour^ed. Ci erk. ? « ; THZS 14GP?$PF. l&de and enteied intc_ this 5{li tetaresn ths ffimT+6NTI9 COAST LINE &AIFFtOAD Ct3MPAI9Yy a corp, Stste o4 Girgias3a, hereinafter for cunvenieace atyTed Lti and MV HAAFt3VEA.GaJBTY, of-tha Ste.te. ot• NorLit Ceroline'.9 Gotuitp Gommiseionepe* hereinaFter for conreaienee styled ParGt WFTiESSET&a.That Licsneor:s £ar anrl in•acxisideratian haad paid hyE'xcensae.j Yece3pt of w&ieli_is heraby acKnoerledgee snd agreements: heraiaa£'ter msda.and daatainecl.na the pert of:t - perfarmedi 4ot5 harebp grsnt unta F;icenseathe right or I10e319 purpoae :of" dr6:ihage? a.Iins of 42-iaeh rainforced aoncaete nea#h the msin =traok of t3xe At2antie Cosst,.3:ine; Aa3:2road Compe nsar 19ilm:i.ngtont North Garoliria, at a paint 2820.,feet nor#.hse the center line of said trs.ok, From.mils pngt 6-248; as shown attashed"hereta end mad'e"a. part hereof;.-kogether witb the rfgti s diteB betasen thA ends of said pipe azfd'the bonndary lf.nes c riot of. -way;eaid right of waq being'624 feet wi@e. ost'eacfl,s knd`the seaond partp herehp;aoasnantm and,agreea Wtt coasideratioa 'F,#ereo£r, as followss ' .., - ,. `(I} -That the Licensee eha.11 miutain.said pipe ia ?-. ; ths Eag:ineer B?#.ititenance ot'waq of' the Li-inoas.ar..:`and at ?.ice?s? `pense: ? ( 2) The.t :I:icanaea ?ri}:I at aay t?.me:r ;ugon t.hiirt?+ d?y `: bv -hhe Iicenabr.;:.chenae -snd altsr the Socatian.af ssick nine dn _ x¢y caanga? t?r; a7upr?rnumnia ?nuy,?uaY.'a?' •. ' .:'ZTY `F8StimOtiq', W1781'80f 'C$0`. ` its eorpo.rate 'uerms arid:.liehalf Yiyi1 ;F;3cansea=has `3:ikerrise ;caased the'sa bahafi'.?ig- tha-Chairmaii.of the Hoar( corgorate see.l, by its GZerk i uncier, a. Inbeti:ng u? sai:d Board af Cotuitp- l951s a certsfxed copp .of whiah ref these,:pmsentti:.being ezscated in di gitaesses for'Li.een;,or:. •.o ? ?itnesses Eor 3,icensees uaiYsr the .L party of tIii ?j and :thrt[ : ra?' pct?ty'_ of' ?na ?f th6 , st.p?:s 3bazid •'ra%` second g Ca?is?ieners# ta be aettestsd nridGr 3.?s ?;- r??ae b? a re?bl.ritlaii pesaa and ariapte ni, #t&2?'- dI! ?'ik18 : AL?A,? de J?'? k, s heratv attae ed #ric? ma _.? t Yisreaf* ., ., ?- , , ?,.;ar:»«a. a+c:v_........._,..........,. . ....:..._?..??,j .....h..v+..._.rcx.a. ..? v2 '?.L' #YfYL {!P ,?v, _ _.._?..., . -?_ - ? ?? - _. ,r ? .. •P f At s zegalar msetiag o£ the Board oP 8ounvp Commi.ssioners of New Eaawer 6ounty, Aorth Carolina, held on the 6?n dap oY ?1*-?-p ••?? , 1952t the following was ordered and spread upon.the mi.xintesa ? ^It i:s hereby orderad by the Bosrd of Coanty ConmiesioneTa of Nes Heaover Countyp $orth Caroli:aa, that the.form of agreemsnt beteeen the,said Gounty and the Atlantic CossL._Line Railroad 6ompanpj dated.duly 5, 19510 bp the prodiai:oas aP which the eaid Aallroad Company grants to the said Gounty the ;ight or 1loense to_ma3.istain for the pvrpose of dr8inaga, a lina of 42-inch rei.nPorced concrete-.pipey.as nox in pIace;i undernaath the main tsaek of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad'Companpta.Nembara Branchv at or aaar Ailmington. North Carolina.t at a point 2820 feet..:.northeastwardiy, maasurad along the canter 3ine of said track.p from mi.le post C$7248; to.ge?Eher with right or 14cense to maintiaSn a ditch betmeen the enda of eaid pipe arid_tihe:boundary linee oY eaid righ't of way,; aTI as particularly described in said agreement,_'be and the same is herebp: approved.* _ "Fasthe; that the Cha:isman and the Glerk o£ said Board o£ Goranty Commiasi:oners era heretip autharized aad direeted Lo exeeute said agreeman't i:n the riame and on beha}.f o4.ss3'd Countg:" ? I herebp certiYp that the foragoing is a true extract fTOffi the minntes of the mseting of the Board oY County Commisaioners of Aaw Henover Countyy, Aarth Carolinat held on the el day o4 Q?. 0? , A. D., 1951. 4? -f. ?.. - '-Y ? Elerk. Z-?Iz I herebe certiYp that the agraement hereto sttsched has been irecorded oa the mfnatas of the Board of County Gaamiesionsna of 1Cew Saeovar Conntpt North Cerolinag after execution, in accordance r+ith the ahove zeaolution. Glerk //' l/