1951-08-20 Regular Meeting'I 281 Meeting of August 14, 1951, continued. The Board feeling that an all meta7. body,station wagon with four doors and two fuil leLgth seats and oiie three-quarter seat, eight passenger capacity would be ? to the best interest, Mr. Davis moved and it was secor,ded by Mr. ?,ove and carriedg that the bid of Raney-Chevrolet Company at and for the price of $2,050. be acceptedg plus furnishing si:d install,ing a heater compl.ete at ar. approximate price of $50.00. ,?o further'business appearing the meeting adjourned. 9-4- - ?4 C ].e rk . , . ? Wil.mington, N. C., August 20, 1951• The regular week].y meeting of the Board was held at 10:00 o'clock A.M. Preser.t: Addisoi: Hewlett? Chairman, Jas. M. Ha1Iy C7.aud 0'Shields' Thurston C. Davis Ha'1 J. Love, Countp Attorr,ey Marsder. Bel'lamy and County Auditor C. F. Smith. Copies of the minutes of thL, mesting •of' August 13, 1951, having been furnished to the members of the Board, readlng of the ..Same : was therefore dispensed with. A request of Mrs. Walter Carney for correctior, of a drainage coridition caused by the drainage ditch cutting across the front of her property 3722 Market Street, was referred to the Chairman for investigation. The Chairman ai:d Cour:ty Attorney reported on a conferer.ce with Mr. Joseph borwood, District CAA Er.gineer concernir,g the Welsbach Corporation royalty claims for the use b? of the high inter.sity runway lightir,g system at the Airport. It was the opinion of Mr. Norwood that the matter was or should have beer. takei. care of by the Bryant Electrical Company in their bid and contr•act to ir.sta7.1 the 7_ighting system and is therefore their responsibility. Thereupon Mr. 0'Shieids moved and it was seconded by 141r. Davis and carried that the County Attorr>ey write the Bryant E7_ectricai Compar.y about any obligations they may have ur:der the terms of the coi:tract and forward a copy of the letter to the bonding company. Upon motior, of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shields, the Board voted ur.animously to request the State Highway and Public Works Cou,mission, through Mr. A. VPi7_bur C1ark, Third Division Highway Commissioner at Fayettevili.e, to pave Cer.tral Boulevard in Sur.set Park, Masonboro Township, from its intersection with Burnett Boulevard to Polk 5treet, ther.ce northwardly with P.o1k::Street to Northern Boulevard, a distance of approximately 1.000 feet, which, ii. addition to meeting a general. publ.ic r:eed, this improvement wii]. serve a large industria] p7ar>t that wi11 l.ocate in that area. Upon motion, the Board authorized the purchase of a traileT ar.d'tanks for the County's nw,- Fire Department at an approximate cost .of $400.00, which authority was given at the ! i meeting of July 16, 1951, and inadvertentlp bmittedt£rom..the records. , A motior. offered by DGr. 0'Shields to have a statement prepared showing the taxable values of property in various areas of the County outside the City ].imits, to enable a majority of the qualified voters in t,he respective areas, if they so desire, to petition the . Coui.ty Commissioners to call an e].ection to pass or, the question of levying a tax for . the establishment and maintenance of fire fighting equipment in'any of the respective areas, was seconded by Mr. Love and carried. ? The Chairman told the Board that he and the Cour:ty Auditor had taker, up the matter of . the inefficiewt,- operation of the incinerator at John C. PJesse7.1 Tuberculosis Sanatorium ? with the Architects, who in turn wrote the Kerner Incinerator Division of the Morse- ? , Boul.ger Destructor Company of D:ew York City, who furnished the 'sameg and a reply shoul:d be received soon. . o o Mr. o y secnded , M . o t r i h r i - Jd??e?0.`? in the voters of the convenience fo Ca stle at nct prec Hayr_e voting a ?of establishing ti ons. that section, and if found advisable to recommerid the same to the Board of Elec A copy of a commur.icatior, address to Mayor of the City of Wi?mington, Chairman of the Board of Couc.ty Commissioners, Mr. J.R.Ber.son, City b4ar.ager and Mr. A. Wil.bur C7ark, ?ds State Highway Commissioner, Fayettevii?e, N. C.. !concerning the establishment of a / truck route aro,,u.d the City of Wilmington, was received from Mr. U. B.•E11.is, and filed. iF4 Upon motioi. of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. 0'Shie]ds, Mrs. Eula M. and Melvin Midgett were grar,ted an abatement of not listed pena?.ty charged their property, lot 54 Gler, Arden7 ? ?a? £or the year 1.950. It appeared that they listed personal property for 1950, thinking their real estate was included. Ivotice of intention to apply for'a State permit to se11 beer at 1306 Castle Street, W- filed by Peter Veili was received, and no objections indicated by the Board. ? A circulatlon report of the Wilmir,gtor. Public Library and Bookmobile for July was received and filed. f ?? Upon motiozi of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Love, the Board authorized the sale ? ' . ? 11 29 6 and 8, Methodist Church Propertyg Macumbers Station Harnett Township, nd costs that f t ? axes a Graham Jacksont at a price of $175.00 which equals the amount o t f ?'? or y to enabl.e her to redeem the property purchased by the Coun was due the County , taxes. And the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board was-:authorized and directed to sign lf of the County b h , e a a deed conveying the said property to her iri the name of and on • upon payment of the said amount. A request of Mr. Ft.I.Mintz, Attorney, to abate the taxes charged property in b1_ock iuo.105 on the 944 h 1 942 throu , g . in the r,ame of T.J.Bu)_lock Post Americar: Legion, for the years 1 roperty was used exclusivel.y for American T,egion Post purposes for the the said d i p s groun and sold to Wii i iam I, Shaw or, May 22 , 1945, was or. opiniot, o£ the County said years , Attorney and upon motior, of IuIr. Davis? seconded by Idr. Love, granted upon furnishing an affidavit that the property used for the purpose ii.dicated. J 6 2(]??( V'? Meeting of August 20, 1951, continued. A request of George Devane, 219 S. 12th Street, for an abatement of taxes on Keyser automobile he listed for 1.950, which he c7.aims was owned by his brother who did not list at a11, and failed to list his own 1940 Dodge car, was declined. • A request of Mr. PI.E.Harvell formerly resided at 509 S. Front Street, now in ?p,'{j Veterans H'ospital, for an abatement of the 1951 taxes prepaid on Mercury car _ which his sister claims has been in her possessior, in Brunswick;County since prior to Jax.uary l., 1951, was approved upon furr.ishing affidavit to that efPect. o? A finaricial report of essociated Charities for Ju].y and anc.ual report for the fiscal ?C?Srr' year ending June 30, 1951, prepared by Pdr. Harry W. Cherry, CPA., was received and filect. The Board acting on the opinion of the County, and upon motion of Mr. Davis, seconded by Mr. Loveg gave instructior.s to advertise for seal_ed bids to be rece3ved unti]. 10:00 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, September 4, 1951., for suditing the books and records of I?ew ? Hanover County for the fiscal year ending June 301 1951t The Commissioners reserving • the right to reject any and ail bids or to accept ar.y bid that may appear to the best interest of the County. Upon motioii of'Mr. 0'Shields, seconded by IAr. Love, the Board directed that a letter of appreciation be writtez. to the Secretary of the Sheriffs' Association for his Association having selected and he1.d its az.nuaL convei:tion at Carolina Beach, and how `- happy we were to have them in our midst, ar.d that similar i.etters be written other organizations who may hold their converitions ir. our commur:ity in the future. Upon motion.of Mr. Davis instructions were given to request the contractors to have some of the sar.d that is being graded from streets in Sunset Park, deposited on the Couiity's property along Community Drive at Greenfield Lake to fill-in the low places where the land is being devel_oped ir;to 1ots. p? The County's 1951-1952 Budget Appropriations, after notice given by advertisement in accordance with the ?aw, eaere ±'inaily adopted, and upoz, motion of Mr. Davis, seconded ,by Mr. Hall, the fo?.l.owing appropriation resolution was adopted, sil members voting affirmat3vely: • APPROPRIATION RFS07,UTION Section 1. Be it resolved by the Board of County Commissioners of New Hanover County, North Carolina, this 20th day of August 1951, that the expense for County Government, its activ.ities and institutions, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1952, the amounts of the fo7.lowing schedule, or so much of each as may be necessary, are hereby appropriated: Section 2. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for Agriculture and Economics .. .... ..... ....... . .... .$ 149851.88 Section 3. Ttat for the said fiscal year thereis hereby appropriatedfor Aid to the Blind ............................................. 1.1,469.00 Section 4. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated for Dependent Chiidren ... ............ ..• ................. . .. 210J44.00 Section 5. That for the said fiscalyearthereis hereby appropriated for Old Age Assistance ........................................... 360.312.00 Section .6. That for the said fiscai year the're is hereby appropriated for . Aid to Permaner,tly and Totally Disabled .....• ................. 33,600.00 Section 7. That for the said fisca7, year there is hereby appropriated for the County Home .............. ............. ........... . 55,412.70 Section 8, That for the saidfisca7yearthese is hereby aDpropriatedfor the Hea.lth Department ...... ......... ......... .... . 339888.43 Section 9. That for the said fiscaiyearthereishereby appropriatedfor '. the Welfare Department ...... ........ .. ................. 699557•00 Section 10. That for the said fiscaiyearthere arehereby appropriated for Hospitais .... . ..... .................... ....... 93,000.00 Section 11. That for the said fiscaiyear there is hereby appropriated for John C. Wesseil Tubereulosis Sanatorium ... ....... ... 47.,.500.00 ' Section 12. That for the said fiscal year there is hereby appropriated ?for Port Development ............................................. 12,000.00 Section 13. That for the said fiscai year there is hereby appropriated for the Ger,eral Fund . .... ...... ...... . ....... ..... 403,390.83 Sectior. 14. That for the said fiscal. year there are hereby appropriated for ' the Schools: Regular ................S 252,800.00 Supplement ............ 2739000.00 Booxs ................. t5,ooo1oo Building .............. 175,000.00 Pensions .............. 71059.29 Junior College ........ 89,900.00 Veterans' Programs .... 80.000.00 8929759.29 Section 15. That for the said fiscal year there are hereby appropriated for the Cour,ty Bond Fur.ds: school ................. 11-6,903 75 County Home ........... 2.078.75 118.982.50 Total Budget ................................. $293509867.63 The meeting ther. adjourned. Clerk. , v ` / / ..o..?,